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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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neighborhood. they assaulted and tortured the man. this is the home the s.w.a.t. team raided as part of the investigation. police don't believe the victim knew the suspects, but they do think he was abducted in the area.>> i'm very concerned. there were a lot of things going on, they were playing music pretty loud. >> the victim was released, and turned up at the hospital a couple days later. police executed search warrants, arresting the three suspects at different locations, and confiscating illegal gambling machines at illegal drugs.>> it shows that people are out there doing violent crimes, but detectives did such a thorough investigation, they were able to see not in san jose, you can get away with it. >> never see the people in the home have been a nuisance. and the house was rated at least three other times in the past. >> when i found out someone had
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been hurt, i was really surprised by that. i didn't think of them of being violent, but we were nervous about the possibility.>> the three faced charges of robbery, kidnapping, and assault with a deadly weapon. one man will face additional charges, because the sheriff's department released these photos, and accused him today of also taking part in a large organized retail theft operation. deputies say the seized $150,000 worth of items from home depot, lowe's, macy's, and sunglass hut. >> he is the primary subject of the investigation, he is what we refer to as the fence, the individual who receives the stolen poverty, and prepares it for distribution and resale. >> as for what happened on million court, neighbors hope it is the last police raid they see. >> this will hopefully be the end of it.>> in san jose, ian
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cole, bay area news. police shot and killed a man wanted for murder in west oakland. he has been identified, dominique is accused of killing his girlfriend in sacramento last month. the shooting happened at 9:30 p.m. last night. segmental police notified oakland police that they were looking for a homicide suspect was believes to be inside the home. he came out of the house with a gun when officers arrived. he died on the scene. no officers were hurt. all of the officers have been placed on administrative leave, while the shooting remains under invitation. a milestone met in efforts to get new crime-fighting legislation on the ballot, it surrounds the homelessness, drug addiction, and theft reduction act, which focuses on creating again ability for repeat offenders of theft and drug trafficking. encourages people to join and complete drug treatment
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programs. california for saver committee and these has received 900,000 voter signatures to qualify it for the local election. leaders and families impacted were all there to turn in signatures.>> this initiative is personal. we are here to save lives, to honor those we've lost, and to prevent more tragedies through a holistic approach that combines tough enforcement against drug traffickers and compassionate care for those struggling with addiction. the voters registrar will have to certify the collected signatures. more than 536,000 of the 900,000 signatures collected must be valid for the measure to make it to the november ballot. a nontraditional church is trying to read new life into the annual 420 celebration. the yearly celebration was
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canceled this year due to a lack of funds. the church of ambrosia has a plan to ensure those who show up anyway will have what they need. scott is live at hippie hill with the new development.>> good evening, this is a new development that we just heard about this afternoon, a bay area church wants to step up to help those who want to light up here at golden gate park. the church of ambrosia is headquartered in oakland, and it wants to make the 420 celebration possible here on hippie hill. they say they know people will show up, whether is an official event or not, so it is allocating money to bring some of what's needed to put the event on, and says it has commitments from several other local organizations as well.>> we have already done it, we've been working with the merchants association to make sure that they have the money to put port-
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a-potties in place, urban alchemy is going to provide some basic security. people can move in case there is a medical emergency. >> as for the city itself, we reached out to see if they had anything to say about the church's plans. we did not hear back immediately. for its part, the church says it has been in contact with some city officials. they say the whole plan in all of this is just to be there, to help those who come to celebrate. live in golden gate park, nbc bay area news. they are ready to walk off the job, thousands of janitors keep some of california's biggest office buildings clean. the contract is expiring for 25,000 janitors. many joint protests in san jose and across the state, and voted to authorize the strike. the union says that janitors are fighting abusive workloads,
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and sadie industry is exploiting them because of their status. they cite a recent study by the california department of industrial relations, noting that one third of janitors in california were injured on the job last year.>> these are hard- working families, hard-working individuals that go out every night, most of them don't get seen, because they work at night, but the reality is that they are helping create wealth for these multibillion-dollar business owners.>> they are also fighting for better pay and health care coverage. if a contract deal is not reached, dozens of office buildings and tech campuses could be without janitorial services by may 6. the jury is set for former president donald trump's hush money trial. a 12 person jury and an alternate have been sworn in
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from a pool of nearly 200 people. the trial started off losing jurors this morning. one came in this morning and said she wasn't sure if she could be fair and impartial. another was dismissed after a prior arrest was questioned by the d.a. additional alternate jurors are to be selected, and the trial resumes tomorrow. a lot to debate, congress is taking up funding bills and aid packages to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. house speaker mike johnson could lose his job for bringing these bills to a vote, but he may have democrats on his side. alex has more on this fight, and to sit down with the nobel peace prize winner from ukraine who is pleading for help from lawmakers on capitol hill.>> carrying the weight of her country at war, the human rights lawyer is pressing lawmakers for desperately needed aid. >> we have no more time, we are dying. >> the visit comes as house
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speaker mike johnson is planning long-delayed votes this weekend on hills to funds ukraine, israel, taiwan, and a package of other republican national security priorities, despite far right members who oppose ukrainian aid, confronting the speaker on the house floor today, escalating threats to kick him out of his job. >> we can't play multics with this, we have to do the right thing.>> congressman castro signaled he and fellow democrats may support the republican speaker, to ensure the aid passes.>> we will do what is necessary for the people of ukraine.>> we have a possibility to stop this, not just for ukrainians. if we are not able to stop in ukraine, he will go further.>> she has been documenting russian human rights abuses in ukraine, sharing this young boys drawing about the pain of losing his mother in a russian
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air strike. >> we have 68,000 such stories. i'm fed up with it. i am here trying to stop this war. >> one ukrainian making politics personal, armed with the stories of her people fighting for survival. >> president biden has thrown his support behind speaker johnson's foreign aid funding plans. in a meeting with world leaders, the secretary of state called this an urgent moments to maximize support to ukraine, as it rapidly runs out of weapons to fight off russia. in washington, alice barr reporting with nbc news. google is putting its foot down after employees staged a protest opposing israel's war on gaza. google employees protested, calling out google for partnering with israel's military, and later that night, some employees staged a sit in at employees offices in sunnyvale, in new york.
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nine employees were arrested for trespassing. cnbc is reporting that it is on an internal memo that it in terminated 28 employees. some call the terminations discriminatory. a veteran helped with improvements around the house, next. it started 20 years ago with a drive through oakland, a pair of volunteers and a van provide help to thousands. we find out more, coming up next. are your allergies bothering you? i will show you what is
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home sales dropped last month in spite of a surge in supply. new data from the national association of realtors shows the median price for a home sold in march was just under $394,000, up nearly 5% from last year.
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the housing inventory did improve slightly, rising nearly 5%, but sales fell across the united states, with sales in the west dropping just over eight dropping just over 8%, the highest drop in the country. experts blame rising mortgage rates for the drop in sales. a local marine veteran is getting upgrades to his home free of charge, all as part of an effort to give back during national volunteer month. michael served in the marines through the 80s. now he takes care of his elderly mother. his home was in need of some safety upgrades to ensure his mother could get around more easily, but christian hurt his back while serving, so making those repairs is difficult. that's where the home depot foundation came in, the nonprofit recruited the team to help, and stay they painted the fence at build a wheelchair ramp and storage shed.>> they are still currently doing work. yesterday this was 3 feet tall
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in brush. i prepped it yesterday, and put mulch down today.>> the home depot foundation is working with rebuilding together to help improve accessibility in veterans homes. often in the bay area proud series, we highlight stories where one active kindness change the life of just one other person. today we wanted to celebrate someone who has changed the lives of thousands of people in oakland and beyond.>> here we have navigation staff and clinical staff.>> she and a colleague started a mobile operation looking at patients, and trying to get a grasp on some of the bigger picture problems. that smaller operation has grown into roots community health. they have facilities offering medical, behavioral, and navigation services. in 2023, they performed close
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to 12,000 adult and pediatric visits. a doctor shared one of the secrets of brute success.>> we believe in our community, we hire from our community, we train folks from the community, we pour into our community. in a lot of ways, that's kind of the secret sauce. when people come here to get services, they get people who look like them, or that they might even know, and that they've seen transformed their lives. it really kind of has this multiplying effect, by really investing into our community, believing in and hiring from the community. >> roots has grown from the two volunteers at the start to 250 full-time staff working for roots community health. the doctor started looking at the big picture, there were a lot of systemic problems in
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society that lead to people having trouble getting healthcare or behavioral health services. we still have to take care of these people, it's amazing, the number of people they help each and every day in east oakland, which is where the doctor grew up.>> a grassroots community effort. >> from to, to 250. that's huge.>> our temperatures did not climb that much, but it has been a big surge for us. sunny out there, warm, lots of 70s, even a few 80s. we eventually are going to get some colder weather in here. let's look at today's temperatures, and how it shape up. santa rosa getting 279 degrees, the average at 69, concorde at 81, one of the warmest, and the average, 72. san jose, 79 the average, 70.
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as we roll through tonight, it's going to stay enjoyable, we hang onto some 70s in san jose, 69 at seven we hang onto some 70s in san jose, 69 at 7 p.m., and then eventually some lower 60s by 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. we will stay dry through the bay area tomorrow. the storm track is going to be very close. it will be moving all the way through washington and oregon this weekend. we are looking dry, it's going to be such a nice change. we've had so many weekends in a row with clouds, rain, and colder temperatures. this one is shaping up pretty well. fog will give us a slight cooldown in the temperatures, but still staying pretty comfortable. the only thing that we could see with the way the airflow is moving in, you might get some thunderstorms popping to the central valley. if you're getting in the car, doing a road trip, watch out for the chance of pop up thunderstorms through that central valley. here is that fog returning for
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us to start, but for the afternoon, most of us should be in that sunshine from the north bay down to the south bay. if you are headed near the coastline, we will see some on and off fog in the mix for us. 49 in the tri-valley, peninsula, 51, south bay at 50, and we continue with those low 50s to the east bay, san francisco, and the north bay. for tomorrow, we are going to stay right in the 70s throughout the south bay. that's going to put us at 78 in morgan hill, 76 in cupertino, very similar weather through the east bay, 78 in concorde, 73 in hayward. 64 in half moon bay, 62 in the city, redwood city, things start to bump up. sent to cisco, 66 in the outer sunset, 69 up to the north bay, 77 in napa. the only thing that might bother you tomorrow would be
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your allergies. man, that pollen is popping. you notice some of the pollen pods, concept that gathers, it is in the high category for oak, pine, cedar and sycamore are also in the high. we could use a little bit of rainfall to help us out. the chances are not super great, but we could get in on some showers as we head into next week, maybe by about wednesday, and possibly into thursday of next week's forecast. right here, 60s this weekend and through san francisco, by next wednesday and thursday, there are slight chances of showers, and for the inland valleys, enjoy the temperatures now, watch what's going to happen. i step off the screen, 79 tomorrow, down to 65 next thursday. we are not done yet, and i am so pleased to see that sunshine
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on the weekend. everyone works so hard to get to that we can. it's going to line up good. we only had for so far this year, with back-to-back sunshine on saturday and sunday.>> the numbers are backing up. it's knew this would be number five? so it would be, exactly.>> it's not coming out there right now. coming up, the tiktok app is fighting back against a nationwide band, the new push the company is making so the app can stay on your smart phone and tablet.
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it sure looks like the netflix crackdown on password sharing may be working. the company posted first quarter earnings today, blowing past expectations. first quarter net income rose up to 2.3 billion, compared to 1.3 billion a year ago, and the number of mentorships was 16%, also higher than industry expectations. earnings are surprising, because the company has focused on growing profit rather than boosting subscribers. had supported tear has been used to boost revenue. markets were mixed today, the s&p 500 slipped for the fifth straight day, its longest losing streak since october. the s&p rallied into the green, only to give up that game before the close. this is the longest negative
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run for the nasdaq since january. tiktok is fighting a proposed u.s. band . the app could post a national security risk. tiktok is owned by a company in china. president biden said he would sign such a bill if it came to his desk. to combat the band, tiktok has doubled advertisement spending, the posted ads could be its final chance to drum up the support needed to win over senators who are set to
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some iconic athletes are getting into the tv business. >> that's right, they are producing a series that may be similar to their own lives. these two are business partners, but is a series based on a best-selling novel called cleat cute. it's a love story that follows a young soccer player and a
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romance with her team captain. they want to celebrate the way romantic and platonic relationships are organically created throughout sports. don't forget, you can watch our newscast on roku and other screaming streaming platforms. we continue to investigate an exclusive story looking into accusations of bullying at a school district in contra costa county. a worker says his boss put his desk on the roof. and the late taking action that is being taken in response to our story. the fight over renaming oakland what is heating up, the war of words between san francisco and oakland is underway. and a lawsuit, that comes with it. the news at 530 p.m. starts right now. thank you so much for joining me. was it a practical joke, or bullying?
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the police is his boss did this to him as punishment, he put his desk on the roof at work for everyone to see. this happened at the antioch unified school district. that employee and several others speak exclusively to our investigate if reporter, seeing the boss has not been held a countable, and they know why. >> his personal relationship with our superintendent. >> because of his relationship with the superintendent's husband and the superintendent. he is still there because of his relationship to the superintendent and more people downtown. to this picture isn't the start or the end of the story, but it might be the last chapter in jim's 30 year career as a maintenance worker. he says his new boss waited until he was not at work to trash his desk and then direct multiple district employees to use this forklift to put it on the roof in the


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