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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 630PM  CBS  November 14, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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the next, you start one feeling a bit the moment you feel run down or achy, nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. complete with taco bar, hot appetizers, and scrumptious deserts -- is just $7.99 for lunch!! what a lunch!!! $7.99! sizzler. peop good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. there is still no trace of the gunman that shot and killed two
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people at a fairfield apartment complex. don knapp is in fairfield where police say the suspect should be considered armed and dangerous. >> reporter: no late word from police. what we know has come from a police bulletin which they say the suspect may be on his way to mexico or perhaps new mexico where he has relatives. the simple memorial of flowers and candles sits outdoor the apartment of one of the victims of saturday morning's double homicides. the woman and her boyfriend were gunned down as they walked through the complex early saturday morning. >> one of the bullets went through my best friend's window. >> reporter: what is she saying about that? >> she is scared. she is still trembling. >> reporter: fairfield police are looking for the woman's ex-boyfriend. 50-year-old ricardo deleon.
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police say martinez anded handgun he used are still outstanding. >> we heard gunshots, about four gunshots and that's when i saw her laying on my front door. >> reporter: neighbors say martinez argued with the woman friday evening. they had a history of domestic violence and she had an as yet unsered of restraining order against martinez. police did not respond to cbs 5's request for an interview but told us earlier. >> the police did all they could inspect interviewing her. she chose to leave the area for a while and didn't return until 1:00 in the morning. >> reporter: after the friday evening argument, martinez returned to the area and waited for the couple and gunned them down as they walked through the complex. >> heard somebody screaming. i heard the shots. that was it. i didn't look outside. >> reporter: police are asking for help from the public but warned martinez is considered dangerous and should not
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approach him directly but call solano crimestoppers. >> don knapp in fairfield, thank you. four people are under arrest after a conductor was stabbed in chinatown near mason and jackson streets. officers followed a trail of blood to a home on hemalin place where they found the suspect. the man was arrested along with three family members who interfered with his arrest. the victim was stabbed several times and has life-threatening injuries. a motive is not known. richmond police are looking for a gunman that killed a partygoer at the veterans memorial hall early yesterday morning. lewis may dare res was found dead in a doorway of the building about 1:30 a.m. police say there was a private party at the hall but it's not
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known if the gunman was attending. a final farewell to her oakland district from mayor- elect jean quan. she held office hours at the farmers market from spring to fall. today she was there as a council member. she wants the treat the city as she did her district. >> i hope to do the same thing all over the city, to organize block by block to take back the city and move us forward. >> she will hold town hall meetings once a month in different neighborhoods and plans to visit every school in oakland. she promises to be more accessible than her predecessor. they tried barricades, speed bumps and round breezy but nothing is slowing down drivers on some east bay
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streets. we are joined in berkeley where they will spend thousands on a new solution. >> reporter: many of the residential neighborhoods say it's a hazard crossing the intersections because of the speeding cars. i am at ordway and rose. this will be one of three neighborhoods around the city that will be part of a new test project installing a new traffic calming device known as speed tables. it's flat on top, 22 feet wide and it's like a super speed bump without the big jarring movement. speed tables are designed to slow traffic down. two of them were installed on santa fe avenue in berkeley as a test project. residents say they have helped to reduce speeding. >> it's great. anything they can do to slow traffic down makes it safer for pedestrians and families. it's great. >> reporter: berkeley installed traffic circles and barriers to slow drivers down.
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after 1996 there was a moratorium on speed bumps and tables. the fire department argued it slowed their response time and damage large trucks. city engineers say traffic in some neighborhoods go as much as 30% over the speed limit. this intersection here is especially scary. >> quite treacherous this juncture. so, i have seen a couple of accidents and i'm always feeling that i'm at peril trying to cross the street. >> reporter: in january the city will install speed tables in three neighborhoods as part of a test project. families are relieved. >> the goal is to at least get cars to slow down to the speed limit which is 25 miles per hour, which is probably a little too fast for -- with a bunch of kids walking around. at least to try to get the cars down to the speed limit. >> reporter: city council will take a look at the project six months after the first speed
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table is installed and if it's a success, they will move it into different neighborhoods in the city. >> linda yee, thank you. in other news from around the bay area, a new federal report shows california's natural gas pipeline gets the fewest inspections in the country. they have been the several of -- subject of several articles. because of the lack inspections the state has been fined for seven straight years. residents in walnut creek want a say of where new cell phone towers go in the neighborhood. one possible solution is to impose a six-month moratorium on any new residential towers. residents say they should be placed on open space or city property where the city can collect revenue from the tower owners. an award winning documentary about teen
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pregnancy will show after all. daddy i do was pulled from the lineup last week reportedly because theater board members didn't feel the subject was pertinent to marin audiences. it's about single latina and african-american mothers. now the theater is apologizing and it will be added next month. news you can use. the cal state system is releasing details of your potential return on your tuition dollars. midcareer salaries of its grad, you get a lot of bang for your buck at some schools. san jose state a graduate is earning nearly $93,000 a year midcareer 21 times the initial tuition investment. a disturbing discovery in a bay area park. a dead swam and the evidence that the bird may have been
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killed. and beachgoers steplightly around thousands of jelly fish. o palace of fine arts. animal control found a dead ,,,,
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swan...with its neck broken. a sad discovery near the palace of fine arts. animal control found a dead swan with its neck broken. nearby were empty beer cans. the 5-year-old named monday was killed six months after her 19- month-old mother friday was stolen. her sister is the only swan living in the lagoon. an odd site 0 ocean beach. thousands of jelly fish washed ashore. >> good to see a new surprise on the beach. >>. >> reporter: tens of thousands of moon jelly fish washed up. it's curiosity even to the
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experts. >> i've never seen a plethora of moon jellies like that before. >> reporter: mike macgill works with live jelly and says the massive washup was caused by a perfect storm. other species commonly wash up in the fall but not this kind and not in these numbers. now they get an up close view of the slimy gobs of go. >> i think they are awesome. >> reporter: what is awesome about them? >> they are -- like, well, it's cool to be a jelly fish. >> i taught them about jelly fish dying today. always a teaching moment. >> reporter: a little sad, too. >> i do feel sorry for them. >> they should be out there, not dead on the sand. >> good fertilizer for
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planktonic organisms. there will be more coming. >> reporter: the other good news, they won't sting you. >> these jellies sting small, small plankton in the water but it won't hurt, say, a human if you touch them. >> reporter: a park service biological will begin an investigation into the unusual he vent monday morning. at ocean beach, cbs 5. someone forgot to turn off summer. another gorgeous day around the bay. lawrence looks at the week ahead in his pinpoint forecast next. ,,,,,,,,,,
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the next, you start one feeling a bit the moment you feel run down or achy,
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nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. at just seven inches, it's the only tablet designed for maximum mobility. and it's android-powered and flash-enabled for the best web browsing experience. get yours at verizon.
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well, the park was packed. the dog, the kids, the soccer ball. >> fantastic weather around the bay area. i hope you enjoyed it because next weekend will be entirely different. we have a cold storm brewing in the pacific. comfortable temperatures even out in the evening hours. heading out the door, looking good. mostly clear skies. the exception a few high clouds continuing to make its way across the skies. the winds, that's the concern. we have strong gusty winds developing over the mountain tops. beer checking on the winds -- we are checking on the winds above the mountains, blowing pretty good. you have to get upwards of a thousand feet. down below we are not seeing the strong gusty winds. that is good news. we are least with great weather. high pressure building in overhead. you have the offshore winds
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developing. that's the offshore wind in place. it will stick around another day. this evening fantastic weather outside if you are heading out. even 70s right now. heading out the door, looking good. plenty of stars out there. lots of sunshine coming our way. again, we are talking 70s and low 80s to the afternoon. clear and bright with 60s and 70s. temperatures today were impressive. 81 oakland. 81 san rafael. 84 in santa rosa. these temperatures are running 10 to 15 above the average for this time of year. around the state, lots of sunshine and comfortable temperatures. 75 ukiah. 67 in freeze no -- fresno. high pressure, strong ridge. we are high and dry. you get the sense the offshore wind will continue to blow for another day. then this ridge will break
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down. tomorrow, here comes the sunshine and the warm temperatures again all around the bay area. even out to the coastline, we are looking good. overnight lows 40s and 50s down in the valley. in the mountains the winds blow and the temperatures will be in the 60s, even 70s for overnight lows. tomorrow 76 mountain view. 75 san mateo. east bay temperatures up in the 70s, close to 80 in brentwood and pittsburgh. how about the north bay, temperatures are looking good. warmer spot, san take rosa, you heat it up in a hurry by tomorrow afternoon. temperatures over the next few days will come down into tuesday and wednesday and by thursday, the clouds start to gather here. we have a chance of showers returning to the bay area friday. much cooler temperatures. rain expected on and off throughout the next weekend. what a big change. you will see the temperatures
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drop 30 today into next weekend and rain, too. here is dennis with sports. >> lawrence you are a happy guy. you are a raider man. they jump into first place. 49 years stage a thriller at candlestick. [ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. i look great in my wedding dress with the help of your amazing light soups. now we're adding even bigger pieces of white-meat chicken. oh, so when's the big day? oh, we got married years ago. but the point is, i fit in it. well, good for you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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candlestick park, making it just the nineth time in nfl history two former heisman quarterbacks
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troy smith and sam bradford matched up at candlestick park making it the ninth time in nfl history two former heisman quarterbacks played against each other. smith making the second straight rs he airs it out for josh morgan. troy smith's accuracy was fantastic. frank gore with a touchdown. 10-3 niners late in the second. then game tied at 10. in the second, stephen jackson h 13-yard touchdown run. jackson 81 yards on 20 carries. 17-13 rams, 2:13 to go in the game. after a long fourth down, michael crabtree gives the 49ers a lead. but there is too much time. big play, 25 yards to jackson to get in field goal range. brown ties it to force overtime.
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in overtime, troy smith gets rid of the football to walker. pass interference on o.j. and it was a huge call on delanie walker. joe with an easy field goal, 23- 30 the final -- 23-20 the final. niners a huge win to keep hope alive in the nfc west. >> been in the league a couple of years. he understands what winning is about. it's not like i have to sit him down and read him a list off. he knows what it takes and we just have to continue to do that. >> so, the niners have won two straight, three-six, out of the seller but two back from the seahawks with four division games remaining. the raiders had the day off.
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silver and black move to a tie for first place in the afc west. they visited the broncos. raider fans were happy to see denver's effort. matt cassel, too much and loses the football. what is up with the afl, broncos win 49-29. raiders tied for first in the afc west. jets and browns. 24 seconds left in overtime. mark sanchez, santonio holmes splits two cleveland defenders. jets beat the browns to improve to an afc best 7-2. an even better finish, jags and titans, three seconds left, jags with the ball.
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>> thought it was knocked down. the announcer thought it was. jaguars beat the texans 31-24. oregon is the number one team in the latest bcs rankings. stanford is sixth. denny hamlin is the points leader. hamlin takes the lead from carl edwards. then 47 laps to go. this time edwards taking the lead from hamlin. he had to pit with 14 laps left. so, carl edwards sweeps the weekend, celebrates with a back flip and dejected hamlin watches the points lead shrink, 15 points over jimmie johnson. australian masters, too little too late for tiger woods. pakeo destroyed his
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opponent. he retains the belt. and the final round of the australian masters. he was three strokes behind the winner. stewart appleby closes a long book. cal blew out st. marys to improve to 2-0. one of the 49ers heros will be our guest on game day at 11:30, delanie walker. >> in the studio. >> delaney, you don't have a microphone. shake your head. would you have caught that pass had pass interference penalty not -- okay. so it was a catchable football. >> i'm with him. >> aren't we all. it's all good. >> we will all get on the bandwagon. thanks. controversy over displaying
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the american flag. why a 13-year-old boy was told he couldn't do it and the emergency district school meeting today to go over the turmoil that it caused. lawrence, this week ahead. >> looking good the next few days. by the time we look at next weekend, 20 to 30 degrees cooler and rain. >> enjoy the sunshine while we have it. >> soak it up. >> that will do it for this edition of eyewitness news. 60 minutes is next. we will see you at 11:00 on cbs 5. good night. [ male announcer ] san francisco.
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