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tv   ABC7 News 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  February 4, 2018 9:00pm-9:30pm PST

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live where you live, this is abc7 news. >> and into the end zone. touchdown! >> a local hero makes that super bowl winning catch. crossing into the end zone to beat tom brady and the patriots. good evening, i'm eric thomas. thank you for joining us. dion lim is on assignment. the celebration in philadelphia has gotten a bit chaotic, fans flooding the streets. tonight we've seen a car turned on its side, a bonfire in the
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middle of the street. people jumping and standing on moving police cars. so far no arrests reported. the folks there celebrated because their beloved eagles beat the heavily favored patriots 41-33 to win their first ever super bowl. here's more from the big game. >> reporter: after two weeks of hype and fanfare. >> eagles! >> reporter: the patriots and eagles finally doing battle in super bowl lii. fans braving bitter cold temperatures entering u.s. bank stadium under a massive security presence. there were demonstrations outside the stadium which temporarily shut down the city's light rail lines. inside u.s. bank stadium, a crowd of nearly 70,000 appearing to favor the eagles over the patriots. ♪ oh, say can you see ♪ >> reporter: pink performing the national anthem despite battling the flu and the flag unfurled.
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justin timberlake paying tribute to minnesota native prince. the eagles jumped out to an early lead. >> from the outside. inside the 10. in the end zone. >> reporter: and did what many thought couldn't be done, stunning the favored new england patriots. >> and time runs out! >> it is the end of the game. >> and for the philadelphia eagles, the long drought is over. finally. >> reporter: brian burrow, abc news, minneapolis. >> our own super bowl champ mike shumann will have the highlights and reaction coming up in sports. today we saw another record setting day of unseize nabl warmth. here's drum with the forecast. drew? >> earlier this afternoon we set records, in fact, 11. highs across the board into the 70s, if not the lower 80s.
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santa rosa, oakland, mayor's office at field, san jose, all setting or tying records today. temperature wise out there right now, still hanging onto a lot of that warmth. it's a mixed bag of 50s and 60s at this hour. future tracker temperatures will show you tomorrow morning by 11:00 we already have spots into the 70s once again. another warm afternoon is on the way. w'll look at the numbers, how warm we get tomorrow and how long this warmth could potentially last in the accuweather forecast, eric. >> thank you. keep track of the heat where you live with the abc7 accuweather app and monitor as you go. chp will be in force ready for the drunk and impaired drivers. they are coming off a successful zero tolerance campaign from january 22nd to january 31st, officers made 307 dui arrests. enforcement came after three bay area chp officers were hit by suspected impaired drivers. south san francisco police were on the look out for a
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driver who hit one of their officers. they were called to a theft at the walgreens in west borrow square. they fuound the suspect in a ca nearby. the driver took off hitting an officer. the injuries were minor. investigators later determined the car was stolen. an early morning side show in oakland ends with vandalism to local businesses, frustrated business owners. they're saying it has to stop. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard has details. >> reporter: screeching tires and burning rubber in oakland early sunday, a large crowd gathered on high street to watch the show play out. the owner of this exxon station too scared to show his face said side show spectators vandalized his business with the trail of broken glass. watch from inside the doors after it was locked. a crowd smashes the front glass door. several people are seen running in and out with stolen merchandise. the employee who wasn't hurt
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called 911. >> it is the responsibility of the city of oakland police department to make the environment safer and secure for the community, for the business owner. >> reporter: he says police sometimes take hours to show up. when officers responded, some had bottles thrown at them. the opd says it toed 30 cars from the scene and cited 147 people involved in the side show. another side show happened near the oakland coliseum at the same time. watch as a man is thrown off the side of a car that is doing doughnuts. >> this is not going to stop. >> reporter: community advocate ken houston is running for oakland mayor believes side show participants should be given a safe venue to perform free from weapons and violence. >> gun violence, those lasers, i do not condone and i will not tolerate it period. so, if they're want a venue that has to stop. >> reporter: others want the side shows to stop for good in their neighborhoods. >> this is carry for the business owners. >> reporter: in oakland, cornell bernard, abc7 news.
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>> abc7 news was in san carlos after a box truck overturned on northbound u.s. highway 101. this happened just south of holly street at around 1:30 in the afternoon. drivers faced delays until that truck was up righted and towed away. highway patrol says nobody was hirt. oakland police are search fogger a gunman who killed a man. officers responded to gunfire at 62nd and market just before 11:00 this earn montgomery. the victim was rushed to the hospital but did not survive his injuries. new surveillance video shows a woman escaping from a dog that attacked her at 91st avenue yesterday. it charged at an officer who arrived to interview the woman. he shot and killed the dog. two mountain lion sightings. the first came in at 8:00 p.m. from wildwood lane. about 11:30 police got another call from someone on suter avenue. those locations are about a mile and a half apart. it is not clear if the same animal was spotted twice or if there were two different
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mountain lions. one witness walked us through how she reacted. >> we were shocked initially. wow, look at that. so, i started to honk really loud to try to make the thing run. and it actually went through the neighbor's yard through the front of our yard, and then went in the backyard of ours. and it made my daughter very scared because she had never seen anything like that. >> these are the first mountain lion sightings reported in palo alto in six months. the president says an unclassified memo vindicates him in the russia probe. but today republicans responded, as democrats fight to release their own memo. plus, meet the bay area girl scout whose sales are blooming thanks to a new law and it is all going for a good cause. that story is ahead. you could save energy by
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republican lawmakers are
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going against the president's claim that a released memo vindicates him in the russia investigation. abc7 news reporter chuck seibert son has the reaction. >> reporter: president trump celebrating the super bowl at his mar-a-lago retreat, also celebrating the release of the declassified memo claiming it vindicates him in the russia probe. he claims the four-page document written by republican staff of the house intelligence committee proves the special counsel's investigation led by robert mueller is nothing more than partisan politics. democrats vehemently disagree saying the document heralded by california congressman devin nunes paints a different picture. >> they coordinated the whole effort with the white house because it looks so much like this earlier effort which we know was coordinated with the white house by the same chairman who said he would recuse himself, but of course hasn't. >> reporter: schiff and his fellow democrats in the house intelligence committee have a rebuttal memo the gop controlled committee has refused to
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release. today's senate minority leader sent a letter to the president urging him to release schiff's rebuttal saying the americans deserve to hear both sides of the story. they fear he'll use it as an excuse to fire rod rosenstein. congressman trey gowdy says not so fast. >> i've had my differences with rod rosenstein and i still think he is fully capable of helping run a justice department that we can all have confidence in. >> reporter: leaders of the president's own party have been unwilling to accept the gop memo as a reason to end the russia probe. chuck seibert son, abc news new york. >> a lot of families won't see their homes after the north bay fires. one couple has a rare opportunity to go home again thanks to a creative tribute and it's looking like a long dry winter ahead.
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meteorologist drew tuma with the accuweather forecast. >> he catches the t.d. pass. tom brady ran out of magic. he coughs it up in the end. patriots
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you might have bought some girl scout cookies already or seen young women and her parents selling them. today one scout returned to a familiar spot outside a pot fra cookies. abc7 news was on market street when 17-year-old danielle sold cookies outside the apothecary yum. this is the fourth year in the same place since recreational marijuana sales became legal last month. >> this place is okay and it's not something that's weird. any person can go in there and it's for everyone. >> we always love having her
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here because in addition to selling cookies and raising money for her girl scout troop, she's also donating cookies to some good causes. >> danielle will donate cookies to an alzheimer's care givers group and they'll match the donations. in sunoconoma county, they studied the plants for her parents house then went into painstaking detail to make it as genuine as possible. that included matching the color scheme, the right pitch of the roof and lighting the interior. >> now your accuweather forecast with drew tuma. >> in acyu weather alert wrapping up a weekend that included record warmth yesterday and today, and that warm weather going to hold on for another day as well tomorrow. live doppler 7 along with satellite, a really quiet picture. the start of february has been dry. today we had sunshine during the day. tonight we have clear skies and
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unfortunately no moisture on the map. picture outside east bay hills camera showing you shimmering lights of san francisco. it's a quiet, it's a calm night, but one problem we're having with all this early warmth are trees are blossoming earlier. tree pollen now at moderate levels. your main offenders right now are elm and pine trees. so, if you've been sniffling and sneezing a lot lately might be because the pollen is on the rise. temperature wise right now, numbers still holding onto a lot of that warmth we had earlier this afternoon. we were in the 70s and 80s today. right now it is kind of a mixed bag of 50s and 60s. 64 in san francisco right now, 62 in san jose. mild 61 in hayward, 54 in santa rosa after record warmth earlier today. and 55 that current number in yo antioch. clear skies, temperatures, most spots will drop into the 40s. couple of spots like san francisco and san jose will be rather mild starting out in the lower 50s tomorrow morning. live doppler 7 along with
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satellite, here's the set up we have. quite e quiet across much of california. clouds passing from time to time. high pressure off the coast. it's the muscle maker of our forecast and it's not going anywhere any time soon. what that is doing, shoving our storm track well to the north, 700 miles north. you can see storm track right now well into vancouver and over into billings and down into denver. the track will stay there the next several days. so, our 12-hour day planner on your monday, start off with clear skies early on, temperatures in the 40s and 50s, a few clouds from time to time, but the big take away midday we're already into the 70s inland. it's going to be another mild afternoon. by 6:00 everyone from the coast to the bay and inland in the 70s. highs 70 for san francisco, oakland 76. san jose 76 for santa rosa, 72 livermore. it's going to be warm on the coast with half moon bay. average daytime high should be right around 60 degrees.
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you can see with everybody into the 70s we're 11 to 17 degrees above where we should be for this time of the year. unfortunately this warm pattern is a dry pattern. rainfall estimates, this is taking you through february 17. the next couple weeks, not a drop to be seen. hopefully when we get toward the end of the month the pattern will change and turn stormier. mild on your monday. tuesday, breezy, especially in the afternoon. wednesday and thursday a little change, a dry pattern, winter warmth on friday, saturday and sunday, a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures in the 60s and in the 70s. >> now abc7 sports with mike shumann. >> the third time's a charm. eagles, after 52 years of trying, and this the third super bowl appearance, finally have the lombardi trophy. back up quarterback nick foles, game mvp throwing three touchdowns. became the first to catch a touchdown in the super bowl which stanford grad zach caught the game winning t.d.
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nick foles, injured quarterback car ston wentz, play action foles found jeffrey. deep, 34 yard touchdown. what a catch. eagles up 9-3 after a missed extra point. same score second quarter. brady connects. watch this hit. he tries to extend the play. look out. he's out of the game. malcolm jenkins laying the wood. same drop, patriots trying to get tricky. danny amendola, pass to grady, short arm, questionable call unless he catches. eagles up 3. final seconds of the half. foles shows the veteran how to do it. first quarterback to catch a t.d. eagles up. brady looking to close the gap. he's going to find rob gronkowski right up the gut. they got the ball first in the second half. three-point game. eagles would answer. foles to cloory clemens back in the end zone. what a thrill, better catch.
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they got the feet, one, two, he's in. 29-19 in the third. brady deep to chris hogan. 26 yards defense optional. three-point game again. the 4th, brady finds gronk again. patriots first lead of the game, 33-32. but foles was nailed. finds the stanford man from monte vista. he bobbled it, called the catchment eagles up 5. a lot of time on the clock for brady. brandon graham, strips tom. eagles recover. end up hanging on for a 41-33 win, delivering philadelphia their first-ever super bowl title. >> the big thing that held me was knowing i didn't have to be superman. i have amazing teammates, amazing coaches around me. all i had to do was play as hard as i could, play for one another, play for the guys, not look at the scoreboard, not look at the time, just go out there and play. not worry about it. came away with the victory. >> they're all pretty
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disappointing. i mean, losing sucks, but that's part of, you know, you show up, you try to win, you lose, that's the way it goes. >> well, after jimmy garoppolo took over, the team went 5-0 to win the season. that was enough of an audition for kyle shanahan. john lynch, have them close to signing jimmy g. for a long time deal. he'll be making the average of quarterbacks, 25 million a year. they don't sign him, they'll have until july 16 to sign him to a long-term deal. trust me, it will get done. super match up, brendan dillon, call that a draw. coring perfect pass to team meyer. sharks up 1. final seconds in the first. game tied. chris tierney. he'll score, 2-1 sharks. watch this. epic goal by brent burns.
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fires it in from downtown and the sharks go on to win that one 3-1 your final. phoenix open, final round par 3 16th hole, always rocking. gary woodland enjoying the noise. and his tee shot on the stadium hole. he ends up dropping that for birdie. at 17 under, he fires a 64. he's in the house at 18 under. 18th hole after a birdie on 17. chez reavie finds the bottom of the jar, 18 under, forces a lot of, but he misses the key putt on the first hole. gary woodland makes that to win the phoenix open. no greater feeling than winning the super bowl. it can never be taken away from you. you are a champion for life. losing, you saw tom brady, another story. it is so hard to get there. i can't imagine how tough that must be. brady is 5 and 3 with belichick, the patriots are 5 and 5 in super bowls total in their career. so, great season, but, man, to go all that way and lose, it's got to be brutal. >> the bay area, two products from here. >> exactly.
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>> playing key roles in that game. tom brady from san mateo. congratulations, that hurts. >> i was hoping they didn't take that catch away from him. he bobbled it. but philadelphia is rocking tonight. >> yes, they are. all right, shu, thank you. unravel the san jose mystery house.
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as you heard us say, tom brady isn't the only local super bowl hero. tonight on abc news at 11:00, an east bay player scored. reaction from his town. a south bay man who won't let anything stand in his way of pursuing his passion. how he's helping others discover a life without limits. "jumanji" at the box office
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has done something not since titanic 20 years ago. it reached number one seven weeks after it debuted. what is so amazing about that, "jumanji" didn't reach number one at the box office till week three. it debuted in third place in mid december. this weekend "jumanji" earned $11 million worldwide, make it $855 million. last weekend's winner maze runner, the death cure came in second, winchester about the famous san jose haunt the house debuted third with 9 million. the greatest show man and hostels rounded out the top five. where would you put that super bowl on the list of ones you've watched? >> actually going into it i think a lot of people were -- it's one of the best i've seen. like a track meet. it's like whoever had the ball last was going to win and that pretty much turned out it be it. >> good game. all right, thank you. all right, thank you. abc7 news
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(upbeat music) - [narrator] it's the michelle meow show, your a to z covering the lgbt lmnop and everyone in between. (upbeat music) here's michelle meow. - welcome to the michelle meow show, your a through z covering the lgbt, lmnop and everyone in between show. tonight we have a very, very, very, very, very special guest. i know i say every week or every other week that we have a great show for you, and we do, but tonight it is a very, very, very, very special guest. i'm not going to reveal who it is until we actually get to the interview. so before we do that, let's check in with some quotes or read some quotes from what people are saying these days. our first quote comes from george w. bush. i never thought in my life that i was quote g.w. bush,


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