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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  May 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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raising $250,000, got nearly double that amount. everybody wanted to be a part of putting that back together, and it was just amazing how everybody's rallied together. this artwork, once it's up, we'll never need the artists to come back and touch it up, it's going to last as long as the wharf lasts. hopefully no more storms taking things out. the grand reopening for the capitola wharf is set for august 14th. all right. thanks very much for watching. nightly news is next. we'll see you again at six. breaking news tonight. the helicopter carrying the iranian president crash landing. his fate, still unknown right now. rescuers racing to make it to the site. bad weather slowing the search. the president and key members of iran's cabinet also onboard. what it means for the rest of the region already on edge. diddy's apology,
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the music mogul speaking for the first time since that video emerged of him assaulting his then-girlfriend. >> i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. >> why the d.a. says he won't be charged. new details on the investigation into a superstar golfer and what else we're learning about the moment he allegedly assaulted a police officer to get to the course. houston's heatwave emergency, hundreds of thousands without power after that deadly storm. long lines for ice and water. the temperatures hitting 90. one-on-one with the ceo of airbnb. will there be more stunts like this up house to stay in? and his acknowledgment that prices got too high. >> do you think you lost the thread on the value piece of it? and finally, to the final frontier. the oldest person ever launched into space today, his journey to the stars after a six-decade delay
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this is nbc "nightly news" with . >> announcer: this is show "nbc nightly news" with hallie jackson. we're coming on the air with developing news out of the middle east, and no word yet on whether iranian president has survived a helicopter crash. state media reporting earlier today, look at this, you can see how thick the fog was in the area near where it happened. in the last couple of hours, officials say they pinpointed the chopper's location, and now the iranian military is descending on that spot after getting a cell signal from one of the crew members onboard. leaders in iran asking for prayers. the white house says president biden has been briefed on this now-hours-long urgent search in a region already on edge. you can see where it happened in northern iran, close to the border with azerbaijan. where the iranian president had been making a visit. keir simmons is in the region and starts us off tonight. >> reporter: battling murky conditions, iranian rescue teams racing to reach the remote scene. severely restrictive
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visibility that iran's interior ministry says caused the crash. initially, reassuring iranian tv it was a hard landing due to weather and fog. iran's president ebrahim raisi pictured onboard the helicopter today with the foreign minister who's also missing tonight. the country's second most powerful leader appearing in front of the cameras at the inauguration of a new dam hours before his helicopter went down in the mountainous terrain, according to iranian state media. already, iranians holding mass prayers for their president, a hard-liner who has been talked about as a possible successor to iran's 85-year-old supreme leader. tonight ayatollah khamenei telling his country "we hope god returns our dear president" and assuring them there will be no disturbances on the country's affairs. their leadership has seen a brutal crackdown during mass protests after the
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death of a 22-year-old iranian woman. last year, lester sat down with raisi discussing the release of american prisoners in iran. >> are they healthy, are they well? >> translator: they are very healthy and according to our latest information, they are in full health. >> reporter: but today's tension in the middle east does not appear to have played a part, u.s. lawmakers say. >> i've just spoken to the intelligence authorities. at this point, there is no evidence of foul play. it looks like an accident. >> reporter: darkness fell hours ago in this region and still no news. the white house says the president is being kept up to date. another unexpected turn of events in the middle east already reeling. hallie? >> keir simmons in dubai, thank you. i want to bring in white house correspondent aaron gilchrist. aaron, what else are we hearing from the u.s. side?
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>> reporter: hallie, the white house is monitoring this closely. there are already very real fears that the israel/gaza war could spark a larger conflict. israel and iran attacked each other last month. the president's national security adviser is in israel this weekend working to get a cease-fire. contain any conflict and the death of iran's president could further destabilize that region. hallie? >> and aaron, president biden is where you are, at morehouse college in atlanta today to deliver the commencement address. any protests? >> reporter: this was a speech that was mostly well received here at morehouse, hallie. in his salute to class of 2024, president biden talked about faith, leadership and so democracy, among other things. he also faced the israel-hamas war issue head-on, calling for an immediate ceasefire and the return of the
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hostages taken by hamas, and he also said he supports peaceful protests and told the graduates i hear you. a handful of graduates turned around in their seats during the president's remarks, others wore symbols of support for the palestinian people. and the valedictorian called for a permanent cease-fire in gaza as well. hallie? >> aaron gilchrist, thank you. tonight we're hearing from diddy for the first time since disturbing video from 2016 surfaced, showing the superstar violently assaulting his then-girlfriend. sean combs says he's disgusted by his own actions and not asking for forgiveness. adrienne broaddus has more. a warning, some of what you're about to see is hard to watch. >> i'm so sorry. >> reporter: tonight, a 67-second apology from sean combs. >> i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. >> reporter: it comes two days after surveillance video obtained by cnn shows sean combs kicking, dragging and throwing objects at his former girlfriend cassie ventura. the video believed to show an assault on ventura was captured in an l.a. hotel in
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2016. previously, diddy publicly denied all the allegations against him, but now -- >> i was disgusted then when i did it. i'm disgusted now and i went and found professional help. >> reporter: ventura filed a lawsuit against combs in november. march 2016 at a former intercontinental hotel in century city, mr. combs became extremely intoxicated and punched ms. ventura in the face, giving her a black eye. it was settled less than 24 hours later. today, ventura's attorney responding. combs' most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt. >> it's an admission likely without a lot of consequence. >> could this video mean anything for future cases? >> if diddy is sued civilly or prosecuted for other crimes, then it might be possible to get these videos into evidence. >> reporter: the l.a.'s district attorney said the case is outside the statute of limitations. >> i'm committed to
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be a better man each and every day. i'm not asking for forgiveness. i'm truly sorry. >> reporter: the mogul still faces multiple civil lawsuits with allegations including abuse and sexual assault spanning decades. an attorney representing other accusers responding, quote, apologies are for people who are genuinely sorry, not for deviants whose life purpose has been to wreak havoc on everyone around them. adrienne broaddus, nbc news, los angeles. to texas now, where officials are warning about a dangerous heat wave at perhaps the worst possible moment for the hundreds of thousands of people still without power, days after devastating storms ripped through the state. priscilla thompson is there. >> reporter: it's been three days since lauren and juan were left in the dark with no power and no air-conditioning. what was it like in that house? >> if you turn on your oven at 350 degrees and you open it up that's how it feels.
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>> repor in the house. >> you can go home and check on your insulin. >> reporter: unable to keep juan's insulin cold, they left, and are now spending their days a at cooling center. >> we just couldn't stand it anymore at the house, it was too hot. >> reporter: nearly 300,000 homes, businesses and schools across houston are still without power. days after a deadly wind storm tore through the area thursday night. >> oh, there it goes. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: hurricane-strength winds knocking down the frame on this house, leaving behind a 400-mile-path of destruction. and officials say killing at least seven. and now, another deadly threat. >> the heat's not going to get any less, it's only going to get hotter from here. >> that's all we got until we get our next delivery. >> reporter: alicia branly got one of the last bags of ice. >> it's extremely hot.
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we're taking care of my 96-year-old grandmother as well. >> reporter: tonight, crews are racing to restore electricity. when should everyone expect to have their power restored? >> we're anticipating being able to restore a majority of our customers by the end of the day wednesday. >> reporter: many desperate to get their lives back on track. >> it's hard right now. the heat is not helping at all >> priscilla'g us now . >> it doesn't seem to be. priscilla's joining us now from houston. what does this mean for students who are supposed to go back to school tomorrow? >> reporter: hallie, despite massive transmission lines like this one going back up there's still dozens of schools without power. no word yet on what the district plans to do about those. hallie? >> priscilla thompson live for us in houston. priscilla, thank you. new details now following the dramatic arrest of the world's best golfer hours before he teed off in the pga championship. tonight new questions about the video of the incident itself. jesse kirsch has the latest.
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>> he's ready to get home, no doubt. >> reporter: tonight, the world's number one golfer scottie scheffler coming up short at the pga championship. >> that's not good. >> reporter: capping off a shocking weekend in louisville, kentucky. >> guys, guys. >> reporter: early friday, scheffler was arrested after allegedly disobeying and dragging a police detective with an suv while heading toward valhalla golf course. >> right now he's going to jail. >> okay. >> reporter: officials revealing there is no body camera footage from the initial encounter. >> there's some footage from across the street of a fixed camera when mr. scheffler was being arrested and we'll release that footage in the coming days. >> reporter: scheffler who says this was a quote big misunderstanding, was charged with assaulting a police officer, was jailed. >> scottie scheffler. >> reporter: then was released in time to tee off friday. putting together a strong round saying he was quote riding the adrenaline. but yesterday, he played one of his
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worst rounds in recent memory. >> it's been one of those days. >> scottie. >> reporter: in today's final round, scheffler could not make up lost ground. >> i think this morning when i woke up i still felt you know a bit off. i typically try to keep the offcourse as quiet as possible, and this week was obviously not that way. >> reporter: throughout the weekend, fan cheers and outfits referenced scheffler's bizarre situation. now the golf tournament in louisville is over, but scheffler's legal troubles here continue. his attorney says video and eyewitness statements exonerate scheffler. the lawyer would not share that video and tonight scheffler still faces four charges. >> jesse is live from kentucky tonight. jesse, what is scheffler's attorney telling you? >> reporter: yeah, hallie, he tells me there has been discussion about the charges against scheffler potentially being dropped, but adds that nothing has been confirmed attorney's
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office tells us that . late today the jefferson county attorney's office tells us that it has made no decisions in this case. hallie? >> jesse kirsch, thank you. still ahead tonight, we go one-on-one with the head of airbnb. with the busy summer travel season just days away. what he's doing to try to bring down prices. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds)
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of the biggest names in the world when you need a place to stay, bigger than the next five hotel chains bined. in our one-on-one the ceo tells me he's not done trying to revolutionize the travel industry. do you feel a little like willy wonka. do you like that analogy? >> i love that analogy. >> reporter: brian chesky is not the first tech ceo to promise to make dreams come true. >> these are color swatches of tiles for siding for the "up"house. >> so long, boys! >> reporter: but if your dream is to spend a night in the house from the movie "up," >> we lifted this 40-foot house 50 feet in the air. >> reporter: or to sleep over at the ferrari museum in italy, airbnb may have your golden tickets. >> we always thought, what if these worlds that existed in our imagination we could bring to reality and you could book them on airbnb. >> reporter: chesky and his company launching about a dozen of these icons as they call them in a marketing stunt going viral. good press after a wave of harsher headlines. >> that's why we'll make sure your listing
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has -- an impossibly complicated lockbox. >> reporter: summed up in an "snl" sketch this spring. >> why stay in hotel when you can stay in ata place with worse sheets. >> reporter: did that sting? >> it didn't sting. i felt if anything, we have a huge responsibility. we're a part of culture. the brand is a noun and verb used all over the world. >> reporter: for some, the brand started straying too far from its 2007 roots as an affordable alternative to hotels. customers concerned about too many fees and higher prices. do you think you lost the thread on the value piece of it? >> a little bit. in so far as perceptions did. objectively the prices went up. >> that became this symbol for people. why am i paying these cleaning fees and humping my trash out to the alley when i can stay in a hotel. >> the way i think about it is, you have to listen to the community and when people tell us that airbnbs aren't as affordable as they used to be you take that seriously.
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>> reporter: chesky says they've worked hard to increase price transparency and to foster more competition among hosts. the result? >> airbnbs are cheaper than they used to be on a year to year basis. hotels are up. so the prices are going like this. >> reporter: after a pandemic slump, airbnb has roared back after going public in 2020 but even that ipo got less attention chesky says than a promotion for the barbie dream house tied to the hit movie last year. >> if we just wanted to create a moment of joy for people, a moment of magic. >> reporter: now he thinks a.i. can help. >> what if an app could understand you, learn about your hopes, your dreams, and personalize these itineraries and these trips just for you. that's what ai can do. >> reporter: i think there are so many people who would listen to you and say that's sounds so cool. and people listen say also scary and a little risky. >> it's an incredibly good thing. it's a little scary. that's what technology is. i think whether the world is one we should be excited about or
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fear depends on the people whose hands you entrust the technology with. >> reporter: like his and his company's. in his view nowhere to go but up. >> we're going to do something even crazier, bigger and bring more magic to the world. >> bigger than the up house? >> even crazier. >> of course that busy summer travel season picking up after next weekend. we're back in a moment with the oldest person ever launched into space, a journey delayed by some 60 years. we'll explain. and a stunning light show over europe. why this comet turned the night sky bright blue. feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair!
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♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! an incredible light show over spain and portugal. look at this, a comet streaking through the stars, turning the
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night sky that beautiful blue/green, nasa said that color comes from magnesium that burns off the rock as it enters earth's atmosphere. it eventually burned up over the atlantic ocean. to history being made and being made right, the oldest person ever to go into space heading there and back today in just minutes, but the journey for him that took more than six decades. marissa parra explains. >> and liftoff. >> reporter: with another liftoff for blue origin. >> the rocket and our astronauts are heading up to space. >> reporter: another first for mankind. ed dwight is now the oldest man to reach space. >> here exits ed dwight. this gentleman has waited a long time to go to space. [ cheering ] >> reporter: he's waited for this day for 63 years. born in a segregated kansas, the young air force pilot was on a sky-high trajectory, in 1961 appointed by president john f.
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kennedy to make history. >> 29-year-old negro says he's anxious to go into space. the first of his race to be so designated. >> reporter: but at the height of the civil rights movement, what seemed like a surefire path to space was quickly crushed. >> was there a negro boy in the last 30 or so that you brought here for consideration? >> no, there was not. >> reporter: it took 20 years for a black astronaut buford to make it to space. it took another 63 for dwight to finally get his turn. with blue origin's seven-crew flight ed dwight didn't get to be the first black astronaut, but at 90 years of life he became the oldest person to reach space. you are officially astronauts. welcome home, everybody. >> it was a life-changing experience. >> reporter: sharing this page in history with loved ones who know all too well it was a long time coming. >> it was everything you could think of. i thought i really
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didn't need this in my life. i am ecstatic. >> reporter: dwight proving that you're never too old to rewrite your own story. marissa parra, nbc news. when we come back, there is more good news tonight about the a father and son after hundreds of hours in the cockpit together. the full-circle moment for a father and son after hundreds of hours in the cockpit together. she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. sometimes she'd fidget with her fingers, get suddenly overwhelmed, and even throw things. and that was just never her. so we asked her doctor what else we could do. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death;
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tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ there's good news tonight about spending time with the people we love and the father and son who took family bonding to new heights. 30,000 feet to be exact. these copilots making
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each other laugh and making memories of a lifetime. >> when you look at the kid sitting in the right seat of the airplane, oh my god, this is awesome. >> reporter: tom and eric lake aren't just coworker, they're father and son. >> we talk almost every day, usually about flying or something, you know, something that's going on in our lives. we're really close family. >> reporter: a family grounded in love. but never grounded. tom teaching eric how to fly when he was growing up. eric following in his father's footsteps. joining the air force at 25. and when eric flew his first flight as a pilot for delta in 2018, guess who was at the controls with him. since then the two spending more than 500 hours together in the sky. this was on memorial day and they flew on christmas. eric even turning down a promotion so he could remain his dad's co-pilot. >> i decided i'm going to stick with him and fly with him and have that experience. >> did you ever look
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over and think that's really my dad in the cockpit next to me. >> i did. i really cherished it, because i knew that this was going to come to an end at some point. >> reporter: that point came this month when tom retired after 34 years with delta airlines. eric wanted to make sure it was a day his dad would never forget. >> thank you for making it special. >> reporter: passengers and crewmembers thanking tom for his service. >> thank you for your service. >> reporter: a water cannon salute to send him off and the most meaningful tribute, six years after tom flew in eric's first flight in the cockpit, his son joining his dad on his last. >> everybody was there and it was like, my god, this was all for me. i'm just an old delta pilot moving on. they made it so special. it was the greatest day of my aviation career. >> eric, how does your dad inspire you. >> he is the best pilot that i have ever known. i think if i can even
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do half of what he's done, i think i'm doing something right. >> looks like they are both doing something right. that's "nightly news" for this sunday. lester holt will be back tomorrow. for all of us here at nbc news, i'm hallie jackson. thanks for watching and have a great week.
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three. the questions being raised about his condition and reaction from demonstrators here in the bay area plus is a site uniquely san francisco wacky and wild costumes take over the streets.


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