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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  September 1, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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death of an elderly man in hercules. and as we told you just a moment ago, the son of that elderly man is missing. even police knit they are still trying -- admit they are still trying to sort out the details. joe vazquez begins our coverage from vallejo. reporter: the detectives have seen a lot in vallejo. they say this was a particularly gruesome murder scene. one detective says it was like a scene from the silence of the lambs where the women's decomposing bodies were, flies came out of the door. all of this centers on one relationship. there are a lot of players with you the one relationship at the center is efren valdemoro and his girlfriend cindy tran. according to documents she lived with efren valdemoro in this vallejo apartment complex until a few months ago when
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both were evicted. neighbors say valdemoro often acted strangely but most didn't notice major problems. >> it's really gory. what i knew of him, i would never have thought that. it really comes as a surprise. >> reporter: the two split up. cindy tran moved to hercules, while valdemoro rented a room on upland court with segundia allen and her husband. neighbors say valdemoro was increasingly in the center of loud arguments in the front yard. >> it would be just fights and then always be a cop here every day. >> reporter: last week, segundia allen as well as her friend marcia smart were missing. police named valdemoro as i a suspect in their disappearance. now it turns out both missing women were murdered. police discovered their bodies yesterday of morning when they went to talk to the husband about his missing wife. when he opened his door, the stench was overpowering according to investigators who believe he had been living inside the house for about a
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week with the women's decomposing corpses. rittenhouse is now under arrest. police station are not sure the extent of his involvement. the entire episode came to a deadly conclusion last night. the high-speed chase started at police say valdemoro kidnapped tran who was by now his estranged ex-girlfriend from a shopping center. she called 911 and led police to valdemoro. the chase proceeded through pleasant hill and on to richmond where valdemoro ended up getting shot by chp. chp says he reached for a big knife and threatened officers. >> the suspect was advised to drop the weapon multiple times in which he didn't comply. the officers were in fear for their lives and shot the suspect, who was killed. >> reporter: police are slowly learning a little more about valdemoro and what they are telling us is that they are finding out he didn't have a permanent address. we live in someone's home here in vallejo, someone else's in hercules. when he was living in that apartment complex where he
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didn't pay the run and was evicted he lived with cindy tran and over their apartment complex every now and then a woman would come in claiming she was his mom saying, where's my cadillac? have you seen my escalade? it turns out that that woman is one of the victims that was found in a house here in vallejo today. so allen, they are trying to put all these pieces together. they don't believe it's his mom but she would refer to herself as his mom. there is a clique the folks here involved in this that apparently would go gambling together allen, and they had a relationship, it's just not clear what they were at this point. >> joe vazquez in vallejo, thank you. i have more pieces to this puzzle. perhaps the only person who could provide some of the clues as to what happened is in custody. 72-year-old charles rittenhouse owns that vallejo house where his wife and her friend were found dead. police arrested him not because of the two dead bodies in his house but on suspicion of explosives possession. authorities say they found
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massive amounts of explosives at the home from c4 to dynamite and then even more in a storage facility. well, just an hour ago investigators revealed that rittenhouse is a chemical engineer and those chemicals are related to his line of work. but detectives are still questioning him tonight. and as i told you earlier, right now police are searching that area in hercules for a missing man. sherry hu with that part of the story and some new information we have learned about him. sherry. >> reporter: well, allen, the command post for that search- and-rescue operation is just down the road behind me. now, investigators need to find what they consider the final piece of this puzzle, the whereabouts of 35-year-old frederic sales, who cbs 5 has just learned works at an assisted living center for seniors in walnut creek. hours into the search, something of interest has discovered in an area just behind the missing cadillac escalade. hercules police say murder suspect efren valdemoro was last seen driving the car.
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it had been missing until this morning, when it was found parked in the back of an office building in an industrial park neighborhood near the bay. still missing is frederick sales, the murder of his 73- year-old father ricardo the starting point of this bizarre crime spree. police say the elder sales was found bludgeoned to death in this home on crepe myrtle drive, a home owned by valdemoro's girlfriend and he spent time. >> on sunday august 22, there was a physical altercation between the suspected, the father and the son. we haven't really released a ton of details as far as what happened in that. but that is one of the key pieces that led us to believe that efren valdemoro was the suspect in the homicide of ricardo sales. [ knocking ] >> reporter: cbs 5 has learned through county property records that the now dead girlfriends cindy tran is also connected to other homes in hercules and vallejo. investigators still aren't
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clear what relationship existed among all these people outside of being landlord and tenants. because so many details are still developing, we have also just left hand that that altercation that was just referred to that may have started all this was apparently because the suspect valdemoro thought his ex-girlfriend cindy tran may have been involved with the elder sales or his son. what i have been told is that valdemoro worked as a security guard but according to records that we have checked that security guard license was not renewed a year ago back in september of 2009, allen. also, i was told that he has an unrelated criminal record for something that is very small. >> sherry, you had a couple of tidbits about cindy tran. are we any clearer on cindy tran's past and her involvement in this whole thing? >> reporter: no, there are still so many questions to be answered. what we are beginning to find out is cindy tran apparently
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worked in vallejo at a salon on robles avenue. we don't know in what capacity she worked there but that's what we have heard. >> sherry hu in hercules, thank you so much. and joe vazquez in vallejo. and, of course, as this mystery unfolds, you can nol the developments here. we'll have more at 6:00 on cbs 5 and always on well, other news tonight. crews have just contained a grassfire in american canyon. that fire broke out south of american canyon road, west of i- 80. it's in napa county. then it started racing up this dry hillside. it burned close to some homes. however, no structures were damaged. more than 100 firefighters were on scene along with cal fire choppers. it started just after 3:00 this afternoon. and it burned about 10 to 12 acres. roberta gonzales is in the weather center with hot conditions everywhere out there. >> we have some breezy conditions as well in that american canyon area. we do have an offshore wind right now out of the northwest up to 13 gusts up to 18 miles per hour and the relative
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humidity is now below 20%. and check out these current temperatures anywhere from 72 degrees at the immediate seashore to 95 degrees in santa rosa. san francisco at this hour is averaging 11 degrees above normal. high pressure is responsible for yet another day of stagnant air quality, as well. the second day in a row of "spare the air." we'll talk more about this and pinpoint the hottest temperatures for your thursday, that's later on in the newscast, allen. >> we'll be back with you. thanks, roberta. the condition of that fremont police officer who was shot in oakland last week has improved. officer todd young's condition has been upgraded to serious but stable. pretty good news for people who turned out for a blood drive at young's high school alma mater. len ramirez at santa clara high. len. >> reporter: exactly right, allen. you have to say this is an impressive turnout here at santa clara high right now. so far, about 165 people have come through the doors. we are talking about young people, their parents, people from the school administration, as well as santa clara police officers and officers from
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other departments. blood drives like this are happening throughout the bay area right now. but there's a special need and a special reason people came here. reporter: none of the students in the room knew officer todd young of the fremont pd but knew he was from santa clara and that was all it took to get them to roll up their sleeves and give blood to help save his life. >> it's because he was from the community and is helping the cause so more people would have come if it wasn't a specific cause like this. >> reporter: it was at officer young's alma mater, a 1989 graduate. his ties to the community run deeper than that. >> officer young hit the grand slam with santa clara. he is a graduate from santa clara high school, he is a dad of two of our students, his mom worked in the school district. and he is a police officer. >> reporter: not to mention his mother is a long-time and beloved school secretary in the district. >> i'm here because the santa clara family takes care of its
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own. >> reporter: officer young was shot twice and critically injured last week in oakland by a gang suspect who was captured after making a run for the mexican border. young has had three surgeries and used up more than 100 units of blood. >> it heightens the need that we have for blood donors on a constant basis. >> reporter: blood drives like this will be continuing in the bay area throughout the week and in fact, there will also be blood centers open in the east bay run by the red cross on monday labor day for this urgent need. anyone who wishes to donate blood is asked to contact their local blood center. reporting live in santa clara, len ramirez, cbs 5. it's like being part of a family. >> gave me a new life, a way to live. >> a first in the fight over medical marijuana. the new television ad and what's been left out. updates, new additions, lower prices. major announcement made by steve jobs. look great without spend'ing fortune.
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the beauty products found at target that local makeup artists are raving about. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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kind. and it's about to start airing across northern california. " i came in for two it's the first television ad of its kind. it's about to start airing across northern california. >> i came in for two ruptured
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disks. >> muscle spasms. >> hit by a drunk drive. >> this is a tv commercial for medical marijuana although the word marijuana is never used. the ad is for canacare a facility that provides patients with the information, advice and service they need to obtain legal access to medical marijuana. the owners say the ad is to let people know more about their medical options. apple is getting into social networking. and that's just one of the headlines from this morning's news conference in san francisco. cnet's molly wood checks in with all 6 appear am's latest bells and whistles. >> reporter: apple is gearing up for the holiday season. they announced major changes to the most popular music players in the world among other things. >> we are doing a -- >> reporter: steve jobs announced a new ipod line-up and new version of apple tv wednesday in san francisco. the biggest news was the revamp of apple tv. >> we are introducing the second generation of apple tv today and this what it looks like. >> reporter: the new version of
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apple tv includes a movie and tv rental service. you no longer buy digital movies or television shows, you rent them for prices starting at 99 cents. they also revamped its category killing line of ipod music players, new shuffles, a redesigned touchscreen nano, and a thinner ipod touch with a front facing camera. a new version of itunes includes anew music-based social network. you can share music with friends and keep traffic your favorite artists. >> i was a little disappointed that we didn't see more web- based innovations from apple as far as getting more itunes content out of the software and on the web. >> reporter: no surprising announcements from apple today. but the company is hoping its ipods are winners this holiday season and getting serious about tv and move vis over the internet. they focused on making the ipod
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touch into a portable gaming device. they are taking on nintendo and sony and playstation portable trying to make it more fun. >> that says my 14-year-old son as a younger audience. >> you can compare scores with your friends, the whole works. >> thank you, molly. typically i buy makeup at drugstores or supermarkets or target. >> estee lauder lancome, bobby brown may cost more. are they better? the beauty buys we found at a big box store that won't break the bank. and not just a few apples that you eat. fruit displayed on the sidewalk stolen. what bay area grocers are doing to fight back. 10 to 15 degrees above normal today. now the day the cooling will begin as eyewitness news continues on cbs 5.
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b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%,
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and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results
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produce vendors in san well, believe it or not, life is not entirely a bowl of cherries for produce vendors in san francisco. there are actually those who are out to steal their apples, oranges and plantains. jennifer mistrot tonight on how those merchants say this is all just part of doing business. >> reporter: california is known as land of the fruits and the nuts. we love our produce. we just forget to pay for it sometimes. >> mango or banana. [ speaking spanish ] >> all the different fruits out here people just take them. they steal them. >> reporter: food stands like lucky pork market are the colorful backbone of the mission. they are tempting to thieves. >> i don't know how he grabs the watermelons but he steals it. >> reporter: he tells me he frequently sees people steal fruit from his produce stand. he says the total dollar amount exceeds about $20 a day.
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>> i mean, i won't do it personally. i think i'm honest. >> reporter: shop owners say most of their customers are honest. still, some merchants do install mirrors and other devices to curb the theft. still, there are times they admit that they do just simply look the other way. >> they're hungry and then the only people who is going to do it is the people who probably need it. >> reporter: and that's why for the most part, shop owners don't call police when they see somebody pilfering their peaches. they understand the economy is bad right now. >> a lot of people, you know, come can i grab a couple of bananas, apples? go ahead, grab some. >> reporter: did anybody come back and say thanks for the help? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: let me pass you a few bucks. >> yeah, it happens like that. >> reporter: passing the buck and the bananas. in san francisco, jennifer
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mistrot, cbs 5. we're peeling back the layer on the weather getting some hot stuff. >> i was asking you, can you see my raccoon eyes? it was so hot i went swimming at lake del valle and even though it looks like summer it's looking like autumn because i could tell the difference in the shadows and how they were forming and the water temperature, it was at 74 last week, today 69 degrees. it felt like 69 degrees in the water. but right now in san jose 92 degrees, northwest wind at 13. that is indeed an offshore flow. meanwhile, compare the blue skies there with the coast is clear. and currently, right there in ocean beach, where we have plenty of people and birds out there tonight, it is 80 degrees there. as we kick-start the first day of september, i want to show you how we're wrapping up for the month of august. we had four days that were at or above average heat in san francisco as well as in san jose. otherwise, we had 27 days with
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temperatures averaging below normal. so what can you bank on this evening, get out, enjoy, still in the 90s away from the bay of water. otherwise at the bay in the 80s and around the coast in the 70s to the low 80s. again, satellite suggests not a cloud in sight except to the north of us banking off the ridge of high pressure that continues to strengthen. it's also putting a cap on the stagnant air so it will be a second day in a row of "spare the air" day. thanks to lee for sending us a mypix at we want to see your hot weather pictures, too. tonight, overnight, kick off that extra blanket. temperatures in the 50s and in the 60s. tomorrow, that northwest wind will continue ushering in the warmer air mass. inland highs up to 100 degrees in concord. otherwise, low 70s at the beaches, 93 degrees to the north and to the south. the extended forecast, cbs 5 day outlook triple digits on thursday, then the whole timing of this is when will the
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marine layer kick in? i'm banking on early friday morning knocking back the temperatures. it will be quite seasonal by labor day. and that is your pinpoint forecast. hang out, stay with us, we'll be right back. ,,,, this droid has evolved to do even more. now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard.
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turning you into an instrument of efficiency. introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does.
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now se target pretty well known for its partnerships with high end fashion designers. now the retailer is selling designer makeup at drugstore prices. on the consumerwatch, sydnie kohara takes a look at how that
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makeup measures up. reporter: when it comes to makeup, most women like high end. >> i like lancome as well as bobby brown. >> i like match the best. >> clinique for 35 years. >> reporter: but now, target is trying to get into the beauty business with three new lines by prominent makeup artists. it could be a tough sell. >> i don't typically buy makeup at dug stores, supermarkets or target. >> reporter: so we decided to put a few target products to the test with san francisco makeup stylist erica carr. first a back stage kit that includes 11 eye shadows, four color corrections, four lip gloss, two blush, and one water- resistant bronzer. >> the matte shadows as eyeliner then you have lip colors you can custom blend and it's all in a little convenient package. >> reporter: this small kit retails for about $35, a bargain, says carr. >> if we broke down everything
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individually you would be spending $100 to $200. so i think the value is amazing. >> reporter: next we test an eyeliner and mascara. >> this is kind of very soft. so it glides nicely and you lift up. you can lift and wiggle to really get the product on to each individual lash. >> reporter: carr then applies a napoleon curtis bronzer a product carr says she can't believe target carries. >> i was really surprised they were selling at target because it's such a high-end line and i thought when i first tried it it would be maybe a discounted version of it but that wasn't the case. >> reporter: the look is complete. and lulu says she loves it. >> i think it's a great price point. i love the colors of the eye shadows and the lip glosses are very long lasting. >> reporter: makeup stylist erica carr is also impressed. she says it's a pretty good deal. >> if you can go in and buy a
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kit like this for under $50, and have every component you need to do a face really quickly, that's great. absolutely i would use it in my kit. >> and if you have a consumer comment or question call or hotline, 1-888-5-helps-u. ,,,,,,,, ,,
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[ female announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours...
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they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now. news at 6. in one of america's bluest states, a very tough race for democratic sen i'm dana king. in one of america's bluest states, a very tough race for democratic senator. coming up at 6:00, just how much trouble does barbara boxer find herself in as she prepares to debate carly fiorina? first, the mysterious leaking pipes. you know what some neighbors think may be a cover-up to protect muni from taking responsibility. that and much more at 6:00, allen. >> thank you. the cbs evening news is coming up next. what we now know about a gunman who held several people hostage at the discovery channel just outside of


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