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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  May 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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shock the way it happened. it's a shock the way it's unfolded. the vice principal hastily arranged today's promotion ceremony, which was originally scheduled for the end of the month. that's because a staff got this email from the principal, victor dawson, on wednesday night. it says the school has filed for chapter seven bankruptcy and would close at the end of day. today. there are parents who paid advance tuition and registered for the next school term, and i don't know how you know if they will get their money returned. the vice principal says. the principal is also a majority owner of the school. on the phone, dawson told me he is devastated, but that the financial times and loss of enrollment hit them hard. dawson is asking for 90 days to issue back pay for the teachers and to reimburse parents who already paid tuition. pretty shocking and kind of devastated. teachers say they knew something was very bad when paychecks stopped arriving in february, yet they
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still showed up to work every day. every day, every day. because i'm attached. after 30 years, what do you do? you don't leave the kids high and dry because you're not getting paid. it really feels surreal. parents are also shocked and amazed at the teachers resiliency to be here every day without pay, and i don't know if they will get paid. we can't. there are heroes right now for these remaining kids. i can't say enough about those teachers tonight. the staff is left with a lot of uncertainty and disappointment. having to pay bills. you know, i'm using my credit card. i'm in some debt, so i'm barely making it here for the children. today became a crash course in economics and in humanity in newark. damian trujillo, nbc, bay area news. that is a difficult situation. all right. it has been sunny all over the bay area. check it out. give you a live look. san francisco,
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oakland, san jose and san rafael. let's bring in our meteorologist, our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri, talking about mother's day weekend. jeff, are we ready for more? we are okay. yes. so we got more sunshine coming our way for saturday. and also on sunday we just got the official daytime highs in and we've got two spots here that did reach into officially 90 degrees santa rosa up to 90. that's 17 degrees above the average concord 90, livermore 88, san jose right there at 86. tomorrow we're going to stay on the warm side here. we'll have sunny skies to start. we'll be at 65 at 8 a.m. by noon, 82 back to the upper 80s by 2 p.m. tomorrow. okay. looking all good here for saturday's forecast. what about mother's day on sunday? it will be a split picture for us. if you're heading near the coastline, it will be cool. jacket weather there. fog looks like it's going to make a stronger comeback for the morning. temperatures in the 50s to start by the afternoon will be in the low to mid 60s. but for the inland valleys, while we have fog in the morning expected
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on sunday and 50s will get back up into the 80s. just not as hot. will be in those low to mid 80s. i have more details on that weekend forecast plus a solar storm. yes, a solar storm headed for north america and what our chances of are seeing this coming up in about 15 minutes. that's a big deal. thank you jeff. we'll see you shortly. well president biden is now in seattle arriving there about an hour ago after taking off. you see air force one taking off out of moffett field in mountain view. this is part of a busy day for the president that started in the bay area the commander in chief raised a lot of money, met with some high profile silicon valley leaders and took some jabs at former president trump. here's nbc's robert honda. he wouldn't leave such a pocket of wealth untapped. president biden arrived in the bay area last night and hit the campaign fundraising trail running today. in fact, all the video provided by the traveling press corps basically showed the
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presidential motorcade on the move. first to portola valley for a high dollar fundraiser at the home of tech billionaire vinod khosla. tickets for that event ranged from 6600 to $100,000, and we're told about 80 people in attendance for the president's 16 minute stump speech. pool reports show. the speech focused on the president's record and some very sharp barbs at former president trump, a cluster of supporters also gathered outside to try to get a glimpse. you got here pretty early. i did. did you have to go to a lot of trouble to be here? i walked a mile and a mile and a half. but supporters were soon joined by protesters as a coalition of pro-palestinian groups and individuals gathered to try and get the president and donors attention as they drove by. this needs to end. it needed to end eight months ago, and it needs to end today. any thoughts on how this might affect the presidential campaign? our focus is on today. instead, he's
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coming to the bay area to get money from tech billionaires, hoping that he can buy ads, hoping he can sway us when we've been very loud and clear that what we want is the genocide to end, and we want military aid to israel to end today, despite tight control by the secret service and law enforcement, protesters tried to partially block the road as the motorcade left, but the cars never slowed down. the motorcade proceeded to palo alto and the home of former yahoo and google executive marissa mayer for another fundraiser. tickets for that event ran from 40,000 to $50,000 a piece. pro-palestinian demonstrators showed up outside this event, as well, with some trying to impede the motorcade as it left. but again never managed to slow the president down. minutes later, the president was back at moffett field preparing to fly to seattle, but not before stopping to pose with chp officers who helped him stay on schedule. some people we talked to outside
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the two bay area locations were nonchalant about the presidential visit. the third visit since november. anything we can do to help this cause go for it. so you're not so much excited about president biden being here, but just the democrat presidential candidate? anybody? yes. anybody other than the other one? yes that is the way the president is playing it on these trips lately, there were no official public events. it was all about campaign fundraising for joe biden, the candidate at moffett field, robert honda, nbc bay area news robert, thank you. we do have exclusive photos inside the portola valley fundraiser. the president speaking to his supporters. you see them there. we mentioned at the home of venture capitalist vinod khosla, president biden took photos with the supporters and gave a brief speech using a teleprompter. i asked vinod khosla late today how that fundraiser went and why he supporting mr. biden's reelection bid. here's the full statement on your screen. in part, khosla tells me the fundraiser went really well. we raised well above target. i am
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supporting biden as he is the far better choice compared to the fraudster trump, who might destroy democracy. well, a balanced budget with no new taxes. today, governor newsom revealed his new spending plan for california governor's latest budget proposal closes both this year's remaining $27 billion budget shortfall, as well as next year's projected $28 billion deficit. governor says he's doing it by getting state spending under control while also preserving key safety net programs, which include education, housing, health care and food assistance. our values continue to, to allow us to thrive. and those values, i believe, are foundationally intact. and despite some tough choices that we are making and proposing to make in this budget, budget calls for a pause on planned expansion of subsidized child care. it would eliminate 10,000 unfilled state positions. the plan would also reduce the state's prison population by almost 5000
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inmates. the california republican party slammed the revised budget, accusing the governor of, quote, being utterly reckless with the state's finances. more than 100 people have been displaced after flames tore through their apartment complex. it started just after noon today at the jones senior homes on fillmore street in san francisco's japantown. the building was quickly evacuated and two people were taken to the hospital, but they're expected to be okay. it took about 75 firefighters to put out the flames. no word yet on the cause. a popular east bay restaurant is dealing with a major blow after thieves struck not once, but twice overnight. oakland's alamar dominican kitchen just celebrated its 10th anniversary last week, but now the owner is feeling crushed. two men broke into the grand avenue restaurant at 4:00 in the morning. that's the surveillance video, and it shows the man raiding the restaurant's bar, filling up a trash can with bottles of pricey liquor and dragging it away. two hours later, the thieves were back,
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helping themselves to a second round. the chef and owner, nelson herman, says he's never thought about leaving oakland until now, but this one hurts the most. like, i'm really deflated. i'm really down. i don't know what it is. just like i think the fact that they came in twice and it's the same people. two it really like angers me. customers and fellow restaurant owners have been coming up to show support of chef herman. they say he means everything thing as he tries to stay rooted in oakland. now this comes as oakland tries to build on its recent drop in overall crime. the data we're about to show you is from opd comparing year to date trends since 2022, there's been a drop since last year. commercial burglaries are 53% down so far. also, 34% compared to the three year average. still not much solace to chef herman. keep in mind the numbers are preliminary. they're meant to give you an early idea of what the crime trends are.
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it's one of san francisco's newest and largest proposed housing developments, and it's now one step closer to becoming a reality. the planning commission voted unanimously to approve the redevelopment of the popular stonestown galleria, right near san francisco state, 3400 new homes. here's nbc's sergio quintana. since the pandemic, san francisco's downtown retail sector has continued to struggle. but on the city's west side, stonestown galleria mall has not. in fact, it's actually grown over the last few years. but as busy as it's been, it's still surrounded by acres of often empty parking lots in a city like san francisco. all that under utilized acreage is a precious commodity. so everything that you see right now that is, above surface parking will be housing and more retail. district seven supervisor myrna melgar is part of a broad coalition that's pushing to turn those parking lots into homes. renderings show how the grounds around stonestown mall would be
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transformed. they include images of towers, town squares and living spaces very close to retail spaces. at least 3400 new homes would be built through a mix of townhouses, mid-rise buildings and a 19 story apartment tower. during a meeting of the san francisco planning commission last night, the project got unanimous approval to continue and to the surprise of many among the 24 members of the public who gave their input, the vast majority also approved, including neighbors, clubs and even unions. this is a significant vote. commissioners this development project will create upwards of 800 jobs, a year in the construction industry. if the stonestown galleria redevelopment is ultimately approved, it will be a massive redevelopment of this space. actually adding retail space, housing. it will be a project that will span several years to be completed, but not everyone supports everything about the development. two people at the commission meeting voiced their concerns about the height of the project and the increased
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traffic it will bring. we would ask that the 190 foot towers and the 90 foot tall buildings along 19th avenue not be approved. my comment was specifically about how the increase in traffic on this portion of 20th is consistent with the better streets plan, prepared by the city and county. some residents had also hoped the now abandoned united artists twin theater that was built in a new formalist architecture in 1970 would somehow be preserved instead, the developer has decided to tear it down and replace it with about 100 homes. if there are no legal or environmental challenges to the already approved plan, supervisor melgar says it could get final approval by the board of supervisors as early as next month in san francisco, said hugh quintana, nbc bay area news. up next here at 6:00, hundreds of birds quarantined after a police bust in the north bay. what they found that's leading to dozens of criminal charges, plus digging deep to upgrade the anderson dam. we're giving you
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the last look inside the dams. new tunnel. that could be the key to avoiding future flooding in the south bay. and the reds and the giants right here on nbc. bay area at 7:00. currently 70 at the ballpark and 60s for that first pitch. we have more looks at your weekend forecast and a solar storm headed for north america. details in about six minutes. yep, jeff. and speaking of giants baseball, we are getting ready for the first pitch here on nbc. it's orange friday. this is a look from our exclusive ballpark cam the cincinnati reds. you see them there taking some bp. you can watch the game right here on nbc at
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and dam in morgan hill. it's the one and only time the media will be allowed in before it's completed. nbc's ian cull explains the importance of this $2 billion project. reporter
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today we were invited inside an 1800 foot tunnel being dug underneath the anderson dam to see the latest progress about four and a half football fields in above us is actually the dam at the surface. ryan mccarter is the project manager for the anderson dam seismic retrofit. he says a large steel pipe will go inside the 20 foot wide tunnel. it will allow valley water to better control the amount of water being released from the reservoir to coyote creek, something that may have prevented the south bay floods in 2017. back then, water managers couldn't release water fast enough during a storm, leading to a spill over that triggered devastating flooding in san jose. the new valve will be able to release 15 times more water than the current system when storms stack up successively. when we can't empty the reservoir back down to allow space for the next storm, that's when we run into issues.
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so this will give us the ability to lower after a storm prior to an additional storm. so far, 1400 feet have been excavated right up until this point. the final phase of this digging project kicks off in the summer. that's when they'll be boring through the final 350ft right into the reservoir. so this is the point at which we change types of equipment and we use a micro tunnel boring machine, which is basically a giant drill. so it's an eight foot diameter machine that has a cutter head at the front of it. it's all part of a major retrofit for the aging dam. that retrofit was mandated by the federal government after studies found the structure could fail in a major earthquake. once completed, it would help ensure public safety, protect our regional water supply, and provide environmental benefits for future generations. this is all designed to take the largest possible earthquake and the largest possible flood that we could dream up. the valve will also keep the water level low through the rest of the retrofit . while the entire project isn't
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set to finish until 2032, for this phase, there's finally light at the end of the tunnel in morgan hill. ian cull, nbc, bay area news a bird fighting ring in sonoma county busted. we're told officers searched a home in santa rosa linked to a burglary investigation in rohnert park. when they arrived, they say they discovered several animal cruelty violations, including 1000 game birds believed to be raised for fighting. sonoma county animal services also removed five malnourished horses and two malnourished dogs. one person was arrested. okay, this is a big deal for a lot of people and you can do it tonight. you may get the chance to watch a spectacular light show from your backyard. a massive solar storm could make could make the famed northern lights visible here in northern california. that storm will illuminate the aurora at a level that could make it visible here in california. experts warn the storm could also cause issues with power grids. so you might want to make sure you have
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a flashlight handy. jeff is here to talk about that. and really, is there a chance that we can see it here? there is the chance. now, the colors we just saw in that video, we don't think it's going to be that vibrant where we are here, right. but we may be able to look off if you're in a dark area and see some hues of color. so it's very exciting to really be able to see this not only for us, but maybe as far south as alabama. i have more details on that solar storm right now in your microclimate forecast. and here's another image of, you know what the aurora borealis can look like at times. and the big deal about this is the space prediction center has issued this geomagnetic storm watch in north america. it's now what they call level g5, which is the strongest level they have on a scale. going from 1 to 5. so it is very likely here through northern north america. we will see this activity now for us, it's overnight from midnight to 4 a.m. we could see some of that aurora action. and based on some of the projections really near the california oregon border
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would be the better bet. but still keep your eyes to the sky. maybe stay up a little bit late, look up and hopefully we'll be able to see a little something. and as we mentioned this weekend, we'll see some on and off activity that could also cause some gps and power grid issues. so we'll be all over this. we'll be covering it through your weekend forecast. okay. speaking of the weekend, we know friday night kind of gets it started. if you're headed out tonight 70 right now in san francisco and sunny skies will be down into the 60s next couple of hours right near the bay. it was warm today. we had temperatures in the 80s still hanging on to 79. you got sunshine, 70s through the next hour, and then we'll drop it off into some 60s. but very, very comfortable. and for the inland valleys, we had some 90s today, right now 88. perfect to hit up your favorite restaurant. they're probably going to have the tables set up outside. it's going to be a real fun night out here tonight with this kind of weather. we'll get into the 70s here at eight, nine and also 10:00 as we head through this weekend. high pressure keeps it warm. in fact, the warmest stretch of weather we've seen
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all year long. we've only had five weekends with back to back sunshine in 2024, so this is going to be a really nice treat here for us. that area high pressure does move a little bit more off to the east as we head through mother's day, so that will allow this low pressure near the coastline. and that's going to kick up the fog a little bit more on sunday morning. so temperatures will drop a little bit, get a little bit cooler here on sunday. but i still think it's shaping up good for us. we'll start it off here with mostly sunny skies, temperatures in the 50s across the bay area and daytime highs for tomorrow coming in back in the 80s through the south bay. got you to 89 in cupertino for the east bay, 78 in oakland out to pleasanton. double eights peninsula, 64 in half moon bay. because of that ocean breeze. redwood city 84, san francisco some 70s in downtown and the mission and right up here to wine country 87 in sonoma. on my 7-day forecast. dip it down to 68 on sunday for mother's day. still looks nice. if you're headed out to any kind of restaurants for some brunch and 84 for the inland valleys on
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sunday as well. i said this earlier, but let's make the mimosa of it. that's a that's a really good one. thank you. make t shirts out of that. i may have used that in years past. okay. or at five. yeah. i'm just saying. yeah okay. it's worth it. yes. all right. cheers thank you jeff. all right. san jose's beloved water park is set to reopen this summer with a very noticeable change. a new name for raging waters. when we come back.
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legendary water park at the end of last summer, raging waters made a surprise announcement it was not renewing its lease and closing for good because of low turnout. then this past february, san jose's mayor matt mahan, said the park will reopen under new management. today, he announced the new name calabanga calabanga. the opening ceremony will be sometime after memorial day. no exact date has been released yet. okay. arming santa clara county sheriff's deputies with tasers. the sheriff wants deputies on the street and in county jail facilities to have the tool in their belts. jail guards have been stripped of tasers since the 1989 death of a man who died after being restrained and tased while in custody. sheriff's office is holding a public meeting to discuss the use of tasers. it will be held tuesday at 6 p.m. at the sheriff's office auditorium. up next, the earthquakes are celebrating teacher appreciation week. how
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you can help make the day of a local teacher. also, here's a live look inside rockefeller center lester holt preparing for nightly news. one of the top stories how electric vehicles have become an issue in the presidential campaign, and a big move by the biden administration a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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oh, that sounds fun. the soccer team wants to celebrate the great work of our teachers. you can submit the name of your favorite teacher online. tell the team what makes your teacher special. ten teachers will be recognized during halftime, on the field, during a home game in august. that's very nice. well, the giants are back at home tonight hoping to turn things around. they need a win. they've lost seven of their last ten games tonight. orange friday giants and reds from oracle park. you can watch the game right here live on nbc bay area. our coverage begins at 7:00. up next on nightly news. the controversy in virginia, where a school district is restoring the names of confederate leaders to two public schools, there's been a lot of outrage, but the board voted in favor of it. lester holt joins us from new york right now
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tonight, the judge in donald trump's hush money rebuking star witness, michael cohen, ahead of his testimony. the former president's once trusted personal attorney expected to testify monday about his role in paying off stormy daniels during the 2016 election. the judge today urging prosecutors to get cohen to stop making public statements about the case before his showdown with his former boss in court. also tonight, the deadly storms slamming florida. a possible tornado hitting tallahassee. widespread damage. at least one person killed. just out, the biden administration report highly critical of israel's actions in gaza, but finding it did not violate its u.s. weapons agreement as israel prepares to invade rafah over u.s. warnings. police arresting dozens of protesters


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