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tv   ABC7 News at 12A on KOFY  KOFY  September 13, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PDT

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as many as 20 heavily armed men set fire to that compound trapping the americans inside. they likely died of smoke inhalation. two american destroyers and 50 marines are on the move to libia tonight. all u.s. embassies around the world are on high alert. chris stevens is the first u.s. ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1988. he rushed to the compound to help save others and gave his life in the process. ama dates is live from the cal campus where a vigil took place at stevens fraternity. ama? >> reporter: yes, he was honored because this is where he went to school, and this was his fraternity. i spoke to one of his friends today who actually met him through the fraternity. they have been good friends ever since. and really it is his friends and family who are having a hard time dealing with the news of his death. candles and condolences at the fraternity house at cal. the men are honoring their fallen brother. the u.s. ambassador to libia
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chris stevens. >> we are proud of our brother for sacrificing his life in service it our country. >> the loss is greatest for the ambassador's family. i spoke to his step-father by phone. >> the tragedy of it was and there was no one in the english speaking world, and it is a tragic irony that some crazy fringe element of that culture should murder him. >> reporter: -- >> this is the video he used to introduce himself to libia. his family knew he faced danger, but he was never fearful for his life. >> his mother would say to him she expressed her concern of him being in this country. he said, mom, it is no dangerous than oakland. >> steve mcdonald was a long-time friend of stevens. he shared with us an old and new photo of the two together. >> i had known chris since we were in school together in the
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late 70s. >> what you see of chris in the video is not an act. >> it might seem like a production piece or a bit glossy, but the reality is chris was always full of energy and news. yeah. he was that guy who wanted to be on the front lines to help people. >> mcdonald's wife read about the death on-line. the family is struggling to process the tragedy. >> horribly devastating loss. a loss of a man with tremendous integrity and a good friend. >> and a step-father says it was a privilege to be his step-father. he also says president obama called the family tonight to offer his condolences, and he says that was greatly appreciated. abc7 news. >> thank you, ama. in cairo, egypt, for a second night, they were hurling firebombs outside the u.s. embassy. the protesters tried to breech
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the barbed wire and the teargas kept them at bay. >> law enforcement personnel from around the state will honor kenyan youngstrom tomorrow. he was shot to death by a driver last week during an east bay traffic stop. the service will take place at the mission church in vacaville tomorrow morning at 10:00. we will have live coverage on abc7 and at governor brown is expected to attend that service. for the third time in two weeks, a man has sexually molested a woman near stanford university. around 1:30 this afternoon a man came up behind a woman walking on the sidewalk by a man swraw me tau field and groabed her. she -- and groped her. he is described as hispanic and about 5 foot 5 and 185 pounds with long, black hair wearing a thick, gold chain and fitted white top and dark pants. two weeks ago two women were groped near the stanford shopping center. scrap metal thieves are targeting car lots and auto
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shops in alameda, and they are looking for something specific. tonight alan wang looks into this string of thefts. >> reporter: this is what it sounds like after realizing your converter was stolen. this is what they are stealing. alex duemont says he has hit four times in the past three months and each one cost between $500 and $1500. >> they are available because of the precious metal inside. i think it is platinum. >> reporter: island auto sales and tony's motor care across the street have been repeated victims. duemont decid to stake out his own car lot. >> i know that officers were out there four times yesterday. >> he would like to see them patrolling in the early morning hours when the crimes are happening. he says he pays between $20,000 and $30,000 in sales tax each month. >> it goes to the county and the city.
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we are not getting much for it. >> we address all crimes in alameda. it is not just sales taxes or who is paying more. it is all crime in alameda that is looked into. >> it is illegal to buy or sell a used converter in california which is why police believe they are being sold for scrap metal. >> police will try to do a better job, but he will continue to guard his car lot just in case. alan wang, abc7 news. >> they are being called the robin hood bandits. four suspected it bank robbers fleaing police in a black suv began tossing cash to people lining the streets. the chase began at a bank and ended in downtown l.a. when another suv driver cut them off. it is not clear whether he did that on purpose. police are asking people to turn that cash in. not surprisingly no one is doing that yet. >> that's going to happen. a pre order start on
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friday for apple. it is thinner, lighter and faster than previous iphones. the high retina resolution and the screen is about a half inch larger than the older iphones, and that will allow for a fifth row of app icons. the iphone 5 battery life is also longer. apple is expected to sell so many of these new 5's that jp morgan says it could add between a quarter and a half percent to the gross domestic product. >> without a doubt it can affect the u.s. economy. it is affecting the economy globally, so why not us too? >> after shedding a few points ahead of today's announcement, apple stock was up a little over 9 points today finishing at just under $670 a share. you can expect delays at san francisco international airport for the next three weekends. starting friday night a main runway will be closed for repairs and reopen on monday, month. the same holds true for the weekend of september 21st and the 28th. construction crews will be
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extending the runway and installing new lights. this is part of a federally mandated upgrade project. the number of flights on those weekends will be reduced from 60 an hour to 30 per hour. a wild turkey shot with an arrow was captured on video by the animal rescue group wild care. tonight they want those responsible punished, and they are off onerring a reward. here is kyra clapper. >> so this is the target tip. it looks like a bullet. >> reporter: the wild rescue director shows the target arrow rescuers pulled from a wild turkey last weekend. >> this is a young turkey. it was probably hatched this year. only months old. not all of its feathers were developed. >> more than two weeks ago, a resident of this hollister neighborhood called the group after seeing the turkey with the arrow launched in its right side. >> they don't travel far.
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the person who shot her lives somewhere or was visiting the neighborhood. >> rescuers captured the bird and took it 120 miles away to fairfield to the international bird rescue. where a specialist cleaned its wounds and gave it antibiotics. eight hours later it was taken back to hollister and released. it is now back with its family. there are two seasons to hunt wild turkey in california. about a month and a half in the spring and two weeks in the fall. this turkey was shot off season, poached, and that makes it a crime. >> so if anybody knows the owner of this fine carbon fiber arrow, we would love for you to come forward and give the information to the department of fish and game. >> wild rescue is offering a $1,000 reward in the case. kyra clapper, abc7 news. now the i team investigation into a special ed teacher accused of slapping students in the classroom. >> the i team reporter dan noyes is here with an update. >> i went to the santa rosa
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school board meeting to find out if it is ever appropriate to strike a student. the answer i got may surprise you. >> and proof that a pre historic animal once roamed san francisco. >> and then later on "nightline." >> i'm terry moran. carolyn and larry, up next on "nightline" the latest on the turmoil in the middle east after militants storm the u.s. consulate in libia killing the ambassador there. anti-american protests are erupting across the region. plus, why the popular de
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what's that? swavory. swavory? use it in a sentence. uh, my new waffle breakfast sandwich is "swavory." it's got the savory goodness of my new country grilled sausage, plus a fried egg and melting cheese, and the sweetness of toasted maple waffles. so, triple word score...that's 96 points for me.
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"nonookie?" what's that supposed to... oh. right now, get a large fountain drink for only a buck. team went to the santa rosa school board meeting to ask a simple question. was it ever appropriate for a teachers and tore strike a student? >> dan noyes is here with the sometimes surprising answers in this i team follow-up. >> larry and carolyn, i first told you last month that the school district investigated a teacher and found that he had in fact slapped at least two special ed students in the head at santa rosa high school. well since i first heard about
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the story i have been trying to find out how he still has a job. go to the santa rosa school board, and you risk getting a lesson in semantics. >> is it ever okay for a teachers and tore strike a student? >> i asked the board president what i thought was a simple question. >> it is a yes or no, larry. come on. is it okay for a teachers and tore strike a student. yes or no? >> dan. can i ask you a question? >> how hard does the teacher have to strike the student to be struck? you are kidding me, right. >> the i team has the documentation. the school district did its own investigation and confirmed that 67-year-old willie swindle slapped two special ed students last semester hitting one in the face at least twice. the other student smacking both ears at the same time. it is what the kids call a thunder clab. thunder clap. he picked, pinched and pulled ears and tickled others, yet
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he still has a job. >> january, february, march, april. >> after michael delgado told me what happened, the school board refused to be interviewed calling it a personnel issue. i pressed the point tonight. >> is it ever okay to strike a student? >> absolutely not. >> i would have to say no it is not. >> the district refused to turnover the name of a key witness to police. an adult teacher's aid who saw swindle striking students. >> are you comfortable not giving the name of the witness. >> you are really coming here during a closed session to do that? yes. >> that witness called us after seeing the report. they have assigned additional investigators, and the board confirms that they are taking a fresh look at the matter. the delgado family twhras with their attorney asking for mediation. they want to avoid a lawsuit. >> my clie yebt and his family are very hurt right now, and they need to heel. they need to heal.
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we are all taxpayers. we all work hard. >> the family's lawyers says michael has suffered a setback because of being hit. he is not learning as he should and the family would like counseling. i stopped by the teacher's home this evening and was not able to reach him. in the past though he denied striking any students. >> thanks, dan. authorities in charge of the trans bay transit center in san francisco say they will excavate some more. a wooly mammoth is under the ground. they unearthed a tooth and jaw. the bones are from 11,000 years ago when the bay area was a grassy valley. the bones will be donated to the california academy of sciences for display. >> pretty fun stuff. >> it is amazing. let's get a check of what is in store for the week. >> with sandhya patel. >> a cool down by the weekend, but for the next couple days, it is a warming trend.
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let's show you a time lapse from our east bay hills camera. as we look across the bay toward san francisco, this was just about two hours ago. notice the fog. it is just hanging around. it is about 1200 feet deep. i want to show alive picture from the way it looks from the high definition emeryville camera. very hard to see interstate 80, the headlights going through there. we have murky conditions. let's check out live doppler 7hd, and you will see that the fog is definitely on the dense side, especially on the coastline. it is solid. watch out for that morning drive. clear skies in the inland communities. here are your temperatures. we have 71 in antioch. pretty warm there. mid50s near the coastline as we look at our highlights. dense in spots for the morning commute. a warmer pattern is setting up. it will be cooler over the weekends, but a slow cooling trend. first we go with the warm up. today's high temperatures here in the first column.
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compare them to tomorrow. santa rosa going up 4 dries and coming in at 84. livermore will go from 89 today to 94 tomorrow. and you will notice san jose will jump a good 7 dries from 76 the high for today and going up to 83 degrees. so it is not a huge warm up. but it is the noticible one for many areas. tomorrow morning give yourself a little more time and grab a sweert or jacket and r -- grab yourself a sweater or jacket. the fog may slow you down as we will have some areas of low visibility. prepare for a slow going drive there. a warm ridge is coming together, and as this is combining, the temperatures will be rising. i want to show uh computer animation. starting tomorrow morning the fog is there, and then it pulls away. we will enjoy sunshine from coast to inland. we will get you into the 90s inland and 60s near the coast. it is a wide range of temperatures for your we call it the summer spread or the summertime microclimate. 83 in the south bay in san
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jose. 87 in los gatos. a warm day in santa clara, 82 degrees on the peninsula. numbers are going up. 78 in san mateo and 80 in palo alto and 82 loss altos. look at the coast. as the fog pulls away, 68 degrees in half moon bay. near 70 degrees in the sunset district. gets you up to 70 in downtown san francisco. 72 in south san francisco and for the north bay, a lovely day with warm weather and mid80s santa rosa, novato. 82 in san rafael. head out to the east bay and it is mild. 74 oakland and 80 in castro valley. 93 in fairfield. low to mid-nineties pretty much for everyone. 94 in livermore. for the monterey bay, 77 degrees in santa cruz. 93 in morgan hill. accu-weather seven-day forecast, warmer weather, mid-nineties thursday and friday inland. midto upper 60s coast side, and then we will start to drop the temperatures each and every day as mentioned. over the weekend a little cooler. cooling below normal by early and middle part of next week.
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mid80s inland and going with low 60s coast side. mike is here with complete updates tomorrow morning. >> thanks, sandhya. up next, supermodel heidi klum and the coincidental timing of a relationship with her bodyguard anne -- >> and "katie" is part of the new lineup with" general new lineup with" general hospital" at 1:00 and "who [ female announcer ] pillsbury grgrands biscuits on their own are amazing, but press out some biscuit dough, add some sauce and some pepperoni and cheese and monday's dinner is now a grands mini pizza party. pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin.
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can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. mmmm. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] it's on. let's roll.
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looked at another man while married to seal. >> katie's new talk show airs every day on abc7. she admitted she seeing her bodyguard now, but she did not have an affair with him while she was still married. she and seal are trying to get along. >> i don't know if we are like the greatest friends right now, especially the things that he said. i just saw him on sunday. we were talking, and you know, we are in an okay place. >> kt qait tee" -- "katie" airs at 3:00 andomorrow she
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will interview renee brown with keys to happiness. >> want happiness go to the sports department, giants and a's. >> we may have another world series in the bay area. they are rolling down disneyland way facing the angels. griffin joins an elite club with his win. it took 85 years to get in.
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angels and the a's tie a franchise record with their 12th straight road victory. they won six straight in 15 of the last 18. 22 games over 500 for the first time since 2006. and it gets better. pitcher aj griffin is the second a's pitcher in 85 years to start his career with six straight wins. got some defensive help and look at cocoa crisp go get it. a's leading it 1-0. he homers off santana and the second homer in as many days. and griffin on cruise control. six hits and no walks. six k's. the a's win it and have a two-run lead. giants in colorado and left town on a rocky mountain high after taking two of three from the rockies. what do these two think of larry beil? he's nationwide. top of first and giants up 2-0.
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brings home hunter penz. brandon crawford and slaps one to the right field corner. hector sanchez and bringing all 220 pounds home, and there will be a play at the plate. he's in there, but he gets the wind knocked out of him. stayed in the game and 5-0g men. a solid outing for tim lincecum. allowed three runs and walked 4 and struck out eight. top of 9 and giants add to the tally. stand up r.b.i triple. giants win it big 8-3 the final coupled with a dodger loss to arizona and the giants up seven in the national league west. the 49ers hosting detroit in the home opener sunday at the stick. and this is a grudge rematch. jim harbaugh's handshake last year was deemed inappropriate in coaching circles. it was more of the slap on the back afterwards. on defense the lions have a beast. he is unblockable with just one man, known as one of the dirtest players in the nfl and
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he will give the niners a lot to think about on the defensive line. >> the d-line is definitely a strength of theirs. look at them. a lot of guys up front that can play football at a high level. you never know. you play a team twice, pretty sure it won't be the same way they played us last time. so have to get ready for some of the unknown. and you know, what they will try to take away and what their focus will be. >> nothing like the home opener. cal bears have their hands full and starting off in columbus, ohio to face the buckeyes on saturday. the final tune up for cal before they hit the pack 12 portion of their schedule. they get usc the following week in l.a. cals have not faced ohio state since 1972. and believe me, playing in front of 100,000 buckeye fans can be an experience. >> everybody knows ohio state. everybody was raised watching them play. it is a big game for us.


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