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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  September 14, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST

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can't i just have these? [ man #2 ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law is keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she's fighting every day to create new jobs. i'm working to make california the leader in clean energy. to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans to create thousands more california jobs. i'm barbara boxer, and i approve this message... because i want to see the words made in america again. your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. caption colorado, l.l.c. good afternoon. i'm allen martin. just a short time ago the coroner released the identity of the fourth victim in the san bruno pipeline explosion. it's been five days since the disaster still raw for the
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people who live in the neighborhood. anne makovec has been talking with the neighbors. >> reporter: it doesn't come as a surprise to family members who knew that she was missing. but it's obviously a sad piece of news. the neighborhood here still blocked off behind me on glenview drive. we don't know how long it is going to be but the ntsb said yesterday they think it will be at least a week. pg&e working on some of its power lines down there and we did just get identification of the fourth person confirmed dead in this explosion. 81-year-old elizabeth torres. several people are still unaccounted for this afternoon. >> when we hear news of another loss in our community, it's like losing afamily member. >> reporter: christine. >> he nene any doesn't not woman who was just confirmed to have died in thursday night's explosion and fire. but that doesn't matter to her. >> you don't have to know them by name. you just know they live in your
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neighborhood, that you won't see them again. >> reporter: talking to neighbors this morning, it's clear that the grief and fear in this neighborhood will take a long time extinguish. >> we have to pray. >> reporter: pg&e has assured people their homes are safe but there are new fears about natural gas pipe lines all over california. this pipe manage website which we have a link to on has been overloaded for days. fears over a combination of aging infrastructure and more densely populated neighborhoods since the pipelines were installed. >> anything can happen under my house or something. >> just when you think you're pulling yourself together, just this shaking feeling doesn't want to go away. >> reporter: now, one piece of good news for the people who live here. senator leland yee announced today that he is going to be introducing a piece of
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legislation that would allow for some tax breaks for people who live here and san mateo county a whole. >> the lieutenant governor says he will press for fast answers. we heard it might take a year to find out what's going on. >> reporter: in fact, i spoke with abel maldonado about that on saturday and he was saying he is going to press for quick answers. he said it was absolutely unacceptable that the ntsb might take up to a year to complete its investigation. and the ntsb quickly followed that saying that as soon as they get each new piece of information they will release it. >> i'm sure people want answers. anne makovec in san bruno, thanks. as anne mentioned, it's an 18-year-old woman who is now the latest victim to be identified. so at this point, four people are confirmed dead. the other victims are jackie grieg and her 13-year-old daughter janessa. they are survived by her husband and her 16-year-old daughter. also killed, 20-year-old jessica morales. she was a student at the
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academy of art university in san francisco studying to be a fashion judgist. now, it's still not clear exactly how many people are still missing. there is one report that says four. but the city is telling us the number is actually three. investigators say that some of the confusion is because physical evidence is so hard to find. at least 8 people remain hospitalized, one of those in critical condition. people whose homes survived that blast have been allowed to go home. but for those whose homes were red-tagged, the closest they got was on a bus. police escorted them on a tour yesterday and they were not allowed to get off of that bus. all they could do was look through the windows at what's left. >> i saw the big crater. and then i saw our house and other people's houses. there are several houses that were fine, several that weren't. it's a mess. >> and today another group of those neighbors is taking that same bus tour. pg&e says it's going to
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spend up to $100 million to help the victims of that blast. it's giving each household as much as $50,000. >> it's theirs to use in any way, shape or form that they want. we will not be asking them and will not ask them to sign any releases when they accept that. >> pg&e says the size of the payments will be based on the amount of damage. the company also says it's making plans to help home owners who do not have insurance. state regulators today will start considering a plan that would require utility customers to pay for disaster costs not covered by the utility's insurance. pg&e is backing that plan. it was introduced last year by the san diego gas and electric company prompted by the series of fires in 2007 that were caused by extreme weather conditions. currently, utilities can request a rate increase to cover disaster costs. however, the public utilities commission can deny it. such vetos would not be allowed under the new proposal. you can find all the latest
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updates on the pipeline investigation at there is also raw video of the explosion and the aftermath, plus information on how you can help those victims. a uc-berkeley grad held in iran for more than a year is now free this afternoon. sarah shourd talked to iranian state television just before she left that country. >> i want to really offer my thanks to everyone in the world, all of the governments, all of the pool that have been involved and especially particularly i want to address president ahmadinejad and all of the iranian officials and thank them for this humanitarian gesture. i'm grateful and very humbled by the moment. >> shourd was released on $500,000 bail. she is reuniting with her mother in oman. she has a serious medical condition. the two other americans, shane bauer and josh fattal are still behind bars. analysts say the conflicting
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reports leading to shourd's release could mean the iranian government is divided over what to do with the jailed americans. in san francisco no sign of a muni worker sickout today. flyers were circulated in recent weeks calling on drivers to stage a four-day sickout starting today. however, a muni spokesman thinks the threat was, quote, just a rumor. a union leader says he thinks it's a hoax. the union did not sanction any sickout but concedes its members are unhappy about new work rules. san jose councilmembers could decide today on how they want high-speed rail to go through the city's downtown. as kcbs radio's matt bigler reports, it's a matter of going under or above ground. >> reporter: here in san jose the city council is expected to endorse one of two options for high-speed rail, the first is an underground option. it would be out of the way, not interfere with roads and buildings. somewhat passenger. but it would be five times more expensive than the second option, which is an above
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ground aerial track. the problem with that is that might be somewhat noisy . but as i said, a lot less expensive. meanwhile, governor schwarzenegger is also making some high-speed rail news this week. he is in asia checking out high- speed trains, seeing how they work. japan has announced while he was there that they would be offer california loans to build project but they haven't said how much they would be. i'm matt bigler in san jose for cbs 5. president obama gives students a back-to-school pep talk. >> nobody gets to write your destiny but you. your future is in your hands. >> the challenge he has issued to students everywhere and a huge prize that they can win. plus, the hidden benefit in some videogames. how playing them may actually help your brain function. you know what helps my brain to function? sunshine and a whole lot of it. plenty of sunshine expected today and some nice warm temperatures. we'll take a look at today's highs and also take a look at your seven-day forecast coming up. ==
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today president obama delivered a back-to-school message to the nation's students. the ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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acknowledged t be today the president delivered a back-to-school message to the nation's students acknowledging school can be tough. but as randall pinkston shows us, mr. obama urged all kids, stay focused and hold on to your dreams. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: president obama is telling america's students to work hard and dream big. >> your future is in your hands. your life is what you make of it. and nothing, absolutely nothing, beyond your reach. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: the president chose a successful school in
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philadelphia for his second annual back-to-school pep talk. >> nothing is going to have as great an impact on your success in life as your education. >> reporter: schools across the country had the option to show the speech in the classroom. last year, just the idea of president obama delivering a message directly to students sparked an outcry from conservatives, accusing him of trying to push politics on children. this year, the hullabaloo was largely absent. schools still gave parents the option to pull their children out of class but an informal survey of schools in this area revealed that few even planned to show the president's remarks. on their lunch break from beacon high school in new york city, students had a mixed reaction to the president's message. >> he's promising us that if we work hard, things will get better. >> reporter: do you believe that? >> i do believe that. >> i want to believe what he is saying, you know, if you work hard you can do better, you'll somehow become successful. but a bunch of people right now who are, you know, laid off have no work and they have degrees. >> reporter: still, these four
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young men say they are optimistic about their future and college-bound. president obama says their performance in school and the success of their peers will determine america's success in fact 21st century. randall pinkston, cbs news, new york. and the president also announced the second annual commencement challenge. the nationwide contest in which schools compete to land the commander-in-chief as their graduation speaker. well, researchers may be closer to creating a blood test that can identify alzheimer's disease. scientists in texas have developed a test that looks for a number of proteins in the blood that have been associated with alzheimer's. in a new study, the test was accurate almost 80% of the time. but more research still needs to be done, they say to perfect that test before it can be more widely used. action videogames may be good for you. at least when it comes to making quick decisions. researchers followed two groups of young adults. one group played high paced action games. the other group played a slow-
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moving game. both groups were then tested with a series of quick questions. the people who played the high speed games were up to 25% faster at accurately answering those questions. a unique medical marijuana dispensary has just opened in santa cruz. it sells ice cream infused with marijuana extract. pretty potent stuff, we are told. the makers say that that one bite is equivalent to four or five puffs off a joint. [ pause ] >> you are definitely going to be going back for seconds. the munchies are certainly probably going to be part of the experience. but, you know, really just depends on the individual and, you know, how they receive the plant. >> it's also pricey. a half pint goes for $15. flavors include bannabis foster and strawmarry cheesecake. you have to have a medical
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marijuana card issued to buy it. still ahead a tv classic gets a whole new look. >> book 'em, danno! >> we'll take you to the islands for the premier of hawaii 50. >> our forecast for today we got some sunshine and nice mild temperatures but we also have something else. cooler weather headed this way along with a chance of showers. i'll let you know when in just a few moments. [ male announcer ] jerry brown's good old days.
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but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth.
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tracy said it might clear up completely. >> i said it might clear up completely. >> might. >> might. i said might. >> sorry. you're covering yourself. >> yeah, i'm covering myself. >> but look at it. >> it looks pretty good out there. we have an eddy, small low pressure system off the coastline. it's pulling all those clouds well off the coast. and that's why we could clear out completely. but take a look. still looking at some clouds along ocean beach. but we are expecting a fair amount of sunshine for the coast today, as well. so going to be a nice afternoon. sunshine for most, and a little warmer inland today. check that out. temperatures up to the lower 80s. i like that. mostly sunny conditions around the bay with temperatures ranging from the lower 60s to the upper 60s. and a mix of sun and clouds along the coastline. temperatures up to 62 degrees. for tonight, those low clouds move into the bay, move well inland and everybody is looking at temperatures in the lower to the mid-50s.
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here's a look at our visible satellite. we also have again we call it an eddy. nice little low pressure system out there. that's the counter counterclockwise flow with it. inland warmer. 81 morgan hill. yourer 70s in san jose, 77 cupertino, 73 redwood city. lower 60s in daly city, pacifica and also in half moon bay. east bay location, lower 80s in antioch and brentwood, 80 walnut creek, 81 danville, mid- to upper 60s in berkeley and oakland. north bay location, pretty nice. mid-70s in sonoma and napa. 70 novato. 70 san rafael. lower 60s in sausalito and also in san francisco. here's a look at our seven-day forecast. so for today, pretty nice. tomorrow, similar conditions also thursday and friday. but i did mention cooler weather and a chance of showers. take a look at when it comes.
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saturday and sunday, a 30% chance of showers mainly for the north bay with cooler temperatures expected and a whole lot more clouds as a frontal system moves into the bay area. our mypix photo is called hummingbird and butterfly garden taken in san mateo. and allen, i can't find the hummingbird. >> you have to look very closely. they're very tiny. >> very teeny. >> hard at work. >> they are. all right. thank you. all right. if you watched tv back in the 70s 70s, you know that phrase, book 'em, dann, o, a classic like. christina had the tough assignment in honolulu for the star-studded premier of the new "hawai five-o. >> got to make it interesting over 100 times. so i'm working on it every night, book 'em, danno. >> aloha. >> reporter: it's a contemporary take.
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"hawaii five-o" is back with a hot cast. they had a sunset beach premier it's filled with action and comedy. you know, drama. i mean, it's got everything. >> how's the arm? >> let's just not talk. >> reporter: alex owe laughlin plays detective steve mcgarrett a son on the mission returning to awhat hugh to investigate his father's death. >> i hope we keep making a good show. >> reporter: she will have you at a low has. daniel dae kim is an ex-cop that may crash your luau. >> i like to think i'd be good at a luau. we'll see. [ laughter ] >> call it pay back, call it whatever you want. i don't care. but i need you. >> how do you know you can trust me? >> because my old man did. >> daniel dae kim! >> we are dishing for it and everything. it's a craze. >> reporter: "hawaii five-o" is shot on location through
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thousands of locals even a few furry ones turned out for the premier on waikiki beach. >> what a great night. it's like the sun has just set. the lights are lit up. it's a gorgeous night. >> reporter: the word mahalo means thank you. bows residentsresidents and stars are grateful that it's back in action. >> book 'em, danno! >> reporter: "hawaii five-o" premieres here next monday at 10:00 on cbs 5. >> the classic theme song from the ventures, too. up next, a 7-year-old teaching us all a lesson about the power of giving. his story will inspire you next. 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined.
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i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm
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she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law is keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she's fighting every day to create new jobs.
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i'm working to make california the leader in clean energy. to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans to create thousands more california jobs. i'm barbara boxer, and i approve this message... because i want to see the words made in america again. well, today's tip of the day is going to be is with mangos. they are still coming in from mexico and quite of them. as a matter of fact, the season of a certain variety, the kent variety, and the tommy at kin variety, is really peaking right now. and the quality is incredible. in about 3 or 4 weeks they are going to start to wind down. they have been around since april. so when you see them in the market now, enjoy them especially salsa. this time of year, if you don't select them right they will taste like cardboard. when you buy them, see this
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right here? nice and red all the way around just like this. a little bit of greening here. nice and heavy. and when you squeeze it a little bit, there's just a little give and that's what's important. when you bring them home, store them on the counter. never, ever in the refrigerator. now, mangos are a super food. they are loaded with nutritional value. and if you buy them and enjoy them in two or three days you get more of the benefit of nutritional value. if you let them store on the counter for too long or at the house for too long, now what's going to happen? some of that nutritional value will be depleted. great mango salsa with some red onions, cilantro, champagne vinegar and olive oil, over fish, like tilapia, you can't beat it. i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. finally this afternoon, a little kid who has a very big heart. joshua hu, 7 years old, he wanted to do something for the victims of the san bruno
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explosion and fire. so he decided he would raise money. he made this donation box, put that sign on it went down to the san francisco wharf, played his drums for people, and he raised more than $400. >> what a good job. >> and then gladly turned it all over to the red cross after he let us take some pictures of it. >> that's nice. >> cute kid. enjoy your afternoon. enjoy the sunshine. we'll see you back at 5:00. ,, diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes.
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[ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- [ beep ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- target the blood? target the blood? yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] great. call or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. [ man ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today.
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