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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  July 15, 2010 4:24pm-4:30pm PST

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most dog owners know you
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have to keep your pet away from chocolate and grapes but there is another potential danger you might not know about and are probably carrying it around in your pocket or purse. here's one family's tough lesson. reporter: when rita the pomeranian mix recently chewed a pack of sugar-free gum like this, her owner chris boyer didn't think it was a big health issue until he looked online. >> when i typed in the type of gum, immediately it started to pop up issues with the chemical xylitol. >> reporter: what he read shocked him. one of the posts said call the vet immediately, don't hesitate, get off the computer, call the vet. it turns out that xylitol a popular sweetening in mints and sugar free gum like the stride gum rita ate could be fatal to dogs. >> i felt like i was going to lose a child. i mean, she is part of our family. >> i was scared to deaths, ya. i didn't want anything happening to my dog. >> reporter: as little as one piece of gum per 10 pounds of
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dog can cause a fatal drop in blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. the vet at the university of pennsylvania's animal hospital says xylitol can also cause liver failure. >> it is a life-threatening thing, and it can hit the pocketbook pretty bad, too. >> reporter: the animal poison control center reported last year that it managed more than 2600 cases of xylitol ingestion, up 40% over a three- year period. no one knows whether the increase is because there are more products with xylitol, more dogs eating them, or better awareness. stride's website notes that xylitol an ingredient often used in sugarless gum is toxic to dogs. the maker kraft foods said they applauded efforts to get information out to dog owners. ,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] the jerry brown story. the real story. 40 years in politics...
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and failure has followed him everywhere. ♪ in the sixties, brown enters politics and later serves two terms as governor. his big spending turns a surplus into a billion dollar deficit. brown appoints liberal judges who fight the death penalty, supports billions in new taxes, and leaves the state with record unemployment of 11%. failure. in the eighties, he runs for senate, but californians say no. he lobbies for a corporate polluter, and works to send california jobs to china. failure. the nineties saw jerry run as a presidential candidate against bill clinton. you know, he reinvents himself every year or two. [ female announcer ] failure. and in the two thousands jerry was mayor of oakland where he taxed everything from garbage to cable tv. crime soared, and he damaged the school system so badly, the state had to take it over. another failure. jerry brown. a lifetime in politics. a legacy of failure.


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