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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  May 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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legal troubles, but it's not facing voters. the new poll numbers showing former president trump with a considerable edge over president biden in some key swing states, plus apple and google teaming up to bring an end to trackers stalking the new software update that could make it harder for criminals to track people with airtags. welcome back everyone. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm jessica aguirre. tonight the chp is investigating after two pro-palestinian advocates say they were attacked while holding a banner over 101. they say that confrontation was caught on camera. nbc bay area's ian cull takes us through what happened next crime was committed on may 5th on a menlo
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park pedestrian overpass. it's not hurt us. please. hey. please see, like on my friend kira says this is video of that crime. they say the man you see here tore down two banners, put up by two volunteers with the northern california islamic council calling for peace in gaza. then he tried to throw it on the freeway. someone's gonna get injured by doing that to support hamas. do you know that. do yous kill more kids in israel? care also claims the man grabbed one of the two demonstrators backpack and threw it on to 101, then did the same with their hat and later with a pair of their sunglasses. that's not okay. we are very concerned that these incidents are continuing and in some cases, escalating for cair's bay area office. she says it's the third incident like this in the bay area since
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the israel hamas war began. it's important that chp and other local law enforcement investigate and move quickly. that is, in fact, how our community will feel safer. the chp confirms that it responded and interviewed the man involved along with witnesses, but ultimately let him go. they did take a police report and are investigating, but so far no arrests have been made. ian cull nbc, bay area news. san jose state university students have set up an encampment on campus demanding transparency from the university. it began around 330 this afternoon. the students say the school has not addressed what they call genocide in gaza, and feel the university has been silent on this issue. they started a sit in last week and then today set up this encampment. they are asking to stop the silence and asking the university to divest funds from israel. the california faculty association, or cfa, signed a resolution last week saying they
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stand against oppression and solidarity with the pro-palestinian movement. and a faculty member tells us the university branch of the cfa has not recognized this resolution. unfortunately, our local union, the sdsu cfa, has refused to tell its local membership about this historic resolution and won't even publish the historic resolution on any of its public web pages so that our faculty here on this campus can know about it. so we're working against many layers of silences on this campus about the genocide. this is the first official encampment by pro-palestinian students at san jose state. and it follows a nationwide trend. encampments at uc berkeley and stanford university have already been in place for weeks. meanwhile, in gaza, food is dwindling. un workers say no food shipment has entered the southern region. this is hundreds of thousands of refugees rushed to get out of that southern city of rafah. fighting between israel and hamas has stretched south with the israeli military warning
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refugees to leave their. almost 1.4 million people are sheltering in rafah, many already pushed from their homes in the north, where fighting continues in that northern areas of gaza. as well. former president trump is doubling down on plans for what he calls an upper class tax cut. if he wins the november election. at a rally in new jersey over the weekend, the former president said he'll instate broad tax cuts, including for the higher class and businesses. the comments draw an even greater distinction between mr. trump and his challenger, president biden, who said he would eliminate tax cuts that benefit households earning more than $400,000, and that he would raise taxes on rich americans and large corporations. a poll of six swing states released today finds that mr. trump is eclipsing mr. biden in five of those states, several of the states trump's lead is outside that margin of error. so let's bring in our political analyst, larry gersten. okay, so six
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states at this point, we are still many months away. is it how serious should we take this situation? well, you never want to be down. you'd rather be up. and these are six swing states. that word is very critical swing because each of the states will go back and forth with most elections. joe biden did great winning them all last time around. but look what happens now. he's down in five and the only one he's up is michigan. and that's by a single point, which is well within the margin of error. trump, on the other hand, is up by 11 points in arizona, seven points and eight points in nevada. these are big changes here. and for now it does not look good for president biden because if he loses these states, everything else stays the same. he loses the election. is there any connection that you can make between the data in these states? yeah, they asked a couple of questions. and this is a time siena survey to take just a couple of days ago. and one of the questions they asked the folks in these six states was, well, what do you think about the conviction? will he be convicted? trump? will he not be
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convicted? take a look. only 35% say he's going to be convicted. most of them a majority, clear majority say no, he's not going to be. but i think the more interesting question was the next question that is, well, do you think this is fair to take on president trump and put him through all this? former president trump, i should say. and they said no, as a matter of fact, 54. it's not fair. 45% said it is fair. look, you take these data and you plug it in with all the other stuff we know. and you can see why these six states are feeling this way. at least five out of six for sure. right. and we're referring to the hush money trial, which is whether president trump falsified business records to cover up payments made to a payments allegedly made to stormy daniels. right, right. so the trial is continuing. how what could is there anything that we think could impact or change people's minds according to the data that you saw? it's very interesting. for one thing, former president trump is campaigning like there's no tomorrow. you say, what do you mean, campaigning? he's only had three events. no, he's campaigning every day at the court when he goes in at lunch, when he comes out at the end and
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the government, the prosecution doesn't say much at all b helpi. the second thing, people don't like government these days. they're angry, they're angry, they're angry. and government. and trump, of course, is anti-government. the third thing in this survey, what were the most important issues? well, the economy, immigration, abortion was third. but on two of those three, trump is way ahead of biden. and what this question about democracy the democrats pose so often it's about democracy. only 5% in that survey said democracy is important. so on these people's important issues, it's trump. you put these things all together. the biden campaign has a lot of work to do, particularly in these swing districts. all right. thank you very much, larry gersten, november elections approaching quickly. we want to help you plan your vote. our sister station, telemundo, is teaming up with the hispanic federation to answer your questions. in fact, they're holding a phone bank tomorrow from nine in the morning until 630. call the number on your screen. that way
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you can plan your vote. thank you. larry. jessica county public health directors and frontline workers are pushing back on state budget cuts. the directors and workers held a virtual news conference to call on state lawmakers to reject governor newsom's proposed $300 million in cuts to public health. governor newsom says the state has a budget shortfall and that, according to the sakb quote, we have to be sober about the reality of what our priorities are. the opponents argue the cuts would limit california's ability to fight another pandemic. just emerging from one pandemic and now dealing with avian influenza, a virus that the cdc says has pandemic potential, not to mention resurgent measles, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. now is the time to stay committed to funding our local health departments, not to cut funding. governor newsom and lawmakers have about another month to pass a budget. the port of baltimore
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is getting closer to opening up to shipping traffic. i want to show you demolition crews. they exploded a section of the baltimore bridge today. that container ship you see there slammed into that bridge. two months ago in march. the bridge debris and the ship have been blocking the entrance to the port ever since. the next step is to move this ship out of the way. baltimore leaders say they plan to open the port by the end of this month. now, there were some who, when we were here weeks ago, looked at the complexity of this operation and said, this is going to take months in order to clear this channel. well, here we are now. we've been able to get it done in a matter of weeks. the collision killed six construction workers who were on the bridge at the time. divers pulled the last of the bodies from the water just last week. apple and google are partnering up to track airtags safety. as you know, airtags are used to track personal belongings like you can put them in your
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luggage, you can put them in a bag or something like that. apple though, says. and google says there are some downsides, which you know about. criminals are using the devices to track people. sometimes they steal from them. so the companies are unveiling a plan to stop it. apple and google will send alerts to iphone and android users, telling them that there is a tracking device nearby, and the alert will give them instructions on how to find the tracker and disable it. the messages will be sent out starting today. up next, our very own raj mathai honored at the state capitol. today we're going to take you there for the special award he received today. what does your bank know about you? turns out quite a bit. and they'll show you if you ask to see. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll show you how next. and we're enjoying a cooler evening compared to 24 hours ago in walnut creek, 75 degrees chilly, 55 with drizzle on the way to san francisco. but
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these temperatures rebound ahead and warmp in that u7-
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thing. just like credit reports, you can see your file for free consumer investigator chris comer is here to show us how you can do it. recently, i ordered what i'm calling my banking bio. here's a sample report. no, i'm not going to show you my real one. sorry. this report has years of bits and pieces banks have collected about you and quietly stored. the federal government requires them to give you free access to it. if you ask if something's wrong on your report, a bank might deny transactions. put limits on your account, or even close it. so let's get your report. go to early several banks own early warning. it's most well known for operating zelle anyway, to see what early warning knows about you, start on the home page in the upper right corner. click the button that says your consumer report.
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you'll see a flowchart. we chose the option in the middle that says, we'd just like to see the report. from there, you can either call on the right or fill out a form on the left. my call took just 6.5 minutes. no waiting a rep collected basic information, including my social security number. then she sent a text message and i replied with a copy of my driver's license. that was it. a few days later, early warning emailed me my report. it looked just like the sample we showed you in the beginning with detailed banking data down to the month. if this sample report were mine, i'd be concerned about the account that said it was closed for cause. if there's an error, early warning says you can contact them to understand the report and take action to fix it. okay, so you may have noticed that raj isn't here today not to do the news, but there's a good reason for it. yes, the aapi legislative caucus took a moment to honor those who have made huge contributions to the aapi community in california. state assembly member ash kalra recommended our own raj mathai,
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and he told us he wanted to recognize raj as a trailblazer in the community and how raj has become a role model for south asian people across california. when i grew up, i didn't see people that looked like us. on the evening news. so he's providing such great mentorship and is an incredible role model for folks that see people that look like them. that representation is so important. and he's an extraordinary leader . assembly member kalra continue to tell us how proud he is of raj, how deserving is of this honor. and it's like, yeah, we know because we feel the same. yes. congrats. super excited. it's so great to have that video. congratulations. i want to keep them there. yeah. he's very maybe as a political future we don't know okay. let's talk about our weather this week. it certainly has cooled down since saturday. and big parts of yesterday and the fog and the mist already coming back into san francisco today, though likely to be the coolest day of the week as that sea breeze picked up led to the cooler temperatures yesterday. and if you're heading out this evening,
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it is jacket weather again. the weekend did start off fairly warm, but the cooldown now in full effect around the bay area. as you're about to see in our evening temperatures. san jose right now. not too bad. 71 degrees clear skies, but as we head around the bay. yeah, it's cooler in walnut creek this hour. we're in the low 80s 75, so not quite jacket weather just yet around contra costa county, but it is as you get closer to the inner bay 60 currently in oakland and look across the bay over to san francisco and the tops of the downtown buildings already disappearing into the low clouds. 55 degrees a chilly wind out of the west at 21mph. and those winds will eventually, as you saw in san francisco, push the low clouds across the bay all the way inland to solano county and the altamont pass as you wake up tomorrow morning. now, we do have some active weather off to the east. and perhaps if you're in those east bay counties or east of san jose, you can see these tall thunderstorms up to 40,000ft tall, showing up very well on the radar view and the satellite radar view drifting to the west.
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however, as we lose the heating of the day, what's left of those thunderstorms will likely just bring some high clouds our way as we head towards tonight and.e after noon tomorrow area. but if you're wondering where those high clouds are coming from, from east to west, there's your source there across the sierra. now, as you wake up tomorrow morning, lots of low clouds, some drizzle to start, some wet roadways possible along the coast and the peninsula for the morning commute, and then for the afternoon clearing skies and a little bit of a warm up in the forecast. getting started for the inland valleys for tomorrow. so morning temperatures will be in the 50s. lunchtime pretty nice. pretty close to the high temperatures we had today. and a few spots los gatos heading over to fairfield and vacaville tomorrow and clear lake in ukiah into the 80s. now wednesday and thursday likely to be the warmest days of the week. you can see it right there on the 7-day forecast at the bottom of the screen. i think thursday
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might have the best chance for the warmest temperatures with 70s around oakland, low 80s in san jose. but unlike last week where we jumped up into the 90s not going to warm up a whole lot low to mid 80s inland thursday and then friday. cooler changes, kind of like we're seeing right now at sea breeze is going to pick back up. we're going to see more low clouds courtesy of this area of low pressure approaching for the weekend. so as the onshore winds pick up and some clouds will be on the increase saturday and sunday, that's likely to lead to a downward trend in temperatures moving forward into the weekend. so areas of drizzle next few mornings. very summerlike pattern with 50s and 60s around the coast in san francisco. warmer wednesday and thursday and then more weekend cooling, but without the rain in the forecast saturday and sunday. overall, pretty pleasant weather . not too hot and not too cold right there in the very springlike. there you go. thanks, rob. coming up next. in sports, an injury report for giants outfielder jong ho. lee, how long he may be out after dislocating his shoulder during yesterday's games against the reds
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list. the team added a new name this afternoon. center fielder jong ho lee. now on the ten day injured list, he dislocated his shoulder trying to make this catch in yesterday's game. lee will meet with a doctor tonight to talk about what they should do, and the giants say they'll have a better idea of a
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timetable and rehab options tomorrow. tonight, dodgers star shohei ohtani will appear at oracle park for the first time since his mega million contract with the dodgers. remember, he picked la over the giants in free agency this past winter after missing two games against the padres due to a minor back injury. shohei is expected to return to the lineup tonight. we'll have to wait and see if the blue outnumber the orange and black in the seats at oracle park tonight. first pitch at 645. we got our first nfl game of the season, and opening night is right here on nbc bay area. mike tirico made the exclusive reveal this morning on today, so we'll see baltimore and kansas city, a rematch of the afc championship game to start the season. kick off 2024 on nbc. as you see right there. thursday, september fifth thursday, september 5th. ravens and chiefs no word yet on who will play the first sunday night football game of the season. of course, that's on nbc bay area. the full schedule will be released this wednesday. okay. bronny james appears to be ready to join his
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father in the nba's planning to stay in the 2024 nba draft after being medically cleared to play in the league last july. remember this? he went into cardiac arrest during practice at usc. bronny is the son of lakers superstar lebron james. he is projected to be a second round pick. up next, actor steve buscemi attacked on a new york city sidewalk. the search now underway for the suspect, who randomly punched him over the weekend. quick reminder you can access nbc bay area news anytime you want. we're on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch live breaking news, news conferences, and also some repeats of our newscast norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what?
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but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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in movies like fargo, the big lebowski and reservoir dogs. on wednesday, police say someone punched the actor in the face as he was walking in midtown. he was treated for bruising and swelling on his face. no arrests have been made. police did release a photo of the suspect in hopes of tracking him down, but he says he's okay and he appreciates everyone's well wishes. a string of out-of-control wildfires raging through canada right now. the flames just over a mile away from a town called fort nelson
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in northern british columbia. the fire has already burned an area the size of malibu, with strong winds fanning those flames. the wildfire is the biggest of several fires, threatening many canadian cities. those fires sparking several air quality alerts on both sides of the border from british columbia to minnesota. according to the minnesota pollution control agency, heavy smoke moved into the northern parts of the state on sunday. look at all that thick black smoke. however, officials say a shift in the wind good news could mean clearer skies in minnesota as soon as tonight. the olympic torch is literally gliding its way from southern france to paris. professional french skater tag kris carried it across one of the country's most iconic bridges, one and a half mile cable stayed bridge stretches across mario the viaduct. the olympic flame is on the fifth leg of the relay. other torch bearers then carried it to other nearby cities like montpellier. the flame should reach corsica tomorrow. the paris olympics, now 74 days away, and you'll be there in
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maybe 67 days. perhaps yes. we can't wait. terry mcsweeney joins us now with what's coming up next. all right. right now at six, connecting caltrain to downtown san francisco, a huge federal boost is speeding up the effort to extend those tracks, but they still need billions more. the questions being raised about why this project is so expensive. plus, families of san quentin inmates get the green light to sue the state. what california did during the pandemic that families say led to deaths among inmates, and a warning out on the waters after a few deaths in northern california waterways this past week. why snowmelt is making some rivers more dangerous. the news six starts right now. thanks for joining us. i'm jessica aguirre and i'm terry mcsweeney. an ambitious plan to connect caltrain to downtown san francisco just got a big boost from the federal government. we're talking about nearly $4 billion, but some critics point
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out if the project happens, it will be one of the most expensive two mile stretches of public transit ever built in the united states. as for why it's so expensive, here's nbc bay area sergio quintana. if you build it, they will come. that was a bit of the philosophy when the san francisco transit center was built below the street level bus concourse is another massive structur accommodate trains, but the trains can't get there. currently the hope was funding to connect the station to the trains would eventually come together. the transbay joint powers authority is the agency that hopes to make that happen. after a meeting with transportation policymakers in washington, dc last week, the head of the agency offered a very positive update during a recent board meeting. they have accepted the portal into the engineering phase of the capital investment grant. this is something we've been working for a number of years now, and it comes with a federal commitment of $3.38 billion, to the portal project, according to the
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agency. that's almost half of the nearly $8 billion price tag. the portal will be a tunnel to be dug from the current caltrain station to the salesforce transit center, which is nearly two miles away. it's actually closer as the crow flies, but the tunneling will zigzag under the city a bit. in this animation from the agency, you can see how the trains will go underground, then turn under second street and then eventually arrive at the transit center under natoma and many streets. according to tjpa board vice chairman supervisor rafael mandelman, the cost of the 2.4 mile tunnel has ballooned over the years, in part because of inflation, and unfortunately, that number will continue to climb the longer it takes to get the project started. right now, the agency is still short 2 to $3 billion. regular public transit riders say those costs are staggering, but say they remain supportive of anything that leads to more accessible public transit. i like lower taxes, so if the if they're, you know, planning to fund that by increasing our taxes, i'd say, you know, do


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