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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  December 23, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> 1:00 o'clock. afternoon. it has been crazy. >> boy it was crazy. cudz turn violent all for a pair of shoe shoes. good evening i'm dan
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ashley. shoppers all over the country trying to get the newest pair of air jordan more than they bargained for this morning. long line scuffle and gun fir as fans scramble to pay 1 80 dollars for the hip new pair of air jordan retro-snea retro-sneakers. in seattle police pull out the pepper spray to stop a fight. here in the bay area gunfire put a stop to one sale at local mall. laura has that story. >>reporter: it was the case of supply that fell well short of demand. shoppers battled each other to buy a rare and expensive pair of shoes. >> i think it's just ludicrous. it's ridiculous. jordan at home watching television and mansion and the people out here are fighting over a pair of shoes. >>reporter: in richmond gunfire rang out before 7:00 a.m. when a 24-year-old man in line for jordan mistakenly fired his weapon. >> right now it's in an infant stage of the investigation but it appears as though it may have been a neglect discharge
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or accidental. >> lines were everywhere. the police were out hear trying to tell to us go to one spot. to another. they were just they didn't have nothing in control. >>reporter: mall shut down sales for a time but later resumed shown in this amateur video shot in front of one of the stores. at least some of those with bought the pricey shoes walked out and medley resold them for profit. at the west field is a land 0mall in fairfield dozens of police officers from 4 agency responded when more than 1,000 shoppers showed up early and pushed a mall door off the hinges. despite all the commotion this young man managed to buy one of just 1 80 pair. before they sold out. >> kids hide out in the movie theater before they try to stay in the garbage can even but they all get kicked out. security real tight here. i didn't expect all the cop cars to be here. it's crazy this year. >> we have always had a crowd but never a crowd this large. i think it caught us all by surprise nishtion contrast to
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what happened here and other malls daly city mall reported no problems. they handed out number wrist band day ahead of time. one frustrated shopper told us her idea to cut down on the hysteria and all the problems associated with the release of the tennis shoe would be if nike would release more than a few at a time n.richmond, abc 7 news. >> here's a closer look at the shoe causing all the hysteria. they are replica of those rae lease entered 1995. first came out in 1985. one reason the shoes in such demand resale we found a pair that sold for 510 dollars on ebay today. pair of tennis shoes. many people who buy the shoe never actually wear them of course. they are collector items gentleman and so they are often rae sold. >> all over the bay area shoppers are racing for a photo finish. so many gifts after all to buy. so little time. only a few days agency an estimated one-third of americans still had some shopping to do. david louie is
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at west field valley fair mall with look at last minute crowd. >>reporter: there's a different feeling at the mall. sure the stores are busy. the pressure is on to finish shopping. >> ing everything done. >> not even close. not even close. >>reporter: so why diseveryone lack so happy and relaxed. >> i'm a little less stressed about the income coming in myself so hopefully people are feeling that. plus people get a chance to get into it a little bit more often and we have a couple days before christmas and we are off work. >>reporter: maybe it's because some shoppers change the strategy this year. >> we did a lot of on line shopping in this year so that alleviated the stress. >>reporter: others appear to be on a mission to tote as many bags as they can handle. others take break to reenergiz reenergize. have had court are packed. but the mood is upbea upbeat. >> everybody is very if you please in the stores. easy no lines. >>reporter: wait a minute. there are lines. excuse me i
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see a line here. is this the line for santa. >> no. it's a line for juice. >>reporter: here's the line for santa. long one. santa must be feeling the stress as kid share what they would like to see under the tree. last minute shoppers are getting a break from retailers. the discounts are getting deeper. that could be a sign they need to clear excess inventory or a none to get shoppers to spend. >> sweaters definitely doing better now that it's a bit chillier outside and electronic always do very well. especially since we are in silicon valley. >>reporter: samuel jeweler had to call in extra sales people because of heavy volume of customers. however the typical sale reflects restraint rather than extravagance. >> rate now we are in the mid rang 3 to 500 dollars. we still get the few big pop here and there but people are still sticking around that area right there. >>reporter: the count down to christmas is ticking away and the malls according to valley fair as well as many other in the bay area are planning to
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close at 6:00 o'clock on christmas eve. in san jose, david louie 7 tonight a lot ofl chains open very late to accommodate those last minute shoppers. national retail federation says holiday sales expected to be up 4 percent from last year that's a full percent higher than previous predictions so goodyear for merchant. >> on line sales are up 15 percent to 32 billion so far this holiday season. >> well not just the sales up this holiday season. shoplifters are also more active than ever. it's estimated thieves will ring in the new year with 1.8 billion dollars in merchandise stolen during the 4 week leading up to christmas. that ace 6 percent jump the same time last year. certainly something that san francisco police are very much aware of. >> we have officers in the right place and everybody looking out for one another so hopefully we can buck the tren trend. >>reporter: stores must up the security and kuwait often the prices because of shoplifting.
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according to the study conducted by the global retail barometer 44 percent of these 5 finger discounts are the result of employee theft. moving on. neighbors are working very hard to help those who lost their homes in san francisco biggest blaze in more than seven years. as many as 60 people are homeless as a result of this fire and right of course in the middle of holiday season. tonight investigators can not say yet just what triggered yesterday devastating fire. but they do know where it started. inside a trash shoot chute in the 3 damaged buildings. l we have the details. >> as he saw the flames and smoke billowing over next door apartment building, nicholas and some of his fellow crew members called 911 then ran inside the building. >> we had a craw bust open doors with sledge hammer running through clearing rooms making sure to get as many people out as we could. >>reporter: manuel is the guys who wielded the sledge hammer.
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he knocked down a door at one apartment where the resident wasn't answering shouts to get out. >> we heard people in were still inside so l fortunately we did get in a room. guy was working night shift. was asleep so. >>reporter: they figure they got more than 7 people out of the apartments before fire crew arrived to begin battling the blaze. investigators say the fire started in a trash chute pushed along by midday wind and grew to a 5 alarm fire. for some of the 41 now displaced residents, returning home was a dreaded path. >> feels lick a party gone. stuff you can't replace. >> want to get my stuff see if there is anything that remain and move on i guess. >>reporter: people have been pulling up to the nearby missionary temple church to donate anything that might be useful to displaced resident. >> word got out and people just been bringing stuff. >>reporter: the alamo neighborhood association is helping as well by trying to rae taken neighbors who mate
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now be out of a home. >> if you have a place where someone can stay, let us know. send an e-mail to the board at alamo square. >>reporter: with all the activity on the day following the fire, someone still had the construction workers in their thoughts. this banner was hanging outside the gate next door as they arrived to work this morning. >> this banner out here. that's from the neighborhood fichlt it was a warm welcome this morning to see that. >>reporter: construction company was nasty enough to by pizza for the crew today for the job well done. as for effort to help out the residents who are displaced, the alamo square neighborhood association has set up a pay count on their web site and the american red cross has an account specifically for these residents so you can pitch in if you would like by finding those details on our web site at abc 7 in san francisco, abc 7 news. pg&e and city of san francisco vow today to prevent reoccurrence of 2 blackout that
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happened during monday night forty-niner steelers game at candlestick park on national television. today technician work to repair the line that failed and install monitoring equipment. mayor ed lee admitted the city was at fault for the second twovt blackout. it was caused by malfunctioning switch on the stadium back up power system. work should be completeded by wed. they don't want it to happen during the play offs. still to come here tonight. operating without a license. man san francisco police say was performing surgery preten pretending to be a physician's assistant. >> also. family ready to pull their son off life support and tonight they are calling it a miracle. an amazing survival story. >> hi. i'm in for spencer in the accu-weather center. we have some freezinging temperatures expected overnigh overnight. clear and cold and tomorrow is another spare the air day. i'll have all the details coming up with the accu-weather 7 day forecast. >> thanks. also turns out santa helpers live right here
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in northern california. the answer to a little girl's wish. in northern california. the answer t[ monica ] girl's wish. i'm away on a movie shoot and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things.
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good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate.
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>> former employee of berkeley company filed class action lawsuit tonight but former union says the charges are without merit. they are being
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sued for disregarding labor law when it comes to the rest and male break they are entitled to but an officer of the employee labor union here says the lawsuit is a bunch of baloneyy. >> it's a violation. we don't feel, we don't feel l the fine comfortable working this kind of violation. >> every protection in the collective bargaining agreement. a bunch of rubbish. absolutely a lie. >>reporter: company says it will vigorously defen the allegation. it was filed on behalf of 1,000 former current workers but only one employee named in the lawsuit. gentlemen you heard from. it's asking the suit for about 20,000 dollars in damages per worker. sutter health locked out the thousands of bay area nurse whose staged a one day strike yesterday. hospital did in the allow the employees to return to work because the replacement nurses they hire are under contract through today. the union nurses are upset over proposed contract changes to
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paid sick time and health care premiums. sutter health says the full time nurses 7 an average aerial salary of 13 136,000 dollars and have the option of 100 percent employer paid health benefit package. several national retail versus now joined wal-mart in pulling a batch of powder formula from the shelves. missouri new burn drank the formula and died of rare bacterial infeshtion. another baby apparently got sick but recovered. product is newborn formula. here's the lot number on the screen. z p 1 kzg. the new stories that are removing it 7 g i'm sorry 7 g. the new stores include safeway and walgreens. wal-mart pulled it yesterday it was said to be precaution until federal health officials complete tests on the product. and the water that was used to mix the form lachlt coming off the shelves. >> now to the really touching story out of arizona. a terrible accident left young man close to death. outlook
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really was so bleak his family had already started discussing organize began donation then they say a miracle happened. alex stone has the story. l. >> sam schmid was a typical college student. junior at the university of arizona majoring in business. but on october 19 sam was involved in a five car accident resulting in such severe brain damage the local hospital couldn't treat him. he was air-lifted to another hospital where specialist performed surgery for life threatening aneurysm. he was on life support doctors didn't have much hope he would recover. they began talking to sam's family about organ do initial. but hours before sam was going to be taken off life support something miraculous happened. sam began to respon respond. holding up 2 fingers on command. sam doctors and family are amazed at his recovery. >> for him to be talking in here jaws couple months later from such a deep coma where we
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really gave him very, very minimal chance for survival these a great christmas story. >> it was a miracle. it was a miracle that and feel that i don't think any mother or any parent will -- i don't know how to explain it. >>reporter: sam has bounced back strong. so alert he can even tease his brother. >> who is better looking you or your brother. >> me. anything i'm better than you at. >> no. >>reporter: expecting to make a full recovery sam and his family received the best gift they could ever hope for this holiday. a true christmas miracle. this is abc news. >> all right spencer is off and i just asked francis how are you doing. i'm cold a lot of people are in that both. >> very chilly temperatures this morning. it was cooler this afternoon. well, here's why. we take you outside and show you very clear conditions
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amend that will allow to us lose a lot of the heat we have the freezing warning in effect but it ace pretty shot from our sutro tower looking down towards san francisco. you cap see some of the embark dare lights lit up there and bay bridge lights. very pretty for you. but check out the temperatures. they are dropping pretty quickly. right now this is what is happening in no have the o. 36 grease for you. it's already 33 in santa rosa. 49 still in san francisco. but we already see some 30's fair field concord and livermore and it's already 39 in redwood city and 36. so basically you can expect another chilly night. it's clear and cold. freeze warnings starts in couple hours and tomorrow is a spare the air day for christmas eve. so let me talk about the freeze warning first. starts at 11:00 o'clock tonight and continues through 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. find this in parts of the north bay. east bay valle valley. santa clara valley. salinas valley and san joaquin valley. temperatures dip in the 20's especially in the wind
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protected valley that means damage to sensitive plants. notice this area that is maroon color. this is hard freeze warning in parts of sacramento and the delta so it is even mr. difficult there where water pipes could freeze and burst. tomorrow is a spare the air da day. poor air quality forecast for most of the bay area except for the coast in central bay. but this does men in wood burning for all of us starting tonight at midnight through christmas eve. and check how chilly the temperatures are going to wake up to. saturday morning a lot of 20's out ther there. 26 in napa. 24 the cool spot in fairfield. 28 in concord. even 32 in fremont. that's pretty cold 32 in san jose. morgan hill 28 and one of the more moderate locations in san francisco at 44. so we have this area of high pressure 2 80's of high pressure that are going to keep things dry for us through christmas. this storm system here might bring us a slate chance of rain starting wednesday next week so
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we'll be keeping an eye on that for you. doesn't look too big at this point and for tomorrow we find temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's slightly possibly warmer than today in some locations. 58 in san francisco oakland fremont 60 in san jose. find slightly warmer temperatures in the monterey bay area. 61 in morgan hill and gilroy and 65 in is a leap as. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast we are going to see a very cold morning tomorrow. maybe you want to sleep in. take the day off. sunday sunny skies for you as well and then chance of rain coming in wednesday but notice temperatures kind of flunk wait few grease but mainly upper 60's to low 60's. >> not bad but cold. >> thanks francis search. >> maybe time to good see a movie this cold chilly weekend. another spielberg spectacular. period drama war horse that opens on christmas. >> plus up up and await a minute the letter sent to santa by balloon and caught by some
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very good samaritan. find out +e/
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>> in theater christmas day war horse movie is based on the children book that became a topy award winning play. arts entertainment reporter don sanchez has review tonight on entertainment reporter don sanchez has review tonight on the aisle >> amazing horse named joey. relation ship they developed. the horse has a sense of self and place. beautifully photographed. >> we are at war. we are at war. >>reporter: world war i. he says the horse to the army. he's crushed. >> my horse. >>reporter: he begins the
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difficult odd situation. albert joins up to search for the beloved horse. he meets and loses friends. somehow he changes their lives. then he becomes a war horse on both side. in one sequence you wonder how animal control approved the scene. >> every man about and country proud. >>reporter: he's known as the miracle horse as he runs through the bashed wire. spielberg said it was plastic. in the middle of the battle field we see a soldier from each side free joey. this is the heavy symbolism moment. >> look forward. >> never get home. >>reporter: it is a film that has sentiment. return to another era. >> be brave. be brave. >>reporter: this is a spielberg spectacular. big stage. yet there is the interest mat feel of the understanding between man and horse. he makes joey seem almost human. able to get in his mind. but how do you in
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the name a horse for an award? war scenes are grim with poignant time out and i dare you not to tear up at the end. film is a bit slow but the year-end holiday blockbuster continue. i'll give it 3 quarters of a bucket. this is 7 news and we'll see you on the aisle. >> when we continues here tonight. accused of operating on women while smoking a cigar. more on this bizarre case in the bay area. >> plus from soup to jobs to shopping. new law that could change your life in the new year run those down for you and high tech shopping can never be a time safer but it can be rather a time safer but giving some businesses some major headaches. why they don't like this new approach
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ok, you guys wanted a space for entertainingng your frien, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t.
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+e/ ;se gentleman good evening again thanks for joining us. look at the headlines we are follow tonight. investigators say the fire that raced through 3 apartment buildings in san francisco yesterday started at the bottom of a trash chute. daniel estimated at more than 8 million dollars. newly of people displaced by the fire. rowdy even violent scenes broke out at stores across the united states today. shoppers pushed and shoved to get their hands on nike new air jordan. here in the bay area police had to respond en masse to several malls sell the coveted if you sneakers. all over the bay area and the nation shoppers mean time racing to get the last minute deals. only a few days to go. estimated one-third of americans still have shopping to do. some of the headlines. san francisco man posing as a physician assist at that particular time is under arres arrest. police say he had no medical license and no business performing surgery. authorities filed several charges against carlos garza
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including identity theft and performing invasive medical procedure without a license including liposuction. mark has the story. >> dressed in orange jump suit about carlos was led in court and right back out again after his court appointed attorney waived his right to an appearance. guzman had an office in this building in san francisco mission district. januarytor said she saw maybe 5 patients a week coming and going. one of them a daily city woman who told prosecutors about her liposuction procedure in guzman clinic. >> when he started the procedure she said do you have an assistant. he said no you are my assist at that particular time today and she was holding her own vl iv. he smoked a cigar during the procedure. and as the district attorney said there was an incident where some of her fat fell on the floor and he bent over and picked that up. >>reporter: woman developed a serious infection eventually had to have reconstructive
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surgery with real doctor. the da says guzman got his patient by offering gut cut rate deals. >> l it is significantly less than you are getting from other professionals around that should be a red flag. generally there are no free rides. >>reporter: price that gutierrez machine quoted for liposuction and eyelet reportedly 3000 dollars. according to court documents guzman being held in jail until next tuesday the when he will be formally charged with 4 counts of practicing medicine without a license intelligence grand theft and felony assault. his bail is set at 750,000 dollars. neighbors in the mission district say he introduced himself as doctor with medical degree from mexico practicing here as a physician assistant. >> we know that this is not a unique case chls. we know in this particular case we know that probably many other victims. >>reporter: da wants to find the victims. writ now guzzman
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is charged with felony stemming from one complaint and looking at 12 years if con vehicleed. da would like to hear from anyone with information about carlos guzzman or car losses guzzman garza. we have the phone number to the da office linked to the story at abc 7 in the news ramp, 7 news. to washington now. president obama says he is pleased that congress headed off a tax hike that would have affected 160 million americans come january 1st. the president today signed a bill extending the payroll tax cut for the next two months. lawmakers were deadlocked for week while majority supported an extension they could in the agree on demands made by house republican. today legislation buys time for talks early next year on how to finance year long extensions. >> when congress returns i urge them to keep working without drama. without delay. to reach an agreement that extends this tax cut as well as unemployment insurance through
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all of 2012. >>reporter: deal also include as 2 month extension of emergency unemployment benefits and delay in scheduled pay cuts to doctors who treat medicare patients. >> president obama also signed a bill today that honors victims of the september 11 attacks. the fallen hero of 9/11 act will provide congressional gold medal to the flight 93 memorial in pennsylvania. national september 11 memorial and museum in new york and pentagon memorial in washington, d.c. well we are about to enter a brand new year and with it comes a slew of new law ins california affecting everything from applying for a job to shopping at the drugstore. capitol correspondent annette in sacramento with the story. >> good news for the two million californians out of work. employers can no longer kb consider your credit report when you apply for a job where money or finances are not involved. not so good news if you are a fan of shark fin sou
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soup. famous chain he's restaurant can finish out the current supply, california joins many west coast port in banning the importation of the delicacy to stop the demraetion of the world shark population. >> let's be candid. pulling shark up slicing the fin off and throwing them back in to drown or bleed to death. that's barbaric. that's not appropriate treatment of anima animal. >>reporter: the new law affect children and young cults. hpv vaccine will be available to kids as young as 12 years old. because the state will allow them to get preventive treatment for sexually transmitted disease without parental permission. but minor won't be able to buy cough syrup and other medicines that contain l dxm. too many are robo tripping or getting high for under 10 dollars a bottle. >> pre-teen and teens this is the no. 1 call they get at the poison control center is for the abuse of this dxm.
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>> under able drinking is at the core of adding booze you can't buy at the self check out stand. those not old enough to drink scan soda through but put alcohol in the bag. >> 16 years old. >>reporter: melanoma survivor lisa helps pushed through the nation first tanning bed ban for anyone under 18. after religiously using the machines if you times a we can for years she developed cancer. >> i'm hoping that this will help prevent other people from having a face that sort of diagnosis which can be life and death situation really. >>reporter: schools will also have to start including gay history in the curriculum but groups trying to gather enough signature to put a ballot measure before voters asking them to stop it even after it goes that effect. in sacramento, abc 7 news. l rare and expensive musical instrument has been found after a nationwide searc search. look at this violin. beautiful. 176 years old. valued at 172,000 dollars.
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crafted in naples italy. a taiwan student lost this valuable instrument on bus trip from boston to philadelphia on tuesday. young woman has been using this praises violin at the new england music conservetory. it's on loan from a taiwan foundation. it is back where it belongs much to her relief an everyone else. >> well technology and the holidays. how high tech is helping customers shop but hurting retailers. >> more people than ever will be heading out of town for the holiday. coming. one trick to make the travel just a bit
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[ female announcer ] hurry to jcpenney... ...for the final days to save before christmas... ...and shop til midnight for those last minute gifts. save 60% off must have winter coats. 60% off the coziest sleepwear. 9.99 for the coolest men's shirts. and 40 to 60% off fine jewelry.
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need another idea? get the jcp gift card. the perfect gift to bring holiday cheer. don't miss the final days to save before christmas. go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy. >> as americans head out for the holiday, today especially busy at airports across the nation. air travel throughout the state is decreasing slightly. but you wouldn't know it by looking at sfo this
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morning. airport expects a number of passengers to increase by 5 percent between mid december and january. according to triple a 92 million americans expect to travel 50 males or more through january 2nd. that's up 1% from last year and for more up to the minute information on flights and how security check points are going at the airpor airport, check out the flight tracker at abc 7 information is right there on our home page. new survey shows smart phone and tablet become ago bigger part of the way we shop for the holiday. jonathan bloom has more open how the at the vices are helping bargain hunters but potentially hurting retailers. >> along with the hustle and bustle at all the shopping bag something else has become a part of the holiday landscape. your phone. >> more people are doing mobile shopping on line for sure. >>reporter: this web site tech bargain survey users and found out more than half of them bought something this holiday season using their phone. and of the ones who own tabletwo& about 3 quarters have bought
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something with those. bigger screen just makes buying easie easier. >> if you try to purchase something on a regular web site or mobile phone it's nearly impossible. >>reporter: phone shoppers e-mail themselves a link and buy it later on the lap top. but some new app by amazon. >> ease of use app on the i-phone make it easier to purchase. >>reporter: shopping on smart phones and tablet isn't just annual alternative to the maddening crowds at the stores. much to the dismay of sales people growing number of shoppers are using them inside the store. >> it's fru. >>reporter: patricia can't even count the time the customers trade on shoes at the store where she works then walked out phone in hand. >> how do you compete with somebody's smart phone. >> we can't. the customer wants the best price. >>reporter: given the economy con assumer psychologist kit not surprised. >> what we are finding is that people really love to comparison shop. they really want to be able to know for sure that they got the best possible deal. and they are using technology to get that deal.
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>>reporter: we found no shortage of example. >> you bring the i pad that the store. >> yes. bring it everywhere. actually i had one lady ask me lack something up for her. >> you go on line find something cheaper 9 times out of 10 they have to match the prison. >>reporter: retailers will have to match the fries compete. >> not like consumer unlearn the new trick. they have them. they will keep using them. >>reporter: in san francisco, i don't know thon bloom, abc 7 news. well coming up here next. kind of thing that seems to happen this time of year. incredible 700 mile journey. a little girl christmas wish coming true. that's ahead. >> plus santa arrives a bit early for woman whose wheelchair stolen. ghaivt she of. today.
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>> 5-year-old girl letter to santa ended up in the hand of
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ranching family who says they are going to help make that girl's wish come true. all began with a letter and 2 pink balloons in washington state which ended up in a small town near fort bragg mendocino county. lindsay has the story. >>reporter: at this auburn household the ornaments shine bright. even though christmas was looking a little dull. >> she can't work no more. >>reporter: she's injured and out of work her husband unemployed. for over a year. when their daughter helen thought about what she wanted for christmas, her wishes were simple. 5-year-old wrote santa letter asking for clothing or a doll. the question was how to get it to the big guy. >> sent it that the sky. she was so happy. she was crying and everything. >>reporter: on a cold designate a couple of weeks ago helen attached the letter to 2 pink balloons and let them go that the sky to reach the north
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pole. only santa apparently had other plans. balloon made their way 700 miles south to santa helpers in northern california. >> i'm glad that that letter ended up in our hands. didn't just float off into the sunset that's for sirngs even though the letter was written in spanish friends found someone to translate. called this family to reach out. when they learned of the family financial situation, the complete strangers found a way to get that the christmas spirit. went shopping today. for the little girl. >> we looked at ourselves as angels but yes it makes us feel really good. >> with the weather raining it's incredible i don't know. god send something to us. >>reporter: incredible journey with one incredible ending. that will make for a merry christmas indeed.
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>> is that not a fabulous christmas time story. they shipped out the quivts for the family today. package should arrive just in time for christmas. another great story for holidays. disabled santa clara woman has new lease on life after couple good samaritan heard that her wheelchair had been stolen. we reported that here. 60-year-old kathy swift was feeling low after someone took her motor wheelchair from her apartment building last saturday. when they heard what happened tracy and jim love drove to swift house last night to drop-off a wheelchair that they had in their grabling. >> i'm just so gritful to have my freedom back. able to move more and with the power wheel chirac i'm able to walk the dog again. >>reporter: jim suffered a stroke and he had a spare wear of wheels to give away as he got a brand new wheelchair. kathy wasted no time taking it out for a spin with the beloved dog. something she often loves to do. well some seniors in san jose giving back to the
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community. at the care more care center about 20 seniors kniting bonnet and sox for babies. here's some of the work. as they will later deliver the goodies to the ronald mcdonald house in palo alto. ladies pwis busy. justless weak they delivered 1 80 afghan to rehab center. they do good work. >> update the forecast. francis is here and it is chilly. >> it is chilly dan. in fact i weren't to start you off with a nice picture kind offsets the mood. happy holidays. this was sent in by a viewer to you report. this was in san francisco this morning so frosty start we see another frosty start tomorrow and that's why freezing warning is in effect a little over an hour and starts at 11:00 o'clock and 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morningment look out for 20's in the wind protected valley parts of the north day as well and could mean freeze damage to sensitive plants and christmas eve unfortunately with another
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spare the air day tomorrow no wood burning allowed throughout the day. we wake up to some chilly numbers. a lot of 20's out there. napa fairfield mid 20's and then things will warm-up into the upper 50's to low 60's for tomorrow. we see lots of sunshine. our next chance of rain is heading our way starting on wednesday. da dan. >> we need the rain we know that. >> yes we do. >> thanks very much. on to sports larry is here as always tonight. >> we start with the sharks and they are at home. facing off with their old head coach darrell sutter bringing famous + [ monica ] i'm away on a movie shoot
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and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate.
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>> come up tonight at 11:00. back from afghanistan. it's this soldier's first trip home for the holiday in three years. and we are there for an emotional homecoming. it ace powerful story. hope you join me for that and more on abc 7 news at 11:00 coming up in about an hour from now. but larry the jly chris elf is here
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filled with holiday spirit. >> always. i don't witness for christmas to bring the spirit. you showed a homecoming here's another one. this is a little different. sharks welcome old coach back to the tank. darrell sutter who took over the contention this weak. 93 97 to 2000 2. and moved on to calgary. this is darrell sutter happy face. yes. you talk about bringing the santa spirit right there. goal ten tending both side. watch him with the edge of this. scoreless in the second period. patty marlo ryan and logan coach 15th of the year. 1 nothing. men in teal. kings tied control with skate and then rifles it home. that tied it at one and that's where they stayed. after 3 periods they have just gone to over time
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tied at one. home of the phillies will be the site for this nhl winter classic. welcome in the fliers and new york rangers on january the second. baseball field has been transformed into an out door hockey rink. check out the time lapse video. fifth consecutive season now the nhl scheduled out door game in a baseball venue. this is not the cal pwhairs in mind for the pre-christmas trip to las vegas. spanked by unlv. pitching great maddox lives from vegas taking in the matinee. game high 20 for the bears. knocks down the jumper right there. tie it at 8. oscar eating lopez. 2 handed flush. then up for this l play. 25-16 unlv. of 11 assist here. 20 point vegas lead. like the old running rebel days back in the late 80's. anthony marshall going up high. he had 22 points.
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look at marshall. come get some bears. now crushed in vegas. 85-68. four game win streak comes to an end. frai frainers need to beat seattle tomorrow to ensure a first round play off. love to keep the incredible defensive streak intact. not allow add single rushing touch down all year long. now we broke down the numbers inside the red zone and they are truly amazing. opponent have 36 total carries inside the 20 yard line averaging just over 2 yards per rush. 17 of those carries went for one yard or less. in other words, everybody is getting stuffed. see if the niners can do the same to former cal star lynch tomorrow. >> he's running extremely hard. he's running angry. he's running with purpose. he's fighting for everyone inch that he can get. probably been our biggest 40's a running back in a while. >> you weren't to break that
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stat that's great. i hope we get it down there and we run. that's we good right at it. let's go do it. >> you saw the former raider gallery there. he old team the raiders will play the chiefs tomorrow. another saturday game and must win situation to keep the play off hopes alive for raiders. in san diego for the bowl game next week against texas. andrew luck stanford finished practice on the farm. fourth rank cardinal face no. 3 oklahoma state in the fiesta bowl. bcs game on january 2nd. cowboy have one of the most explosive offense in the country and best receive interthe nation. really justin an nfl player waiting to happen. it could be a shoot out. stanford come out slin slinging witness andrew luck and final college game or do they go to the traditional round pound running attack? >> top secret information i can't share that with you but no i'm just kidding. i think everybody understands our game
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plan is run the ball first. fast off that. that's what we have always done and i think that's what we are going to do. heavy weight fights. staples first couple rounds 2 fighters still feeling each other out. thing is oklahoma state doesn't do that. they come out swinging. they score a lot of points in the first quarter. we know we have to withstand a barrage from the beginning of the game. >>reporter: and doesn't get any better than christmas open the beach in hawaii. the nevada marching band took over waikiki beach. they play southern miss in the hawaii bowl in front of the sheraton there with diamond head off in the distance. there is establishment called duke just down the beach there that i highly recommend if you get over there. >> you will do anything to get to hawaii. >> that's this edition of 7 news for all of us thanks so much for watching apprec


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