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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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we begin with breaking news. this afternoon the passing of the -- the community activist
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lisa williams. take a look at video of williams when he celebrated his 94th birthday back in september. after 60 years as the spiritual leader, william stepped away from the church to focus on family and his health. william accepted the position of pastor back in 1963. he grew the congregation 10,000 people and he was a well-known activist. the mayor just sent us the statement that reads crowd, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our community. he spoke out against injustice and he spoke for the marginalized. compassion and wisdom always putting the people first and never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and envision changed our city and the world. i can tell you our assignment desk is making calls to other leaders right now in san francisco we will bring you
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reactions throughout her evening newscast. reverend cecil williams at the age of 94. caught up in a sting. a fire captain for san jose targeted presenting a list of pictures to 18. investigators revealed new information about how he was matt. good afternoon welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. updating us on the fire captain arrest every step of the way he will be joining us with the new information he's uncovered today. also tracking other stories including a plea deal in the case of a home depot employee shot and killed while trying to stop shoplifters. was justice served? jones spoke to the victim's mother. remembering a former member of the police department. what we are learning about his death, working for another sheriff's department and how the local community is honoring his memory today.
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new rules for driverless cars. the lawmaker hoping to get more clarity to keep all of us safe, moving forward. let's go ahead and begin with new information on the case of the san jose fire captain accused of being a child predator. the sacramento county sheriff gave new information that led to his capture. they called it operation spring cleaning. the first to break the news of the fire captain's arrest last week joining us now with the details. what are we learning today? >> reporter: and was a sting. 24 people were arrested in this three-day operation by the sheriff's office. several other agencies around sacramento. they arrested a postal worker, a church school teacher and also captain spencer parker and the san jose fire department being charged with three felonies. one of those being attempted lewd act of a ,13 child.
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we are told by the sheriff's office in the news conference they thought they were communicating with a 13-year- old girl. they were going to meet up on a selected date but when the suspect arrived it was an undercover officer who was there waiting for them and they made the arrest. it very upsetting. in the words of the mayor, the allegations are very disgusting. i asked him if he had any more confidence in the fire chief given there is a couple scandals under his watch, the mayor would not say yes, he would not say no either. he wants a thorough cleansing of the department to make sure there is some accountability. make sure the firefighters are keeping up with the morality they are expected to keep up with. whole >> then i get to speak with a legal analyst today. does this create new issues for the fire department?
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>> reporter: it might. the mayor said -- the city asked for a criminal inquiry into what happened here with former captain spencer parker they want to know did he do this while on duty? did he do this on city computers were there other firefighters within watching as he was doing the wax were they aware he was doing this allegedly? the criminal prowled told me it's the way open and active investigation. they will release more information as soon as it becomes available. >> thank you for that preview. we will stream the full story later on in ernie in our evening forecast. we will stain san jose police are investigating this afternoon after a car hit a person at around noon today near first street in hollywood avenue police say a man was
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seriously hurt. he was rushed to the hospital. no word on his condition or whether the driver will face charges. a case we have been tracking for a year starting with the security guard killed while trying to stop shoplifters at a home depot. today we are hearing there is a plea deal for the man and woman accused of killing that guard. jones joins us now. i know you got a chance to speak with the victim's mother today. what are you learning? this is the second plea deal that was brought to these two defendants today. here is when they expected that and they expect a guilty plea. they have a suspected shooter in all of this. receiving 19 years to life the suspected getaway driver in this incident will now faith seven years and four months for this sentence. this is a long time coming.
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ice oak to lori, the late mother, who says this is the second run of plea deals they went through. the first plea deal, both of those suspects denied it in the second when they were finally able to come to a resolution here. will this was a very hard decision to make. this took a lot of conversations with family, they both relied on their faith in this. as well as blake's coworker.
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they go through a trial process. she also added that she's the one who asked for a plea deal, because she doesn't want to bring her family through this trial. so she sent today's a good day. >> thank you so much. the full story later on this evening. this is a death penalty case under review because of a potential misconduct committed by prosecutors during jury selection according to district attorney pamela price. she said her office found evidence that the prosecutors intentionally excluded black and jewish people from the jury for the past four decades. the district attorney's office will have to look at a total of 35 death penalty cases. >> many people did not receive a fair trial and as a result, we have to review all of the files to determine what
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happened. we recognize how terrible this is and it's something we have to make right. >> reaching out to victims and survivors. that's how long it will take. the 27-year-old officer grew up in walnut creek and started his career in contra costa county. he worked as a police officer for nearly 5 years. he was shot and killed on saturday during a traffic stop. he just joined the county sheriff's department in january. he attended a christian high school in walnut creek. after college he returned as a school track cross country coach while he pursued a law
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enforcement career. >> from the very first time you met him, he had a smile on his face. he would show up to whatever you would ask him to do. >> he had so much love. i'm starting to think -- it's hard to think he's no longer here. >> his teachers say they knew he wanted to be a police officer in high school. he was a cadet at the police department. he married his high school sweetheart, friends say he was looking forward to starting a family. lawmakers are trying to take on autonomous vehicle regulations before it explodes into more cities. the transportation committee met today. it was authored by -- it was enacted into law it will provide oversight and more accountability for companies who own and operate driverless
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cars. it would also allow law enforcement to fight them for traffic violations, require companies to set up dedicated phone line for first responders and set of geo-fencing to prevent them from entering areas like construction zones. >> what we want to make sure, we are keeping all those safe. first responders know how to act with these vehicles or know what to do when they encounter these vehicles. we also want to keep them out of harmful situations and we want a chance with technology to grow and develop. >> they would have to provide collision reports every five days and go through committees in the senate before it gets voted on. if it signed into law, they would go into effect in january. if you get a text message that claims to be from fasttrack, do not click on the link that's the warning today from the toll collecting agency. it has been going around for months now people receiving texts, telling them they need to pay fees. including a link
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that leads to a fake website where people are being asked for private financial information. fasttrack said it never request payment by text. anyone who may have fallen victim is urged -- is urged to contact their bank or credit card company. a whale washes ashore and now scientists are moving into another part of the bay to answer key questions about how and why it died. providing care the inspiring journey across california. before we had to break we want to know what story would like to see later on. you have a little bit more time to vote. tom brady getting rested on netflix. l.a. to vegas high-speed tran, or new rosters and hall of fame all good stories today and we will tell you all about the
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stories in about 10 minutes. it's oce -- it's almost summer time. we are already working tohelp families who can't afford back- to-school basics. we are collecting backpacks, other school pplies already we made it easy if you want to help go to nbc bay to donate online or check out the list of supplies we are collecting, drop them off in person this
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marine scientists are trying to figure out how this whale died in the bay over the weekend. the gray whale was first spotted on saturday near khan memorial beach in alameda county. the marine mammal center and coast guard told -- to to angel
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island that's where they are trying to figure out how it died we do want to know. they say this is not the same whale that was spotted two weeks ago. tangled in a fishing net, it's not it. earth week is underway and one community is celebrating new developments in california's clean energy initiative lawmakers joined other energy companies in richmond to discuss the technology as well as ways we can conserve, adapt and feature climate change they discussed technology impact on environmental sustainability revealing a milestone in a more sustainable future. >> am very proud to announce that 2023 first time ever 100% greenhouse gas free energy for retail customers. >> reporter: they also encourage people to advocate for policies that reduce carbon emissions. we of course will continue to
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bring you expensive coverage of earth week right here on nbc bay area we have a lot of exciting stories coming up about the issues and some incredible solutions make sure you stay tuned. a band of cyclists are hitting the road in california in the hopes of making a difference. here is washington with their story. a group from spain traveling to california to spread awareness and find a cure. a group taking on the challenge of writing 400 miles to take on the death valley ride to cure als. another 400 mile adventure to bikers to baker and yosemite national park. some stops like late tahoe and mammoth mountain one of those cyclists is 61-year-old jamie who has lived with als for the past eight years. his efforts with the nonprofit has taken the group to spain, france, belgium and right here
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in the u.s. to raise awareness and funds $50,000 to be exact, to help people living with als often called lou gehrig's disease. the best part of this travel is living life and spending time with his son. for him it's the most beautiful thing he's seen and because of that, you can almost forget he's got als. it's an honor. my dad got my back all the way in over 28 years and now it's my turn to give back and have his back. >> i love seeing that relationship between the two of them the group ended their travels here at a stanford lab before returning to spain and the als network also help the team while here in california. you can get stories like this all you have to do is join us
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at the bay we start at 5:00 a.m. and you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want we are on 24 seven on other streaming platforms. back to you. >> what a perfect time to go out no matter what you're doing. your walking. the last week and was glorious this morning i took a lot of time to just walk around. >> so important with weather like this i think everybody -- right? soaking it up this past saturday and sunday let's take it into the microclimate forecast starting off with your carbon footprint of course it is earth day we have climate coverage all week long and extended coverage on nbc bay you probably already know common sense right here it's a useful reminder buying local food can help, recycling, solar panels we know those are expensive but if you're able to do it, that's a huge way to make a big impact on carpooling
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maybe even work from home. those are very very expensive they make a huge impact something as simple as changing your light bulbs to l.e.d. can help across the planet. let's move it into those current temperatures we are starting to cool off right now we have the coastline taking it down to 6774 in concord more down to san jose tomorrow we will get that thought back to morning and temperatures in the 50s through the afternoon numbers will be dropping instead of 80s we will be back down into the 70s i think we will start the 70s returning at 3:00 and 4:00 tomorrow. only 65 in napa. 70 right here in san jose coming up at 5:00 we take a look at a few rain chances moving in this week we will also continue her climate coverage and i will show you more on temperatures than where we could be headed for the future with the impact you do
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and how much it could help. that's coming up tonight at 5:00. >> thank you. look who's here. what's happening at 5:00? >> a huge story today happening with the homeless in cities. should they be able to prevent the henhouse from sleeping in public spaces? arguing today they seem to be siding with the city and demonstration of leaving the unhoused alone they can criminalize people for doing something when there is no other option. today marks the beginning of passover but this year heightened security concerns because of the israel hamas war and the pro-palestine demonstration we seen that here in the bay area nationwide. the jewish community is being held hostage by hamas and of course the death of san francisco icon reverend cecil williams, the amazing man. more meeting stories coming up
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at 5:00. heartrending stories devoted to you -- voted on by you on my instagram.
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top trending stories. this was so close. the latest high-speed rail project is getting off the ground and connecting los angeles to las vegas. once finished, expect the trip to take about two hours. providing a chunk of the funding expected to reach about $12 billion in services expected to begin in four years just in time for the summer olympics in l.a. >> i will be posting links to the other stories you voted for, on my instagram.
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taylor swift fans are flocking to a london pub the tortured poets department track 17 is called the black dog and that happens to be the name of a pub that said had a quote of a certain blonde regular. that to call in extra staff to cope in to cope with demand. >> it's been so nice to see a cozy small neighborhood pub this is a dream. something that money can't buy we are just so thankful. >> releasing a 31 song double album last friday. broke spotify records for the most streamed album in a single day. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want we're streaming our newscast all the time. you can watch live newscast,
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breaking updates and more of our content. thank you so much for joining us at 4:30. we are back in just two minutes.
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right now 5:00 the homelessness crisis has reached the u.s. supreme court the case the high court is hearing about a small oregon town how it could impact they deal with homeless encampments. growing concern in the jewish community of passover begins the action taken by local synagogues and tempos because of the ongoing war between israel and hamas bay area nurses voicing their frustration about their jobs while they are taking aim at artificial intelligence. the news at 5:00 starts right now thank you for joining us. we began with breaking news.
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a bay area icon has passed away san francisco community activist the reverend cecil williams had died. here's video williams celebrating his 94th birthday this was back in september after 60 years as the spiritual leader williams stepped away from the church to focus on family and health he accepted the position of pastor in 1963. he grew the congregation to 10,000 people and became a well- known activist with issues from rights to homelessness and the a.i.d.s. epidemic we spoke with him many times over the years including the clip in 2010 where he spoke about the impact martin luther king jr. had on him and his philosophy. >> all people need to be free. they are able to say i'm free at last. >> he's always been on the street and kept his feet on the ground he's never elevated himself above anybody else he's always told everybody you have
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power and he uses his power in order to empower others. >> he chose the courageous and welcoming a diverse congregation and integrated interracial congregation filled with people of all races and sexual orientation. reverend cecil williams said you are welcome in. >> he took over in 1963 and turned it into a renowned church welcome -- welcoming hippies, drug users, transgender youth. 1964 he created the council on religion and homosexuality which brought activists and religious leaders together. the 70s they were part of the antiwar movement. that was also the first church in the u.s. to offer hiv testing after sunday services williams retired last february over 60


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