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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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several date -- state abortion bans. >> meanwhile, in california, the governor is proposing new health -- help to make sure that doctors and patients in arizona -- in spite of a very strict ban on the procedure. nbc bay area's robert handa explains it all. >> reporter: nationwide. the supporters and opponents about -- as it essentially determines whether idaho and ultimately other states that ban abortions can override federal laws that require a to be given in emergency rooms. the executive director of the national latina institute for reproductive justice, rodriguez from san jose spoke out at the d.c. rally. >> they are going to keep chipping and chipping away at abortion access until they ban abortion across the country. make no mistake. >> reporter: that was echoed by gavin newsom, who proposed legislation that would allow arizona promotion tip abortion
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providers to perform abortions here. that is in response to arizona's ban on the procedure in virtually all cases. gavin newsom has already released an ad critical of states trying to stop people from seeking help in places where abortion remains legal. >> this is really sick what's happening in this country right now. and spare me this freedom gospel. spare me! pro-life, really? what about the rest of life? >> associate professor of justice studies says all these different -- the state bans and the ongoing debate are likely to converge. >> and that's not quite what was being asked of arizona at this time, but it would apply, right, if this is going to make abortion virtually, entirely inaccessible, then you see the same kind of issues will arrive for the patients and healthcare providers in the arizona hospitals. >> from washington, d.c., -- a move to repeal the arizona law
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today is a big step. >> we are happy to see it. folks who are most affected by these bands are individuals who have already been marginalized in our society, in our community, by our healthcare systems. >> reporter: robert handa, nbc bay area news. student protesters camping out again at uc berkeley. they say they're not leaving until their demands are met. this is the third night in a row that students have been camping out on -- in protest of the war in gaza. they are demanding uc berkeley sever all ties with israeli institutions and also to divest financially from companies supporting israel. university officials say they are committed to free speech, but with finals approaching, they are also making sure that they are not impacted by this and came in. demands for the university to divest are not up for discussion. similar protests are happening all over the country right now. today, usc students joining in
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the growing national protest, prompting the university to close the campus after a confrontation with officers. he was sparked by officers asking demonstrators to remove their tents, citing a campus camping ban. 20 people were arrested in the -- state troopers were attempting to block protesters from marching through the campus and the group was eventually told they had two minutes to disperse or face criminal charges. texas governor greg abbott says it will continue until they disperse. protesters have also been arrested at columbia, yale, and nyu. president biden signed it, the new foreign aid bill . it sets in -- israel and taiwan and it means ukraine will get a fresh shipment of weapons. the package contains one more provision that could lead to a controversial ban on tiktok. nbc's alice bar is tracking it all from washington. >> the good day for americans. >> reporter: president biden taking a victory lap today
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after signing a bill into law that could help ukraine avoid defeat. it's forces have been losing ground against russia, waiting for a long delayed weapons and ammunition from the u.s. >> i making sure that shipments start right away. >> the $95 billion package includes $60 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel and humanitarian aid in gaza, and 8 billion to help taiwan counter china. >> it's going to make the world safer and it continues american leadership in the world. >> the senate overwhelmingly passed the bill overnight, following house speaker mike johnson's stalemate breaking moves to let the house vote, defying far right members who oppose ukraine aid and threaten his job. >> reporter: on the far left, few criminal -- democrats objected to send israel a during the humanitarian crisis in gaza . amid growing college
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campus protest over gaza's devastating death toll, speaker johnson meeting today with jewish students at columbia university, raising the alarm about incidents of anti- semitism. also touching on controversy of the national security package that could lead to a ban of the hugely popular social media app, tiktok. unless it's chinese owner bytedance cells within nine months, fbi director christopher bray selling nbc's lester holt exclusively on tuesday -- >> tiktok, for us, represents -- is beholden to the chinese government. >> the band will likely be delayed in court, as tiktok vows to fight it. >> in this statement, cause the potential ban unconstitutional and says the platform and invested billions of dollars to protect to the data of its 170 million american users. many of them are young people who president biden needs for
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his re-election run, making this a politically tricky issue. in washington, alice bar, nbc news. in our 6:00 p.m. -- budman to increase sales. how it would impact her and what you need to know if you use the app. is coming up in about an hour. a trial date has been set up for cain velasquez. he faces attempted murder and other charges for shooting at henry -- during several south bay build cities. he's accused of molesting a family member. he has pleaded not guilty to the charges. the top cops dressed a little more casually today for a very serious cause. police chief bill scott and other law enforcement members put on their best jeans for denim day.
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the past 25 years, denim day has been a worldwide effort to raise awareness of sexual violence and support survivors. the city also recognized and awarded nine investigators social workers, and others for their work to support victims of assault. >> the people that are doing the work here are people, the d.a. -- they work in, day in and day out and -- what they deserved. >> denim day for started 25 years ago to protest a ruling in italy, when the country supreme court decided that her genes imply that she gave consent. the ruling was overturned in 2008, after years of outrage. it was once the home of several businesses, but it just sold at an eye-popping discount. the new owner of the building bought it at 90% off the price that's 04 in 2016. just one of the signs that the city is still struggling with massive office vacancies downtown.
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but as nbc bay area's sergio quintana reports, there is a sign that a turnaround may be coming. >> reporter: at the corner of market and sixth streets, is the historic david hughes building. right now is empty with a large for lease sign posted over the entrance. just a couple of years ago, this was a bustling office space. but today, it's a surprise for people who live and work nearby. >> used to be, is to be valued at $62 million. and they just sold it for $6.5 million. >> dang. that's cool. that's fine. >> reporter: big discount . >> yeah. >> will -- that's a significant drop. >> it made headlines as one of the finest towers in san francisco. today, it's making headlines for different reasons. it sits just across the street from the golden gate theater, but it's also on the edge of the tenderloin neighborhood and >> dab in the middle the market and sixth recorder, an area of the city has been battling to make safer. >> let me tell you something, man.
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this is a movie in process. i'm dead serious. it's just amazing, the things that go on throughout the day. >> reporter: the deeply discounted price could be an opportunity for the new owner, but it also displays the difference in price in san francisco real estate overall. for the same price of this 15 floor tower with about 4000 feet of office space per floor, so one can buy this three-story -- home on union street near russian hill. or for a couple million more, and just three blocks away on market street, a two story penthouse in the luxurious four seasons building. for commercial real estate experts, the bargain price of the use building and others downtown may also represent a sign of a turnaround for the city. >> i think -- as it relates to the price of office space in san francisco, and this growing conviction of a recovery system -- story. >> reporter: alexander quinn
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researches properties. he's says -- have been on the upswing over the last year. that includes companies looking to relocate from other parts of the u.s. and from other countries. what is not yet clear is how long the rebound will take. in san francisco, sergio quintana, nbc bay area. , not much momentum from wall street. the dow jones fell 42 points. nasdaq finished 16 points higher. s&p barely vegan to the green. meanwhile, tesla jumped 12% after the company announced plans for more affordable cars. still ahead, i fire breaks out in oakland apartment, attracting people inside. the heroic action of a security card as he was driving by. and as if you needed it, more evidence of the difficulty of making it in the bay. what areas of the bay are the
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least affordable. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. we are tracking the temperures and the win. atweath
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by mancinis sleep world. to the hospital. this happened at 61st and luther king way around -- nbc areas velena jones -- witness the fire and jumped in to help try and save lives. >> reporter: video shows the moment that ems and open fire crews rushed to help a fire victim who had been pulled from a burning building. >> -- from a distance. >> reporter: when he spotted a fire and stopped to help. that's when he saw a man who'd already escaped the plane, trying to get into the burning apartment to rescue a friend still trapped inside. >> just screaming. like i can't see, i -- i don't
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know where to go. i cannot see. so i, i can't see. but -- he's probably looking towards, you know, >> unable to get to the man and see past the smoke, he used a flashlight to guide them into a window, and it worked. >> like to put him out of the apartment and then when we put them in the apartment -- his close, so i went to my car and -- >> reporter: it shows how it spread the apartment, burning nearly every service. he lives next door and heard the screams for help. >> and i heard screaming, and then i heard, my neighbors were saying oh no, oh no. so i came outside and she was with one of the guys, there was another guy with his shirt off and a guy lying on the ground like he was moving, but i could see that he was really badly
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burned. >> reporter: the unit was being renovated while it the fire started. to remain at highland, one with minor injuries, and the other in critical condition. oakland fired is now investigating how it started. it appears cleaning chemicals were being used at the time. >> and the fire went out relatively quick. it looked like it was more kind of like a flash fire. a big, quick burst of energy. the windows were now, lots of smoke. small amount of fire. >> -- to a single unit. who prides himself on always being over prepared. >> allergens from every -- from narcan. >> reporter: just glad he was there to help. >> just trying to, you know, do my best and help other people. >> in oakland, nbc bay area news. california is membering a -- has died at the age of 76.
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the first woman elected as california's superintendent of public instruction, serving from 1995 to 2003. she remains the only woman to ever hold that office in california. she also represented alameda and santa clara counties in the state assembly with the council member for union city and actually ran for governor in 2018. the public celebration of life is being organized for her this summer. san jose has been named the least affordable area for americans and the middle class. that's according to a new study by creditors. it looked at america's top 100 metropolitan area. the most and least affordable places for the middle class. five of the 10 least affordable metro areas are in california. san jose was named the least affordable in the u.s. the report found in order to own a house in san jose, you will need to make more than $460,000 a year. rounding out the top five least affordable cities, san francisco, l.a., san diego, and honolulu. >> oh my gosh. but darn it, there are those 300 days of sunshine. that is true.
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not quite 300. come on. we work harder than that. >> amount of summer sunshine. >> but not today and wind on the way. >> that's exactly right. and even the chance here for some showers. coming in the next seven-day forecast, we have a lot happening here before we eventually get to some better weather. i agree. the weather in california. it can be so beautiful. so let's take it out here to the live sky camera network. we have the cloud cover moving across the bay here and all the way through today, just keeping it kind of gloomy outside, and look at these numbers below average here for a lot of the bay area. santa rosa, to 65 degrees, the average at 70, also coming in below average and 64 at 71. so if you're headed out tonight, no need for the umbrella, but you will need a light jacket if you're going to the grocery store later on
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tonight. 61 here at 8:00 p.m. and then the 60s coming in right after that. that fog is back for us, and we are going to be really hard pressed to see these clouds kind of clear out. i think we will get some breaks of sun in here through the afternoon, but still expect to those high clouds to linger in the forecast here for us. that means through tomorrow morning, we are going back down here over the tri-valley for san francisco, 53, and low 50s for the east bay. daytime ice for tomorrow staying below average, lots of 60s throughout the bay area. 67 here in san jose becomes a little bit breezy here tomorrow. sustained winds at 16, could be getting up to some gus here in the east bay to about 30, 67 here in vallejo, 66 in pleasanton. daly city, 65, palo alto, 65. san francisco, and up across's wine country, 67 in santa rosa. back to napa. we are looking at those upper 60s. so as we move beyond this, we will see a storm system develop here as we move into friday's forecast, but this one is developing over the land.
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is not going to be real easy for this one to pick up a lot of rainfall. we are just going to get a few spotty shower chances with it and it's going to stay cool and we will also see that when pick up. rainfall totals on friday, trace amounts to a 10th of an inch here for most of us, although some of the higher elevations in the south bay and the santa cruz mountains could get to up to about a quarter of an inch. the wind is going to be the thing that will get impacted by the most here. by thursday morning, it's 15 to about 30 miles per hour and then, as we head into thursday afternoon, we could see it still up to about 30, especially in the hills, and then by friday, that is wind gusts, real cut -- quick burst here, friday afternoon, may get up to 40 to 50 especially across the coastline. then we will start to see the wind calm down by this weekend, son coming back out, and temperatures beginning to drop on down. with temperatures here in the 70s through the inland valley
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.72 on saturday, 74 on sunday. much advertise sunshine is on the way but we have to get through the next two days. california is such a beautiful place to live. >> it is. that's why we all live here. >> i know. >> but we pay for it in different ways. >> i know. you see pictures of the mediterranean and often times it looks just like the bay area. >> great weather. thanks, jeff. coming up, the school year is quickly winding down, but we are already looking ahead to
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telemundo 48 and nbc bay area are already getting ready for the back-to-school season. it's important year-round. >> back to school is next -- back to school.
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>> but we have to do something for our children, don't we? >> yes. the annual effort to help equip kids with backpacks and essential supplies is kicking off tomorrow. our team leader is once again chris camorra. >> we have an invitation for you to join us in supporting our schools. we are once again partnering with a nonprofit family giving tree. this year is helping to provide free backpacks full supplies to thousands of deserving students with your help. we usually kick off his campaign in the summer but we are starting early because times are still tough and making it in the bay is still not easy. >> it's not something that starts with the school year. it's something that lives throughout the year with the school year and outside of it.
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>> here's where you can meet our family, town & country village in palo alto. our team will have kids games, prizes, and an opportunity for you to donate to the backpack drive. can make it? no worries. you can donate from home. snap the qr code on screen right now to make a contribution online. thanks for supporting our schools and see you tomorrow in palo alto.
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the san jose sharks are looking for a new coach. >> it was a rough season. david quinn has been fired to cap off a particularly brutal season for the team. the sharks made the announcement this morning. quinn was named head coach in 2022, leading the team through tough seasons. mike grier thanked him for his -- under difficult circumstances, the sharks run ended last week, just 19 wins and 54 losses from the season. missing the playoffs for the fifth year in a row. but you know what, janelle? >> what? >> only one way to go from here, and that is up. >> hopefully. is cross. don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24 seven on roku. plenty of blame for the sharks season. i'm blaming garvin.
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here's what we are working on. keeping a close eye on the air that we breathe. we sip through the new data. the tracks are air quality over the next two years. where the bay area ranks, and it's not very good. what you can do to keep yourself healthy. a sullen day of remembrance for armenians. the action governor newsom took today to honor the more than 1 million people killed in the armenian genocide. can we continue our series, race in america. we look at the ongoing fight for education and reparations that continues to this day for our bay area lost city. welcome to the news at 5:30. thanks so much for joining us. i janelle when. >> and i raj mathai. beware of the air that we
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are breathing. a new report shows the bay area had some of the worst air quality in the country. worse than l.a. in one spot. the report is not good, there is a catch to this data. here is nbc's ian cull. >> reporter: the bay area ranks fifth in the nation for the dirtiest air in front of l.a. when it comes to particles in the air each year. that's according to the american lung association's annual state of the air report out today, but there is a caveat. the data used was from 2020 to 2022, which is important because wildfires were especially bad during that time, and are largely to blame. >> those were some of the key years for wildfires and had a major, major impact on air- quality progress and exposures to harmful particle solutions in the bay area. >> reporter: it can increase the risk of strokes and heart disease now. when it comes to smoggy days, los angeles still tops the list. the bay area was 12 worst in the nation with contra costa, alameda, and santa clara counties all getting a


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