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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  September 17, 2010 11:12am-11:30am PST

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effort to close that loophole in sacramento. i'm matt bigler in san jose, for cbs 5. the vatican says the pope is not going to be changing his plans despite arrests in connection to an alleged terror threat against him. five street cleaners were arrested in an early-morning raid in london after police received a tip about this plot to harm the pope. a sixth person was arrested later. now, details about the alleged plot haven't been released. but the men are between 26 and 50. and as of yet, they have not been charged. pope benedict is in london on the second day of a four-day visit to britain. and the mother of natalee holloway entered a peruvian jail and spoke directly with the man suspected in her daughter's disappearance five years ago. this is all according to holloway's lawyer. beth holloway reportedly told joran van der sloot that she had no hate for him in her soul, but she does want to
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bring natalee home. van der sloot is charged with murdering a second woman. holloway's attorney says his client did not violate any laws by visiting him. a washington woman who claimed a stranger threw acid in her face is now admitting she did it to herself. bethany storro faces multiple charges. now, her story drew worldwide sympathy and attention last month when she told the public a woman in the park threw acid at her leaving her face disfigured. police in oregon say the parts of her story didn't add up. after a search of her house, she admitted the attack was self-inflicted. the big question in the big apple this morning, coming up, did new york get hit with something really twisted? and it's the end of the world as far as soap operas are concerned. the new show you are going to see in the time slot. our weather has been a little topsy-turvy lately. they say it's summer be it hasn't felt like it. and as we move into fall, so do the chances of rain showers.
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i have your weekend forecast and also today's cool temperatures, too, that's all coming up. [ male announcer ] jerry brown's good old days. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact
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that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth.
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new york today .. "was that a tornado?" the question in new york today: was that a tornado? we're not in kansas, i know that. the national weather service is sending investigators to figure it out. violent storm roared through the big apple during the evening commute yesterday.
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some commuter trains actually were still at a standstill this morning because of the damage. several trees knocked down in new york. one tree actually took a woman's life. it landed on a parked car. the storm also knocked out power to about 30,000 people. so they are not used to that weather. september, mid september, we're not really used to rain showers, whatever you want to call it. >> it's in the forecast. it's been misty and drizzly all day, too. here's our golden gate bridge shot, that sums is up best. windshield wipers. we're used to that for the morning commute. but noontime we usually clear. not so much at the coast. the farther inland, you will vmi proving conditions. but along the coastline, low clouds are in effect for today. 80s inland. areas of follow fog developing
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inland in the valleys. fog and drizzle at the bay, more fog and drizzle for the coastline with temperatures essentially in the 50s. we are watching beautiful satellite and radar here. the west coast. and it is showing the clouds coming in associated with the frontal system as it pushes closer to the bay area, we'll have more clouds developing, we are expecting a cloudy saturday, more clouds than today especially inland and in addition to that, eventually a chance of rainfall will be moving in with the system. the best chance will be late saturday and throughout the day sunday. temperatures are really going to cool down sunday. today no major shift in the temperatures. slightly cooler than yesterday but not major. mid-70s in santa clara and san jose, sunnyvale. 72 mountain view, 75 redwood city, 60s at the coast barely if even that. east bay locations, 80 in antioch and brentwood, 77 live, 79 walnut creek. mild temperatures but still nice. upper site of in concord, also
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san ra -- upper 70s in concord also san ramon. 69 in hayward. north bay locations, lower 70s. 60s in sausalito and san francisco. the farther inland you go, away from the bay and from that maritime influence, expecting more sunshine and temperatures today in the mid- 70s from petaluma, sonoma and napa. seven-day forecast, here we go. tomorrow more clouds expected. chance of showers in the forecast sunday. i know allen has a baseball game he is going to. he already hit me up for the forecast. small chance of showers. monday and tuesday, improving conditions. and then wednesday and thursday, a mix of sun and clouds. speaking of a chance of showers, "hawaii five-o" will premier monday at 10:00 and there is a chance of showers in hawaii, conditions will be in the mid-70s as far as your temperatures. i thought in order to really cover this story, we should be in hawaii. but that didn't go through. ♪ [ music ] >> you put a purchase order in
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for that? >> still waiting to hear back. >> you still gave us the forecast. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> showers. >> showers. >> no rain delay for the ballgame. >> no. >> all right. good. all right. today on cbs, the world stops turning. ♪ "as the world turns" ♪ >> after 54 years on daytime tv, the final episode of "as the world turns" airs this afternoon. there have been nearly 14,000 episodes. and a number of movie stars got their start on the show. meg ryan, marisa tomei. a new show called the talk is going to replace the soap opera begin october 18. "the talk" a daytime talk show hosted by six female co-hosts all mothers. the bear, the downward facing dog. you get the drift? the zoo attraction you might call yoga bear. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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controversial commercial targeting mcdo coming up tonight at 5:00 a corpse to prove a points. a controversial commercial targeting mcdonald's, plus a mini park dedicated to pot. those stories and more at 5:00 coming up on cbs 5. you might say finland is home to real life yoga bears. a visiter to a local zoo
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noticed the bear doing some familiar yoga poses. the mother bear reportedly kind of famous for the stretch routine. you know, you have to stretch first thing in the morning. that might be a little pilates, too, tracy. i'm not sure. gives the back and abs a workout, stretch out, then you're hungry. you have to have food, you have to have fresh food. and our fresh grocer tony tantillo is here! >> how's that? >> because it's all about being fresh. >> from a bear to me. >> you know, i can bear-ly stand it. [ laughter ] >> look what you got. >> strawberries. fall is coming around, obviously. but there's still some great summer fruit late variety red lion nectarines, these are incredible. ever have one? >> not this particular one. but when i buy them, i feel like okay these aren't ripe and then i let them sit and they get to ripe. >> fall fruit when you buy it will be firm. when you're ready to enjoy it a slight give to the touch. if you wait until they are
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really soft they will be mushy and taste like cardboard so forget it. the strawberries are great prices from watsonville, santa cruz, locally grown into the green markets. when you buy them, i always say this, make sure that there is no green shoulders. this is a bad one. put that one back. no green shoulders. i can't pick out a bad strawberry. i'll get in trouble. >> you can, i can't. >> what do you did with this one? >> cut to. but you want to not find one because it will never ripen. once they are picked, sugar content stops. never wash them before you store them but always wash them before you enjoy them. she always comes around when there is something sweet. >> tried to get in here. i thought i would. >> what's your pick? >> strawberries. >> haven't washed these so we have to wash them. >> they smell good. >> great fruit out there. check the quality, check the price. you can save a lot of money. >> you know what i learned?
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how to store it. >> a big counter. >> how big is your counter at home? [ laughter ] >> you don't want to store fruits. you want to buy produce and enjoy it in one or two days. you don't want to store it for a week because it loses nutrition and flavor. >> has that been washed? >> no. >> have a great weekend. keep it fresh. that's it for us at noon and we'll see you back at 5:00. otherwise, enjoy the weekend. get out and buy some fresh fruit. grocery store, farmer's market, whatever. see you at 5:00. bye-bye. caption colorado, l.l.c. your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp,
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else.
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[ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.


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