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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  May 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with us coming up next at 530. there's a lot happening. a police chase in san francisco. it ends with the teenage girl hit by a car while walking to class. we'll show you what led to this chase and how that 14 year-old girl is doing. also, is the san francisco fire department's own gear, putting firefighters at risk. we investigate the health concerns and how san francisco could become the first city in the nation to take steps to protect those who protect us, and a name change for the boy scouts of america. but will it be enough to alter its controversial image ? welcome to the news at 530. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. a scary scene on the streets of san francisco. two people were sent to the hospital, including a middle school student, after they were hit by a speeding car. part of
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this chase happened right near francisco middle school. here's nbc's sergio quintana. san francisco police on patrol outside francisco middle school this afternoon after a student here was hit this morning, according to witnesses, that white and blue mustang that police were following turned here onto francisco street and hit a teenager and then kept going. she was so in shock she tried to get up, and when she tried to get up, she just went back up. i told her, don't try to get up, just wait. and so after my time, i said that that's when all the, security and the gym teacher ran out. it all started a couple of miles away in the tenderloin at jones and market street. that's where witnesses say tire skids. mark, where a man was hit in the middle of the street. and that's where police say they were first called. they helped that man, and he was taken to a local hospital where he's expected to recover. police then spotted the mustang sometime later and followed it to north beach, where the teenager was hit. i
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just kind of heard like a bunch of police sirens, but prior to that i did hear like a car screech. according to the san francisco unified school district, the teen is a student at francisco middle school and was on her way to classes that student was taken to a local hospital and is in stable condition with their family. this is video from a nearby home showing the blue and white mustang heading north on francisco street. after allegedly hitting the student, police say they broke off the chase at this point over safety concerns. about a mile away, the mustang crashed into a parked car on the embarcadero near green street. that's where the driver was arrested. he was also taken to a local hospital for what police say are unrelated injuries, according to the school district. other students saw their schoolmate get hit by the car. those students were referred to counselors for support in san francisco, sergio quintana nbc bay area news. an update tonight on a potentially life saving change for some bay area firefighters. today, san francisco supervisors voted
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unanimously to ban pfas, or forever chemicals, from being used in firefighter protective gear. it still needs to pass a second vote next tuesday, and if it clears that hurdle, the ban will be the first of its kind in the u.s. the chemicals are known to cause cancer, but they're also critical in making gear fireproof senior investigative reporter bigad shaban has an in-depth look. needed water coming, lieutenant mccauley said , is teaching the next generation of firefighters about what to expect on the front lines. our whole job is to work under pressure, manage your emotions and your fears and get the job done regardless of how dangerous it may be. regardless that includes the risks they can see and the ones they can't. i definitely don't want someone else to have to go through what i did. sadie is a two time cancer survivor. she underwent radiation and ultimately a double mastectomy here in san
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francisco, female firefighters have a six times higher rate of breast cancer than the national average. the department has lost more than 300 firefighters to cancer over the past 20 years. we're in ongoing exposure to smoke and other chemicals is so serious. the world health organization now classifies firefighting as an actual carcinogen. nice work. and in recent years, studies have also shown the jackets and pants firefighters rely on to stay safe during emergencies are made with materials proven to cause cancer. to put something in the equipment to people who are already there at a risk. their life for you seems really malicious. these so-called pfas chemicals help clothing repel flammable liquids and resist extreme heat. but researchers say the compounds can be harmful when absorbed through the skin. the level of exposure for firefighters and exact health risks are still being studied.
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what is it like knowing that the very thing that's supposed to protect you may actually have been part of the reason you got cancer? you know, we can't stop the job from being dangerous. we can't not run into fires, but we can change the future. we can make it so that someone else doesn't have to go through this. we're tired and we're dying on the steps of san francisco city hall, behind a mound of uniforms . firefighters and lawmakers recently announced plans to enact a first in the nation ban on firefighter clothing, made with pfas. those uniforms, known as turnouts, would need to be replaced over the next two years. fundamentally what's at stake is people's lives. san francisco supervisor aaron peskin authored the legislation, he says, while outfitting an entire department won't be cheap, doing nothing could force the city to pay an even higher price. the approximately $10 million that will cost is so small compared to a human life.
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it's so small compared to the cost of health care. it's so small compared to the cost of settling lawsuits. it is morally right, and it's financially right. but alternative gear that doesn't use pfas still isn't widely available, even though the potential health hazards have been known for years. critics, including the firefighters union, argue that's because industry standards released by the national fire protection association continue to be written in a way that favor the use of pfas chemicals by including certain requirements that can't easily be met using other materials, the nfpa tells us. it doesn't create or dictate standards, but instead relies on expert volunteers, including many representatives of the firefighting community. the nfpa and the firefighters union remain locked in a heated lawsuit about what the standards should say. we contacted some of the largest manufacturers of firefighter gear to understand why pfas continues to be used.
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only, viking responded, telling us there's been a lack of pfas free fabrics approved by the nfpa, but says it's now testing alternative materials and plans to release a new line of gear by the end of the year. manufactured without pfas. at least two other companies, fire decks and lyon, are already advertising pfas free uniforms that are now being tested at fire departments across five cities, including san francisco, where firefighters say so far the gear is working. we don't want to just trade one hazard for another, so we'll burn the first one. chemist brian ormond is trying to find out if those alternatives will be safer long term. at his lab at nc state university in raleigh, he and his team are testing fabrics for reliability. there's a little bit of char right here so far, he says. his research has shown removing pfas can make uniforms less breathable and more flammable. we're introducing a potential hazard for
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flammability on the fire scene, where firefighters didn't have that before. but he cautions what he's seeing in the lab could differ from what firefighters might experience on the front lines. regardless, first responders across the country. continue to suit up. so even with the risks, you're still willing to put on the uniform in a heartbeat. it's not a choice when we have to do our job. it's our job. nice work buddy, but lieutenant sadi is concerned about her trainees who were just issued the same type of standard clothing she's worn for decades. her fight for safer gear. she says, is for them so firefighters can focus on saving lives instead of worrying about their own. this would affect the future and if it changes and legislation. goes forward, then yeah, then it was all worth it. with the investigative unit. i'm bigad siobhan against supervisors unanimous vote today
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moves the issue onto a second and final vote next tuesday. and of course, we will follow that development for you. if you have a story for our investigative unit, please give us a call at 888996 tips. you can also visit our website slash investigations. well, firefighters from around the world have converged on washington, dc for the first ever world fire congress. more than 55 countries are represented in this weeklong event hosted by the u.s. fire administration and fema. a big focus is on the mental and physical health of firefighters, who often suffer from ptsd or develop cancer because of their work. also, how climate change is shifting, what they encounter on the job communities, much like we experienced in the united states on the island of maui and lahaina, where this was not a wildland fire, this was a community conflagration that spread because of the drought condition and, of course, a fire then, coupled with hurricane
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force winds tomorrow at the library of congress, the party supporting countries will sign a statement that details their mission. a big day for apple fans. the company announced its first new ipad models in nearly two years. apple revealed the ipad air and ipad pro tablets in a video posted to its website today. they're being billed as apple's thinnest device ever. the tablets also use a new kind of display called the oled. the same technology apple uses on its iphones. they'll be driven by apple's new computer chip, called the m4, before they're available for preorder now and go on sale next week. the cheapest version goes for 599 bucks. up next, a name change for the boy scouts of america. the reason for the switch and how survivors of sexual abuse are reacting. this evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. sunshine and warming up today. right now we're holding
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on to 70 in san jose. a breeze out of the northwest at 70. mean we'll drop it into some 60s here next few hours. more details on the heat ps wind in thelu
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scouts of america say it's time for a change. nbc bay area's ian cull explains the debate. this name change is sparking after 114 years, the boy scouts of america is turning into scouting america. the organization's president. announced the new name at their annual conference today in florida, saying it will make the scouts more inclusive and welcoming to everyone. the local chapter in the south bay is cheering the decision. it reflects our inclusive mission. we want everybody, all children, regardless of their gender, to be part of our program and we want them to join us. it's the
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latest in a series of recent changes for the scouts, which allowed girls to join for the first time five years ago, including dylan tercek of scotts valley, who ultimately became an eagle scout at just 14. i think it needed to happen for a long time, and it provides a huge sense of inclusion, and it gives girls and boys both the opportunity to explore the outdoors, learn leadership skills, and it shows that there's no limit. the group also made a decision to allow gay scouts in 2013. today, there are just over 1 million scouts, including more than 176,000 girls and young women. but not everyone is cheering. some believe the name change is an attempt by the national leaders to hide decades of turmoil and scandal. the group's $2.4 billion bankruptcy reorganization plan took effect last year. that plan allowed the scouts to keep operating while compensating more than 80,000 men who say they were sexually abused as children while scouting. this is just them trying to, fresh their name and
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have a prettier wrapper. curtis garrison is a sex abuse survivor who now runs speak out to stop child sex abuse. that shows that they're really desperate to recover and try to rebound from, you know, 82,209 claimants, in a child sex abuse, bankruptcy. and we'll see how it works for them. but we're not stopping as survivors. we're going to keep holding them accountable. the boy scouts won't officially become scouting america until february of next year, as part of the organization's 115th birthday. the local council hopes it will encourage more young people to join on the scouts next chapter. ian cull, nbc, bay area news. all right. jeff ranieri is with us now to talk about this glorious weather that we're seeing. and now things are really going to get heat up. yes we warmed up a little bit today. i can sense some excitement here. it feels good. let's get it hot. it does feel really, really nice to finally get in on some warm weather. we're in may after all,
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and we are talking about 80s coming back in that 7-day forecast as soon as tomorrow. so let's take a look at those numbers today. and you'll see they were right on par with where we should be this time of the year. santa rosa at 74. the average 73. concord 75. average 76, livermore 73. and the average 74. and low 70s here in san jose, putting it right at average. now as you move through tomorrow, i do really think at this point we are in for another surge in temperatures, anywhere from 4 to 8 degrees hotter, and it's all courtesy of this area high pressure. it's really moving. that storm track off to the north, allowing that heat to build in from the south. we will be watching some wind though, from this system developing just to the east of us. this always happens when you have high and low pressure so close together air flows from high to low pressure. so it's really just going to take that wind and move it right across northern california, especially throughout the sierra and our northern mountains. and that's really where i want to bring
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that focus into. if you missed my wind forecast earlier, i think at this point the gusty winds would really be contained up towards the north bay, especially in the mountains right around napa. we'll start with this wind tomorrow morning. anywhere from 20 to about 45mph coming directly out of the north. we'd stay with some on and off wind gusts here through wednesday, right into thursday morning, and you'll see the bull's eye again right there over the north bay. and then we should see any kind of wind step down and begin to try to exit here. as we head through thursday night. thankfully we had that rainfall this past weekend, so overall it's helping us out with the fire danger, but it still will be elevated a little bit with that dry northerly wind. as we roll through tomorrow morning's forecast. not quite as cold here will be mostly sunny. we're down to 54 in the peninsula. that will be manageable for you as you get yourself out the door. 54 in the east bay. double fives in san francisco. temperatures for tomorrow. with that warm area of high pressure. here we go. going back up into the 80s
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tomorrow. just a perfect day. even if you got to head to work and do, you know, get things going on here, lunch outside is going to be a nice payoff here for you. 83 up into santa rosa, 81 in martinez. we all got to head to work tomorrow, right, 79 here in oakland. upper 70s in palo alto, even san francisco getting up to 76. and this looks like a trend here that's going to continue through the next ten days on and off. so look at napa up to 90 friday, saturday 88 low 80s on sunday. perfect weekend to maybe head up to wine country. drop it a little bit here on monday, and then we're back up again as we head through next week. and then maybe for the following weekend, we're back down into some 70s. and here's the best part. we do not have to feel guilty about the sunshine and warm temperatures. look at our reservoirs across the bay area 99% of capacity marin water 96% of capacity. lexington east bay, east bay mud right there at 90. and the top four reservoirs in california
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for 91% of capacity. so excellent news all around right there on that 7-day forecast. we're going to drop it by mother's day in san francisco to 69. but that's still some nice weather to enjoy with mom or or get her a gift certificate maybe for some brunch. we're going up to 89 on friday and sunday, dropping it down to 83. so my mom lives in florida, so it will be a gift certificate kind of thing. i know for some mimosas and all that kind of good stuff. so that's so sweet. is all good, son. it's all about you. sunday. yes, i know i messed up. i can't get a reservation anywhere. maybe somebody else got one for you. we will help you here. oh, roger. you have some pool. i mean, it's literally. yeah, i got to figure something out. oh, my gosh, we will work on that. thanks so much. up next. we haven't said this in a while. we have good news for the sharks. yeah the shark tank should be rocking next season. it's all about those ping pong balls. we'l
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we probably won't be saying that next year or years to come. i won't believe it until it actually happens. sacramento, las vegas, whatever the deal is for the a's. but a few more months at least. we still have him here. seems so strange to say. a's and rangers, let's take you out to the coliseum. after a six game win streak, the a's came into today's game having lost two games in a row. this game essentially over right here on the first pitch. former
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athletic and cal bear marcus simeon hits a home run here. it's a solo shot that made it one to nothing. rangers remember texas defending world series champs. top of the second inning. the rangers scored ten runs, capped off by a two run double by simeon. rangers win it 15 to 8 tomorrow, a rare day night doubleheader. all right, make a note of it. this could be the day that transformed the sharks. about two hours ago, the nhl held its draft lottery to see who would get the number one overall pick, the first overall selection in the 2024 nhl draft belongs to the san jose sharks. yes. and then look at the reaction from the sharks fans since the sharks finished with the worst record in the nhl, they had the best chance to get the first overall pick and they got it. the odds worked in their favor. it'll be the first time the sharks will have the number one overall pick. so who are they going to get? well it seems
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pretty clear here. the sharks are expected to select macklin celebrini. there he is. kids 17. he won the hobey baker award, which is given to the best player in college hockey. he was a junior shark. that's the sharks junior program in 2019. his dad, rick celebrini, is the vice president of player health and performance for the warriors. so it's a bay area family here, a lot of local connections. good news for the sharks. the draft is june 28th in las vegas. be great to have him in the bay area. still to come, the number of tornadoes increasing across the country. the reason we're seeing more gh risk weatherhi norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal...
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that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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who say they were forced out of saint francis high school in mountain view. the former students and their parents sued the private catholic school in 2020 for $20 million. after this photo surfaced. it shows two boys and another friend wearing what they said were acne treatment masks. some parents and students believe the photo was clearly intended as a depiction of blackface. saint francis administrators told the boys they can withdraw voluntarily from the school or be expelled. the jury sided with the plaintiffs on two claims against saint francis for breach of oral contract and lack of due process. a troubling new number when it comes to storms across
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the country, the number of storms that spawned tornadoes is up. in fact, last month, meteorologists recorded 300 tornadoes in the u.s. that is the second highest ever recorded, and it's more than any other place on earth. meteorologists say the winters are becoming warmer, so tornadoes are starting earlier when people don't expect them. as we have this trend of warming. think weather doesn't care what the calendar says as long as the atmosphere looks like spring smells like spring feels like spring. it could produce spring like weather, which could be in the form of tornadoes. meteorologist also say more tornadoes are happening at night when people are sleeping, and that makes them more deadly. we have a lot more news ahead. and jessica aguirre joins us now with what's coming up next. well, coming up now at six, new fallout from that racist text message scandal in the antioch police department. why four men on trial for murder are getting shorter sentences because of the scandal. and the
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legislation that's making that happen. also, tiktok is fighting back its legal challenge to the proposed us ban. why? the company says the ban violates a basic human right. and it's been a hurdle for scientists trying to better understand how psychedelics impact our brain. a new california bill could help clear the way for new research on addiction treatments. the news at six starts right now. good evening, and thanks for being with us. i'm raj mathai, and i'm jessica aguirre in what is being called a landmark case. four men on trial for murder in contra costa county will be spending a lot less time in prison than expected. it all stems from the racist text message scandal involving the antioch police department, as nbc's jodi hernandez reports, it's the first major test of the state's racial justice act, and it has resulted in a plea deal. this has been a reckoning for everyone involved, and there is no outcome that can ever satisfy
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anyone in this case, that's how contra costa county chief assistant d.a. simon o'connell describes the outcome of what was originally a first degree murder case for murder. defendants have pleaded no contest to manslaughter. instead, after the court learned the antioch police officers investigating the case exchanged dozens of racist text messages about the men, they used just about every racist trope that has been used against african americans, hispanics and people of color, defense attorney carmela caramagno says she was disgusted by how the officers treated the suspect, referring to them as animals and bragging about kicking and shooting them with rubber bullets. then sharing photos of their injured bodies. much like trophies. this sort of conduct goes back to, jim crow. it goes back to slavery, it hasn't gone away. and this just shed


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