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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  November 22, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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like 5 seconds. that doesn't bother me. >> reporter: joe and his family are going to denver. they are ready for the stepped up security. do you think it's a fair balance between safety and privacy? >> no, not enough to ruin my vacation though. >> reporter: mia is ready for whatever happens. so if you get a patdown where they are touching around your sensitive areas are you okay with that? >> i wouldn't like that no! definitely not! but if that needs to be done... for safety... >> reporter: several well publicized incidents are keeping this debate arrive. a bladder cancer survivor with a urine back had a bag break during a security check >> i was so embarrassed and pets try fight of going out into the airport and people would see me and quote, unquote smell me. >> reporter: in salt lake city, a young boy stood shirtless as a tsa officer performed a security check. the tsa says the boy's own father took the shirt off to speed the process. but nearby passengers can be heard on the tape expressing concern and outrage about the incident. in north carolina a flight
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attendant had to show a tsa agent her prosthetic breast. >> she put her full hand on my breast and says what is this? i said it's a prosthesis because i have had breast cancer and she said you will need to show me that. >> reporter: this morning on the "cbs early show" the director of the tsa says the agency will work at finding a balance between security and privacy. >> also, very aware of all the concerns raised by the american people, members of congress reflecting constituent views. >> reporter: we asked our followers online if they would comply. kim doesn't agree with the procedures or protest. the best way to stand is not to fly. john says there has to be a smarter more efficient way. a big problem with your travel this holiday might be the weather. there is a warning of a blast of winter weather coming our way. roberta gonzales in the weather center a quick look at that for us. >> reporter: we are firing up our live high-def doppler radar. what we're taking a look at right now, it's just a little
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bit of leftover lingering precipitation. it's associated with the passage of yesterday's storm. you know what we have to do is look ahead at that rainfall. there you have it over the benicia area. it is continuing to traverse east. this is the only concern for the evening commute. what you really need to know about is this system is history. we're now looking at another early season cold front heading this way. what you need to know about this system is that we do have rain and wind developing. and with that rain and wind we are going to see some snow now own local mountains down to 2,000 feet. we will see sleet down to 1500 feet. now, again, this begins in the overnight hours. it will adversely affect your morning commute with the winter weather and advisory in effect for your tuesday. by tuesday night, this system is going to pass through the area leaving us with record cold temperatures. i'll pinpoint the location, where those numbers will drop well below freezing. that's ahead. >> we will look for that, too. thanks, roberta. police say that the suspect
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in the rape of a girl in north berkeley is likely on the run to mexico. berkeley police say 27-year-old omar sosa attacked the girl early saturday morning in her bedroom on evelyn avenue. detectives say that he got in through an unlocked window. they say that the girl did not know her attacker. however, they say sosa apparently lived in that neighborhood at one time. >> we wanted to get out in front and share the details of this particular suspect in the fact that we don't believe he is in the area is we want to -- we want to reassure our berkeley residents that this predator is no longer in our city and we're diligently pursuing him. >> sosa is described at about 6 feet tall, 190 pounds, clean- shaven. he may have some injuries to his fingers or hands. berkeley police say that he is believed to be driving a gray 1997 ford ranger pickup truck with a double cab and white camper shell. remember the guy police chased over the bay bridge from oakland to treasure island and
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back again? those two are now charged in 8 street robberies and a home invasion in oakland last week. police arrested eric williams and another man after that car chase. police say the men could face more charges as the investigation continues. one man is dead three hurt following a shooting in oakland last night a little after 8:30 on east 28th near 12th avenue. three other victims are expected to survivor. so far no arrests or motive. a child abuser is free. win fred wright was freed. in 2003 he pleaded got abusing his children including in this 19-month-old soon who died. winfred had 12 children with three women. prosecutors say he was the leader of a cult-like group that kept chill children malnourished, bound and
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whipped. the department of corrections will monitor wright's release and he may have to enroll in a treatment program. the family of chandra levy says today's guilty verdict in her murder doesn't bring them peace. ingmar guandique was found guilty of first-degree murder in washington, d.c. this murder. levy, from modesto, vanished in 2001. her body was found in a washington park more than a year later. her parents long expressed their frustration over the investigation into the murder. charges were only filed last year. >> a sentence here, the result of the verdict, may be guilty but i have a lifetime sentence of a loss limb missing from our family tree. it's painful. i live with it every day. >> prosecutors had little direct evidence but they arranged the circumstances were similar to attacks by guandique on two women joggers in the
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same park. he is serve 10 years for those earlier attacks. we are getting our first look at the staples center luxury suite where a toddler fell and later died. the video you can see you can see a security guard of police looking down at a 50-foot drop the 2-year-old took before hitting his head minutes after the lakers-golden state warriors game last night. the parents were reviewing pictures they had just taken of the toddler when he managed to bypass a glass safety barrier and fall. a spokesman says the barriers vary in height but at the lowest point it's about the it height of an adult's waist. smokers are rallying against tough new smoke progress postals. they say the laws will extinguish jobs, too. len ramirez reports. >> reporter: for years smokers are complaining that it's getting harder to find a place where they can do their thing
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but they are concerned that there is a crackdown on small specialty shops that sell testimony and they are afraid that those businesses will go out of business because of a tough new crackdown. rohr smokers gathered to light up to ponder their future in santa clara county that they say is hazy. >> as an adult man if i want to choose to smoke with other adults who are smoking, that's a right. we are americans. we live in free country. >> reporter: they called it a smokers' protest over proposed new ordinances in san jose and santa clara county that would be some of the toughest antismoking measures anywhere. >> we feel like we're a minority being discriminated against. >> reporter: charles represents tobacco sellers who are worried they will be put out of business. besides new bans on smoking in county parks and multi-family buildings like apartment, santa clara county's new law would impose over $430 in new fees
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and ban the sale of flavored tobacco in unincorporated areas. the laws are aimed at keep tobacco out of the hands of children, but smokers say government is going way too far. >> no one has made tobacco illegal or the consumption of tobacco products illegal. we feel it's our right to be able to smoke those products provided we are not owe fending others. >> reporter: he said tobacco generates $38 billion a year in taxes in the united states, and in california tobacco funds health insurance for children. it's aimed at primarily at cigarette smokers and retailers, small cigar and pipe shops feel their days may be numbered. >> in these times we don't need to be losing jobs. that's what will happen if they close down these places. i don't want to see that happen. >> reporter: smokers plan to attend tomorrow's board of supervisors meeting to protest these fee hikes. but it may be too little too late. the last ordinance antismoking passed unanimously. in san jose, len ramirez, cbs 5.
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it could make all the difference when it comes to shopping. the companies making strict changes to their return policies. >> and it was quite a show. bolt of lightning strike the bay bridge. why caltrans wasn't all that impressed. here. and some companies are ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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going out of their way to help consumers, while others... well, being so nice. julie holiday shopping is here for us. some stores are helping us, some not so nice. julie watts on the consumerwatch with some naughty and nice store policies this holiday season. >> reporter: santa isn't the only one keeping track this year. consumer reports put together the first-ever naughty and nice customer service policy list. let's start off with who is being nice. reporter: there is no santa orphancy gift wrap. the costco's return policy is something to celebrate. they will take back practically anything it sells with no time limit. even home electronics have a generous 90-day return period. need shoes for your holiday party? consumer reports likes an online shoe seller because it offers free returns and free
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shipping. zappo's has a prepaid return label with every order. never charges a fee to cancel or change a booking. but some high-end stores on the site do charge cancellation fees. macy's figures shipping on the weight rather the order. bah humbug to verizon. that's for doubling its early termination on fees on customers who cancel their smart phone contract. it's $350. ouch. and consumer reports is giving a lump of poor to car will rental car. the company now requires customers print a gas station right to prove they filled up within 10 miles of the drop-off
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location or face extra fees. the list is actually observations from consumer reports' writers and editors. speaking holiday shopping, if you have already started making that list and checking it twice, consumerwatch wants to help you find the best price. it's our consumerwatch holiday shopping call-in. phone lines open tomorrow. this is tomorrow, not tonight, tomorrow at 5 p.m. from ipads to designer handbags, tell us whatever you're looking for and we'll help you find the best price. just call 1-888-5-helps-u from 5:00 to 7:00 tuesday night. no early phone calls, please. the phone lines won't open until tomorrow night. but we'll be standing by with a slew of experts to help you find the best prices of whatever it is on your list. >> it's not the santa hotline is. >> reporter: we are not going to buy them for you, we'll help you find the best price on whatever it is you need to buy. that red netflix envelope
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could be a thing of the past. there are rate hikes and other changes. your rights will go up from anywhere one to three dollars. the plans offer one, two, three days at a time plus unlimited online streaming. the three dvd plan goes from $17 to $20 a month. the company also hopes to get subscribers to switch to onlin viewing. for the first time it's offering unlimited online viewing only $8 a month. well, from the dangers of drinking and driving to the frying of the thanksgiving turkey. a look at some of the warnings you may have heard before. >> you have heard all the airline passenger complaints. now the solution. special inserts that could put you a little more at ease. >> from the weather center in san francisco, taking a look at our live hi-def doppler. when you see green on the screen, that's rain. wait, we have more rain and another wellment you need to
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know about. stay with us, your storm watch forecast as eyewitness news continues. the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud.
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you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible.
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because it is. we do it every year. mike sugerman on fire dangers and other holiday evergreens. sears this next story is fat. we do it every year. mike sugerman on the fire dangers and the other holiday evergreens. >> reporter: today we'll tell you what happens when you fry a turkey and it catches on fire. every station in the bay area is here to tell you about it every year. love this video. everybody does. reporter: the message, don't deep fry a turkey. and some people actually do that inside their house. don't pour water on the fire. use a fire extinguisher. this is menlo park fire chief. how long you been doing this demonstration? >> we been doing fire safety demonstrations with exponent fire analysis for over a decade. >> reporter: don't you think
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people get the message all right? >> no. >> reporter: it is good to know but it reminds we we do the same stories over and over this time year. so today i thought let's just get it out of our system, one fell swoop, on and gone. that way maybe we won't have to do it over and over again. poor people are hungry all year long but we'll tell but it mostly only this time year. >> 3, 2, 1. >> reporter: big christmas trees are lit. this is from 2005 in sacramento. but i'm guessing this year's won't be much different. the salvation army will be collecting money. people going to drink too much and drive. cops will be out in force. they were in 1999 and they will be this year. some poor family's christmas tree will catch on fire and burn their house down. some newscaster will announce the day after thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year but it's not. the saturday before christmas is usually the busiest. the day before thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the
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year. and we'll tell you that again. there is actual news this year because of the controversial patdown. oh, my goodness! they may send me out again on the busiest day for the mail. they usually do. holiday ice skating? check. tracking santa by norad? check. think i got most of them. does that mean we won't go out and cover them again this year? probably not. it's tradition. and i guess that's what the holidays are all b mike sugerman, cbs 5. >> he is going to get income tax deadline day, too, don't worry about that. people talking will the light show over san francisco saturday night over the bay area. here's some video of that. the bay bridge took a direct hit from lightning strikes. caltrans saying no damage to the span. they say it's not unusual. in fact, the bay bridge actually is a lightning rod. it's supposed to do that, direct the energy straight down. we are told the power on the bridge was not even affected by the storm. but that was quite a lightning storm. electrical storm, we used to call them in the midwest.
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>> i saw a few lightning bolts in san jose saturday night. that system is still spreading a little smattering of light rain showers but i'm already focusing my attention on the next cold front heading this way. it's live, it's our cbs 5 weather camera looking outdoors right now where we still have some mostly cloudy skies and you can see a little hint of clearness there. otherwise, clouds will fill back in, very rapidly. high today in san francisco 57. down from the average high of 63 degrees. it is currently 53 degrees and the winds are beginning to increase, as well. our live high-def doppler radar picking up light rain showers around the benicia area now pushing out heading towards pittsburg and into antioch. bottom line is if you're out and about this evening, the rain is ending for now. but the clouds will increase, the winds will pick up out of the southwest 10 to 20 miles per hour gusts at 30 and we have more rain heading later tonight. so as that rain and wind develop from the next approaching system, we have a winter weather advisory going into effect 4 a.m. tuesday morning until noon. and it then once the system
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quickly passes through the bay area, a freeze watch goes into effect more much of the bay area with record low temperatures anticipated. this is an early season cold front barreling towards the west coast. here we go again with the rain developing by let's say 9:00 tonight in the far reaches of the north bay. there you have 11:00 where it's sliding into santa rosa. i'm going to stop this clock now at your morning commute. look right there. we have rain, we have sleet down to 1500 feet. we have snow down to 2,000 feet. and we're expecting one to four inches of snow, thus the winter weather advisory. but this amazes me how quickly it rolls out of the bay area. a shot of cold air comes funneling in. and the end result is these are your expected record low temperatures for tuesday night. we're going for 25 in santa rosa, actually the record there is 24 in 1931. these are old records, 1906 san francisco, the record 41 will be shattered with 38 degrees. so it's not common to be that cold. very little recovery tomorrow
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in the 50s. here's the extended forecast. once we get rid of this system, we are going to be talking about cold temperatures wednesday, wednesday night into thanksgiving. and then more rain by late friday into the weekend. that's your pinpoint forecast. but eyewitness news will continue right after this. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now get a safeway frozen turkey up to 16 lbs for just $6.77 each. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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counter infant cold medicines off the market has cut e. r. visits in half for children under two. but witho a new government report shows pulling those children's
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cold medicines off the market cut e.r. in half for sick kids. dr. kim mulvihill has more. >> reporter: three years ago these products were voluntarily removed because of potential harm and no proven benefit. the following year the withdrawal was extended to medications intended for 4-year- olds. not to worry. there are still safe ways to her up child deal with a cold. reporter: this 11-month-old has a fever and cold. >> congestion and runny nose. >> reporter: popular over-the- counter medicines for infants were withdrawn from the market in 2007 when they were found to cause serious harm or death. since then the number of children going to the hospital with bad reactions from the drugs are cut in half. what are parents to do? keep your child hydrated with flutes like water, pedia-lyte, diluted juice, even milk. >> science has never proven
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there is a direct link with dairy and increased mucous secretions in the respiratory tract. >> reporter: to ease congestion, put an incline under the mattress but not pillows because of the risk of suffocation. for coughs, babies under 1 can't have honey but doctors recommend a half teaspoon for children 1 to 5. >> there is probably something to homemade chicken soup. we don't know what it is but the soup that mom makes can sometimes just help a common cold. >> reporter: no home remedies or medications will make a cold go away faster. the best they can do is leave some symptoms. >> i wish i had the cold. i wish i could just take it and give it to me. >> reporter: a few more tips? saline nasal drops are another way to leave congestion and a cool mist humidifier can help breathe easy. petroleum jelly and warm bath. most colds, thankfully, run their course in seven to 10
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days. we'll be right back. ,,,, [ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski...
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your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet?
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we're working on for eyewitness news at 6. first - they went now, even pa i'm dana king. here's what we're working on for eyewitness news at 6:00. first they went after plastic. now even paper is in jeopardy. you may have to pay if you don't bring a back. who is behind small business saturday after black friday? that and more at 6:00. >> what's wrong with your thong? not since adam and eve has there been so much talk about keeping our privates private. so move over, the figure leaves are back. this guy in colorado has come up with these. [ laughter ] >> metal figure leaves and bra inserts, roberta to protect you from the prying eyes of tsa screeners. now, according to the guy who invented them, which he did because of the underwear bomber, there is potential for radiation exposure is