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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  November 20, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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you're watching cbs5 eyewitness news. thunderstorms, lightening, heavy rain, hail. you name it. it has been a wild night around the bay area and we are not done yet. your forecast is coming up. a rare rehearsal from the pope on the subject of condoms. when he says using protection would be appropriate. tens of thousands of californians told not to drink the water. the mysterious contamination. i'm ann notarangelo. good evening. a strong storm moved through the bay area tonight bringing heavy rains, strong winds even thunder and lightning. don knapp is in san francisco with the latest. don. >> reporter: anybody who is out in this earlier this evening as we were knows how intense it was. that brilliant lighting seeming to be overhead and very loud. overloading storm sewers and knocking out power. >> reporter: the storm moved in over the bay area with a spectacular burst of energy. lighting the cloud cover as
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strong winds brought in heavy rain. cars and trucks plowed through deep water along this stretch of i-280. storm drains couldn't handle the runoff of the heavy downpour that hit the area around 6:00 p.m. a surge of water in storm sewers reportedly popped manhole covers from storm drains. they were drained and opened by 9:00 p.m. city workers were busy trying to clear numerous intersections at california and franklin after debris collected at sewers. this one is at pacific. this is a flooded section of the great highway northbound. blocking an exit to the san francisco zoo. the storm also took out power around the bay. about 6000 customers in san francisco's marina and cal hollow districts lost electricity. the storm is also blamed for knocking out power to about
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4600 homes in east palo alto as well as smaller outages in the east bay, fremont and newark. pg&e got most if not all of the power back on. now we just have to brace for the next one. we have to ask lawrence when that will be. >> let's get a quick check from our meteorologist lawrence karnow. >> things more widely scattered around the bay area starting to settle down now. but boy it was coming down there for a while. you can see it on our doppler radar picking up some thunderstorms ripping through the bay area and very interestingly this sell that moved through in the santa cruz mountains had numerous lightening strikes. now the doppler radar is dead in the water. we are fortunate to have our doppler radar. continuing to see more scattered showers here and they are becoming more isolated but there is a chance we could see more thunderstorms tonight. some more hail. and even some snow across some of our mountain peaks and still more to come. the rest of your forecast in a
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few minutes. back to you, ann. >> talk to you then. it is the sierra right now getting pounded. derek shore shows us just how much snow has already fallen. >> reporter: they are saying this is one of the worst storms in recent years for this time of year and i absolutely believe it. we normally like to be wireless on these microphones. we had to put the cord on because the receiver froze over and natasha was nice enough to give me a thermometer to kind of check and gauge out here. well, that has since frozen over. it is no longer working. take a look at some of this fresh powder here on the ground. this is very, very fresh and it continues to kind of pelt your face and it makes for a pretty nasty live shot i'll tell you that. now, take a look right over here. here is interstate 80 and here is the problem. the visibility but really just very slick, slick roads. you may see this snow wants to come up here. i will tell you this. be prepared. >> it is a lot of snow. it is a lot of snow on the
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road. >> reporter: and we are talking about blankets and blankets. cal-trans doing their best in what is looking to be the largest november snow storm in the past six years. >> do you believe that looking at what it looks like out here? >> there is a lot more on the grounds now. >> one heck of an experience for november. >> reporter: drivers making sure their chains are on and ready. facing nasty roads, crawling along, fighting slick surfaces. many using their hazard lights signaling their pace. >> just whiteout. going real slow. keeping the chains on. keep it at 30. we are at 28 max. >> reporter: but this is what happens if you try to go without those chains. jamie rodriguez and her san francisco family forced to buy them and install them in the chills after a close call. >> i kind of slipped on the
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road. >> reporter: that was after her family shovelled their way out of an embankment. >> chains from now on? >> trust me, when they tell me chains, first off. >> reporter: and that is not to mention the visibility out here. we are at blue canyon here off i-80 and if you walk right over here you can see this or lack thereof of interstate 80 at this hour. of course, if you're planning on heading up this area make sure you bring your chains and slow down because it is very hard to see in front of you. ann? >> all right. that is good advice. and, of course, this new round of powder is good news for skiers. and snowboarder. several resorts are open because of the storm including squaw valley which opened today. a deadly shooting in san francisco tonight. a witness heard several shots near mission an 17th streets around 6:15 p.m. and a man believed to be in his 30s was killed. tonight police are searching for two suspects and they are not sure yet if this is gang
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related. a close call for a b.a.r.t passenger tonight. his leg got caught between a train and platform. it took firefighters using the jaws of life a half an hour to free the man. there were service delays but b.a.r.t is back on schedule now. checking other bay area headlines. a victory often the field for a high school football team. neighbors who sued last fall to keep the stadium lights off on friday nights games have agreed to a compromise. the team can play a handful of night games in exchange for i will limiting -- in exchange for illuminating lights. the cause of a fire is not yet known. and that swan that was found dead outside the palace of fine arts in san francisco
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was most likely killed by a human. animal control concluded the bird's neck had been broken and there was no evidence it was caused by an animal or car. the swan was found last saturday. beer bottles were also found in the area. answers that are decades overdue. the families of soldiers missing in action are getting some help thanks to a special government program. a meeting today here in the bay area. >> very hopeful. >> reporter: in this envelope a letter from a long, lost love that could provide the closure that margaret has waited more than six decades to find. >> this was the last picture he received. he received before he got captured december the 1st. >> and who is that? >> that's me and his daughter. >> reporter: the daughter she conceived with her american fiance duane just before he
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left his german post for korea. they wrote letters then she heard he was a prisoner of war. >> awful. terrified. terrified. and i always went into the forest with the stroller and cried in there. >> reporter: time went on without word. >> when you work and build your family, he was never out of my mind. >> reporter: margaret's first daughter had a son chris and just last week he contacted the department of justice and found out about their monthly meetings held in different cities around the country. >> this is all part of a program the military started back in 1995 to reach out to the families of p.o.w. m.i.a. service members, some 88,000 families. the program put chris in contact with his grandfather's sister who lives in new york. >> to speak with her for the first time and tell a little bit of who i am and to learn a little bit about who my grandfather is, was really amazing moment. >> reporter: now back to the letters. they are now being tested for
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duane's d.n.a. margaret's was taken. chris' d.n.a. was also swabbed since he is the soldier's relative. even if duane's remains are never found, margaret is glad for the memory. >> i missed him terrible. because it was my young life. as soon as this came up, it reminds me of happy times. a controversial comment from the pope. when he says using a condom is the responsible thing to do. and don't drink the water. the california town that's under a state of emergency because of what was found in the water. ws within the catholic,,,,
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[ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces?
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like the exclusive continuum. and the fascinate. or the samsung galaxy tab that runs flash. n the condom a quote from pope benedict in a new book is raising eyebrows within the catholic church. more now on the condom comments that may be a sign that the church is softening its position. >> reporter: the comments are revealed in a book due out tuesday. the product of days of interviews of the pope by a german journalist. the vatican's newspaper released experts today. >> the pope is saying that
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condoms in themselves aren't like inherently wicked, it is what people do with them that can be good or bad. >> reporter: in the book the pope was asked about controversial comments he made last year while on a visit to africa saying the aids crisis there could not be helped by distributing condoms to prevent the spread of the disease. those comments sparked international outrage and in the book the pope said his point then was that simply handing out condoms was not enough to solve the problem of hiv aids. the pope then suggested in certain instances using a condom might be morally defensible not to prevent pregnancy but to prevent spreading disease. quote "there may be a basis in the case of some individual as perhaps when airmail use --
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when a male uses a condom. >> the fact there is any kind of movement at all on the question of artificial contraception and even more importantly on the question of how do we stop disease by the use of condoms, that's significant. >> reporter: the pope also defended the church's traditional teaching banning contraception and abortion. >> if you start changing things like that, then i just don't know what would come next. >> i think it is very advanced and catholic thinking. >> it is long overdue frankly. >> reporter: the comments do not carry the weight of official church law but many interpret his remarks as a clear sign the vatican may have more to say on the issue in the future. cbc news, new york. >> pg&e may be facing fines over a deadly gas explosion in sacramento county two years
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ago. state investigators concluded the utility is responsible for the blast. one person was killed there. yesterday, the public utilities commission filed administrative charges against pg&e. the "san francisco chronicle" reports a judge will decide whether to impose fines. meanwhile, pg&e is considering a move sparking fear of another pipeline disaster. the utility might raise pressure in two natural gas lines next to the one that exploded in san bruno. investigators have said that there was a surge in pressure shortly before that blast. they dropped the pressure in these two lines but now is thinking about raising them again to meet winters gas demand. the governor declared a state of emergency over water contamination in a southern california city. 40,000 customers of a water company are being told not to drink the tap water. high levels of a chemical found in rocket fuel have been
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detected. the news has forced some restaurants and hotels in san bernardino county to close. >> we don't know for how long this is going to be. so we have the little kids and the family that is going to need it. >> people are told not to boil the water either because the process does not reduce the chemical level. the source of the contamination is being investigated. so a chance to learn about our environment at a new hands on exhibit. the permanent display at the space and science center in oakland helps explain climate change and how it affects the earth. the climate lab features an award winning t.v. science guy and hands on activities also demonstrate energy strategies for life. a good indoor activity which is what is needed this weekend. >> we don't get the weather very often in the bay area.
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we had those lightening streaks, we had reports of hail. gusty winds. you name it. check that out. we have got some sheet lightening. some of the cloud-to-ground and made for a very interesting night. continuing to rumble on through. still a chance we could see some more of that as it heads on through tonight. looks like for the most part the worst is over. high-def doppler radar picking up on some of the moisture. high-def one of the only radars left. strong line of thunderstorms passing through now making their way into gilroy. drying out now in towards san jose. some pop up showers showing up in parts of the east bay. just widely scattered now. possibility of an isolated thunderstorm with this as well. looks like more of the activity starting to focus towards the north bay. that's where we are seeing another line of showers moving in and the possibility of some brief downpours and even some lightening strikes. now the system looking pretty impressive on the satellite images. you can see it rolling on through. check out that nice cloud as it
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starts to set itself out. dropping down behind it. you see all the cold speckled clouds. comes swinging on through keeping the atmosphere very unstable and looks like pretty wet in through tomorrow morning. temperatures. 44 in santa rosa. 45 right now in fairfield and cold enough. we are expecting snow at about 2500 feet here in the bay area. around the state tomorrow you will see temperatures running up into the 50s in the central valley. watch out for thunderstorms there and in the high country lots of snow. winter storm warnings if you want to get out there and enjoy the snow. may want to wait a couple days. bringing the rain. behind that more widely scattered showers although pretty good band as we move in towards tomorrow morning. going to be cold showers all around the bay area. then the possibility of some of the isolated thunderstorms
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continuing at least into tomorrow morning. computer models picking up on those showers tapering off as we head into middle of tomorrow morning then i think as we look toward tomorrow afternoon things beginning to dry out more so but we will try to squeeze in sunshine but the temperatures will stay down. low to mid-50s all around the bay area. will be on the cool side. another system dives in for tomorrow evening. i'll tell you what, next couple days going to stay unsettled and on the wet side. then it looks like we will start to dry things out come wednesday and thursday getting interesting as we head in toward thanksgiving. looking good. lots of sunshine i hope. the one thing to worry about now we have got all the moisture on the grounds from the storm and so there is a chance we could see some tule fog. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. not often you can say there are linebacker in the outfield but gary can say that today. >> you can and very cool baseball field today. wrigley field known for the cubs and baseball but not
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today. how about a little college football at the friendly confines? the big game hardly friendly. stanford and cal went it before and during the game. which city has the axe? the answer coming up in sports. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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a shot at their 10th win tongiht in "the big game" against bitter rival cal... it's true... these two 18 years ago stanford had that many wins. had a shot at their tenth win tonight against cal. true these teams do not like each other. this was before the game even started. patterson was ejected for throwing a punch and his day
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was done before it even got started. you're done. i agree. stanford up 3-0 first quarter. deep in the cardinal territory. taking off. knocked him on his caboose and keeps on going. 15 yards on the run for luck. how many quarterbacks can deliver a hit like that? not too many. man, he is a big guy. tough to take down. how about stephane taylor. first of three touchdowns to make it 10-0 cardinals. he has 14 touchdowns this season. stanford would score on their first eight drives. the strike there for another cardinal touchdown. then they get a 24-0 lead. kept getting worse for the bears. imagine trying to make something happen. instead thomas picks it off. another rough day. turned it over three times. less than 2 minutes to go in the half cardinal offense comes back on the field and they
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score again. another fantastic catch. 45-0 before the bears got on the board. the axe is going back to the farm as stanford blows out cal by the count of 48-14. 48 points are tied for the most ever in big game history. cal runningback shane vereen went for over 1000 yards. another strong day for luck who threw for 225 yards and 2 touchdowns. >> best player in the country. >> best player or best quarterback. >> best player in the country. had a big play. long drives. 89 yards. 93 yards. he was impressive. >> the only thing andrew can't do very well is sing. >> sing? >> he is a horrible singer. >> but that's about the only thing that he can't do. >> it means a lot to both universities with this game. very special tradition in the
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bay area. to win it is -- i'm very happy to win it. but to pull off a performance like that in a late week in the college football season, it is a big deal as well. >> i couldn't imagine. these guys playing like this. offense playing the way they are. our defense swarming to the ball and playing the way they do much it is hard to imagine it could have been any better than this. >> nothing like some college football at wrigleyfield. the home was transformed into a football field for the first college game in over 70 years. it was such a tight squeeze only one end zone was in play for both offenses. the east end zone was too close to the right field wall making a safety issue behind the ivy. pretty good call. end zone was in play if there was a chance for a defensive scoring and there is one right here. brian peters picks it off.
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and someone is yelling holy cow, look at peters go. his backwards. >> going the other way. >> i used to love harry. the other side kicking for an extra point. school record 330 from michael lasort and jason ford scored three times. illinois winning big 48-27. from one baseball stadium to another one. how about yankees stadium? back in the bronx for the first time in 40 years. both end zones. tommy reese hit tyler for the touchdown. notre dame scored 27 unanswered points and rolled army 27-3 to become bowl eligible. college hoops now. san jose state went to eugene oregon looking for their first win against the pac-10 team since 1992. final seconds tied at 72. justin graham. 12 points for the spartans
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senior guards. san jose beats oregon 75-32. they are now 3-0. other local teams in action. cal blew out new mexico 89-64. nba, grizzlies and heat tied at 95. >> gay with two. gay with one. for the win. he did it. >> reporter: bingo. rudy gay hit it over lebron james. grizzlies win and snap the heat's three-game win streak. jackson back for ufc 123 against the dragon. sharks on the ice top to try to bounce back. highlights are coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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names quintin "rampage" jackson is back... he beat lee-ota "the dragon" machida on a split decision... this was jackson second fight back since playing e action jackson is back. beating the dragon on a split decision. this was jackson's second fight back since playing in the action feature film. rampage improved to 31-8. sharks and blue jackets duking it out for the first time since their trip to sweden. rick nash scores once in the first, once in the second and picks up a hat trick in the third in an empty net. sharks shut out at home for the first time since last october.
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>> rick nash. the raiders. >> way to go, dana. you can see the raiders, steelers tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. right here on cbs5. and that game will be followed of course by "the 5th quarter." >> will is your sports. >> hopefully it will be a good game. >> hopefully. they are going for their fourth straight win. >> that will be great. >> i know you're a big raider fan. >> i hope they win. >> we will be right back. ,,,,,,
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i just love 'em; we have a great relationship. it really is great. it's good. it really is. it totally is. we go everywhere together. i don't go anywhere without her. car pooling to work... mmm hmm. it's great! and, when we need gas... i love gas. i usually stop at whichever's on my side of the street. yeah. well, they're all pretty much the same. it's just...ya know... uhhhhh...they're not. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. hey, i hear they have gas at the warehouse store. ho, ho, ho; i don't like where this is headed.
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[ girl's voice ]s voice ] hi todd, hi, samantha. do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® melt -- like the new chipotle chicken & cheese on flatbread, or the melt-tastic chipotle steak & cheese. subway® melts, subway. eat fresh. scanners at the airports go too a man who thinks he has the
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answer for those that feel those full body scanners that go too far. he is selling bra inserts to protect your privates. they keep out potential radiation exposure. the inserts are machine washable, led free and easy to apply to clothing. no comment from the tsa. before we go. rainy in the morning is it. >> more showers in the morning tapering off in the afternoon. >> that's it for cbs5 at 11:00 p.m. see you back here tomorrow night. >> that's cool. >> very cool. captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ,,,,,,
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hey, you got groceries! yeah! i thought we'd eat at home. save some money. $200 bucks? that's not saving! [jacks voice] at my place i'm bringing back the bonus jack. two patties, melting cheese and my secret sauce plus fries and a drink for only $3.99. i get it. you can eat a lot cheaper at your place than you can at home. but do have this? i have dessert. what about this? ohhh. ohhhhhh. jack. that's for max.