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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> if there is a conviction or a diversion agreement, marcy's law will be able to provide restitution to anyone who suffered economic loss as a result of those protests on the bridge. >> reporter: following protests last year, a plea deal required 78 people who were arrested to pay restitution. only one victim stepped forward to be part of that case. it is not clear how many people have contacted the highway patrol about their losses for monday's protest. there are two diseases -- das involved. handling protesters who were arrested for the shutdowns. releasing this statement reads
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in part, while my office supports the right to protest, it's important to note that public safety should never be compromised in exercising the first amendment right of free speech guaranteed under the u.s. constitution. try mixing for cisco police are saying a 14-year-old was responsible for setting on fire in chinatown. you might remember this video. posted the social media, showing the car being tagged before someone set off a firework inside. no one was inside but it quickly was engulfed in flames. the police say they hate have identified the suspect. he is facing charges with the juvenile probation department. they will decide if he will be arrested or appear in court out of custody. in an unprecedented move in santa clara county. they charged two drug dealers for murder for their part of the fentanyl overdose of an 18 month little girl. known as winter died of
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fentanyl poisoning. philip ortega and paige vitelli were charged with murder in connection with their death. jeff rosen said they lived with her parents in a san jose condo and left drugs out in the open. her parents were also charged with murder. the cases will be tried together. neither entered a plea in court today. we will be joined by the da to talk about these new developments and his fight against fentanyl. if you live in south bay, get ready to pay more for another utility bill. pg&e, now the water bills are about to go up. water company says they need to hike rates for infrastructure.
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>> reporter: with a cost nearly everything going up, people in south bay could see their water bills increase, too. san jose water which serves more than 1 million customers has proposed raising rate 22% over the next three years. here is the break down for the average monthly bill. next year the average bill will jump from 1072 $120. one $25 a year after that. by 2027, $131. it still needs to be approved by the -- people say it is bad news because they are already feeling the pinch. >> everything is up. food is up. i'm not surprised. >> we watched, we ask for what we believe is reasonable. nothing more. in they say the increase is needed to pay for construction projects and to replace old pipes. >> we have investment in infrastructure to continue serving safe and reliable water service. >> reporter: there's a separate hike on the horizon.
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valley water, the wholesaler for south bay water agencies, said it is raising customer costs for infrastructure and projects like retrofitting the dam. if it's approved, people in the south bay can expect the monthly bill to rise by almost $9. >> we understand the desire to keep water rates down. we are looking at that every day for solutions. we have a hiring freeze in place. looking what we can cut. >> reporter: customers were not happy about it. >> you do not have a choice. you still need gas in your car and need to eat. in the our public forums to discuss the increases. for san jose water, june 13th. each agency has more info on its websites. refunding hundreds of
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thousands of dollars for unused paper tickets. you might recall bart stopped accepting paper tickets. it said it has refunded nearly $490,000 for those unused paper tickets. that money was given to more than 4500 people. that equals more than $100 per person. there is no deadline to turn them in. oakland's main library is closing for overdue repairs. the branch will close for about six months beginning may 27. the library will get a new roof, or the control system and several other fixes. funding is coming from state grants. you can visit one of the public libraries. 17 other branches throughout the city. the exact date was not set but it's expected to open early november. it's almost here.
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the paris olympics. i am so excited. the athletes are getting ready and fans and journalists are gearing up. >> millions of people are expected to go. are the french people ready? jessica went looking for that answer in paris. >> reporter: acclaimed pastry chef at a famous restaurant to international food author and blogger. david, had a story. who better to train me for the 2024 olympic games in which my sport will be eating. >> this is the regular chocolate. >> reporter: he knows his way around the kitchen. >> we never got these in france until the movement. remic he knows his way around the cocktail. that's why the pastry chef is
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living the sweet life in paris. authoring an array of best- selling cook books on the quest for the perfect dessert and metaphor for this -- people asked me, why did you move to paris? i didn't have an answer. i realize over the years that france is similar to san francisco. there is a food culture. >> reporter: david honed his skills at -- >> using these foods was a new thing in america. >> reporter: 20 years ago he went to france where he has been sharing his culinary curiosity with foodies around the world. his blog, podcast and newsletter. i asked him if the city of light is ready for the biggest sporting event in the world?
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>> everybody is happy but everybody is cautious. because it is france, there is a little bit of complaining. people are saying the metro is crowded already. how will this happen? remic for tourists and might happen from one of his books. >> people are social starting with coffee in the morning at the cafi. to have a glass of wine at lunch. >> reporter: what about looking french? >> used to be there were rolls to not wear sneakers or jeans. speak french. everybody wears sneakers now. >> reporter: for speaking french -- how do you say, i can't wait to see you in france , you will be my new best friend? [ speaking in a global language ]. >> his best advance for tourists who want to feel like parisians, too -- david helped
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me get the perfect school. i will be drinking french for sure. jessica will return and take us on a tour of the famous french venue where two of the biggest olympic competitions will take place. gymnastics and basketball. we will take you to the east bay where the initiative is underway. the big cleanup today the focus on the city's most troubled areas. traffic if you park in san francisco you want to follow the rules. don't do things like block the sidewalk. enhanced enforcement is coming. i am, jeff. i want to hang out with jessica and david. the coverage continues here on paris. we will have the seven-day forecast and the weather.
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the local conditions in about 10 minutes. a nationwide shortage of police officers. i speak to the los angeles police chief about the tough choices his department faces. the player banned
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medicare is a warning. drivers beware or be careful out there. parking patrol officers will still be cracking down. >> reporter: the idea is that enforcement will prioritize safety violations. drivers parking and blocking the sidewalk. they say that right now they are fully staffed up with parking control officers. drivers will need to make sure they are taking a little more care when parking in the city
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by the bay. san francisco says those whose vehicles block sidewalks or crosswalks will soon be a target for enhanced enforcement. the bottom line is sidewalks need to be clear for pedestrians to use them safely. >> it will be beneficial for people like me who are primarily a pedestrian. i'm not driving around a lot. in this neighbor says while she will set from a crack down, she questions if it is needed? >> part of it feels like resources should be put to something else. something like that, i don't see it that often. does not feel like it's that necessary. >> given the scarcity of officers we have faced, there are people who think that the rules do not exist. we want to make sure we get the word out, we are finally able to start enforcing the rules. >> reporter: the director said they are able to do this because they parking control office is staffed since the first time since the pandemic. >> each district around the
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city, we do about one week of intensive enforcement. of all the rules, particularly, the safety oriented rules like parking on the sidewalk, blocking fire hydrants, blocking crosswalks. parking to close to the corner. in the parking control officer plan is one of the ways we are making sidewalks and streets safer for people walk being and rolling. some neighbors point out that it is not the only parking challenge. >> people coming from different parts of san francisco, they have to park somewhere. >> reporter: a crackdown that aims to solve one of the many parking problems. christie smith, and b sabia --
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three months since the mayor launched the oakland fresh initiative with the goal of cleaning up the troubled areas. a budget deficit could derail efforts. enough crews have been targeting graffiti, trash, potholes. it is happening central east oakland and deep east oakland. the future of the program depends on its effectiveness and if the city can expand it with the deficit. people who live in those areas say every bit helps. they admit they are still waiting to see major improvements. >> my neighborhood historically had a lot of dumping in it. able to provide a sustained effort, it stays cleaner for a longer time. >> the graffiti and structure
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of the city. the illegal trash dumping. if those get taken care of, it will mean a lot. >> as the city tries a cleanup one problem, new ones pop up. the last month, around 50 boxes have been broken and 10 pulls for lights. the crews were out there trying to repair the damage before recovery could take months. in the old phrase, location, location. this summer, the location will be paris. >> all things olympics correspondent, jessica, brushing up on her french and directions. she's back to look at the venues where others will put on a show. >> reporter: 100 days out from the greatest sporting event. the olympic games. millions of fans will be at the
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city of love to watch the athletes compete for gold. in this district at the bursae arena. a famous venue for mega concerts. it is unmistakable with the pyramid design and walls covered. it can fit 720,000 spectators and it will be packed. it is home to gymnastics and basketball. simone biles will be doing signature moves and steph curry will hopefully be racking up three-pointers. the national basketball team is the most successful. 16 of the gold including in 2016. that is me with draymond green. i cannot wait to see them make it 20. we all say, thank you.
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we have more looks here at paris and the weather you can expect. what they are dealing with while they get the venues ready, we will start with that and get a look at our own weather. when it comes to the weather out there on the seven-day forecast, people checking out the venue. athletes are already getting a sneak peek. 50s for highs. 30 some 40s in the morning. light rain on friday. what about when the games are underway? july and august, the warmest months here. the first look, it's not that bad. 78 for the average high. they get thunderstorms and humidity. at times they can get up to about 2.5 inches of rainfall. the heat wave possibility will be the largest thing athletes
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are preparing for. in 2019 they had temperatures as high as 108 degrees. they're starting to put checks in place to make sure if we get a heat wave, they will be good to go. we're full source for the coverage. more details anytime. high pressure at home. it keeps the main storm to the north. the southern branch moving into california. a very slight chance we could get a pop-up thunderstorm in the central valley tomorrow and friday. we will have the radar up and skinning. as we move there tomorrow morning, we start off with the plow cover returning. it mixes with fog and filtered sunshine. temperatures in the 50s. look at the jump in temperatures for tomorrow.
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back into the 80s. san jose, 82. near the bay, 70s. concord will be low 80s. a mix of weather, 62 at half moon bay. san francisco, 73. 67 at the marina. northbay, 80 at clearlake. we have been talking about the possibility of some rainfall. i see a system offshore by friday morning. it gets close on saturday but that should wake up and we are looking at dry weather by this weekend. next wednesday we could see the return of rain. early estimates next wednesday, thursday, friday, show anywhere between a quarter to half inch. we will monitor that. that's for next week. right now the weekend is shaping up really good.
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temperatures in the 60s in san francisco. 76, saturday. 78 on sunday. we can do a pre-paris celebration on sunday with the 78. some gold medal winning weather this weekend. >> i saw it on the patio. there was a cafi set up. >> it is beautiful. h > next, the smas
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in a small business owner is picking up the pieces after a smash and grab burglary. it happened early yesterday morning at mike's camera in downtown menlo park. these stole the used camera equipment before driving away. they eventually found the stolen car but not the merchandise. despite losses, they were back open for business today. >> customers came by and expressed their understanding and frustration. the gratitude that we are open. that has been really nice. >> the more we can support the local retailers and vendors, the better. obviously it makes it a nicer place to live. >> mike's has been here for 12 years. not just the stolen equipment, the high cost of the cleanup
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that he has to deal with. strike averted days before 4/20. the cannabis industry threatened to walk off the job. the union representing the workers say they came to an agreement that guarantees better pay, a fair way to reimburse operating costs and better protections on the job. it's based in san francisco saying that they want to thank the employees who took part in the bargaining committee who made their voices heard. we will work to implement their feedback to make it a better place to work. the camp will finally open this summer after a closure due to a heavy snowfall and the pandemic. toilets, showers, food services. if you are wanting to visit, visit the website.
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happy birthday to a classic. marking the 60th anniversary of the ford mustang. a look inside rockefeller center. lester holt is anchoring from los angeles. the countdown to the paris olympics. how the ciis gearing up for the first olympics in over a business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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it is national mustang day. this year is the 60th anniversary of the legendary ford mustang. mustang models from the past 60 years lined up as you see right here. the fun is not over yet. mustang owners from all over the bay area to bring in their cars to the experience. it is happening this sunday. at 7:00, is it a culture of bullying at a school district. a supervisor is accused of putting an employee's desk on the roof. we investigate. is at the end for klay thompson with the warriors? some emotional comments from the star player. those stories and more coming up at 7:00. band for betting. the commissioners saying he had no choice.
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what the player is accused of doing. lester holt anchors nightly news in los angeles, right now. tonight, the senate swiftly voting to dismiss impeachment articles brought by republicans against homeland security secretary mayorkas over his handling of the border. the senators sworn in as jurors for the first trial of the sitting cabinet member in u.s. history, but it didn't last long. the democrats in the majority voting to dismiss the articles against mayorkas calling them, unconstitutional. republicans outraged a full trial wasn't held. our team at the capitol. also tonight, speaker mike johnson setting up a showdown with fellow republicans over foreign aid to ukraine and israel. will he have to work with democrats to pass it, and could it cost him his job? more severe storms in the midwest


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