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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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to him as punishment, he put his desk on the roof at work for everyone to see. this happened at the antioch unified school district. that employee and several others speak exclusively to our investigate if reporter, seeing the boss has not been held a countable, and they know why. >> his personal relationship with our superintendent. >> because of his relationship with the superintendent's husband and the superintendent. he is still there because of his relationship to the superintendent and more people downtown. to this picture isn't the start or the end of the story, but it might be the last chapter in jim's 30 year career as a maintenance worker. he says his new boss waited until he was not at work to trash his desk and then direct multiple district employees to use this forklift to put it on the roof in the district's
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maintenance yard. beside it, a sign that read your access and a ladder. >> i was in the emergency room the next weekend. my wife said you are having panic attacks. i thought i was having a panic attack. i thought i was having a heart attack. at first i thought he is bullying me for speaking out over a conversation we had months earlier where he asked me to do a job assignment and i said i'm open to doing whatever you ask me to do, but i want to let you know because you are new, i'm not a mechanic, i'm not an electrician. he literally blew up at me. he went from zero to 60 in five seconds.>> it wasn't a joke, it was predatory, it was bullying. to the school district purchasing technician said this was not an appropriate way to
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use public resources. so we are a school district, our money is for students, and we are spending money and employee time and overtime to put at desk on a roof as a cruel prank. >> kasser and atkinson are two employees who have reported them into the district. the school district director of maintenance operations and facilities. he oversees everyone in the department, including these four, who provided the copies of their complaints against him. they said his behavior but three of them on medical leave for stress, and convinced bruce to retire early.>> they said i honestly feel like you are disrespecting me. he did this little shoulder thing and said i respect you. i said okay, thank you, i appreciate that. he stomped behind his desk, clenched his fist, and said i
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don't respect you, i don't respect you at all.>> he has charged up on me, i thought i was going to be physically assaulted.>> i asked him where i could put my printer, i was told i could put it on the roof.>> reached out multiple times, but he didn't respond.>> i believe in ecological balance. >> he did speak with us back in 2020, during the height of covid. it was right before he was removed as planning commissioner for writing a lengthy social media post advocating for ending the shutdown at allowing the virus to kill off the weekend the elderly.>> is it something i'm advocating to happen? no. but it's nature's course.>> also on facebook, photos that these employees say reveal a bigger problem. why they believe 15 months after this roof incident, he still hasn't been held accountable.>> he is best friends with stephanie's husband.>> stephanie is a superintendent, shown here near ken and her husband, alan.
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the former police chief. they are pictured together outside of work, over and over again, in different locations.>> they go golfing together every weekend. >> they are golfing together. >> i saw him playing with them.>> we took the allegations that he is not being disciplined because of his friendship with her and her husband, straight to her and her husband. after multiple emails and calls, we never heard back. but we did get this email from the district hr director, saying they take all matters concerning employees seriously, as this is a personal matter, this will be no further comment. we still wanted to hear from district top officials, so we went to last week's school
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board meeting.>> i'm here to speak to the superintendent. you have not directly respond to any of my calls or emails. you have received numerous complaints about kenneth turnage. has he been disciplined? he is accused of putting one of his employees address? on the rooftop, using district resources. what was your reaction to that? several employees feel he has not been properly disciplined because he has a close relationship to you, as well as your four husband, a former antioch police chief. how do you respond to that?>> these employees say the sounds makes them more uneasy. so i ready for complete evaluation. >> i'm scared what he's going to do to me.>> this problem doesn't just impact them, they say, but antioch schools as well. together, they represent the seven decades of experience maintaining school district
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facilities. >> i wanted to spend two or three more years, i love my job, and i wanted to work longer, there's no reason i couldn't work longer. >> let me know if you change your mind about commenting, it is important to us that we get your side in our story.>> hours ago, the school district board president told me as a result of the investigation you just watch, he is calling for a special board meeting to talk about disciplinary or possible removal action against the public employee. he says they cannot disclose which employee, but he did say it relates to our report. he also wanted to share reports with the workers, offering an apology. >> i was so inspired by the bravery that these employees had to share their stories, to share the trauma that they've suffered through their employment at the school district. and i'm sorry that we have not done more to help address
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this.>> this special meeting can only happen tomorrow if there is a morning meeting of a majority of board members in agreements to attend. there is no quorum as of right now, but it does not mean there will be no meeting, it just means it will not be tomorrow. i will keep everyone posted. with the investigative unit, nbc bay area news.>> thank you so much, candace. if you have a story for candace or our investigative unit, give us a call, or visit our website. a new battle of the bay, this time over a name, and now the courts will get involved. the city of san francisco is suing the city of oakland over the post renaming of oakland airport to san francisco bay oakland international. we are at the airport with a
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look at lawsuit, and why oakland says it is not backing down.>> in a lawsuit filed in federal court, san francisco argues the law should prevent oakland from renaming oakland international to san francisco bay oakland international, saying the name infringes on a trademark, but will also confuse travelers.>> i thought i was in oakland, so that's weird. do they not have their own airport?>> clearly you come up here for the bay area, so i think the change of name is fine.>> port of oakland commissioners approved the new name last week. the lawsuit is demanding any new name that includes empress go be inhibited. this empress go david - - the san francisco attorney said it is clear there's only one airport. >> it has been trademarked for so long, it is incontestable under federal law. >> a portuguese has used the
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new name for bookings. they believe oakland is deliberately trying to pull business away from san francisco, which he says is causing the money. >> oakland is trying to write off the fact that the cisco has been decades and billions investing in a reputation of our airport, and the great sources that sfo provides.>> sfo cannot lay claim to the geographically descriptive's term synthesis go and claim rights to the tempest go bay. through the open international says the changes about clarifying that oakland will sit on the bay as well, and hopes to bring more airlines to the city.>> we want to clarify that oakland is an efficient and distinctive choice for flying into the san francisco bay.>> some say the change could cause confusion. >> if you are not well traveled, you can get confused
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and think you are going to san francisco, and you are going to end up in oakland.>> others don't believe it makes it difference, and say taxpayer money should be used for something more useful than a court fight.>> i think it's silly. a waste of money and resources, and time periods to the second and vinyl for the new name change will be voted on, may 9. how long would you give a business to fulfill a $600 order? one woman waited a year and a half and then contacted us. i will get you the latest on the droughmonitor, and wht at
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nbc bay area response to an exceptionally patient southbay viewer who waited more than a year for an overdue memorial to her mother. when her patients ran out, she went to chris for help. chris? >> he moved out in 48, my mom moved out with her parents. >> janice and billy bounced around the bay area. >> my dad would move all the time, they put everything in a wheelbarrow and would go down the street, you know.>> after 51 years of marriage and moving, the rest internally together.>> i miss them. >> their daughter, vicki, says you wouldn't know her mom is buried here. janice williams is buried alongside her husband, yet in
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early 2024, still no nameplate for her. >> i was told it would take several months because of covid or whatever. >> vicki showed us her $662 receipt. she says that cemetery cashed her check, but no nameplate. she inquired. >> i never heard from anybody.>> also no marker for mom, almost 18 months after her death. vicki gave the cemetery an ultimatum. sue i said if this is not resolved, i'm going to call chris, because it has been way too long. >> she gave them another month. nothing.>> somewhere between five and six weeks is when i finally email you.>> it turns out the secretary manager oversees several bay area cemeteries. he was fined twice in 2023 for similar delays, up to nine months. the memorial park installed mrs. williams nameplate.>> i
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was just shocked. >> the cemetery gave back her $662. >> i did give a but i did get a refund.>> he declines to do an interview. >> in this instance, we encountered human error, he said. by phone he said the williams family order of slipped through the cracks. vicki is skeptical, but glad she contacts the ice, and gratified that her mother's memorial is finally complete. >> you responded so quickly, and took care of it so quickly. i'm so happy. i've been sharing it with everybody.>> we were so very happy to help. one thing vicki's parents did is try to preplan final arrangements.>> you brought some closure and some peace to
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vicki and her family. thank you. let's get a check of our forecast. we have been enjoying this really warm weather, but things are changing.>> how about a nice weekend? no rain. we are going to stay dry as we go through saturday and sunday, and then changes, including some colder temperatures, and eventually some rainfall coming on in. let's take a look at that microclimate forecast. i'm going to update you on the drought monitor. we will show you where it is the worst, certainly over texas, new mexico, arizona, central u.s., up toward the midwest, but look at this, happy to report no drought here through most of california, just a little bit toward the desert and toward the california and oregon border. we are insured to stay drought three free through at least six months, potentially even longer based on how the rain season has really come in for us.
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most areas with a rain surplus, santa rosa up 4.77 inches. we are guaranteed this year will finish 100% or better. and 100% or better guaranteed for san francisco, a surplus of 3.30. there's not enough to put those areas into a drought. not only the rain season, but look at the snowpack. we have finished at 122% of normal. no drought, at least for the next six months, and potentially even longer than that, with this great season we've had coming on in. as we head through the weekend, we can sit back and enjoy the sunshine, because of this great
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numbers. we've got high pressure moving in, bringing a mix of some sun, some clouds, and some fog. it will be real close, this snow track is just to the north, we will be staying dry throughout the bay area. as we started off for tomorrow, we've got the fog coming on back. through the afternoon, that fog clears back. we get sunshine inland. at the beaches, we still will see some on and off patchy clouds at times, with the fog pattern staying stubborn at the coastline. 31 at the peninsula, southbay at 50, more of those low 50s to the east bay, and right up toward the north bay. the daytime high is cooling off a little bit with that fog in the coastline, but we are staying above average, and comfortable. 77 in santa rosa, 76 in palo alto, upper 70s in san jose and morgan hill, 75 in martinez. look at this 10-day forecast, 70s and 80s through monday, then we drop off big time by next thursday, friday, and saturday. with that, we are looking at a slight chance of some rainfall.
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as we head into wednesday and thursday, we will continue to closely monitor that. my goal and a few others might be doing this tomorrow, i'm going to try to maximize my time, get things done. enjoy the weekend.>> kick back and relax. great advice. thanks, joe. another off season of uncertainty after the season ended
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is the dynasty over? the team missed the playoffs in both fashion, facing tough off- season decisions to get back on top.>> after losing to the kings in the play in game, the warriors are missing the playoffs for the third time in five seasons, but really, it's the first time since stefan curry, klay thompson and draymond green have all been healthy and able to play. the question heading into the off-season, does the front office believe the big three can still lead the warriors to a championship?>> as long as those guys are still really good, yeah, we can contend and compete, we unequivocally have to improve. >> the general manager is holding his end of the season
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media availability to say. he says everything is on the table when it comes to evaluating the future of the team. dunleavy believes that future includes klay thompson. >> everybody wants him back. he still a really good player. >> after an up-and-down season and a scoreless performance against the kings, the nba champ is scheduled to become a free agent this summer, keeping thompson could come down to the almighty dollar. the shooting guard made north of $43 million last season. he might have to take a big pay cut to remain with golden state.>> i haven't thought about that deep in the future. i still need to process that year we had. >> chris paul is another aging veteran that they will have to decide if they are going to keep. the warriors are looking to get better while trying to trim spending, with salary and luxury tax, they've spent $400 million on a roster that was
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not good enough to make the playoffs. >> it didn't make sense in hindsight to spend this much on a team that didn't make the playoffs. obviously we thought we would do better.>> adding size and more shooters is a priority. finding a second scorer will take some of the pressure off, and help the warriors extend a dynasty.>> it's pretty straightforward what we need to do, is get better. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line...
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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a big announcement today, mehta is launching a new artificial intelligence assistance, already available on instagram, facebook and messenger. the a.i. bot can create animations and generate images. mark zuckerberg said it users can also ask for restaurant recommendations, help planning a vacation, or inspiration to decorate your apartment. it uses real-time knowledge from google and bing for answers. it appears the nba may be shopping for a new home, the window for the league to renew its media contract with disney and warner bros. is expected to close without a
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deal on monday. the nba will looking for new networks to show their games on. officials from disney and warner bros. will continue to work on terms with the league. sources close to the process says the nba is looking for a large increase in fees, and the companies do not want to pay more. warner bros. began airing the games back in 1984, espn began podcasting the nba in 2002. 99 days until the paris olympic games, what's on the menu for the athletes in a city known for legendary food? well, of course, old metal cuisine. they will mostly be eating fresh produce. the food vision is focusing on local produce to reduce carbon emissions from transportation. it is also no kissing on organic produce and vegetarian options. a super market giant will produce the produce. a french farm near paris will supply dadoes. they will also provide a
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catering company, and fresh produce to create thousands of meals for the 15,000 athletes. prince william returned to public duties for the first time since his wife's cancer diagnosis. he has been out of the spotlight since the princess of wales in and she was undergoing treatment for unspecified cancer. kate and king charles have been absent because of health problems. vince williams visited a food distribution charity, to help prepare meals to be delivered to people in need. a lot more news ahead, what's coming up next?>> a teenager accused of getting a student pregnant, - - a teacher accused of getting a student pregnant, and his wife covering it up. san jose's fire chief speaks out for the first time since we broke the story of one of his captains being arrested for attempted lewd acts on a
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child. they call them safe passports, and they are exclusively for children. david trujillo is looking into mexico's latest plan to protect kids. thank you so much for joining us.>> would begin tonight with details on a disturbing crime in san jose, three people under arrest tonight, accused of kidnapping and torture.>> ian explains at least one of the suspects may also be linked to another major crime.>> accusations of kidnapping, assault, and torture in the san jose evergreen neighborhood caught neighbors offguard today.>> that's really shocking. >> sends a police believe they kidnapped him in the night of the very 13th, and brought him to a home on million court, where police say they assaulted


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