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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  February 10, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> police surround a house in vallejo as it best to up in flames. stand off that lasted for hours is finally over. good evening. there are a lot of questions tonight. what happened to the suspects who owns the house and what started that fire. all began this afternoon at home on castle
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wood drive. police just wrapped up a news conference and we are there live with the very latest. >>reporter: i'm actually at the police station where they had the news conference. and i guess this all started at a different neighborhood where man in the 1400 block of north camino alto was going to make a purchase. something off craigslist. that's how the whole thing started. police say that 6 young male armed with hand guns then beat him. he had head injuries. he has been taken to the hospital. they don't believe that his injuries are life threatening at this point. so that's when things changed. look at the video from 60 7. this is what got neighbors talking. flames shooting out of this house on castle wood drive across spring road. now what happened somebody actually saw these suspects leave after they beat up that man. so police spotted their vehicle in front of this house. that's when they cleared the neighbor. >> i came home. coming up
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spring road and everything already blocked off and i didn't know what water going on. i let them know where my house was information they gave me there was a hostage situation an can't let anybody in on the block. >>reporter: yes at about 5:15 or so police threw some tear gas in there they say it was non-flammable but then the house showing caught on fire so they had to deal with. that fire was out by 6:00 o'clock. when the fire was out they went in and nobody inside except 2 dog. one dog did die and they don't know if the people who came to the house were related to the people who actually live in the house or the man who owns the house because oom told he rents it to a couple who live there with their dog. they haven't given him any trouble so unclear whether or not the people who live there had anything to do with the suspects whether ended up there and really they don't know where they we know at this point but they are following their ladies and hopefully they will faint the people who beat that man. >> absolutely. so bizarre whole afternoon thanks very much. reporting live from
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vallejo. >> the final report on that fatal house fire that killed 2 firefighters last year was released late this afternoon. anthony and lieutenant vincent perez killed in a flash over in the diamond heights blaze last june. >> what's the location how much fire you got. >> zero visibility. >>reporter: according to the 8 month investigation the 2 firefighters did what they should have during the fire. report says they were suddenly exposed to heat up to receive00 degree when a window broke. >> key factor was something that was variable we had no control over and that was the failure of the window we call on the back end of the floor below where tony and vince wer were. >>reporter: both men were burned on more than 40 percent of their bodies. vincent perez died the day after the fire. tony died two days later. now one piece of equipment did fai fail. the firemen portable radio microphone cable stopped working in the heat. there are no national standard and that could change because of this
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strategy. but whether that would have made any difference in this case is unclear. >> travel warning for mexico tonight. state department has issued the single advisory for mexico in 6 years. they are sing lick out city where they warn american tourists should not stray farther than 2 blocks from their hotel. brian ross has the story. >>reporter: new warning is essentially stronger than previous one. comes just as hundreds of thousands of americans are about to head to mexico for the annual winter vacation and student spring break. state department says americans should defer travel to 4 entire states and parts of 10 others. including the state in which acapulco is located. u.s. officials warn americans going to acapulco and surrounding resort areas to exercise caution and stay within tourist areas state department cites battle between trafficking group and the police and military that have
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turned in a full pledge war creating a sense of lawlessness across the country. >> clearly areas outside the resorts are not sale. many roads are not safe. literally mexico is out of control. >>reporter: according to the new u.s. warning 120 americans were killed last year alone in the violence. including a mother and 2 daughters from ft. worth on christmas eve and this missionary couple killed just last week. >>1(aq brian ross reporting this doesn't do much for mexico tourism industry but the only response from the mexican government was to point out that millions of americans travel there safely every year and tourist destination do not generally see the level of violence seen else were in the country. sachs phone player who play ins bart station maybe you have seen and heard him was arrested this week for murder. that's ronald brewer known as the jazz man often seen serenading
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commuters in the city. police said he has been a fugitive for 25 years since he shot and killed his ex-wife in albuquerque in 1987. he was indicted for murder but police say he avoided cap take your by adopting alias and social security number of people he knew often of children of women he dated or married. >> occupy movement that has returned now to uc berkeley appears to be staying put at least for the time being. as explained campus police take very different approach this time around. >> the tent are back on the steps of uc berkeley sproul hall small number of them that is. fremont after the first occupy cal tent city was forcibly removed by about police the demonstrators have repitched. >> basically sticking out what we think is people ground and the item a public space for
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anyone to come in and just share in all this. i think that's why the tent are such integral part of what we are doing. >>reporter: more than 24 hours into the latest encampment there's not a police officer in sight. according to uc berkeley spokesperson it will likely stay that way at least for the time being. >> we have been monitoring the situation and have been admonishing them had a they are violating the campus policy oven campment. and we are just evaluating washington to do as the hours pass. >>reporter: uc spokesperson admits the university has soften the stand not only after the baton incident at cal but also the pepper spray at the uc davis. that's when campus police lieutenant sprayed pepper pray in the face of democrat l industrytors. this time the demonstrators are aware they could be forcibly removed at some point. but they say it's not their aim to have another confrontation with police. are you here to stay. >> absolutely. we have a
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mushroom there i'm sure you have seen it which it's like you can about we can grow back. >>reporter: the university has not made any significant effort the meet their demand to halt or lee versus the rising cost of tuition 80's they are here. the university that's yes tuition has risen dr. matcly but that 60 percent, 65 percent of students here 7 some sort of financial aid. 40 percent pay no tuition at all because they receive scholarship or grants. in berkeley, 7 news. recession continues to dog california. controller chung calling january revenue disappointing. they were 5 and a half percent below what governor brown projected in the recently proposed budget. income tax revenue made the bulk 6.3 percent below expectation. dip being blamed on lower estimated tax payments and higher than expected tax refunds. state finance department rae responded by saying it expects a spring up
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take in revenue. >> new california lottery game might help. it appears to be the hottest ticket in the state these days which can only spell success for public schools. at capitol l reports lottery is on a pace to set a record. >> we are on a record pace. >>reporter: california lottery tickets are hot these days. so hot the state is on pace to set a record by the end of the fiscal year in june. 4 billion dollars in sales. highest ever in its 26 year history. brenda and melanie do their part to help. >> hope of maybe i'll hit a good one. at this point 500 dollars is really good one. >>reporter: lottery officials credit spic to new scratcher game that began last fall and all 36 million tickets printed will likely sell out by the end of the month. >> it's really all about the scratcher game. people love our new scratcher tickets. wave new 10 dollar ticket on the market that is selling unbelievably well and that is really the difference.
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>>reporter: but is it the new game or are the poor feeling desperate. last year before the new scratcher sales jumped nearly 15 percent. consumer psychologist says the economy definitely play as role. >> when people feel like they have less money and less economic security they spend more money on lottery tickets. very people that shouldn't be buying lottery tickets those with the least amount of money are the most like will i to increase spending in a bad economy. >>reporter: lottery says it's not just the poor playing. survey show customers are from all economic backgrounds. mile an hour organize california. whatever the reason, the winner in the end are public schools. they get almost one-third of proceeds. if the record sales hold class rooms could see an extra 80 million dollars. but schools finance consultant kevin gordon warns districts if voters reject governor brown tax initiative in november, more cuts are on the horizon. >> our advice is to take what money you do get from the lottery and then put that into
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the reserves that you set aside. don't go spending it. >>reporter: that's good advice considering the state controller just announced tax revenue more than 1 billion dollars below projection. at lottery headquarters, 7 news. >> we are just getting started for you here on the news at 9:00. coming up. tow truck driver more than he bargained for big time when he shows up to this call at ocean beach. what in the world happened. >> why such a slow go for green tech despite billions of dollars in confidence from silicon valley dc. >> showers with us now but we have some dry moments over the weekend. i'll give you close-up look in the accu-weather forecast in just a moment. >> we here in the san francisco police department will stick up for you. >> and the bay area is now the nation only police department >> and the bay area is now the nation only police department to have this campaign.
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l. >> certainly a strange sight off ocean beach in san francisco this morning. woman drove her lexus right into the water at 6:30 am. the car bobbed around in the surf before a tow company went to work. workers fight the car and tide as well. nearly getting tossed head over heels. >> so they said it was 250 feet
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out. about 500 feet out. so what we are doing is we are running chains, kaebls out. chain it. probably turn the car around and bring it back up the sand. you have got tide you are working with. you have the sand which cause as big problem when drag ago car. dragging l this. >>reporter: driver suffered minor injuries. still not clear why she drove across 300 feet of sand and into the water. leaders in silicon valley warning that green technology may not be the giant job crator that it was promised and predicted to be. david explains the reasons why and why others disagree. >> venture capitalist invested 3 billion dollars into clean or green technology last year all time high. at the same time government is cutting back. >> research development funds are being squeezed even california level we had the public interest energy research program that went through the
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california energy commission, legislature was not willing to even fund that. >>reporter: san jose mayor reid told business and community leaders today the city still has a goal to create 25,000 clean tech jobs. but the current number is only 700 7000. many of them are solar related but highly automated manufacturing doesn't require many workers. >> put 100 million dollar machine inside of a building this size and if you technicians and few p hd manage the machine. they are manufacturing just the cost of labor is relatively small because of the technology in the equipment. >>reporter: greater job growth may come from company focusing on energy efficiency not harnessing solar. this 5-year-old start up company retrofit older commercial industrial buildings. and estimated 70% of them mostly built before 1997 don't have sims to monitor energy use or to boost energy efficiency. ceo sims says he's creating service jobs. he had 37 employee now but projects he
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could have 200 in 5 years. >> you need to go in there to install things. to install the wireless. data. to service. to keep it up and running and those are jobs that can't be out sourceed somewhere else. >> if green or clean tech fail to produce job growth every new job created is said to support 2 or 3 other jobs. in san jos jose, david lou 7 news. >> all right spencer christian here with the weekend forecast. you made it congratulations. weather is very different this weekend than last. >> these for sure. we have some nice break in the shower activity over the weekend. won't be mild as it was early in the week but nice and pleasant. right now showers scattered around the bay area. light showers most part. here's live view from the high definition east bay camera in emeryville. you cap see cloud in the sky there lots of moisture hanging around there. not many locations reporting rainfall at the moment. here's a look at live doppler 7 hd and very little in the way of the green showing up here. returns
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from our radar but you can see up in the north bay we have also spots of widely scattered shower activity n.some location not very, very light it's more moderate but widely scattered and here in the central part of the viewing area we had some showers outside our video few moments ago but pretty much disappeared now although there are wet spots in the central part of the have you gone area. down in the santa cruz mountains moments before on the air we had also patches of light shower activity showing up. taper off for the moment as well. so that's going to be the pattern overnight tonight. we see hit miss shower activity 24 hour rainfall total very light for much of the bay area. trace amounts of rain in oakland, fairfield, livermore, 1/100ths inch in concord. no measurable rain in redwood city, hayward, but we have had a little at half moon bay and just over tenth inch at saint helena. on we good to current temperature readings. pretty mailed around the bay area
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right now. temperatures generally in a very narrow range. low mid 50's for the most part and hears what is happening with the highlights scattered showers will continue overnight into tomorrow mornin morning. we see partial clearing tomorrow afternoon and then more rain arrives on sunday evening. now satellite radar composite image shows the system bringing us current bout of light showers. another system right behind that that is going to dive south ward that will miss us which will allow for a little break in the action. start our forecast animation 11:00 o'clock tonight and overnight tomorrow we see the system moving south ward so we get some drying out tomorrow looks lake lots of sunshine around in the afternoon hours within the next front comes in late sunday late sunday afternoon that bring us some rain sunday evening and overnight sunday night. low temperature overnight tonight will be in a rather narrow range as well. mainly mid upper 40's so pretty mild a little cooler up in parts of the north bay where napa has low of 42. santa rosa 41 then
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tomorrow pretty mild day. we have if you showers during the day at least some partial clearing in the afternoon so certainly see some sunshine tomorrow. high range from upper 50's to low 60's generally across the bear area. not much more than 4 degree temperature range and to the south monterey bay similar range of high pressure upper 50's to low 60's. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. rain likely again sunday evening as i pointed out. monday will be mostly dry then tuesday valentine's day and wednesday there is jaws slight chance of light rain. each of those days thursday friday next week dry mild once again. unsettled pattern but in the a pattern with any major rainstorm in the immediate future but we are hopping for some later this month. >> not warm like we have had but very please abt thanks very much. >> as we continue here tonight. petal power in west oakland. >> we want to get the kid to have confidence and to have the chance to change the world.
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>> community group gearing up for bright future. >> community group gearing up for bright future. >> news at 9:00 continue thes (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters.
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>> san francisco police department is the first one in the nation to create a video to help keep gay young people from being bullied. >> i actually believe i was the only gay male police officer in the world. >> it does get better and i will help you and i will protect you. >>reporter: video created for the nationwide it gets better campaign. police chief and mayor unveiled the video at city hall and contains the testimony of several san francisco police officers who talk openly about being gay and coming out with their sexual orientation. campaign goal is to prevent suicide among gay teenagers. meantime across the bay oakland chief of police says his city has seen 20 shootings.
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20. in the past week. department is reaching out new to the community for help. one west oakland group is answering that call and trying to break the pattern of violence with pedal power. we have the story. >>reporter: bike for life is west oakland only bike shop. it's always place where at risk young men and women learn to do hands on work. shop is also the home of a non-profit called one pham short for family. >> we lick to reach the young folk. build dialogue and teach them conflict rest logs skills on better way to handle these conflicts. >>reporter: tony founded one familiar in 2000. the bake shop has been around for only two years. all the bike are used. they are bought at auction or donated. after this they are sold. way to gain employment skills while inincorporating the
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anti-violence message. >> we were in the community and we were doing a a lot of events and biking was an event that folk were his taking on as a sub culture and so we moved with the community. >>reporter: over the past two years more than 50 troubled youth have been trained. over the summer it's one of the mayor summer job sites the city pays the youth directly. dominic work as few hours a week helping fund raise for the non-profit. the richmond native came here after dropping out of howard university. >> gave me more meaning to life. i didn't really have a meaning for a moment and being here made me value life. >>reporter: she plans to go back to college in the fall. >> we don't have to blame anybody for our problems. we can solve them ourselves. teach leadership development. the kids to have confidence and to have the audacity to change the world this. >>reporter: weekend the non-profit is giving away 40
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bicycle to kids in this community. in west oakland, lee ann, abc 7 news. >> when we continues here tonight. battle for the base. >> i was a severely conservative republican governor. >>reporter: romney tries to win over some of his toughest critic. conserve. >> religious freedom and health care rights of women. birth control xro mace for catholic employers. >> shelter dog don't want your pity they just want a home. adopt a dog. >> and commercial seen by millions now backlash prompting something not seen in decades. stay with us. another half hour of
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look! here she comes! ♪ she'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes... ♪ ♪ when she comes. ♪ it'll be spinning new chrome wheels when it comes. ♪
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♪ when it comes. ♪ custom spoiler, race grade pistons, ♪ ♪ gt35 turbo charger. ♪ and they'll all know that it's kevin's awesome car. ♪ bought em! ( clears throat ) sorry. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.
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>> good evening once again. here's a look at the headlines we are following for you tonight. police are looking for 6 men connected to this stand off and house fire in vallejo early today. police say the men robbed a man they met through craigslist. chase thought he bed up at this hous house. police lobbed in tear gas and fire started turns out nobody was inside. the 6 men had slipped away somehow. final report release dad says firefighters anthony and lieutenant vincent died from a flash over last june. 2 men were exposed to extreme heat. up to receive00 degrees when window broke in the room where the fire had started. oxygen rushed in. caused the flash of heat that raced of the firefighters burning them severely. they passed away da days later. >> state department says violence is spreading americans should avoid all but essential travel to all or parts of 14 mexican states including acapulco. it has been called woodstock for conservatives
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known as c pack. it's a 3 day gavt egg of just about every conservative group in the country. biggest stars of the political right took aim at target no. 1 that's barack obama. and for g.o.p. presidential candidate it is a time now to compete for the party conservative base. alex stone reports. >>reporter: romney the businessman came to washington selling romney the politician. >> i started new businesses and turned around broken ones. i'm not ashamed to say i was successful in doing it. [applause]. >>reporter: romney remark conservative political action conference were prime chance to try and win over skeptic among the g.o.p. base. >> i'm here to ask you today to stand with me shoulder and shoulder as we go forward to fate for america. >>reporter: this is critical point in the nomination race for romney. he was shut out on tuesday night losing 3 states to rick santorum. he's facing increasing questions about why he can not seal the deal with conservative.
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>> i think a lot of people think tl. >>reporter: romney still the front runner but looking over his shoulder at santorum who got a rock star welcome. >> who has the bold plans to turn this economy around? who has that strong track record? and that contract? okay. i guess i can quit now since you are all convinced of that. >>reporter: after a series off bruising defeat gingrich promised to take the fight to president obama. >> no. 1 theme of the fall campaign will be a paycheck president versus a food stamp president, i believe we will win that fight. >>reporter: results of maine caucus will be announced on sachlts abc news. >> republican candidate took the president to task for his policy requiring catholic hospitals to provide contraceptive services. today the president rae advised part of the health care law to compromise with the catholic church. still not even is
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happy about it. story tonight from political reporter mark matthews. >>reporter: catholic groups have been complaining the president health care act threatens religious freedom. stand candidates quickly seized on. >> not about contraception. it's about government control of your lives and it has to stop. >>reporter: today the president announced a compromise. >> under the rule women will still have access to 43 pre-verytive care. that includes contraceptive services no matter where they work. >>reporter: the president added if a woman employer ace charity or hospital that has religious objection, then the employer insurance company will step in. >> insurance company not the hospital, not the charity will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge. without co-pay and without hassle. >>reporter: critic are calling ate gimmick. >> religious grawps still
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forced to buy insurance and insurance company they pay are forced to give contraceptions and drugs to employee. >>reporter: but at planned parenthood in san francisco she describes xrot mice as common sense. >> this is basic essential women health care that is important for 98 percent of catholic women and 99 percent of all women and their families in this country. >>reporter: today the u.s. conference of catholic bishop called the compromise a first step in the right direction. catholic women we spoke to generally support the plan. >> i just continue think anyone who feels that it is morally irresponsible to hand out contraceptive should be forced to did so. >>reporter: unthe compromise it's in insurance company that will be picking up the tab for contraceptive coverage and several of the major carrier today told abc news they are withholding their comments on the president compromise while they study it. in the newsroo
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newsroom, abc 7 news. pl rioting broke out in groes today clashing over new austerity measures. fir bomb were used 8 officers hurt. greece prime minister threat tone eject any minister who object to the deal. several ministers already resigned over the whole thing. athens is covered with political graffit graffiti. workers are on strike and country reputation is in at that timer. >> p.m. -- tatter. >> him if the measures include firing thus of civil servant and slashing minimum wage by 20 percent. cuts are needed to secure second bailout of 170 billion dollars from europe. preliminary approval was given today. another vote is expected on monday. well, driving while high. researchers weigh in on just how risky that really is. that story ahead. >> plus assignment 7 tonight.
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our report on how restless winter could turn in a troublesome summer dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes
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and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. you look at more police officer was rushed to the hospital this morning after being hit in the head by people throwing rocks. the officer was driving along p.street around 2:30 am when he spot add chunk of concrete upped a railroad overpass. when he got out to remove it 3 to 4 people him from above with rocks as big as a fist. hitting him on the head. >> he just received several rocks being thrown hard and directly at him. he kind of collapsed. struck in the head with large granite rock then he kind of sought cover and cement chunk thrown down at him. >> if caught who have did it could face charges of assault
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with deadly weapon. >> 2 dog injured and 4 puppies missing after burglary in san francisco bay view district. police say the thieves forced their way into a home on cameron way and stole 4, 3 week old puppies. black and tan pup are a mix of doberman and beagle. cute little things as you can see. during the burglary 2 adult dog were beaten with a blunt object. any one with information is asked to call the san francisco police department. >> well a big change for the westminster dog show. it is getting a new sponsor because the old one was making people turn the channel apparently. america most prestigious dog competition starts monday madison square garden in new york. pedigree was sponsoring the show for 24 years. the ad pushed adoption but viewers were turned off by the sad eye ads. >> they may small. but you should see his heart. do not pity the dog. adopt one.
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>> pedigree says it's disappointed to be dropped as sponsor after more than 2 decade. new backer is competitor purina which run ads with happy dogs. westminster was established in 1877 and second only to the kentucky derby as america longest running sporting event. study about smoking marijuana and driving to talk b.canadian researchers say having a joint 3 hours or less before getting behind the wheel nearly doubles your chance of a major car crash. apparently the first study to look at the link between pot and risk of crash driving an automobile. researchers say the level of impairment is not as severe as alcohol but still needs to be treated very seriously. still to come tonight. how a restless winter in at that time hoe basin could lead to bear trouble this summer. that time hoe basin could lead to bear trouble this summer. that story as we continue
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okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. and the cereals your kids love. ♪ now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient. the same great taste they love in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch with whole grain that they need.
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just look for the white check, only on general mills big g kid cereals, the delicious way to help them grow up strong. now with more whole grain than any other ingredient.
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>> get ready for academy awards coming up. oscar subpoenaed is february 26 on abc 7. you can pre-dick the winners. latest buzz right now at you can also down load the exclusive oscar app for i phones and i pad. oscar two week from this sunday. >> well this year weird winter weather is creating confusion for lake tahoe bears. the natural behavior and food supply are tied obviously to the soap so all this warm dry weather when it should be cold and wet is bad news for bears. in tonight's report why that may bad news for people, too. when ann take as winter walk near lake tahoe she doesn't expect to see bears. they should be behind hiber
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natureing but this year things are out of whack. >> we have some that went to bed then got back up. when the weather warmed back up. >>reporter: ann runs the bear league net walk of 200 volunteer who help people and bear share the tahoe basin peacefully. league gave thus video of bears out and about when they should be tucked in their den the weather swing follow the summer best ever for tahoe bears. that is best as in very few confrontation with people. ann credit last year heavy snow that created a lot of natural food. >> as soon as the snow started melting and water started to flow, green up occurred it was just like someone flipped a switch and bear went back in the forest and quietest summer ever on record. >>reporter: during bad summer like the drought of 2007 the bear league gets 150 calls a day from people reporting bears lacking for food near homes or businesses. last summer, though, they only got 10 to 15 calls a day. >> i thought something had happened to all of them. we
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actually went out looking for the bears because we thought are they okay? and indeed they were. they had good weight on. coats were gorgeous. and they totally behaved. just prefer to eat natural forage when available. >>reporter: but if we don't get more snow soon this summer could be rough for bears. >> there won't be any fad for them in the forest and they will be all knocking on our doors trying to get into our refrig raytors. >>reporter: hungry bear are smart. and determined. rai raiding bird feeder breaking through window and doors and causing serious property damage. but they are not likely to hurt a person. >> people think they are dangerous. they are not. no one has ever been killed by a black bear in all history in california or nevada. ever. >>reporter: but plenty of bears have been killed by wild life officials who determine they are a nuisance. for nearly 15 years the bear league worked to prevent that. by teaching people how to handle garbage properly and to bear paragraph their homes. they also provide what you might call training for bears. scaring them away from your ban
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area by shooting ghawns make noise but don't kill. ann believes you can get a bear to change the habit but still worried a dry winter make it hard for them to stay out of trouble. >> we consider these our animals that we are responsible for and we appreciate and we want them alive. >>reporter: long spell of unseasonably warm weather could also delay mother bear giving birth that's dangerous for cow because instead of coming out of the den in the early spring the babies come out in summer at a time when a lot of tourists and traffic begin showing up which is into the good combination. >> all right. but we are not getting any dramatically colder weather any time soon. spencer is back up to date the forecas forecast. >>reporter: no we are not. as a matter of fact not much we wetter either. lack back this afternoon by way of time lapse from the high definition east bay camera lights of big clouds over the bay today but spotty shower activity here and there. pl we are not picking up much
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in the way of showers up in the north bay. whether he a few he hanging around marin, sonoma, napa koypts dwindle down to nothing at the moment. tomorrow we have showers overnight that will linger in tomorrow morning but by afternoon we look at least a partly sunny day. high pressure in the upper 50's to low 60's and here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. break from the showers for much of the day tomorrow and sunday but late sunday sunday night more showers mainly dry on monday. slit chance of showers on tuesday. valentine's day tuesday and wednesday and sunny mild thursday of next week pretty mild and more dry than wet. >> thanks spencer. >> really not what we need but we can enjoy it. >> let's talk to larry we are following a really fun story in sports. >> this is an amazing phenomenon. just crazy. he's basketball version of tim tibo. world is going insane. over jeremy lynn. or should we say
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lynn saint. pride of palo alt alto. lights up kobe bryant and the lakers. in the@ñ
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sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months
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with a one year term. at&t. >> coming up tonight at 11:00. astonishing video from the bridge of the ship moments after it crashed into some rocks off the italy coast with fatal results. >> japan earthquake and tsunam tsunami. all the debris set loose in the pacific already beginning to land on the west coast. what we could see in the weeks ahead. really interesting report. have that for you in an hour on 7 news at 11 over on channel 7 but larry here and talk insanity and pebble beach. >> absolutely. tiger woods the big story, right. jeremy lynn. weather changed but charlie on top after would round at pebble beach. tiger woods actually lost ground today. >> here's the tickle guy. he's so particular lish. >> you are a mess.
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>> bill murray. giants president bear chipping from the rough here. he and the teammate. tied for 50th in the pro am competition. tiger and his partner romo playing monterey today. tiger birdie first hole but he's not had the putting stroke right yet. tiger 68, 6 off the lead so lost a stroke today. also monterey. mickelson through the fog and up the leader boar board. 65. birdie on 6. johnson spy glass on 18 here for birdie. finished the day even par 3 back of alum wee. wee at pebble looking for first tour victory. 3 under 69 on the day. he's the out right leader after 36 holes. so leader board looks like this. wee. minus 12. johnson is 3 back. singe shot a 4 under 68. tied for third. lefty tied for 8 and tiger 6 back as we mentioned in 17th place. aaron
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thought his win at pebble in 2006 would catapult his career. instead an injury prevented that from happening. now 6 years after that victory san jose native is back for the first time. >> how sweet it is. to win in front of a home crowd. >> i at any time care where my first win came as long as i fwoyt and able to build on it so have it come here is extra sweet. >> unfortunately for aaron he wasn't able 0build on the 2006 win at pebble beach. year later with a top 25 world ranking his career took a dramatic turn for the worst. >> i was at the buyer nelson 2007 and i took a swing out of the rough and broke a bone in my hand with one swing and didn't know that i broke it ended up playing the entire year with a broken bone in my hand. taking pain killer and toughing it out. by the time
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they figure it out doctors think it was too late. >>reporter: as the pain mounted so did the surgery. 4 since the injury first occurre occurred. consequently aaron appearance on the pga tour dwindled in recent year. no event in 2010 or 11. >> i guess in the back of my mind i thought i had a chance to come back. parts of me during certain instances and times where i thought that my career might be over for sure. >>reporter: david knows how tough it is to stay at the top. he's one of many on the tour pulling for aaron. >> colonel back can be long and arduous but he's good player and i think he's feeling okay right now. so look for him to move forward. >> it's a long quick fall from the top and it's a really hard climb back up. so i have got a lot of work to do. and this is just one more round and one more step towards that. >> 3 under after 2 rounds he's
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so fragile. shark to embark on 9 game 16 day road trip and the coach wants to see some intensity. tonight against chicago joe montana sighting in the tank. sharks on the power play. justin brawn celebrating 25th birthday. drills it home. shark up one nothing then 2 nothing then krueger 64 s twice in a 3 minute span. tied up. sashing regain the lae. pass off blackhawk stick and look at the replay. olson l my bad. knocking in his own goal. 12th of the year shark leading late in the third. 4-3. forget the superbowl champion giants new york now belongs to jeremy lyn lynn. knicks sudden star faced kobe and lakers>> i don't know n too much. >> let me show you kobe. lynn
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resumes in the garden opening minutes. jeremy knocks down the jumper. 360 spin. i love fisher. but lingerie is somewhere in the lane, brother. lynn had 18 points at the half. he was not done. from way downtown. bang. contrary high 38. for jeremy lynn along with 7 assist. nick bug to the new boy king. leading the knicks to the fourth straight victory. 92-85. this is craz crazy. he was nowhere. no where. he couldn't even get -- it's fantastic. he's the tebow of the fba. hav harvard. >> very smart and skilled. >> good for him cool. >> absolutely. >> that's this edition of 7 news at 9:00. for all of us here, thanks so much for watching. appreciate your time and hope to see you again in an hour over on the big 7 o


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