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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 530PM  CBS  July 18, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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terrifying gun battle on an east bay freeway. a heavily-armed suspect exchanges fire with police. but its a terrifying gun battle on an east bay freeway. a heavily armed suspect exchangeling fire with police but it was what was found inside the man's truck that really has authorities alarmed. protecting oakland. guardian angels begin their stepped up patrols after dozens of police officers are laid off. their message to the people of oakland. >> and b.p. adopts a new strategy in the gulf of mexico. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. good evenings, i'm ann notarangelo. cbs5 eyewitness news is next. this is cbs5 eyewitness news. "this broadcast realtime captioned by becky lyon." it is being called every officer's worst nightmare. it started when a car was pulled over driving eratically on interstate 880.
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now the fbi is involved. kiet do shows us how a traffic stop escalated into a shootout and then a bomb scare and much more. >> reporter: ann, i want to show just how violent it was out here in oakland early this morning. if you push in here very quickly you see those paper bags leaned up against the guardrail. they are filled with assault rifles and weapons. all the weapons that were used by chp officers in that gun battle early this morning. they have been taken for evidence. balistics experts will be examining them later on today. before we get to the report i want to show you some home video that was posed on youtube of that gun fight and neighbors say it sounded like the wild west. >> just when the chp was getting ready to clear the scene investigators found a suspicious looking package,
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called the bottom -- called the bomb squad. and a few hours later -- it is unclear exactly what it was. the bomb squad also found material of interest. given the amount of weaponry and possible explosives found the fbi showed up. after all this drama no one is taking any chances. >> this incident that took place is absolutely every officer's worst nightmare. >> at midnight sunday morning chp officers pulled over the white toyota tundra which was driving eratically on 580 westbound in oakland. an officer walked up to the truck on the passenger side. >> in which he observed the suspect reach for a handgun and he starts firing shots at the officer as the officer is retreating back to the patrol car. >> reporter: suspect was armed with lots of ammo and guns. they opened fire with everything they had including
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assault weapons of their own. at least 60 rounds were fired. >> he would get back into the truck then lean out and fire multiple shots and get back into the truck. >> reporter: the suspect was wearing a bullet proof vest. he got hit multiple times in the arms an legs. two officers were cut in the face by flying glass as bullets shattered windows. amazing no officers were seriously hurt given the .222 caliber bullets pierced the doors of the patrol cars. >> where he was going there is no doubt his intent was to cause serious harm to either someone or a group of people. >> reporter: an fbi spokes american is not immediately available. we would like to know is whether or not this is a possible domestic terror investigation. also, the suspect is right now in serious but stable condition at highland hospital. he is said to be a two striker, quicked felon with an extensive criminal history. finally here 580 webb is still
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closed after 17 hours. it should be open any moment now. back to you, ann. >> so at this point they say that they think he was heading somewhere to do some sort of harm or are they just assuming that? do they know anything? >> they are being very tight lipped at this point. they are saying that they are not surprised that he was going to cause harm to an individual or a group of people. that's pretty much all i can say at this point. >> they have got a lot of things to figure out. kiet do, thank you very much. >> what we are now learning the identity of a man shot and killed by police officers in oakland. he is 48-year-old fred collins of oakland. yesterday morning police were called about a man armed with a knife. two b.a.r.t officers spotted him and chased him. when police arrived they tried to use a taser on him. but he didn't stop and they had to open fire. he was pronounced dead at the
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scene. a tighter budget for the oakland police department is spurring more citizen action. today the guardian angels hit the streets. last week 80 oakland police officers were laid off. 130120 additional officers could lose their jobs as well. now citizen groups are patrolling the city. >> instead of sitting around complaining, get up, help the community. you can help the police department as well. you could be their eyes and ears. and you don't have to wear a uniform. we are beefing up patrols because we still feel we need to and we want to. >> the guardian angels are trying to recruit volunteers. an estimated 25,000 walkers raised more than $3 million for bay area aids organization. the aids walk san francisco took place this morning in golden gate park along a six-
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mile route. it will support local hiv prevention and testing services at 60 bay area aids organizations. organizers say the walk shows spirit and compassion and participants agree and say the walk shows that they are not alone. >> it feels good because it is like i'm not the only one that is affected by it, you know. i know my family is but other people who lost people -- as long as everybody comes together then we can fight this. >> aids walk san francisco has raised more than $76 million since 1987 and is now the largest aids fund-raising event in northern california. planning to car pool across the golden gate bridge tomorrow? well, you're going to need fast track. starting with tomorrow's commute. cash will no longer be accepted for car pools. the only way to pay the reduced $3 toll is with a fast track
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tag. car poolers will need to pass through a toll booth so that a toll worker can verify there are three or more people in the car. closing for good on fulton avenue and mini drive. staffing levels will be reduced at the remaining stations. instead of 18 firefighters on duty there will be 15 during each shift. vallejo filed for bankruptcy in '08 and since that time it has also lost a third of its police officers. if it isn't broke don't fix it. that's the motto right now in the gulf of mexico where the cap over the damaged oil well is holding steady. this is a live look underwater and as you can see the leak is plugged. b.p. will not do anything different unless the situation changes. >> reporter: b.p. decided to not mess with success and not make any changes until a permanent well is in place next month. >> we are hopeful that if the
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encouraging signs continue we will be able to continue the integrity test all the way to the point that we get the well killed. >> but the final decision on whether to keep the cap closed rests with the government which could still choose to pipe the oil to ships on the surface. that option would relieve pressure on the broken well but it could also lead to millions of gallons of oil spilling back into the gulf. both sides downplaying the apparent contradiction in plans. with no oil flowing for the first time crews are cleaning up more crude than is being released and even though the gulf beaches aren't as clouded as they usually are more people did turn out to get a break from the heat. >> fishermen were back now that the recreational waters there are open again. in mississippi where far less oil has washed up on shore families waited and played in the warm water. >> i was a little concerned. i haven't been out and i
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thought the oil maybe glued to the bottom but it is natural water. >> we want people to come and enjoy it. there is nothing wrong here. >> reporter: the oil spill is still on everyone's mind and they know they likely have years to go before it is gone for years. cbc news, long beach mississippi. two powerful earthquakes shook the south pacific today. they struck off the island nation measuring 6.9 followed by a 7.3 quake. a tsunami warning was briefly issued by there are no reports of any damage or deaths. an animal shelter suddenly overwhelmed. coming up dozens of bay area pets desperately looking for a home. plus a bargain hunter's paradise. big ambitions. i'm meteorologist lawrence
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karnow in the cbs5 weather center. great day day to get out and enjoy. we will talk about that coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models
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to pools around dallas, to stay cool. the heat index was a heat wave right now. families heading to pools around dallas to stay cool. the heat index well over 100 today. it is not over yet. dallas will see 100 degrees temps for the next week. now imagine doing this in extreme heat. the new york city triathlon. temperatures soring well into the 90s in the big apple today. competitors swam about a mile, cycled 25 miles then ran 6 miles. a bay area animal shelter is trying to find homes for pets quickly to ease overcrowding. the east county animal shelter of alameda county has seen an increase in pets. dozens of cats and dogs and kittens were available. volunteers work with the
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animals to make sure that they are good family pets. >> a lot of these volunteers spend day after day after day at the shelter getting to know all of the animals. getting them out. training them. working with them. walking them. so they become almost like our own. >> they don't want people to adopt a pet just because they are reminding people it is a serious lifetime commitment. san francisco's newest place to find antiques and other collectibles opened today. vendors and shoppers showed up before sunrise at candle stick point to buy and sell merchandise at a big new flea market. they will run the market every third sunday of the month and have a contract with the city. a large crowd showed up today. they say the new site has unlimited potential because flea markets have worked well in other big cities. >> san francisco is a perfect
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city. one of the only major cities in the country that literally doesn't have its own market. so we were real excited when the city was anxious for us to come here and do it and we were real excited to have an opportunity to work with the city to do it. >> the reason the fair will be so unique is they have certain standards and monitor what types of items can be sold. >> a sunny weekend. downright hot in many places but a cool down on the way. lawrence has our forecast coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ banker ] when ashley's violin teacher told her parents she was gifted, they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan, which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted. [ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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in lawrence didn't have a job to do i think he would be at the beach. >> i'm not big on the heat though. at the coastline sunshine trying to poke through. cloudy skies flirting with the beaches. cooler weather in the works for the bay area. but we could use that. some of the interior valleys. hot temperatures showing up well inland well into the 90s. triple digits as you enter in toward the center valley. the heat has been on for the past few days but there are signs that high pressure finally beginning to break up somewhat. as it weakens, we will see cool air begin to filter in along the coastline. sunshine squeezing into the coast. patches of fog there in the distance you can see. high pressure weakening and marine layer will deepen. here comes the fog and cooler weather. all right, if you're headed out this evening you're looking pretty good. you've got warm temperatures still inland. numbers running up easily through much of the evening in the 70s and upper 80s. clear skies inside the bay. little bit on the breezy side.
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not bad. nice and clear. up toward the coastline. couple of patches of fog. that's it. cool breeze blowing around the bay area. tomorrow still hot in spots well inland. mid-90s into antioch and brentwood. 80s and low 90s as you head else whereby. patchy fog trying to break up late in the day. just a few patches hanging on right near the immediate coastline. numbers looking like this. 92 concord. 66 oakland. 78 san jose. temperatures running hot toward the central valley. tomorrow's high 104 degrees. 95 degrees in yosemite. looking out over the next couple of days ridge of high pressure bringing the heat will back off over the four corner states and head inland. that means we will start to see slow cooling but it will take a couple of days to make it work its way well inland. patchy fog will be back tomorrow morning. deepening tomorrow night and then looks like we will see a little slower clearing as we head into the next few days and
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i think by the middle of the week we are talking about below normal temperatures. high of about 70 degrees. 79 in santa clara. east bay temperatures still hot in places like antioch and brentwood. 91 into livermore. 782 in sonoma. next couple days cooling things down. trough of low pressure swinging in along the coastline come tuesday and thursday. that will help to deepen the marine layer and drove off temperatures a bit. probably seeing a little more comfort and little bit below normal as we round out the week. >> dennis, been a couple weeks. hello. >> been one week. but if it feels like two that's probably a good thing. golf. would tiger make his move and could anybody catch the guy louis oosthuizen? that's his name. at the british open. was he safe or out? the answer is coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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teeth. louis wooshazen played the part of an ogre to no one can pronounce his name properly so friends call him shrek. louis oosthuizen. four shot lead going into the final round of the british open. people anticipating collapse. tiger woods looking ordinary really all week. even par today. in 2000 he did not hit one bunker today he couldn't get
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out. paul casey. jarring his putt for eagle to get his lead back to four strokes. casey starts to go for it. has got to be more aggressive. got him the scenic tour of st. andrews. made triple bogey. meanwhile, louis oosthuizen draining his putt for birdie. south africans leading by 8 with six holes to play. louis oosthuizen nearly challenging the all time scoring record. a tiger-like performance. 15 under par. winning by seven strokes. not bad for your first major choippedz. the big day for south africa. >> happy birthday to mr. nelson mandela back in south africa. 92 years old today. just amazing. >> being in this foundation for three years, starting my pro career, it was really amazing. >> ernie els being a south african. and he probably has a lot of
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credit for louis oosthuizen winning that tournament. the last time the giants swept the mets in a four-game series bill clinton was in the oval office. hate to say everyone loves the giants rookie these days. bottom of the 9th giants down 3- 1. >> line drive into right center field. it is going to fall. this game is tied. >> two batters later it appeared to be over. >> sanchez getting one to 3rd. one at the plate. called out. travis ishikawa appears to beat him. the ump doesn't disagree. banging one off the bricks against brian wilson to drive in the go ahead run. giants final chance. two on. eli whiteside. mets escape with a 4-3 victory today.
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to kansas city where this kid was doing his best kobe impersonation. slugging a two-run blast deep to left. likes to sprints around the bases. jack was in fronts of him. kevin kouzmanoff. two more for him today. would have been more if not for the great spare by myer. turning in another strong outing. 7 and two thirds. just one run allowed. as sweep and get back to the 500. #-6 the final. cleveland indians hosting the tigers. driving one deep right center field. looking for the fastest way out of the ballpark. instead of making catch drifts away. winds up with an inside the park home run. and obviously someone forget to lock the bull pen door.
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no one in that indian bull pen has claimed responsibility. sweeping the them. 7-2 the final. ride alone to finish his first ever stage victory. yellow jersey. still leads by 31 seconds. charles barkley doing a lot better in the eating contest than on the golf course. he decided to play left handed. >> it is a work in progress but at least i can relax and try to swing the club. i have heard better shots left handed than i have hit in the last year. >> barkley finished dead last. there is stephen curry. finished tied with former are quarterback jim mcmann. winning by 19 points. his third career win in lake
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tahoe. tonight on "game day." talking about going into the baseball hall of fame next sunday. plus, we will talk about the warriors surprising new owners and what this means for the team with marcus thompson tonight on "game day" at 11:30 p.m. >> i invested four days watching the british open. four days, right. and you kept waiting for something to unfold. it is probably the most boring major championship i have ever seen. >> it was a waste you're saying? >> complete waste of time. >> not for the guy that won. >> all due respect to louis. >> thank you. it is the middle of summer but the return of school isn't that far away more many kids and tonight at 6:30 p.m. the effort now underway to provide school supplies to the thousands of bay area students who live in homeless shelters. that's it for eyewitness news at 5:30 p.m. then at 10 and 11:00 p.m. is always on. good night. captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email:
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