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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  April 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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news tonight. the higher price of power. how much more are we paying after multiple pg and e rate hikes? also tonight is the nfl draft and the 40 niners will soon be on the clock. we are live at levi's and free concerts. yes free concerts
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coming to san francisco beginning in may. the new plan to bring more people and more fun back to the city. good evening. this is nbc bay area news. tonight, i'm raj mathai. dreams are coming true this evening, we'll show you how a local kid is celebrating after he was just drafted into the nfl. that's just ahead. but we start tonight with the growing number of protests at college campuses across the country. students at stanford are now joining the movement. take a look. there are now tents set up in the main quad at stanford. students are refusing to leave until their universities cut financial ties with companies and organizations that support israel and call for a ceasefire in gaza. protesters previously camped out on the stanford campus for more than 100 days. this was a few months ago. they were there for 24/7 for months before they came to an agreement with the university to leave.
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back in february. tonight, hundreds of students are back at stanford. our nbc crew is also there monitoring the situation. ian. well, the protests have also spread to ucla. another tent encampment a little different at ucla, you can actually see some palestinian and israeli flags in the crowd. you saw that israeli flag there on the right side of your screen. some small scuffles did break out various law enforcement agencies are on site and a big announcement from usc. the university is now canceling its main stage graduation ceremony, which usually draws upwards of 60,000 people. usc is also tightening security for the rest of its commencement events. 93 people were arrested after refusing to leave campus last night. the campus remained closed to the general public today and at uc berkeley, it's now day four of this protest. tents have taken over the steps and lawn at sproul hall. it's a mix of student and alumni
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demonstrators. tomorrow is the last day of regular classes at cal, but protesters say they're willing to keep going until after. until their demands are met. i'm 100% optimistic that we will achieve our goal of divestment, but the students here today and the organizers are willing to risk suspension, arrest, expulsion and any other consequences in order to achieve our goal of divestment. it's just one of the biggest institutions in the country, and this is a world class university. so what they say matters. and, i would be hopeful that, you know, there's something like a domino effect, a cascading effect. and here is what uc berkeley is saying. they are not planning on removing the protesters or involving law enforcement unless it becomes necessary to protect physical safety of students and faculty officials also say while they are committed to free speech, uc berkeley does not have any plans to change their investment
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practices. let's move on. also tonight, a family tragedy in the east bay. an electric vehicle burst into flames, killing a family of four. it happened last night around 9 p.m. on foothill road in pleasanton. here's the scene. witnesses tell us the car somehow left the road and hit a tree before bursting into flames. at this point, police are not saying what kind of car it was, and they're releasing very few details. but we do know this. the victims are two adults and two children all died in that car. i just said a prayer for the victims and their family, because no one should have to go through that. this was a solo vehicle crash. no other cars were involved. investigators are still trying to determine how that car left the roadway. another headline tonight the internet is a little more equal. the fcc has brought back net neutrality. that's the rule that prohibits internet
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service providers like at&t, comcast or verizon from slowing down internet traffic speeds for one company over another. so in other words, your apps or movies have to stream at the same rate, no matter how big or small the company pumping out that content is. net neutrality was repealed back in 2017 during the trump administration, but it was brought back by the fcc today. rather than let the isps make choices about what we watch, make choices about which ones which services are faster or slower, there should be a level playing field for everybody. santa clara county firefighters were actually among those who have been pushing for the return of net neutrality. the department says it saw its cell service throttled while fighting the 2018 mendocino complex fire, making it hard to communicate and direct firefighters. we should note nbc is owned by comcast. well here's something that most all of us can agree on. pg and e rates are sky high.
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in fact, pg and e rates have nearly doubled in the past five years. yeah, pg and e are now charging us nearly double for electricity compared to what it was charging us just five years ago. in 2019. we were paying $0.21 per kilowatt hour, which is the unit to measure how much power we're using. now, the charge is more than $0.39 per kilowatt hour. how'd that happen? and is it going to get worse? let's bring in our investigative reporter, jaxon vanderbeken, who's been tracking this story. jaxon nearly double in five years. that's something that we can all understand and do that math. how did we get here? what happened? well, pg and e has been raising rates slowly but steadily for about the last decade. but in the last five years, especially the year before this year, things started to accelerate and it got more accelerated. just at the beginning of this year, in january, the rates went up pretty dramatically. a lot of this is to pay for backlogged
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vegetation management, or that has already been done, and that pg and e has seeking to get money back for. and there are other mandated expenses that they have to pass on to customers through rates. so that's where they say they've gotten to this point. a bunch of the money is going to go for undergrounding the utility wants to underground 10,000 miles and they're starting with about 1200 miles. first. it just seems so frustrating and unfair for the ratepayers out there. last year, pg and e made more than $2 billion in profit. this year they could surpass $3 billion in profit. would regulators force them to share some of that money. give it back to ratepayers for pg. and e says it already is. in fact it says that nearly all of the money that it earned last year went back into reinvesting into its system. and i'm assuming arguendo they'll be
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continuing that trend because they have a lot of work to do. and they have a lot of outstanding costs that for years they haven't been attending to. so they have a lot of work to do to bring their system up to grade. and this money, they say the profits are being driven back into their system. it just seems like there's got to be some sort of structural change, whether it's pg and e or the cpuc and the regulators here. final question to you, pg and e's response just to the public criticism here about why rates are so high. well, pg and e is saying that essentially they understand that these rates have gone up and they want people to know that they're doing what they can to cut costs going forward, and they're hoping to ease the rate hikes we are getting this year, which will average raise bills up about $50 per month by this end of the year, they're hoping that they will get some relief in the two coming years. and, by 2026. but
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it's still we're paying for a lot, in part because they had to frontload two rate increases, at once because of the delay in getting the rate increase that they wanted approved. it's just it's a complex situation that we're all paying for. jaxon vanderbeken, thanks for your reporting. you can watch jackson's full investigation, an he's going to join us tonight on our 11:00 news. also tomorrow. so i will sit down with pg knees ceo patty poppy to talk about these issues and find out how ratepayers can get their rates reduced if that's at all possible. we'll have full coverage of that tomorrow on our newscast as well. our investigative unit has also been uncovering a culture of bullying inside the antioch unified school district. right now, a special board meeting has just started to talk about possible disciplinary actions against the superintendent there. this comes after we reported about her director of facilities. that guy right there, ken turnage. employees say turnage used school resources to put a
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workers desk on a roof. you see that desk under that orange canopy there? they claim he's managed to get away with the bullying because he's good friends with the superintendent, stephanie anello, and her husband, who is antioch's former police chief. and niello has now been has removed herself from overseeing investigations on the bullying complaints. in an email to board, members superintend anello said she launched two investigations before she recused herself, one on the overall situation and the other looking at specific concerns reported by nbc bay area last week. we've asked the district multiple times who will be conducting the investigations. we have yet to receive an answer . two board members questioned if those investigations will truly be independent, given that some of the complaints are against the superint attendant herself. we have a reporter at this meeting tonight. we will have updates coming up at 11:00. all right. here's something fun. this is one of the most exciting nights of the year in the nfl.
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the 40 niners, raiders and the other 30 teams across the league are shaping their future as we speak. but there's no game tonight. it's the annual nfl draft with the first pick in the 2024 nfl draft, the chicago bears select caleb williams, quarterback, southern california . okay, there it is. could the bears turn things around in chicago? maybe. caleb williams, widely considered the top quarterback in the class and he just got drafted number one overall. so the 49 ers when do they draft. well they were in the super bowl last season. so they're second to last. they have the 31st overall pick. with that said let's bring in nbc bay area's anthony flores at levi's stadium. it's so funny to see you there with no game there. but there's still a lot of excitement at levi's. anthony yeah, raj, if you look behind me, you can see fans walking around. there's a lot of excitement here on draft night. now fans are on the edge of
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their seats. why? because there are still trade rumors about a possible deal for brandon aiyuk. it hasn't happened yet. it could be a while before the 40 niners are actually officially on the clock. they pick 31st in the first round, and right now only 17 players have been selected. now, this is the first time in three years that the niners will be picking in the first round of the nfl draft. they have a total a total of ten picks this weekend. as you mentioned, they were in the super bowl. they really don't have a big need. but they could use depth on the offensive and defensive lines, wide receiver and defensive back. even with the loss of a few key starters like eric armstead, the 40 niners still have a has a roster that has them favored to win the nfc. the faithful tonight is out in force. there's a couple of draft watch parties here at levi stadium. we've got hardcore fans. season ticket holders and vips. opinions vary on who the niners should draft, but fans agree it should be players who
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can help this team get a super bowl win. offensive lineman we need offensive linemen, but that's not a sexy position. it's what we need. we need to protect parties, let them get do his thing. we just need a pick. somebody who's ready to come into the team and put forth that effort. honestly there's a lot of good rookies coming into the league this year and i just hope we get what's best for the team. i think we better keep buy. you know nas. and as of right now, brandon aiyuk is still a 40 niner. the niners pick 31st. they have ten picks throughout the weekend. but as i mentioned earlier, they can package those picks and try to move up or move back in the draft. it's like a big chemistry experiment, figuring out all the pieces that go together before we leave you. anthony, this was a great night, not just for the 40 niners we will see, but also for a local kid from napa high school. just got drafted by the raiders. how about that? yeah. brock bowers a tight end out of napa high school. you mentioned he is a
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stud. it's no surprise he was selected this early in the draft, 13th overall by the silver and black. he is a stud six four, 240 pounds. he is a two time national champion and a two time mackey award winner, which is given annually to the best tight end in college football. he has speed, hands and is considered an adequate blocker, so his nfl comparison by scouts is george kittle. george kittle is a great blocker, but they say brock bowers has that same talent 175 career receptions at georgia, 26 receiving touchdowns. and he was dealing with a sprained ankle this year. so it could have been even better. so a big, big get for the raiders. another offensive weapon for the silver and black. the question coming in for brock bowers. now who's going to be throwing him the football in the fall. the raiders need a quarterback. all right anthony flores reporting from levi stadium 40 niners will soon be on the clock. their first pick probably within the
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hour here. and great news for the brock for brock bowers and his family in napa. they were celebrating in fairfield tonight. thank you anthony. up next live music throughout the summer. in fact even throughout the spring free in san francisco. how is it going to happen? we'll expl
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the san francisco like they used to, which is causing many businesses to leave town. so
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here's part of the solution. give people a reason to come back to the city. have some fun, and spend some money. that includes live music for free. it's called the sf live concert series between may and october, san francisco will be hosting local and international talent at various spots and plazas and parks throughout the city. union square is among the locations for these free concerts. this is a $2.5 million investment funded by the state legislature. it kicks off saturday, may 4th. so about ten days from now, with a lineup of local djs at the golden gate park bandshell. joining us now is ben van houten with the at the office of economic development and workforce development. ben, your title says it all economic development. how will sf live help local businesses here? absolutely. thank you for having me. sf live is a multi-pronged effort to support and promote our local live music and entertainment sector, while also as you said, driving people out
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to concerts and supporting businesses and neighborhoods around the city. you're tapping into some of the dna of san francisco, i love that. whose idea was this, ben? and how much does the city actually going to be spending on this? we talked about the state legislature, but what's the city chipping in? absolutely you know, during the pandemic, live music venues were among the first to close, and they were among the last to reopen. and as they started to reopen, we were thinking about ways to better connect residents, workers and visitors to our live music and entertainment sector. and that's really the genesis of sf live. so what this series does is we've invited our live music venues from around san francisco to curate unique concert experiences in parks and plazas around the city, so you'll have concerts curated by rock venues like bottom of the hill, the great american music hall, jazz venues like mister tipples, a really exciting range of venues participating, and range of experiences you're going to get as part of this series. and what is i was going to say, what's the city chipping in here? or is
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that kind of a tba? the city is doing a lot of the legwork on the staff end to, to make this happen. and and the state money is going to the paying the talent and paying to produce a great dynamic series of events. you talked about various spots in the city. what venues can you give us? some examples that have been chosen so far? we mentioned union square and golden gate park. where else? absolutely. fulton plaza, the jerry garcia amphitheater in mclaren park, potrero del sol park, crane cove park, it's it over 20 concerts. we're hitting a lot of spaces across the city over the year. not quite outside lands here, but do you have some big names coming, we have a lot of a lot of good names, some big names, some haven't even been announced yet, but. but but getting pen to paper to make that happen, but i think what you're going to see is these experiences are uniquely san francisco, because they're they're being brought to you and curated by venues that are delivering live music around the city seven days a week. so it's going to be a really authentic san francisco
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experience, and we hope everybody comes and checks it out. we wish you the best of luck. and i think a lot of people, not just in the city but around the bay area, will come into the city for these events, these concerts, ben van houten with the office of economic and workforce development in san francisco. thanks for your time. good luck. thank you. let's take a live look now in san francisco. is that rain? yes, it is in the city. jeff is going to have
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to produces about 80% of our country's caviar. right, lena? absolutely. and white sturgeon are actually native to the sacramento river delta. and caviar only comes from sturgeon, right? absolutely. sort of like sparkling wine and champagne, i like that. what are the health benefits? so it has a great source of your omega three fatty acids, some anti-aging properties, even cancer fighting properties. that's cool. i'm always curious to know how is it made and harvested? so sturgeon
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are ready to produce caviar at about seven years old, we harvest the eggs, screen them to separate them, rinse dry, add sea salt, hand pack into carrington. that's amazing. and there's so many different ways you can enjoy caviar. thank you so much, lena. make sure to watch california live weekdays at
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in san francisco and across the area right now. yeah, i mean,
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we're kind of taking ourselves back to winter a little bit lately with the cool weather, the clouds and some drizzle happening throughout parts of the bay area. we have the system dropping down, and that's what's bringing us these changes. let me show you more details on what's going to be coming our way, besides the chance of a few showers. i think one of the top headlines tomorrow will be some increasing wind here, especially by the afternoon and evening. tomorrow so anywhere from 15 to about 50mph. we see some of the stronger gusts at the coastline and through the peninsula, right up in the mountains as well. maybe up to 50 there. a lot of the lower elevations, anywhere from 20 to about 35. we would see that wind calm down as we head through saturday. rain chances overall, i think as we head through tomorrow afternoon, we'd likely see some of these showers moving towards the central valley. we could get a little bit of that move in our way through tomorrow afternoon. again, maybe a slight chance here of a spotty shower. overall temperatures beginning in the 50s. then as we head through the afternoon, it's a cool day. temperatures in the 60s tomorrow. and then look at this
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though, we clear out just in time for the weekend with plenty of 70, so we get over tomorrow and the weekend looking pretty perfect. rosh bring it on. thank you jeff. as we wrap up mario lopez just getting started with access hollywood tonight. there's a whole lot of wild video to kick off the show, starting with a crazy stunt car accident on the set of eddie murphy's new film, the pickup. eddie and his costars weren't involved, but we're going to have the latest on the crew members who were injured. and then we hit the streets of london, where actually some of the royal horses hit the streets on their own, running wild for miles. and after our update on that, we're going to turn to police body cam footage of giselle bundchen in tears after they pulled her over. but we've also got some video gone viral. good news as this cute little two year old makes his plea to meet beyonce and she sure noticed all just moments away on access hollywood. back to you mario. thank you. then after access, here's what's coming up in prime time on nbc bay area. it's law and order night beginning at 8:00, svu at nine
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and law and order organized crime at ten. and then of course, our 11:00 news live and local. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00 for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our director, michelle garcia. thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening, and we hope to see you back at 11.
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tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> an accident on the set of eddie murphy's new movie. the latest on the stunt


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