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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 530PM  CBS  October 31, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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bus service disapp the east bay.. . >> there is just no magic to this. if you don't have the finances, you can't continue to provide the same level of service. >> bus service disappears in the east bay. the drastic cuts taking effect because of the budget. a string of robberies in the bay area blamed on a group of women. where they have hit and why police worry that they will strike again. voters making up their minds on the ballot propositions. what is winning and lose wearing tuesday's election looming. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. >> getting from here to there in the east bay is tougher. drastic service cuts took effect today, the second round blamed on budget shortages. ann mocha vick says this may not be the end of it.
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>> reporter: ac bus service has been cut by 7.2%. >> >> it's frustrating. >> a lot of bus passengers will be waiting longer and some lines like route 61 in rock ridge and route 74 which serves the a run day bart station are through. >> reporter: in december ac plans to cut weekend service in half. >> people have youth programs, church, work, you know, everything. it's really going to affect a lot of people. >> reporter: a lea phelps is the spokesperson for the bus riders union. >> we want to work with ac transit to find alternate things so we won't be losing, losing, losing all the time. >> they seem to not ever properly plan their cuts. >> reporter: but ac transit says there is no choice.
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>> nobody is more frustrated and upset than we are. >> reporter: spokesperson clarence johnson says they have held public meetings and have riders best interest in mind. ac has been arguing for months with the bus driver's union over pay and benefits. but johnson says the real problem here is budget cuts. >> at one point we justed to get more than -- we used to get more than 26 million from the state. we are getting practically zero. if you don't have the finances, you can't continue to provide the same level of service. >> reporter: to find out if your route has been affected, go to cbs and click on links. starting tomorrow, some muni commuters have to use a clipper card instead of the fast pass. they are switching over from the paperer to the clipper. the m fast pass which can be
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used on muni goes way in april. a suspicious device found by the police near the san leann trough bart station turned out to be fake. a routine traffic stop, police found a package covered in duct tape with wires attached and an older model cell phone attached. >> when you have a possible bomb threat 50 feet away from your tracks and a quarter mile from the station, you have to take some, you know, serious precautions. >> the san leandro, coliseum and bay fair were closed about an hour and half. oakland police are looking for one gunman that wounded nine people at a halloween party early this morning. the shootings happened after midnight at the historic suites ballroom at broadway and 19th
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street. police say there were about 1600 people there. they believe the intended target was man. many of the wounded are women and innocent bystanders. police are trying to determine a motive for the shooting. a memorial is growing for a 16-year-old boy killed last night in oakland. police say dedrin chaplin left a party on his bicycle when he was shot. he died at the hospital. police have no suspects or a motive. vallejo police are looking for three women that may have committed as many as four strong-armed robberies in the past week n. each case the women attacked other women while a male get away driver waited nearby. a surveillance camera caught one of the attacks as it happened. they grabbed the woman's purse knocking her to the ground. if anyone has information, call police. police are searching for a man accused of trying to steal an aide intended for the
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victims of the explosion. dante bennett claimed he was a victim. he went to an aid station september 14th and asked for a new id and other resources. workers were suspicious of the story and called police. a warrant was issued for his arrest after he failed to show up for court. bay area headlines, a state senator is threatening to propose legislation to provide better police protection of the cow palace after a dozen overdoses. because the facility is state owned, local authorities have little control. daly city police are not discussing the friday night event that sent 17 people to the hospital. mild weather and late spring rains are credited with creating the mildest fire season in 20 years. cal fire says only six acres burned this year compared to last. they say not only did it result in less air pollution and impact on wildlife but
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taxpayers saved millions on the cost of fighting first. tomorrow all cal fire stations will release their seasonal hires. another tuition hike could be in the works for cal state students. the chancellor is proposing a midyear increase of 5%. that is about a $100 increase for under graduates between fall and spring semesters. another 10% hike is being considered for fall of 2011. the trustees will vote next month. support for prop 19, the latest opinion poll that shows voters are flip-flopping on legalizing pot. the latest poll on the state propositions shows a dramatic change in support for decriminalizing ,,
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i'm among 30,000 employees who used to work for hp. i was supposed to retire there. carly fiorina changed all that. fiorina laid off 30,000 people and she shipped our jobs to china and india. i had to pack my bags and i was out the door that night. we even had to train our replacements. she didn't need 5 corporate jets. one hundred million for herself. fiorina never cared about our jobs. not then and not now.
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"abolish the public schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. marijuana. the latest poll on state propositions shows a dramatic change in support for
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decriminalizing marijuana. prop 19 is losing 49% to 42%. less than a month ago the poll showed prop 19 passing by the exact same margin. proposition 23 which would spend the crack -- suspend the crackdown on greenhouse gas emission is losing. and proposition 25 which would allow a simple majority vote in the legislature to pass the budget is leading. republican senate candidate carly fiorina is wrapping up an event in walnut creek. yesterday she was courting senior voters and today's event in walnut creek is targeted at seniors at the retirement community of rossmoor. she met voters in palm desert and fresno. robert boxer as well as the candidates for governor all barn stormed in california today and tomorrow in a last minute blitz. also working hard this weekend on the campaign trail, president obama. he and the vice president have
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events scheduled in several cities. >> reporter: in cleveland, an estimated 8,000 voters got 2-1. president obama and vice president joe biden trying to make the case why democrats should stay in power. >> if everyone that fought for change in 2008 shows up to vote in 2010, we will win the election. i am confident of that. >> we will get out here and show the naysayers that we still support our president. >> reporter: ohio is typical of the democrats challenge throughout the country. with polls showing a tough fight here for the governor's office and an open senate seat. cleveland was the final stop on president obama's five state swing this weekend, part of a democratic effort to hold back what polls predict could be a republican tide on tuesday. they are riding the wave confident they will pick up 40 house seats. sarah palin is predicting
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voters will hand the president a defeat. >> they will say you blew it, president obama. we gave you two years to fulfill your promise of majoring sure that our economy starts roaring back to life again. >> republicans win. that's what it will be, a repud yailings of obama-'s policies. >> i think this is a choice a clear choice. >> reporter: with one full day of campaigning to go, neither side is giving up. in cleveland, randall pinks ton, cbs news. the woman arrested on suspicion of mailing powerful bombs has been freed on bail. they no longer believe she mailed the packages. she told authorities she wasn't the one who signed the shipping documents and investigators suspect her identity was stolen. well, a perfect night for trick or treating.
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lawrence has the pinpoint forecast next. and not just another sunday game for the 49ers. the gridiron battle of great britain next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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halloween treats, hundreds of kids showed off their costumes at a popular parade in redwood city. the pa 's before they went door to door to get treats, hundreds showed off their costumes at a popular parade in redwood city. it's in its 9th year. this year included a fundraiser for a local high school band.
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kids were encouraged to bring their own instruments to join in on the fun. it's a big sports weekend across the country and across the pond. charlie d'agata on how the brits spent their sunday watching our kind of football. >> this halloween, american football fans in london scored a big treat. the san francisco 49ers played host 5600 miles away from home to the denver broncos. >> mile high, baby, mile high. >> reporter: the pregame tailgater featured a little golden gate and a lot of american fans mixing it up with europeans. >> every place we go, they want to talk about the nfl. most of them know more about it than i he do. >> it's different from any other sport we have in the uk, just the spirit with american football, it's awesome. >> reporter: it's the fourth year wimbley stadium, home of english football has been taken over by america's game.
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once again, it's a sellout. the fast majority of fans are not american. so, you really know the game. >> we all know the game. we play with our friends, have games in the backyard like tag. >> reporter: are you really a 4- 9ders fan. >> i am. >> reporter: how did that happen? >> we went over there about four, five years ago, saw them play. it has grown from there. >> reporter: the nfl's aim to make its mark on the international fan base is what it's about. there is talk to do more. it will be a long ride back home for the broncos who lost to the 49ers 24-16. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. lawrence yesterday told us no rain on halloween. thank you. >> i told you no rain. did i say that? >> no you are not tricking me.
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>> yes, there is your trick for the night. but the treat is we will see nice, clear skies and a great evening for all the trick or treaters outside. we are looking at good weather. let's take you live out there now. looking good over the city of san francisco. we have plenty of blue skies a. couple of clouds passing by as the cold front moved on through and left a couple of clouds. those are heading out. we are looking at a nice night around the bay area. it should stay dry and a great night for all the trick or treaters. most of the system that moved through is heading to the north bringing showers to the far northern part of the state. we stay nice and dry. we will watch the temperatures beginning to warm up. plenty of sunshine. mid-70s in the warm spots inland. 60s to 70s inside the bay and out to the coastline a lot of 60s. plenty of sunshine all day long. numbers are looking warm. 69 if you are heading out the door in livermore. 67 in san jose.
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65 san rafael. 64 in santa rosa. around the state you will find warmer temperatures. 70s in the central valley. yosemite 74. 73 ukiah. partly cloudy skies. 72 in redding. impressive storm here will head over the top of this ridge. we will be high and dry from this system. this ridge will strengthen the next couple of days. that and the culmination of offshore winds blowing outside will heat up the temperatures. i'll tell you what, 70s, maybe low 80s as we head to the middle of the week. you get the idea. nice weather outside. overnight low not too bad. 40s and 50s. not too cold. by day, temperatures are looking good. 74 degrees morgan hill. 71 union city. east bay temperatures running up well into the 70s as we head to tomorrow afternoon. north bay expecting plenty of sunshine and pretty comfortable temperatures to come with it. next couple of days, we are
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expecting much warmer weather. 70s, maybe low 80s toward wednesday then we watch things cool down as we look to thursday and friday. this next weekend more clouds roll in. there is a chance of a return to showers in the bay area. if you do have trick or treaters heading out the door, we have a great evening for you. clear skies, no rain to worry about. temperatures running in the 50s and 60s. a little on the cool side but not bad. it looks like a good night to be out there. be careful outside. >> we will take it. thank you. dennis o'donnell. >> great day to be a bay area football fan. >> raiders looking for a consecutive win. will they get it done? sports is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people.
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and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. ordered for the 49ers whose offense looked rejuvenated with former heisman trophy winner troy smith under center against the broncos isolated countryside was what the doctor ordered for 49ers. jerry ris and john elway representing their former teams in london. brandon lloyd is open for a 71- yard game. they score the next play. fourth quarter, 10-3 denver. play action rolling right. in with the spin.
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game tied at 10. smith scores since 2008. smith scans the middle to michael crabtree. 17-10 niners. lawson takes a whack at it. niners looking to pour it on. frank gore powers it in from the three. gore 118 yards on 29 carries, 24-10 niners. 21 points in the fourth. broncos not done. 2:22 left, orton finds lloyd. a great catch around james. they missed the extra point and cut the lead to 8. one final time and/or ton picked off. 24-16 niners win kim coyle was on the field after the game. >> your thoughts on troy smith? did a remarkable job tonight. >> really stepped up and helped the offense out and helped the defense out. big play by troy. >> you guys are taking a lot of
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heat for not winning on the road. but you are almost 6,000 miles away. >> with all the red in the stands, felt like we were at home. >> going out to make a play for the guys. long flight with a loss. we should feel good. >> they haven't won back to back games since december of 2008. they look to change that against the seattle seahawks. blacked out game at the coliseum. plenty of seats available. 30-yard game sets up a field goal. 3-0 raiders. defense held their end of the bargain. branch one of 8 sacks on the day. defense warms in on seattle. this time it's jason campbell. 30 yards for the touchdown.
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hasselbeck going back. the pass is tipped. dionne bunt her then a sweep in for the pick that sets up this. campbell dropping back finds darius hayward bay. he is off to the races 23-0 oakland. only bad news, star corner goes down with a right ankle injury rolling it there. could not leave the field on his own power. just for good measure, michael bush punches it in. four yard rushing score. raiders at 500 beating seattle 33-3 in a laugher. >> we are getting there. it's great to win this game and get the form for it. great to win 2 knee a -- 2 in a row. it's good to know there is a lot more in this football team.
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>> limited all week by an ankle injury, brett favre made his 292nd start. taking a shot under the chin, he would leave the game in the fetal position and needing ten stitches. the patriots lean in late in the fourth. ben jarvis green ellis. 28-18 improving to 6-1. more heat. kim kardashian keeping up with miami's big three. lebron james with the two handed flush. lebron with 20. dwyane wade gives the heat a 12 point lead. a fake and a one handed dunk. he ends with 18. heat win 101 to 78. tonight on an international edition of game day, kim coyle will have coverage of the game in london and dennis o'donnell all the reaction and action
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from game 4 of the world series. >> yeah. we have kim in london. we have the sports world covered. >> covered everyone. >> all right. thanks, appreciate it. coming up in half an hour at 6:30, could the buzz over proposition 19 be fading? a lot at how california voters seem to be changing their minds about legalizing marijuana. plus, behind the scenes at the texas rangers stadium for a look at the winner workings that are much different than in the bay area. more at 6:30. bundle up. >> a little cool out there. clear, no rain to worry about. good night for trick or treaters. >> happy halloween, everybody. we will see you at 6:30. you can find out on cbs 5. com. good night. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
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