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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  September 26, 2010 5:00am-6:30am PST

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning. i'm charles osgood and this is sunday morning. autumn officially began this past week. and for much of the country, that means colorful leaves and cool, crisp temperatures are on the way. normally. but with the abnormal weather the world has been experiencing, who's to say? climate change may be creating a new normal. the same thing with the economy. what does normal mean now? martha teichner will be
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reporting our cover story. >> reporter: if your description of the current economy can't be repeated, how about the new normal? >> typically in a business cycle, we get back to the same economic path we were on. people get their old jobs back. or nearly their old jobs. but this time around, we are not going to be able to go back on the same road. >> reporter: later this sunday morning taking stock of the new normal. >> osgood: from the new normal to the new season, veteran entertainer marlo thomas, still known to millions as "that girl" has accomplished a lot since that early tv role. with rita braver this morning we'll be doing some catching up. >> reporter: she created a classic children's video. >> does anybody have any? >> reporter: she played rachael's mother on "friends." but she's always be remembered for her tv series....
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>> that girl. >> you walk down the street and people go that girl. >> i'm just amazed that they still do. >> reporter: later on sunday morning, marlo thomas. on her career and life with phil donahue. >> osgood: much in the news this new season is music super star katy perry. this morning anthony mason brings us up to date. ♪ >> reporter: she's the pop princess who scoreded the biggest hit of the summer. do you think there are people who don't take you seriously enough yet? >> i mean, come on. i've got a whipped cream bra. >> hi, elmo. >> reporter: she might be too sexy for sesame street. but later on sunday morning, we visit with california girl katy perry. >> there's just something really magical about this place. >> osgood: the rock stars our bill geist will be showing us have nothing to do with music
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but they've developed quite a following just the same. >> reporter: to most of us skipping stones is idle activity. something to do when you're not doing anything. >> nice skip. >> reporter: but to a select few, it's a highly competitive sport. >> there you go. >> reporter: we'll take you inside the world of plink, plonk and pitty-pat later on sunday morning. >> osgood: david edelstein reviews the new movie the social network. ben tracy shows us the colorful of designer kelly wearstler. food from thought from our man in paris david turecamo and more but first the headlines for this sunday morning the 26th of september, 2010. this morning bishop eddie long is addressing his congregation at the new birth missionary baptist church outside atlanta. bishop long, an outspoken gaiman rights opponent says he will address allegations that he sexually abused four teen-aged boys who were once
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part of his ministry. a poll commissioned by the associated press finds just 30% of americans in favor of the new health care law. 30% are neutral. 40% oppose it. four out of ten respondents say the new law doesn't do enough to change the health care system. in chile, good news for those 33 miners trapped since early august. the first of three specially built capsules designed to lift them to the surface has arrived tated mine. officials believe they can begin rescuing the miners by early november. in israel, restrictions on the construction of new settlements expire today. and some jewish settlers are getting ready to resume work on a settlement deep inside the west bank. palestinians are threatening to pull out of peace talks if construction resumes. the worst appears to be over as some rivers in the upper midwest begin to recede after heavy rains pelted the area. parts of south eastern minnesota however are still underwater. turning to today's forecast
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with highs in the 60s it's fall. fall is is falling into place in the northern part of the country. the south is still dealing with summer-like heat and thunderstorms. those patterns will hold in the week ahead with late september showers scattered here and there. ahead. >> that girl. >> osgood: that girl, marlo thomas. ♪ >> osgood: and california,,,, this is your captain speaking,
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we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey.
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>> osgood: the new normal is is an expression and a condition you may have to get used to. or so many economists are now telling us. for millions of americans even ostensibly good news is proving little to cheer about. our sunday morning cover story is reported now by martha teichner. >> reporter: this may come as a surprise to you, the timing was ironic. >> couric: but the recession is officially over. >> reporter: the announcement on monday that the great recession the over. >> i'm one of your middle class americans. >> reporter: just as president obama got an earful at a washington d.c. town hall meeting carried on c-nbc. >> my husband and i joked for years we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs and beans era of our lives. that might be where we're headed again. >> reporter: she dared to say what a lot of americans are thinking. >> mr. president, i need you
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to answer this honestly. is this my new reality? >> reporter: call it what you like. the new reality, the new normal. if you're middle class the answer is probably yes. the debt-driven boom we came to think of as normal isn't coming back any time soon. >> we are dreaming if we think the solution is a quick one. >> reporter: university of maryland economics professor carmen ryan hart, co-authored "this time is different" an 800-year survey of financial crises. >> recoveries from severe financial crises have historically not been swift. it's not a matter of months. it's not a matter of even a couple of years. >> reporter: ryan hart and her husband vincent, a resident scholar at the american enterprise institute in washington, recently compared major global meltdowns since the 1929 stock market crash. >> the message was basically
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pretty grim. that economies after a big financial crisis tend to grow about a percentage point slower than in the previous decade, and that the unemployment rate tends to be much higher. >> reporter: for an entire decade. >> for an entire decade. >> typically in a business cycle, we get back to the same economic path we were on. people get their old jobs back. or nearly their old jobs. but this time around, very much like the great depression, we are not going to be able to go back on the same road. >> reporter: former clinton labor secretary robert reich in a new book points out another ominous parallel between the great depression and the great recession: its cause. >> more and more of the income that was generated by the economy went to people at the top. >> reporter: in the last century, there were only two years, in 1928 just before the
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great crash, and then again in 2007, during which the richest 1% were taking home nearly a quarter of the entire income of the nation. >> the typical ceo is up to 350 times the salary and benefits of the typical worker. last year when most americans were suffering, the top 25 hedge fund managers each earned $1 billion. a billion dollars would pay the salaries of something like 20,000 teachers. >> i pledge allegiance.... >> reporter: that wage inequality, reich argues, is at the heart of our economic woes. and to fix things, we need to pray... pay those teachers and the rest of the middle class more not less so they can spend enough to kick-start the economy. yes, that means higher taxes for the rich. >> the economy depends 70% of demand on consumers and those
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consumers are essentially the middle class. people who are very rich, they spend a much smaller proportion of their income. >> no recovery will take place if we impose new taxes on the people we need to create jobs. >> reporter: in the partisan battle over the future of the bush tax cuts, reich disagrees. >> we provided a huge tax cut to the rich and nothing trickled down. after 2001 median wages actually dropped. >> reporter: the top tax rate now is 35%. if the bush tax cuts are allowed to expire nearly 40%. for the record, under president eisenhower, a republican, the top rate was 91%. really! middle class wages were rising and the rich actually got richer. >> henry ford understood this. he paid his workers $5 a day at the highland park model-t
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plant. that was a lot of money. that was about twice as much as the typical worker was earning. he said, you know, i'm going to make a lot of money because my workers are going to earn enough that they can turn around and buy the model-ts that they are making. you know something in henry ford was right. >> reporter: getting anybody to buy anything lately has been a challenge. new york's fashion week just ended. some of the collections were colorful. many were less edgy, more classic. according to fashion analyst david wolf. >> right now, we are going back to the idea of investment clothing. you don't want to buy something disposable because it ends up costing you too much money. >> reporter: in a recent survey, more than six out of ten americans said they've cut back on their spending since the recession began in december 2007. a major casualty: the housing
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market. and here's where american ingenuity comes in. in 2007 just as the recession hit blue homes of waltham massachusetts started manufacturing what it called the anti-mansion, a line of high quality modular homes. >> instead of spending $600,000 for a family that can really only afford $250,000 home, spend $250. >> reporter: laura mccarthy is co-founder of blue homes. >> we saw this opportunity coming where there was a crash in the housing market. all the big mcmansions were going down. >> reporter: yes, she did say "opportunity." >> let me just pull off the roof. >> reporter: ewen is can be customized with the click of a mouse. they literally fold up so they can be trucked to home sites. >> i expect to do 30 this year and 60 next year and probably tripling or quadruple that. >> reporter: that's been 30 new jobs already at the
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factory in springfield, massachusetts where with unemployment over 13% the old jobs are gone. >> there are always phoenixes that come out of the flames and that come out of the downfall of the economy. we felt like what that was was a real fire in the belly of americans to want to live differently. >> reporter: a couple of hours from phoenix, arizona, you can see on a larger scale what possibility looks like in the aftermath of the great recession. 350,000 solar panels covering 200 acres of desert, producing enough electricity to power 6,000 homes. >> the red in this case is good. >> reporter: rob gillette is ceo of first solar, one of the ten fastest growing companies in the united states according to fortune magazine. >> over the last five years first solar started and went public and had a handful of millions of revenue.
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this year we'll be $2.6 billion in revenue. >> reporter: first solar makes, installs and manages solar energy systems worldwide. at its u.s. manufacturing plant in perrys burg, ohio, it employs 1200 people and expects to hire more. >> i've talked to a few that used to work on the line for jeep or ford. now they work for us. >> reporter: the stock market closed the week up on encouraging news about the economy. right now, the new normal is shorthand for hard times. but times change. >> before we get too fatalistic, our market economy has historically proven to be pretty resilient. >> reporter: economist vincent ryan hart. >> ten years from now, we will be more resilient and better able to take advantage of good things that can happen.
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>> osgood: next.... >> right at the counter here. >> osgood: the great debate. logistics makes the world work better. ♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ carbon footprint reduced, bottom line gets a boost ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ with new ways to compete ♪ there'll be cheers on wall street, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when technology knows ♪ right where everything goes, that's logistics ♪
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♪ bells will ring, ring a ding ♪ ♪ ring a ding, ring a ding, that's logistics ♪ ♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪ >> camera 2, please. right here. >> osgood: now a page from our sunday morning almanac.
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september 26, 1960. 50 years ago today. the day american politics entered not just a new season but a whole new era. >> looking right at the camera here. >> reporter: for it was on that evening that candidates richard nixon the republican and john kennedy the democrat met in the first-ever televised debate between presidential nominees. the confrontation took place in a chicago tv studio which cbs news' legend and future "60 minutes" creator don hugh it in charge. >> i felt like a referee at a fight. i was giving them the last- minute instructions before they went to their corner and came out swinging. >> osgood: in the moments before both candidates warly tested the microphones. >> can you hear me now speaking? >> osgood: and checked out their appearance. >> i think i'd better shave. >> osgood: prophetic words as don hugh it recalled years later the recently ill and still pale richard nixon happened to hear kennedy
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decline hugh it's offer of professional tv make up. >> nixon heard kennedy say no. he needed some but he didn't want the papers to say one was made up and one doesn't. >> osgood: nixon opted for cheap over the counter make up and the battle was joined. >> in the election of 1860. >> reporter: an hour-long encounter under hot studio lights that most people remember not for their words you for the contrast between the cool and calm kennedy and the rumbled and nervous nixon. >> people who heard it over radio thought nixon one. people who watched it on television knew that kennedy won. that's not the way you should elect a president on who looks better. that's the way you elect miss america. >> osgood: nixon and kennedy would hold three more debates. to this day historians debate their true impact. still there's no denying that kennedy went on to win by the
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narrowest of margins. >> thank you very much. >> reporter:. >> osgood: richard nixon went on to win the white house in 1968 and '72 without debates. presidents kennedy and nixon are long gone, of course. we lost don hugh it just last year. >> it's time to change. >> reporter: presidential debates, on the other hand, seem here to stay. next, going hollywood. with designer kelly wearstler. while i was building my life... my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries... is a real reason to lower cholesterol... and that, along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol... it raises good. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup
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of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your arteries. ask your doctor if crestor can help and go to to get a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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when allergies make them itch, don't wait for your pills to kick in. choose alaway, from the eye health experts at bausch & lomb. it works in minutes and up to 12 hours. bausch & lomb alaway. because it's not just your allergies, it's your eyes.
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>> in here, my bedroom, i put my books because i think that books in a bedroom are so much more appropriate than in the living room. most people read in bed. >> osgood: the late dorothy draper was once the go-to authority on interior decore. that was then. who fills that role now? maybe the person our ben tracy has been to see. ♪ >> reporter: there was a time when glamor in hollywood was truly grand. today's tinsel town can often lack the elegance of the past. so i imagine you get quite a reaction to this. with that forgotten style has found a new voice. >> yes. the first thing you see when you walk in. so it draws you in, the space. >> reporter: meet interior designer kelly wearstler. >> this is in the same color family. >> reporter: her dazzling clothes and bold rooms invoke
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days gone by with a modern twist. her look is seen at hotels like the vice roy in santa monica and the avalon in beverly hills and in the homes of the rich and famous. it can easily overwhelm your senses. you actually said once living without color is like living without love. what does that mean? >> i mean everything is about color. if you look at at just magazines and advertising and television, it's like the thing you remember is the color. >> reporter: and these days lots of people remember wearstler's vivid work. she's been dubbed a taste maker, influencing the next big thing. >> who doesn't want to be glamorous? >> reporter: i think for many people around the world kelly's work exemplifies this fantasy of beautiful sun-baked life, glamor in california. >> reporter: mayor rus is the design and culture editor for los angeles magazine.
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>> kelly's genius is to be able to mix elements from all different eras, styles and periods. there's a certain bravery in what she does that flirts with going over the top but always stands just back from the edge. >> reporter: wearstler's work may exude california glitz, but she grew up on the other coast in myrtle beach, south carolina where she learned interior design from her mother. after studying design in boston, she moved to los angeles in 1994 to work on movie sets. like many, hoping to make it in hollywood she waited tables to pay the bills. even then wearstler drew attention. a scout from a certain men's magazine took note. you did pose for playboy at one point? >> yes. >> reporter: how come? >> why not? >> reporter: no regrets. >> no, no, not at all. not at all. it's a little different now, but no. i did it.
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i didn't hang out at the mansion and things. it was just i did it. that was it. >> reporter: wearstler used the money from playboy to start her own company. her so-called maximalist style of rich patterns and vintage pieces quickly set her apart. the hollywood regency look that made her a star was inspired in part by legendary decorator dorothy draper. >> color doesn't cost anything. so anybody can have lovely color. >> reporter: she was so bold and full of life. she was sassy. >> do you consider yourself a little sassy. >> yeah, of course. >> reporter: wearstler's sassyness caught the eye of singer and fashion designer gwen stefani. >> i see her stuff as original. and very her. >> reporter: at her runway show this month at new york's fashion week the two trend- setters traded tips. >> look at at that. she has so much style. she has so much sophistication.
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on top of it she's just like unbelievable to look at. it's this whole package of like beauty. >> reporter: what wearstler wears gets plenty of attention. >> the room might have been.... >> reporter: her over-the-top clothes on the reality show top design created a huge buzz. >> all in all you did a really great job. >> reporter: you like fashion just a little bit. >> a lot. i love it. i absolutely love it. >> reporter: despite her closet being packed with the latest designer trends, there is one vintage piece she can't live without. >> this is frank. >> reporter: okay. >> frank was my grandmother's and then my mother's. and then mine. so he's about 98 years old. he used to have fur on him. he goes with me everywhere. he's my good luck charm. >> reporter: frank seems to work. celebrity clients, a place on vogue's best dressed list, oprah is a big fan. even her beverly hills mansion has some hollywood history.
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so the man who did the james bond films used to live in this house. >> yes. he and his wife and family. they lived here for 55 years. >> reporter: the 42-year-old wearstler lives with her husband and two sons in a home where every room has a unique personality. >> i'm hedging when people come to your house they either love this or they don't just get it at all. >> some people think that it got cut loose. >> reporter: some people think your kids were hand painting on the wall. >> it's beautiful. it's art. i love it. i absolutely love it. >> reporter: can you go overboard? >> yes. >> reporter: quickly? >> yes. i mean, you have to pick your poison and know when to stop. >> i'm afraid it will be so busy in here. >> reporter: wearstler has been standing this bell air mansion previously owned by actor richard gere. she's known for her ideas being a little out there sometimes. has there ever been times when
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she's come up with something and you say not in my house? >> many. >> so this is one of my favorite stores. >> reporter: despite having to sometimes hold back, wearstler is always hunting for her next special find. >> i love these. these might be a hard sell. but they're french. >> reporter: how would you approach a client if you said i'd like to sell you a shag couch? >> well, it would be probably juft like one piece because a little goes a long way. but people who collect and understand would get that. you can have this pattern. >> reporter: plenty of people get kelly wearstler and look to her for the next colorful design. do you ever walk in here in the morning and kind of look around and say, wow? we've come a long way. >> yeah, of course. the days of waitaling tables paid off. >> osgood: ahead, on-line friendship on film. >> welcome to facebook. >> osgood: but first, catching
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up with actress marlo thomas. ,,,,,,,,,,
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>> unknown actress, talented, unusual. bright new face for broadway. >> oh, donald, i'm that girl. >> reporter: it's sunday morning on cbs and here again
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is charles osgood. >> osgood: the tv series "that girl" was a big hit back in the 190s for marlo thomas. many other roles have followed in show business and in real life. rita braver has our sunday profile. (that girl theme). >> reporter: if you happen to be cruising new york harbor, you might spot a deck hand who looks a bit familiar. so you actually work on here. you're not just ornamental? >> i'm ornamental everywhere else in my life but here. >> reporter: not really. marlo thomas has to be one of the hardest working women in show business. just ask the boat's captain who also happens to be thomas's husband, former talk show host phil donahue. >> she does not air kiss life. she grabs it. it's very impressive really.
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>> you can use any girl. >> name one. >> reporter: though he got to know thomas as television's that girl.... >> there she is. >> reporter:... she's appeared on countless other tv shows. >> does anybody have any marijuana? >> reporter: playing rachael's mother on "friends. ". >> why not just ask if we have pot? >> reporter: thomas won an emmy for a more serious role. portraying a mentally ill woman in "nobody's child." >> i don't know what's happening. i can't stop it. >> reporter: and she produced and starred in a landmark record album and emmy winning tv show called free to be you and me. she's acted on broadway too and published several books including a new one out this coming week.
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growing up laughing. about life with her late father 1950s and '60s sit-com star danny thomas. >> daddy, you knew all the time. >> certainly i knew all the time. what do you think i am an idiot? don't you answer that. >> i'm not proud. i'll take a joke from anybody if it's a good joke. i think it gave my sister and brother and i a real leg up on valuing humor. valuing laughter. >> you can see. >> reporter: today marlo thomas has a pent house overlooking manhattan, but she grew up in beverly hills where the thomases was a hangout for some of america's best known comedians. >> i'm just going to throw out some names. just give me like one line or one phrase about what comes through your mind. milton berle. >> completely on all the time. he entertained at our birthday parties. he did card tricks very badly.
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>> sid caesar. >> very quiet. most comfortable when he was talking in an accent. a darling man. >> george burns. >> i just worshipped him. he was the one that stood up for me when my dad would say he didn't want me to be an actress. george would what do you want her to be a milliner? of course she's going to be an actress. >> how did your father react when he realized you were serious about going into show business? >> he really didn't want me to do it. he had had a lot of rough years his beginning years. he just was afraid for me. he told me later, he said, i just didn't want to relive those first years with somebody that i loved. >> reporter: but she pressed on. landing small parts in shows like bonanza. >> i am not a commodity for international barter. >> reporter: where she played the role of a chinese persian mail order bride who clashes with hospital cartright.
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and then in 1966, she helped develop her own show about, what else? an aspiring actress. >> how would you like to be an actress? >> i am an actress. >> you're an actress? >> even an actress has to earn a living. is this for a play? >> it's for a commercial. >> a commercial. that's terrific. >> you walk down the street and people go, oh, that girl. >> i'm still amazed that they do. >> reporter: even though thomas had to do a hair test for the part, it was a revolutionary show. the first time ever a lead character in a sit-com was a young career woman who lived on her own. >> i was friendly with the couple who lived here before. are you a cup snl. >> no, i'm a single. >> reporter: coming just at the dawn of the women's movement, the series was a hit. >> it was a big wave.
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that girl just rode that wave. >> reporter: did you start to hear from women around the country about your character? >> absolutely. the mail we got was just astounding. i mean, they were writing to me and saying i'm 22 years old and i have two children and my husband beats me and i don't know where to go. who are these people? i took it very, very seriously. >> reporter: those letters prompted thomas to join forces with gloria steinem and other feminists to found a foundation to help women. >> everything is made child friendly. >> reporter: through it all.... >> this is a sweetheart i know very well. >> reporter:... marlo thomas has always made time for st. jude's children's research hospital. >> this is the medicine room. the children play here while they wait for having their treatment. >> reporter: fund-raising. >> i'm five. >> you're five. how quiting. >> reporter: and cheerleading. it was another part of her family legacy. >> and proudly beaming over
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the whole thing is danny thomas. >> with a very shiny nose. the children always rub this for good luck. >> reporter: her father founded the hospital in 1962. >> were you aware that he was doing this? >> all of our lives since we were little children. we thought st. jude was one of our uncles we heard his name so much. >> reporter: with st. jude and everything else, the one thing that never interested marlo thomas was marriage. >> what's this pull forgetting married? i was completely against it. but never say never. >> reporter: because never went away.... >> would you kindly welcome marlo thomas. >> reporter:... when thomas was a guest on phil donahue's show in 1977. >> i was really terrified of marriage. >> reporter: they fell in love but aware of her anti-marriage vow, he had to screw up the courage to propose. >> it didn't happen. overnight.
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five childrenment come on. here, honey, here's five kids. >> reporter: she accepted anyway. and 30 years later, they're still happily sailing along. >> do women talk about money? i have to ask. >> reporter: and with the launch of her new website, marlo thomas dot-com and a new movie with demi moore in the works, she has no plans to retire. in fact, don't even bother to ask how old marlo thomas is. >> if my math is right-- it might be wrong -- >> you don't have to add it up. don't be so cruel. >> reporter: let's just say you look a whole younger than i think you are. >> there you go. that's very nice. nicely put. >> i don't know if you heard about this new website i launched. >> osgood: next. >> people want to go on the internet and check out their friends. that's what the face book is going to be about.
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>> osgood: social studies. words alone aren't enough.
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my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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as you may have heard nation book's founder mark zuckerberg is giving $100 million to the new jersey public school system. not many 26 years old can do that. don't worry. there's still $6 billion or more where that came from. what a coincidence there's a new movie about him, the social network. david edelstein has more. >> reporter: you wouldn't believe the hype for the social network which tells the story or a disputed version of 20-something harvard student mark zuckerberg and how he invented the web phenomenon face book. >> i think i've come up with something. >> that looks really good. >> reporter: one blush master says it's the movie of the year that also brilliantly
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defines the decade. given what a crazy decade it's been i bet we're all hungry for some definition. well, you won't find it in the social network which is basically about a guy who creates an on-line social network with no social skills whatsoever. >> go somewhere for a minute. >> i don't want to be rude to my friends. >> reporter: and mostly to get back at a girl who dumped him and some handsome wasps who wouldn't invite him to be in their study club. and ends up america's youngest billionaire. it will probably make you think i wish i had been there and made billions. for all its pre-tensions, much of the movie's appeal comes from that longing for money and celebrity. certainly part of the decade. but i hope not the defining part. >> split up. >> i think you know that. >> it's on your blog. >> reporter: director david
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fincher has it both ways on zuckerberg played by the wonderful and normally endearing jesse eisenberg. he's the guy. he's the one we want to be. >> i think the al gore it i am. >> reporter: but he's also a borderline robot. he's meant to be a citizen kane figure. as he gets more successful, he betrays those closest to him and ends up with like zero face book friends. which is unfair to the real guy by many accounts. and more important frustrating. if you want any deeper insights into him. >> people want to go on the internet and check out their friends. why not build a website that offers that. that's what the face book will be about. >> reporter: still the social network is a very dark and very entertaining modern business saga with dialogue by aaron sork inthat spritzes out so fast it's as if people want their brains to keep pace with their multigiga hertz processors. >> your actions could have
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permanently destroy everything i'm befer working on. >> reporter: the energy drinks, the alcohol, the programmers deep in their anti-social transs. >> what do you do? >> i'm an entrepreneur. >> reporter: singer justin timberlake gives a marv lousely nuanced performance as an amoural sleaze bag whose hustle is just what facebook needs. >> this is for a generation. this is our time. >> reporter: a really good movie. yet i longed for more about face book users. how if we choose-- and hundreds of millions have-- we can keep tabs on everyone we've known or would like to, turning the world into a giant high school. we can also come together to organize, to give help to those in desperate need. does so much on-line time finally separate us or bring us closer, destroy our privacy or liberate us from solitude? it's a worldwide social experiment waiting for a movie
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that truly defines us. ♪
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the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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♪ they're not making the skies as blue this year ♪ ♪ wish you were here >> osgood: it happened this week, the death of a singer who may be remembered more for scandal than song. eddie fisher died wednesday night at his california home of complications from hip surgery. a singer since boyhood, fisher had dozens of hits in the 1950s.
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he had a tv show and adoring teen-aged fans. >> radiant bride and a handsome groom. debbie and eddie are finally mr. and mrs. . >> osgood: in 1955 he married actress debbie reynolds and later serenaded her on the cbs show person to person. ♪ your eyes are the eyes of a woman in love ♪ >> reporter: other edward r murrow's gentle questioning they appeared very nearly the perfect couple. >> i think we agree on most opinions all the time. she's very, very wonderful girl to say the least. >> except i talk a low. >> reporter: the whole country started to talk when fisher took up with elizabeth taylor after her husband mike todd's death. fisher's divorce from reynolds and marriage to taylor triggered a back lash that soured his career. adding insult to injury taylor eventually left fisher for actor richard burton. years later with daughter carrie fisher by her side
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debbie reynolds told our rita braver that she and elizabeth taylor had actually become friends. >> she was just as dumb as i was. >> reporter: as for carrie fisher her public comments about her father were sometimes a little harsh. >> the best thing elizabeth taylor did for me was to get eddie fisher out of our house. >> reporter: carrie fisher said her father, quote, was loved and will be missed. debbie reynolds for her part reacted to fisher's passing with kindness and grace. >> i know that god has forgiven him and he's in a good place. >> reporter: eddie fisher was 82. coming up, a little lunch. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> osgood: men school kids are into the fall term by now and back into the school lunch routine.
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our man the paris david turecamo tells us about the kids in france. >> everyday has an hors d'oeuvre, a main course, the sauce that changes every day. the cheese that changes every day. >> reporter: that's the menu for the launch programate at a public school in paris. a five course meal for three-year-olds. a menu not only given to parents so they know what their child is having for lunch. it even recommends what families should serve for that night's dinner. >> you want your child not to have fish for lunch and for dinner. >> reporter: vivien walts is a writer writer for "time" magazine. her three-year-old son goes to a public school in paris. her experience illustrates just how seriously the french schools approach meals. the menus are designed to provide a balanced meal but also to introduce children to the tremendous variety of the french cuisine. i was there the day they served boullaise base, me in a
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bunny seat because she go to extraordinary lengths for food safety. each of the school's districts has a central kitchen like this, a high tech facility because children especially young children are more susceptible to food-born illnesses. they clean every bottle, every bag, every piece of fruit. >> there's nothing that hasn't been disinfected. >> reporter: the meat they were proud to tell me not only born and raised but slaughtered in france. in parisienne schools they keep small samples of meals for two months just in case of any suspect illnesses. schools offer vegetables at lunch but children just don't eat them. here the dietian isn't above deep-frying the broccoli. but a bigger concern is the rise in childhood obesity. fueled partly ex-pers say by
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the popularity of fast food. >> one of the very first things that they will always tell you is about how americans gobble their food. and it's one of the things that drives the french nuts about americans. >> reporter: okay. i went to city hall to talk to the woman in charge of all the public schools in paris. she believes that eating.... >> eating is also a pleasure because you share with your friends in school, your family at home, and you share some food but you also share time, conversation, and this is also a point that is important to me. >> reporter: well, in a parisienne school the lunch costs around $5-$6. and the family pays what they can afford. the city picks up the rest. but even in a small town, 400 miles to the south of paris where the budget is about half
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that, the chef there insists... just because they don't have the right to vote we can't throw anything into their face. >> reporter: this chef has to feed 800 students everyday for the equivalent of about $2.50 a plate. it's ironic because 20 years ago he was a chef at one of the biggest casinos on the riviera. >> reporter: he married a teacher. when their schedules and vacations never meshed he left the riviera and the queen to cook for kids but brought with him his passion for cuisine. he insists everything be made by hand. he refuses to take shortcuts. even making his own fish stock. so that nothing goes to waste.
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>> reporter: most mornings he goes to the markets. the menu that day included roast beef, hand made turnovers, carrot salad-- all fresh. just as younger children are introduced to typical french cuisine, at this school kids are eating he is car got. yeah, that's snails. one student even feels it's better than what he's getting at home. >> at home i eat the normal things. pasta, pizza. when you get here it's very good for your health. >> reporter: the french, as we know, are proud of their cuisine. which is why vivien-- you remember her-- well, when her son started nursery school she had signed him up for the lunch program and then decided,
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maybe she'd bring him home, feed him. he could take a short nap. she neglected to tell the administration. one day she got a phone call requesting that she come to the school immediately. >> i thought something was really wrong with my son. i ran out the door. i ran down the street. ran up to the office. walk in. she's sitting there with my file in front of her. she said, what does your son eat for lunch? because, of course, we had signed him up for the lunch program and i had changed my mind without letting them know. >> reporter: so vivien agreed that her son would eat lunch at school every day and was sent home with a menu detailing what the child would be eating every day for the next two months. >> to me, this is a work of art. this is a three-year-old we're talking about. ♪ i kissed a girl and i liked
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it ♪ >> osgood: ahead, the "it" girl, sarah katy perry. >> just kind of want to keep going. >> osgood: and later bill geist leaves no stone unskipped. >> there you go. [ woman #2 ] i'd like to enjoy things again. [ woman #3 ] i feel these aches and pains. [ woman #4 ] the guilt. [ man ] my sleep just isn't right. [ woman #5 ] i'm so anxious. [ man #2 ] i need to focus. [ female announcer ] depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine,
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it's the new season on sunday morning. here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: katy perry rocked the house last night on the season premiere of saturday night live. capping off a week in which it seems she was constantly in the spotlight one way or another. with anthony mason we take note. >> see that dress. >> reporter: she's the pop star with the pin-up girl looks. two years after katy perry's breakthrough hit, her songs have sold more than 32 million downloads. her success builds on a playful flirtation with what
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she calls obvious innuendo. >> it's like walking the line. it's the art of the tease. >> reporter: after having the run-away hit of the summer and following it with another number one smash... ♪ you make me feel like >> reporter:... perry seems inescapable and unstoppable. where are we headed now? >> we're headed to david letterman show. >> reporter: on the day her new album teenage dream was released and went straight to number one, she was making her first appearance on the late show. do you get nervous about that kind of thing? >> it's like an investigative thing.
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it's just like cool. you're more of the type that i keep my guard up. >> reporter: is your guard up now? >> so guarded. >> reporter: her arrival at the studio was greeted by hundreds of fans and a human wall of paparazzi. >> hi, elmo. >> reporter: perry made news again this past week when she was cut from sesame street after some parents complained about her cleavage. wow, perry tweeted to her fans, looks like my play date with elmo has been cut short. i get a sense that you like to create waves. >> of course i do. i'm from california. >> reporter: this is home. >> this is home. the sand. the beach. the mountains. i love it. >> reporter: the 25-year-old grew up in santa barbara. >> there's just something really magical about this place.
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i started singing at nine, singing gospel songs. ♪ died for you > it was her church that bought perry her first guitar for her 13th birthday. her parents, keith and mary hudson, are born-again see van gelical pastors. >> my friends all went to church with me, went to church school. you know, we went to church camp. everything was related to my faith. so i didn't have any outside influence. >> reporter: signed to a nashville gospel label in 2001 perry released her first album under her birth name katie hudson. but the record went nowhere. >> the label went bankrupt. it folded. i didn't turn into amy grant like i wanted to. >> reporter: but slowly perry was being exposed to the outside world. >> you know, i just started little by little asking, hey, can i listen to the beatles?
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i had friends, you know, friends that i looked up to that were so much cooler. they knew about the world. i was just like, wow, teach me everything. >> reporter: she went back to the west coast, determined to become a pop star. it was a struggle. you couldn't get a record deal or you had a record deal and you lost it. >> i could get record deals. i was the queen at getting record deals. i just couldn't keep record deals. >> reporter: she was signed and dropped by two more labels. >> everyone kind of looked at me a little bit like damaged goods. >> reporter: finally capital records picked her up, changed her name to katy perry to avoid her being confused with the actress kate hudson. in 2008 released the anthem to bi-sexual curiosity that changed everything.
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"i kissed a girl" would spend seven weeks at number one. did you talk to your mother about that song? >> i talked to both my parents. i think my sister talked to them first. >> reporter: did you ask your sister to talk to them first? >> of course. i was a bit hesitant to show my mom and dad. but with me and my parents, everything is kind of in like and yeah so this happened today. not putting... not putting so much emphasis on like mom and dad, sit down. i have something to tell you. it was more like pass the salt. >> david: pass the salt. i wrote a song. >> pass the salt. i wrote a song. >> reporter: perry's parents signaled their approval of their daughter's career change by making a cameo appearance in the video for her next hit hot and cold. ♪ because you're hot and you're cold. >> reporter: as perry's star group writer her outside got louder. at a photo shoot for her new
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perfume called purr she dressed in a pink and purple latex cat suit. >> it's hard because i don't know where to put this thing. i've never had a tail. >> reporter: i've never interviewed anybody with a tail either. >> are you sure? >> reporter: but perry insists there's more to being a pop star. >> you can't just change your dress or just change your hair. that can't just be the basis of success. it has to spawn from something more powerful. it has to spawn from talent. ♪ out of my own > some critics have questioned perry's talent, suggesting she's a creation of her producers. >> this is where we wrote teenage dream. >> reporter: but the singer has written or co-written all of her songs. >> so i've had rift since i was 19. >> reporter: this one riff. >> he put me on me. i put it on like there was nothing wrong.
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>> reporter: do you think there are people who don't take you seriously enough yet. >> come on. i've got a whipped cream bra. i mean it's not like i'm like, you know, carol king here. although i admire carol king. i don't want to be the indy darling because sometimes the indy darling means nobody has heard of you before. >> reporter: do you know a hit song when you hear it? did you know california girls. >> there's just a feeling. it's almost a feeling like when you meet love of your life. >> reporter: and she did just meet him. he's the bad boy british comedian and actor rustle brand. can we talk about your financee. >> yeah. he is my financee. >> reporter: does that sound strange? >> yeah, it's kind of... i don't ever say that word. i call him my boyfriend. >> reporter: but you have a ring, right? >> i do have a ring. >> reporter: they connected last year at rehearsals for
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the mtv music awards where perry made her move. you threw an empty bottle at him. >> i threw it at him. it hit him in the head. he turned around and it was kind of like this. >> reporter: they've become the hot couple of the tabloids. but perry likes to create fireworks. it's the idea behind her next single. >> the idea was that when i passed as all pop stars pass, i don't want to be buried because i think that's boring. i would like to be put into a fire works and then shot across this ocean. >> reporter: out up over there. >> out up over the santa barbara ocean as one my one last hurrah. >> reporter: most fireworks eventually fizzle out by katy perry's incendiary career shows no sign of losing its spark.
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>> the problem and the relationship human dog and modern society is not the dog. >> osgood: lesley stahl gets the word from sdaug whisperer caesar milan next sunday morning. gh good times and bad, when our clients' needs changed we changed to meet them. through the years, when some lost their way, we led the way with new ideas for the financial challenges we knew would lie ahead. this rock has never stood still. and there's one thing that will never change. we are, the rock you can rely on. prudential. caltrate delivers 1200 mg of calcium plus vitamin d to help reduce your risk of osteoporosis. it's never too late for caltrate. and now big news -- the same caltrate comes in a new, smaller, easy to swallow pill.
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until you look at the gumline. the problem is, you could have plaque along your gumline that can lead to gingivitis. in fact, one in two adults actually has gingivitis and might not even know it. fortunately, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps remove plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. and it's even been clinically proven to help reverse it... in just four weeks. it also protects these other areas dentists check most. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. for healthier gums. the medicine in advil is their #1 choice for pain relief. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. use the medicine doctors use for themselves. one more reason to make advil your #1 choice. [ male announcer ] at ge capital, we're out there every day with clients like jetblue -- financing their fleet, sharing our expertise, and working with people who are changing the face of business in america. after 25 years in the aviation business, i kind of feel like if you're not having fun at what you do,
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then you've got the wrong job. my landing was better than yours. no, it wasn't. yes, it was. was not. yes, it was. what do you think? take one of the big ones out? nah. a number of you have contacted us in response to what ben stein had to say last week about the prospect of higher taxes. including linda mcgibney, a producer and writer for a show on the sci-fi channel. she had some things of her own to say about these words from ben stein. >> maybe when the economy recovers raising my taxes makes sense. but for now it's just punishment and i can't figure out what for. >> all i have to say is ben stein is wrong. i am an american. i am in the highest tax bracket. i also work in entertainment, which is what mr. stein does as well. i am fine with the tax increase. i think it patriotic that i am
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taxed in this way. i want to help my country. i believe the fact that i can have a job this year and hopefully every year to come is a privilege. mr. stein, there are americans who qualify for this tax increase unz the proposed plan who don't feel punished by it. we feel it is our duty in hard times to help the rest of america. i'm not talking about charity. this isn't charity. we both give to charity of our own choosing. mr. stein probably gives more than me. this is about being a grown-up. and accepting the fact that we made money during the bogus uptick in the economy. we prospered. so did others in our ranks. a lot. now it's time to help the rest of america. and i don't care how many dogs and cats you adopt, how many people you give a paycheck to or how many dollars you make. if ben stein believes this tax increase is a punishment, then he's out of touch with the average person.
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i suppose he thinks he's beyond sharing his good fortune with the the rest of americans who are suffering financially or he just doesn't care about them. being an american is understanding you're lucky to be so. you and i, mr. stein, are extremely lucky to be paid for a subjective asset, our talent. i have always understood that the have's are greedy. this is the first time i've heard one of them express it out loud so openly. i am a have. and i'm willing to pay this tax increase. i'm not going on whine about it. i won't feel punished. i will understand it's the cost of doing business. it is worth sacrificing because our country needs some of us to sacrifice. the some of us who can. and we, mr. stein, we are not suffering. >> osgood: opinion from linda mcgibney. to bob schieffer in washington for what's ahead on face the
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nation. if morning, bob. >> schieffer: we're going to talk about what the tea party is and what it wants. we'll talk to two of their primary successes marco rubio from florida, ken buck from colorado and the california strategist sal russo. >> osgood: thank you, bob schieffer. we'll be watching. ahead here on sunday morning, bill fifth. >> reporter: professional rock skipping of the just a stone's throw away. ng problem... acidic foods can cause a softening of the enamel. once you lose enamel, it's gone for good. for those who want white teeth pronamel gentle whitening, helps protect against acid erosion but also helps bring back your teeth to their natural whiteness. it's like hardwiring the market right into my desktop. launch my watchlist --
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>> osgood: this year's news and documentary emmy awards are handed out tomorrow. we're proud to say three sunday morning stories are among the nominees. a report on military injuries from david martin. a story on the unemployed from seth doane. and from bill fifth, this report about a different sort of rock star. >> reporter: franklin, pennsylvania. a gem of a small town set in a landscape worthy of an oil painting. here at the confluence of french creek and the allegheny river, people still enjoy the simple pleasures. like skipping stones. >> nice skip. >> reporter: once a year they get quite competitive about it. >> there you go. that's what stone skipping is all about, folks. right there. >> reporter: hosting a tournament that draws the best skippers from throughout the land.
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down at the barber shop folks could barely contain their excitement before this year's tournament. >> it's a big deal. every year it goes on. doesn't it, john? >> getting bigger every year. >> reporter: the favorite to win once again was five-time champion and world record holder russ buyers who hails from right here in franklin. the people in franklin ask you for your autograph? >> no. this is the pennsylvania trophy actually. >> reporter: his home is full of trophies, medals, record- setting rocks and documentation of his world record skip. >> this will be it. the first very skip. >> reporter: i couldn't believe what i was seeing. a stone that skipped 51 times. oh, my gosh. does this stone skipping take a lot of your time? >> no. >> reporter: you don't practice every day. >> no.
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>> reporter: the only real effort russ puts into it is hunting for good stones. what do you look for? >> well, i mean that's good. flat. this is kind of heavy and flat. a lot of people would go for something like this. >> reporter: a little guy. >> yeah like that's pretty good. it's light. not like that. because of the point on it. >> reporter: tell me about that. that gives up kind of a grip. >> right. i always want something i hook my finger on to on the end. remember, think about the spin. >> reporter: the champ gave me some tips. >> if you get a lot of spin on it, it will keep going. >> reporter: then he showed me how it's done. >> i ran out of room. >> reporter: this place can't hold you. that was beautiful. >> folks, we're about ready to get started.
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i hope all the amateurs have registered. >> reporter: this tournament always draws a formidable field. >> are you feeling ready today? >> reporter: but everyone knew the man to beat. >> i'm going to put a little scare into you. >> reporter: russ's chief rival is kurt "mountain man" designer who held the world record of 40 skips that russ obliterated. >> good luck. >> you too. >> reporter: kurt really works at it. >> when you really push it to the limit, its requires a lot of precision and a lot of power and a lot of dedication. practice. and training. >> reporter: quite different from russ who just rears back and flings. >> we're such polar opposites. >> reporter: how so? >> i'm more interested to find the scientific article, the math that's been done because i like to understand what's going on from a physics point of view. >> reporter: to kurt stone skipping is a science. he pours over the remarkable body of scientific research on the subject.
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you may have read about it in the american journal of physics or the journal of fluid mechanics. >> maybe i can maximize some of those variables and such. >> former guiness book world record holder. >> reporter: the 2009 tournament began. using his knowledge of hydro dynamics and translational velocitys, kurt skipped to 27. >> still going, folks. >> reporter: a canadian bettered kurt's effort. >> drew just came here from the great white north. >> reporter: and a kilted scott bested both. >> whoa! whoa! >> reporter: how do they count all those skips? well, several judges count and then they come up with a number. >> a 38. >> reporter: i tried my hand at it. and using russ's tips and
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russ's rocks came up with a pretty good number myself. >> 22. congratulations. 22 first-time skipping. congratulations bill. >> reporter: now ladies and gentlemen the one you've been waiting to see, the current guiness book world record holder, russ "rock bottom" buyers. >> oh, man. >> reporter: the crowd was hushed as mighty russ took stone in hand. and then skipped it out and out across the allegheny. >> what guiness book record holders are all about, look at that. >> look at that, folks. 39! a 39! >> reporter: but as the cheering subsided, an unassuming unheralded young man slips out of the crowd and steped to the riverbank. and then fly a mighty heave. >> where did that come from? where did that come from? >> reporter: the shocking 42
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skipper came from one grant mitchell. >> a new leader came out of nowhere. >> reporter: a philadelphia med school student who sped five-and-a-half hours across the state, arrived five minutes before competition, and had to borrow rocks. a miraculous tale. a young man hailing a goliath with a single stone. a deed for which david received a central place in the bible. grant, he received a pound of fudge. >> thank you again, everybody. we will see you next year. good night, everybody. but basically, i'm a runner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees.
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we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. i love it. not wash. power wash. ok. whoa. [ female announcer ] life comes with headaches and that's when people reach for excedrin. excedrin starts relieving headaches faster than extra strength tylenol and advil. the deck looks great. oh, we just washed it.
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well, not washed, power washed. big difference. hum. big. [ female announcer ] excedrin. for life's headaches. thais...peggy. whatng usa pris problem, please?. peggy? sure...well...suddenly it looks like i'm being charged a $35 annual fee. yes? tell me it's a mistake. yes? are you saying yes or are you asking yes? yes? peggy? peggy? anncr: want better customer service? switch to discover. ranked #1 in customer loyalty. it pays to discover. >> osgood: we leave you this sunday morning among the tall cactus in the national park outside tucson, arizona.
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i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning. until then i'll see you on the radio. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations ,,,,,,
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