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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  July 16, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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what is shaping up to be the deadliest month in afghanistan for u.s. soldiers hits home. friends remember a napa soldier
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killed in combat. a stranger out there who could save this little girl's life. how stats are standing against her though and how you can make a difference. >> also, a new experience at the movies. the theaters allowing you to go for a ride. and an ad campaign that is teaching other companies a thing or two. how old spice is reaching a brand-new audience. "this broadcast realtime captioned by becky lyon." this is cbs5 eyewitness news. i'm ken bastida. >> i'm juliette goodrich. a soldier from the bay area has been killed in afghanistan. july shaping up to be the deadliest month for americans since the war began. at least 36 killed this month. among them army specialist chase stanley of napa. sharon chin talked to his friends tonight. >> tonight friends are saying good-bye to the man they call the gentle giant. one who died too young.
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>> reporter: best friends gathered at their usual hangout. the napa home to remember one that is gone. >> didn't want us to mourn his death than celebrate his life. that's what we are trying to do. >> reporter: 21-year-old army specialist chase stanley was killed with three fellow soldiers wednesday when an improvised explosive device blasted their military vehicle. missing her buddy since high school. >> his smile. always happy. i never met anybody that had something bad to say about him. >> friends say stanley entered the military served in iraq then redeployed to afghanistan in december. natalie's mother remembers talking to him at christmas his last visit home. >> i said where are you going? he told me. i said isn't that bad? it is bad. i said are you scared? i have never been so scared in my life. >> he would rather be home but understood why he was there and he respected it. >> reporter: and while he kept
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in touch through social networking sites he kept his friends in the dark about the dangers he faced in afghanistan. >> he never would tell us anything. never said it was bad. just keep us from not worrying. just driving around. >> reporter: stanley's friends described him as friendsly and outgoing. a peace maker who wanted to drive a dozer for cal fire after his military service was over. >> he was the median muscle. got in between us and he just said you know what, we are friends much get over it. and so he was always the one that brought us together. >> reporter: in his death he has brought them together again. stanley was supposed to be home in october. he was planning to go hunting across the nation with his buddies. >> sharon chin. sharon, thank you. a demonstration on monday will be the first in the bay area supporting the former b.a.r.t police officer convicted of shooting and killing an unarmed passenger. the rally has been dubbed in
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support of johannes mehserle and leo for law enforcement officers. it will be in walnut creek outside the superior court building. police are already preparing for it. with word of the rally spreading a lot of opinions are starting to stir. >> i don't think so it is a good idea but people have a right to express their opinion as long as it doesn't become unruly. >> my gut reaction and i shouldn't feel this way but my gut reaction was this seems to be about white people against black people. >> a jury convicted johannes mehserle of involuntary manslaughter last week for shooting oscar grant on new year's day. what's your opinion of the verdict? 64% of people in the bay area either agree with the involuntary manslaughter conviction or they believe johannes mehserle should have been convicted of a lesser crime. 34% told survey u.s.a.
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that johannes mehserle should have been convicted of a more serious crime. b.a.r.t police will soon have another set of eyes watching them. the governor signed a bill to create an independent auditor to investigate complaints about b.a.r.t police and setting up a commission that can make discipline recommendations. san francisco is seeing fewer murders, robberies and other types of violent crime but the city's police chief says it is a constant battle. >> listen, public safety is a journey, not a destination. and we have to continue to get better at what we do every day. >> today chief george gascon gave a report card for the first six months of this year. crime continues to drop and gives a lot of credit to the zone enforcement strategy which dedicates more officers to areas with more violence. and from january to june the total violent crime rate dropped 28% from 2008 and 10%
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from 2009. so far this year, there have been 26 homicides. there were 28 at this same time last year. property crime is also down 12% compared to the first half of 2009. a northern california teen is spending the weekend asking people to swab their cheeks at an expo in oakland. don knapp shows us samples that she collects could help her boost her own odds of fighting off a life threatening illness. >> one at a time. >> reporter: cotton swab to collect dna. >> look your brushing your teeth. >> reporter: may help the save the life of the 17-year-old girl. suffering from a double whammy of two bone marrow diseases. >> bone marrow. it fights against your blood cells. so then your body becomes low on blood so then you get really fatigued and tired and out of breath. >> did it happen to you? >> yes. >> she has been hospitalized for months at a time and had to dropout of high school to deal
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with the fatigue of a plastic enema and pna. >> for about 10 seconds. swab the cheek not your teeth and gums. >> reporter: her cure is hiding in someone's healthy body. as a member of the minority community the search for a bone marrow match is harder. >> she needs a bone marrow match. >> what's the chance? >> maybe 1 in 20,000 because of the low number of people of color in the national registry. >> reporter: dean and family members spend every weekend signing up african american. >> the need is here to save the african-american family. i have great grandchildren and who knows, maybe one day they may need to be a match. >> reporter: the black expo hand-to-hand marketing event at the oakland marriott downtown includes a booth for her. >> out of the 8 million people in the registry, about 500,000
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or more plus are african- american. about 600,000 are latinos and so basically latinoa and african-americans have this 13% chance and has to do with the number of people in the registry. >> reporter: other ethnic groups have fewer chances of a match. the chance of a caucation match is 80%. all samples are quickly put into a national registry. >> i just want to see if not just me it can help but other people because by signing up to be a part of the national bone marrow registry, you don't just help one person but you help save other people's lives too. >> reporter: in oakland, don knapp. cbs5. tonight the controller's office says 200,000 state workers can count on getting their full pay this month and next. workers celebrated today after a judge refused the governor's request to force the state controller to slash their salaries to minimum wage. the governor wants to cut pay until lawmakers reach a budget deal. the judge said it would cause too much harm.
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the lawsuit will continue with a hearing expected late next month. >> we have got to fight you governor to the end. we need our money. >> controller's delay in upgrading his computer system shouldn't be a defense against complying with the law. >> reporter: state controller has filed a countser lawsuit. he claims that the state's decades old computerized payroll system cannot handle the changes. >> if could be a step toward 4d movies. >> creates a new way of viewing movies. >> the experience being tested as fewer than two dozen theaters in the country including four of them right here in the bay area. >> six reception problems. no app for that. but there is a rubber bumper. how steve jobs addressed what he is calling antenna gate. what keeps you up might hurt you when you want to come back down. how high heeled shoes could actually impact your muscles. we are talking weekend warms and also weekend lows.
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the areas that will hit near triple digits. and those that won't see the sunshine at all. pinpoint forecast as eyewitness news continues. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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i'm done with all these lists. and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life.
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scientists monitoring the golf coast saying no news is good news tonight. they are more than halfway through a critical 48 hour testing windows. they are watching that cap that was put on the leak yesterday to see if there are any leaks. they are a little concerned because pressure readings are not rising as high as expected. but so far they can't find any new leaks. if a leak is found scientists may need to uncap the well and start over. >> we need to have every assurance that we could react very quickly if we were to detect a leak. >> testing should go through the night. the government estimating that anywhere between 94 million and 184 million-gallons of oil have spilled into the gulf. president obama today addressing the work that still needs to be done in the gulf and the first family headed out to maine for a three-day weekend. the president cooled off with a coconut ice cream this afternoon in the harbor. first family planning to spend
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much of their week in acadia national park. the president hasn't had all that much vacation time since taking office. just about 65 days. president bush totalled was nearly double that in 18 months of office. a new theater experience in the south bay tonight and it really gets movie goers moving. literally. kiet do shows us what has got them shaking in their seats. >> reporter: "avatar" eat your heart out. you're looking at the latest in movie theater technology called motion code. basically it is a seat with built in motors that tilt and vibrate in sync with the sound and k on the screen. >> when you have the really good sound you can feel it a little in a movie theater. your chair is moving. >> reporter: motion ranges from subtle to dramatic and with controls on every seat you dial in the intensity. you know that star tour's ride
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in disneyland. well, it is kind of like that. >> something bigger. it is something that draws you in. it creates a completely new way of viewing a movie. >> reporter: last year's epic by director james cameron said audiences worldwide will pay for extras for 3d but the motion seats cost an extra $8 on top of the ticket price. >> if you throw 3d on top of it we are talking a movie ticket somewhere in the neighborhood of $20. >> that's correct. it could get up to about $20. we will see how everything works out with the movies but at this time there hasn't been a 3d movie with a motion track. >> reporter: it debuts with inception and in 28 theaters in the country four in the bay area. camera 7 in campbells has nearly sold out its 22 seats for the weekend. >> combination of a rollercoaster and a movie at the same time. >> did it make you enjoy the
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movie more? >> absolutely. >> full body experience. >> i think it is for younger folks like you. you would probably like it. right? >> reporter: now with this if the film itself doesn't move you, at least the seats will. in campbell, kiet do, cbs5. washington, dc, got a rare jolt today. 3.6 earthquake struck just after 5:00 a.m. in the morning centered near rockville, maryland. quakes are so unusual some people thought it was a truck passing by or a low flying plane. there were no reports of injuries or damage. the president said he didn't feel it. >> he was on his way to bar harbor to have a coconut ice cream. >> we saw that earlier. >> roberta what is going on? >> 63 in san francisco. we did have 100 degrees in pittsburgh. brentwood as well. look what happened this evening. a marine layer roughly about 1000 feet deep sweeped into the city of san francisco. look right now the transamerica building.
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that is roughly down to 600 feet. that's how we begin our morning tomorrow you can count on delays at sfo on arriving flights. that's pretty much the criteria right there at 600 feet. so let's go ahead and crunch our models together and come up with your pinpoint forecast. currently, san francisco at 53 degrees. mid-50s and overcast in mill valley. san jose. 68 after a high today of 83. and brentwood has now tumbled 20 degrees after their triple digit reading today. we will kick start your morning tomorrow with the sunup at 6:01. 9:00 a.m. in the morning the marine layer reaching out a good 45 to 50 miles. begins to retreat out over the bay waters during the lunch hour. then partial clearing around the media sea shore. no clearing in coastside communities like dylon beach. high pressure is a key component providing us with ample sunshine in our inland areas. around the central valley into the triple digits. thunderstorms because of a
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southerly surge around yosemit and downright sizzling hot in redding at 109. so 60s tomorrow. 94 up to campbell. nearly 90 in san jose. warm in some locations in the eastern portion of our district. 70s around the bay. 96 in danville. otherwise north of the golden gate bridge. 70s to 80s. 94, however, in sonoma. extended forecast calling for the hottest day of the weekend. sunday. and then a deepening marine layer means cooler temperatures next week. now, in is interesting photo because while we had lots of sunshine inland, chris anderson said lots of fog there but inland we had the abundance of sunshine. i love this time of year when you have this on display. >> livermore 96. >> thank you. >> enjoy. apple is giving away cases to iphone 4 owners which should alleviate the issue of those dropped calls. today, the ceo steve jobs
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showed up addressing the reception problems at apple's head quarters in cooper tino. has to do with the antenna. users come into contact with it and calls get dropped. apple saying the problem has been blown out of proportion. fewer than 3% of the more than 3 million iphone 4 phones sold have been returned. >> you read all these articles out there you would have thought at least half our customers must have called in to complain or ask questions or be angry. >> he doesn't look angry. apple does admit that it knew the reception bars go down if the phone is gripped in a certain way but jobs says similar smartphones have the same issue. if you have an iphone 4 you can log on to the apple website to order your free case. if you already bought one, apple promises a refund. >> a new falling for old spice courtesy of a viral add
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campaign. >> i am a ridiculous handsome man. >> how ads that never hit t.v. are changing the marketing game when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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since i've been doing roller derby for the last three years, i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.
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to a new generation may seem pretty tough. not so, michelle miller shows us, old spice. marketing it to a new generation may seem pretty tough. not so. michelle miller shows us when you have the internet and a very manly man. >> look at your man. >> what startedded as a single sexy ad in february. >> you're on a boat with a man your man can smell. >> is now perhaps the most successful internet marketing campaign ever. >> the whole commercial is just phenomenal. >> really funny. >> everything that he does is so unexpected. >> this week the creators of the old spice body wash campaign rolled out a wave of over 180 different youtube ads featuring former nfl player. each one a personal response to questions from fans posted on the website twitter. >> hello anonymous. >> i'm glad that some or most
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of you are liking any old spice commercial. >> swan dive. >> so far 21 million people have watched him make his dead pan pitch. >> got to create something that would not put off men but would drag women in. >> reporter: eric bald win win is one of the marketing brains behind the blitz. >> making movies. >> would you make him the happiest man in the world. >> reporter: to offering political advice to president obama. >> instead of opening the state of the union address with my fellow americans, try opening with hello, ladies. >> reporter: the campaign has pushed old spice to the top of the market for men's body wash. it has also started a parade of parities. >> you've got a six pack, i've got a keg. you drink alone i bring the party. >> reporter: using the approach to get students into the library. >> look down, back up. >> where are you? >> in the library with the man.
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>> today seven of the old spice videos are among youtube's top 10 most watched. >> i am just one ridiculously handsomeman. >> and a poster child for the new power of internet market. >> i love it. >> reporter: michele miller, cbc news, new york. >> nice job. wearing high heels could perm in dy could -- could permanently change your muscles. 2 inches or high wearing them on a regular basis some had shortened muscle fibers and thicker achille's tendon. a thicker tendon causes pain when heel wearers switch to flats. >> got to lose those heels ken. >> i agree. >> how is it going? >> thanks.
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>> thank you. >> we have a new leader at the british open but it is not tiger or phil. the giants honoring their next hall of famer. sports is next. to ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] the jerry brown story. the real story. 40 years in politics... and failure has followed him everywhere. ♪ in the sixties, brown enters politics and later serves two terms as governor. his big spending turns a surplus into a billion dollar deficit. brown appoints liberal judges who fight the death penalty,
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supports billions in new taxes, and leaves the state with record unemployment of 11%. failure. in the eighties, he runs for senate, but californians say no. he lobbies for a corporate polluter, and works to send california jobs to china. failure. the nineties saw jerry run as a presidential candidate against bill clinton. you know, he reinvents himself every year or two. [ female announcer ] failure. and in the two thousands jerry was mayor of oakland where he taxed everything from garbage to cable tv. crime soared, and he damaged the school system so badly, the state had to take it over. another failure. jerry brown. sunday... what would it sound
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like if dodgers play by play man vin scully intro john miller will be inducted into the hall of fame a week from sunday. what would it sound like if dodger's play by play man introduced miller? >> john miller in my mind is the best baseball broadcaster in america in his price range. >> he is the best. the giants honoring their next hall of famer with a pregame ceremony. as for the game, barry zito picked up where tim lincecum left off. eight innings, no runs and 10 strikeouts. >> the as kicking off their second half in kansas city. they got to cy young winner early. kevin kouzmanoff with the two hundred republican single. five rince in the 1st inning and beat the royals 5-1. royy mcelroy after shooting an 80 in round 2.
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>> what? >> 80. finds himself 11 shots back. safe to say the weather was more of a fact or for round 2. overshadowed by rory. had the spotlight to himself. tiger still breaking in his new putter shooting a one over 73 and eight shots back. emotional scene on 18 for tom watson. the five-time open champ missed the cut in his final british open at the old court. >> it was a tough day. the old girl put up her dukes today and she battled back and it was a tough, tough day out there. >> give me the top 5. >> give it to her. >> wizards big man mcgee continuing to turn summer league into an audition. reds and rockies. dexter fowler robber jay bruce of a homer. colorado loses. number 3 only fitting that on the night they honored george
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steinbrenner the yankees came back to win on a walk-off single. nick swisher the hero tonight in the bronx. finally, bengie molina was so good tonight he is getting the top two plays. hitting a single. in the 4th j.d. drew gets twist around around ends up with a double. 5th inning givenning the rangers a 7-3 lead with a grand slam and finally the best for last. eric patterson can't make the catch and bengie molina who is it not exactly known for speed gets the triple for his first ever. >> he went through a lot of heat earlier. espn was ripping him for running the bases. >> thank you so much, kim, we will be right back. [ cell phone rings ]
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[ john ] i love these new cell phones. [ wife ] he just got a new phone and he can't stop using it. boom! profile pic. [ cell phone rings ] do you guys needs a moment? since john is always on his phone, we thought he'd like using wells fargo mobile banking. just paid the electric bill. wow. he's able to pay his bills, check his balance. wow. [ banker ] even transfer money between accounts. i can tell you what's playing, if you like. i can tell you, too. see? oh. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪
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a fantastic opportunity to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac model. like the cts sport sedan. the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a "car and driver" 10 best, three years in a row. or the all new cadillac srx luxury crossover. and even the most acclaimed luxury suv ever, the cadillac escalade. summer brings out the best in all of us. hurry in to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac during cadillac's "summer's best" sales event, going on now at your cadillac dealer. ♪ very dangerous on a friday night to have any time left on the show. >> what are you doing this weekend? >> dangerous to say. >> i'm off tomorrow. >> go to a ballgame. >> i should be. >> go to hockey camp. sfo. can't wait. >> what are you doing, ken? >> i'm going to be doing some charity work. good night. captions by: caption colorado, llc 77


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