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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6PM  CBS  September 22, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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with the mother of the 15-year- old boy who was handcuffed. she declined to comment saying she would be commenting through her attorney. but basically, this case comes down to a question of whether the mother and father of the 15- year-old allowed this scared straight lecture to go on inside their home or if this is a case of a police officer abusing his authority. reporter: riding his police motorcycle and dressed in full uniform with badge and gun, the veteran officer allegedly went to the home of his 14-year-old stepdaughter's 15-year-old boyfriend and handcuffed the boy because the two had consensual sex. >> the officer is placed on paid administrative leave. that's pending the outcome of a criminal investigation. >> reporter: the officer is accused of abusing his authority and false imprisonment. >> if this was a joke or to scare this young man, that's a violation of the law. it's not allowed. >> reporter: the defense attorney and former prosecutor steve clark says the officer's job is now on the line. >> if he is charged with a
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felony false imprisonment, which is restraining someone's liberty under the color of authority or by force, that's a serious felony and that officer would not be able to continue on as a police officer if he is convicted of that. >> reporter: the boy's father reportedly took cell phone video of the incident and the "mercury news" quotes the officer on video telling the boy, a cop's daughter is not somebody you mess around with. you're stupid. the officer's attorney said, the officer was essentially invited to use scare straight tactics and there were no objections to the lecture or handcuffing. everything was done in the spirit of reaching a troubled young man headed down the wrong path. but if that'swhy did the boy's mother file a case with internal affairs? >> the fact that the mother went so, to them as a result of this indicates that this was not consensual. in other words, the parents didn't want their son handcuffed that this police officer stepped way over the line between being an upset parent and abusing his authorities. >> reporter: sex between minors
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even consensual sex is a misdemeanor. and the san jose police department cited both children in this case for that misdemeanor. dana, this is a case that we are going to be hearing a lot more of especially with that cell phone video that allegedly shows some of the comments made by the officer while he was doing this lecture with the boy. >> all right. len ramirez, thank you. this story generating a lot of conversation. comments are piling up on our website. you can check them out or leave your own at another story out of the south bay this evening. san jose earned a rough distinction that probably won't surprise drivers probably. researchers say the city has the worst roads in the state. thuy vu reports. >> reporter: roadway cracks, bumps and potholes. a national research group says there's more of them in san
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jose than any other big see if in california. >> we had to replace a tire. that's because of the roads around here that's so bad. >> reporter: according to the group "trip," three bay area cities have the dubious distinction of being in the top 10 list for bad roads. there is san jose at number one with 64% of its roads in poor shape. los angeles is second. concord and the san francisco- oakland area are tied at 4 and 5 with 58%. >> the roads aren't in good shape. >> reporter: he is one of. owners at bruce's tire in san jose. his auto shop handles about ten alignments a day much due to wear and tear from bad roads. >> in our industry we see it every day with damaged tires, wheels, you know, it's -- it's very traumatic on a vehicle when it hits a pothole especially at high speed. >> reporter: and a dramatic hut to your wallet. trip estimates drivers in california spend up to $756 more per year to care for their
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cars because of all the damage. live in a smaller city? no break. antioch and santa rosa topped that list with 65 and 54%. for many, the bumpy rides are an infuriating example of how government is failing the people. >> taxpayers expect the roads to be one of the basic services provided government. >> reporter: san jose likes to boast but not about this. terrible roads. and you know, the mayor's office wasted no time in firing off a response on this... [ inaudible ] >> all right. that's thuy vu reporting from san jose. and as you can see, loss of signal but you got the idea of the story. san jose not doing so well on the roads. tonight, the san mateo county coroner's office confirmed three more deaths from the san bruno pipeline explosion. that brings the death toll to 7. clean-up crews at the disaster zone have a big job
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ahead of them. simon perez on what they are doing to minimize a major health risk. >> reporter: a big job indeed. tomorrow all this behind me will be start to be hauled away. eventually it will be gone. the clean-up crews in san mateo county tomorrow morning in 8:00 will be begin hauling away the cars and the rest of the houses. >> all they can done is do their best, you know? but so far, i think this block is pretty good shape. >> reporter: james king lives around the corner from this, so anything is pretty good-bye comparison. >> we're continuing to do preparation work on the site. so tomorrow morning, we'll be ready to go and remove debris. >> reporter: that includes spraying hundreds of gallons of water on the streets and on the charred homes to keep the wind from distributing toxic dust beyond the site. >> there is material in the inn there such as metals, asbestos, small amounts, that if it isn't treated and handled properly, it could become a public health problem.
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>> reporter: tomorrow backhoes, dump trucks and tow trucks take over. >> tomorrow we'll be removing vehicles and on to properties that signed up for the program and we moving the ash and debris. foundation, soil, houses, chimneys, burned material, everything will be gone. they will be given at the end of the day a clean lot. there is no cost to the home owners other than we would be approaching their insurance companies and going to their policy and if that doesn't cover the county is also exploring other >> reporter: but if i want to do it myself i have to pay for the whole thing? >> absolutely. funding>> reporter: the crews willbee out here cleaning up for three to four weeks. options. there is quite a bit to do to raze the buildings, get rid of everything in there. the idea is to make sure there is a clean slate. they don't want contaminated soil and then tear down those
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houses and start over again. the idea is to make sure there is a clean slate to start with. dana, people can start again if they are able to. >> do the job right the first time. >> reporter: right. >> simon, thank you. tonight, what many east bay residents have feared is likely to become a reality. drastic cuts are in the works for a.c. transit and its 200,000 daily riders. sherry hu has more now on the cuts. reporter: next stop, possibly no stops as a.c. transit considers what some riders say is unthinkable, a possible cutback of weekend bus service. >> oh, it would be terrible. >> reporter: the district says an average 93,000 people ride the bus on weekends, and that includes this person who doesn't own a car. >> well, i just have to sit at home then or ask for a ride from somebody. >> reporter: the board considers cutting weekend service almost in half. major corridors would not be
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affected. a number of feeder lines might disappear. four out of six overnight routes may be eliminated and paratransit service may be provided by private companies and that could save $11 million. >> we are making drastic cuts. and we do wonder about how much further we can go and still be a viable bus company. >> reporter: the bus company, the drivers union, locked in battle over contract negotiations. both sides disagree on how to bridge the budget gap which a.c. transit says is now at $41 million for this year and last. on the outside looking in, the riders like joe ford who is a senior and relies on the bus every day. >> it's going to be rougher. i go to church in san francisco. we need these buses. >> reporter: if weekend service is cut, it would come on the heels of two rounds of
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scheduled downsizing. the second takes place at the end of october. >> i don't know. i don't drive. i can't afford a cab all the time. so it will be tough. >> reporter: a.c. transit turns 50 next month but there may not be a big celebration especially for riders if at tonight's board of directors meeting, weekend and overnight bus service takes a big hit. now, juliet , if the board of directors does decide to approve those cuts, that will happen at the end of the year. >> we'll be at the meeting, sherry hu. thank you. once a "saturday night live" joke now life imitating art. why california marijuana growers are joining the teamsters. meantime, californians are faced with a choice of legalizing the plant. tonight, what could be a split in a key voting bloc, the beer vote. and state lawmakers are raking in millions of dollars while they waste millions of
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our dollars with the ongoing budget fiasco. what, if anything, can stop this madness? some answer out of sacramento tonight at 6:30. is now sharing space with ,,,,,,,,
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b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible.
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can cause coma andider's even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds. don't be big tobacco's next victim. the castro district restaurant, "lime". ike's got the boot a sandwich shop is back. ike's is now sharing space with the castro valley restaurant lime. ike's got the booth from its 16th street location last week after neighbors complained about noise, lines and litter. the sandwiches are availability
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only by phone order, though. seiu, the largest union in the state is backing proposition 19, the measure who legalize marijuana in california. and what's more, people who work in the medical pot industry are now card carrying members of the teamsters complete with some sweet benefits. joe vazquez on how the teamsters have gone from trucking to toking. >> that's what our union label stands for. >> reporter: life imitates art. >> so look for the union label ♪ >> reporter: more than 30 years "saturday night live" joked about it. now it's seriously happening. more than three dozen marijuana gardeners, trimmers and cloners an at indoor marijuana growing facility in oakland have become real-life members of one of america's largest unions, the teamsters. >> they are workers. they want benefits. they want protection. >> reporter: a teamsters spokesman says in an age of declining union membership, it's time for the union that
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traditionally has represented truckers to branch out. >> it's a growing industry. >> it's definitely a growing industry. >> reporter: there's going to be some potholes in the road. i think we can get over it. >> reporter: the growers have a new two-year contract, a pension, health insurance, paid vacation, making $18 in and now with an increase coming up. >> the workers get the benefits and we get a very stable workforce. >> reporter: the owners did not allow cbs 5 inside the nondescript warehouse and they asked us not to show the address because they are worried about security. >> we do not produce this for the general public. this is only produced for medical co-ops who sell it for very desperately ill patients. so it's closed system. >> reporter: it's against federal law. what do you do about that? >> it's league under california
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law. >> reporter: the u.s. attorney general has said the feds won't go after those who are obeying state law. but isn't the union taking a risk? >> we can't use union money to get somebody out of jail or anything like that. hopefully it will never come to anything like that. >> reporter: as the marijuana industry continues to blossom in california, union recruitment is expected to increase. more singers for the new song of solidarity. ♪ [ music ] >> meanwhile, the marijuana debate has opened up a can of worms for california breweries over a contribution from a beer distribution association to the campaign against legalization. phil matier has the blow by blow -- >> reporter: what's quickly evolving into a battle of the buzz. let's take a look. first up, beer versus pot. with the california beer and beverage distributors coming out against the move to
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legalize recreational marijuana in california, even going so far as to donate $10,000 to help defeat the measure. but not all beers are alike because just as quickly, popular chico brewer sierra nevada which is taking no position on the pot question, issued its own statement asking the beer association to remove their name from the list of members and disassociating themselves from their position. meanwhile, on the other side, there's also a fight breaking out between marijuana advocates with the california cannabis association which represents a group of medical marijuana dispensaries also coming out against prop 19. the reason? cities, which would be given the final say in whether to legalize pot under the measure may choose instead to just close everyone down. meanwhile, a new "survey u.s.a."-cbs 5 poll shows that california voters are still split on the question of legalizing pot with 47% of those surveyed saying they plan to vote for the measure and 42%
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saying no. a critical 11% are still undecided. now, they say politics carries with it its own self-interest so the brewers association didn't return calls for comment, but let's get honest here. is it a question whether to reach for a bottle or bong? there could be competition. it's interesting to note the split between the marijuana community. the medical people are afraid they might get aced out or the feds might kick everyone's door down. it's fascinating that the public employees unions have gotten on the bandwagon along with the teamsters. they want the tax money because they think if they get the tax money from pot that will mean more money to fill up potholes which will keep them employed rather than getting laid off in the recession. >> that's the bottom line there in all of this money. >> reporter: thank you very, very much. marijuana and money. there are billions to be made and everyone wants a slice of the action. >> thank you, phil matier. well, a few more poll numbers for you now. for the first time in two
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months, democratic candidates are leading republican rivals in the two major california contests. jerry brown is ahead of republican meg whitman by 3 points in the race for governor, within the margin of error. in the senate race 49% of likely voters polled said that they would choose incumbent barbara boxer. 43% tell "survey u.s.a." say they would vote for carly fiorina. what to do about the dark side of the golden gate bridge? that's in two minutes. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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hello. welcome to the cbs 5 weather center, where we are noting some big-time changes in your forecast beginning tomorrow. tonight, our live cbs 5 weather camera looking outdoors. we see we have wall-to-wall sunshine right now in the city by the bay, the city of san francisco, where temperatures today were averaging about 10 degrees below average. the coast is clear. yes. a little hint of some stratus way out yonder there. patchy low clouds and fog filling in this evening. 60s to the low 70s inland.
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we'll have a full moon tonight and officially autumn arrives at 8:09. last time the two coincided is back in autumn of 1991. so what does it mean? nothing. all right. let's take a look at what's going on. low pressure north of us, high pressure filling in from the disthe southwest to the eastern pacific so even though we are now entering autumn, it's going to feel like summer. numbers begin to rise tomorrow going up to 83 degrees in concord, up from 75 in santa rosa to the low 80s, for seasonal, san jose at 80, san francisco at 72 when the average high is 73. we are going to pinpoint your forecast like this. 83 los gatos with a northwest wind 10 to 15 miles an hour. 76 alameda, 84 brentwood and tracy. north bay numbers, 72 in san francisco to the upper 70s in san anselmo and then we'll
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begin to see temperatures in the low 80s around santa rosa. as you take a good look at our cbs 5- and 7-day forecast, we are going to say the offshore flow kicks in by friday afternoon. that will leave us with fire weather conditions over the weekend. and you say, no she didn't? yes, i did! triple digits by monday inland. so obviously, we are going to be flirting with near or record high temperatures anywhere from about saturday all the way through monday. tuesday and wednesday, slow to cool. hey, jules, we'll talk more about the potential fire weather coming up next time around. thank you, roberta. it is a sad fact that the golden gate bridge for all its beauty is also a place of tragedy for some. and today supporters renewed their calls for a suicide barrier. mike sugerman heard from one survivor with a powerful message to share. mike. >> reporter: june yet, this is one of the most -- juliette, this is one of the most beautiful spots in the world. but it is also "the" spot where more people have committed suicide than anywhere on earth and as you
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say, the effort to stop that went into high gear today. >> the year 2000 i jumped off that bridge. >> reporter: and today, he and others are asking if you're thinking about doing that, please, don't jump. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: it was a rally full of people and a club you hope never to join. >> my name's is sandra. i lost my son matthew in november of 2007. he jumped from the bridge, we believe. >> reporter: his body has never been found but it's likely he is among the estimated 1500 people who have taken their lives at one of the world's most iconic spots, which unfortunately has become the world's most popular suicide spot as well which would change, they say, if the controversial barrier and net so long talked about was finally built. >> that net would have absolutely stopped me. i had no money. couldn't get back on the bus. i had no cell phone, couldn't call anybody. if there was a net, it would
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have stopped me literally in my tracks. >> my husband and i have presented to the golden gate bridge strict 20 studies showing that restricting access saves lives. >> reporter: a net is approved by the district but it costs money the cash-poor district doesn't have which is why assemblyman tom ammiano an active member of the antisuicide community has been looking for help from washington to the tune of $40 to $50 million. that's a lot of money. >> it's a lot of money in a national budget, it's -- it's -- it's not as significant. and also, you can't nickel and dime people's lives. >> reporter: $5 million has already been raised by private money. until some sort of barrier is put up, all people can do for those who wish to take their lives here to tell them, please don't jump. >> it's almost like a prayer. please don't jump. i don't want you to die. i want you to live. >> reporter: it's incredible to talk to kevin.
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he is such a profound person after what went through. he has changed completely. they will be in washington later in the year after the election and after all the fundraising that's going on to try to get that 40 to $50 million for a barrier and a net. juliette? >> thank you. mike sugerman. from an $800,000 city salary to handcuffs then the courtroom and that raises a new question for the residents of bell: just whose money is mr. rizzo using to get bailed out of jail? they are wasting your tax money every day don't come up with a budget but don't think they are just sitting around doing nothing. how lawmakers are making millions while nothing gets accomplished. and what can these bay area kids learn from the best female soccer player in the world? a hint? it has very little to do with soccer. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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ma'am, can you identify the other airline that charged you bag fees? that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip. [ gasps ] oh! ah! ♪ [ ding ]
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employees from the southern their inflated salaries caused outrage across the nation. today, eight current and former employees in the southern california city of bell appeared before a judge for the first time.
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it was bizarre. >> reporter: that didn't happen. reporter: >> first, need to to arraign all of --we need to arraign all of these defendants. >> reporter: but that didn't happen because the one-time leaders of bell's government all wearing their issued jail garb through their attorneys said they couldn't enter a plea today. including robert rizzo, his attorney said mr. rizzo is ill in fact too ill to even understand the charges against him. >> this a complex case and for mr. rizzo to enter a plea i have to explain the charges and count 1 is very difficult to even counsel to understand. >> reporter: rizzo faces 53 felony charges dealing with misappropriation of public funds and fraud and the judge asked the prosecution, what type of prison time if convicted is rizzo facing? >> mr. rizzo's maximum penalty is 58 years in state prison. >> reporter: none of the defendants entered a plea today. they are all back in court october 21st. and the question especially pertaining to rizzo, will he be in jail all this time or eventually make bail?
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so for now, the four that couldn't make bail with rizzo leading the way will return to county jail in an isolation cell away from all other inmates 24/7. the sheriff says it's for their own protection. the question is: how long will they stay that way before they come up with the necessary bail? from downtown los angeles, dave lopez, cbs 5. now we're going to talk about finances for your child. do they know how to balance a checkbook or save for a rainy day? well, today, they got a lesson a big one from one of the best soccer players in the world. >> i'm stronger, i'm more positive. i'm more energetic. i don't let nothing like i never put myself in that situation again. >> inside the safe place that has protected thousands of bay area women from domestic violence. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp,
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. students today. but it was less about sports, than it was two international soccer stars paid a visit to a group
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of east bay students today but it was less about sports than about money, money management, that is. ann notarangelo says the goal for these two athletes is to teach the students responsibility. >> reporter: they were playing soccer inside fremont federation's library learning practical money skills. two players helped launch a new videogame called financial soccer. the game asks players to answer questions, like budgeting can have an immediate effect on your salary, spending, tax status, investments. if you pick the right answer, your team moves the ball down field. >> you're playing a game with friends in a classroom, great idea. >> reporter: shannon got into it as she tried to move team usa closer to the goal and shut out team brazil. >> in school you're learning so many things, how to make money but not how to keep money.
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>> it's helping us learn while we are having fun by doing soccer things. >> reporter: while these high school players were in awe of their celebrity coaches, think got the message. >> i heard about people who don't have money and are on the streets. delete to happen to me. >> reporter: the game is designed for middle schoolers to adults and it doesn't play. you can play it online or order a free copy at visa designed the game and sponsors the prize and so it's no coincidence the launch coincides with the women's soccer championship game in sunday at cal state east bay. >> wps is a brand-new league. you can go down in history as being one of the first teams over it win a championship. so very excited about that. >> reporter: she wasn't as excited about her team's showing in the library though. >> i was like come on, team! u.s. against brazil! but we loves. >> what happened to team usa? >> we lost. >> reporter: maybe it's not a cliche to say they learned
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something valuable in defeat n oakland, ann notarangelo, cbs 5. >> maybe the california legislature could learn something here. the budget standoff is nearing record-breaking territory with no deal in sight. we are now 84 days late. the record 85 days. the governor has summoned lawmakers to los angeles because he too sick to travel to sacramento. the illness is blamed on the trip to asia this month. insiders are not expecting a breakthrough, bad news. the budget delay is costing the state millions of dollars in loan interest payments money that we of course do not get back. but in the meantime, state lawmakers are not just sitting on their hands. they are raking in money and a whole lot of it. for example, assemblywoman joan buchanan represents a hefty chunk of contra costa county and livermore valley and just
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yesterday, she held a fundraiser at chops restaurant in sacramento. each sponsor paid about $4,000. the tickets were $1,000. the assemblyman isidore hall from los angeles held a fundraiser at the same spot but tickets were more expensive. and cameron smith also from los angeles chose cosmo cafe and bumped ticket price up to $13. add that money up, it sure does add up. since july 1, state lawmakers have generated almost $7 million for their re-election campaigns. that works out to more than $80,000 a day. all this while the state loses money trying to find a way out of a $19 billion budget hole. so does it make you sick?? well, you're not alone. joining us tonight from sacramento is derek crest man the regional director for common cause, a nonprofit
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nonpartisan citizens lobbying organization promoting what it calls open, honest and accountable government. well, good luck with that, derek. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. it's good to be here. >> so almost $7 million raised since the budget stalemate began for re-elections. same story, different year. now, that's the whole point, isn't it? >> yeah. it's pretty appalling, isn't it? i mean, here we're at a point where the budget is late a record number of days and yet the politicians are still finding time to raise money for their own campaign accounts. it's really enough to drive you crazy. but they even deeper problem is that this is exactly what our current rules would encourage. you know, there's almost no accountability in the budget process. the politician don't pay a price if the budget is late even though the rest of us do and we have a campaign finance system that's on steroids
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where, whoever raises the most money wins 95% of the time. so to be expected that they are going to be out there raise last dollar that they can. >> let's look at who is giving them money, because it's a handful of larger interest groups. and just since july 1, at&t gave $70,000. pg&e $90,000. the california teachers association $70,000. the state building and construction trades council, $100,000. now, when asked about these numbers, at&t and the teachers union groups told "los angeles times" reporters, with straight faces, that the contributions have no connection to legislative action. really, should anyone believe that? >> right. if you believe that i have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you. what's so troubling is that the very interests that are there day in and day out through the end of the legislative and budget processes that are the ones filling the campaign
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coffers of our elected officials. and it really leads to bad problems with the budget. for example, the car dealers are major contributors to politicians here in california. they are seeking to add on a rider to the budget bill that would jack up the fees we pay when we buy a new car by $20 or $30, costing californians about $80 million a year. so we stand to lose when these special interests can gain through the budget process and through giving campaign cash. >> derek, what effect do you think, if any, have california's term limits had on this problem? >> i think term limits might be a part of the problem? but the bigger problem with the budget process is that there is no accountability. politicians don't stand to lose if the budget isn't passed on time because we have this convoluted system that requires a supermajority to pass a budget. the democrats and republicans can blame each other and voters
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don't know who they can hold accountable. so i think the first step has to be to insist that they pass a budget with a majority vote and if they don't, we should dock their pay. >> but docking their pay... is that solution enough? >> well, look, if you or i don't do our jobs, we're not going to get paid. we are seeing small businesses that aren't getting paid by the state because of the budget crisis that are trying to make their payrolls and racking up their credit cards to make ends meet. we are seeing state employees taking furloughs. and it's not their fault. the only people that can solve this problem are the legislators. and if they are not going to do it, why do they deserve to get paid? but first, we have to actually set it up so that they can do it and we know who to blame if it doesn't get done. and that means they need to be able to pass it with a majority vote. >> right. some accountability. derek cressman with common cause, thank you so much and
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again, good luck. >> sure, thanks. triple digits, the day you should expect triple digits right here in the bay area with your pinpoint forecast. the as go for the sweep as they try to stay alive in the pennant race and the raiders name their starting quarterback. the decision is coming up. ,, [ ruiz ] reliable tools started as a brick and mortar store. we sell lathes, mills, high-tech equipment. i had an idea to go ahead and put up a couple of items on ebay, and they brought more than our expectations. meg whitman gave me the tools to expand globally. we sell to australia, india... that big blue machine over there? it's going to malaysia on wednesday. with ebay, she created jobs for millions of people. with meg's creativity,
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she'll be able to create jobs here in california. i'm mariano ruiz and i'm a meg whitman success story. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured.
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protect your loved ones. which is really exciting... except i'm at a grocery store. i was just standing here with a carton of oj, and all of a sudden, it was all over the floor. the water, not the oj. and i'm not near my doctor and i'm not really sure what i should do... [ intercom ] clean up on aisle three! [ inhales deeply ] ugh. [ male announcer ] when the unexpected happens, you need a health plan you can trust. 3.4 million californians trust us with their health coverage needs. blue shield. with their health coverage needs. greed. the wealthiest corporations. billions in profits and bonuses. and the sacramento politicians just gave these same corporations a new billion dollar handout... paid for by cuts to education and public safety with no guarantee of creating one new job. but we can change this by voting yes on proposition 24. prop 24 repeals the billion dollar giveaway and protects our schools and communities.
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yes on prop 24. it's time to give us a break... not the big corporations. thousands of bay area battered women have found safety and a new started thanks to this week's jefferson award winner. sharon chin introduces us to this east bay pioneer helping domestic violence victims. >> the abuser has control over you. >> reporter: hope says she escaped years of verge an physical abuse when she and her two children left her partner last spring. >> i was really scared and nervous. i felt like no one was going to be there for me. >> reporter: she came to "a safer place" an oakland shelter and met executive director carolyn results. hope received safe housing, a restraining orthoand counseling to understand the violates wasn't her fault.
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>> it helped me feel like i wasn't the one who did it, like i wasn't the reason why this happened to me. >> reporter: under carolyn's leadership in the last quarter century, "a safe place" has taken in some 5,000 women and children needing shelter. carolyn's commitment to abuse victims sprouted while working at planned parenthood. she referred abuse victims to get help but noticed a disturbing trend. >> they continued to be in abusive relationships. they continued to come into the clinic, but yet they would not reach out for the services that were being offered to them. >> reporter: so the louisiana native researched domestic violence. >> i grew up in an area where domestic violence did not have a name. we didn't recognize relationship abuse as domestic violence. so we encourage parent and child bonding. >> reporter: determined to make a difference, she became the executive director of a safe place oakland's first battered women's shelter.
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she helped design the first domestic violence units in the oakland police department and county social services to better recognize and protect abuse victims. she says the work has cut in half the number of domestic violence calls to police. >> when i leave at the end of. day i know that we have made an impact on the lives of many women, but i into that there is more work to be done. >> reporter: for example, under caroline's guidance, a safe place and the city of oakland recently released a dvd called "real talk," to help prevent teen dating violence. board member aid dree general littlejohn praises carolyn easterling less commitment to survivors of abuse. >> i have seen this at the drop of a hat. she's there when she's needed. >> reporter: hope thanked carolyn for helping her step into a new job, apartment and life, self-sufficient, self- confident and violence-free. >> now i'm stronger, more positive, more energetic. i don't let nothing like i -- i never put myself in that situation begin. >> to see women like hope who go through our programs gives us the energy to continue the work. >> reporter: for helps thousands of abuse survivors find a safe place and a new
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life this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to carolyn russell. sharon chin, cbs 5. >> a safe place is sponsoring a walk this saturday against teen dating violence. registration starts at 8:00 a.m. at lake merritt bandstand. for more information, you can use a link at, click watch and listen, to find our story about carolyn. >> and they are going to have fabulous weather for that walk, aren't they? >> near and record high temperatures this weekend all the way through monday. it's a little prolonged heat wave and it's so odd because officially autumn arrives at 8:09 tonight. we have a full moon as well. the last time the two coincided you have to go back to autumn of 1991. clear skies looking out towards coit tower where san francisco, high today 63. 10 degrees below average. how about another view? we do have wall-to-wall sunshine at this hour. official sunset is at 7:06. and we are going to be able to
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see it at the beaches, where the coast is clear. tonight numbers in the 50s and low 70s from our coast through the bay to our inland areas. overnight tonight we will see some stratus in the form of patchy fog and low clouds late night overnight as the numbers go between 48 and 55. area of low pressure well to the north. high pressure is actually expanding from the desert southwest all the way into the eastern pacific. dry air mass offshore flow, potential for fire danger will increase this weekend. meanwhile, tomorrow your temperatures on the increase in comparison to today. three degrees warmer in concord. seven degrees warmer in santa rosa and in san jose. and you can count on a near seasonal high of 72 in san francisco. now, let's go ahead and pinpoint your forecast. kick-starting with los altos at 81 degrees with mostly sunny skies, northwest winds 10 to 15 miles per hour. mid-70s in fremont through union city. east of the bay, 67 degrees in
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richmond to 84 in brentwood. low 80s in san ramon, 76 in san leandro. we have sunshine in stinson beach for your thursday. 79 degrees in san anselmo and low 80s will be common around the wine country anywhere from glen ellen through sonoma into napa. this weekend we have the art and wine festival in saratoga. lots of sunshine at 95 degrees. speaking of 95, yes, we're talking triple digits by monday inland. record heat right here in the bay area. that's a prolonged heat wave. mid-90s through this time next week. clouds and shadows, karen thank you for your mypix. keep them coming at and we'll be right back after this. ,,,,
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this sunday's game against the arizona cardinals. after bruce chants at halfti blues gradkowski is the starting quarterback against the cardinals. yeah, after bruce chants at halftime sunday, gradkowski replaced jason campbell and led the raiders to a win against the rams. the offensive coordinator asked cable to make the switch on
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sunday. now, campbell lasted just six quarters as the raiders starting quarterback. he threw 2 interceptions, a touchdown in the stretch sacked six times in two quarters he had 162 yards and the touchdown. he wasn't sacked at all. >> just fire the guy. he is very passionate about what he is doing. he has great command of it and i think they respect that. they trust that. you know, he is not afraid to get after anyone whether it's a lineman, receiver or whoever. , himself. he is very, very hard on himself. so think the guys respect that fact. michael vick became a starting quarterback. today he woke up to the philadelphia daily news, top dog a direct shot at vick in prison for a dogfighting ring. chris is heating up. against the white sox, carter belts his first major league
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home run no cheapie there. 4-4 in three game. key han delivers the go-ahead double, 4-3 the final, oakland falls, 7.5 behind the rangers. rangers in town tomorrow. they were at one point the country's most electric football duo. now the former ohio state stars are reunited in san francisco. kim coyle on the friendship between troy smith and ted ginn. >> he is my brother. he is my younger brother, though. let's get that clear. >> reporter: it's a friendship 20 years in the making. it all began at the morning star baptist church in cleveland, ohio. do you remember the first time you met him? >> yeah. we was in church actually. he was five and i was six. we was rivals as little guys. what they call pop warner. and then you know, then we end up going to the same high school. i caught my first pass from him when i was a sophomore, he was a senior. and then, you know, he ended
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up going to ohio state. and we each -- as came in my fresh plan year, he became the starter and you know we kind of took off from there it. >> reporter: that season they led the buckeyes to beat notre dame in the fiesta bowl. smith won the 2006 heisman trophy and was drafted in 2007 by the ravens in the fifth round. ginn was selected 165 picks earlier and when things didn't work out in miami for the ninth overall pick? his childhood friend was there for support. >> you know, i know in my heart he is a great receiver, one of the toughest guys i have ever played with. >> reporter: that's not the only thing he knows. >> average person might not know that ted is kind of a narcoleptic. he is chewing on candy to stay awake. it's nice to turn around and no
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got my back if i fall asleep or you know get sleepy a little bit. >> reporter: kim coyle, cbs 5 sports. >> pretty amazing from pop warner to the national football league. troy smith is currently the third string quarterback for the 49ers so hopefully he will get a shot at some point that they are both on the same nfl field. >> very cool kool. >> one was five, the other was six. >> got each other's back. >> yeah. >> you know, do you not want to fall asleep during a mike singletary football meeting because you will be in big troubling. >> mm-hm. >> or during one of our newscasts. >> not good. >> no can do. [ laughter ] >> i can understand a football meeting but a newscast? >> thanks for watching. "eye on the bay" is next. >> see you at 10:00 and 11:00. ,,,,,,
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