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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 7am  CBS  September 18, 2010 6:00am-7:30am PST

7:00 am
mail snail: hey doodle-dudes! ♪ bob: it's time for the show. ♪ ♪ send a message to the doodlebops rock and roll show. ♪ ♪
7:01 am
♪ altogether we're the doodlebops ♪ ♪ dee dee ♪ rooney ♪ moe ♪ clap your hands for the doodlebops ♪ ♪ rock and roll show ♪ yeah, yeah! ♪ we'll see everybody in the doodlenet. ♪ ♪ rock & roll show! child's voice: i love the doodle bops.
7:02 am
♪ who♪ smallfrys! f hugs and half the size? ♪ ♪ what's a real cool thing to show your guys? ♪ ♪ smallfrys! [ female announcer ] new smallfrys from build-a-bear workshop. they've got fur-sonality! available for a limited time. ♪ smallfrys!
7:03 am
[♪] deedee: dont' forget to ask. [♪] ♪ [music from portable device] ♪ rooney: yeah! bum da da da, bum da da da... moe: rooney, have you seen the... mop? ♪ [music from portable device] ♪ deedee: did you ask the mop if you could 'have this dance'?
7:04 am
rooney: i have an amazing idea! bop bop: [bark] rooney: we're gonna make a music video! rooney: and i have a camera! [♪] deedee/moe/rooney: it's mail snail! mail snail: aloha! hey, doodle dudes! rooney: hey mail snail. do you know anyone who can help us make a music video? mail snail: hmmm. let me check the old shell... mail snail: try this one on for size. gotta slide, catch you on the flip side! deedee/rooney/rooney: bye, mail snail! deedee: and thanks! bob: let's see who mail snail brought us today! [sound effects] [♪] alex: hi, doodlebops! i love movies. i want to make movies when i grow up. check out this sweet camera i've been using. do you think i could come by and film you guys sometime? rooney: sometime? what about right now? deedee: what time is it, bob?
7:05 am
bob: time for alex to get on the bus! [beatboxing] do-doodle- doooo-dle for a day! ♪ deedee: oh, yeah- woo! ♪ all: (singing)doot do do doot - let's get on the ♪ bus doot do do doot doot do do doot - let's get on ♪ the bus doot do do doot let's get on the bus ♪ it's time to go let's get on ♪ the bus hey, don't you know ♪ let's get on the bus go here to ♪ there let's get on the bus go ♪ everywhere deedee: here we go! ♪ alex: yeah! ♪ [laughs] ♪ bob: we're gonna take a bus ride! ♪ all: doot do do doot! moe: [laughs] good catch roon...
7:06 am
deedee: welcome to the doodlenet, alex! alex: wow! i'm really here! with... with you! deedee: will you shoot a music video for us? alex: cool! i love music videos. rooney: great! what next? alex: we need a great looking location. all the best videos have a cool looking location. maybe something with lots of rocks, cause you guys are a 'rock band'! moe: aw, man. couldn't we be a 'ice cream sandwich band'? bob: buckle up! it's time to bada-bing-bada-zoom! [♪] bob: here we are- rock town! [♪] alex: and... action! [♪] deedee: before you jump right to it
7:07 am
don't forget to ask moe: you're gonna get to do it but don't forget to ask deedee/moe/rooney: speak right up don't be shy just remember don't forget to ask rock-a-billy caveman: hey there little lady. if it's not too much trouble, why don't ya hop on down from atop my car, there. deedee: sorry, sir. i guess we got carried away. alex: that was so great! come on! leave your stuff and let's go find our next location! doodles: yeah/you got it! [heavy footsteps] [♪] alex: that rainbow back there would be a great background for a shot. rooney: okay, let's grab our stuff and... hey! where's our instruments? alex: and where's my camera? deedee: [gasps] moe: maybe our stuff got hungry and went for lunch? deedee: excuse me, sir? i was wondering - great hairdo, by the way - if you saw what happened to our stuff?
7:08 am
rock-a-billy caveman: i did. but y'all showed up with your dancing on the sidewalks and the jumping on the statues and the music video voodoo... and didn't anybody think about asking us permission to do any of that? deedee: you're right. we should have asked. but maybe we can make it up to you? moe: yeah! like how about a concert tonight? rock-a-billy caveman: that's down right nice of y'all. townspeople: [cheering] rock-a-billy caveman: and since you're all so polite, i'll tell you your stuff was taken by the too rude t-rexeses. deedee/rooney/moe/bob/alex: [gasp] rock-a-billy caveman: they're always taking stuff without asking! downright rude! deedee: we've got to find those too rude t-rexeses... es. [♪] deedee: woo! i'm tired. moe: tired? i'm not tired in the least. alex: that's because you're standing on a turtle. moe: oh! thanks!
7:09 am
turtle: no problem-o, pal. alex: hey, look! don't those footprints look like t-rexeses prints? deedee: they do! let's follow them and see where they go! moe: aw! i miss my turtle. [♪] troll: not scho fascht! thisch is my bridge, and i schay who croschesch and who doeschn't, ya schee. rooney: but... there's no other way across! moe: how will we get our stuff? alex: can we please use your bridge? troll: right thisch way, schinsche you aschked scho nischely! not like thosche t-rexscheschsch. they're scho rude! deedee: good job, alex! alex: it never hurts to ask. deedee/rooney/moe: [gasp] moe: my drums! [♪] alex: and the rest of our stuff, too! [♪] deedee: how can we get it all back? rooney: are you thinking what i'm thinking? moe: um... cheeseburgers and applesauce?
7:10 am
rooney: no. i'm thinking that i have a plan... rooney: in these t-rex costumes, we'll look like them! moe: great idea. rooney: we're getting close, act like dinosaurs. moe: grrrrreat idea! doodles: grr. roar! grr. head t-rex: people? people! it's time for our work out routine! alex: just follow along or they'll know we're not really t-rexeses! head t-rex: everybody run in place! [♪] head t-rex: ok...jumping jacks. head t-rex: two, one, two, one, two... head t-rex: touch your toes! alex: i think they're on to us. head t-rex: [gasp] you're the doodlebops! moe: uh-huh and...
7:11 am
head t-rex: and? and, you're our favourite band ever! i can't believe you're here! i can't believe... er, quick question. why were you in disguise? rooney: we just wanted our stuff back! head t-rex: what stuff? head t-rex: that's your stuff? we didn't know! we borrowed it from rock town! we borrow stuff from them all the time. alex: do you ask first, before you borrow it? head t-rex: well... uh... since you... um... no. alex: if you don't ask, you won't know you're not supposed to do something. head t-rex: wow. i guess we just never thought about it that way befefefefefefeft or even play our instruments. head t-rex: we can't! our arms are too short. rooney: maybe we can help with that! [♪]
7:12 am
rooney: wow, you guys are ready to rock! dino style! deedee: let's all do what we do best. rock the house! [applause and cheering] rooney: ladies and gentlemen! we have some special guests with us tonight! show some love for the t-rexeses! ♪ ♪ deedee: before you jump right to it ♪ ♪ don't forget to ask ♪ moe: you're gonna get to do it ♪ ♪ but don't forget to ask ♪ deedee/moe/rooney: speak right up ♪ ♪ don't be shy ♪ just remember ♪ don't forget to ask ♪ rooney: look before you leap now ♪ ♪ don't forget to ask
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♪ deedee: take that extra beat now ♪ ♪ and don't forget to ask ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: speak right up ♪ ♪ don't be shy ♪ just remember ♪ don't forget to ask ♪ ♪ deedee: before you jump right to it ♪ ♪ don't forget to ask ♪ moe: you're gonna get to do it ♪ ♪ but don't forget to ask ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: speak right up ♪ ♪ don't be shy ♪ just remember ♪ don't forget to ask ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: speak right up ♪ ♪ don't be shy ♪ just remember ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: speak right up ♪ ♪ don't be shy ♪ just remember ♪ don't forget to ask crowd: [cheers] [♪] bob: hey gang - message from alex!
7:14 am
alex: hey, doodlebops! the music video is all finished! thanks for letting me help you make it. i sure learned a lot. soooo.... would you like to see it? rooney: we'd love to! bopbop: [barks] deedee/rooney/moe/bob: [laughs] >> woman: jacob, what's this say? >> boats float in the ocean. >> envelope! >> woman: what does this say? >> these children are reading-- yes, reading-- some before they can even talk. by seizing a small window of opportunity of accelerated learning in the first five years of life, thousands of parents around the world are seeing how your baby can read has changed their lives. >> at one point i thought he was
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just memorizing the order of the words on the screen 'cause he had read everything. >> that... >> what's that? >> bib. >> bib! excellent! and... >> that's... >> you tell me, what's that? >> turtle. >> turtle! >> man: turtle. >> lindsey: your baby can read is so much more than just the reading aspect. >> mozart. >> mozart. >> there is nothing that he doesn't want to learn more about, and that includes sports. you know, the next thing i know graham is outside shooting hoops. he's incredibly well-rounded. >> "...would last for years and take the lives of more than 600,000 americans." >> no way. >> way. >> announcer: here's how it works. your child sees and hears the words "clap," followed by hearing and seeing the meaning of the word while saying or doing the word. it's that simple. seize this small window of opportunity to give your child the stimulation they crave. get the complete your baby can read early language development system today. a 30-day risk-free trial is yours to try for only $14.95.
7:16 am
this complete package of dvds, books, sliding cards and games helps unlock your child's learning potential and confidence. that's not all. order today and you'll get these three free gifts valued at more than $75, and they're yours to keep absolutely free. [♪...] pp [♪] moe: bopbop's new tricks. [♪] [♪] deedee: did you hear it's a sold out show? oh, i can just see all those tails wagging already!
7:17 am
rooney: it's always a treat to play in dog town. get it? treat? as in... dog treats? bob: did someone say treats? doodlebops: yeah! thank you! moe: they're bop bop's favorite. moe: nice move, bop bop. don't ya think dog town would love it if bop bop performed with us? deedee: but she doesn't know any tricks. moe: maybe she could do a drum solo. come here, bop bop. moe: your very first drumming lesson. you just have to keep the beat. deedee: no, not 'eat', bop bop. beat. rooney: i've got an idea. rooney: they're horns like the ones seals play at the circus. they honk when you squeeze 'em. ok, bop bop - watch how i do it. [horn melody] deedee: bop bop! go play the horns! deedee: would it make a difference if i said please? [♪] deedee/moe/rooney: it's mail snail!
7:18 am
mail snail: surf's up! rooney: hi, mail snail. deedee: why so nervous? mail snail: cause a town full of dogs is no place for anyone who delivers mail. dogs love chasing mail carriers. bopbop: [barks] mail snail: well, here ya go. i gotta slide, catch ya on the flip side! i am outta here! dogs: [barking] bob: let's see who mail snail brought us today. [sound effects] jenny: hi, doodlebops! my name's jenny and i love everything about school. i like it so much that when i grow up i want to be a teacher. do you think i'd make a good one? rooney: if she likes teaching, maybe she can teach bop bop to play the horns. deedee: [laughs] at least she'll have fun trying. doodlebops: hey bob - what time is it?
7:19 am
bob: time for jenny to get on the bus! da-da-da-da! doooo-dle for a day! [♪] deedee: oh, yeah- woo! ♪ all: (singing)doot do do doot - let's get on the ♪ bus doot do do doot doot do do doot - let's get on ♪ the bus doot do do doot let's get on the bus ♪ it's time to go let's get on ♪ the bus hey, don't you know ♪ let's get on the bus go here to ♪ there let's get on the bus go ♪ everywhere ♪ deedee: here we go! ♪ jenny: yay! woohoo! [laughs] wow! bob: we're gonna take a bus ride! ♪ all: doot do do doot! jenny: wow! look at me! and look at you! the doodlebops! wow.
7:20 am
deedee: nice to meet you too, jenny. and welcome to the doodlenet. moe: this is bop bop. moe: hey! she was just here a second ago. where's bop bop? bob: yeah, where is bop bop? deedee: where's bop bop? rooney: hey, isn't it moe who's usually missing? [♪] jenny: here's bop bop. she found bob's cupcake stash. jenny: wow, does she ever like cupcake icing. rooney: so, jenny... we really want bop bop to play these horns tonight. maybe you can teach her how. jenny: i'll try. how does the song go? moe: a little something like this... ♪ ♪ deedee: take time ♪ to open your mind ♪ and try to find a special way ♪ ♪ ♪ of how to reach out and teach someone ♪ ♪ anything they want to learn today. ♪ jenny: i've never seen a dog like icing so much.
7:21 am
jenny: come here, bop bop. [horn melody] jenny: now it's your turn. rooney: it won't be easy. bob: bop bop! bob: i haven't even had one yet! jenny: well, everyone learns differently. maybe we should start by taking her to a place that she likes. that way we can make it more fun for her. bob: hey! there's a dog park right outside! moe: perfect! [♪] jenny: my teacher once said the best way to teach is by starting with something really simple. deedee: well, what's something easy that all dogs can do? moe: i know! they can all breathe! deedee: moe, that's not a trick. moe: i know! they can all sit. jenny: that's true. okay bop bop - sit. [giggles]
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jenny: okay... how about this? roll over! moe: bop bop! come on! [laughs] come here! jenny: i don't think she's going to listen to me. what if i'm not a good teacher? rooney: jenny - don't give up. something's bound to work. i think you are a good teacher. jenny: i guess everyone just learns in different ways, right? deedee: right. and bop bop's a little extra challenging. speaking of which, let's go find her. deedee: what is this place? professor poochini: oh hello, doodlebops. welcome to the doodlenet dog school. i can teach any dog any trick. rooney: i think we've come to the right place. professor poochini: okay bop bop. roll over! moe: come on girl! this is easy!
7:23 am
professor poochini: let's try 'fetching'. professor poochini: good boy - you get an a plus! rooney: everyone sure learns differently. deedee: at least moe's ready for some tricks at the show tonight. rooney: it's too bad bop bop couldn't learn to play along with us. i guess we should get rid of the horns. moe: i think i've got fleas! jenny: hey guys! have you seen bop bop? i was trying one last time to train her one last time and she ran off. deedee: are we really going to play 'where's bop bop?' again? moe: i smell her... and... mmmm! rooney: bop bop, i think bob made those for all of us. jenny: wait a second. bop bop loves icing. she'll do anything for it. i think i may have found a way to teach bop bop. i'll be right back! rooney: hey, c'mon, there's enough for everyone.
7:24 am
jenny: it's time to try something different. jenny: come here, girl! i've got some icing for you. deedee: i think she's got it! jenny: [giggles] [horn melody] i guess the way to teach bop bop is by rewarding her! with a cupcake! rooney: good job, jenny. you taught her a new trick! moe: and now tonight's show is gonna rock! crowd: [cheering] ♪ ♪ deedee: take time to open your mind ♪ ♪ and try to find a special way ♪ ♪ of how to reach out and teach someone ♪ ♪ anything they want to learn today. ♪ ♪ rooney: think of all the possibilities ♪ ♪ right before your eyes ♪ moe: you can light up a million stars ♪ ♪ one smile at a time
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♪ rooney: you are the one who's gonna make the ♪ ♪ learnin' fun ♪ ♪ oh yea...yea yea yea...woo ♪ moe: not foolin' around, we'll find a way ♪ ♪ to get it done ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: everyone... ♪ ♪ woo! ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: everybody (yea yea) ♪ ♪ have a good time (yea yea) ♪ 'cause we're learnin'(yea yea) ♪ ♪ that the learnin's lots of fun ♪ ♪ everybody (yea yea) ♪ find your own way (yea yea) ♪ to discover (yea yea) ♪ that the learnin's lots of fun ♪ ♪ everybody
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[horn melody] crowd: [cheering] bob: i've got a surprise for bop bop. bob: that's right girl - cupcake icing flavored dog food. which you can have after you watch this message from jenny. jenny: hey guys! i had a great time helping you, even though teaching bop bop was hard! i guess everyone just learns differently. i better get back to my homework now. bye! deedee/rooney/moe: see ya, jenny! /bye! deedee: you know, bop bop really plays the horns well. rooney: maybe she'll perform with us again. what do you think, girl? rooney: [barks] deedee: i think dog town really had an effect on moe. [♪] deedee/rooney/bob: [laughs]
7:27 am
deedee/rooney/rooney: show us your doodle moves! [♪] deedee: knock knock! kids: who's there? deedee: anita! kids: anita who? deedee: anita borrow a pencil! [laughs] with promises of big savings. companies try to lure you in what they may not tell you is how little their policies actually cover. that's why nationwide insurance helps you get the custom coverage you need no more, no less and could still save you an average of forty-three dollars every month on your auto policy. that's over five hundred dollars a year. just call visit an agent, or go to so let's say you need a little more house coverage... ...and a little more life coverage... ...and a lot less car coverage.
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7:29 am
♪] doodlebops: we promise to share, we promise to care all together as a team deedee! rooney! moe! yeah! we're the doodlebops!
7:30 am
mail snail: hey doodle-dudes! ♪ bob: it's time for the show. ♪ ♪ send a message to the doodlebops rock and roll show. ♪
7:31 am
♪ ♪ altogether we're the doodlebops ♪ ♪ dee dee ♪ rooney ♪ moe ♪ clap your hands for the doodlebops ♪ ♪ rock and roll show ♪ yeah, yeah! ♪ we'll see everybody in the doodlenet. ♪ ♪ rock & roll show! child's voice: i love the doodle bops.
7:32 am
7:33 am
8ñgo úkart. [♪] deedee/rooney/moe: whee! /woo hoo! /alright! [♪] [phone rings] deedee: doodlebops! how can i help you? deedee: that's amazing! deedee: wow! wow! !
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wow! ! ! deedee: you're never gonna guess what. i'm so excited! bopbop: deedee: we've all been nominated for 'rock band of the year'! moe/rooney: woohoo! / awesome! rooney: just being nominated is so cool! plus, i heard they have great little snacky foods backstage. moe: i bet zimmy zamzam is going to be there. deedee: we just have to win. [♪] deedee/rooney/moe/bob: it's mail snail! mail snail: hey doodles! [♪] whoa . special delivery for the doodlebops... rooney: thanks, mail snail. mail snail: hey, i heard about your nomination for 'rock band of the year'! good luck. gotta slide, catch ya on the flip side! deedee/rooney/moe: bye, mail snail! deedee: and thanks! bob: let's see who mail snail brought us today! [sound effects]
7:35 am
hanna: hi, doodlebops! i'm hanna. i made this myself because i've never won a real trophy before. do you think someday i might get lucky and win big? bob: hey, guys, look at this! a go-kart competition. rooney: "doodlenet go kart race"? moe: this afternoon? deedee: and the winner gets a 'humongous, trophy'? hanna has to compete in this race! she could win! rooney: what time is it, bob? bob: time for hanna to get on the bus! da-da-da-da! doooo-dle for a day! [♪] deedee: oh, yeah- woo! ♪ all: (singing)doot do do doot - let's get on the ♪ bus doot do do doot doot do do doot - let's get on ♪ the bus doot do do doot let's get on the bus ♪ it's time to go let's get on ♪ the bus hey, don't you know ♪ let's get on the bus go here to ♪ there let's get on the bus go ♪ everywhere
7:36 am
deedee: here we go! hanna: whoa! ♪ wow! ♪ bob: we're gonna take a bus ride! ♪ all: doot do do doot! ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: welcome to the doodlenet, hanna! hanna: am i on the doodlebops tour bus? moe: oh yeah, for sure. rooney: you must be. because that's where we are! moe: and we've figured out a way for you to win a trophy for your dresser. it's the annual doodlenet go-kart race hanna: whoa! go-karts are totally fun! deedee: but this is about more than just having fun, right? this is about you winning a trophy. hanna: but i don't have a go-kart. bob: fasten your seat belts, cause i know just where to go to fix that problem. it's time to bada-bing-bada-zoooooom!
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rooney: this scrap yard has everything we need to make a go kart go. hanna: deedee, can i take a break? i want to go explore. deedee: there's no time for breaks if you really want to win, hanna. moe: how about a radio for the go kart? [♪] deedee: no. no. no. the weight of the radio will slow her down. bob: so she can't listen to tunes while she drives? what fun is that? deedee: hanna has to win this race. bob: don't worry- this baby is a winner. trust me. deedee: hello? speedy gadgets and thingamajig warehouse? i need everything on pages fourteen through eighteen. by the way, it's a "rush" order. deedee: what took you so long? hanna: deedee's kinda making me nervous. what if i don't win? moe: don't worry. just have fun. ♪ moe/rooney: love it ♪ deedee: guys? ♪ moe/rooney: for the love of it ♪
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deedee: guys? ♪ moe/rooney: you gotta love it ♪ deedee: guys? ♪ moe/rooney: for the love of it ♪ ♪ for the love of it for the love of it ♪ deedee: guys! moe/rooney: aaahh! deedee: there'll be time for music after hanna wins the race... deedee: this! rooney: what about the other go-kart? deedee: do you want to win or not? deedee: a few more twists and this kart will be unbeatable. rooney: so hanna... are you having fun? hanna: i, ummm... no, not really. deedee's taking the race way too seriously. i'd like to win, sure, but it's not that important. [horns honking] bob: the other racers are here. sports announcer: time to meet the racers... franco the fastest falcon! hanna: cool go kart! deedee: you shouldn't compliment your competition. announcer: sally the speedy spider!
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announcer: penelope the playful panda... announcer: calvin the kooky kangaroo... moe: whoa...! announcer: and the one and only... hanna! deedee: that's you. c'mon, champ. time for a test drive. [exploding sounds] moe: guaranteed to win, huh? deedee: i'm sorry, guys. i got carried away with the idea of winning and i ruined everything. now hanna won't be able to race. bob: don't be so sure of that! moe/deedee: woo hoo! /alright! bob: i had a feeling this little puppy would come in handy! let's roll! hanna: okay!
7:40 am
rooney: hanna sure knows how to drive. deedee: but she's in last place! deedee: but it's still great that she's out there having fun and all. hanna: all that's important is that i have fun out here. i don't have to win. [♪] announcer: ohhh. that's gotta h-.... hanna: nice racing with you! [♪] deedee: she's catching up! [♪] hanna: this is fun! rooney: ooo, it's going to be close!
7:41 am
announcer: winner by a beak freddy the fastest falcon... with hanna in 2nd place! deedee/rooney/moe/bob: woohoo! /alright! /yeah! hanna: wow! that was the most fun ever! deedee: but you didn't win. hanna: i forgot about winning because i was having so much fun. hanna: this is so exciting! i really hope you guys win the award. deedee: thanks, hanna. zimmy: hey there, deedee. hello doodles. and doodle for a day, hanna. good luck and congratulations! announcer: and the "rock band of the year" is... ... the doodlebops! deedee/rooney/moe: woohoo! /yeah! /alright! deedee: i'd like to thank our parents for having us, zimmy zamzam for being so dreamy, that nice old lady
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who knitted me a sweater once when i was a kid... moe: [mumbles] we don't have all day deedee.. most of all, we'd like to thank our fans! crowd: [cheering] ♪ ♪ rooney/moe: love it for the love of it you gotta ♪ ♪ love it for the love of it for the love of it ♪ ♪ for the love of it ♪ ♪ rooney: playing a game or running a race ♪ ♪'s nice to win ♪ moe: but when you put that smile on your face ♪ ♪ you let the fun begin ♪ ♪ deedee: la la la la ♪ rooney/moe: for the love of it for the love of it ♪ ♪ deedee: la la la la ♪ rooney/moe: for the love of it ♪ ♪ deedee: everybody sing it! ♪ ♪ deedee: la la la la
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♪ rooney/moe: for the love of it for the love of it ♪ ♪ deedee: la la la la ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: for the love of it for the love of it ♪ ♪ love it for the love of it you got ta love it ♪ ♪ for the love of it for the love of it love it for the ♪ ♪ love of it you got ta love it for the love of it for ♪ ♪ the love of it for the love of it ♪ [♪] bob: hey, boppers, we got a message from hanna! [sound effects] hanna: hi, doodlebops! i went bowling with my friends yesterday and i was having so much fun i didn't even realize that i won. and guess what? hanna: i won a trophy! look, isn't it great?
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i'm so happy! rooney: that's awesome, hanna! deedee: i'm a pretty good bowler too. maybe i should challenge hanna to a game. winner gets a huge trophy! deedee:uh, guys? i'm kidding! bopbop: rooney/moe: oh boy/phew!
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lqlfway. [♪] deedee: ahhh. what a quiet, relaxing day. bob: rooney. wouldn't you rather... um... rooney: naaa...
7:47 am
deedee: roon. please? we're resting up for the concert tonight. what's so important that you can't do that later? rooney: what's so important? what's so important? my newest invention, that's what's so important. bob: whatcha building? rooney: i can't tell you yet. but i promise it'll be exciting! moe: hey, you know what else will be exciting? our concert today in giant town. deedee: totally. moe: i'm so excited, i've been working on a new drum solo! wanna hear it? deedee/rooney: sure! / yeah! bob: i can't wait! moe: well? what do you guys think? deedee: um... well. it starts off great. bob: the rest of it is a little short. [♪] deedee/rooney/moe/bob: mail snail! mail snail: aloha! hola, doodle... ...doodle-dudes? moe: we're out here, mail snail! mail snail: whoa, catching some rays. sweet. deedee: you know it. mail snail: here's your mail. gotta slide. catch you on the flip side! deedee/rooney/moe: bye, mail snail!
7:48 am
bob: let's see who mail snail brought us today! [sound effects] jon: hey doodlebops! my name's jon. i love making all kinds of things. i just finished this cool castle out of modeling clay. can i come to the doodlenet and show it to you? deedee/rooney/moe: what time is it, bob? bob: time for jon to get on the bus! da-da-da-da! doooo-dle for a day! ♪ deedee: oh, yeah- woo! [♪] ♪ all: (singing)doot do do doot - let's get on the ♪ bus doot do do doot doot do do doot - let's get on ♪ the bus doot do do doot let's get on the bus ♪ it's time to go let's get on ♪ the bus hey, don't you know ♪ let's get on the bus go here to ♪ there let's get on the bus go everywhere ♪ deedee: here we go!
7:49 am
jon: bob: we're gonna take a bus ride! all: doot do do doot! moe: welcome to the doodlenet, jon! jon: wow, i'm glad to be here... you're my all time favourite band! deedee: and you're our all time favourite castle builder! moe: too bad it's too small to live in. cuz that sure would be cool! rooney: and that's where i come in. can i borrow your castle? rooney: behold my latest invention: the ginormification zapper! bob: have you tested that thing? rooney: technically? no. but here goes! moe: wait! are you sure that's a good idea? it doesn't look finished. rooney: it's fine. trust me.
7:50 am
deedee/moe: cool! moe: you've invented a big-i-fyer! rooney: a really big-i-fyer! uh oh... moe: jon/deedee/ moe/rooney: whoa! bob: are you guys okay? moe: i think so. how are we gonna get back down? deedee: hey a crack in the roof. jon: oh yeah, i meant to fix that. moe: here we go! moe: aww, come on, i'm not a tree! jon: we must be in the bird room! deedee: it looks like they want a place to sit and perch. here you go, birdies. rooney: wow, great job dee! jon: we can make anything we want? i'm gonna make a tiger... no, a rocket ship...
7:51 am
no, a mountain... no, a big tv! deedee: jon, you won't make anything if you don't finish something. ♪ rooney: when you've got a job to do don't forget to see it through deedee: try to stay away each and every day from makin' up a lame excuse moe: drum solo! moe: still working on it. hmm. i better finish before our big concert. deedee: oh no! the concert! we'd better hurry and get out of here, or we're going to be late. deedee: bob! turn the machine off! bob: we're trying! there's no 'off' switch! rooney: of course! the 'off' switch is right here in my pocket! moe: well, turn it off! rooney: i was so excited to try out my invention i forgot to finish making it!
7:52 am
deedee: we need to get out of here so we can turn off the invention. jon: follow me! i know my way around... jon: hmm. guess i never finished making lights in this room. i'll fix it by making a window... no, a flashlight... no, a lighthouse! jon: a lamp'll work too. jon: down here! moe: where's rooney? rooney: whoa! oops. moe: mmm! tastes like yogurt! rooney: let me guess. the frozen yogurt room? jon: yes, but i meant to finish it by making freezers to keep all the frozen yogurt from melting. how will we get across? i know! let's build a raft... no, a yacht! no, wings! moe: now we can just walk out!
7:53 am
rooney: talk about a 'cool' idea, moe! jon: right this way, folks! rooney: um... did the bottom half of the stairs go for nap time? jon: i didn't finish making it! moe: leave it to me! whoaaa! deedee/rooney/jon: woohoo! jon: nice job, moe! we're almost there! jon: oh no! i didn't make a way out! rooney: if i'd finished my machine before trying it, we wouldn't be stuck in here. we both should've finished what we started. jon: and that's just what i'm gonna do! jon: almost there... whoa! jon: ugh... but it's too high! i can't reach! rooney, can i please have a boost? deedee: jon! you did it! you should be so proud! jon: i am! i finally finished something i started.
7:54 am
rooney: me too! moe: i need to finish my big drum solo. bob: do it in the bus. we've got a concert to get to! [♪] rooney: hello giant town! are you ready to rock! deedee: is there a giant out there who needs a home? it needs a little fixing up, but you'll have your own frozen yogurt room! giant: ooh! me! me! deedee sold! ♪ rooney: when you've got a job to do don't forget ♪ ♪ to see it through ♪ deedee: try to stay away each and every day ♪
7:55 am
♪ from makin' up a lame excuse ♪ ♪ rooney: yeah, like ♪ deedee: i don't have the time ♪ ♪ moe: i'm running a little behind ♪ ♪ rooney: i don't feel like it ♪ ♪ moe: i forgot ♪ deedee: it's just too hard ♪ ♪ rooney: i'm out in the yard ♪ ♪ moe: it's like a job to do ♪ ♪ deedee/rooney/moe: i don't want to... ♪ ♪ just get it done just get it done now ♪ ♪ ♪ just get it done just get it done now ♪ ♪ ♪ you feel super when you get it done ♪ ♪ ♪ just get it done just get it done now ♪ ♪ ♪ just get it done just get it done now ♪ ♪
7:56 am
♪ just get it done just get it done now ♪ ♪ ♪ just get it done just get it done now ♪ ♪ ♪ you feel super when you get it done. ♪ bob: hey, message from jon! [sound effects] jon: hi doodlebops! thanks to you, from now on, i'm always going to finish what i start. like my latest castle! see, look! it's finished! deedee: see ya! um, moe? are you sure you have enough frozen yogurt there? moe: it may be a little too much, but hey... i have to finish what i start, right?
7:57 am
moe: thanks for the help bop bop, but i really think i should finish what i started on my own. bopbop: moe: here's one for you! bopbop: all: [laughing] [♪] ♪ who♪ smallfrys! f hugs and half the size? ♪ ♪ what's a real cool thing to show your guys? ♪ ♪ smallfrys! [ female announcer ] new smallfrys from build-a-bear workshop. they've got fur-sonality! available for a limited time. ♪ smallfrys!
7:58 am
7:59 am
doodlebops: we promise to share, we promise to care all together as a team deedee! rooney! moe! yeah! we're the doodlebops!
8:00 am
8:01 am
♪ who's making magic? ♪ making magic, making magic ♪ ♪ who's making magic? ♪ making magic, making magic ♪ ♪ what's going on here? ♪ something's not right ♪ who's making magic now every night? ♪ ♪ witch training lessons till the mornin' light ♪ ♪ living sabrina's secret life ♪ [whistles] ♪ who's making magic? ♪ who's making magic? ♪ who's making magic? ♪ sabrina's secret life ♪ witch training lessons now every night ♪ ♪ magic, making magic
8:02 am
♪ sabrina's secret life ♪ magic, making magic captioning made possible by dic entertainment [students talking] [bell rings] so, brina... what do ya want to... sabrina? huh? huh? go away! it won't work, sabrina. you promised hilda and zelda you'd go to school. why didn't you warn me about those chipmunk chews? if i'd have known you were going to steal them from my pantry, i'd have put up a big warning sign! can you believe this? why do i have to be allergic to fur sugar? i'd say you got your just desserts. now come out or you'll be late for class. i can't go looking like this! [gags and coughs] hey, the swelling'll go down in a couple of hours. at least you're not...late.
8:03 am
[chuckles] see ya after detention. [groans] [gasps] there you are! uh...hi, cassandra. hi, sabrina! hi, sabrina! hi, tiffany. margaux. here are those books, you know, from the time i borrowed your library card? uhh! they are so overdue. you really should have reminded me! your late fees are going to be epic! uhh! by the way, i like your hair. really? sure. with your face that puffy, you really can't tell how bad your hair usually looks. [giggles] [groans] start of another day--aah!
8:04 am
[crash] [students talking] mr. snipe's chemistry test. i can't look! ohh! hey, i got an "a"-minus! you did? maybe i did ok for once. oh, no! so, uh... you didn't get an "a"? whoa. yup, an "f" is definitely not an "a." hey, look! oh, no! i skipped one! i filled in all the wrong blanks! if you go talk to him, i'll bet mr. snipe would understand. you think so? i mean, it really wasn't my fault... much. can't hurt asking. see ya in the library. right! the science project! you sure you still want me for your partner? of course! it's not like you mess up all the time. oh, my gosh! i just messed up again. what do you mean?
8:05 am
i was supposed to help ms. magrooney with some, uh, off-campus stuff this lunch period! uhh! she's gonna bury me! double time, spellman! yes, ms. magrooney. [clatter as equipment falls] oh, here, let me help! uhh! [groans] uhh! oh! you did that on purpose! i was just trying to help. see, ms. magrooney? listen up, class. pick a partner! but cassandra and i are the only ones in the class. makes it easy to pair off, doesn't it?
8:06 am
time to work on broomstick duet drills. start with the one-hand double-tag relay. i want to see it in 3 days. well, you really can't do a one-hand double-tag relay unless your broom runs at 5-point-0. mine already runs at 6-point-0. what's yours? coal-powered? ok, ok. i'll go to the netherworld and get an upgrade. i'm pretty sure i have enough credits. well, hurry up then! we only have 3 days.
8:07 am
>> woman: jacob, what's this say? >> boats float in the ocean. >> envelope! >> woman: what does this say? >> these children are reading-- yes, reading-- some before they can even talk. by seizing a small window of opportunity of accelerated learning in the first five years of life, thousands of parents around the world are seeing how your baby can read has changed their lives. >> at one point i thought he was just memorizing the order of the words on the screen 'cause he had read everything. >> that... >> what's that? >> bib. >> bib! excellent! and... >> that's... >> you tell me, what's that? >> turtle. >> turtle! >> man: turtle. >> lindsey: your baby can read is so much more than just the reading aspect. >> mozart. >> mozart. >> there is nothing that he doesn't want to learn more about, and that includes sports. you know, the next thing i know graham is outside shooting
8:08 am
hoops. he's incredibly well-rounded. >> "...would last for years and take the lives of more than 600,000 americans." >> no way. >> way. >> announcer: here's how it works. your child sees and hears the words "clap," followed by hearing and seeing the meaning of the word while saying or doing the word. it's that simple. seize this small window of opportunity to give your child the stimulation they crave. get the complete your baby can read early language development system today. a 30-day risk-free trial is yours to try for only $14.95. this complete package of dvds, books, sliding cards and games helps unlock your child's learning potential and confidence. that's not all. order today and you'll get these three free gifts valued at more than $75, and they're yours to keep absolutely free. [♪...] @@pp
8:09 am
[banging] "nice cheeks, sabrina." "oh, and here's an "f" on your chem test.' "hey, hurry up with that equipment, spellman!" "your broom is sooo slow!" whoa! [splash] [groans] this is the worst day of my life! [frustrated grunts] whoa!
8:10 am
the doors to dreamland! áhey, there! áyou in the goo! how'd you like a change of scenery? who--who are you? the best friend you'll ever have! you know about dreamland, right? all the cool kids do. well, it's a place where you have fun and forget your problems. it is! and i'll bet your problems weren't even your fault! you can say that again. but my aunts say i'm too young. i won't tell if you won't. i--i only have enough credits to get my broom upgraded. for you, a first-time special. only 3 credits. i--i don't know. is that me? in there?
8:11 am
your every wish is our command! wow, this is so cool! i'm a princess! live a little. be the queen! [snaps] i--i don't even know where to start! does this give you any ideas? we're not worthy! oh, mistress! how can we serve you? pssst! the secret's in the snap! oh, yeah! this rocks! mistress, i beg you! his royal highness harvey is trapped by a dragon and needs rescuing! rrarr! help! rrarr! uhh! little help here!
8:12 am
i thought this was my fantasy. [snaps] [rewinding] oh, most wonderful person in the universe, we're almost done with the chemistry test papers! then we'll work on those library late fees! this is great! "yes, mistress... whatever you desire. oh, great sabrina... all hail sabrina!" uhh! uhh! hey! oh, hi, brina. hey, where were you yesterday? why? where was i supposed to be? áoh, my gosh! áthe library! our science project! oh, harvey! i'm so sorry! that's ok, i guess. just let me have your notes so i can start outlining.
8:13 am
you mean the notes i was supposed to do last night? sabrina, this assignment is really important! look, harvey, i'll meet you at lunch. i promise, ok? and if i blow it this time, you can pick another partner. deal? hmm. [snaps] [hums] [munching] salem! [salem burps] some of these kids pack a mighty tasty lunch! i heard about magrooney's relay duet. didja get your broom upgrade? uh, well see, i was, uh, a credit short, and-- say no more. i only have one credit left, but you can have it. that would be perfect! [whooshing] salem! how can i ever thank you?
8:14 am
don't mention it. huh? hey, sabrina! how are you gonna get an upgrade without your broom?! why do i have a bad feeling about this? i need to spend this on my broom. [cackles] this is so not cold enough! ice! now! [groans] yes, your greatness!
8:15 am
[inhales] [blows] [coughs] marshmallow, milady? [ringing] oh, no! my time can't be up already! afraid so. i get it. time flies when you're having fun. time to return to the real world. hey, wait a minute! what's that? hello? it's the real world. like where you live? you outline the chapters and i'll check the internet. sabrina: but--but that's harvey! [gasps] what time is it? i'm supposed to meet him! i mean, i was supposed to meet him. looks like he's got another science partner. oh well, no sense going back now. you know the rules. if you wanna stay, you gotta pay! whooooaa!
8:16 am
8:17 am
♪ who♪ smallfrys! f hugs and half the size? ♪ ♪ what's a real cool thing to show your guys? ♪ ♪ smallfrys! [ female announcer ] new smallfrys from build-a-bear workshop. they've got fur-sonality! available for a limited time. ♪ smallfrys!
8:18 am
[sabrina sighs] sabrina? hey kiddo, what's wrong? my whole entire life! yesterday my face was the size of a pumpkin, ái flunked ámy chemistry test, i forgot i was supposed to help mrs. magrooney, and my broom's too slow!
8:19 am
plus harvey dumped me as his science partner. harvey did? that doesn't sound like him. but he did! and all i did was miss a meeting with him yesterday. oh, and i didn't do my notes. and i forgot i was supposed to meet him at lunch today. and harvey got upset at you? oh that's so unfair. right! none of it was really my fault. maybe you were distracted by your need for a broom upgrade? that's right! i took my broom to the netherworld for an upgrade. no, you didn't! my broom! guilty! [chuckles] ái'd be great áas a tv lawyer. i really oughta share my talent with the world. so you know i wasn't getting an upgrade? i know you were doing something. and i know it cost you some credits. come on. spill. i went to dreamland. twice! [sputters] dreamland?!
8:20 am
but that's off-limits! you know better than that! [crying] you can't run off to dreamland every time you mess up. sometimes life is so hard. and sometimes it's so good. and all the time, it's crazy and mixed-up. but if you go run off and hide, you'll miss the whole thing. don't miss your life, sabrina. yeah, you're right. cassandra: sabrina! cassandra. cassandra. sabrina! are you in here?! uhh! great! i blew all my credits and my broom's still not upgraded! hmm. bet i can get some credits for that upgrade. this troll owes me for a hot tip at the goat races. meet you back here in 20, and no more dreamland, ok? what am i worried about? you're broke!
8:21 am
over here, cassandra. ready to practice? i mean, once you finish sweeping up under there and all-- i wasn't sweeping up, cassandra. that's about all your broom's good for, sabrina. hey, you were supposed to get an upgrade! i--i didn't have the credits. you don't have the credits, so i'm gonna get a lousy grade. that is so not acceptable! sorry, cassandra. i--i'm trying to get some more credits. uhh! don't waste my time! just take 'em and go. and hurry up! i won't go to dreamland again. i won't! but you owe me! big time! whatever you say, cassandra. that was too easy. i bet she's up to something. that little sneak! can't use my card. aunt enchantra would bust me. there's got to be another way in! perfect!
8:22 am
hmmph! hello? where's the napkin? think, people, think! hold it right there, sabrina! i will, as soon as you give me a napkin! forget your napkin. what about my credits?! [snaps] [gasps] aah! deal with her! and make it...messy! rrarr! [gasps] finally, a little service around here! hey, wait a minute. i thought i told the dragon to take care of you! you mean take care of her. whoooaaa! let me go! [gasps] that really is cassandra! oh, no! i have to help her! [ringing] my time can't be up! ah, but it is! noooooo!
8:23 am
8:24 am
no. i can't go! i have to help cassandra! whoa, first time i ever said that. you know the rules. your time's up.
8:25 am
now move it! i can't leave cassandra stuck in here! you mean the intruder? we'll deal with her! oh, yeah? well... ♪ you can't catch me this was your fantasy. now it's your nightmare! talk about a late fee! not good. really not good! mmm! snack time. what exactly is that supposed to mean? aah! "the management is not responsible for items left behind." the blonde kid's time is up, you're left behind, so... [nasty] i get to be not responsible! hey, hey, hey! my hair! uhh! you have so crossed the line, buster! [efforting] uhh! ooh! [giggles]
8:26 am
hey, that tickles! [laughing] let her go! let her go! [growls] [inhales] [blows] [grunting] [grunting] [laughing] stop tickling me! wait a sec! that thing's ticklish! charge! [laughing] that's right! laugh it up, ash-breath! uhh! [gasps] aah! cassandra! aah!
8:27 am
quick! that one-handed double-tag relay! how's it go again? honestly, if you'd ever bother studying-- not now, cassandra! ok, ok! toss me my broom while you sweep under-- got it! aah! now stand up! uhh! ready?! [grunting] uhh! not bad for a coal-powered broom. hey! whoa! look out! aah! aah! heh heh! uh, no harm, no foul, right, cassandra? not exactly, sabrina. although that one-handed double-tag relay
8:28 am
you just pulled off wasn't too bad. cassandra, you trespassed in dreamland. and sabrina, well. missed classes. lying to your friends. sabrina, we really need to talk. so when i came back and you weren't in the gym, i figured where you'd gone. did ya have to bring magrooney? her whole class cuts and you don't think she's gonna go looking? harvey: sabrina? you in here? hey, harvey! over here! you wanna go ride bikes? can't. i haven't finished scrubbing the floor yet. uhh! that's harsh! just because you messed up on that science project? well, that...and a few other things, too. want some help? thanks, harvey, but that's ok. i messed up, and i have to make it right. see ya. ok. see ya. wow, sabrina. i'm impressed. when i mess up, i pretend i was possessed by an alien life form.
8:29 am
hmm. maybe that's why i got turned into a cat. captioning made possible by dic entertainment


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