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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  September 2, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST

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now that's more like it. [ ding! ] but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now. your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. caption colorado, l.l.c. it's a murder mystery. five people dead in two bay area counties, one man still missing. now investigatedders from multiple agencies are trying to sort out the details. anne makovec in vallejo, where police are going to release more of those details in a short time. anne. >> reporter: we are waiting for
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them to speak to reporters at 2:00 today at the vallejo police department. and we're also waiting for the autopsy results on the two bodies that were found in the home where efrin valdemoro once lived as did a man that one investigator here described to me as a mad scientist. it was quiet here compared to when dangerous chemicals were removed from the home. women were found dead there, as well. rita allen lived at the house. carol smart was her friend. allen's husband, charles rittenhouse, had been living here with the decomposing body for days. he is in jail for possession of explosive devices. he has been questioned about the murders, as well. but the prime suspect is efren
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valdemoro, killed by police tuesday night but not before police say he killed his ex- girlfriend during a high-speed chase, 46-year-old cindy tran, whom friends knew as jenny. they also say she had four sons. >> we lost a good friend. that's what pretty much we did, just respecting her. >> reporter: jenny worked at a nail salon in vallejo where friends remember valdemoro stopping by. >> kissing him once in a while. pick her up and everything. >> bring her lunch. say hi, bye, and how are you. >> reporter: this man, frederick sales, is still missing. his father was found murdered last week and police believe valdemoro may have killed them both. concerned they were having a relationship with tran, who was their landlord and housemate at this hercules home. frederick sales worked here at the doctors medical center in san pablo and staffers said, they are working closely with police and pray he will be found safe. >> it's really sad. i can't believe it.
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>> reporter: so at this hour, we have grieving friends, the mystery of a missing man, and waiting for the autopsy results on two women whose killer police aren't quite sure of yet. the east bay murder cases continue to unfold. now, the one man around that could answer a lot of questions, charles rittenhouse, the man being held on those chemical weapons charges, well, he is the man who has lived with the decomposing bodies apparently and who also shared a house for some time with valdemoro. we tried to get a jailhouse interview with him but he is not accepting any media requests, allen. >> more questions than answers for sure. thank you, anne makovec. a moderate earthquake shook the east bay this morning magnitude 3.3 centered in san pablo on the hayward fault. here's how it looked on our cbs 5 seismograph. there you see on the right side of the screen, that was the little temblor. the quake struck at 9:35:00 a.m. no reports of any damage or
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injuries. bart shut down to check the tracks, as it usually does. trains are now on time. there's been another oil rig explosion in the gulf of mexico not far from the site of april's explosion that caused the massive oil spill in the gulf. the coast guard says that a mile long sheen is spreading from the site of today's blast. all 13 people aboard that rig were found floating in the water in their survival gear. the platform is owned by mariner energy of houston. the coast guard has sent helicopters, airplanes and cutters to the area to help out. had a big mess on highway 17 in the santa cruz mountains. a big rig carrying 43,000 pounds of beer overturned this morning just south of summit road. that accident blocked two lanes at the border of santa clara and santa cruz counties. witnesses say the driver hit an embankment before it flipped. nobody was hurt, but traffic had to be diverted for a few hours. we're told all lanes are open.
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we have learned the results of the probe into pg&e's smartmeters. an independent team hired by the california public utilities commission found no problems with the smartmeters themselves. however, the report did blast pg&e for its customer service practices. the report criticizes the utility for not adequately addressing customer complaints and concerns about this new technology. cities all over california are attempting to ban smartmeters for reasons ranging from security to health concerns. a san jose school destroyed by fire this summer is now asking for your help. parents and teachers at merritt trace elementary school are trying to win money. matt bigler of kcbs radio shows us it's money the school could really use. >> reporter: merritt trace elementary school here in san jose, which was decimated by fire this summer, is involved in an email campaign from parents and teachers to get people to go on facebook and
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vote for the school in this kohl's department store prize campaign. kohl's is offering $500,000 to the top 20 schools each that get the most votes. so you have to go on facebook, log in, search for merritt trace elementary school, which is the official name of trace, and then you can vote up to five times. and then again if merritt trace ends up in the top 20 schools, they will receive $500,000. as of this morning, they were ranked at number 32. so there is a lot of ground to cover if they are going to win. i'm matt bigler in san jose for cbs 5. people in one san francisco neighborhood sounding off about growing problems with a popular park. neighbors say that dolores park in the mission area gets too loud and crowded even during the week. they say more and more people are drinking in the park and they're playing loud music late at night. they want police to try to find a way to keep their neighborhood from getting trashed. meantime, oakland police
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chief disagreeing with the police officers union with the impact of layoffs, 80 officers fired in july. crime in oakland the union says has increased 8.5% since then. but police chief anthony batts is not connecting that increase with the layoffs. he says crime usually goes up in the summer. and he points out violent crime is actually down in oakland. another round of steep cuts could be on the way for a.c. transit. the agency proposes eliminating half of its weekend routes and most late night lines. that's to try to help balance the budget. a.c. transit blames the latest proposed cuts on its ongoing battle with the drivers union. the agency is trying to save $15 million. if approved, those cuts would take effect in december. the candidates in california's u.s. senate race went head to head last night at st. mary's college in moraga. it was between barbara boxer and carly fiorina. they shook hands and then sparred over issues including
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the environment, abortion and gun rights. fiorina has been touting her business background as chief executive of hewlett-packard in palo alto. barbara boxer quick to attack fiorina's record as well as her departure from the company. >> the facts are there was a $21 million severance check, and my understanding is it was taken after my opponent was fired. the stock went down more than 50%. so if she is calling for accountability with teachers, there ought to be accountability with ceos. >> when you lead a business, whether it's a nine-person business or 150,000 people, you sometimes have to make the agonizing choice to lose some jobs to save more. >> fiorina tried to paint boxer as a far left with a weak legislative record. as of now, the two are not scheduled to debate again before the november election. state your name bearing
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down on the east coast this -- hurricane earl bearing down on the east coast this afternoon. people are getting out of the way of the powerful storm. >> and a diet drug that could be taken off the market. hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the cbs 5 weather center. temperatures are soaring all around the bay area. we have lots of sunshine but what's lurking off the coastline going to make a big change in the weather. we'll talk about that coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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in redwood city. getting reports that the plane is down >> breaking news from the peninsula. we're told that a small plane has crashed in redwood city. we are getting reports that the plane is down in the bay. it's actually in the water. this information is just coming in. the plane either approaching or
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leaving the san carlos airport. chopper 5 is in the air. there is the first picture of what we can give you now of what is a plane in the water. apparently out of the san carlos airport. san carlos police are responsibilitying, as well. chopper 5 and a crew on the ground is headed there. reports of a small plane crashed in redwood city there. crews are on the way. we'll have more details in this newscast. now to hurricane earl churning closer to the east coast right now. winds topping 140 miles an hour, category 4 storm again. it could start battering the carolinas tomorrow or early tomorrow. hurricane warnings an watches posted all the way up to massachusetts. karen brown along the north carolina coast this afternoon and folks have been told to get out of the way. are they doing that, karen? >> reporter: well, allen, the tourists are but a lot of the residents have decided to stay. but for some of the tourists, they have now been evacuated
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twice with winds expected to be 100 miles an hour tonight. the emergency crews aren't taking any chances, so yesterday the tourists were evacuated from further south in fact, about 30,000 of them. a lot of them moved here to this area. and then this morning, they woke up and were told to pack and get out. this family is cutting the beach vacation short heading for higher ground. >> they ask what i did on my summer vacation besides the usual, we can say we ran from a hurricane in north carolina. >> reporter: as hurricane earl takes aim at the coast, tourists on north carolina's outer banks are under a mandatory evacuation order. tropical storm force winds could pound the area late this afternoon. while most tourists are clearing out, residents are stick around to see what earl does. the governor warns residents not to take the storm lightly. >> it's a serious storm and we all need to treat it like a serious storm. >> reporter: the heaviest impact from earl is expected
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here in the outer banks. rescue teams tell me that these large dunes should hold up. but with a storm surge of three to five feet, there will be flooding in areas that aren't this protected. >> when the ocean does overwash, we don't need people out there driving in it. we need them to stay safe, and i believe that's why they are asking people to leave. >> reporter: forecasters expect earl to travel north just off the east coast. but even the slightest turn could leave long island and cape cod in the crosshairs. >> that's why it's important to take the time now while the skies are still clear and the weather is great to make sure you have a plan and you're ready just in case. >> reporter: if this family heads home to new york, they are in for a double dose of earl. >> basically you're the hurricane magnet. >> that's correct. we are the hurricane alberto hurricane magnet for labor day week. >> reporter: earl could bring heavy rain and winds up to 100 miles per hour. and you are taking live look at the surf, here it is picking up. they have downgraded earl to a
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category 3 with winds of 125 but down to a 3 is still a massive storm. they have closed this beach to swimming. they have also closed all of the schools in the area. in fact about a dozen are now sheltered because listen to this allen, they expect about 25 to 30,000 tourists to have nowhere to go tonight. >> wow. amazing. all right, karen brown, thanks so. we know you'lll be keeping an eye on it. we want to get you back to the peninsula, where chopper 5 is now close enough to where we can see the airplane -- small plane has gone in the water. it was either approaching or leaving the san carlos airport. as you can see, a boat out on the water. this is redwood city, so this is part of the bay, but it's also an area that's very, very close to the san carlos airport. and you can see how the homes line the water there. this plane went in the water just approximately 10 minutes ago. we were told that we could see someone getting out of the plane and being rescued. so we are going to try to confirm that for you. but this plane went in the
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water about 10 minutes ago. redwood city is the area and the san carlos airport involved in this, as well. so as we get more information and more details as to exactly what happened -- but you can see just the tip of the wing of that plane sticking up out of the water. a kayak and other small boat is there to help with any sort of a rescue effort. but again about 10 minutes, 15 minutes ago, this plane went into the water in redwood city. chopper 5 will stay over it. we have a crew on the ground headed that way as well to get you more details. and we'll keep an eye on it here on cbs 5 and a flawed diet bill. it's what some medical experts now call the weight loss drug meridia. that new study finds that it can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke in people who have pre-existing heart disease. the study was actually commissioned by the maker of that drug. abbott laboratories defends meridia saying it already comes with a warning for people who have heart problems. but questions about the drug's
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safety have led regulators in europe to take it off the market. the fda is going to review meridia later thi month. stay with us. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,
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with my friends we'll do almost anything. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try super poligrip free.
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before we get to weather, this is the breaking news we have going on, on the peninsula in redwood city. that is the tip of a wing of a
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small plane that went into the water there at the lagoon near redwood city, foster city, that area. this is probably going to involve the san carlos airport. the plane airport departing or approaching there. but you can see the business office complexes close by, homes close by and that lagoon that comes in off san francisco bay. but a little bit ago, we could see there was a kayaker there, looked like a small fishing boat attempting what looked like to be a rescue of people who were on that small plane. but the plane went in the water about 15, 20 minutes ago, just about noon. but again, there is the small boat that was helping what looked like people getting out of the plane. this is redwood city again on the peninsula. there is a hotel close by. the sofitel hotel is a landmark in the area. you can see how the houses have docks that back up right there. so there are people out there on their own boats, apparently helping with a rescue effort.
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but this small plane in the water now for about 10, 15 minutes. so we'll keep an eye on that chopper 5 there and, of course, a ground crew on the way, as well. >> i have to wonder if he went in on purpose. >> like a mini version of the hudson river landing. it's hot but there is a break coming. we have serious heat around the bay area now. we haven't had many days like this all summer. it's a beach day today. get out and enjoy it not going to be there for very long. as a matter of fact, only maybe for just a few more hours outside. you can see sunshine all along the coastline just some great weather out there, only a few people, a lot of folks back in school now. as you head inland, of course, you have plenty of sunshine and the heat really getting cranked up all around the bay area. already up in the 90s in the san jose area. so yes, the heat is on. 94 livermore, 92 concord, 91 vallejo, 88 in san rafael and 76 degrees in san francisco.
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still, what we are going to be in for some changes this afternoon, hot inland and again a "spare the air" day, some of the temperatures getting into the triple digits well inland, inside the bay talking mid-80s and 90s into the afternoon. out toward the coastline, some mild temperatures, though, and that patchy fog developing a little later on today and moving in. that's a sign of things to come. tonight, looks like it's going to be clear and mild inland but inside the bay you could see a couple of patches of fog. at the coast, that fog should make its way onshore and i think we'll see more of that in the coming days so. it's been holding off now. we have had that offshore wind, high pressure in control here but you can see it lurking right here just off the coastline getting ready to move on the beaches later on. so temperatures, yeah, it's going to be one of those hot ones anywhere away from the immediate coast. plan on 97 degrees for a high in san jose today. 98 in los gatos. out toward the beaches lots of those numbers up in the mid- 70s. towards union city expect about 39 degrees. triple digits showing up in some of the valleys.
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union city 93. 102 danville, 100 pittsburg. a sea breeze at the bay in the afternoon but still hot. about 91 in oakland. and about 88 in alameda. how about the north bay? well, we are going to keep you on the hot side, as well. those numbers running well into the 90s, 70s at the beaches. but this may be the last good beach day in a while as we are going to see some cooler weather filter into the forecast. looks like high pressure is going to break down somewhat and yeah, even as early as tomorrow we have the low clouds and fog making their way back onshore and looks like more extended cooling through the holiday weekend. and by the middle of next week, guess what, those temperatures well below the average, maybe some places struggling to get into the 70s. speaking of holiday weekend, got a great labor day coming for you although it will be cooler at the beaches. 50s and 60s for highs. very comfortable, site of and 80s, lots of sunshine anywhere inland. >> it's a holiday. can't complain. >> thank you. and we'll be right back with an update on the small plane crash on the peninsula in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] at jcpenney red zone clearance, get 80% savings on final markdowns, including 80% off clothes, shoes, accessories, and 80% off home!
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did we mention our red zone clearance final markdowns are 80% off? who knew shopping could be so rewarding? jcpenney. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try super poligrip free. where a small plane has crashed in redwood city. getting all right. now the very latest on what's happening on the peninsula. this is in a lagoon near redwood city. live chopper 5 pictures of that small plane that's been in the water since just about noon or just after noon. i am now told they have confirmed to us two people on
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that plane, one is confirmed dead, one other is still missing. now, we have some tape from earlier where we saw a small fishing boat. these guys were out fishing in the lagoon. that kayak there also involved. looks like they were trying to get the people out of that plane. they are actually moving the wing of that plane as divers and some other fishermen try to help out in the assist of this rescue here but i'm told two people on the plane, which was -- it involved san carlos airport, either the plane was on approach to it or had just taken off from there. but it appears now that plane is up side down in the water. lawrence pointed out, it could very well be that this pilot had problems and ditched the plane in the water because if the chopper pulls out a little further you can see a wider picture that people have their houses, they have docks,
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boats, there's office complex right there. the sofitel hotel is close by, as well. so this plane has been in the water for 25 minutes. again, information just coming into cbs 5 that one person is confirm dead, another person reportedly on that plane still missing and we showed you this rescue attempt from earlier as fishermen who were out in the lagoon near redwood city did their very best to assist divers who were trying to get down into the cockpit of that plane. also kayak there involved. but again, this small plane in the water off redwood city. and as these search attempts continue for the one person who is missing always on we'll be watching this throughout the afternoon. again a small plane in the water in a lagoon near redwood city. it happened just about noon. we'll have up dates and, of course, have the latest for you on our regularly scheduled
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newscast at 5:00. that's the update from the cbs 5 newsroom. stay with us throughout the afternoon. we'll be back with you. now to our regular programming. ,,,, [ female announcer ] it's the jcpenney labor day mattress sale! all gold premium mattresses 50-60% off after $200 instant rebate. plus, get an additional $100 off beautyrest gold mattresses and $200 off beautyrest world class gold mattresses from simmons... featuring super pocketed coil springs to prevent motion disturbance and conform to your shape. after all, it's not just sleep,


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