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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 630PM  CBS  November 21, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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or hibachi chicken with all the trimmings! includes a salad and a fountain drink, all for an amazing $7.99!! that's sizzler! ann notarangelo. berkeley police are looking for a man who broke into a house and sexually assaulted a girl. good evening. berkeley police are looking for a man who broke into a house and sexually assaulted a girl. it happened early saturday at a home on evelyn avenue, near gilman street. don knapp is in berkeley, where police say they know who the suspect is. don? >> reporter: berkeley police have made the case a top
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priority and have worked nonstop since the time of the assault early yesterday, until they issued a warrant for the suspect's arrest early today. berkeley police say the man identified as the sexual assailant of a female minor in the bedroom of her evelyn avenue home early yesterday was known to the family. one police officer commenting on the severity of the attack told the daily californian, quote, it was not 2 minutes, it was a significant sexual assault. the suspect is 27-year-old omar sosa of berkeley, wanted on charges of sexual assault, battery and false imprisonment. investigators say sosa entered the minor's bedroom through an unlocked window, assaulted her, and fled. >> early this morning an arrest warrant was issued for omar sosa of berkeley. at this point, we believe he's left the bay area and he's headed south, possibly to flee to mexico. we believe he's headed south in a '97 ford ranger, gray double cab with white camper shell. no license plate at this point. >> reporter: officer andrew frankel says investigators
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worked nonstop following the assault, putting out a warrant 18 hours following the attack. the victim herself provided information. >> often cases don't come together as quickly as we would like for a lot of factors, but in this case, due to the evidence and a very courageous victim, we've been able to identify the suspect. >> reporter: originally the case was identified as a stranger assault. frankel says police now want to reassure the community. >> one of the reasons we wanted to get out in front and share the details of this particular suspect and the fact we don't believe he's in the area, we want to reassure our berkeley residents that this predator is no longer in our city and we're diligently pursuing him. >> reporter: frankel says the police agencies between here and mexico have been alerted that sosa may be headed their way. >> don knapp in berkeley, thank you. it happens every year. airports packed with passengers for the thanksgiving holiday, but those new security measures could mean even more delays
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this week. linda ye says passengers might slow things down on purpose. linda? >> reporter: hi, ann. there is a loosely organized internet movement to get passengers to refuse or opt out of those controversial full body scans. now, they expect this to happen on wednesday, which is the busiest travel day of the year. in fact, here at sfo, they expect 123,000 passengers to pass through here. if just a few of them opt out that, could mean major backups in those security lines. critics call it invasive, intrusive, and downright offensive. the full body scan is a virtual strip search. the option, a full-body pat- down. even the secretary of state says she wouldn't submit to either. >> not if i could avoid it, no! i mean, who would! >> reporter: some fed-up travelers plan to avoid it. an internet organized boycott of full body scans is calling
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for people to opt out on wednesday, the businessest travel day of the year. they want to send a message to the government that it's unacceptable. that could cause delays and frustrated travels today say opting out is not a solution. >> no, i'm opposed to that. i think scanning is important, yeah. somehow. some kind of security. >> absolutely, absolutely. it's always the few that are ruin it for the majority. >> i'm sorry, if i need to fly, i need to fly, even if they are body searching us. i mean, i think it's ridiculous, but what can you do? just got to kind of go with it. >> rather they do that for our safety in planes. >> how do you feel about this campaign, people saying we should protest it and not allow them to do it? >> i don't know. for everything, there is pro and con, you know. >> reporter: tsa is pretty clear about the choices. passengers can opt out of a body scan, but then they have to go to the full body pat-down
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and the third option, of course, is just not to fly. ann, i'm sure that's not an option many passengers will want. >> certainly not for the holiday. linda ye, thank you. travelers used to save by flying out of san jose's airport, where fares tended to be lower. not anymore. a recent check shows tickets have on average increased 12% there. at the same time, they fell 10% at sfo. san jose airport says it's not the billion dollar makeover. they blame the economy, which hit short hall carriers harder. here's in send tiff to take bart if you're flying for the holidays. there will be longer trains and more long-term parking to handle the influx of travelers. the additional service starts the day before thanksgiving along the pittsburgh bay point line, which serves sfo. travelers will see the extra service again on sunday. additional shuttles will also be operating to oakland airport. there's more information at under links and
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numbers. a check of other bay area headlines, robbers armed with pepper spray have struck again. this time on friday at the home consignment center, no word yet if the suspects are connected to another pepper spray robbery in danville two months ago. last week, police made arrests for similar crimes around san francisco. in san jose, this could be the site for a major casino. the garden city casino plans to move here, along airport parkway, from its current site on saratoga avenue. interim planning director approves the $100 million project, the card room would reopen in about a year under the new name casino matrix. public meetings are set for tomorrow and tuesday. in oakland, a process this week begins to allow industrial sized urban pot farms inside city limits. several northern california cities are looking to collect tax revenue from large cultivation operations that supply medical marijuana. the permitting process begins
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tomorrow for four large pot farms inside oakland city limits. neighboring berkeley, growers are already scrambling to secure scarce real estate property. the bay area rowing community bids a friend farewell. how the victim of a recent tragedy was remembered today. >> it's like having a little dog. finding homes for hundreds of orphaned rats. the challenge facing the rescuers. from the cbs 5 weather center, kind of an interesting day around the bay area. cool, crisp weather, and, boy, beautiful clouds outside, too. now we're seeing more showers. we'll talk about that, coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] welcome to the far reaches of the internet. when you go faster, you're free to go farther. at&t. rethink possible. get high-speed internet from at&t for only $14.95 a month. a touching waterfront memorial today to a tesla employee --killed in a plane crash earlier this yea a touching waterfront memorial today to a tesla employee killed in a plane crash earlier this year. a rowing skull was dedicating in honor of 31-year-old andrew engram, active in the sport of rowing. he was one of three tesla workers when their plane hit
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power lines while taking off at east palo alto. friends met in san mateo for remembrances and moment of silence. animal rescue is common in the bay area and beyond, but rescuing rats? anne mackovic on the effort that's relocated hundreds to a san jose warehouse. >> reporter: they are still being counted, but animal rescuers think they have about 1000 rats in their care. >> lacerations to the inside of the left leg. this is going to be a medical. >> reporter: volunteers are sorting and treating these now homeless pets in the warehouse space of a pet store in san jose. >> our biggest priority now that we have them here is sexing them and separating the boys from the girs. >> reporter: and for good reason, many of the rats are pregnant. two gave birth in the semi on the trip from southern california. they even have a makeshift maternity ward. the rats were rescued from a rat hoarder in l.a.
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>> these all originated from one pregnant rat that the owner allowed to be loose in the house. >> reporter: this picture was taken in that house by the humane society. >> we dmes indicated them, so it's kind of our responsibility to be caring for them. >> reporter: okay, we get it. lot of people are creeped out by rats, the tail, the eyes, but they really do make great pets. >> a rat thinks of you as a friend, like having a little dog. >> reporter: and the partner group northstar rescue is planning to send them all over the country to try to get them adopted out. >> we're committed to making sure they get a normal life after what they have been through. >> reporter: anne mackovic, cbs 5. a rare attack in a research lab on the peninsula, a monkey at the stanford research institute bit a worker. the injury wasn't serious, but the worker did pass out. authorities say it's the first time they have ever been called to this kind of incident. a bit of everything this weekend weather-wise. lawrence has the pinpoint forecast for the week ahead. and once again, christmas
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tree arrives before thanksgiving. tree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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pier 39... they lit the tree about an hour ago with the >> 4, 3, 2, 1! [ cheers & applause ] yes, christmas has already arrived at pier 39. they lit the tree about an hour ago, with the help of some disney characters. kids were invited to get an early start on those letters to santa. there's lots of holiday entertainment. proceeds from the sale of keepsake ornaments at the event
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will benefit the make a wish foundation. if you're out there tonight, you were all bundled up, because it's cold outside tonight! >> it is feeling the season, yes. chilly temperatures showing up around the bay area. snow on the mountain tops here, yeah, lots of snow. >> amazing. >> snow in the sierra nevada, and plenty of it up there. couple of feet of snow across the higher peaks and they continue to get some snow tonight. there's more on the way. tell you what, skiers loving this towards the holiday, lots to ski on, how about that! lift pretty full, nobody coming down. everybody up there enjoying it all. looking good out there. although rough, especially getting up there today. we got another couple of storm systems to get through and things wind down. towards thanksgiving day, looking sunny and great for skiing conditions up there. all right. high-def doppler is picking up on more showers around the bay area. this much more widely scattered than last night, where we had the line of thunderstorms really moving through the bay area, popping up and bringing the thunderstorms, hail, strong gusty winds. now, you're just seeing more
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scattered showers making their way into sunnyvale. few more scattered showers in and along the peninsula. next cell begins to make its way onshore. embedded, a couple of pretty good systems. wouldn't be unheard of to still see a couple of lightning strikes out of this. very cold air, unstable air out there, also the possibility of hail. could still be an interesting evening tonight, but not like last night. scattered showers continuing into the north bay, making its way in that direction. looks like this is the way it will play out tonight and tomorrow, too, as we're not done with the rain just yet. we've got more on the way. meantime, looks like the storm system moving a little further to the north. you can see most this energy starting to head up toward the sierra nevada. further to the south, bay area, you can see scattered showers making their way in our direction. tonight, scattered showers and chilly temperatures outside. we'll see cool weather if you're headed out, 40s and 50s. tomorrow, still keeping temperatures cool for highs. 50s around the bay area and a chance of a couple more rain
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drops. outside right now, 48 degrees in santa rosa, 48 in napa valley, 48 in liver more. around the state, further north you go, the colder it's going to get. highcountry, still looking at the prospects of snow up there. be careful. bring your chains. keep food and sleeping bag in the car with you in case you get stuck on the roadways. winter storm watch is in effect for monday. more stormy weather tuesday, then comes wednesday. the skies start to clear out just before the holiday and looking really good, as it looks like high pressure sneaks in for the day. the system makes its way into the bay area. one dives in tuesday that may be more impressive. tonight, scattered showers throughout the night and into tomorrow morning, probably throughout the day tomorrow. sun breaks just like today, then you'll see a couple of wandering showers move by. through the night, that's exactly what we're seeing on the computer models around the bay area. you'll see more of that towards the commute tomorrow. maybe a little wet on the roadways early on.
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heading toward the afternoon, a little more sunshine again. then a chance for more scattered showers heading through monday night. with that in mind, overnight lows, chilly, 30s and 40s. we could indeed see a couple more snowflakes over the mountain tops, across higher peaks, about 2500 feet or so. highs tomorrow, mainly into the 50s. as we look out over the next couple of days, keeping things a little wet through tuesday. by wednesday, clearing out the skies. thursday, thanksgiving, looks great. high pressure comes in, dries things out. the one thing we may need to worry about, maybe dense fog beginning to develop on tuesday in the valley. chance of rain returns to the bay area next weekend. that's a look at weather. back to you. the 49ers did something they haven't done in 33 years, and the raiders lost their temper and a whole lot more today. black sunday is next. ,,
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[ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh,
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delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. i was kind of hoping the bay area football teams had momentum. >> so much for that! both teams have fresh quarterback controversies again. both raiders and 49ers. here we go. first, with a win today, the 49ers could have pulled to within one game of first place in the nfc west. troy smith was 2-0 as starting quarterback. san francisco had won 3 of last 4. all good, right? they call him the young buck, not won in san francisco in 30 years. 49ers driving early in the scoreless first quarter.
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josh morgan fumbles the football, tampa recovers at the 40-yard line. niners turn it over. tampa defense had 8 sacks all season, but today, they had 6. mccoy sets down troy smith. game remains scoreless through the first quarter. but the bucs offense comes alive. cadillac williams rushes in from 6 yards out. game's first touchdown, they had 51 yards on just 5 carries. but the bucs blunt, undrafted out of college, free agent deal in place with the niners, backed out, went to tampa, 82 yards rushing today. third quarter, josh freeman to another rookie williams, 14-0 tampa. freeman, 132 yards passing, 13 of 20 completions. niners just trying to get on the board, but intercepted by barber, returning it 29 yards to the 7-yard line. freeman then puts the game away on a play fake pass. penn, touchdown tampa. niners shut out at home for the first time since jimmy carter
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was president, 1977, 21-0, the final. amazingly, niners remain just 2 games back in the nfc west. raiders needed to win to maintain a share of first place in the afc west, traveling to pittsburgh where they shocked the steelers last year. heinz field, terrible towel territory. steelers entered the game just 2-2 at home. second quarter, rashard mendenhall barrels through for the touchdown. mendenhall had 59 yards, all rushing, but the steelers led 7- 3. still in the second, big ben calls his number, from 16 yards out, 14-3. roeflisberger, 275 yards passing. he accounted for 4 touchdowns today. still in the second, roeflisberger to the rookie emmanuel sanders. 22 yards scored, 21-3. after the play, roeflisberger had words for richard seymore. without hesitation, semor knocks him to the ground, ejected. raiders only 52 yards of offense in the first half.
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campbell infective, 7 of 19, intercepted by james harrison in the third quarter. gradkowski in for campbell, marching the raiders down, but intercepted, returning it 46 yards, icing the game. raiders muster 182 yards of offense, losing 35-3. they fall to 5-5 on the season. after the game, richard seymore talks about losing his cool. >> can you tell us what he said to you? >> well, i really don't get into what goes on in the trenches. there's a lot of things that go on, you know. probably have to put the kids to bed. >> i wasn't expecting that from him, but we move on. >> did you say anything to him? >> just let's get ready for the extra point. >> i think it was a little bit more than that. raiders losing, the chiefs had a chance to move back into sole possession of first place in the afc west.
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two touchdowns early, two more, kansas city blowing out arizona 31-13 to improve to 6-4. so the raiders are 1 game behind the chiefs in the west. two teams play at kansas city. don't forget on the final day of the regular season, san diego lurking at 4-5, host the last place broncos tomorrow night. brett favre perhaps facing his former team for the last time. aaron rodgers to the former san jose state spartans. they call him j.j. from sj. green bay over minnesota. the cardinal tied the big game record for scoring. 48 points against cal yesterday. with that, they remain 7th in the associated press latest rankings. no change at the top. oregon and auburn remain 1-2. nascar, 4400 from homestead miami speedway. lap 187, kevin harvick, first up, the big gain, look at this
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beautiful run. oh, sorry. in case you hadn't seen it, you're out doing early christmas shopping. anyway, do you guys have the nascar? we'll show you carl edwards -- tell you what, we'll tell you what's coming up on game day. bruce jenner talks about his olympic gold medal. >> so exciting to win, but then i was sad when it was over. what do i do tomorrow? >> jenner joined me in-studio right before his latest hall of fame honor right here in the bay area. more from jenner tonight on game day, reflecting on his career. have you watched keeping up with the kardashians? >> i have. >> no. >> oh, i have. >> amazingly, he's known more for that than winning the olympics. nascar again! >> oh, there it is! kevin harvick out of the pits and hits a hebe of kasey kahen's pit crew. lead tire changer leaves the track on a stretcher with leg injury. harvick this time bumps into busch, crashing into the wall. car bursts into flames. busch would get out of the car
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on his own. he's okay. jimmie johnson moves into second on the restart and that's where he finishes. carl edwards wins the race. but the story, jimmie johnson winning his fifth straight sprint cup championship. back to jenner, lot of people today know him because he's the father of the kardashians, and they forget what his great olympic career. >> all right. that's it for us. see you tonight at 10:00 and 11:00 on cbs 5. good night. [ male announcer ] san francisco.
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more opportunities happen. for the holiday sweepstakes, when i got this toy from my colleague in japan. turns out robosan was the hottest toy of the year. [ news tv ] robosan 4000 is sold out across the country. [ steve ] i was going to sell it online and make a fortune. but then, i won a $1,000 prepaid card just because i used my citi card. so i made a decision, if citi could surprise me, why not do the same for someone else? [ male announcer ] register and use your card for a chance to win