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tv   Today  NBC  April 19, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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sunday, 69. . traffic is going nicely so i will pitch sunday with the great weather, please come visit over here. i'll be at japantown at the cherry blossom festival parade. hello kitty is the grand marshal. >> the "today" show is moments away but we continue on roku and other platforms. live at 8:00, the reason tesla is recalling thousands of cybertrucks. and be sure to tune into nbc bay area saturday night. our team of meteorologists highlighting stories about our climate, including problems and solutions when it comes to our climate in crisis. that's at 6:30 on saturday night. good friday morning. israel strikes back against iran. >> leaving the middle east on edge this morning. good morning. it is april 19th.
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this is "today". breaking news, retaliation. israel launches an unprecedented military strike inside iran as the world holds its breath. this morning the concerns of a wider war. what the white house knew before the attack. and on capitol hill, the ongoing battle on funding for israel. where it all goes from here straight ahead. jury selected. the hush money trial of former president trump underway with 12 jurors now sworn in. an inside look at the process and the men and women chose to decide the historic criminal case. close call. frantic moments as two packed planes come within seconds of colliding at one of the nation's busiest airports. how it happened and the red flags being raised about runway safety. those stories, plus fever pitch. indiana rolls out the red carpet for basketball superstar caitlin clark.
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>> can't think of a better place for me to start my career. >> her impact on the wnba already clear. soaring ticket prices, record jersey sales, and a monster shoe deal with her first game just weeks away. and all night long. ♪er new album at the stroke of midnight. a 2:00 a.m. surprise. even more music. ♪ we were forever ♪ >> the new double album keepin >> taylor swift releases her new >> the new double album keeping stunned fans up all night dissecting every lyric about love, life. the trophy, he just comes running over ♪ >> the instant and is this one about travis?
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the instant reaction from sleepy swifties, today, friday april 19th, 2024. ♪ from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on a friday morning. breaking news overnight. israel carried out a limited military strike against iran. the strike comes a week after iran's unprecedented attack against israel, where they launched 300 drones and missiles. >> so far iranian officials are down playing the latest strike. the move is heightening concerns over a wider conflict in the region. we have it all covered, including reaction from the white house and what it could mean for u.s. aid to israel. we start with richard engel in jerusalem this morning. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this strike by israel was limited, and it seems that both sides are now trying to pull back from the brink. here in israel, people are out. the military has not imposed any
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new restrictions, not advising the public to go to shelters. in iran, surprisingly an anchor on state tv even described the strike as, quote, no big deal. an israeli official says israel did carry out a stroke overnight. flashes in the sky could be seen from iran's air defenses.s air . u.s. officials say informed ahead of time. the target was u.s. officials say they were informed ahead of time. the target, iranian media report, was a military base near a nuclear site which officials say was not hit. but iran so far isn't saying much about it. instead, iranian media nearly all controlled by the state, are telling the public to stay calm, shrugging it off, showing the main circle with traffic flowing as normal. some media dismiss the incident as a new small drones, claiming they were shot down. in israel, people are out this
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morning. no sense of panic. calm. earlier this month, israel attacked iran's embassy compound in syria, killing at least 12 people. iran accused israel of crossing a red line. the white house said it was only informed at the last minute. iran responded with a massive barrage last weekend of more than 300 drones and missiles, including massive ballistic missiles. the massive air assault was stopped with significant help from the u.s. military and other allies. president biden urged the israeli prime minister netanyahu to leave it there and, quote, take the win after stopping iran's assault. netanyahu refused, saying israel needed to respond. israeli officials telling nbc news israel needed to
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reestablish deterrents but would calibrate its response. iran threatened that any israeli incursion would trigger an immediate counter attack. so far, that hasn't happened. iran says that it thwarted another attack. and syria says its air defense involved in the strike. u.s. officials were notified. it comes just days after the white house cautions israel about retaliating against iran. peter alexander is here. what are you hear sng. >> good morning. we are hearing from the u.s. systems were attacked. right now, the secretary of state anthony blinking is meeting with foreign ministers. he's overseas in italy. moments ago, the italian foreign minister communicated that the u.s. communicated to those foreign ministers that they did receive this last-minute warning about drone action taking place inside iran right now. as you note, they were notified,
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but they weren't surprised by this. the primary concern for the united states right now is trying to focus on deescalation, to keep this on a path of deescalation. they made it clear they fear any further counter attacks will only draw this into a wider conflict at this time. as you heard from richard a moment ago, president biden after those strikes by iran inside israel, more than 300 missiles and drones were used there, the president communicated taking the win. do not retaliate. you are fortunate this did not cause wider damage inside israel. netanyahu ignored that. he thought it was necessary to retaliate in some way right now. the white house communicated its commitment to israel defense by multiple officials is ironclad but they would not participate in any offensive actions taking place inside iran.
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two things to keep an eye on over the next 24 hours, the u.s., the white house focussing on trying to keep this on a path to deescalation. but it also raises questions about this administration, about this president, his impact, his influence on benjamin netanyahu right now given the two have had a relationship for decade, but obviously it is at a new tension at this point. >> peter, thank you. >> that sets us up nicely for former chief of the staff of the pentagon, jeremy bash. >> good morning. >> how would you characterize this strike? peter was talking about the balance that u.s. officials are hoping. what did they hit? what is the significance? and how would you characterize it? >> yeah. it appears it was highly calibrated. i think israel wanted to go after iranian revolutionary guard core capability in and near iran's nuclear facilities, taking out missile and drone capabilities by iran, showing the iranians that israel can go deep into the heart of the iranian territory, without triggering another round of retaliation. >> we noted that some of these
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strikes were in areas around iranian nuclear facilities. but as we understand, it didn't hit iranian nuclear facilities. is there a message there? >> absolutely. i think there is a nuclear facility there where iran centrifuges are where they're spinning and creating nuclear fuel. israel is saying if you take another step to attack us, we could go after your nuclear capability. >> the fear, of course, is escalation. we just heard peter detailing about how the white house sent a message after the drone attacks in israel saying don't retaliate, take the win, trying to tamp it down. what is the vibe there now? do you feel like this wider war has been avoided for the moment? >> well, i think israel clearly won this round. they took out these iranian generals, stopped the attack and
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went deep inside iranian territory. fundamentally israel wants to focus on its own borders. on the ongoing war against hamas and after all there are still 100 hostages, including 5 americans we think still being held by hamas in those tunnels underground. israel has a lot of work to ensure its borders. >> this relationship between the u.s. and israel is complicated between the two leaders. president biden and netanyahu.e. on the other hand, it does not seem that netanyahu is necessarily in lockstep with president biden. >> i think that's right. i think biden wants the war to end and netanyahu wants on the one hand, the u.s. and its arms and its support of israel are absolutely essential. on the other hand, it does not seem that netanyahu is necessarily in lock step with president biden. >> i think that's right. i think biden wants the war to end. whether he will be able to do that is unclear at this hour. but these two allies will stay together. most of the conversations will be behind closed doors. i think we have seen that the u.s. ultimately will have israel's back if iran attacks again. >> jeremy bash, thank you very much.
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meantime, as israel was carrying out that strike, there was late night movement on capitol hill. that massive foreign aid package for israel is now pushing forward. kristin welker joins us now. kristin, what is the latest there? >> overnight foreign aid bills for israel and ukraine took a major step forward. they're headed for a vote on saturday. they're likely to pass. in an incredibly rare move, four democrats joined five of their republican colleagues to vote these aid packages out of committee. this committee, we call it the rules committee, almost always voted along party lines. but the fact democratic votes were needed underscores the extent to which some far right republicans still oppose more aid to ukraine. these developments overnight in iran undoubtedly will add more urgency to get aid to israel passed. this is a test for house speaker mike johnson. he has been on the job for six months. they're threatening to oust him. >> so where does that stand,
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kristin, this morning? is his job in jeopardy? >> well, savannah, technically his job is in jeopardy with those lawmakers dangling the possibility of trying to remove him. look, i had multiple conversations with republicans overnight, both in the house and in the senate. they say they feel confident speaker johnson will ultimately. the gop sources expressing to me real frustration that more chaos in the house could potentially hurt republicans on the campaign trail. keep his job, even if it means he's saved by democratic votes. and, remember, former president trump tried to throw him that lifeline, remember that joint appearance last week in mar-a-lago. these gop sources stressing frustration, that it could hurt republicans on the campaign trail. >> thank you so much. speaking of that foreign aid fight, kristin will have an exclusive conversation with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy this sunday morning on "meet the press." we turn to the historic criminal trial of president trump. jury selection moving much more quickly than expected. the 12 person panel is already set. the former president is accused of falsifying business records to hide hush money payments ahead of the 2016 election.
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nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarett is here with more. >> the process some had expected to last for weeks now nearly done in just three days. a cross section of manhattan residents with different backgrounds and different opinions on donald trump highlights how mr. trump has been a fixture on new york city long before he was ever the president, making finding a jury to judge in here all the more quickly. and then there were 12. a full slate of jurors now sworn in to hear donald trump's first criminal trial. the former president in a chilly manhattan courtroom, as four men and three women were added to the final jury, including an investment banker, security engineer, retired private wealth manager, as well as a speech
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therapist, physical therapist, someone who works in e-commerce and a product development manager. the jury vetting process moving in fits and starts this week, with 96 perspective jurors showing up thursday only to have nearly 50 excuse themselves out. >> there is no way after my online presence where i'd sate rise this man. >> many jurors admitting they're unable to be impartial. in the case where prosecutors accuse him of falsifying business records to cover up his alleged role in silencing adult film star stormy daniels on the eve of the 2016 election. he denies any involvement with her and pled not guilty to all charges. >> i'm sitting here for days now, from morning until night in that freezing room. very bad thing. the whole world is watching this. >> the difficulty of both seating a jury and keeping them insulated from outside influences in such a high-profile case illustrated when the judge had to dismiss two jurors.
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one expressing concern she could not be fair after loved ones figured out she had been picked for the jury and confronted her. the rare opportunity to come face to face with the former president also prompting a mix of reactions, from a former bernie sanders supporter apologizing to mr. trump for calling him names online, to a self-described want to be hockey player thanking mr. trump for fixing the ice skating rink in central park. court will pick up later this morning with a section of five additional alternate jurors. if it all stays on schedule, we could see opening statements from the prosecution beginning as soon as monday, guys. >> laura, thank you. all right. 7:15. mr. roker has got a check of the weather. hey, al. >> hey, guys. good morning. good to see you as well. happy fri-yeah. light showers and embedded thunderstorms along this frontal system pushing into the east
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today. most of the action is going to be further to the south. in the meantime, this cold front will bring light showers later today into the northeast, scattered. strong storms possible to the southeast as you can see as we move into the day now. tomorrow we have a secondary system developing along this front. numerous showers and storms developing over texas. some could be locally heavy and we will be looking at periods of we could be looking at flooding. rain will spread along the gulf coast as this low developing, so we're looking at periods of lots of rain, gusty winds. and, in fact, we have the risk for much of texas under some severe flooding possible from dallas, abilene, austin, houston, shreveport as well. 2 to 3 inches, but locally 4 inches or more especially from central and east central texas. the rest of the country today will be cooling off as we make our way into the mid-plains. a few snow showers into the upper great lakes. we're also looking at that heat. really starting to develop
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through the southwest. the west coast will be best. lots of sunshine and seasonal temperatures. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? good morning. i'm meteorologist vianey arana. this is what it looks like right now in san francisco at the golden gate bridge. we've got cloud cover. that marine layer has been lingering, expect to see some clearing, but for the most part it will be a lot slower to clear. it will be 12:00, 1:00, we'll get sunshine. we're at 52 degrees now and we
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will max out into the 70s. plenty of sunshine in areas like san jose. daytime highs will climb into the upper 70s. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. coming up a frightening moment on one of the nation's busiest airports. sam brock is following that. >> reporter: yeah. this happened at dca after a plane was given permission to taxi across a runway where another plane was about to take off. what happened? we'll also look at what the faa is doing right now to address a shortage of air traffic controllers. that story is next. >> all right, sam. thanks. plus, caitlin clark's wnba debut is under way. she's already making her mark. here's her historic impact on the league before she even plays a single game. first, this is "today" on nb c.
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coming up, we were not ready
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for it. taylor swift's overnight surprise. we knew a midnight album is coming. but, wait, there's more. >> double excitement, a double album. how fans are reacting. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. it's time and... action. hulu on disney + is now available, with your favorite movies, shows and originals. together like never before. how does that sound to you? for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney + is here. hey! asthma's got you going through it?
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three police officers. >> reporter: i'm kris sanchez. three alameda city police officers are charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of mario gonzalez in 2021. they were not charged by alameda county district attorney pamela price, but by her public accountability unit. 26-year-old mario gonzalez died in 2021 after he was pinned down by officers. their body camera captured video of the whole incident. the previous district attorney found insufficient evidence for charges, the police accountability unit found otherwise, and those charges are now filed. let's get a look at your forecast for this friday with meteorologist vianey arana. >> good morning. we do have 50s right now, and i want to show you some cameras in san jose. we've got some cloud cover. through oakland, we've got about 54 degrees, and walnut creek 52. the marine layer will eventually clear out.
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for your afternoon, here is a closer look at daytime highs. still above average but not as warm as yesterday. we're going to see highs in the mid-60s for san francisco, 70s through parts of the north bay. the tri-valley, you're going to be at 73 for dublin, los gatos 77, morgan hill 75, and stretching through gilroy. enjoy your friday. >> thank you very much. and don't forget to join us for "today in the bay" live streaming newscast at 8:00 a.m. coming up at 8:00, a new recall involving tesla's cybertruck. you can watch on roku, amazon fire tv, and streaming platforms, including
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♪ back now at 7:30. it's april 19th, 2024. excited to welcome caitlin clark.
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this is the reaction tim mcgraw got when he donned that jersey. the crowd loved it. he actually wore her iowa jersey to one of her other concerts, so he's all dialed in. we will be talking about all the clark mania in just a few minutes. >> welcome. good morning. let's get to a really scary moment on the runway of one of the busiest airports in the country. two planes came within seconds of colliding at reagan national. the faa is investigating as this raises new concerns about passenger safety. sam brock has the latest. hey, sam. good morning. >> reporter: hi, hoda. good morning. it comes at a time when the faa the investing millions of dollars to reduce these runway incursions. what happened at dca? it was likely an air traffic control error. >> stop! >> a frantic warning at dca
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directed at a southwest plane, which the faa says it just received permission from controllers to cross runway 4, while a jet blue plane was beginning its takeoff on the very same runway. the planes came within a thousand feet of each other. >> stop! >> we stopped.p. stop, stop, stop. >> we stopped. we were cleared to cross runway 4. >> teresa hoffman was on board. >> you are about to -- right before it's about to happen, we slam o we were cleared to cross runway potential disaster was diverted. now there are many questions about what might have caused the mishap in the first place. >> it appears that you had two different airplanes talking to two different controllers, one
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ground controller and one a tower controller. it appears to be an operational error. >> hoffmann also received an e-mail from jet blue which stated this disruption is considered an uncontrollable disruption, meaning it is due to events outside of jet blue's control. the faa saying it is going to investigate the incident. both airlines promising to cooperate fully with the federal government. a string of recent close calls have raised significant concerns. >> southwest, abort. >> reporter: coming within 100 feet of a southwest passenger plane about to take off that was carrying 128 people onboard. >> so, sam, the summer travel rush is on the way, and there are some issues when it comes to air traffic controllers. so how are they making that work? >> reporter: so the federal government right now is in the process of hiring up to 4,000 more air traffic controllers over the next couple of years as a four-day window. this is no easy task. a, because of specialization.
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and, b, controllers have to retire by 56. you have to be under the age of 31 just to apply. one controller said, if you are good at video games, you will likely be good at this job. if you expect structure and repetition and the same thing every time, you probably need to look at another profession. hoda, back to you. >> sam, thank you. w they are h heroes from the day and embracing hope and healing. first, taylor swift had a big surprise for fans overnight. we have been listening to every track of the new double album. good morning. >> good coming up, tomorrow marks 25 years since the tragedy at columbine high school. how they're honoring those heroes from that day and embracing hope and healing. all right. but, first, taylor swift had a surprise to fans overnight. emilie ikeda has been hard at work listening to every track of her double album. good morning. >> good morning. 31 tracks. that is how many songs swifties were gifted overnight. and, no, we will not calm down about it. we are breaking down everything we know about this double album release, which, by the way, is already breaking records. stay with us.
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we're back, taking on in depth look at taylor swift's huge surprise overnight. >> all right. swifties, and we are among them, we knew an album was coming at midnight. but then, in classic taylor fashion, she has something extra special planned. >> our taylor swift correspondent emilie ikeda has been listening to all the songs. >> this truly feels like christmas morning. when taylor swift first announced her new album at the grammys this morning, she held up a peace sign. what we came to understand overnight is it was actually a number two, sending swifties into a complete frenzy with 31 songs. this morning taylor swift fans are dropping everything now after a shocking 2:00 a.m. surprise. hours ago taylor posted a new cover, revealing a secret double album of 31 songs, writing in part, i have written so much
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tortured poetry in the last two years and want to show it to you. the story isn't mine anymore. it's all yours. ♪ >> her 11th studio album includes the lead single fortnight, featuring post malone. showing a teaser of the music video. taylor sharing her thoughts about the album in a social media post overnight, describing it as an anthology that was both sensational and sorrowful, adding this period is over. the chapter closed and boarded up. swifties loving the new record already. super fans stayed up late for a first listen. >> there's a whole community here of swifties. >> students taking a taylor swift course at harvard that we visited earlier this year
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meeting up at midnight for a listening session. >> i thought it was life changing. >> it's all taylor all the time on sirius x m's channel 13, which plans to play her new music through the weekend. i-heart radio sharing special messages from the musical mastermind herself. taylor discussing the inspiration behind florida, her collab with florence and the machine. >> i was watching "dateline." people have these crimes they skip down and go to florida. they try to have a new identity, blend in. i think when you go commit where they immediately skip town and they go to florida and they try to reinvent themselves, have a new identity, blend in, and i think when you go through heartbreak, there's part of you that thinks, i want a new name. i want a new life. >> after easter eggs that fueled excitement, the big drop comes amid what's already been a bejewelled year for the 14-time grammy winner, including her hugely successful eras tour. >> welcome to the eras tour.
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>> the new track "the alchemy" is filled with football references, perhaps a nod to a very special person in swift's life, travis kelce. >> i can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally drops. >> that's just what taylor is doing with "the tortured poets department". >> it comes out tonight. i can say on behalf of swifties everywhere, we will all be tuning in. >> what happened to you at 2:00 a.m.? >> i went to bed early to wake up super early. if you ask me to pick my favorite one, it is just impossible. >> what is your top track? >> "fortnight" is a good one. "florida". >> "florida" is mine, too. >> i have been listening to them and subjecting everyone around me to listen to them all morning. >> post malone and florence and the machine are the two collabs. >> i tried to dress like the cover today. we're wearing grays, whites and blacks.
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>> and another taylor note. we have a surprise announcement for the swifties, too. coming up at 8:30 this morning. >> did you know about this? >> 8:30 eastern time. >> it's good. >> we will go out to the plaza crowd. >> all swifties, you are on alert. okay. let's get a check of the weather. >> al, just go with it, buddy. >> ride the wave, baby. ride it. ride it. >> anyway, it is so chilly right now in the mid plains. 9 million people from minneapolis to omaha, waterloo, des moines under frost advisories. right now it's 34 degrees in minneapolis. 35 in des moines. quincy 39 degrees. temperatures today for highs going to be 17 degrees below average. 18 degrees cooler than it should be. indianapolis, you are only at 59 degrees today. as we move into tomorrow, buffalo, chicago, out to denver, we're talking temperatures
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anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees below average. but then starting to warm up, you will see milwaukee, you're 57 on sunday. you get up to 58 on tuesday. not much of a jump. columbus 58 by tuesday. d.c. 63. up 10 degrees by tuesday to 73 degrees. that's what's going on around the country. i'm meteorologist vianey arana. hopefully the sunshine isn't too scary because that's what we can expect heading into the weekend. the warmth is also going to bump up just a bit. look at your san jose temperature trend. by about 1:00, we've got 70s on the map and we are going to max out in the upper 70s for most inland areas. keep in mind, we are seeing high pollen counts. so if your aller that's your latest weather. >> al, you represent half of our audience.
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maybe more. >> coming up, the caitlin clark effect on display in indiana. the basketball star receiving a hero's welcome. and why you are probably going to be seeing her new jersey everywhere, including on sheinelle. >> indeed, indeed. and one boy's sweet gesture you do not want to miss in this morning's boost coming up right after these messages. in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis. d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take
7:45 am
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feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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excitement surrounding basketball superstar caitlin clark. >> after her historic run in iowa where she shattered all sorts of records, hoop is drawing crowds to indiana. >> that is where she's set to start her new chapter in the in >> that is where she's set to start her new chapter in the wnba. stephanie is here with more. >> guys, good morning. it has been a very big week for the star player. she started off in new york as the number one pick in the draft. then headed to indianapolis with the fever. now with her first pro game just weeks away, clark is once again wnba. deal. >> she's a beast! >> after a year for the record books, caitlin clark is just days into her new chapter in the pros with the indiana fever, and her star power is undeniable. the 22-year-old receiving a
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hero's welcome in indianapolis. >> i can't think of a better place for myself to start my career. >> and making a splash on major sports airways. >> i think i will be moving her in a week. >> tim mcgraw rocking clark's jersey at a sold-out concert overnight. her massive fan base only getting bigger after this awkward moment. >> i do that with my family after every game. >> start doing it to me and we'll do along just fine. >> immediately jumping to her defense online while the reporter apologized for his behavior. a growing debate about her new salary, saying she deserves much more than her rookie payout. >> clark for the win. >> yeah! >> it all comes as america's favorite new superstar is continuing to break barriers. a record 2.45 million viewers
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tuned into this year's wnba draft, featuring clark as the number one pick. the new number 22 jersey is the top-selling jersey. average ticket prices for fever games have nearly tripled since last season. >> there are other teams that are moving their venues. >> yeah. >> so that people can come and watch you play. different deal. but a crowd is not anything i ever shied away from. >> now with crowds watching her every move, clark is said to ink a major new >> yeah. i think it's cool for women's basketball. playing on the professional level is a whole different deal. but a crowd is not anything i ever shied away from. >> now with crowds watching her every move, clark is said to ink a major new endorsement deal. according to the athletic, she's nearing an eight-figure contract with nike that includes her signature shoe. >> i want to be like her when i'm older. >> as the young phenome ushers in a new era for basketball. >> more people we can bring into the league will only help the league to grow. >> the washington mystics are
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the latest team to announce a change in venue for their matchup with the fever due to unprecedented demand. the team says their game on june 7th will now move from their home arena, which has a capacity of 4,200, to a venue nearly four times the size that could hold 20,000 fans. >> let's go! >> buy those tickets. buy that jersey. >> i have a feeling people are and will. >> fever is real. >> it is. >> carson? >> hi! i have the fever. >> you are a tortured poet, too. >> yeah. do you like that? >> i do. >> you just decided. >> no, not at all, yeah. >> we'll fill you in. >> i stayed up until 4:00 a.m. to see the triple album. >> guys, how about a little boost now? a 9-year-old boy gets home from school. he looks across the street and sees his elderly neighbor shoveling a massive pile of soil in his driveway. it was 90 degrees. he grabs a shovel and spent three hours over there helping him until it was completely done.
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this mom caught the beautiful moment on camera. she posted the clip on camera and hashtaged it, #raisingagoodman. >> also, my kids are grounded now. amazing. we have a pulp fiction amidst that, they have a sweet tribute to their friend bruce willis. reunion. it's been 30 years since the cast got back together. amidst that, they have a sweet tribute to their friend bruce willis. we'll have that for you. also behind the scenes snl footage. this past weekend's show was exceptionally funny. especially the beavis and butt-head one. >> and the dallas cowboys cheerleaders, something for you on that front. we'll have that for you after these quick messages. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go!
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(vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) ♪ it's hard to put it into words ♪ ♪ when i tried i felt absurd, ♪ ♪ you light the rooms of my soul ♪ ♪ and i tell myself not to lose control ♪ ♪ i'll take it slow, but it's hard to do ♪ ♪ when you're a lion like me and a lion like you ♪ ♪ you got the hands that i wanna hold ♪ ♪ you light the rooms to the house of my soul ♪
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look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. ♪♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. you've got to squish it! i did squish it! [chatter] [laughter] (♪♪) you know dad, we should do this more often. s'more often? oh my gosh.
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(luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company.ore often? well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis.
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♪ far-xi-ga ♪ (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (jeremy)allergic reaction, she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, (jeremy) she loved it. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. happening now, a new mural of gathering is being celebrated in the south bay. "today in the bay" got a sneak peak at the community center.
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the artist is the founder of an organization seeking to connect women and non-binary changemakers. the work aims to welcome all visitors to the community center. the unveiling will be at 11:00 a.m. let's get a look at that forecast. starting out nice in san jose . >> very sunny in some spots, cloudy in others. there's a marine layer in san francisco especially. in san jose, 53 degrees right now. at about 11:00, 12:00, we will bump into the upper 60s. you can expect 70s today. we'll still be warm and comfortable. san francisco, you can see the cloud cover. we will seep that lingering around just a little longer. temperature-wise we're in the 50s. we're going to bump into the mid-60s and be dry and it will be pleasant inching closer to saturday, with a warm-up expected for sunday. >> thanks. make sure to watch your
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"today in the bay" live streaming newscast that starts in just minutes at 8:00 a.m. it includes new renter protections taking effect in one east bay city years in the making. join us on roku,
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♪ ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, breaking overnight, israel carrying out a limited strike on iran, heightening
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concerning over a widening war. we'll have a live report from the region. plus, a look at the growing protests here in the u.s. with more than 100 people arrested after clashing between students and police at columbia university. and remembering columbine. >> people think of columbine as what occurred 25 years ago. we don't see it as that. we see it as this is our home. >> the colorado community coming together on the 25th anniversary of the columbine shooting. the full story straight ahead. and then honoring bruce willis. >> you looking at something, friend? >> the cast of "pulp fiction" reunite.w love to their co-star. his wife and daughter joining the celebration. we have the details in "popstart." then hop into spring. taylor swift dropping a new double album overnight. ♪ straight from his wife and daughter joining the celebration.
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we have the details in "popstart". and then pop into spring. taylor swift dropping a new double album overnight ♪ straight from the tortured poets department. >> just one of the big female artists during what some are calling pop girl spring. ♪ straight ahead, all the hot new music you should be listening to, today, friday, april 19th, 2024. >> hi, nana and papa. >> watching from south carolina. >> happy friday from omaha, , nebraska. >> dallas, texas. >> san juan, puerto rico. >> and bristol, rhode island. ♪ ♪ nebraska! >> dallas, texas. >> san juan, puerto rico. >> and bristol, rhode island. ♪ >> on a girls' trip from memphis! married. >> "the today show." >> t >> i'm getting married. >> in our "today show" era, to celebrate taylor swift's new album. >> from norfolk, massachusetts. >> today is my 13th birthday! >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to "today."
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>> oh, my gosh. it's a frenzy. guys, it is a very special friday. yes, taylor did drop a double album. >> that was just part of it. >> but today something more extraordinary happened. sheinelle jones was born. >> 46 years ago on a sunny day. >> 46. >> 46. you know, some people don't say their age or their number. uhn-uhn. listen, i'm happy to be here. >> i mean, you are making 46 look all kinds of good. we love you. happy birthday. >> happy birthday, mrs. jones. a few weeks ago, kevin bacon announced life on this show that he would be returning to a high school in utah 40 years after he shot the iconic "footloose" movie there. >> the big day is this weekend. we will bring you an exclusive interview with him monday, only on "today". >> oh, get your wrist corsage ready. it will be a good one. let's get right to your news. the middle east at the top.
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fears of a wider war in the region are growing after israel carried out a retalliatory strike inside iran overnight. this comes nearly a week after iran fired more than 300 drones and missiles at israel. richard engel live in jerusalem with the very latest. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. yes, israel carried out this limited strike overnight., but now it seems that both sides are trying to pull back from the brink of a direct conflict. here in israel there have not been any new restrictions imposed. israel does not seem to be expecting an immediate counterstrike. people are out on the streets. in iran, the iranian military, iranian media describe this strike as an attack on a military base in isfahan. they're not describing any levels of damage, but state media there are being dismissive about it. they say that it was, quote, no
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big deal according to one anchor out a short while ago, using what appears to be the word of the day now, "deescalation". >> we're committed to israel's security. we're also committed to deescalating, to trying to bring this tension to a close. >> reporter: in a potentially positive sign, iranian state media are describing what happened, even though iran was attacked as a win for iran. they say the reason that israel carried out such a limited strike is because israel was afraid after iran's massive, largely failed attack over the weekend. it is a good sign if both sides are able to declare victory, consider themselves successful and walk away with a bit of dignity. we will see where it comes. but at the moment, things seem
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to be heading towards deescalation, not ratcheting up toward a bigger conflict. >> thank you. and a programming note, tom llamas sat down with iran's foreign minister, an exclusive interview on nightly nudes tonight and much more on "top story with tom llamas" on nbc news now. police in riot gear day af school's president testified on capitol hill about the university's response to anti-semitism on campus. nbc's air mclaughlin here with more on the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. as police cleare yesterday arresting more than 100 pro-palestinian protesters. it comes one day after the ivy league's president testified about anti-semitism on campus. erin mclaughlin is here with more on this story. good morning. >> that's right. the school's president fresh off that grilling by congress asked police to clear a pro-palestinian encampment in the heart of the campus, calling the protest unauthorized and unsafe. adding she took this extraordinary step because these are extraordinary circumstances. columbia university's great lawn, the center of academic
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life, rocked thursday by clashes between police and hundreds of student protesters, who constructed an unauthorized encampment to show their support for palestinians. 108 people were arrested by officers clad in riot gear. among them, congresswoman omar's daughter isra hirsi, who attends columbia's sister school barnard college, seen here being cuffed by the nypd. >> nypd officers moved in to ensure the safety of the campus, the students and the staff. >> reporter: university president minouche shafik defended her actions in an e-mail to students writing, i took this extraordinary step because these are extraordinary circumstances. adding, the encampment which occupied campus for more than 30 hours creates a harassing and
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intimidating environment. >> as a jewish student, i feel unsafe on campus. >> i was walking to class, cursed at, yelled at. it is not a safe or welcoming environment. i dread coming to school. >> reporter: tensions on campus have ratcheted up this week. >> anti-semitism has no place on our campus, and i am personally committed to doing everything i. >> reporter: many of the student protesters say the demonstrations are the only way they can make thei can to confront it directly. >> reporter: many of the student protesters say the demonstrations are the only way they can make their voices heard. >> you can't be upset when we exercise our first amendment rights. we're trying to say there is a genocide, and they are just completely shutting us down. >> columbia student newspaper reported that yesterday's crackdown by officers marked the first mass arrest on campus since protests against the vietnam war in 1968. >> all right, erin.
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thank you so much. well, if you are in the market for a new home, listen up. mortgage rates rose above 7% for the first time this year. that's a benchmark that could threaten to slow the housing market. the average rate on 30-year mortgages rose to 7.1% this week. the highest rate since november. still, home prices continue to climb. experts say that's due to the prevalence of cash buyers, not reliant on a home mortgage. guys, imagine planning your child's first birthday party and accidentally inviting hundreds and hundreds of people, including strangers. that's what happened to a mom in san jose, california. take a listen. >> i just made an evite for my daughter's first birthday party. it says import contacts. i thought it meant import and select through. no. it imported all 487 of my contacts. i invited them to this birthday party. i invited my boss. >> her boss, all her coworkers, the cute guy she met one time at
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an airport lounge when she was 21, anyone she ever stored in her home. -- phone. she was able to delete it within several minutes of the error, but the damage was done. she said, quote, i have to quit now. >> you can't disinvite your boss. >> those e-vites are hard to do behind-the-scenes look at "snl" sketch that went viral. the unexpected return of beavis and butthead that was too much for one to take. a college community coming together to share a message of hope. you do not want to miss this moving visit to columbine high school 25 years later. kate snow has the story after this. ody doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah
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♪♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
8:12 am
ask sherwin—williams and save big during the four day super sale. get 40% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $26.69. hurry, it's only april 19th through the 22nd. shop online or at your neighborhood sherwin—williams store. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis.
8:13 am
call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours, and watch it all on the new galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. we're back at 8:13. tomorrow the people of littleton, colorado will come together for a date of service to mark a day in history that
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forever changed their community and our country. >> 12 students and a teacher were killed in a mass shooting at columbine high school. >> so many of us watched it happen on tv. it was unthinkable. we might think of those students as young people somehow. but many have grown up and had kids of their own in high school now. nbc news correspondent kate snow traveled to columbine to see how much has changed 25 years later. >> good morning. you know, what is striking when you walk in to columbine high school now is how vibrant is, packed with students doing what every teenager does. this senior prom is tonight. what happened was horrific. they are still a tight community with a culture of kindness, connection and pride. >> people think of columbine as what occurred 25 years ago. we don't see it as that. we see it as, this is our home. this is a place that we feel safe in. >> reporter: as teenagers crowd
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into columbine high school, their energy feels inspiring, a generation of students building their future on a campus with a tragic past. current principal scott christy and former principal frank deangelis are showing us the columbine of today. >> this is the cafeteria, used to have the library upstairs. you changed that. now a vaulted ceiling filled with aspen trees in memory of the 13 who died that day. 12 were students. dave sanders was a coach and a teacher and the father of connie. >> we really felt initially for a few years he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. and that changed to he was in the right place at the right time. >> reporter: why? >> once we started realizing the impact that he had. >> reporter: sanders saved many students that day. >> over the years, i have run into people that were his students, and i had one couple
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ask me to hold their child. and they said, this baby wouldn't be here without your dad. he had saved them in the cafeteria. >> reporter: lives that wouldn't be here. >> lives that wouldn't be here. and, you know, for all of time, there will be people that exist because of what he did that day. >> reporter: ashley was just 11 when her brother john tomlin wa a sensitive side and is very thoughtful. >> reporter: both women say their losses gave them a greater sense of compassion. >> it completely changes your killed. >> he was just a very kind, caring, sweet brother. just one of those boys that has a sensitive side and is very thoughtful. >> reporter: both women say their losses gave them a greater sense of compassion. >> it completely changes your world, your perspective on everything. but it also gave me a really big heart for kids that had been through loss. >> reporter: connie is now a mental health specialist, working with people who committed violent crimes. can we link that directly back to what happened with your dad? >> it is linked directly to what happened to my dad. i see it as carrying on his legacy. it's really important to me that we stop the violence where it started. >> so we decided to come back
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in -- >> reporter: the former principal helped lead columbine through its darkest times. now he works with a network of principals who endured tragedy, counseling school leaders when shootings happen. >> what do you do at the first graduation? how do you work with the media? what do you do about entering the building? >> reporter: he says columbine now serves as proof that a community that's been through so much can ultimately become a source of joy and pride. >> and when i do reach out to these other communities, i'm stating, i know where you are now. we were there. but 25 years later, we're stronger now than what we were. and i really believe that. >> everyone i met described columbine as a community where people really care about each other. they expect hundreds to show up for the day of service tomorrow on saturday. last year they had more than a thousand people. connie and ashley told me they love that 25 years later that a tragic day is now marked with
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something so positive and so encouraging. >> they are extraordinary. >> that moment about her holding the baby was so poignant and beautiful. i never thought about it through that lens before. >> right. he saved so many lives, her dad, that day. i mean, if you remember the story, he ran up the stairs and. look at it so differently now. >> yeah, yeah. >> wow. >> kate, thank you. we will check in with al who has the weekend weather forecast. >> really so special. as we take a look right now, for today, we've got some showers now making their way through the northeast. more showers developing alo told everybody to run. the gulf coast as we move into the weekend. gorgeous weather out west. i mean, it will be picture perfect over the next 24 hours. look at those temperatures. 80s and 90s southwest into central and southern california. really only cool spot up through the plains and into the western great lakes.
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temperatures 30s, 40s. we are going to be looking at strong storms developing later today along the southeastern atlanta coast. temperatures more temperate today in texas. light snow up through northern minnesota. southwest going to be baking over the next several days with temperatures in the 90s and sunshine up and down the west coast. that's what'going on around s th i'm meteorologist vianey arana. we do have that marine layer hanging out around san francisco. you likely noticed it this morning. expect to keep it until about 12:00, 1:00, and eventually daytime highs will be bumping into the 50s. we will be running a few degrees cooler, but into the weekend the cool weather will remain before warming back up on sunday. the san jose temperature trend, lots of sunshine. daytime highs in the 70s with breezy wind expected into the af that's your latest weather. way to start the weekend off. >> let's do it, everybody.
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we will start with "pulp fiction." it's been nearly three decades since john and uma debuted these dance moves. moves. ♪♪ ♪ >> and that movie was so cool. it was so cutting edge. so diff edgy. >> yeah. >> bring uma back to life. the cast celebrates its 30th anniversary at tur 30 years ago, so different, edgy. >> yeah. >> bring uma back to life. the cast celebrates its 30th anniversary at turner classic movies classic film fest. bruce willis did not attend the event due to current health issues. but samuel l. jackson, uma thurman all hit the red carpet. >> we did "look who's talking" together, and we had massive success with it. we had been on vacation together, kelly and i with bruce and demi.
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this was not new. we were comfortable with each other in both scenes. it was very easy to be with each other and relaxed, you know. and there was real genuine care. and we just felt lucky we were in a very special movie. >> that was a good movie. >> how about the friendship? >> it was cute. >> we need more movies about talking babies. >> well, we do have the e-trade commercials. >> that's true. next up "saturday night live." everybody is talking about the epic moment from last week's episode where heidi gardener broke during the beavis and butt-head sketch. >> sir -- >> that is so funny. >> he plays it so well, too. >> how do you do the lips? >> even the guy sitting next to him. >> well, it turns out that heidi couldn't keep it together i
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guess before the show started. that revealed parts of the run through. they do the show before you see it live. they do a dress rehearsal. they do a run-through. apparently it was happening then, too. >> sir, could you kindly move seats? sir, can you move? sir, can you move? could you move? >> she's talking to you. >> oh, i'm sorry. me? >> yes. >> so funny. >> the best. that is the best. >> good. next up, glen powell. the first trailer dropped for the "anyone but you" star's new rom-com. he plays a straight laced professor who pretends to be a hit man. >> i realized not everyone fan ta sized about the same hitman. every sing operation was a
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performance. >> this is serious. >> and each arrest was like a standing ovation. >> okay, daniel day. >> i had it down to a science. >> sounds lovely. >> until things got, well, complicated. >> there you go. a little bit of "hit man." it hits theaters on may 24th. it will be on netflix on june 7th. cheerleaders, everybody. news coming out, netflix revealing that the sideline icons are getting a new docu-series with this teaser. >> you need to look like a super model but perform like an athlete. >> once that uniform comes on,
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all the problems and flaws go out the door. >> to hear a crowd like that roar for you, it's almost euphoric. >> can you just give me some drama with this? like the real housewives. >> they're tackling climate change. >> the show follows the 2023/'24 squad from the audition process through the season. it's not too late. we'd like it's not too late. we'd like to submit a co-leader. >> super model and athlete. >> right here. there you go. get it, get it. >> what people may not know is you and jenna actually went to dallas and did a piece on it. >> not only did we get trained by the cheerleaders, the cheerleaders came to new york and we trained a lot for that. >> all for this 30-second piece. >> yeah, those are my colleagues, you know. jenna and i think that we're cheerleaders. >> do you feel like a model and an athlete? >> i don't. i feel like an imposter. >> you'll watch the show though,
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right? >> 100% i'll watch it. all my friends are in it. >> i want to plug willie's hit this weekend. hannah waddingham sits down with willie. we all love her from playing rebecca on "ted lasso." >> did it feel special on the page, "ted lasso" when you read it? >> it was the weirdest thing of feeling her ripping through my bloodstream, and i have never had that with anything. people wouldn't expect me to have that verbally abusive relationship with someone. so it was hugely cathartic for me, and jason knew that. there was several times, particularly in season one when i go, dude, have you got cameras in my life? >> that's so good. you can catch that conversation. it's fantastic as always on
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sunday today with our buddy willie geist. >> carson, thank you. >> you got it. coming up, a recipe for beauty. our friend candice will show us how to make our own refreshing masks and scrubs. >> and she's using ingredients we have in our fridge and our pantry all coming up after your local news. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. well, b.a.r.t.'s next generation trains are ushering in a new era
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but tomorrow b.a.r.t. plans to say a final farewell so its old fleet. the transit agency removed the last of its legacy trains earlier. b.a.r.t. will hold a retirement ceremony and offer a final ride. the legacy trains were synonymous with the bay area for more than five decades, starting when b.a.r.t. service began in the 1970s. let's get a look at what's happening. meteorologist vianey arana has a look at that beautiful sunrise. >> temperature-wise, we're going to be seeing your planner starting in the 50s, but eventually by your lunch hour we've got upper 60s and we will be maxing in the 70s for most inland areas. in oakland and san francisco, we do have that lingering cloud cover with a marine layer. by 12:00 we're going to be in the mid-60s and then heading into the evening hours, expect the return of cloud cover, especially around the coastline. here it is, that marine layer layer hanging out in san francisco. this is going to be a bit slower to clear, 12:00, 1:00.
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we will see eventual sunshine and highs will be in the 60s in the city. >> looking good, thanks. we'll have another local news
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hey, everybody! we are back. it is a big day. it is friday, april the 19th. we've got a plaza crowd filled with taylor swift fans, and we are listening to her new
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"fortnight" album. it is a double album. it is called "the tortured poets department." you know what we did? we surprised all these swifties with something special. yes. >> guys, you have all received the target exclusive phantom clear vinyl. it is breaking records already. it is to i shall ifly target's largest pre-order of all time. okay, everyone got one. i have to tell you, i felt 14 years old. i have chills right now. >> check it out. look, look, look, look. it's clear. >> it's clear! >> which i think she's trying to -- she's trying to tell us that she's being transparent. >> i like that. >> and, al, if you look at the very front, there is a note from stevie nicks to taylor. >> and the idea that it's old school.
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it is a nice piece of work. >> i have a question. who is going to buy a record player? >> okay. so there is the poem from stevie nicks. >> are you excited? >> words can't describe our excitement. >> great to have you here. what is your favorite taylor " florence and the machine. it's a great question. >> this little girl right here says she's in her today show era. >> hello! >> want to say hi to some friends? >> what? hi! >> and there is my friend brian over here, the future carson daley. get here tomorrow at 5:00 a.m., "popstart" is yours. >> there is so many surprises in this, including a long poem, a summary from taylor that's written in her handwriting in
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the very back. >> it is almost like a coffee ta >> that's really cool. are you guys happy? do you like them? looking really good. >> look, even al has become a swifty. >> it's old school. >> al has been converted. okay. >> don't get carried away. >> so much to unpack. this is really fun. thank you, target. this exclusive vinyl, you can scan the qr code you see right there or go to if you want to get it. but hurry up. >> oh, yes. >> pressing. coming up, this may be taylor's morning, but it is just the start of pop girl spring. >> don't forget, old guy summer. >> fat dad fall. >> carson and i are right there. self-care skin hacks you can whip up at home straight from your pantry. you are making guac, have some snacks and then put it on your
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face. packed with vitamin c and rosemary foot scrub. >> i like it. >> i'm going to get fall-out boy to play for fat dad fall-out. >> or fat boy slim. >> oh, there is so much. >> this is so good. >> we can eat slim jims. >> yes! a top chef here sharing recipe for a brief bris quit. a beloved teacher facing health challenges has a touching home renovation story. mr. roker has a check on the weather. >> so you have a chance to make some cash here. tell many me the deal. >> my grandmother said she would give me and my brother $100 each if she saw us on tv.
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>> if she saw us on tv. >> meemaw -- she's in maine? >> yes. >> meemaw in maine, pony up that cash. i like it. wasn't that a book by ramone and bezus. there you go. i like it. let's show you what we have going on. hey, look to the sky this weekend. look to the west, right about an hour after sunset. the comet known as the devil comet because it looks like two horns coming out. look west one hour after sunset, get binoculars. it will be cool out there. let's show you your weekend. sunshine from the plains all the way down into the ohio river valley. look for rain in texas, sunny and hot out west. sunday, sunday, sunny and cool weather. a soaker through the southeast. beautiful start to our friday.
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let's look in downtown san jose. we have some areas of clouds. aside from that, you'll enjoy by 12:00 daytime highs in the upper 70s. we should be good to go. we'll get partial clearing by 1:00. daytime highs for san francisco will remain in the low to mid 60s and getting warmer into the weekend. all right. it's a ttpd. going around the horn! hold on, hoda kotb. oh, yeah. look at that! here we go. whoo! happy anniversary! we all love taylor swift. that's it. i got a little extra pep because i got my double album ttpd right there. all right. back to you guys. oh, savannah! >> al is all swifty now. guys, we've got it.
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>> i'm part of it now. you dragged me into it! yes! >> he's converted, yes! all right. coming up next, of course taylor's fans like al had a big late night listening to her double album. >> i'm not going to go to sleep because i listen to the whole thing. >> and chloe melas is here telling us about pop girl swing. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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talking about all morning taylor swift dropped her 11th studio album overnight. the surprise double album called "the tortured poets department." >> i'm never letting mine go. i'm going to sleep with this tonight. a host of huge stars are coming
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out with new music. chloe melas is here with the phenomenon known as pop girl spring. >> y'all, we are going to have the best spring, and we are going to be kept so busy. >> good! >> taylor swift and beyoncé are leading the charge for major girl power in the music world this year, starting with some are already talking a pop girl spring. this morning, a new era for ♪♪ and for a fortnight there taylor swift. ♪ and for a fortnight there ♪ ♪ we were forever running ♪ >> the superstar releasing her highly anticipated album, the "tortured poets department" overnight. on the heels of a record-breaking tour. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> and more grammy wins. >> all i want to do is keep being able to do this. i love it so much. >> and taylor is just one of the female artists with new music in what's taking shape as pop girl spring across the music industry. with cowboy carter, beyoncé just
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made history. she's the first black twom top the country charts with a country album. >> this is her best album. >> cowboy carter. >> that's not all. from march through june, a dozen of female pop stars are releasing new albums. ♪ >> and fans are here for it. >> what a time to be alive. ♪ we can't be friends ♪ >> ariana grande's 7th album "eternal sunshine" debuted at number one in march. days later, kacey musgraves scored her biggest sales week ever, with the release of deeper wells. dua lipa's "radical optimism" drops on may 3rd. meghan trainor is not far behind with "timeless". >> we hear we are living in something called pop girl spring. >> yes. >> what does that mean?
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>> it feels like the spring is chock full of great new music. >> she says all of this new music is bringing people together. >> i think there is a little bit less fear of stepping on each other's toes and maybe a little bit more excitement about just being part of a big moment and people having fun with it. >> a big moment that continues to be a big boost to the over $1 billion, helping her earn a place on forbes economy. swift's eras tour brought in over $1 billion, helping her earn a place on forbes billionaire's list. the first musician to do so solely from their music. beyoncé's renaissance tour giving an estimated $4.5 billion boost to the economy. now her album becoming the biggest debut in apple music history. even boosting the sale of cowboy boots by 20% according to cnbc. >> i think there is probably some added excitement towards
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the idea that everybody could listen to something at once. >> like the positive version of peer pressure. >> fans enjoying the sounds of spring, hoping they become the anthems of summer. >> all right. anthems of summer indeed. hoda, carson, we asked our expert nora who she thinks will have the song of the summer. it is for you. who do you think it is? >> is it ya-ya? >> yeah! that's just a prediction. i mean, i'm really into alchemy by taylor swift. >> you guys, it's sheinelle's birthday. can we just get a big happy guyh birthday. >> you guys are my gift. >> we got you that here. guys, straight ahead, a bea. candac recipe for beauty. candice kumai with diy hacks using springtime ingredients
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straight from your pantry. it all works. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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and we're back with "today beauty." natural ingredients are all the rage in beauty products. and fruit is the latest way to revitalize your skin. here to share her tricks, wellness and beauty writer and our good friend can dais, the author of "clean green eats." it is so good to see you, candice. what i love about this, whenever you buy something in the store, there is a whole bunch of ingredients you cannot pronounce. this is a way to get clean ingredients and the job you love. >> absolutely. you have these things at home. papaya helps to take off dead skin cells on your face. >> is this like a scrub?
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>> this is a mask where we add yogurt to our papaya and zhuzh it up. then we take this, put it on your face. >> yep, uh-huh. >> leave it on with the yogurt, which adds probiotics, lactic acid. when you take it off, it's glowy and dewey. you know how vitamin c serums are the rage? i have tons. this makes you feeling glowy, rejuvenated, dewey. i tried it at home. i tried it with my japanese mom when i went home to visit her. and she said, oh, this really works. >> would you do it in the morning? >> end of day relax, maybe with the girls on the weekend just for fun. >> let's try some matcha. >> honey and natural humectin. you can put it straight in. this will add antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits for the skin. say you have rosacea, it will take the redness out. a touch of olive oil will make
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it a little more pliable. >> so this is the texture right here? >> yeah. and i thought i looked like the witch from the "wizard of oz," which is fun in a weird way. >> why would this be good? >> you know, vitamin c, antioxidants, chlorophyll, they help to refresh the skin. antioxidants, chlorophyll, they help to refresh the skin. it is refreshing. it is all ingredients you have at home. >> love it. love it. we need a foot scrub. i love the smell of this one. >> this one is a foot bath. i added my own new york touc it is refreshing. >> what do we have in there? >> sugar and rosemary. >> so sugar and rosemary is it? >> yes. and if you want, you can add a little bit of essential oil to spice it up. make sure it is organic for the skin.
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>> and then how do you get that liquidy form? >> great question. we will add shea butter, and we will add coconut oil. >> i love coconut oil on everything. this is for your feet, but could you use it on your face? >> it is not recommended on the face. but the hands, luxurious scrub. >> and it smells amazing. >> amazing! >> now give us something we can munch on. >> after you. these are my homemade granola bars. full of blueberries and vitamin c. nuts and seeds and how we want to stay hydrated and lubricated with the foods we eat. every day it is important to have papaya, matcha, natural foods. blueberries are a great source, too, which keep you smart, boosted. i mean, every benefit in the
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world. >> candice, your skin is so glowy and gorgeous. so if candice says it works, it works. all right. thank you so much. what's cooking? >> we have a lot cooking back here. we will make a fantastic -- she's going to make brisket. it has a little kick to it, too, which i'm excited. but, first, this is "today" on
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♪♪ and we're back now with "today food." passover begins next week. top chef judge gail simmons is here to show us how to ♪ and we're back now with "today food." passover begins next week. top chef judge gail simmons is here to show us how to make a brisket. it is fantastic and hard to make. but we will make it easy for you. you have been there since the beginning. you and i both started "the voice." we're both 20 seasons plus into the show. >> could you have ever imagined? >> i never could have imagined that. how have things evolved on "top chef".
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>> so many ways. the best part about it is it evolved so much. every year we're in a different city across america or the world. a new cast of incredibly talented chefs. this year we have a new host who was our season 10 winner. so imagine the full circle of her life a decade later. it's been a blast. thank you. >> it is still the gold standard on tv. >> we have a blast, and we eat well. >> i have a brisket in my freezer. show us how to make this. >> this is braised, right? so it is easier because you can sort of leave it alone. i think that's the key to a great braise. make a delicious braising decade and you have the piece of meat to become tender and delicious. it is a first cut brisket. this is the best part to use. the pointed end of a brisket is often better for barbecue. >> and they will trim it up? because it is hard to get the
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right trimming. >> that's right. give me the flat. get it braised ready. >> they will do it all. season it on both sides with lots of salt and pepper. and then it is a big baby. i have a little oil in my pan, and i will start to sere it, to brown it, to get all that flavor moving. and you will sere that, keep it up, keep it up. medium high heat and you want to flavor starting to cook.all that leave it alone to sere it. once you sere it, you will remove. you can use any combination of root vegetables and things that you like. potatoes are classic. i love fennel because it flavor starting to cook. i love fennel because it gets so sweet. >> it changes. >> exactly. i will just cut it up into sort of big slices. you don't have to be cautious about it at all. the meat has been removed. you have that delicious brown good stuff. i have a whole bunch of shallots.
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you can white onions. >> you can use leeks, anything you want. >> absolutely. >> fennel. >> do the same thing with this, brown it up, move it around. season it up just a little bit. >> season your veggies. >> thank you for the assist. this will get nice and brown. then move it aside. now you have the bottom after the vegetables will move, still some of that brown stuff. the first thing you will do is i will use the red wine first so you can burn off the alcohol. you hear that sizzle? that means it's working. let it cook down a little bit so the alcohol burns off. then you will add some stock. this is beef stock. >> so far i think i can do all of this. >> you absolutely can. then a few bailey's. -- bay leaves. and then that braise you browned earlier, that big piece of brisket not browned is going to back in. when you put it back in, you want it to be about three-quarters covered by the
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braising liquid. seal it with a tight fitting lid, foil in the oven for two hours. >> hear that silence to your left? that's a good sign. that means our eaters are eating. how is it, guys? >> delicious. >> and the vegetables are delicious. >> in my opinion, the vegetables are the best part. >> we only have about a minute. >> put the vegetables back in for the last hour of cooking. o. three hours of cooking total. meanwhile, making a little topping. i've got fresh horse radish. i love the fresh horse radish. very symbolic of sadder. >> it is always on our table. fresh or jarred symbolizing the bitterness of slavery, the bitterness of oppression. >> the horse radish conjures up the tears.
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>> it has a bitterness, a sharpness. it's delicious, too. >> we will have to check this out on good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. new developments in a controversial death in police custody from 2021. alameda county district attorney pamela price has now charged three alameda officers with involuntary manslaughter. 26-year-old mario gonzalez died after he was pinned down for several minutes. previous district attorney nancy o'malley actually found insufficient evidence to charge those officers, but the county's new police accountability unit found otherwise. d.a. price says this case is about rebuilding trust. critics are calling it a politically motivated stunt. happening now, a vigil for gonzalez is
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the supreme court will hear a case which could rewrite the rules on policing homelessness. a legal analyst breaks down what it means for the bay area. plus, riding to cure als. the
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," tay day! taylor swift releasing a surprise double album


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