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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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s.w.a.t. teams ready to swarm a jail, the latest problem behind bars
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on the peninsula. good afternoon, welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30 pm. outside the jail in san bruno trying to get more information. and tracking other stories including details on the protesters who blocked the golden gate bridge. the semper cisco da talked moments ago, the reason she says she is not filing charges right now. back in court to try to get his conviction overturned. scott peterson begins a series of hearings today, we were there for what happened today and what is to come. at an all-time high, it has never been better to own gold, why the price has shot up and where it is likely to go from here. let's begin with the situation at the jail in san bruno that brought out a tactical team, two prisoners refused to come out of there's cell and after a week of lockdown.
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sent them out there, would you learning?>> reporter: it lasted about two hours, looks very different than what it did before before when we saw sky ranger ahead, they tell me it's all because two inmates refused to come out of a two-person cell and deputies were also searching for jail made weapons they believed were involved in all this. negotiators had to come in, and talk with the inmates, eventually they surrendered after about two hours, of the whole situation taking place. luckily no one was injured. we know there have been several different incidents that have happened since march 29, where several deputies and staff have been injured, and in other situations, luckily today no one was injured. this is something that they are still investigating. as of just about an hour ago,
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deputies were still looking for the weapons that they believe were involved in this as well. >> and i understand there were other issues at the jail from over the weekend? >> yes, so on friday, two different jails throughout semper cisco county went on lockdown. it all stems from various different incidents that have happened since march 29, since march 29, nine deputies and/or staff have been injured in incidents that have taken place at several different jails throughout the county. and so the sheriff took the action on friday to place two of the jails on lockdown, san bruno being one, the other one in downtown san francisco, to try to get a handle on all of this. in the coming days we expect the lockdowns to be lifted, the sheriff spoke to us a couple of hours ago, saying that one of the jails will be lifted from lockdown tomorrow, and the
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latest incident that happened here today, audrey. >> thank you for updating us on everything that is happening. we will see a full story tonight. we're learning today that 26 protesters rested on the golden gate bridge yesterday spent the night in jail, arrested for multiple misdemeanors and a felony conspiracy charge. some of the protesters rallied outside the main jail in san francisco to denounce the looming charges. a spokesperson says they believe the conspiracy accusation is unfair. today the chp released video showing just how hard it was for officers to remove those protesters. first on 880 in the east bay, they had to cut through barrels the demonstrators had chained themselves to and the golden gate bridge were protesters linked themselves together using pipes and cars. the san francisco da says her office needs more time to file charges, and is sending the
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case back to the chp for further investigation. governor newsom was also weighing in today. >> it allows for the agency to provide us with more evidence than they otherwise would be in the short timeframe.>> and an answer right away, everything we need to, with the case. >> around the cease-fire, the president of the united states supporting that and supporting his approach to that issue. i believe fundamentally that's part of what he's expressing, but better than the nine people the ability to get to work. somebody in an emergency that can get to the destination. and accounting for the actions. >> in total 38 arrested, and if they plan to charge the protesters with a crime. marking the first of three hearings that could determine
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whether convicted killer scott peterson will get a new trial, ian cole was in the san mateo courtroom today and joins us now, what happened today. >> the first of three motion, put forward by scott peterson's attorney, they say peterson was wrongfully convicted of killing his unborn wife and sun, and appearing virtually from the state prison outside of sacramento, only spoke to confirm he could hear and see the proceeding, the judge heard a motion to seal them from public view. and the argument has been that they want to protect the identity of people they've interviewed fear retaliation from the modesto police department. the defense basically withdrew the motion after all sides agreed that the names will remain redacted. >> ultimately the defense is going to make a motion for new trial. so they are laying the
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groundwork right now. >> laying the groundwork right now, so what happens next? >> next on may 29, that is expected to be much more intriguing than what happened today, that is when scott peterson's lawyers were asked the judge to let them test multiple pieces of evidence for lacey's dna, they pointed to a burned-out orange man with a bloody mattress, said to have been found in modesto the afternoon after lacey disappeared, supporting a theory that she was killed by burglars from across the street, both lawyers declined to talk, we spoke with legal analyst stephen clark. >> there is a protocol that allows scott peterson to come to court and say, i did not get a fair trial, there is information that was not given to my team, there is new evidence that needs to be tested. all of that is going into his motion and the court will rule on that once this is all culminated. >> while today's hearing was
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only about 30 minutes, the next one focusing on dna testing is expected to go all day and we will dive deeper into the next that's coming up at 5:30 pm. >> see you then. transit leaders have given the green light, the last 30 minutes, unanimously approving the use of cameras at 33 spots across the city starting next year, once there activated they automatically flag speeding drivers, they will get a violation mailed to them. all part of a pilot program approved by state lawmakers, six cities will receive the cameras, including oakland and san jose. have you seen the price of gold lately, the all-time high, $2400 an ounce, almost a $600 increase over the past six months. let's bring in our business and tech reporter, scott, you have been looking into it, what is behind the recent spike? >> not something we talked about that much we talk more
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about stock or real estate prices or even crypto bitcoin prices but gold has been steadily creeping up higher, people generally buy it for several reasons, most popular would be because of economic uncertainty, if you're looking at the economy, you're wondering what are interest rates when you do, how do i save money, you might say gold is a tangible asset, it grows very slowly, not like bitcoin ago -- goes up and down by thousands of dollars a day, and something is physical, something they know they can have in a safe deposit box. even costco is selling bars of gold, it is in the mainstream as people get used to the idea of something that maybe they've heard about from the grandparents, and now seems like a smart investment. >> even costco is getting into it, what are other shop saying, do they see a spike in business? >> yes, seeing locally what is going on, they say that people
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are paying attention to the price of gold and say i've got a watch or ring or some jury or something like that, bars or coins, $2400 per ounce, this is something i will cash in on, they will go in and buy some gold, whether in a watch for more jewelry for more bar form. all sorts of stuff, it's really interesting, they are seeing a whole lot more action than usual, even over the last three weeks as the price of gold has climbed.>> any comparison, i heard you mention bitcoin earlier, bitcoin and gold? figure sometimes people will conflate the two, some out there thing that we don't talk about, but crypto is untraceable enough physical, that's why people like it, gold is very traceable and very much a physical asset, that's why people like it also, very new,
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sexy but not that known by whole lot of people and very volatile and speculative, whereas gold always hangs in there, there are countries, the vatican, everyone has gold, the question is do they hold onto it for long time or sell it to try to get the cash value, which makes the whole thing churn a little more. people are looking at the interest rates, if they drop, people like gold, when interest rates drop you can get as much money for your savings, whereas gold is seen by a lot of people is something like a savings account, something safe and solid. >> for someone clueless like me with all the stuff, what does the rest of the year look like and what might move the price of gold? >> what the federal reserve does to interest rates, if they do lower rates gold often goes out, if they raise rates people say i've got somewhere to go with my savings, it is really
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hard to say, gold doesn't move all that much except when people get worried, hard to predict but if something strange happens, people might say i want a safe haven for my money. >> i got it, thank you so much, i appreciate it. helping kids become financially responsible. we break down ways to help your children get comfortable handling and saving money. also it is win or go home time, the warriors headed to sacramento to take on the kings in an elimination game, anthony florez is there, joining us live with all of the excitement ahead of the plan gain. before we had to break we want to know which training story would you like to see later on in the newscast. and on the instagram, you have a little bit more time to vote, doj takes on ticketmaster, albums added to national recording registry, or funeral
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we are little more than two hours away from tip-off, and if things don't go their way it will be the last of the season for the warriors, taking on a familiar foe for the sacramento kings, anthony florez, live from going one center, anthony, this is technically a playing game, tell us what is on the line tonight? >> first of all, let me say hello audrey, from the one-to- one center, both teams are stunning to warm up for the to buffett 7:00, how about everything, it warriors win. and the lakers on friday, if they lose tonight against the kings, start making plans for vacation. everything is on the line this season, here in sacramento. >> a big night for sure, the
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two teams faced off in the playoffs last year, what can we expect this year? >> more the same. epic 50 point performance, and had about this, the lesser games, a single four, expected to be close tonight, the sacramento kings, that should favor golden state and tonight's game. >> that's what i was going to ask you next, the warriors were taken tonight? >> is were waiting to get the gold one center, a bunch of media people, complete state strangers, who's going to win. a consensus, playing their best
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basketball, what matters most the end of the season, second kings have been struggling as of late, was some injury problems. a great series in the playoff series. he's got a knee injury, another factor, every time you have a guy like stephan curry on your team, i'm going with golden state tonight.>> thank you for the preview, seeing you later on in the evening. we'll see you then . have you had a talk with her kids about money, getting them ready to handle the finances now will help them out down the road. marcus washington is here to help us move forward.>> this is a big week for talks are on finances in many households, with the tax deadline, wealth experts say conversations about finances should hardly be limited to adults, getting children involved can lead to
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smarter financial decisions in the future. some tips to have conversations, budgeting and spending to explain goals reach like paying off debt, advised to be honest about money and mistakes so that kids don't repeat the same mistakes. earning money, things like baking cookies or even making bracelets. and more kids are exposed to money, the more they are, the better they are in the long run. >> if we can show our children the right way to go with money, what happens is, they start having a great and positive framework around money but also a realistic idea that sometimes things can go this way and maybe we shouldn't go down that road and saves them from making the same mistakes maybe you have in the past. >> more than 60% of americans avoid regularly talking about money. and most experts agree that needs to change. if you don't get up early
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to watch us for today and the bay that can change, at 5 am on air, whenever you want, and on roku and other streaming platforms. i am marcus washington, back to you. >> talking to my kids about money, now is the time i guess. >> never too early to start i guess. hello jenelle. >> there is so much going on, a south bay trauma center is set to close later this summer, getting a lot of pushback, san jose regional medical center wants to close the trauma center in august with neighbors are not happy, they've saved lives, and closing it would cost lives. the state will make the final decision. another black mark against the san jose fire department, today we get official reaction of reformer sin is a fire captain, acts on the child, the insider talks to us about what it's
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doing to the integrity and repetition of the fire department coming up 5:00. >> still to come, the top trending story. also it's already on the move, beginning with just a little more than 100 days until the games begin, it's getting closer, i'll tell you who do the honors. and nbc universal's local impact grants, entering the seventh year, and $227,000 to eligible local nonprofits. the application window is open until this friday, april 19, for more details, scan the qr code on the screen, that will take
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here it is, the top trending stories voted by you on the instagram poll, the justice department appears to have bad blood with live nation. the doj is getting ready to file an antitrust lawsuit
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against ticketmaster's parent company, accusing live nation of leveraging its dominance in a way that undermines competition for ticketing live events. ticketmaster and live meant -- live nation merged in 2010 despite concerns about a potential monopoly. it has faced increased scrutiny over high ticket prices and botching ticket sales for the taylor swift tour. ticketmaster did not comment on the possible lawsuit but it did defend itself against the investigation last month, writing that economic conditions lead to high pricing, as always, i will be posting what other stories you voted for on instagram. marking 100 days until the start of the olympics, today the olympic torch relay began in greece, starting off the relay, and then he handed over the flame to the french olympic swimming champion, flame will be queried -- the flame will be
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carried more than 3000 miles to paris, at the opening ceremony on july 26. nbc bear area -- nbc bay area is yo ho for the big sky a breakdown for a new olympic sport making its debut, head to the website, tran05/olympics. our meteorologist joins us. -- /olympics. it's about 60 degrees, 71 sam cisco. it wasn't the only spot that is warm, lake tahoe at 61, stunning, the peaks with the snow, as we get closer to the week, get to the microclimate forecast. i want to share how we are doing throughout the rest of the area. 76 in concorde, oakland 70, take a look at the 24 hour temperature change. noticing the warm-up, and down
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through morgan hill, and through parts of the north bay, including in nevada and santa rosa. warmer weather will continue, good news for tomorrow, finally settling into a dry weather pattern. on satellite radar, aside from a couple of clouds, high pressure will dominate for tuesday and even into the wednesday forecast. my kids a couple of clouds rolling through into the early morning hours, the impact of the early morning lows, temperature-wise, look at this, 80s on the map, san jose, anyone expected, morgan hill 81, and the upper 70s through the interior, out and about through the city. and similar conditions, and on wednesday, and you're expecting the high pressure to continue to linger. 79 degrees in dublin, and will
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look down, here's the high pressure keeping is dry, and above average, expected to remain for the week, looking ahead for the weekend, we've been getting a lot of rain on the weekends, join us once again at 5:00, the chief meteorologist will have a closer look at the extended outlook and the forecast coming up. >> looking forward to that. thank you. watch nbc bay area news, on roku, all three platforms, live newscast, breaking updates and more of the content. thank you for joining us at 4:30 pm, working on the 5:00 newscast next, we are back two minutes
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right now it 5:00, an important trauma center in the south bay remains on the chopping block.
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the remaining push to keep it open and who has the final say on whether it will close . investigating a disturbing story of a san jose fire captain arrested for attempting lewd acts on a child. how they are responding to the scandal around the fire department. counting is officially on the way to see who will be on the ballot in a congressional race that ended in a tie for second place, when the new results are expected. the news at 5:00 starts or not, thank you for joining us. i am garvin thomas. >> i am jenelle weighing.>> -- janelle wang. waiting on a proposal to shovel the level ii trauma center at san jose, we are in san jose with the latest on the battle to keep it open.>> reporter: dozens of people from
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the community and several doctors spoke out, many of them said they felt that closing the regional trauma center would cost lives. the regional medical center of san jose plans to shut the level ii trauma center in august, citing a decline in use over the past two years, and maria reyes is trying to keep it open. >> trauma means immediate medical help, when there is none, you can't put a band-aid on a gunshot wound and say go. >> reporter: she says the trauma center is the only one in the eastside community and closing it will disproportionately impact minority patients, forcing them to travel another 10 miles to santa clara or 21 miles to stanford hospital, which would be the only two remaining trauma centers in the county. and shuttering the regional trauma center will impact all patients by creating longer weights at other hospitals em


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