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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  November 13, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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. you're watching cbs5 "eyewitness news." a community angry over the recent shooting deaths of two african-american men at the hands of police. now the naacp gets involved. >> he is a very dangerous guy, maybe drug addict, crazy. that's all we know. >> a manhunt for a double murder research. the overnight crime that has bay area police searching for the person who killed a woman and her boyfriend. >> i got a call from my agent, you're shooting the beatles next weekend, i said "great." >> and a rare collection kept under wraps until now. an intimate look at the beatles now on display here in the bay area. i'm ann notarangelo. a community meeting in oakland tonight to discuss the killing of another african- american man by police. don knapp on why organizers believe the killing of jones demonstrates a disturbing attitude on the part of police.
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>> reporter: leaders of oakland's african-american communities gathered at the baptist church to discuss another shooting of an unarmed african-american man. thursday protestors took their shooting of derek jones to the b.a.r.t. station. they came in the protest of the 2 year sentence of former b.a.r.t. police officer mehserle. >> these officers are wearing cameras and if they are where is the camera that happened with derek jones, derek jones shooting was the direct result of perry giving the man date to the police officerses they have a right to kill. >> reporter: they say he was shot after police chased him down after he attempted to kill a woman. >> he turned around and placed his hands down near waistband, they are yelling for the man to get his hand up. >> reporter: his uncle says he
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has heard that before. >> both shootings are these rogue officers who have the right to shoot an african- american man because he is reaching for his waist ban. >> they are calling for high level meetings with oakland's mayor, police chief and the da and the state attorney general to investigate what it calls a history of oakland police misconduct. >> don, thank you very much. an intensive manhunt across california for a man suspected in a double murder. a woman and her boyfriend were found shot early this morning at their fairfield apt on you'lly lane and both later died. ed macoh vick shows us who police are zeroing in on. >> we just heard gunshots, about four gunshots, and that's when i saw her laying on my front door. >> reporter: it was a woman shot and dying on this doorstep, her boyfriend was also shot and dying nearby. >> just heard somebody screaming, some lady screamed or something and i heard the
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shots and that was it. i didn't even look outside. >> reporter: it was just after 1:00 a.m. and the shooter, who police have identified as martineau carlos deleon, is on the run. >> he is a crazy guy, drugs, addict, crazy, that's all we know. >> reporter: they say she he was the ex-boyfriend of the woman killed. she had moved into her partner after a long term relationship with deleon. police say he came here to confront her. >> we know it was a loud argument and obviously she was concerned and had some dialogue with the police earlier that evening. >> reporter: in fact the woman had filed for a restraining order against deleon earlier this month but it hadn't been served. this apartment manager thinks police hadn't done their job. >> we told nehme was going to come back and kill her and they didn't do anything. >> they did what they could, trying to make sure she was
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safe, she chose to leave the area and came back at 1:00 in the morning. >> reporter: he was waiting for her to return. he was last seen wearing a red 49ers jackets with black sleeves. he may be driving a white '99 van with a blue stripe and 880- 3092. >> whoever sees him, just call 911 and help us get him and he needs to pay for what he did. >> reporter: we're still waiting for the coroner's office to release the names of the two people who died overnight once their families have been notified. in fairfield, an macoh vick, cbs5. two suspected gang members are in custody tonight accused of a double murder more than two months ago. detectives believe abel ha rain a and juan cruz shot two men outside hasan josi apartment complex last august. a 19-year-old woman was also shot but she survived. the violence began after two groups confronted each other on san antonio court. even though police say the two
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people arrested are gang members, police have not confirmed if the shooting were gang related. a san francisco police officer killed in the line of duty is being remembered this weekend. tomorrow marks 16 years since james was gunned down, he was the first officer to get to the scene of a shooting at pine and franklin street. a gunman shooting from the window of an apartment building injured several people before police shot and killed him. a memorial for gelf was held where he lost his life in 1994. checking other bay area headlines, a subject in this bay street's standoff is appearing monday on charges of making a false bomb threat, kidnapping and child endangerment. he was arrested after he threatened to blow up the bridge. 2 upper deck was shut down for two hours. his 15-year-old daughter was insides the suv and they say
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carlos valentina was distraught over marital problems. well in spite of budget troubles and department cutbacks, san jose rededicated a newly refurbished fire station today. a voter approved bond measure in 2002 paid for the station number 2 project. it is on allen lock avenue and served most of east san jose. it will house an engine company and a truck company. and facebook may be about to unveil a new email program possibly next week. it's officially called project titan and unofficially called the gmail kill earn. the details have been kept pretty secret but we could learn more, a conference with facebook is scheduled for monday in san francisco. a new hitch in the investigation into that disastrous cruz to nowhere. nearly 4500 passengers spent three days aboard carnival's splendor without power, air
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conditioning or hot food. there are questions about how the cruise line has skirted tough regulations. >> joaquin county the not so shipshape carnival splendor sits in the harbor while a team from the cruise line is assessing the damage. the national transportation safety board originally said it would lead the investigation in the engine room fire that shut down virtually all the power on the ship. but, now, that won't happen. >> carnival's argument is "well the united states government doesn't have the jurisdiction." >> reporter: that's because the ship is registered in panama. critics say cruise ship operators use the so-called flag of convenience to skirt tougher regulations in the united states. so officials from panama will be taking the lead with two experts from the ntsb assisting. >> they have tried in the past to investigate the accident. carnival chapel engineered that before in federal court and won. >> reporter: in fact there was no law that addressed safety and security on cruise ships operating in the u.s. until
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president obama signed a cruise line safety act in july. >> we still have a long way to go because it's still a self- regulated type business. >> reporter: as all the passengers left splendor they were checked by immigration officers who discovered one was wanted on grand theft charges in nevada. she was arrested. john blackstone, cbs news, san diego. after a theater pulled a provocative award-winning documentary, it appears the show will go on. the lark theater in larkspur had yanked the film daddy i do which is about teen pregnancy and how to prevent it. they said it was pulled because theater board members told her it wasn't pertinent because it featured latina and african- american mothers. the lark theater is apologizing saying we made some mistakes about it. we feel horizontal about it.
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it will now screen at the larkspur theater. >> what prototype voters put what bidders put up for a piece of history. and a beatles exhibition here in the bay area. high pressure building in, temperatures going to really heat up tomorrow. we'll talk about that coming up. all news altogether the time. 24 hours a day. all news at 740 and now fm 106.9kcbs online at i don't go anywhere without her. car pooling to work... mmm hmm. it's great! and, when we need gas... i love gas. i usually stop at whichever's on my side of the street. yeah. well, they're all pretty much the same. it's just...ya know... uhhhhh...they're not. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. hey, i hear they have gas at the warehouse store. ho, ho, ho; i don't like where this is headed.
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madoff went on the auction block today. the top seller was a thousands of items belonging to disgraced if i than sear bernard madoff went on the auction block today. the top seller was a 10 1/2 carat diamond ring which went for more than half a million dollars, the other hot ticket items were the personal ones, the sculpture of bulls, the symbol of wall street. madoff is serving a 150-year prison term. another bit of history is on display here in the bay area. a rare collection of beatles photos from more than four decades ago. lindy on how they ended up part of an exhibit at berkeley. >> the man who took these was an unknown and that's exactly what thes wanted. >> it wasn't that i was inexperienced even at 23. this wasn't my first gig. >> reporter: uh-huh. >> and i got a call from my agent, you're shooting the
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beatles next weekend, i said great. of course i was apprehensive would i be good enough for this opportunity but i wasn't scared then. >> reporter: these photos were taken over a two-day period in the lives of john paul george and ringo and before they recorded the white album. these 25 black and white stills are part of a collection never been shown. he kept the negatives in a box for 42 years and forgot about them. >> my still photography career was from the age of 17 until 24 and then i sold my cameras and gave it up. >> you didn't want to do than any more. >> i didn't want to do it any more. >> after you did the beatles that was good for you. >> that's not being arrogant. i kept them, i knew they were beautiful and great but i was obsessed with becoming a cinematographer which is what i did. >> reporter: he went on to film movies and was nominated for academy awards for cinema to go road victory fee for prince of tides and batman forever.
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the uc berkeley documentary theater convinced him to bring them out. he sees the beatles but says he doesn't think they'll remember him. >> i got most of my work when i was sober. [ inaudible question ] >> not entirely. >> reporter: that was the 60s, and now decades later, beatle fans are still fascinated by the group. the photos are on display at uc berkeley's graduate school of journalism gallery until january. at uc berkeley. linda yee, cbs5. well a little bit of south bay history is being celebrated this weekend t newly restored casa grande houses the new quick silver mining museum. it dates back to the era when the town was a mining hub of the california republican.
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it still has period furniture and mine memorabilia and a research theater. as the counter counts down towards thanksgiving non- profits are working to make sure families have food on the table for the holidays. samaritan house in san mateo is handing out dinner fixing to hundreds of clients. organizers say the demand has doubled since the economic downturn over the last few years. time makes the annual distribution possible with donations. an up unusual fundraiser on the pen anyone sue a using food grown on campus. they are harvesting olives on the grounds to make and sell olive oil, part of a sustainablabling a class. the oil will go toward the program. a nice weekend we have had here. >> yeah, lots of sunshine,
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looks like it is going to need to continue. warm up over the next few days. win dein spots, especially over the mountaintops but we're looking pretty good as we'll see lots of sunshine all the way to the closed coastline. let's take you out there, clear skies over the bias we've got offshore winds blowing around the bay area, keeping your skies nice and clear, should pretty much be that way all night long tonight. gusting winds over the mountaintops. a wind advisory in the north and east bay hills. featuring winds 40 miles per hour gusting, maybe over 50 miles per hour in some spots, over the top of the peak so it's going to be blustery right into monday. down below not 10 bad. in the meantime though that ridge of high pressure building in pretty strongly, you get the sens of the clouds rolling over the top of the ridge and down in towards california but dissipating, that ridge too strong. that's going to keep us high and dry and lots of sunshine for tomorrow. check out some of these numbers, well into the 70s inside the bay, same out towards the code have
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coastline, 70s there too. clear and mild right out at the beaches. temperatures kind of interesting, those offshore winds, you get pretty warm spots, pretty good breeze into fairfield, gusts 31 miles per hour, and keeping those temperatures up to 65 right now, 66, vallejo, 55 degrees in san jose, and 62 degrees in san francisco. well this high pressure ridge should bring lots of sunshine to california and keep things nice and dry, 70s in toward the central valley. 50s and 60s in the high country. a few clouds overhead but a strong ridge only going to strengthen over the next 24 to 36 hours. keeps us high and dry. but that's going to change as we head in toward the end of the week. for tomorrow though expect that offshore wind to continue. brings with it lots of sunshine and warm temperatures to go along with that, overnight lows into the 50s, during the may sneak into the 40s in the livermore valley. how about these temperatures
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tomorrow afternoon, 76 morgan hills, 74 union city and 74 degrees in pacifica. temperatures easily well into the 70s under sunny skies and the north bay, probably some of the warmer temperatures around the bay area, that downslope wind could easily see those temperatures kick up to 78 in santa rosa, petaluma, and san anselmo. overlooking the next couple of days plenty of sunshine, warmer as we head into monday. tuesday that starts to weaken, that catches more sea breeze and helps temperatures, everybody cooling down as we head in towards thursday. clouds start to move in our skies and by friday, that's right, rain returning to the bay area. that rain likely continuing into next weekend. temperatures dropping a good 20 plus degrees around the bay area. >> wow wow. >> lucky to get into the 50s as we head in towards saturday. so soak up the sunshine this weekend. next weekend we'll be soaking up the rain clouds. >> thank you. >> welcome. >> a couple of close games for
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stanford and cal today. >> nailbiters. stanford looks to go 9-1 for the first time in 59 years and cal had a shot to take down the number 1 team in the country. sports is next. >> that would have been -- ,, [ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪
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[ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible.
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the best offense in the country... averaging 55- points per game... but the bears held st 15, and had a top ranked oregon rolled into berkeley with the best offense in the country averaging 55 points per game. but the bears held them to just 15 and had a chance to pull off the upset. dolla perfect 4-0 at home this year and they throw the first punch getting a touchdown on
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their opening possession. shane vereen from one yard out, the train goes over 100 yards for the fifth time this season, oregon led 8-7 in the half and added two in the third. jeff thomas hooks up for a touchdown in for the seventh game of the year but those would be the last points for the ducks. cal brings the pressure, thomas loses the football and big derek hill false on it. the bears get within two and they are thinking upset at memorial stadium. fourth quarter, georgio delvechio drills a 24-yarder to give cal the lead. but wait, there is a flag. delvechio gets called for an illegal shift penalty after stutter stepping before the kick. back it up 5 yards, this time he hooks it wide right and the corey mains 15-13. that would be cal's real last chance at taking the lead. oregon keeps the ball for the final 9 1/2 minutes to run out the clock and hang on for a 15-
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13 win to improve to 10-0. >> is this one of those wins where you wipe your brow with a 2-point win? >> we won, that's all we care about. >> well you got to care about the way you played. it was slow in the beginning, you didn't have the type of offense you typically have. what was goin' on today. >> we don't care about that. keep asking those questions, doesn't matter. the only thing that matters is we've got 2 more points than them and we're 10-0 right now. >> stanford was also held to a season low in points tonight in tempe. andrew rock completed 33 of 41 passes but for the first time this season did not throw a touchdown pass. second quarter, he gets hit from behind by oliver aaron. the sun devils recover the fumble, one of two turnovers by luck. third quarter stanford up 10-7, he throws a strike to terry taylor to give sfu a 13-10 lead following the missed point. owen marie sick bangs it in from a yard and puts stanford
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back on top. a lead the cardinal's d would not give back. stanford holds the sun devils below 300 yards of total offense. anthony wilkerson has a chance for a touchdown but apparently there is no i in stanford, he takes the seat on the 4-yard line so his team could run out the clock. smart play. wasn't pretty but stanford survives the desert 17-13 to improve to 9-1. buckeye the badger would get quite the workout in madison, seventh-ranked wisconsin put it in another gear against indiana, without their star running back john clay. the badgers ran for over 300 yards in six touchdowns, in total wisconsin scores 11 touchdowns and 83 points. that's the most in college football this season and the most in school history since 1915. wisconsin beets indiana 83-20 and improves to 89-1. remains unbeaten with a 49-31 win over georgia and notre dame
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some other notable games. the spartans are now 1-9. second ranked auburn remains unbeaten with a 49-31 win over georgia and notre dame knocked off 14th ranked utah 28-3. the warriors wrapped up their five-game road trip in milwaukee and that means they'll have to play home with the phrase fear the deer stuck in their heads. corey maggette scored two points against his former team. monta ellis beets the buzzer with the fade-away three. 24 more for monta but the warriors would shoot a season low 34%. third quarter drew gooden whips it inside for andrew bogut for the easy layup. the bucs led by 15 after three. the warriors would get it close, as close toes as three rate, but no answer for john salmons who puts in a game-high 26 points, the warriors finish the road trip 2-3. mls eastern conference finals. the quakes come up short this
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their bid to make to it the championship. colorado scores the game's only goal, his first of the season, the raptors beat the quakes 1 nil. still to come an old saying that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, pavelski missed 100% of the shots he had taken this month until tonight. sports next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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been the most fight we've seen in their billion dollar stadium... the dallas cowboys are just 1-7 this season so tonight may have been the most fight we
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have seen in their billion dollars stadium. over 40,000 people showed up to see manny pachio dominate antonio margarito, pacquiao won all 12 rounds landing close to 500 punches and was the unanimous winner. joe pavelski had not scored in his last 67 shots.? bounces loose to pavelski, pavelski scores. hallelujah. >> thank you randy hawn. third period sharks up 3-2, ryane clowe finds logan si door, the 21-year-old is tied for the lead, the sharks beat the flames 4-3. >> i know you love that exciting stuff. >> there was a nice photo with the black eye, we saved you from that. >> apparently pachio was trying to stop the fight because he looked so injured so okay, you know. that's why i don't watch. >> it's all good. >> no, it's sport. >> that's what they call it.
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we'll be right back. ,,,,,, this is your captain speaking. we are 14th in line for takeoff. looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic!
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texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!!
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three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? buy $20 of lottery tickets a chan er prizes. our the california lottery kicked off its holiday snow globe tour which offers customers who buy $20 worth of lottery tickets a chance 0 win bigger prizes. our own don ford tries his luck. >> win erwiner chicken dinner. >> reporter: yup, seems like some folks in south san francisco were pretty excited. not just because they got a chance to jump around in one of those inflatable bounce things
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that looks like a snow globe, it was filled with california lottery coupons too. >> all you do is jump on the air, don't grab the sidewalls or anything, let them hit you. >> reporter: at $20 a pop the idea is to grab as many coupons as you can in 20 seconds, no stuffing them in pockets, down your shirt or in your mouth. the coupons are exchanged for actual scratchers that could win up to $20,000, didn't happen here. >> 20 bucks invested, got 7 bucks back. >> we had a couple of ladies won 10, $15, we'll find out later when they cash their prices. >> top prize is $25,000. >> reporter: the lure of quick money. perhaps tens of thousands of dollars. had people lined up. faces that were hopeful. knowing full well the odds are slim. it wasn't unusual to see some folks plop down $100 bills for
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tickets in margaret's store. >> it's a lot of money at this time of the year, but they must have the money or they think they are going to break the bank and the machine. so -- >> reporter: but people were having a lot of fun. adults bouncing around without kids. fine, i'll be at work monday. in south san francisco, don ford, cbs5. lucky for him he looks happy about it. "eyewitness news" at 11:00. we'll see you back here tomorrow night at 5:30. have a good night. place my family came to, the myercury moment happened at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in. in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance,
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