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tv   ABC7 News on KOFY 1130PM  KOFY  October 15, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT

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this is video of the cond dallas you are in who contracted ebola. and tonight the president is demanding a more aggressive response to the dead looy diase. >> what are the local airports doing to protect the passengers passengers ? i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama tes. doctors in atlanta are treating a secondinurse diagnosed with ebola. this after it was discovered she was given permission from the cdc to fly on a commercial airline with a low grade fever. >> tonight the cbc is admitting that it could have done more at the dals hospital where both health care workers were infected. marcy gonzalez begins our team coverage in dallas. >> reporter: tonight abc news has learnethat one day before she was hospitaliz,
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health care worker turnedy ebola patient amber vincent was given permission from the cdc to fly. her temperature at the time was 9 fine .5 -- 99.5 degrees, lower than what the cdc classifies as a fever so she traveled from cleveland to dallas on frontier airlines. >> she should not have traveled on a commercial airline. >> the cdc said the risk to other passengers is very low. still, they are reaching out to all of them. tonight vincent boarded another kind of plane, this speciazed private jet taking her to atlanta where tonight wearing a hazmat suit she walked into emory university hospit where she is now being cared for by experts in the by -- bio bio containment unit. meanwhile her colleague is being treated in dallas at the same hpital where both contracted the virus. >> she is so positive. she does pesident feel and have any doubts about her care or anything like that. >> health officials are still
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trying to figure out how they were infected treating thomas duncan, the ebola patient who died here last week. though an associated press review of the medical records reveal he had been in the hospital for two days before people treating him started wearing hazmat suits. concerns tonight that oer health care workers who had contact wi him may also be infected. and those 75 health care workers are being monitored as president obama reiterates that health care officia are looking into what may have gone wrong and what can be done to keep this from happening again. marcy gonzalez, abc7 news. >> president obama canceled two political trips planned for tomorrow soe could monitor the govnment's response to the growing ebola crisis. he held an emergency meeting about it today. >> probably the sing -- singl most important thinge can do to prevent a more serious outbreak in this country is making sure we get what is a raging epidemic tn west africa under control.
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>> the president said he directed t cdc to dispatch rapid response teams to any hospital with an ebola patient and he wants to examine the nation's screening process. the government is stepping up its respoe to the ebola scare and so are the bay area airports. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard is live at o. cornell, you are talking with pass is yes, sirs and what is their -- passengers and what is their take on all of this? >> the flight crews can't help but worry about ebola. they say they are ready for the threat. arriving passengers say they are happy to be on the ground and off a plane. anna says they bow lieu scare was on her mind durg her flight from germany. >> it is somewhere. >> the cdc has not ordered sfo to begin screening passengers for ebola, but it is ready. the county health workers and the cbc representatives are on duty. since the outbreak of ebola we have been meeting with organizations and we have been
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disseminating information and we have been reviewing our procedures and making sure we are all on the same page. >> the airport has prepared for diseases like sars and h1n1 in the past, but ebola is different. it is more frightening. >> this one is scary. >> this flight uh 10 department, a -- this flight attendant is takin precaution. we promised not to show her face. >> i saw a scarf on the floor and i went to the lab bough tore to wash my hands. >> her airline is thatnot issued crew instruction for ebola. flight attendants can wear gles picking up trash in coach, but not in first class. one worker who cleans planes to u.s. off camera crews are wearing masks andloves. this passenger is not freaking out. >> it is not something i am overly worri about. on one level there is nothing you can do about it. >> this airport is ready to deal with the crisis, but hopes it never arrives.
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at sfo, cornell bernard, abc7 news. health care workers with kaiser permanente is demanding ebola training is in their contract. they are fully prepared to evaluate and treat cases of ebola while protecting employees. the california department of health says they have contacted all hoitals in the state to help an ebola case. state health officials want to be ready, though the risk to the general public is extremely low. >> although your risk of getting ay bow law is -- of getting ebola is low it starts with washing your hands frequently. avoid people who are sick especially those who have just traveled. and know how the virus is spread. information power. you have to come into direct contact with the bodily flewed withs of someone infected. it not airborne we posted aetailed list of
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ven things you need to know about this virus including origin and symptoms. that's at in other news, a pleasant hill man is in custody after an an attempted kidnapping and dramatic standoff. police say 44-year-old jason newhouse set up booby-traps and trieto set off an explosive in an attempt to avoid capture. it didn't work. police used teargas toforce him outside and then shot him with nonlethal bullets before arresting him. police say it began after he tried to kidnap his girlfriend om a home in concord. and on t something different now. one game, one game is all that separates the giants from their third world sear -- series in five years. >> strike three, game over. giants go the games to one. >> that was the moment at at&t park. the giants beating the st. louis cardinals. tiffany wilsons live outside the ballpark where fans went wild again. >> oh my goodness. the fans went absolutely wild.
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dan, this is a prelude tonight to what the action will be if e team wins tmorrow. amid the celebration -- >> let a go! one more! one more! we're going to the series! >> started withuiet expectations and a couple of boys playing catch. >> i like outfielder and pitcher. >> the youthful enthusiasm repeated itself across the faces of long-time fans. >> this is what you look forward to because you never know when it will happen agai >> for them tonight's goal was simple. >> just a win. we have one more to go. >> a win. it is the same wish fans made in the stadium as they sat in their seats. many waited for the openg pitch with raw nerves. >> i was a little anxious for the giants game. >> he is a 31-year season ticket holder who will talk strategy and play your stats and stories as long as you let him. i think the energy of the crowd is the 10th man on the field. >> he has his game face and his game shirt on. >> this is my lucky shirt.
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if i smell, it is only because i haven't washed it recently. >> for him the luck held out. >> giants all the way. >> giants number one. >> after a back and forth battle that at one point saw the giants trailing by three, the team proved once again there is magicin october, especially october together. in san francisco, tiffany wilson, abc7 news. >> ansan francisco is going orange this october. this is a live look at the international terminal. sfo is all lit up in giants colors. and look at this view. this is the ferry builng and the embarcadero center showing th san francisco is giant country. check this out. there is city hall showing off the team spit and colors. and not to be outdone coit tower lighting up in an orange glow. everyone is catching giants fever. there is a dog sporting a san francischat next to a
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pumpkin. definitely orange october. >> now we want to see your team inteert. you can e-mail your fan photos to you report at or tweet them to us at abc7 news bay area. we have had some terrific shots and we want more. >> we do. profits off of fea how scammers are using ebola to make a quick buck. >> and whypolice say this predator likes to prowl. >> and must see vio on why you should never me with an angry sea lion. >> and we may get a double dose o rain. we have two more storms coming over the next seven days. over the next seven days. tails.
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some pictures of the man police are looking for tonight. they say this man molested two little girls at two different stores in san leandro. the wal-mart on hisperian boulevard. alan wang has the story. >> he is really sick. he is a sick man and he needs help. >>olice say the child's sexual predator fondled a young girl at this wal-mart on monday night around 7:45. what alarms them more is he quickly drove to the target store less than a mile you a way an stalked the isles and found another little girl and did the same thing. >> we do know that people who commit these types of crimes are very capable doing violentexual assaults if not stopped early on. >> now police are looking for this man. both of the young girls he phon belled -- fondled were
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between 7 and 10 years of age. >> both of the girls that fell victim in this ca were very similar looking to one another. >> oftentimes they have physical preferences in their victims. in both cases the girls were alone, but the parents were in the store notar away. you can turn your back for one second and your child could be gone. i'm very cautious when i am t in the public to keep my eyes on them con constantly. >> police say child predators are less likely to strike if the parent is close by. 234* these two recent -- in these two recent cases they belie someone will be able to identify this man. in san leandro, alan wang, c7 news. a stunning admission from a company facing lawsuits over guardrail safety. the i team investigated the dangers of guardrailsade by trinity industries. the manufacturer maintains they are safe, but today in a texas courtroom trinity revealed for the first time five crash tests where the modified guardrails failed
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badly. the company says the tests were for a different configuratn. the rails should absorb the impact and curl off to the side. the suit claims they malfunctioned an caused serious and sometimes fatal injuries. >> criminals are taking advantage of ebola fears. the government officials are warning people to be on alert for scammers ting to steal money and peddle fake concoctions that cure ebola infections. the is no fda approved drugs on the market for ebola. they have seen an increase in chary scams. they say to check with the better business bureau before donating. >> a tas college is apologizing after sending rejection letters saying they don't accept students with ebola cases. they say they received them from navarro and a two-year public college near dallas. they september out incorrect information, but -- they sent out incorrect information, but
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they don't admit it. >> advice? never mess with an angry sea lion. he hauled in a sea lion stuffed in anet. he flung it across the neck. the ship's dog tried to intervene and that didn't work well and so they used a big hose to get the sea lion off the boat. they are known to swim into nets to eat allf the fish and then swim out before iis too late. this one must have been a little too hungry. >> you know what they say. let the sleeping sea lions lie. >> let's talk about the weather fore cay. >> sandhya is here with our weather update. >> you can put the umbrella away, but you will have to put it back for friday. su down at 6:32 p.m. notice the orange shoes there? ye. it was a gorgeous sunset a the high clouds came through. here is live doppler 7hd right now and you can still see the high clouds overhead. we also have fog down below
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and u can see it from one of the tower cams. rainfall totals, trace amounts in places like san francisco, san jose and oakland and all the way up to .87 of an inch with the system that came through today. .11 in santa roughy saw and .02 in half moon bay. there is more rain coming, but let a first deal with the storm approaching. there is a beach hazard statement until thursday afternoon. it covers the coast. watch out for fast-moving sneaker waves. strong rip currents and west, northwest facing beaches. san francisco is just really sparkling tonight. 60 degrees here and oakland 59 and curreny 61 san jose. and there is a foggy view. your morning commute will include some fog along the coast. the temperatures are dropping in the north bay, low to mid50s from santa rosa to petaluma here is a gorgeous viewrom the east bay hills
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camera. visibility is terrific. there ar high clouds and sun. a chance of rn on friday afternoon and anothe system comes in here next monday. this is the trough that came through earlier today and brought us the rain. i know some of you completely mied the rain. partly cloudy on thursday as this cloud cover comes in ahead of this storm. it is duen here on fry kay afternoon. let's take a look at our computer animation. this is 5:00 a.m. friday. next cnce of rain arrives on lunchtime on friday and notice the rain line shifts northward by the evening get away, the evening commute. and we will have a few showers on saturday morning pretty early on. i think if you have plans later in the day we will be just fine. it is not exactly ary picture. we are looking at a tropical storm anna in the central pacific. it is just 570 miles south of hilo, hawaii. it is expected to strengthen to a hricane. tropical storm watches are up for the hawaiian islands, but
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notice this storm is going to pass south of the big island as of right now. swells expected t kick up and rain and wind. if you have travel plans for the upcoming weekend, keep in mind that this is going to be impacting at least with rain and wind and swells, the hawaiian island chains. the temperatures low 50s to low 60s. the fog is what you have to watch out for at the coast. and as far as your highs are ncerned, mid60s to mid70s and occasional high clouds filtering the sun. it is another game where th giants take on the cardinals. low 60s a the 5:00 p.m. and dropping to th upper 50s and partly cloudy. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, rain chan on friday afternoon and into saturday morning. another opportunity on monday afternoon into tuesday morning. and pretty much seasonal temperatures in the 60s and 70s. >> thank you so much, sandhya. >> it is going the giants'
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way. how much fun is this? >> knock on wood. >> one more, one more. the giants pulled off yet another come from behind victory thank to the bull pen and taking advantage of cardinal errors. the giant are a win away from the world series. details and reaction live from
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?ai well, the giants laid in wait for their opponentto make a mistake. the cardinals did just that and the giants are one win away from a world series. barry bonds despite recent hip surgery is throwing o the ceremonial first pitch. cardinals jumped out to the early lead. second homerun of the series 1k3 vogel song pulled out after three innings.
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hunter pence and base hit. it came down to the bull pen. he was spectacular. three score less innings and allowing one hit. struck out fourhe may be the mvp. fielder's choice. perez scores 4-4 and should be an inning ending double play. giants up 5-4. buster posey takes advantage. his third r.b.i and three run six innings. e giants take a commanding le. they can close it out with their ace on the mound. 6-4 yo final. let a goive to at&t park. colin, you cannot make those mistakes and expect to beat the giants. >> you said it, shu, slow footed and at times slow witted. they can close it out tomorrow night.
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>> we won three, but that's a nuer. that's the number you have to get to before the next one. a great come back, but we have work to do. they will enjoy this moment, but you have to come out here and get ready to go. >> we never feel out of the game. we battle back and score ns. >> we combine to do our job. we try to complement each other and not do too much. all in all, we believe in ourselves. >> the stars of this game six giants relievers who combined to throw six score less innings. reporting live at at&t park, colin rush. shu, back to you. >> the american league already has their representative for this year's world series as the royals sweep the oriels in kansas city and lay in wait for the
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kansas ty. the royals pulled off a sweep of theoyals in the alcs. grounds to first and the throw home from steve pierce is in time and escobar kicks the ball away. 2-0 kansas city. th would not score again, but it didn't matter. me winning run at the plate. they are going to the world series for the third time in franchise history, but the first time since 1985. he was named the mvp2-1 your final. this sports report is brought to you by ebay and the beauty of baseball as you get to play another day. the cardinals are looking forward to tomorrow. we hope they will do that tomorrow. they will go back to st. louis and you never know what will happ. >> thanks,
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