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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 530PM  CBS  November 14, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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why a woman not involved in the crime... is still trembling tonight. "so, i fee a memorial is growing for two murder victims. the suspect is on the loose. why a woman not involved in the crime is still trembling tonight. >> i feel good. i feel i left my district well organized. >> oakland mayor-elect wraps up work with her district as she thanks supporters at the farmer's market today. her plans to move the city forward when she takes office. >> i was startled and amazed. >> what caused tens of thousands of jelly fish to wash up on ocean beach this weekend. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. hundreds of jelly fish remain in ocean beach tonight after tens of thousands washed ashore this weekend. the elements that came together to cause the spectacle. >> it's good to see a new surprise on the beach, you
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know. >> reporter: tens of thousands of moon jelly fish washed up this weekend. it's quite curiosity, even to the experts. >> i was startled and amazed. i had never seen a plethora of moon jellies like that before. >> reporter: marine biologist mike make gil works with live jelly's and said the mass washup was caused by a perfect storm of tide, currents and wind. >> all the planets were aligned for this to happen. >> reporter: other species commonly wash up in the fall but not this kind and not in these numbers. now beachgoers get an up close view. >> i think they are awesome. >> reporter: really? what is awesome about them. >> well, it's cool to be a jelly fish. >> i taught them about jelly fish dying today. >> reporter: a little sad, too.
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>> i do feel story for them. they should be out there, not dead on the sand. >> good fertilizer for plankton nick organisms. >> reporter: they won't sting you. >> jess jellies, some are small, small plankton in the water but it won't hurt a human if you touch them. >> reporter: a park service biological will begin an investigation into the unusual event monday morning. anne makovec, cbs 5. animal control officers are trying to find out what or who caused the death of a swan at the palace of fine arts. the 5-year-old swan was found dead yesterday. authorities found beer cans and feathers in the area where she lived and they believe vandals broke her neck. she died six months after her mother was stolen. her 13-year-old sister is the
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only swan that lives in the lag goon. a necropsy is being performed. no trace of the gunman that shot two people at a fairfield apartment complex. don knapp is in fairfield where police say the suspect should be considered armed and dangerous. >> police are not commenting this evening, not saying what state the investigation may be in. we know from a police bulletin issued earlier that they believe the suspect is on his way to mexico or perhaps new mexico where he has relatives. >> reporter: the simple memorial of flowers and candles sits outdoor the apartment of one of the victims of saturday morning's double homicides. the woman and her boyfriend were gunned down as they walked through the complex early saturday morning. >> one of the bullets web site through my -- went through my best friend's window. >> reporter: what is she saying
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about that? >> she is scared. she is still trembling. >> reporter: fairfield police are looking for the woman's ex- boyfriend. a police bulletin says martinez and his car are missing. >> we heard gunshots, about four gunshots and that's when i saw her laying on my front door. >> reporter: neighbors say martinez argued with the woman friday evening. they had a history of domestic violence and she had an as yet unsered of restraining order against martinez. police did not respond to cbs 5's request for an interview but told us earlier. >> the police did all they could in interviewing here. she chose to leave the area for a while and didn't return until 1:00 in the morning. >> reporter: after the friday evening argument, martinez returned to the area and waited for the couple and gunned them
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down as they walked through the complex. >> heard somebody screaming. i heard the shots. that was it. i didn't look outside. >> reporter: police are asking for help from the public but warned the suspect may be dangerous. he should not be approached. if people have information, call solano crimestoppers. ann? >> don knapp in fairfield, thank you. a party in richmond ended with a fatal shooting. the private party was held at the veterans memorial hall on 23rd street. police are responding to a call to the location after 1:30 saturday morning, found lewis maderas dead in the doorway. police don't know if the shooter was a party guest or not. he is a suspect in the shooting death of another man in 1997. the witness who identified madaras later refused to testify. jean quan said good-bye to the district that she served as a city council member.
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during her eight years, they held office hours at the mont claire farmer's market from spring to fall. today she was at the farmer's market for the last time before becoming mayor. she hopes to organize oakland the way she organized the district and plans to promote community policing and participation as solutions to the city's problems. >> i hope to do the same thing all over the city to organize people, the business district and to literally organize block by block to move us forward. >> reporter: among the goals she set for herself, hold town hall meetings once a month in different neighborhoods. she plans to visit every neighborhood council in her first year as mayor and visit every school in oakland. she promises to be more accessible to the media than her predecessor. after a theater pulled a documentary, it appears the show will go on after all.
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the lark theater yanked the film daddy i do which is about teen pregnancy and how to prevent it. the producer said it was pulled because theater board members told her it wasn't pertinent because it featured single latina and african-american mothers. now the board of the lark theater is apologizing saying we made several terrible mistakes and feel horrible about it. the movie will screen next month. greatest recession in the history of this country since the great depression. it's not the time to raise anyone's taxes. >> battle lines are being drawn in washington. the fight this week to prevent a tax hike next year. an alleged drunk driver crashes into a line of motorcycle riders and several are dead. more than a dozen injured
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following an explosion at a luxury hotel in ,, [ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? [ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- wow. [ beep ]
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[ man ] yep, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- [ both ] target the blood? [ man ] yeah, drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] call for a special offer and go to walgreens to learn more about diabetes. and get freestyle lite test strips today.
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an explosion at a luxury hotel in mex at least five people are dead, more than a dozen injured following an explosion at a luxury hotel in mexico. the blast blew out windows and sent chunks of concrete through the roof at the hotel south of cancun. authorities believe the blast was caused by a build up of natural gas under the hotel. 70% of the hotel ghosts were canadian. four died in the blast. two americans are among the injured. police are searching for a driver that may have caused the death of five motorcyclists on a trip. a car in the on coming direction swerved to miss the honda and hit the motorcyclists head on. the man who hit the bikers was arrested for driving under the influence. but police say it may be the driver of the honda who will be
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charged in the five deaths. a big battle is brewing in washington. president obama and congress are trying to reach a compromise on extending tax cuts. if neither side budges, some americans are in for a tax hike next year. >> reporter: president obama is confronting a new political landscape and a mountain of challenges as he returns to washington. congress is back for what is known as a lame deck session. democrats are in charge for a few more weeks before republicans take control of the house. big gop gains have left a looming show down overextending bush era tax cuts. >> we are in the midst of the greatest recession in the history of this country since the great depression. it's not the time to raise anyone's taxes. >> president obama and democratic leaders advocated making tax cuts permanent for lower and middle income americans and letting them expire for individuals making $200,000 a year. there. is no bend on the permanent
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extension for the well thy yeast americans. >> reporter: but the top white house adviser said president obama could sign off on a short term extension. needs to find middle ground when he sits down with both parties thursday. congressman john boehner is welcoming newly elected members to the capitol. >> we want to talk about the economy. >> reporter: the house members just elected make up a larger than normal freshman class. there are nine new democrats and 85 new republicans. nearly half of them have never served in government. tarell brown, cbs news. well, get the drawn butter ready. commercial crab season begins tomorrow in the bay area. what is being said about this year's catch. half moon bay's mayor says the,,
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department is facing major cutbacks. this month, voters turned down a proposed half moon bay's mayor says the police department is facing major cutbacks. voters turned down a one cent sales tax increase. the city will have to make major cuts in the police department budget. the mayor says city officials are considering contracting out police service such as the san mateo sheriff's department. people in walnut creek want a say on where new cell phone towers can go in their neighborhood. the city council considers their request tuesday. one possible solution to impose
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a six-month moratorium on any new residential towers. some say cell towers should be placed in open spaces or city property so the city can collect revenue from the phone companies. crab lovers prepare to get a belly full. the crab harvest should be plentiful. the season begins tomorrow along the central california coast. recreational crabbers have been fishing since november 6th and are reporting excellent numbers. jeff fuel crabs point -- juvenile crabs point to a boon this year. >> beautiful offshore winds are blowing. the mountain tops it gets blustery. but down below, lots of sunshine just about everywhere you went. looks like we are not done yet. more sunshine on the way and temperatures well above the average for this time of year.
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mostly clear over the bay. a few high clouds moving in overhead. that's about it. we are looking good so far. the main concern, you get the winds and they can whip across the mountain tops. sustained 20 to 40 miles per hour. maybe gusts over 50 in through the evening hours and to tomorrow morning. with that in mind, the winds are strong. down below, we have lots of pretty pleasant temperatures into the evening hours. 60s and 70s around the bay this evening. a few high clouds moving overhead. tomorrow similar outside. temperatures will be running in the 70s. probably low 80s. many spots inland, lots of sunshine coming our way even toward the coastline. today is something else. 82 in napa. 79 in livermore. 79 in san jose and 68 in pacifica. you get the idea. this is a beautiful warm day outside. we will continue to see nice weather into the central
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valley. 75 sacramento. 75 ukiah. high country partly cloudy skies. high temperatures mainly will the -- in the 50s. you get the down slope winds and temperatures are cranking up in a hurry. look at the dome building all the way in to oregon, washington, keeping us high and dry on the entire west coast. the offshore winds will make their way back to the coastline keeping the skies mostly clear with an exception of a few high clouds. temperatures will be heating up into the afternoon. overnight lies, in the valleys 40s and 50s. warm over the top of the mountains with the winds up there. the temperatures into the valley, in the 70s, near 80 in san jose. 71 daly city. 76 fremont. east bay in the 70s and low 80s by the afternoon. enjoy it.
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next weekend will be entirely different, much cooler. some of these temperatures dropping 20 to 30 degrees into next weekend. the next couple days, here we go. a lot of sunshine tomorrow. tuesday we notice some cooling in the bay area. high pressure will break down somewhat. we will see more of a sea breeze kicking in in the afternoon. wednesday bigger changes moving in. by thursday, the clouds move in. next friday here come the rain clouds. i'll tell you what, not only are we likely to see rain but these temperatures will take a major nosedive. lots of snow in the sierra nevada. showers on and off tapering off sunday to monday. >> you have 82 to 58 in the span of a week. >> enjoy the sunshine while we have it. >> we will. >> enjoying bay area football. it's been fun to be a football fan again. >> everybody is grabbing the giants coat tails because the
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raiders had a chance to take first place without taking the field. the 49ers clearly have a new starting quarterback. troy s verizon's your home for samsung galaxy. like the exclusive continuum. and the fascinate. or the samsung galaxy tab that runs flash.
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we gave it a more powerful duramax turbo diesel and allison transmission to help it move over 21,000 pounds. and then we gave it an advanced exhaust brake system, to help slow it down. saving wear and tear on your brakes. and on you. with a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles... introducing the new chevy silverado hd. our most powerful heavy duty ever. making it just the n we were talking to dennis about whether the niners have a new quarterback. >> anybody that throws for 360 yards and leads to a game winning drive, i think so.
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the ninth time in nfl history two former heisman quarterbacks played against each other. smith making the second straight start for the 49ers. he airs it out for josh morgan. i was amazed with his accuracy. the catch down at the goal line. frank gore scores. 7-0 san francisco. 10-3 for the 49ers later in the second. then game tied at 10. in the second, stephen jackson h 13-yard score. st. louis a 17-10 lead. jackson 81 yards on 20 carries. 17-13 rams, 2:13 to go in the game. after a long fourth down, michael crabtree gives the 49ers a lead. too much time left. big play, 25 yards to jackson to get in field goal range.
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brown ties it to force overtime. this pass was ruled incomplete but pass interference. san francisco is in field goal range. from 29, 23-20 the finals. niners get the second straight victory. troy smith 356 yards, did not turn it over. niners a huge win to keep hope alive in the nfc west. >> he has been in the league a couple of years. he understands what winning is about. it's not like i have to sit him down and read him a list off. he knows what it takes and we just have to continue to do that. >> so, the 49ers won two straight, out of the sellers but two games behind the seahawks in the west. the raiders had the day off. silver and black move to a tie
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for first place in the afc west. they visited the broncos. trailing 28-0, matt hasselbeck loses the football. jason hunt erie covers, 75 yards for the score. you can't figure out the nfl. broncos win. raiders are tied for first in the afc west. amazing. jets and browns. 24 seconds left in overtime. mark sanchez, santonio holmes splits two cleveland defenders. jets beat the browns to improve to an afc best 7-2. jags and titans, three seconds left, jags with the ball. christmas
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comes a month early in jacksonville. the jaguars beat the texans. they go down 31-24. incredible. oregon is the number one team in the latest bcs ranks goes. san -- rankings. phoenix international speedway, denny hamlin the points leader. he takes the lead from carl edwards. then 47 laps to go. this time edwards taking the lead from hamlin. he had to pit with 14 laps left. so, carl edwards sweeps the weekend, celebrates with a traditional back flip that we haven't seen in a while. hamlin watches the points lead shrink to 15 over jimmie johnson. over 40,000 people showed up at cowboy's stadium last night. pokio went all 12 rounds landing close to 500 punches on
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his battered opponent who had to go to the hospital where he fractured an orbital bone. australian masters, too little too late for tiger woods. he is three strokes behind stewart appleby. that closes the book on a long year for tiger that went winless in 13 tournaments. women hoops, stanford won the season opener against rutgers. cal blew out st. mary's to improve to 2-0. good news for local bay area football fans. they tried barricades, speed bumps and round breezy. one bay area community is struggling to control speeders. what they will install next to get people to slow down. that is at 6:30. that's it for eyewitness news at 5:30. hope to see you back here in half an hour then at 10:00 and
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