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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> and i am garvin thomas. tonight, cal students joined the growing wave of pro- palestinian demonstrations taking place in schools across the country. >> as nbc bay area jodi hernandez reports, they want the university to cut all ties to israel and are willing to campout as long as it takes. >> reporter: this and kamman has more than doubled since yesterday. there are more than -- and students say they are not going to budge until their demands are met. >> i believe that it's one of the most noble acts to stand on the right side of justice and to speak out against genocide, but it's also one of the most bare minimum things we can do. >> reporter: for the second straight day, pro-palestinian -- on the uc berkeley campus. student demonstrators are demanding uc berkeley sever all ties with the israeli institutions, including halting the global internship program in israel. and they are demanding the university financially divest from companies that support israel. >> over $2 billion of our
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tuition money goes to funding contracted weapons, like boeing, blackrock, lockheed martin, and many more. >> reporter: students say they were inspired by demonstrations at columbia university, where 100 protesters were arrested last week. similar protests have been taking place at other universities, including nyu and cal poly. things that gotten so volatile that they shut down campus. they fully expect cal to clear them out. >> when we refuse to lead, which we likely will, they will likely call you cpd and berkeley pd. >> our commitment to free speech is unwavering. >> reporter: he says it's also committed to making sure classes are not disrupted. he says divestment is not on the table. >> we've heard with their
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demands are and there are no plans to change our investment strategies, policies, or practices. >> reporter: >> it doesn't really matter in comparison to what people in gaza are going through. >> reporter: student protesters say they are willing to put everything on the line to help stop what they describe as the mass killing of innocent people in gaza. >> it cost me my future, my job, me having a professorship, that's fine. as long as it's going to liberate palestine, i can sleep at night knowing i did everything i could to free palestine. >> reporter: at uc berkeley, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> as jody mentioned , they are happening all across the country from cal poly, humboldt, nyu, and things have gotten so intense on columbia, they moved all classes online for the rest of the semester. administrators say safety is their highest priority. tonight, we are learning more about -- fired for protesting the defense contract. the activist -- no tech for
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apartheid said another 20 workers have lost their job. the group reports the total number terminated now is 50. that -- google offices in sunnyvale and new york last week. a spokesperson for the protesters also claims that the tech giant fired people who were not actively participating in the demonstration. google says that's not true and that everyone fired was directly involved in disruptive activity. the company confirms the firing, but is not giving a specific number. -- will soon be in the hands of voters. the question now, when will that election to potentially recall -- happened? nbc bay area's velena jones talks about the push for a quick special lecture some boaters are pushing back against. >> reporter: after securing enough signatures to let voters
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decide if d.a. pamela price should stay in office, the group behind the recall is now calling on the board of supervisors to set a special election date for july or august . >> the recall of pamela price is real, it's coming. >> we don't need to wait until november. there is not a timeline on life. waiting until november is not an option. we need her to go, right now. try to recall supporters believe the board of supervisors should have already set a date during last week's meeting. the board did not respond to a request for comment on that issue today, but the registrar voters claims that the state law meeting requirements -- from being discussed until -- public notice. >> reporter: supporters of d.a. price also showed up at today's -- only waste of taxpayer money. they say they believe prices delivery on her promises of accountability and justice, while addressing over incarceration rates, calling this a pure politics. >> justice is not just about
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locking somebody up for a crime. it's about getting it right. it's about having the proper evidence to convict somebody. >> the crime problem will not be solved by this scapegoating of our district attorney, who actually is doing a lot for public safety. >> reporter: but but victim families, like patricia harris and james, who's 28 years old to 28 years old was killed, they now believe her policies failed to get justice for their family, and instead they say the person responsible for their son's death got reduced charges and has already been released. >> her words are not her actions. fairness is fairness, but not to the extreme of just letting everything go. there's a difference. looking out for people that are being treated unjustly versus what she is doing.
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>> reporter: it's why recall supporters say they are pushing so hard for an immediate election date. >> she's cost so much hurt, harm, and damage to alameda county that any day that goes past as one day too many. >> reporter: in oakland, velena jones, nbc bay area news. a new effort to help teens identify signs of human trafficking. the mayor's advisory council is visiting high schools this week to raise awareness for teen trafficking. it's also sharing resources on how to recognize, report, and prevent trafficking. this comes as concern grows over online child exultation, as well. the mayor notes that over 36 million reports were -- for the center for missing and exploited children. the newest affordable housing development is open. it's open on matilda -- all units are affordable with 23 set aside specifically for low income households with intellectual and developmental disabilities. the city first got the green
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light for the project in april of 2020. >> you get the stories, you hear how we are making a difference in people's lives, that's the best part. you know, creating that space, creating a livable home for people of all needs and ages, that is what every city should be doing. >> the city tore down seven single families homes and replace them with these 90 affordable units. the mayor says they had over 800 applications come in. all units are expected to be filled by june. day to in the testimony of the former president and things are heating up in it and tense -- heard from david about an alleged scheme to catch and kill . illegally interfered with the 2016 presidential election. nbc's alice bar has the latest from washington. >> reporter: the ex-national
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enquirer publisher, david testified that he worked with michael cohen to bury stores that could have damaged the 2016 trump campaign, including those involving alleged affairs, and to, quote, embellish negative stories about mr. trump's political rivals. testified the arrangement stem from a 2015 trump tower meeting with cohen and the former president. it centers on allegations that mr. trump colluded to illegally influence the 2016 election and falsify business records to cover up an alleged affair . all accusations he denied. >> what's going on is a disgrace. >> reporter: the day started with a contentious hearing on whether he violated the judges gag order, barring him from publicly attacking witnesses and jurors. something prosecutors say he's done repeatedly. citing his comments about cohen
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right outside the courtroom yesterday. >> he got caught lying, pure lying. >> reporter: the trump legal team arguing that he's defending himself as a presidential candidate, not a criminal defendant. a prosecutor rejected , throwing maga into post as a make a political. it may make it more ominous. -- to jail time for future violations. it all comes as president biden is on the campaign trail. speaking in florida about what democrats see as their most highly motivating issue, abortion rights. >> i'm ready to protect freedom. >> reporter: very different days highlighting the unprecedented nature of this campaign season. >> you got so fiery that at one point, the judge told the trump lawyer he was, quote, losing all credibility with the court by claiming that mr. trump was being careful to comply with the order.
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>> reporter: right after the hearing, the former president slammed the judge on social media as, quote, highly conflicted. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. the bill that could ban social giant -- aid package which includes $95 billion worth of aid for ukraine, israel, and taiwan. it has now cleared a procedural vote. 80-19, showing wide bipartisan support. lawmakers argue that the parent company, bytedance, is a national security threat that -- to the chinese government. a tiktok official we spoke to this morning disputes those claims. >> we take involuntary and unprecedented steps to protect and safeguard u.s. user data, far beyond any of our peers.
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>> the final is expected happen tonight or tomorrow and if it passes, it heads to president biden's desk who has said he would sign it. still had. as the limits draw closer, a bay area city is now home to team usa's new training center. we are going to take you there for the special opening ceremony. also, sending out postcards in an effort to protect our democracy. the way one woman originally from the soviet union is trying to encourage people to vote in america. our bay area proud story is next. i chief meteorologist jack, we are covering our earth week coverage and i have more details on what to look -- anso, our rain ch
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as we can down to the paris games, olympic athletes are training here in the bay area at a special facility that's open to everyone. the triple a table tennis center in -- has been in business for about two years now. it's now been designated the
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sports official usa national training center, making it the premier table tennis facility in america. 888 will host the lead athletes training for a world table tennis event. u.s. team trials -- also a place for anyone like the public can play at this facility. tonight for -- the timing for tonight's bay area proud couldn't be any better. this election being decided by just a handful of -- it just a few votes can make that kind of difference, imagine what 400,000 can do. >> this will, the -- the bill is passed. >> if we think about democracy as something that only happens inside the halls of congress, then we are leaving out some pretty crucial locations. >> like marie against those
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living room. her kitchen and sometimes her backyard. >> you can be inside or outside. >> she's been the driving force of a get out the vote campaign that has gone quite a bit done for democracy. >> this is going to sound very trite, but it's like, if not us, then who? someone has to do it. >> maria was just a teenager when her family fled the soviet union to come to the united states. still, she members enough about life and its totalitarian regime to know it's something we should all want nothing to do with. >> you realize where you could realize that the value of democracy is that, this is the way it is now, with a political conflict. we can vote. >> which is why in the run up of the 2016 presidential election, maria wanted to get involved promoting democracy, a self-described introvert, phone
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banking wasn't a good fit for her, but hand written postcards urging people to vote? yeah, she could do that. >> i don't have -- this person's life but they see a postcard coming hand written from a person and it will hopefully make them stop and think. oh, registering, it's not going to do any harm to do this. so this is my set up. >> but maria can only write so many herself. so using project management skills honed from tech, maria developed a system that made it easy for others to join her. she gets a list of names and addresses from political organizations across the country, then prepares packets filled with postcards for people to pick up on her doorstep or they can come to her house once a week for a postcard writing party. it only occurred to maria in 2019 to start counting the number of postcards they sent in, but in just five years the number is impressive. >> you just have 4000 --
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400,000 dispatches. distributed in the name of democracy. >> tell five friends. >> and yes, maria does have political -- but even if she convinces someone with a different opinion to get to the ballot box and express it, well, that is still a stamp will spend. >> the right to vote is -- other rights. >> as you're watching the story, you had that reaction when she said like, you notice a handwritten postcard and you do. >> when you get the phone call, the phone banks you are like -- >> how quickly delete the text? >> bombarded. >> if somebody has taken the time to write it and to decorate it, as well, you take the time to read it.
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>> for sure. >> even if you don't act, you go hey, someone cared about this. >> for sure. >> it super effective. good job. thanks so much, yes, for our democracy. let's talk about the weather. you can see the changing forecast. i mean the cloud cover was around all day, jeff. >> and so much colder after the weekend where we had those 80s, now down into the 60s. we will talk more even about them shower chances ahead for us but i also want to continue our earth week coverage tonight and get you a look here at a 30 year forecast for the sierra and where we could be headed if we don't see some substantial cuts in admissions. so i want to start this off and get a look at where this snow level is usually about the year at least lately and where they tend to average. it's at about 5000 feet. that's excellent because we are able to bank up that snowpack,
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which under -- if we don't get substantial -- that's where things could get dramatic for us and certainly turn into a worst- case scenario. so as we come in closer here, i want to show you the snow levels that we may see in the future, which actually could go all the way up to 7000 feet. not only sitting off and environmental changes, but of course, we would name be able to bank that snowpack and that would forever change how our water supply goes here throughout california. now the other thing that this would change with those higher snow levels is what looks to be setting off flash flooding throughout the sierra, which is something that they are not used to, at least very often, and that would have some dire impacts. we talk to an expert in this year about this. let's go ahead and hear more. >> we are going to see more rain at the higher elevation of to that 7000 feet. and depending on the storm potentially even above that. we are going to see the likelihood of more flooding big atmospheric river's, even where there used to be snowfall. this really going to reshape
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the way that we are living through these storms and these experiences as a whole. >> remember, to mitigate this, we can all do our part, just lowering your carbon footprint will certainly make a difference for us. we have more coverage of this on trent 23, and of course, were covered sure this week. let's go into the weather forecast here and we are going to go ahead and get you into what we can expect here throughout the bay area. we have this area of low pressure. just offshore. you can see it's spinning right there hoping to -- and certainly some colder temperatures. we've seen some thunderstorms fire up to the north and over the sierra, nothing for us. keeping a close watch on the reader. don't really expect anything tonight, but with thunderstorm activity, you always have to keep one eye here to the radar. so we will closely monitor that. otherwise, it's been all about the temperatures. look at this drop. from 85 on sunday, all the way down to 10 degrees colder today.
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13 in novato, leaving us at 63 right now in livermore. that's at least compared to this time yesterday. so the cooler weather is already on the way and it's we had through tomorrow morning's forecast, we will start off with some areas of fog. then, as we had to the afternoon, it looks like those clouds are going to be hanging on for us. we may get a few breaks of sunshine, but don't really expect wall-to-wall sunshine the way things are going right now. as we have your tomorrow morning's forecast, upper 40s and low 50s, so jacket weather to start. again, 53 here in san francisco and down to 50 here for the east bay. temperatures through the day don't really warm up a whole lot. will put us at 67, 69, over to the east bay, 64 in oakland, 64 in oakland and 69 in antioch. the peninsula, chile. 58, half moon bay, 65. and then 65 in sonoma. so as we look ahead, eventually, we will get a system dropping down by friday.
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that will give us a slight chance of a few spotty showers. nothing big, trace amounts, maybe a quarter inch for some of the higher elevations. so on that seven-day forecast, we keep it on the cool side here in san francisco, wins will pick up thursday and friday and so far, it looks dry as we had through this weekend forecast. to the inland valleys, we will get up to 72 on saturday, 74 on saturday. a little bit warmer, more comfortable for the weekend, once we get over these cold temperatures. the win on thursday and friday also, that's certainly, you know, it's going to be annoying. right now, we don't inspect any major problems from the wind, but it is something we are closel
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troubling news from tesla. thousands of tesla employees in the bay area will soon be jobless. -- tesla is pushing to cut 10% of its global workforce. he says he's trying to reduce costs and increase productivity. now we are learning that over 2200 jobs will be cut. from about a dozen jobsites for another 480 people will be laid off in palo alto. this -- in june. the news comes as tesla released its earning report this afternoon. the company reported a 9% drop in revenue this year, the biggest decline since 2012. tesla shares have also plummeted more than 30%. tesla has a plan to get people to buy it's cars. it's cut the prices on three of its models and also -- the company also announced today an initiative to produce more affordable cars by 2025. tesla stock is up 13% in after-
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hours trading. overall, stocks finish tire for the second day in a row. dow jones climb 263 points, the nasdaq gained 245. the s&p end of the day up 59 points. mother big wins, spotify surged 11%.
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we are hearing from princess kate again , but this time in form of a happy birthday shut out, prince louis. >> the couple posted this picture on x. the captain said happy six birthday, prince louis, and they gave the credit to kate middleton. the first personal photo the account has uploaded since march. that is when kate shared she is undergoing treatment since -- >> happy birthday. he looks just like prince george. the forget, you can watch our newscast 24 seven on roku. here's what we are working on. getting through those -- may take you longer if a new


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