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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  May 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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see irvine tonight. this. what you're looking at now is the aftermath of a tense standoff at irvine. still, a lot to clean up. pro-palestinian protesters clashing with police. the encampment there now cleared after multiple arrests were made and things got heated earlier this evening as a big contingent of officers moved in. multiple agencies, breaking through a barricade on campus to clear out a building that protesters had taken over. the students are being told to avoid the area and they say tomorrow classes will happen online. some pretty tense there. here at home, a new protest at uc berkeley, dozens of pro-palestinian protesters occupying a uc owned building. this is right near people's park. they took over the fire, damaged building this afternoon. now the encampment at sproul plaza has been cleared out. that happened yesterday. but now you have this unfold. nbc bay area's terry mcsweeney joins us from the new protest with the very latest teri. yeah, i'm going to
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be estimating about 50 or 60 demonstrators have taken over this building. behind me. you can see some are actually in front of the building camping out in tents. some have been going in and out of that building as the evening went on. uc berkeley is calling this simply a crime scene, and even some people's park protesters have a problem with what's going on out here. mullin palestine chanting coming from the previously vacant building near the uc berkeley campus, the occupiers brought signs about the war in gaza. a woman with a bullhorn demanding an end to occupation, an amnesty for protesters and abolish the ucpd cops off campus. it's hot breaking to say people are dying. babies are dying, children pregnant, mothers, husbands and their older relatives. what kind of a madness is that? a uc berkeley spokesperson says this group of mostly non-students is not connected with the protesters who left their encampment at
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sproul plaza yesterday after reaching an agreement with the university. one protester says this takeover is because today is nakba day, a day palestinians remember hundreds of thousands of their people being displaced in 1948. today is also the 55th anniversary of the people's park riots. in 1969, which happened just one block from here when people's park protesters says the occupiers of this building should not be just a one issue group. i mind when it becomes insular and local. issues like people's park get swept under the rug and nothing happens. university says it's not going to comment on what it may or may not do about the takeover of the university's building, we do know that there is a police and security guard presence, very low profile presence in the area tonight. live in berkeley. terry mcsweeney nbc, bay area news now at san jose state,
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pro-palestinian protesters also marched on campus tonight demanding the university divest from israel. the students are camping out on tower lawn, where the tommie smith and john carlos statues are located. tonight. they invited the artist behind those statues to speak. this monument at the center of san jose state university celebrates the very thing that's happening right now. when we did the monument, we left an empty spot for the students to step on and use it for their own advocacy. university says they told the students to leave the encampment last night and that they are now violating it's quote, time, place and manner policy. now the university released a statement saying in part, we are seeking opportunities for dialog with our students and organizers to reach a peaceful resolution. some other headlines tonight. did you see anything? antioch police need help to figure out what happened to a man who was found dead on a sidewalk. it all
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started this morning just after 7:00. police responded to a call on country hills drive that's near the antioch health center. they found that man on the sidewalk. an autopsy will be performed to find out how he died. police say if you happen to drive through that area overnight or this morning and have dash cam video, please give them a call. seven months after a cruz robotaxi dragged a woman in san francisco. we're learning the company is about to pay up. multiple reports say cruz has reached a settlement with the woman agreeing to pay anywhere from 8 to $12 million. now, according to cruz, the woman was hit by a separate human driver and thrown in front of the robotaxi. but instead of staying in place, that cruz car tried to pull over and dragged the woman. as a consequence, 20ft, causing critical injuries. after losing its self-driving permit and freezing its fleet nationwide, cruz now plans to resume testing this year, starting in phoenix, with human safety drivers in the car. all right, here comes the
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sunshine. summer vacation approaching and plenty of outdoor activities. but be warned here tick season is also here. lyme disease experts say % ticks due to the longer than usual rainy season. here's nbc's pete serratos. the fog is thick at tilden park but is not stopping many from enjoying an evening hike. however, the moisture in the air could mean more tick sightings than usual. don't do a lot of prevention. and, i just check my body for ticks after going for a hike. they like moist, more foggy areas. and, and they like wooded , leafy areas more than the chaparral. dry areas of the bay area. linda giampa is the executive director of the bay area lyme foundation. she says ticks thrive in wet conditions, and with the rainy season in the bay area extending into may, she expects tick season to last through july, which is why she's
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cautioning hikers in areas such as tilden park to stay in the middle of the path away from grasslands, be sure to check for ticks on family members and pets. and once you get home, throw your clothes in the dryer. ticks are not killed by your laundry or showers or are, they are killed in a hot, a hot dryer. linda says tick season will begin to wind down as conditions get drier. she expects bay area counties to put out advisories regarding the uptick in ticks in the coming weeks, but some hikers are already prepared. just don't be near. like certain plants or like certain bushes or trees. like don't get too close because realistically, that's how they're going to jump on you in the east bay. pete serratos, nbc. bay area news. a proposed new ordinance could soon force unhoused people living along santa clara county creeks to leave. valley water says creekside camps are posing a growing hazard to the environment. look at that. crews recently hauled off nearly 800 tons of debris from creekside
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land and waterways. now, the proposed ordinance would ban creekside camping along 295 miles of property that the district owns and manages in santa clara county, and the idea is to, protect the natural resources in the area to reverse the effects of the amount of garbage, trash, debris, hazardous materials that are entering the waterways. if the district board approves the ordinance, it could take effect as early as this summer. the public, however, will get a chance to weigh in this friday at 1 p.m. at valley water headquarters. she went there to help, and now she's stuck there. a bay area doctor trapped in gaza. perhaps her only hope right now is federal intervention. here's nbc's gia vang. it's no longer there. the same sign, doctor sheikholeslami stood out when she arrived in gaza. not after israeli tanks drove over it when it seized the rafah crossing more than a week
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ago. her brother. last night, she did speak to her daughter and had some text to us, and we were encouraged that she's doing well and she's in good spirits. but she was really worried about the you know, they're really low on medical equipment and supplies. the san carlos doctor at sutter health is also worried about her patients who depend on her in the bay area. she left at the end of april on a two week mission with a group of other doctors. she was supposed to come back monday through the now closed rafah border crossing between egypt and southern gaza, which has been a vital route for aid. we have to reopen the border, we have to stop the violence and we have to get both our health workers out and other doctors back in because, you know, the people of palestine really need the services. what the family needs is for their congressional representative and the state department to step in. congresswoman anna eshoo has spoken to the family on the phone. in a statement to us, she said, i'm doing everything i can to help my constituent doctor, sheikholeslami and the other 19
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american doctors get home from gaza. i'm in daily touch with the family and the state department to get these heroic americans home. but when is still a question. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu told our partners at cnbc. there i-5 operation will likely last for weeks, acknowledging the rift it's creating with some nations, including the u.s. yes, we do have a disagreement on gaza and rather on rafah. but we have to do what we have to do. the intense part of the fighting, the smashing of the battalions, is just weeks away. it doesn't take that long. his firm stance stoking fears over the safety of palestinian civilians and others there to help, like doctor sheikholeslami gia vang, nbc, bay area news president biden thanked the men and women and families of fallen law enforcement. today, national peace officers memorial service is held in d.c. annual event honors the members of law enforcement who gave their lives in the line of duty. during the ceremony, the president hailed those officers for their courage, their service, and their sacrifice. among those remembered today, oakland officer tuan lei lei was shot
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and killed while responding to a burglary back in december. lei was the 54th oakland police officer killed in the line of duty. alameda county district attorney pamela price is responding to last night's big vote, where the county board of supervisors decided the date of her recall election will be part of the november 5th general ballot. this is a victory for the people of alameda county. this is a win for democracy. the embattled da and her supporters praised the board of supervisor for not approving a separate special election. she also shot back at critics who claim she's soft on crime. the da says her office has prosecuted people at a higher rate than her predecessor, and she blasted recall organizers, saying their efforts are being fueled by misinformation. those organizers say the november 5th election date has a significant is a milestone. okay, all this accusation is not going to help
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her anymore, okay? the reality is she will be recalled. and she also faces, recall election. one thing i have to say stop using our tax dollars and using your office hours and campaigning. now, if the recall on november 5th is successful, the supervisors would then appoint a new da to carry out the remainder of price's term. south bay teachers rallied today, calling for better pay to keep up with their bay area's high cost of living. teachers lined up outside los gatos high school, their union is negotiating with the saratoga high school district, but the teachers say they used to be the best paid educators in the area. now they can't even afford to live with their students. do. the district tells us it looks forward to continuing negotiations that are both beneficial and fiscally responsible for the community. we are back in 60s up next is crime in oakland really going down? that's what published
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crime reports show. but our investigative unit has uncovered major gaps in the data. we'll fill you in. plus, the countdown is on to the nfl season. and the 40 niners just made an announcement. you are going to want to hear. and of course, we've got that fog lingering around the coastline 56 degrees right now. what can we expect overnight and into your thursday morning commute? sounds like a chge ofan
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on social media today, welcoming chief floyd mitchell to the oakland family. this ceremony, private, but the mayor says a public ceremony is in the works, so chief floyd can officially be introduced to the community. so are we getting the real story when it comes to the oakland police department? from homicides to shootings to car break ins, op pd says crime is
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down this year. at least that's what their published crime reports show. but our investigative unit started digging around into opd's data and found some major gaps that span years. let's bring in investigative reporter candice nguyen, candice, this information is from the oakland police department's crime reports, where you'll find the latest car break ins each week. during this one week in april, just ten car break ins. if that sounds too good to be true, it is. another day in oakland. it happens so quick. hey hey hey, another day hoping your car is spared. it happens all the time. it's blatant and it's out of control. according to our analysis of opd's raw crime data, people have reported about 20 car break ins every day. this year. but you might miss that detail if you looked at the department's weekly crime summary posted on their website.
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it take this week in april, for instance, opd's public crime reports show just ten break ins. but if you look at the actual number of reports for that week, they show 58 break ins. and we found this troubling inconsistency has been going on for years. let's look at three years ago in 2021, in this first week of november, opd's weekly crime report shows 14 car break ins. the following week eight, then four, and then three. that's about 30 car break ins for the entire month of november. but when we look through the actual crime reports for that month, we found about 30 car break ins each day, meaning opd was underreporting the numbers by nearly 97. we asked oakland police to talk with us about this issue, but they declined and they told us they eventually true up all that extra crime data by adding the excess reports in their year to date columns. so although the
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weekly and monthly stats may be wrong, they get it right by the end of the year, they say. our review shows that appears to be essentially true, but that makes the weekly and monthly crime numbers basically meaningless. police data are complicated, and they're often very messy. jacob kramer is a senior policing researcher. he worked as an analytics supervisor for the tucson police department and says law enforcement need timely, accurate data to respond to crimes for instance, to staff up patrols at car break in hotspots. so there's a lot of, missed opportunity when the data is not put together in a in an actionable or useful way for departments, but also for communities. so why is opd's crime data so far behind? in their statement, police told us they use an online tool called cop logic. it allows people to report crime incidents when it's most convenient to them, which means some people don't report right away. according to city officials like council member
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janani ramachandran, the department is understaffed so they might enter information into the system long after some reports come in. and rather than try and add each to the week, it actually happened again, they just add them all into year. to date, we don't have the police record specialists and some of these, you know, behind the scenes, but incredibly important roles that aren't being filled a city staff report from february lists dozens of open civilian staff positions, including crime records, specialists, evidence technicians and crime analysts. it's infuriating to see that we can't get our basic records management systems down, to be able to present a clear picture of what's going on. agencies are understaffed nowadays, kramer says. although agencies want to be proactive, they often end up being reactive. and oakland, unfortunately, is an example of that. oakland officials tell us they recently hired a new hr
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director to start filling those civilian police department vacancies. a big step to help those numbers add up. again with the investigative unit. i'm candace. when nbc. thank you candace, if you have a story for our investigative unit, you can call candace or you can reach us at 888996 tips. you can visit our website, nbc bay okay, let's turn our attention to the weather. vianey arana is here. as we inch toward the weekend and it's exciting. we start to smile a little more. i know right the middle of the week one thing that we've seen lingering all day long, though, starting since monday, really has been that marine layer, especially around the coastline. so we're going to be heading to the city. this is something that's going to stick around for quite some time now. let's talk about your temperatures. right now it's about 54 degrees and your microclimate forecast. we do have some changes ahead and it's going to include a change in those temperatures now. right now in san jose we're at about 59 degrees now. we had an overall pleasant warm day. we got up into the 70s and the 80s. right now we're in the 50s, but
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we've still got some 60s. look at this and south san jose overall satellite radar painting, a mostly calm picture throughout. but you're going to notice in the next couple of hours overnight into early tomorrow, especially around that early morning commute, a chance for some drizzle around the coastline, primarily areas, you know, around san francisco, half moon bay stretching down through santa cruz as well, but also into portions of santa rosa, san rafael. and you'll notice the fog stretches further inland as well, including concord, fairfield. we had some low visibility, limited down through gilroy, less than five miles. we could see that once again heading into tomorrow, so be mindful of this now. as far as the wind speeds go, it's also been somewhat breezy at times. you probably notice your allergies acting up. we're going to see that breeze continue into tomorrow at around 8:00. you'll notice 1315 plus at times in the 20 plus mile per hour range, but your daytime highs for tomorrow are going to be once again on the warmer side for inland areas. san jose 82 degrees in through livermore 82. meanwhile
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areas like hayward 75, oakland 71. in san francisco in those 60s. now the long range outlook right now does show the warmth lingers till about friday. but by the time we get to saturday, we do get the influence of a cooler air mass that's going to pass to our north. what that's going to do for us here is it's going to drop our daytime highs down by just a bit, but it'll be more noticeable in inland areas that saw those mid and upper 80s. we're going to be maxing out in the upper 70s heading into saturday and sunday. it will be much cooler. we're also going to notice the winds pick up, especially leading into sunday. by the time we inch closer towards next week, san francisco will also be in those mid 60s low 60s. by the time we get to sunday. so raj, your weekend forecast does look fantastic. it looks good, mild and nice. comfortable. thank you. vienna got it. up next. standing on your tippy toes. it's not going to work for this. how do you feed a giraffe? yes. we're going to show you the new device being used at the oakland zoo. and we have jimmy. hey,
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everyone. will forte is my guest tonight. plus, we have ashby, panetta merkerson, miranda rae, mayo, and jason beghe from nbc's chicago med fire and pd, plus a performance from broadway's the great g a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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as violating federal air standards as its fremont factory environmental democracy project filed a lawsuit in san francisco federal court this week. now, it claims that tesla has exposed residents workers in the area surrounding the fremont factory to excess amounts of air pollution, including nitrogen oxide, arsenic and other harmful chemicals. the group also claims that the areas where the cars are painted are the main source of those violations. we reached out to tesla about the lawsuit today, but we have yet to hear back. terminal one at sfo is getting a big time makeover. this is the harvey milk terminal. we're getting a sneak peek at the final product. the project is years in the making and it will cost $2.5 billion. this is the fourth and final phase of construction. alaska airlines will be moving into the new terminal, and there's going to be a new walkway that will connect all the sfo terminals. the official unveiling is next
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month. okay. the oakland zoo is taking its giraffe feeding to new heights thanks to donations. zoo posted this video showing the new giraffe feeding system on social media. keepers fill the ball with treats, then use pulleys to lift them up a tree. the zoo says it paid for the feeders, using money raised during a donation challenge. over the last few months, the zoo collected $10,000 from the public and that money was matched by denis dominique family, bringing the total to $20,000. if you've never fed a giraffe when you give it the food, they like to take your whole hand in and then their tongues are really raspy. i like the camera angle on that right there. up next, they had to win this game and they had one of
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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the giants beat the dodgers tonight. and they did it in true giant style pitching, pitching and some clutch moments. let's take you to the ballpark. hey, that is friendship. we can all get along there. giants and dodgers. bottom of the third inning. mike yastrzemski hitless in his last five games. not anymore. they need his bat. and
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he came through tonight. this is a two run homer. giants took a quick two. nothing lead. all right, fourth inning. now this might be the defensive play of the season luis matos raw lobs teoscar hernandez of the home run. watch it again in slow motion. watch that tiffany blue glove leap up and literally take away this home run. gets right there and nabs it logan webb the pitcher says oh my gosh way to go. he pitched six scoreless innings by the way ninth inning. it got dicey. the dodgers had the tying run at the plate freddie freeman though grounds into the game ending ground out there. camilo duvall with the save. giants avoid the sweep. they beat la for the first time this season. final score tonight, 4 to 1. the a's in houston. the astros just dominated this game from start to finish. bottom of the first inning houston gets on the board with this double and error by zack gelof. he throws the second. so altuve just comes in from third. astros win it three
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to nothing. the a's have lost four games in a row. all right make your plans for the fall. the nfl schedule was released today, and the 49ers have some marquee matchups as they should. take a look among the big games here. week one monday night football at levi's stadium against the jets. that's september 9th. then another showdown with the chiefs. that's also at levi's october 10th. and how about two games right here on nbc bay area sunday night football? yep, 49ers and cowboys. october 27th at levi's. and then december 1st in buffalo on a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. hundred since it opened in 1924. more than 68 million people have been on the ride. the boardwalk is going to be celebrating the historic coaster all summer long. visitors will be able to ride it for a dollar every wednesday through august. there's going to be fireworks marking the anniversary this saturday night. one of the most popular wooden roller coasters in the country cost $50,000 to make in 1920. wow. i


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