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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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were past the fight and the fallout over a sign. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our ian cull is digging for more details on that video. we just showed you. he's going to be joining us in just a little bit. we're also tracking other stories on this monday, including a new protest on a bay
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area campus. we're going to be showing you the group who's descended upon san jose state pushing for the end of the war in gaza, also connecting caltrain to the salesforce transit hub in san francisco. our sadio quintana fills us in on what's speeding up the effort to extend the train tracks and pushing back against budget cuts , the group saying. governor newsom's revised budget will make us more susceptible to another pandemic. but let's go ahead and begin this afternoon with that video of the confrontation on a freeway overpass. the chp right now is investigating after two pro-palestinian advocates say they were attacked while holding a banner over 101 nbc bay area's ian cull has been looking through that video for us, talking with officers as well. ian, can you go ahead and take us through what exactly happened there? yeah. so those two men were on a menlo park overpass on may fifth and say that they were assaulted and harassed. what? you don't understand what? you don't don't take a picture. okay
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today, the council on american islamic relations or care released this video. they allege a hate crime was committed, saying this man tore down two banners put up by volunteers with the northern california islamic council. they say the banner called for peace in gaza and another appears to say american struggle. while israel gets billions. now, kira claims the man then grabbed one of the two demonstrators backpacks and threw it on to 101. then did the same with their hat and later with a pair of their sunglasses. zara. below is the executive director for cair's bay area office. it's important that chp and other local law enforcement investigate and move quickly. that is, in fact, how our community will feel safer, and seeing that video. ian, it obviously got pretty intense there. so what are authorities saying? yeah. and though it happened in menlo park, the chp says that they are the investigating agency. they say someone spoke with the men involved on the day of the
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incident but did not make any arrests, adding that officers can't say any more because this is an ongoing investigation. kerr says it's the third incident like this, reported to them in the bay area since the israel-hamas war began. bailey tells us that demonstrators put up similar banners on this overpass from time to time, but there was nothing. when we stopped by. today, we'll dig a little deeper into the confrontation and reaction coming up at 530. okay, we'll see you then. ian. thanks so much. in the meantime, over in gaza, the israeli military is battling militants in the city of rafah in the southern region. over the past week, hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled that area. before the operation, the un estimated there were almost 1.4 million people sheltering in that city. food and supplies are running very low for displaced palestinians. there have been no fresh shipments of food through the two main border crossings in southern gaza for a week now, and back here at home, san jose state university students have
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set up an encampment on campus demanding transparency from the university. a rally actually just started about an hour ago. the students say that the school has not addressed what they call genocide in gaza. they feel the university has been silent on the issue. they started a sit in last week. you might remember now, today they say they will set up that encampment. demonstrators are asking for accountability while also asking the university to divest funds from israel in line with the nationwide university protest demands. so there are multiple layers of silences that are happening on this campus that the students feel particularly disturbed about. one of those involved, the california faculty association, or cfa. the group signed a resolution last week saying that they stand against oppression and solidarity with the pro-palestinian movement. some faculty members at sjsu say that the university branch of the cfa has not recognized this resolution. okay now to a story
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that's been years in the making, extending caltrain to reach downtown san francisco, project just cleared a major hurdle, getting billions of dollars in federal funding. but is all the construction and the money actually worth it? so let's go to bring in our sergio quintana live in san francisco? so the funding from the federal government is about $3.4 billion. the overall price for the project right now is just under $8 billion. so we're talking about a lot of money. but what they're trying to fund is something called the portal. it's basically about a two mile tunnel that kind of zigzags under san francisco and basically goes underground at the current caltrain station, and then extends all the way over to what the current transit center is now. if completed, this would be one of the most expensive public transportation tunnels ever built in the country at this point. and that's one of the reasons why,
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audrey, some people are raising questions about the costs. sure, one of the most expensive. it is a lot of money for two miles. i know you've been able to speak with a lot of people out there about this today. what are they telling you? what do they think about this whole thing? well, obviously the costs are something that they are very conscious of. we've talked to some of the riders of caltrain and, and other public transportation systems as well. they say that they recognize the costs of doing things in the bay area. and one of the reasons why those costs are going up, unfortunately, is because of inflation and other associated costs. and the people who are part of this agency say the longer it takes to get all the funding necessary to do it, unfortunately, the higher the price of the project is going to go. now what they do say is that they have most of the money to be able to start this project. they are still short about $2 billion. and unfortunately, the catch is they can't start
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construction until they bridge that gap. so we'll have a full report on this coming up on nbc bay area news at 6:00. but it's a very complicated and fascinating project that's ongoing. yeah sure is complicated, sergio, appreciate you explaining all of it. for us. looking forward to your full story at 6:00. we are learning this afternoon about some silicon valley companies making cuts. google and rivian automobile company will be laying off workers. google is set to lay off 57 employees in san francisco next month. this comes after the company announced it's closing its embarcadero office in the city next year, after rivian's also laying off 28 employees at its palo alto office. it's dealing with billions of dollars in losses. companies filed documents with the state employment development department alerting them to the layoffs. well, tomorrow, people in san jose will get to sound off on the growing debate over how to spend city housing funds. they were earmarked for permanent, affordable homes. but
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now the mayor and others want to use that money for temporary housing. mayor matt mahan wants money gathered from measure e, basically earmarked for permanent housing. he also wants it used for homelessness. homeless issues such as interim housing and cleaning up creeks polluted mainly by encampments. mayor made a similar proposal. similar proposal last year, triggering the heated debate. at one point, homeless advocates stormed the santa clara county association of realtors, blasting the group's call to use the funds for permanent housing. the association denied that accusation. this year, there is more support for the mayor because the city is facing major federal fines if it doesn't do more to reduce pollution caused by homeless encampments. there's always a trade off. if we had more dollars, we could do more of everything. we would hire more police officers. we would build more affordable housing. we would build more temporary shelter. we'd have longer library hours. there's a lot
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that we would do. there's a lot of difficult decisions that need to be made and some prioritizing in the long haul. i think this is going to be continuing to be a problem. as you know, affordability is a key issue in our area. the city is also looking at a budget deficit of more than $50 million. a public hearing on the issue is set for tomorrow afternoon. speaking of budget deficits, county public health directors and front line workers are pushing back on state budget cuts. they held a virtual news conference calling on state lawmakers to reject governor newsom's proposed $300 million in cuts to public health , according to the sakb. governor newsom says that we, quote, have to be sober about the reality of what our priorities are. while health leaders say the cuts would be a step backward when it comes to fighting diseases and would limit the state's ability to respond to another possible pandemic. just emerging from one pandemic and now dealing with
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avian influenza, a virus that the cdc says has pandemic potential, not to mention resurgent measles, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. now is the time to stay committed to funding our local health departments, not to cut funding. and the clock is ticking. governor newsom and lawmakers have about another month to pass a budget. still ahead, apple and google working hand in hand doesn't happen too often. the one problem the tech giants are trying to fix when it comes to airtags also, though, a new monument is coming to san jose. we'll show you why it is a big deal for the vietnamese community. but before we head to break, we want to know what. trending story would you like to see later on in this newscast? as usual, i do have a poll up right now on my instagram. you still have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories. you see right here. disneyland cracking down on the liars, a real life bambi and thumper. very cute. mcdonald's working on $5 value meal. we'll
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tell you all about the story
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and because he's had a very interesting day, he got a glimpse of how ai is now trying to be your friend. yeah, audrey, this is open ai, the san francisco startup that has really been at the forefront of artificial intelligence and machine learning and yes, now they showed how with your phone, you can have real time translation, a conversation, it can sing to you. it's both really interesting and frankly, a little bit creepy at the same time. i'm not gonna lie. well, yeah, if you could sing to you. i mean, i think it just takes it to another level. it really does. and the question is, is that level enough to really take away a lot of jobs or maybe even add jobs? there was audrey, actually a protest gathered outside of the company's headquarters during this event. we'll show you that as well. so kind of two sides right now as we grapple with just what i will
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mean in our society and our personal lives. oh for sure. what time can we see your full story? 5:00 really looking forward to that. scott, thanks so much. well, these two companies usually don't work together. apple and google, they now are. they're cracking down on airtag safety. you probably know airtags can be used to track personal belongings like luggage, but apple and google say there are some downsides. criminals are using those devices to track people, so the two companies are unveiling a new plan to stop this. so here's how it works. apple and google will send alerts to iphone and android users, telling them that there is a tracking device nearby. then the alert will give them instructions about how to find that tracker and disable it. the messages will be sent out starting today. well, this is an exciting project underway, centered around creating a safe space for the vietnamese community right here in the bay area. san jose city leaders came together this morning at the vietnamese heritage garden,
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rolled up their sleeves, got out some shovels for a groundbreaking ceremony for the thank you america monument statue installation. just one piece of a long term vision for that space that will one day host community events, cultural performances and educational programs. san jose mayor matt mahan spoke about what this means. it pays homage to the journey that thousands of families took to find a better life here in america, and it helps create that better life by providing a space for people to come together. this project has been decades in the making. the heritage garden was built back in 2011, and we continue to amplify the asian american, native hawaiian pacific islander community, and a new documentary is looking to shine a light on japanese americans who were placed in internment camps by the us government. here's nbc bay area's mike inouye. we know the phrase a picture is worth a
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thousand words, and it's definitely the case when it comes to the story of japanese americans during world war two. snapshots of confinement gives us a clearer image. they are not prisoners. they are not internees. they are merely dislocated people. well, they weren't allowed to leave either. detainees were forbidden from bringing cameras into the internment camps. most of the pictures we've seen have been us government propaganda. but this documentary transforms how history is being understood. and despite the ban, there were still able to document everyday life behind the barbed wire. we're able to follow some survivors and their descendants through these snapshots. they now share. south bay native diana tsuchida directed the film project after hearing stories from her dad, who was incarcerated as a child, along with 120,000 other japanese americans and the director shares these sometimes agonizing stories. she talks about her sister, her older sister, her being pregnant with twins in camp, and, unfortunately, she
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dies in childbirth because the doctor refuses to go and get a specialist. it was just an unnecessary loss that i believe was directly tied to the incarceration. even now, this documentary is on pbs and it's linked from our website. you know, the story helps explain why there are very few pictures of my parents during their incarceration as well, right here. now, these are many of our stories, and we have more stories that amplify the asian american, native hawaiian, pacific islander stories online at nbc. bay nhp. so many stories. thanks for sharing , mike. okay, well it is a special day for a very deserving anchor. our very own raj mathai was honored in sacramento today. take a look. the aapi legislative caucus took a moment to honor those who have made huge contributions to the aapi
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community in california, and state assembly member ash kalra recommended raj. he told us he wanted to recognize raj as a trailblazer in the community and how raj has become a role model for south asian people across california. we didn't always see people that look like us or that represented us telling us about the news, telling us, telling us about what was happening in the community. so to have someone that represents our community and is so gifted in his craft really is not just a source of pride, but for young people that have an interest in going into mass media or communications or going into tv news, they have someone they can look to and say, look, this is not only a possible, but you can excel at it if you work really hard. is emily member kalra continue to tell us how proud he is of raj and how deserving he is of this honor and we just want to say we are very proud of raj as well. he's a class act, definitely an inspiration to so many. congratulations to him, right?
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yeah i know, great job. from one class act to another meteorologist, i try. that's a tough act to follow, but the weather though is pretty nice. in sacramento they enjoyed what they call a delta breeze. that's the cool marine air that makes its way inland, keeping temperatures in check. but if you're closer to the source of that oh look at that flag right there. cold right now in san francisco. let's show you the temperatures in our microclimate forecast. right now it is jacket weather around the bay. if you have any evening plans from areas around san jose up to oakland and san francisco, take a jacket with you. we got winds 10 to 20mph and temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. now if you look off to the east, speaking of sacramento right there, you've got big tall thunderstorms up to 40,000ft. there over the sierra. this is drifting west, but they will weaken as we approach sunset tonight. might see a few high clouds drifting by, but no impacts closer to home on the coastal range from all those thunderstorms in the east. instead, here's what you saw in the san francisco camera view. lots of low clouds and fog. a
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little bit of drizzle for the morning, and then as you move forward, temperature wise tomorrow, just like we saw today, more low 50s as we begin your morning. could have some drizzle in a few spots of the low clouds and then our high temperatures tomorrow. upper 70s for most. transitioning to a slightly warmer forecast as we get into wednesday and thursday. and then a little bit of cooling as we move forward into the weekend. stay tuned as we head towards friday and saturday this cut off low. you see it right there approaching the coast. bring some cooler changes to the weekend forecast. and coming up tonight at five, we'll let you know if those cooler changes include any weekend showers in the 7-day forecast. we'll look at that coming up at 5:00. back to you. all right rob, thanks so much. our janelle wang is working on the 5:00 news. it's been an extremely busy monday. yeah, very busy monday. audrey, a jury reaches a guilty verdict in a murder case in the east bay. two days of deliberation in this pleasanton man convicted of killing his girlfriend. and then getting rid of her body in a gruesome manner. the victim's mother speaks to nbc bay area after the verdict. what comes
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next for the family and the killer? and we know it's tough to make it in the bay. and a new report lays out just how tough. how much money do you need to make to live comfortably in the bay area's largest cities? san francisco, oakland, san jose, fremont? we have those figures. all that and more coming up at five. all right. looking forward to it. janelle. thank you. we'll see you in a little bit. still to come. top trending stories voted by you on my instagram poll. also remember the south bay mom who went viral after mistakenly inviting everyone in her contact list to her daughter's birthday? well, she just got a once in a lifetime opportunity. we'll show you when we come back in two minutes.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do?
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( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ competition today on this one. starting this summer, disneyland will start limiting its disability access service program allows visitors with disabilities to use a shorter line. but as more people have become aware of this service,
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some say visitors are taking advantage of it when they don't actually need it. so starting in june, disneyland will limit the program to only guests that require the services they say they are going to work with health professionals to determine eligibility. everyone who already has a disability access pass will have to reapply. and as always, i will be posting links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram. and as always, thank you so much for voting. all right. actor and rapper donald glover, also known as childish gambino, just released a new album and today his fans learned he is going on tour for the first time in five years. new world tour will kick off in august and he is coming to the chase center in san francisco on september 21st. tickets go on sale beginning this friday. okay south bay mom behind a major evite mishap, shared her story on the kelly clarkson show. it imported all 487 of my contacts and invited them to this
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birthday party. remember her? we told you about her, san jose's emily king accidentally invited hundreds to her child's first birthday. she lived to tell about it, explaining what happened on tiktok. clip has been viewed more than 15 million times now. we recently spoke with her. she says. she only meant to invite about 35 people. okay, but wait, there's more. a lot more, really. here's a small part of what happened once that evite went out. so everyone got invited as they're sort of my phone with the emojis. i had derek with the eye roll emoji, who was invited, i had this girl, jess, who? i hit her car in a parking lot one time, so it said jess hit her car in parking lot. she was invited, the one with the eye roll emoji. that's funny. not to mention most of her ex-boyfriend's former coworkers. she was able to delete the invite just a few minutes later, but she says at that point it felt like all the blood drained from her body. maybe it would have felt the
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same way. okay, you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we're streaming our newscast all the time on roku and other streaming platforms. there you can watch live newscasts breaking updates, and a lot more of our content. thank you so much for joining us. at 430, janelle and terry are working on the 5:00 newscast next, and we are back in just two minutes.
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a family breathing easier after a man is found guilty for killing and dismembering their loved one in pleasanton, also making in the bay has become more difficult than ever before. tonight, a new report details just how much you need to make to live comfortably in the bay area's largest cities, plus, reporting for duty oakland's new police chief speaking to the media on his first official day on the job. good monday
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everyone. the news at five starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm terry mcsweeney. we begin tonight in the east bay with that verdict in the case of a pleasanton man accused of killing, dismembering and dumping the body of his girlfriend near an alameda shoreline today, a jury found joseph roberts guilty of the gruesome murder. nbc bay area's velena jones spoke with the victim's family after the verdict. today means that i can breathe a little bit easier, but i know it's not over. today is just the first step in healing for s jamilla buckner and her family. after nearly a year of seeking justice for the murder of her daughter, 27 year old rachel elizabeth imani buckner, she says the day has finally come. justice has been served and we can now feel, we won't have, the trauma that i and my family has faced for the last
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four years by joseph c roberts. after two days of deliberation, a jury today found rachel's fiance, 42 year old joseph roberts, guilty of second degree murder. da pamela price explains dna evidence helps secure the guilty verdict. we have every optimistic hope that the court will impose the maximum sentence, in order to address the horrific crime that was visited upon this family and upon our community. rachel's body was found dismembered and wrapped in plastic near the bay farm shoreline in alameda. rachel howard, graduate and recent law school graduate, met roberts when they were both students at golden gate university law school. family and friends say there were years of warning signs about roberts and blame pleasanton police for not doing more sooner. what you didn't hear


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