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tv   The Early Show  CBS  September 27, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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captioning funded by cbs flood zone. wisconsin residents are forced to flee after a levee begins to fail. while parts of the midwest brace for more historic flooding. we're live from the scene as authorities prepare for the worst. >> emergency landing. fear and prayers inside a delta flight after the plane's landing gear becomes stuck. >> brace for impact. >> stay down. heads down. stay down. >> we'll hear from the passenger who took this dramatic cell phone video and tell you why the pilot is being hailed as a hero. >> and back in court. amanda knox faces more charges that could keep her in prison longer as her mother fights to defend her daughter and herself from slander charges. we'll talk to amanda's mother in a live studio interview early
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this monday morning, september 27th, 2010. we'll get to know those people. good morning. i'm harry smith. >> they are out early this monday morning. good morning. i'm maggie rodriguez. >> your 14-year-old step daughter does something with her boyfriend you don't want her to do so you pretend to arrest the young man. as seen in this video. this is not end well and we'll have that story for you in a little bit. >> we begin at 7:00 this monday morning with major flooding in the midwest. residents are bracing for the worst this morning as the threat of flash floods still remains very high. cbs news correspondent cynthia bauers is in portage, wisconsin. good morning, cindy.
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>> reporter: good morning, maggie. the levee behind me is part of a series of dikes built mostly out of sand in the 1890s. sunday a portion began to give way as the historic town of portage experiences its highest river level since 1938. here in portage, the wisconsin river reached 20 1/2 feet sunday, even higher than the predicted crest which forecasters said wouldn't come until later today. 300 residents were asked to evacuate. those who stayed behind were trapped when local highways were shut down. >> they told us we have -- that we had 10 minutes to get out of there because they are blocking off all of the roads back there. >> reporter: all of this flooding was the result of extraordinarily heavy rains that fell across the upper midwest last week, as much as 10 to 12 inches in some areas. in the western wisconsin town of arcadia, some folks were allowed to return to homes only to find their belongings waterlogged.
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>> phone calls from friends letting me know that flooding was occurring so i got up and my house was already full. >> reporter: water and mud wiped out everything in troy's basement and garage, even his new car. flood insurance will cover the damage but money isn't always enough. this was his grandparents' pool table. >> sentimental, you can't replace that. >> reporter: south dakota saw its worst flooding in 20 years. sunday the big sioux river was above flood stage. >> boy, you better get my stuff. >> reporter: 60 homes and 20 businesses were lost in zumbro falls. sweeping more than 12 feet of water through main street. >> i had, you know, workers and they lost their job. their homes and everything. >> reporter: the most frightening thing for some people living here in the
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portage area concerns a small portion of this levee that officials are saying is in failure mode. that means a breach could be imminent putting 150 homes in jeopardy. so here the hope is that a century-old levee will hold until the water recedes. >> at 7:04 here is harry. >> thanks very much. now to the battle for the midterm elections. president obama kicks off a three-day campaign swing trying to motivate his base and hopefully turn around his party's fortunes in november. nancy cortis has more. >> reporter: the president is going to have high profile company out on the campaign trail with five weeks to go until the midterm elections both parties are bringing out their stars. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> reporter: in massachusetts sunday former president and
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democratic heavyweight bill clinton rallies supporters on behalf of congressman barney frank. frank is seeking a 16th term in office, he won his last election by a 2-1 margin. his seat should be considered a safe one. but in this year's anti-incumbent climate, nothing is certain for democrats. >> nobody but nobody in the house has done more to help build back the american dream than barney frank. >> reporter: clinton joins a growing list of political stars who are campaigning on both sides. michelle obama will stump for five democratic candidates in october. both the first lady and the former president enjoy higher favorability ratings than the current president. on the republican side, former alaska governor sarah palin is hitting the campaign trail along with possible presidential hopeful mitt romney.
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the latest battleground poll shows americans believe a republican-led congress would do a better job than the president handling job creation. a key issue in the campaign. >> voters beware. >> and with time running out to turn things around, some democrats are fighting conservatives by flooding the airways with attack ads aimed at opponents' tax records and personal lives. but both sides can play at that game. one veteran ad watcher tells me things are getting nastier faster than in any previous campaign season. harry. >> nastier, faster. nancy, thank you very much. joining us now are two of our cbs news political analysts, dan bartlett in austin, texas and democratic strategist jamal simmons in washington. good morning to you both. if the election were held district by district, who prevails, and if the election were referendum on the president, who prevails?
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>> i think if it's held district by district democrats have a fighting chance. if it's a referendum how the white house has been communicating or democrats i think democrats will have a tougher night. that's what is so interesting about these polling numbers. people look at these polls but if i'm running a campaign in madison, wisconsin, i care a lot more about how my candidate is doing versus their candidate than what the national mood seems to look like. >> dan, is this election going to be a referendum on the president? >> history tells you that it is, harry. every time a young president in his first term has a midterm election, it always becomes a referendum on that president and with it the numbers that we're seeing both across the country on the economy, his personal approval rating being well below 50% now, this is a real challenge for the democrats and having the big guns go out across the country is an interesting strategy. many of these democrats in swing states and other districts want to run as far away as possible from this president.
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harry, here's the difference. if the poll that nancy showed is one that showed republicans in congress versus president obama. but if you look at the same poll, and you look at republicans in congress versus democrats in congress, the democrats in congress beat the republicans by 4 points. so what's starting to happen which wasn't is that democrats are starting to advertise. that's the difference so. republicans have been communicating in a vacuum most of the year. you have democrats engaged and i think voters are going to be educated about the differences. >> so jamal you are ready to predict the republicans will not take control of congress. >> absolutely. i think what -- it's going to be tough for democrats, we're going to lose scores of seats but whether or not we lose the house of representatives i think we're far, far away from knowing that. if we could take a poll two months out that said what was going to happen we'd have no reason to run the campaign. >> dan, do you think the republicans win control of the house? >> i do. i think while many republicans hope that the election were this week or next week.
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>> that was my next question. >> the fundamentals of this campaign, what got us to this place, got this president and the democrats in congress's place aren't going to change, whether it be the economic outlook, the right track, wrong track, the president's approval rating, these are all very important signals or gauges for us to look at. right now and i don't see him changing that fundamentally. i believe we'll see the house of representatives flip, and i think it's closer in the senate but right now republicans as long as they play a smart campaign, be disciplined down the stretch of this campaign, this should be a good night for the republicans in the house. >> very good. thank you both very much for being with us this morning. insightful. here's maggie. >> now to a story of heroism in the cockpit. a delta flight was forced to make an emergency landing after landing gear got stuck. a passenger captured the final moments before touchdown on his cell phone. michelle miller has the pictures and the story.
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>> reporter: the cabin of flight 4951 from atlanta was tensely quiet on approach when the pilot uttered this ominous morning. >> brace for impact. >> reporter: the cell phone video shows passengers as they huddled and prayed. the flight attendant warned them to assume the crash position. >> heads down. stay down. >> reporter: the plane operated by atlantic southeast airlines had only two of its three landing gear deployed. firefighters and rescue crews stood by in fear of the plane exploding into a fireball, this was the call from the crew to the tower. >> rescue 1, there are 64 souls on board and 6,000 pounds of fuel. >> there were tears, a lot of tears. you're in a tough situation. >> reporter: as the pilot prepared to land he uttered what could have been his last words. >> 51, roger. this better work. >> reporter: 8:20 he touched down tipping the plane to the right, dragging its wing and
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generating a shower of sparks. >> when no sparks are flying people were -- it was definitely scaring. >> reporter: it's a landing many compare to miracle on the hudson from january 2009. one aviation expert said the skillful acts of the pilot prevented what could have been a disaster. >> if this pilot doesn't do the landing by the book and do it skillfully, the consequences could be catastrophic. >> reporter: no one on the flight was injured and all were happy to walk away with only their nerves frayed. >> could have been bad. it turned out to be a very smooth landing. >> reporter: the pilot whose name has not been released is being hailed as an anonymous hero. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> i'm going to take away his anonymity. we now know that he is 55-year-old jack conroid. his family said there couldn't have been a better captain.
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he is a retired navy flyer with nerves of steel. >> how about the flight attendant, sticking with it all the way down. terrific stuff. good news for the change this morning. erica hill with a check of other headlines. >> good morning to both of you and everyone at home. u.s. and allied forces this morning engaged in a new critical assault targeting the taliban in afghanistan. it's operation dragon strike that includes ground and air forces on the stronghold of kandahar. nato does expect heavy fighting. mandy clark is in kabul this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the focus of this push is to clear out insurgents from the outskirts of kandahar city. kandahar is the birthplace of the taliban and coalition forces say they expected a hard battle. the goal of the new offensive is to destroy taliban fighting positions so they have nowhere left to side. >> it's very important to get
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rid of the taliban which, you know, regard kandahar as their heartland. >> reporter: this operation is now a top priority for coalition forces, the taliban aren't leaving without a fight. when troops go on patrol they often face small arms fire, roadside bombs or well-placed booby traps. at least 16 americans have already died in this new offensive. erica. >> manny clark in kabul, thank. >> israeli settlers resumed billing. israel refuelsed to extend the building moratorium expired yesterday t. flynnians threatened to walk out. arab leaders are expected to meet in days. bishop eddie long, the pastor of a nationally known mega church in atlanta says he is fighting the sex allegations against him. cbs news correspondent mark strassman joins us with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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this is no ordinary church and no ordinary scandal. at stake is a multi-million-dollar religious and business empire and allegations of a sitting pastor. >> i'm under attack. >> reporter: outside atlanta bishop eddie long is under great scrutiny. is he a sexual sinner, a seducer of teenage boys in his ministry. >> this is probably the most difficult time in my entire life. >> reporter: in civil suits four young men claim long, their pastor, first adopted them as his spiritual sons. then seduced them with scripture, cars and jewelry for sex. >> the part the parents didn't know is that part of being a son was actually an abusive emotional and physical relationship of their children. >> reporter: all four teens were odor than georgia's age of consent but the allegations rocked new birth missionary baptist church, one of america's mega churches with 25,000
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members. a social conservative, long has repeatedly attacked homosexuality as sinful. in his denial during sunday services, long never said flat out he was innocent of the allegations. >> i have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man. but i am not the man that's being portrayed on the television. >> reporter: most people in his congregation seemed to support him. >> he said with this i did not do. and i believe him. >> i feel like david against goliath. but i got five rocks and i haven't thrown one yet. >> reporter: long preaches the gospel of prosperity. god wants you to be rich and he flaunlts his wealth, drives a bebtly, flies around in a private plane. four young men want a chunk of that for what they say was
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emotional pain. cbs news, georgia. >> time to get to dave price with a first check of the weather on this monday morning. setting us up for the weekend. >> good morning to you. a lot going on in the east and
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>> still watching the flood threat in minnesota and wisconsin, we'll keep an eye on that. that's a quick look at your weather picture this morning, guys. >> thanks, dave. coming up, american amanda knox back in court this week facing even more prison time. this morning, we are speaking exclusively with her mother about amanda's new legal battle. and did a police officer go too far pretending to arrest a teen-aged boy? because what he did with his 14-year-old stepdaughter?
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we'll take you inside the case that's causing quite a stir. this is "the early sho ♪ i love my grandma. i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do
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♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ [ female announcer ] the best way to tell how great you look is in your jeans. drop a jean size in two weeks with the special k challenge and enjoy a good source of fiber in many of your favorite special k products. ♪ jeans don't lie. go to to design your plan. jeans don't lie. words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities.
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restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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137bz. welcome back. you probably know american amanda knox is in prison in italy serving a 26-year sentence for murder now face agnew charge that could keep her there longer and her parents are facing the same charge. this morning her mother is tell us what it is all about. you've seen a cop, looks like he is arresting a young man. there's a very interesting story behind this and we'll tell you all about it coming up. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by macy's ♪
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good morning. it's 7:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. lawyers for a convicted killer scheduled for execution on wednesday will ask for a stay of execution this morning in marin county. albert greenwood brown raped and murdered a 15-year-old riverside girl in 1980. friday, a federal judge in san jose cleared the way for brown's execution. lawmakers are starting to take action in the wake of the san bruno explosion and fire. congresswoman jackie speier plans to introduce a bill in the glenview neighborhood this morning. it calls for stronger regulation of natural gas pipeline. federal investigators are looking into san francisco bay's pg&e's handling of that disaster. legendary basketball coach don nelson has a news conference planned this morning in oakland. now, the general speculation is nelly will announce his
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retirement and assistant coach keith smart will replace him as coach of the warriors. nelson is 70 years old. over his 31 seasons as a head coach, he won 1,335 games. that's more than anyone else in nba history. we'll have your traffic and your hot weather forecast all coming up in just a moment. ,, ,, [ ruiz ] reliable tools started as a brick and mortar store. we sell lathes, mills, high-tech equipment. i had an idea to go ahead and put up a couple of items on ebay, and they brought more than our expectations. meg whitman gave me the tools to expand globally.
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we sell to australia, india... that big blue machine over there? it's going to malaysia on wednesday. with ebay, she created jobs for millions of people. with meg's creativity, she'll be able to create jobs here in california. i'm mariano ruiz and i'm a meg whitman success story.
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good morning from the traffic center. let start off in san jose where you are tapping the brake lights northbound 101 from hellyer towards 880. same case for 280. you can see a live look traffic northbound slow and go through san jose. if you are on the bay bridge or headed out there backed up all the way to the maze at this point, the metering lights are on. and we are getting first reports of an accident near the san mateo bridge right at the toll plaza. left lane blocked one car involved but you can see the actual span of the san mateo bridge looks good in both directions. tracy has your forecast. >> thank you. our forecast for this morning does include quite a about the of sunshine and along with that sunshine, some hot temperatures. here we are from our mount vaca cam. and looks good this morning. not a whole lot of clouds expected especially land. today's temperatures well inland up to 103 degrees. record-breaking heat across the bay area with cooler temperatures expected by midweek.
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it is 7:30 in the morning on this monday. the weekend sure flew by, didn't it? those folks seem pretty happy anyway. welcome back to "the early show." coming up a warning about soft drinks and other beverages laced with sugar. you could guess they could be a big reason your child is overweight even obese. i bet you didn't know one 12-ounce can of soda every day can tack on as much as 15 pounds in one year. our dr. jennifer ashton will be along with the results of a new study on which beverages are best and worse for your children. every father's warning to his daughter's boyfriend, don't even think about it. well, one father in california may have taken that warning too farp. he's a police officer. he pretended to arrest a
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teen-aged boy who he believed had gone too far with his step-daughter and then decided to take action. we'll have that story, too. >> first, at 7:30, the latest on amanda knox currently serving 26 years in an italian prison for murdering her roommate. but this week, she'll be back in court fighting off the possibility of even more jail time on a different charge. we'll speak with her mother exclusively about this in just a moment. her mother, edda mellas, also faces jail time for the same charge but first our national correspondent jeff glor is here with the details. jeff, good morning. >> good morning to you. ten months after convicted of murder 23-year-old seattle native amanda knox will face an italian judge again friday not what she did but for what she said. amanda knox is already serving a 26-year sentence inside an italian prison for a murder she says she didn't commit. this week, italian authorities will try to add more years. >> at a certain point, the police began to be more aggressive with me.
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>> reporter: that is knox describing her police interrogation to an italian judge. she clamgs her confession in the bloody murder of roommate meredith kercher was coerced after an investigator physically struck her. >> i was hit in the back of the head by one of the police officers, who said she was trying to make me -- help me remember the truth. >> reporter: police say that is a lie. their officers never hit her and that lie, they charge, amounts to slander. friday, she will face a judge and possibly have six years added to her prison term. >> liable and slander are criminal charges in italy. here in the u.s., they are only civil charges that can result in money damages. >> reporter: in a case that grabbed international headlines knox, her boyfriend and another man stood accused of the death. the prosecution described it as a case of violent sex that went too far. but, knox supporters say the case was botched, there was though dna evidence directly linking her to the crime and a
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knife thought to be the murder weapon did not match evidence at the scene. knoxes parents have spent the past three years traveling to and from italy to support her also face slander charges for repeating her claim to a british newspaper. in a twist, a prosecutor in that case was convicted this summer of abuse of office for an unrelated case. amanda knox is appealing her conviction an appeal scheduled to be heard in november. maggie? >> jeff glor, thank you. joining us exclusively is amanda's mother ed today mel lus. good morning. >> good morning. >> start with this slander case you, amanda an her father all face charges, amanda because she said she was treated badly during interrogation and you because you repeated the story to a journalist. are you legitimately concerned about this? how far do you think it will go. >> the lawyers have told me that the charges, especially mine, to not worry. she has the right under italian law to defend herself and tell
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her side of the story, which is what she's done. i don't think they are particularly worried about that, just one more thing we have to go through. >> exactly, especially in the process of this appeal which when you and i first spoke about a couple months ago seemed optimistic it would go your way. since then this fbi agent decided not on his own, not hired by you or anyone else, he decides to look at the evidence, spends a year poring over it concludes amanda was so evident he would let his daughter be her roommate, his words. it doesn't mean much in an italian court. >> that's true. it's really nice people are taking a look at it and coming to the same conclusion that, you know, a lot of people have, she's innocent but you're right it doesn't make a huge amount of difference in italy. >> what are you going to do? are you still as confident as you were about the appeal even though now she faces even more charges. >> you know, i think we make a choice every day to try to stay positive. and, you know, it's either
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despair every day or just really hope that they look at the evidence and, if they do that, if they really just look at the evidence, that they will allow them both to go free. >> i'm not sure if you've seen the new book written bay former inmate who spent time with amanda. she said she went back to prison and found, quote an amanda much more adult and in the small amount of time seemed to have aged beyond her years, no longer the beautiful angel girl she had been. you spent a lot of time with her this summer. would you agree with that assessment. >> i think amanda has matured, kind of a forced grg a young care-free college student to, you know, a situation she's had to grow up really fast and i don't think she really knew this inmate, which is quite interesting, and i haven't ready the book, but, yeah. >> what were your impressions from being with aman do for six weeks over the summer? how does she keep her sanity in this place. >> you know, the beginning of the summer was hard. it was both of our birthdays again, it was really hot and
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uncomfortable and was really down because here she was another year there. i think now that things are moving and there are court dates coming up and she sees things progressing again, she's feeling better. she reads -- she writes, she works on her studies. she is still taking classes. >> she sings in the chorus? >> she sings in the choir, yes, one of the members. they are doing a
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>> up next, a california police officer pretends to arrest a teenager for having sex with his
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step-daughter. but, things didn't go exactly as he planned. this surprising caught-on-top story when we return. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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jo if you have a teen-age sdad daughter you know what it is like to worry about what she may be doing especially with her boyfroend. one father in california found out his 14-year-old step-daughter was having sex and he did something about it. the only problem, he's a cop and it's all caught on tape. our correspondents priya david-clemens is in san jose and has the story for us this morning. good morning. >> good morning to you. the officer claims he made a fake arrest to send a real message about underaged sex but now authorities are faced with a dem ma, was he simply being an overprotective father or was he police officer who seriously abused his power? >> stand um. are you listening? >> reporter: this grainy cell phone video shows a police officer admonishing a 15-year-old boy. their identities have been concealed. the teen has been handcuffed and told he is under arrest. the crime?
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having sex with the officer's 14-year-old step-daughter. >> not a good thing the person you had sex with is a cop's daughter. >> reporter: the video actually shot by the boy's father, who can also be heard admonishing his son. as the police officer threatens the boy with criminal charges. >> we're going to file charges on you for having sex with a minor. >> >> reporter: after five minutes the officer undoes the handcuffs and later tells the family he had no intention to make an arrest and only there to send the boy a message, something the family now says is a gross misuse of police power. >> the officer is about two feet away from him towering over him. with his right hand on his duty weapon. in my opinion, he committed a kidnapping. he committed false imprisonment. >> reporter: in a statement to cbs news, the officer's attorney responded saying that the officer is in control and is clearly concerned with the unlawful sexual relations the young man has had with the officer's daughter.
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every parent would agree this is sage advice and we should not allow this message to be lost because of a misplaced focus on what the girl's father was wearing. but for now, that uniform has been taken away. the officer has been suspended as authorities investigate the case. >> i think the fact it was a step-father who intervened is going to make this less likely to be a criminal charge. people understand how in family matters people get very upset. >> reporter: the officer also delivered a similar message to his step-daughter by taking her on a fake drive to juvenile hall. harry. >> priya, what's going to happen to this cop? >> reporter: well, the teen-aged boy is not showing much mercy, he actually wants the officer to go to jail. there is an internal affairs review going on and the police chief is looking at changing rules how cops interact with family members or people thee know in these situations. prosecutors are looking at charges and will decide if they file within the next few days. >> priya david-clemens this morning in california thank you very much.
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up next, "saturday night live" returns and takes on everyone from christine o'donnell to david paterson, plus katy perry's very funny take on the elmo controversy. we'll break it all down for you, when we come back.
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best deal this side of sunrise, so come in and we'll make yours! get a western egg white muffin melt and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. just $2.50. build your better breakfast today at subway! just $2.50. words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense.
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i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. our correspondent armen keteyian even with my busy schedule. i got my flu shot on saturday afternoon -- when it worked best for me. my flu shot is on a day that's convenient for me. [ female announcer ] schedule your flu shot appointment at or call 1-888-flu-shot,
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or just come in to find a time that's right for you. available evenings and weekends too at every cvs pharmacy. flu shots your way at cvs/pharmacy and minute clinic. 137bz. the 35th season of "saturday night live" premiered over the weekend and as usual the show jumped right back in the political fray. >> the latest polls have you trailing, because of the media's fixation on trivial things in the past like your talk about dabbling in witchcraft. >> you guys, i was 16. >> a controversial start there, as always, choosing tea party nominee christine o'donnell as first target. former cast member amy polar returned, hosting the show, her first time hosting but not the only alum joined by her fellow
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former castmates tina fay, jimmy fallon, rachel dratcch and justin timberlake for a special cameo. musical guest and pop powerhouse katy perry rocking two songs "california gurls" and "teen-aged dreams" the moment of the night new york governor david paterson mocked for years decided, hey, if you can't beat them, join them. >> and to tell you that working in albany is just like watching "saturday night live." there are a lot of characters, it's funny for ten minutes and then you just want it to be over [ laughter ] . >> it was pretty good. i have to say. >> great. >> he was fantastic on it. that was a very funny part but just kind of getting ribbing because they have funny skits and people say, the next news, do the rest of it -- >> i love when the real person being imitated comes on to be with their fake version. >> let's just go through history, though. when he was first mocked, do you
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remember his outrage? >> sure. >> at -- at -- >> like erica said, if you can't beat them, join them. >> exactly right, smart thing to do. >> as a politician, it's a smart thing to do. >> what about sarah palin -- >> absolutely. >> a classic moment. >> and justin timberlake comes back like a regular cast member at this point. >> he will be on our show soon but won't try to kiss, i we don't think, any of us. >> look out dave price. >> might get lucky. you're watching "the early show." cascade complete pacs. the best of cascade powder and gel in one pac. dual forces combine and conquer. sending stuck-on food and greasy messes to a watery grave. ♪ that was easy. [ male announcer ] cascade complete pacs. combine and conquer.
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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[ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ ...made with real fruit and now with more of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. let's see how low we can go. let's do some little things... that help us save big. add some insulation here. a little weather stripping there. maybe an energy star-rated appliance, or two. let's save money on the things that keep saving money. that way, we can turn a little energy into a lot of savings. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of staying at room temperature with owens corning insulation -- just $10.44 per roll.
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with owens corning insulation --
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good morning. it's 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. hyundai is reconciling thousands of cars in the united states. it's to correct a manufacturing defect that could cause drivers to lose steering control. the recall covers nearly 140,000 sonata sedans. hyundai says some of the cars had steering column shaft that had assembly problems including loose connections. prosecutors could decide in about a week whether to file charges against a san jose police officer for his treatment of a teenager he accused of having sex with his stepdaughter. the officer is accused of handcuffing the 15-year-old and telling him it was a mistake to have sex with a cop's daughter. the cause of an itchy rash people are getting after swimming at crown beach in alameda has been found.
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researchers traced the rash tie previously unknown parasite. the culprit is a microscopic flatworm carried by an invasive species. it's called the japanese bubble snail. traffic and weather right after this. ir . moh-ohm. -do you have your lunch? -yes. and you know where your classroom is? uh huh. mom, i can walk from here. what about your... mom, i got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] they're never too big for a little something sweet. kellogg's rice krispies treats. greed. the wealthiest corporations. billions in profits and bonuses.
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and the sacramento politicians just gave these same corporations a new billion dollar handout... paid for by cuts to education and public safety with no guarantee of creating one new job. but we can change this by voting yes on proposition 24. prop 24 repeals the billion dollar giveaway and protects our schools and communities. yes on prop 24. it's time to give us a break... not the big corporations. good morning from the traffic center. we start off with muni delays so heads up. we have reports of delays for subway trains. they are being run in manual mode again only the subway trains for muni.
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k and m trains are being held at saint francis circle. no further information but expect delays. bart, ace and caltrain no problems. 85 at 17 two left lanes down jammed from cottles to el camino. that's a look at your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, gianna. boy plenty of sunshine is expected. here's a look in san jose. a little haze out there this morning, but it's going to be a little hot later on today. 97 degrees forecasted at san jose. seven-day forecast 75 along the coast in our warmest spots. near 90 around the bay and up to 103 inland. still hot tuesday but cooling down for the weekend.
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a little stormy monday thing going out there. out on the plaza, enthusiastic. >> we thank them for that. >> dave will be out to greet them. i'm harry smith along with maggie rodriguez. so thick with this, holiday decorations are out. you know what that means? christmas is right around the corner. we're going to help you get a jump-start on shopping for your kids by show ug this season's super, super hot toys before they sell out. >> or before they jack up the price so much that you can't even afford to buy one for your
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kid. also ahead, the results of a medical stud they looked at 50,000 teenagers and what they drink. about one therpd had more than three beverages a day sweetened with sugar. that is lead togo to obesity. and erica hill at the newsdesk with another check of the headlines. good morning. >> good morning again an good morning to you at home. more flooding expected this morning in the midwest. a levee pushed to its limits in wisconsin is now on the verge of breaking. cbs news correspondent cynthia bowers is with us. >> reporter: good morning. 150 homes remain here at risk on a foggy morning. a portion of this sand levee, what officials call failure mode. that mean as breach could be imminent. some sandbags was under way to shore up weak spots as residents were asked to evacuate. those that stayed behind did so
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with the caveat knowing the only road out was being shut down. the river at its highest level since 1938. this morning, will a levee built in the 1890s survive. a big merger, southwest airlines planning to buy airtran for $1.4 billion. the two low-cost carriers would operate from more than 100 different airports. u.s. and allies forces engaged in a critical combat operation against the taliban happening in southern afghanistan now. at least 16 american troops have been killed in "operation dragon strike" that began several days ago and includes ground and air forces targeting the stronghold of kandahar. the three-pronged attack, designed to prevent the taliban from escaping, expecting heavy
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fighting and return with rocket grenades and small arms. over the weekend pentagon officials go to extreme to stop a book from going public. they bought and destroyed the entire first run print. 9,500 copies, of the book "operation dark heart "written by lieutenant colonel anthony who feared that book would reveal military secrets. a bit closer to pulling out the 33 trapped miners in chile. we have the latest. >> reporter: some of the latest equipment to arrive at the mine site overt weekend was greeted with cheers. rescuers plan to use this capsule painted in the colors of chile's flag to pull the 33 trapped miners to the surface. one by one. it's dubbed the phoenix, because it could offer the miners new life. officials are aiming for a november rescue. it's what we are all waiting for, and i'm happy, this sister of a trapped miner says.
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even more happy, because of the capsule. officials demonstrated how someone can fit into the cage, which is about two feet wide, roughly the size of a bicycle tire. this capsule has oxygen, with communication and chile's mining minister explained a system that in case of emergency allows us to unhinge the bottom part. that, in case the capsule should get jammed. half a mile below ground, miners continue to receive life sustaining supplies through several smaller shafts. and they've begun preparing for their rescue by exercising. some are said to be jogging through the winding tunnels below the collapsed part of the mine. the 33 men will likely be pulled through one of three separate rescue tunnels being drilled toward them. the trip should be roughly 15 minutes long. while that trip may not come for five or more weeks, family
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members at the site are optimistic that the early arrival of the capsule could signal an earlier rescue. perhaps sometime in october. for cbs news, los angeles. and here's katie couric now with a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." good morning. you know, everybody in the world has a story. even this man about his close encounter with a hungry camel in the australian outback. >> it's eating me! >> we'll have that and more tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to the "early show." >> become as meal. dave price with another check of the weather. he is outside braving the elements on the plaza and every good, dedicated weatherman does this. >> oh, erica. you guys are missing a good time out here. because whether it's raining or not, we have got a very enthusiastic group of people here. now, i don't know if you
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remember when you were a kid the commercials on tv for reading is fundamental, or rif, but we have great kids here who are terrific spellers from the macy's sixth annual spelling bee and the champion right here. row are you? >> great. >> nice to see you. >> we've got friends from jamaica here reminding us that the weather may be a little bit better there today, and all the way at this end -- we've got some young people in love celebrating 50 years and 4 days today. nice t
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this weather report sponsored by subway restaurants. build your better breakfast and grab lunch to go, too. >> and that's a quick look at your weather picture. one more shout out today to the miracle workers at st. jude's children's hospital pup guys just got back with who? >> with colin. >> and he's doing hoe well? >> awesome.
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awesome. >> well, colin, how about a fist bump? there we go. again, thank you to st. jude's hospital. folks, that's a quick look at your weather picture. maggie, bag inside to you. i'm going to dry off. >> what a cutie. how sugared sweetened beverages could are ruining your kids' health. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. and it's a slam dunk. i like my breakfast sandwich with green peppers, onion, banana peppers and mustard. i like eggs with black forest ham on wheat. with everything. i like a little kick. that's a good call. i like mine with egg whites. and... a napkin. [ male announcer ] have you built your better breakfast? now's the time! try our better-for-you western egg white muffin melt or the dee-licious double bacon egg and cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast.
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pepcid® complete works now and works later. at the end of the day as they do at the beginning? air optix® contact lenses have superior deposit resistance for cleaner lenses. air optix®, the lens you can survive a long day in. go to for a free one month trial offer. gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at
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in this morning's health watch in this morning's healthwatch, teenager obesity and sugar-sweetened beverages. a new study finds these beverages can be a significant factor in weight gain, even obesity. our dr. jennifer ashton is here to run this down for us. good morning. >> good morning, maggie. >> first in the interest of full disclosure you are an investor on the advisory board of a sports drink, exactly the kind of the study. things sugar has been added,
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soda, juice that's not all juice and sports drinks. >> first we have to ask why they did the study. as we know, because we hear about it all the time, obesity is such an enormous problem in our teenagers, in our children so they really sought to figure out why. once you isolate factors individually, hopefully you can target the treatment and reduce those behaviors that may be playing a role. obviously we can't do anything about our genetics or family history. that's why we did the study, they wanted to look at specifics. how much are they drinking, how much of it, what else are they eating and doing. >> they found you don't have to drink very much to gain a significant amount of weight. one 15 ounce could mean. >> 15 pounds or more a year. that is a staggering fact. let's talk about what the study did. as you said, it was done in texas. they looked at over 15,000 teenagers, eighth and 11th grade, boys and girls,
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cross-section of ethnic groups. they really identified what they were drinking, how much of it, what else they were eating and what they were doing. this is a study that looked at diet and behavior. what they found was that the teenagers who drank soda -- we're not talking about diet soda here but teenagers who drank soda actually exercised less, they were less active and they ate more unhealthy foods. boys drank more soda than girls and it increased as they got older. also boys who were economically disadvantaged drank more than soda than girls. interestingly on the flip side, they found teenagers who consumed sports-like beverages actually exercised more, they were more active and tended to eat more healthy foods. the thinking here is that it may have to do with how those beverages are advertised or marketed. >> some claim to even have health benefits, is it just marketing? >> it really is. there's controversy within the field of how important these sports drinks really are for
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you. we really need to be clear here, if you're doing 60 or 90 minutes or more of strenuous aerobic activity, drenched in sweat, then, yes, sports drinks can be helpful to replace sugar, water, electrolytes you've lost but really water is best in case you're talking about occasional consumption. >> keep is occasional. what else for healthy choices. >> first of all, if you are going to allow your teenager to consume these sports drinks, make it clear only after strenuous exercise. that's one important thing. can you dilute it with water, taper them down off the concentration of this sweetened beverage. obviously you want to emphasize water and milk, skimmed milk or low fat milk. teenagers are not drinkingen enough water. that obviously is important for their health. mit consumption. tell your teenager, once in a while fine.
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on a daily basis not good. >> coming up, not lost anymore, daniel day kim, one of the new stars of hawaii five 0 is in our studio cbs. without the pills. no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief. in the science of color with quattron. by adding a fourth color -- yellow... yellow. banana. the standard rgb color system,
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quattron produces more colors... banana! ...and makes images brighter. banana! banana! when seen in 3d -- whoa! whoa! aah! quattron makes tv so realistic... whoa! won't believe your eyes. [ male announcer ] aquos quattron 3d from sharp. [ engineer laughs ] ou you have to see it, to see . what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby!
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instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? looks just right with the scenes of new york in the background. the hot new remake of one of tv's great shows "hawaii five-o" is back. daniel dae kim is back, doing impressive juggling fighting international terrorists, investigating murders and supporting his cousin, also his teammate. >> you really proved yourself out there today.
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you've earned this. for the record, i wouldn't have missed your graduation for anything. >> and daniel dae kim is with us live in the studio this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> does it all seem real yet? you are seven years on "lost". >> right. six. >> six, story. all of a sudden to be in this new show in a completely different realm. >> yeah, it is a little bit odd, you know, but it's a completely different realm but still on the same island. it was a little bit strange for me to kind of be going back to the same locations where we shot so many important scenes to "lost" but with a whole new crew and whole new cast and under very different circumstances. >> didn't i read this correctly you were finishing "lost" as the pile was shot for five-0 and there was a very dramatic end to
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"lost" and you were trying to run over and do this pilot at the same time? >> that's right, as we shot scenes in a submarine and i don't want to spoil it for -- >> seven people who didn't see it. >> as we shot scenes in the submarine i was actually shooting the pilot for five-0 so doing double duty, for sure. >> when this opportunity to do "lost" came along, you decided to move to hawaii. >> uh-huh. >> right? so your whole family is there. >> right. >> and how great was it, then, when you had this job opportunity to do "hawaii five-o" to be able to stay? >> you know, i feel incredibly fortunate to be on two quality shows regardless where you are in the world, very lucky and to have them both be in hawaii, i don't know what the odds are of that but i bet they are pretty slim. >> you must be looked at then like as almost the local. you've lived there so long and sort of know what's up. what has been like for your fellow castmates from five-0 o then to come and sort of experience the island with you? >> well, i'm glad to be --
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>> islands, i i should say. >> well done. i'm glad to be able to kind of show them around with what i know. i remember when we first moved to the island, the cast of "lost" first moved to the island, we didn't know anyone and so we hung out with each other and kind of explored together. it would have been great to have a little tour guide or host to show me the quiet spots to eat. so, i was happy to do that for them. >> as you have, you're just come back to the mainland in the last day or so, what was it like when the show finally aired last monday night and then everybody on the, you know, everybody in hawaii got a chance to see it, did it feel like everybody watched it? >> it really did. you know, i guess, you know, there was an awareness of it nationally but in hawaii it's the namesake show and so everyone has an opinion how hawaii "hawaii five-o" should go. matter of fact i walked home after one day of shooting and there was a note in my mailbox from one of the neighbors, who had said, you know, i really enjoy your show but please tell scott to speak up.
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>> wow. have you shared that with him yet? >> i haven't. well, now i have. >> now you have. people really have of a proprietary interest on what happens, what's portrayed, what's authentic, what's not authentic. >> absolutely, from everything to the locations to how we speak pigeon to use of the hawaiian language, they are very, very piniated and want it to be as authentic as possible. >> there must be a phenomenal sense of pride about a show like that that's actually named after the. coming back and then it must be terrific for you, then, to be swept up and be part of it. >> you know, i call hawaii my home. so, to be able to represent hawaii in this way is really special. you know, as far as, you know, the namesake goes it's a double-edged sword because on one hand you are bringing hawaii to the world but people are very aware they don't want to show hawaii as a crime-riddleplace where all sorts of terrible stuff is going on all the time. >> that's not the case, i'm sure you know. >> verse.
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>> the other thing i think is interesting about this, i imagine being able to come home and say, i've got this job and your kids being able to say, we don't have to move has got to be a huge, huge deal. >> it was a big deal because, as "lost" was finishing we would sit down and have family conversations ba what we were going to do next and it was, you know, i have a teenager at home and he's very opinionated -- [ laughter ] >> -- and i wanted to make sure the whole family was happy. >> last night was the debut -- i mean, last monday night. up against "monday night football" and all kinds of other things and the show did gang buster numbers right? >> i think we did really well. we're thrilled. i thought cbs did a great job of boosting us as much as they could and a product we can all be proud of. >> you have family here in new york city, as well as pennsylvania? >> that's right. >> they are going to come see you. >> we'll have lunch in rainy new york. >> there you go. thanks very much for stopping by. really appreciate it. you can see whoi five oh,
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tonight at 10:009:00 central on, [ female announcer ] jerry brown and oakland's schools. what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases 50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now.
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it's 8:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. three weeks after the san bruno pipeline explosion, lawmakers are taking action. congresswoman jackie speier plans to introduce the bill in the glenview neighborhood this morning. it calls for stronger regulation of natural gas pipeline. lawyers for a death row inmate scheduled for execution wednesday will ask for a stay of execution this morning in marin county. albert greenwood brown was convicted of killing a 15-year- old girl in southern california. friday, a federal judge in san jose cleared the way for brown's execution. prosecutors could decide in about a week whether to file charges against the san jose police officer accused of a fake arrest against a teenager. the officer says the 15-year- old boy had sex with his stepdaughter. he is accused of going to the
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boy's home in uniform and handcuffing him. we'll have more on your morning commute plus your weather forecast. both coming right up. ,,,,,,,,
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our state has a huge deficit. meg whitman's plan will make it billions worse by eliminating the capital gains tax for wealthy investors, including herself. economists say her plan will "rip a hole in the budget" and is "deeply flawed". analysts for the l.a. times say whitman's plan is a "pure handout" to the rich creating a "huge risk" to schools and public safety. jerry brown's against this unfair giveaway because it will take billions from our children when we can least afford it. get california working again-for all of us. good morning from the traffic center. we are dealing with delays from muni. muni running with delays, no outbound underground muni service. bus shuttles are in place. bart system statewide on time as well as caltrain. northbound 85 at union avenue the left lane still blocked fire crews on the scene for this accident. they are trying to get it off
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the road. traffic jammed in the area. speeds around 22 miles an hour. san jose northbound 280 stacked up. slow and go 27 minutes from 101- 680 to highway 85. that's a look at your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, gianna. it is going to be a hot one at a. temperatures up to 103 today in our hottest spots. here's a look toward coit tower. we have plenty of blue skies and sunshine. here's your seven-day forecast. temperatures from 70s at the coast, near 90 around the bay. and again, up to triple digits heat well inland. more hot temperatures expected tuesday. but do note, wednesday, thursday, friday, temperatures are cooling down and by the weekend, a lot more seasonal, a lot more mild weather expected. before today, yeah, it's going to be hot. ,,,,,,,,
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no monday blues here. welcome back to "the early show." yes, only september but we feel we need to tell you what this year's hottest holiday toys will be because they will go like this. you know you'll be tuck in the toy store with a mad rush but if you listen to us we'll reveal some of the best and i want to introduce you to the nerf and strike stampede blaster, guys. this is no joke. a long way since the nerf is ball of our childhood. check this out. which camera? this one? ooh. >> tons of fun. tons of fun. >> can i see that? >> of course, you can. because the old nerf one had -- here, pick that up a second,
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back in the day, you'd be able to shoot like one of these at a time maybe and no be able to shoot multiple. >> not have to reload. >> exactly. >> shoot it there. >> all right? >> never gets old. >> maggie, things we have to learn about now that we are boy moms, a whole new world i'm discovers. >> we used to have a little thing called the weapons draw. >> -- barbie. >> -- called the weapons drawer. >> did you, in the smith household. >> oh, yes. >> this is my future. >> there may be room in that drawer for all the toys. if you are looking at a house you know it's a buyer's market but some are frankly incredible and sound too good to be true. we'll show you homes this morning, all different areas of the country, now on the market for 65% below their original asking price. they could be in your neighborhood, nice looking properties. 65%. >> thanks for the -- >> if you've heard sort of what's that sound in the background?
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that is the sound of excellence. >> and the smell. >> the sound of excellence, two of the best known chefs in the world in our kitchen with us live this morning, thomas keller and daniel boulud to share a wonderful recipe with us this morning for your slow cooker, all right? love that. but, they're also here to talk about a very prestigious competition that they are helping coach the american team on and they'll tell us all about that in just a moment. >> first, let's check with dave outside with a final check of the weather. 'morning. >> morning, maggie. all right, guys, the rain has not diminished the enthusiasm of the crowd out here. i am going to put down my umbrella, which is actually an old prop from the donnie and marie show and say hello to these great people from chile's doing their best to raise money to fight childhood cancer. they're involved with st. jude's hospital we mentioned a while ago.
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and, again, if you want to learn more about it, create a thank you to everyone. i'll take one of these lovely shirts. we appreciate your efforts on behalf of
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[ cheering ] >> real quickly. if people want to help out this cause for st. jude's, what do they do? >> eat at chile's today, 100% of the profits go to st. jude or you can text 90999 hope to 9099. >> there we go. >> thanks again. that's your weather picture. you know what you need to do. we'll send it back inside. >> thanks. these are not the golden days for anyone hoping to sell a home but if you want a silver lining here, take a look at the buyers who can find incredible deals.
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cbs news business and economic correspondent rebecca jarvis joining us with examples. the latest housing numbers are sort of, there is a bit of positive news in this, as well. >> a little bit of positive news. >> looking for a silver lining. >> always trying to find it. existing home sales still at the lowest level since 1963 for new homes, as well, looking at very low levels but the prices are just starting to show signs of notching up. if you want to buy right now, there are pretty amazing deals to be had. >> you've taken a look, a snapshot of the country, a number of areas, perhaps not the traditional areas we hear about when you think you could get a bargain on your home, not talking about sunbelt states. >> some are. we'll get to those but illinois is a place to take a look. one of the reasons illinois's property is so depressed they've had really terrible unemployment in the state of illinois higher than the national average. our first home is in westchesser, illinois, a three-bedroom cape cod style one bath on the market 417 days.
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that gives you a sense, a long time to be on the market. >> over a year. >> started out at $216,000. now, $74,900. that's more than a hundred thousand dollars off the original asking price for the home right now. >> that is amazing to think you can get a house for that price especially right now. >> right. 65% off. >> in fe nooiks, arizona a sunnier area. >> yeah. >> i was thinking more florida when i said that. >> sure. >> when you look at an area like phoenix, as we know hit really hard obviously you'll be able to get a good bargain. this place, though, also off 65%. this is just in three months it's been on the market. >> yeah. and you what see, particularly in places like arizona, which have just faced massive deductions in home values and, also, issues with the unemployment rate there, so many people bought homes hoping to flip them in arizona. you do see a lot of deals and major reductions in arizona, this is a three-bedroom 2.5 bath on the market for 97 days, started out at $570,000.
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now is $200,000. so, a reduction of $370,000. there you see the house, what you see inside is that it still needs flooring and cabinetry. it needs some interiors, as far as doors and things like that. you have to, buying this one, you have to say i'm ready to also invest in this one, what you see with some of these great deals. >> and to invest in that particular market, right. >> exactly. you have to be ready to invest in that. also, i should say, you have to be ready to live there an extended period of time. the days of buying real estate and flipping it for the average person are done. you can't go out and think you are going to make $100,000 on something by just buying it and flipping it. >> you have to be more realistic. a house in east haddon, connecticut, not from where i grew up, a beautiful area of the state. >> beautiful. >> beautiful home. the water's right there but i can't believe the house of this house. >> it has come down. it started out above a million dollars. it's been on the market now for 848 days. >> ohh.
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>> so, we're talking three years on the market at this point. it is now $429,000, massive, massive, more than 500,000 dollars off the cost of this home. pilots and boaters are the kind of people that might be interested in this. as you know from growing up in the area there is a lot of water and a great area for the outdoor type person and, of course, you see this major discount. >> i can't believe that discount. finally as we go to florida, lake worth, florida this house scares me a bit seeing the same reduction, huge reduction on price but on the market for over 1200 days. years and years on the market. can this even be a good investment at this point. >> well, again, you have to think about it as a long-term investments and in this case, we're looking at a property that was built in 2006. it's pretty much been on the market ever since it was built. started out like i should say at $994,000. now it is $345,000 and in this case, what you're going to get is probably a short sale. which means that the buyer is actually owing probably more on the home than what it's worth
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right now as far as the mortgage goes. the bank is going to come along and say, you know what, we'll give you a discount to what your original mortgage is and we're going to agree we're going to, as a bank, lose a little money on this home. the seller has to pay for the rest. >> we want to get rid of it. >> exactly. >> thanks. >> thanks, erica. >> maggie? >> thank you. do you remember the sh shu shu hets? they are so 2009. even in this tough economy, the average hosshold spends $300 every year per child on toys. joining us with the early hot toy picks for the upcoming holiday season parenting sxerlt shannon eis contributor at "time to play" magazine. good morning. >> good morning, maggie. >> doing 2010 toys. >> we are. >> including this just out. the shallest laptop i've seen from leap frog. this is teeny weeny. >> this is great. not many parents frantically going to the sores but giving them tips how to kick off the
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holiday shopping season with perhaps less chaos. a good sdpampl is giving people lists, the appropriate ties to give your children. people gift giving young children want to do right and feel good ba what they are giving educational products play into that. this is about $25. it is a sturdy portable kid-friendly version of a laptop that keeps your gadget safe and away from them and one of those gifts gift-givers feel good about and children feel good about. >> for what age. >> starts about 18 months, really good for that toddler. >> people might say i don't want my kid to get into technology so soon but i have a preschool child and they start on computers that age. >> they are modeling. they want to do what you are doing but it is important to give them a balanced toy box which we can talk about next. thing-a-ma-jigs quite the thing on the market. you pick up your alto and i'll pick up my base.
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a big plus for the industry. squeeze their hand for different modes. left hand welcome you, next get ready to sing and the next one is they can harmonize together. if you squeeze their bellies -- you can get all four into the action. >> that could drive me crazy. >> you know what's great about it they are made for preschoolers the big collect sdikt for an older audience and expected to be big sellers. >> i know adults buy them and put them on youtube videos. >> stars of the internet. they sing different songs and they interact. >> very good. a very popular cartoon on disney now have a toy? >> they do. why we are talking about, this the entertainment industry really drives a lot of what is happening. kids favorite characters are favorites for play. the reason we are showing for this, it will sell out fast a brand-new loop playset from the chuggington play. coming out for the very first time this holiday season in very
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limited supply. if parents are really interested this bringing this play into their home they might want to take a look early. this is an example of the type of play. if we owe had the batteries in it it would shoot through the loop and across the studio. we won't do that but you get a sense of the play. geared towards boys but the property and color really fanatic. >> and "toy story 3" you know will be big this year because it all about the movie. >> right. the movie grossed $300 million and ticket sales domestically. you see buzz lightyear. robotics, animated toys are really popular. this is an expensive price point an $80 product, very interactive flips into spanish mode. we turn him on he'll be all over the place, remote controlled really fantastic but really showing this because we expect that property to drive a lot of sales this season. a tip for parents across the board, if you see it, grab it early and save yourself the trouble. for all of these, try to do online reviews early. a lot of sites show video reviews of the product and will
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give a sense how it works, is it right for your child, is it an appropriate play pattern. before you put lists together or run to the store look at online reviews and consumer reports. >> so easy to do. finally the studio favorite. >> the nerf stampede blaster. we got a bit of a show earlier but i can hand it to you again. what is interesting about this, nerf is traditionally outdoor play pattern but this is really interactive as you can see a full 18-clip magazine. rapid-fire. >> your cameraman. >> -- wearing his armor. >> we can switch the magazine clip. what's great about this from nerf all of the realtime play in a safe form. it's also a $50 price point so bigger price tags during the holidays. we know $300 average so you can see how much is put into holidays. >> shannon, thank you so much. this is really helpfull. we'll have it all on our website,
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over to two chefs and a sorta chef. >> and a pretender. >> a poser. >> that's right, exactly right. they the cooking goods are smiling on us today because we have two great chefs with us this morning. daniel boulud owns ten award winning restaurants including new york's daniel, the author of a number of great cookbooks including including: and thomas keller executive chef and owner of new york's per se & california's french laundry, as well as author of "ad hoc at home" daniel and thomas head up the american team at prestigious international bocuse d'or competition here to make an amazing slow-cooked lamb dish. >> home cooking today. >> home cooking. >> he's the chef, i'm the [ inaudible ]. >> we hope we will be successful. >> i wonder about this. this is, i looked through the
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recipe in the beginning and i thought, even someone who is inexperienced would have trouble screwing had up. >> you are absolutely right. i mean, it's just really need to brown off the lamb shoulder. we'll put it in our all-clad cook our beans we haven't even soaked. >> you don't even have to soak those overnight or anything. >> no, they are good to go. it is very, very simple. >> this has been braised in like a canola oil or something, make sure it is all brown all around. >> right. we seasoned, browned it off. this is lamb, from one of our sponsors. then we have lamb stock, we've made this or you can use chicken stock or water. >> okay. i usually don't have lamb stock lying around. >> i know. we're chefs and we do. >> so rue. >> flour and butter. >> all right. so with the stock. >> now we'll pour the stock over the beans and turn our --
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>> -- and put it on high on high for three hours. after three hours we'll add all of our vegetables. we have turnips, carrots, garlic, beautiful fall onions, bouquet garnie. cover it up, we have our vegetables. >> really the magic of the old slow cooker really will never burn the stew. >> can you see this? look how beautiful that is. that is absolutely gorgeous. >> no fuss. you can go to something else for three hours, put your vegetables in two hours come back, five-hour cook time. >> both of you, accomplished xefs that exist in the united states how have you come together, then, to team up to help foster this competition over in leon? >> i'm from leon. about two and a half three years ago [ inaudible ] called me and say, you know, you -- every year, every two years in leon america is participating to
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the bocus d'or. >> but never win. >> most difficult competition for chefs, certainly and say, well, i would like to suddenly have america do better. and would you be able to get involved and do something? so, the first thing i did, i called thomas and i said, i think a great chef from leon will call you and may want us to team up to help the bocue d'or in america. >> he really did throw down a challenge. >> the phone rang, i answered, will you be involved. what do you do? >> and he got involved with us, also, as -- so the three of us are managing bucser 'dorusa. >> how do you form a team to find the young chefs to be in
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the competition. >> we have a competition and reach out to the chefs in america to give us their best candidates and then we choose 12 of them and they go -- we had a national competition at the cia, this year, the culinary institute of america and the team won were james kent and jeff allen -- they have trained eight months and will train until the end of december, this year, and we'll all go to leon. hopefully, we'll come back with -- >> because in all the years of competition i think no american team has won. >> yes, the best was -- the chef from french laundry. >> came in sixth last year. >> sixth last year with very short preparation. >> we only had four months. >> this is super intensified graduate school for these guys to hang out with you and be under your tulle laj to be in this competition. >> like the olympic of competition. each country chooses their best
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to compete and takes all the skill a chef should require to win. >> very, very intensive, five hours to cook this competition. >> just stunning. listen, we'll have our eyes on thcompetition when it comes around. thomas keller, daniel, really great to see you both and if you would like to -- i'm going to taste this in a second, put this recipe and more on the competition bocue d'or go to our website news. that's right. >> a little bit of [ inaudible ]. >> yes, everyone can be a donor when they go to the website because we need to raise a lot of money in order to win soimplsts come to our website, donate. >> at www -- >> i'm handing over the money now. >> dot org. dot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back, everybody. >> never so happy this morning. >> have you ever seen lamb so tender you could put it with a spoon. >> people waiting to pounce on this. >> understandably why. >> look at thamplsts one of the questions -- >> make this at the bocuse d'or, you will win. >> the thing, is both of you have put your prestige on the line to say we are here to compete so there is pressure, right? >> very much so, we also have a wonderful committee of chefs in our group, as well. >> 33 of america's best chefs. >> good luck to you. have a great day, everybody. >> go, usa! ,( upbeat music playing )
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they say it's the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern. carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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it's 8:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. researchers have found the cause of an itchy rash many swimmers are getting after taking a dip in an alameda beach. it's a parasite called a microscopic flatworm carried by an invasive species the japanese bubble sale. the highway transportation agency won't support a total ban on cell phone use while driving. safety officials say the ban would be too harden to force. california has already banned texting and holding the phone while talking and driving. in an hour caltrain will introduce new suicide prevention signs along the railroad tracks. they line a 10-mile stretch from menlo park to the mountain view station. they were created with the help
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of mental health experts and list the telephone number of a crisis intervention center. we have more on your morning commute plus your weather forecast, it's getting hot. they are both coming right up. ,,,, i spend three hours on my homework -- or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along!
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[ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. good morning from the traffic center. muni delays. all outgoing underground service is suspended. bus shuttle are being used for
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lines n, k and j. expect delays. bart is an alternate. there are 55 trains on time for bart. caltrain problem-free. elsewhere, we are seeing stop and go eastbound 4 into emeryville. approaching the bay bridge toll plaza better, backed up to the first overpass, not bad in the carpool and fastrak lanes. that's a look at your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, gianna. well, we're coming off of a nice weekend. and if you like the weekend you'll probably like today except temperatures will be warmer. here's a look out toward the transamerica building. blue skies, plenty of them, with all those blue skies and minimal clouds today. temperatures will be hot up to 103 inland, near 90 in our hottest spots around the bay and the mid-70s for the coastline. temperatures will start to cool off a bit especially around midweek as the lower 90s move into the forecast. lower site of around the bay and the mid- to upper 60s expected along the coast. ,,,,,,,,
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