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tv   ABC 7 News  KOFY  February 21, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PST

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closed captioning by closed captioning services,inc have you seen this man? hayward police are warning jose hernandez is dangerous, mentally unstable and on the loose. i'm cheryl jennings. and i'm kristen sze. officers say the suspect should be in custody except for a stunning hospital mistake. >> amy hollyfield is live in san leandro. >> reporter: this is the hospital that just let him go. we asked the spokeswoman about why that happened? she said because privacy laws she can't comment on this mistake that has now put the public at risk. residents know something is going on. they've seen a police car
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parked here since yesterday and saw police and an ambulance saturday night. but they don't know what is going on is >> it has just been sitting there. other than that no one has came door-to-door, asked questioned -- questions. >> reporter: first, there was no need to it was a personal matter. a man broke the window of his ex-girlfriend's home. when police arrived they say 32-year-old jose hernandez slashed his throat and chest. they apprehended him and took him to the medical center. after he was checked out the hospital let hernandez go. instead of releasing him back into police custody. now the neighbors are concerned. >> that's a little scary because he could come back. why would they let him go? >> reporter: the hospital won't say, citing privacy laws. police say hernandez took a cab and hasn't been seen since. police say they have four inspectors dedicated to catching him again.
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they have a car stationed at the home of the ex-girlfriend. >> if there is a crazy guy on the loose and i have children and there's a lot of kids here and there's a bus that drops off down the street so that does concern me. >> reporter: we requested police what their reaction is to the situation. a spokesman said we can kick, yell and scream about this and it is not going to change anything. except we are going to focus on takening this man. they say it is all hands on deck now. -- live in san leandro, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> >> the bounty hunter at the center of a search for victims of the so-called speed freak killers talked to abc7 today. he's getting a stream of information from convicted killer wesley shermantine whose accomplice herzog recently committed suicide.
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katie marzullo talked with the bounty hunter. >> reporter: the pwoufpbty hunter out of sacramento who tut of put this ball in motion did -- did talk with wesley shermantine they worked out payment issues and tried to better pinpoint the well. not sitting well with one mothers. bounty hunter promised exchange for the location of the bodies with >> he said send me a couple grand. i said i'll get that off in the mail. the next thing was talking about this well over by the tv tower that holds one body that was on the original map that he sent on the 6th of february. >> reporter: that well is one of two on the original map drawn by shermantine from his cell. the first well where with the sheriff's department dug up 1,000 bone fragments was an accidental find. padilla wants the sheriff to
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escort shermantine to the wells with and let him point in person. >> that way we wouldn't be running around playing pin the tail on the donkey. >> reporter: regardless of how authorities get the information the mother of at least one missing woman does not want shermantine benefiting from it. >> i have if to live the rest of my life without knowing where my daughter's body is, against giving him money to tell me, i'll live the rest of my life without knowing. >> here's the thing, 55% of the money going to him is going to the victims families. it was court ordered. >> reporter: the rest shermantine gets to spend on himself and his family. i asked the bounty hunter if he thinks shermantine is happy with the attention he's getting? >> i hope so. because it is an attention that is getting us results. >> reporter: at last check
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cadaver dogs were wrapping up the search effort at the first dig site. the san joaquin sheriff's office has in the returned our calls this morning. katie marzullo, abc7 news. the westbound span of the bay bridge reopening ahead of schedule was a nice holiday surprise. the real test came during this morning's first official commute after the long president's day weekend with pictures from our bay bridge cam tell the story. traffic was backed up from the 80, 580 and 880 approaches all morning. the new lane configuration may have caused some confusion and delays. let's take a live look this is what it looks like on the toll plaza as you get past heading towards the incline still heavy for this time of morning. traffic is moving smoother. a little past that here's another look at the bridge showing traffic on the upper deck of the bay bridge coming into san francisco by in point it is smooth sailing.
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if you want traffic conditions any time with the exclusive waze app it shows you the traffic spots based on live gps information from drivers. to become a traffic spotter go to to download the app. in the last half hour a los angeles teacher accused of salting two dozen children pleaded not guilty in court. -- mark berndt is facing 23 counts of lewd acts with children. police found 600 photos they say he took showing students in bondage and sexual situations in the classroom. he's being held on 23 million dollars bail. the school board has installed an entirely new staff at the school. petaluma police hope someone can help them crack the case of a safe found in a strip mall parking lot. the door of the safe was pride open and you can see it is empty. the safe is a century brand
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with model number 2206. police say it may have been taken in a recent burglary. they are checking records to see if a safe has been reported missing. the white house is apologizinging to the people of afghanistan after reports that u.s. -- troops mistakenly burned copies of the qur'an, islam's holy book in afghanistan u.s. helicopters fired flares to try and break up 2,000 demonstrators outside the u.s. military base north of kabul. african workers who normally take out the trash at the airfield found the book in the burned pile. the top u.s. commander says the copies of the qur'an were inadvertently given to troops to dispose of. >> i offered my sincere apologies to the president, to the government of afghanistan, most importantly to the people, the nobel people of afghanistan. >> -- >> muslims the qur'an as the absolute word of god. any hint that western forces are disrespecting it could
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deepen resentment of troops in afghanistan. today press secretary carney said it is an unfortunate incident and does not reflect the respect the u.s. military has for the religious practices of the afghan people. on wall street the dow breaks 13,000 for the first time in nearly four years. look who is in the center, former first lady laura bush helped ring the opening morning. the dow passed the 13,000 milestone level two hours into the trading day this morni it hand reach today that mark since may 2008. wall street is getting a big boost from strong corporate earnings reports and a long awaited second bailout deal for greece. you can see the dow is up 24 points now. just below the 13,000 mark still close we could still finish the day above 13,000, we'll see. still ahead, lifesaving treatments. the government's move to ease
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some of the critical cancer drug shortages. how two tortoises may be linked to an early morning garage fire in castro valley. it is the first time u.s. media is allowed. we take you inside the chinese factory that makes apple's honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i c can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge.
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so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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a firefighter has hospitalized this morning from heat exhaustion while battling a castro valley fire that also
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endangered a pair of african tortoises the fire broke out 3:00 this morning the flames were out in 10 minutes about the time it took the tortoises to get out of the garage. the fire started from a device used to keep the two tortoises warm with >> it is not a heating pad it is a hog pad meant for pigs to lay on and stay warm we don't know what happened. -- somehow it ignited. >> tortoises names are freedom and liberty. damage to the garage is estimated at $50,000. family of murder victim sandra cantu is planning a special day in tracy next month to honor the girl kidnapped and killed nearly three years ago. march 8th, will be her 11th birthday. the goal is to educate kids about being safe in their
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community. sandra was taken by a neighbor. that neighbor, a former sunday school teacher is now serving a life sentence for killing cantu. tonight for the first time "nightline" takes its cameras and viewers inside the chinese factory that makes apple's most popular products. the factory hires the poor from the countryside to put together ipads and iphones. after 18 suicides at the complex the company is under investigation and pressure from apple and human rights watchers. gma weekend anchor will weir said he didn't see underaged workers with or machines crushing bones but he did see thousands doing spirit-crushing work. >> i was expecting more robots with it is mostly hand work with the sim repetitive motion, soldering the same chip, flipping over the same camera mod actual or wiping a screen, three, four, five thousand times a day. it is a 60 hour grueling week
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they go back to a with event strangers they make about $1.78 an hour. >> the company has made changes hoping to improve work conditions. you can watch bill's "nightline" special tonight at 11:30 p.m. on night nine right after abc7 news at 11. fda approved new suppliers for two cancer drugs easing critical shortages for now. one of the drugs treats ovarian and other cancers it has not been available for months. the fda approved another supplier for a preservative-free version of a crucial drug to treat the most common leukemia in children the agency has been able to prevent shortages by getting advanced notice from manufacturers. still, nearly 300 drugs are in short supply. it is fat tuesday that means party time in the big easy. mardi gras parades underway now in new orleans. thousands are celebrating in
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the french quarter with music, food, drinks and beads with. people are dressed in bright costumes and wigs with. at midnight the party is over, giving way to ash wednesday for catholics ash wednesday is the beginning of lent the period of fasting before easter sunday. sunshine and warmer going to feel like spring the next couple of days. if you have allergies you will not like the forecast until the weekend with i'll show you how warm it is going to get. this year's oscar nominees, including george clooney are dishing about their red carpet under garments, if you can believe that >> that was the first round. >> wow, he really broke his daughter's laptop. the father behind this video
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speaks up about what happened after he shot her computer. >>
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this right here is my 45. >> you remember this, the viral you video that has been
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seen 30 million times. a north carolina father angry at his daughter's profane facebook rant about her parents takes her laptop out in the yard and shoots several holes in it the father is posting answers to the many questions he has received on his facebook wall. tommy jordan said his daughter was mad but got over it. she still grounded. he won't buy her a new laptop. no, you can't send her one you know what will happen to that laptop. >> that's right the same as the first one. >> mike the fog going to give way to something gorgeous today? >> a lot of sun, high clouds fog is almost done still a few patch as around still flight arrival delays into sfo looks like plenty of sunshine in the sierra, i don't see any snow coming this week, maybe late next week, just a tough call with the storm track being so far to the north they could
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get nickeled and dimed with a few snow makes -- snowflakes nothing heavy any time soon. moisture from the fog is still lingering and some of the high clouds throughout the afternoon hours. we are warmer than yesterday, mid to upper 40s san rafael, napa, redwood city, continue view, low to mid 50s 57 half moon bay east bay valleys up to fairfield upper 50s. mid to upper 50s monterey bay and as you head inland. going to be mostly sunny afternoon with a warming trend starting today, our warmest day still ahead of us wednesday and thursday could be breezy hills and mountaintops wednesday night into thursday. during the overnight hours breezes will keep us mostly clear kind of mild for today, check how much we jump, 7° in oakland, 9 in fremont, santa rosa and concord 72 and 71, 11 to 12° warmer than
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yesterday. sunset at 5:55 today. antioch with concord, santa rosa, cloverdale and ukiah low 70s mid to upper 60s for everybody else you will get 70s tomorrow or thursday 62 monterey, otherwise mid to upper 60s around the monterey bay inland to salinas and hollister near 70 gilroy and morgan hill. tahoe 51 today, 56 yosemite upper 60s near 70 to the central valley low to mid 70s around san diego and l.a., palm springs 78°. with the winds developing not as much fog tonight as there was this morning most will stay up in the north bay valleys mid to upper 40s there for most of us upper 50s to 51 in san francisco and antioch. high pressure pushing in from the ocean right now still high clouds streaming over because of the jet stream it will push that away that's why more sunshine the next couple of days.
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building moving in that is going to create an offshore we wind that's why we'll be sunny and warm. here's a look at your seven day forecast, we with will hit mid to upper 70s around the bay -- we with will hit the mid to upper 70s around the bay. cooling breeze from the ocean comes in that will take away some of the pollen for the weekend. >> now with we are all sneezey. retired nasa as taught -- astronaut mark kelly is with writing a children's book. helped his wife gabrielle giffords write a book. it will be about a mouse going into space. on his first shuttle flight he says there were 18 mice, 17 stayed latched outside the
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cage at zero gravity one was comfortable and enjoyed the mission. what hollywood stars with will wear to the oscars this sunday is a closely guarded secret. some are revealing the most basic foundation of their outfits. george clooney admits he will wear long johns under his tux because he gets chilly. octavia spencer says she will get a little help from spanx but swears she won't wear three layers like she did at the golden globes. you can't eat with that. oscar sunday is five days a way. download our oscar app for live video from the red carpet and backstage plus join the conversation on twitter. our coverage this sunday begins at 12:30. red carpet arrivals 1:30. the show begins at 5:30. oprah will be on jimmy kimmel live afterwards. >> you don't want to miss a thing. next, a recently restored
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copy of leonardo da vinci's mona lisa.
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you are not doing your diet any good-bye choosing a pretzel over popcorn at the movies. shopping around for the best auto insurance rate. michael finney has a site that will do the leg work for you. those stories at more later today. -- the mona lisa painting appears to have a twin. curators in madrid unveiled a restored copy. the 500-year-old original hapblgss in the louvre in paris. >> art history rans say what is amazing -- it may have been
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painted by a student or assistant in the same studio as the original. >> the two paints will be on together in paris starting march 29th. >> do you like that one as a copy? >> not the same. >> for all of us here thanks for joining us. >> who wants to be a millionaire is next. >> have a great day. great idea. so we'll switch to u-verse tv and internet... that's just what we need... i got accepted into juilliard. [ dad ] that's great! can we talk about wireless plans? now we can video-chat. and faster internet... [ female announcer ] with at&t u-verse, you can build a personalized bundle to fit your needs. even when they change. call now to bundle two, three, even four services. bundles including u-verse tv, internet and home phone start as low as 89 a month for 12 months. our lowest bundle price. switch and get a total home dvr included. choose from a variety of tv packages that let you record four shows at once...
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