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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6PM  NBC  April 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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♪ right now at 6:00, an emergency at sea. crews race to save four people off the san francisco coast. details of the rescue and how the people are doing tonight.
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plus, san francisco jails on lockdown. what prompted the move and when things will return to normal. first, we start with this. gunshots and cars on fire and police cars rammed. another weekend of illegal sideshows take over the streets of oakland. >> nbc bay area's christie smith spoke to one city council member. >> overnight illegal sideshows took over several intersections across the city. police say fireworks and gunshots were reported at many of them. >> we have been complaining. the residents have been complaining to the chief and deputy chief that we need more assistance because not only did it happen this sunday here, but last sunday we ran into the one
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on 35th. >> the council member here was out and happened to drive by one of the scenes. a video from another shows cars on fire, and at one point, this happened. there were two or 300 young people watching the show, and cars spinning around and all over the place. i have never seen so many police come together. every street was blocked off. what impressed me, they not only came but they cited those in the middle of the sideshow. >> we asked the police department about the number of citations, but no response yet. if you participate in illegal sideshows your vehicle could be towed and seized with a 30-day hold. >> that's the bottom line. we need to enforce the law. >> he says the reality is, oakland needs more police
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officers. when it comes to the sideshow, it's a safety issue and a priority. >> it is a challenge here in oakland. we can do a lot better but it will take all of us united to get it done. >> christie smith, nbc bay area news. in the north bay two women are dead after a shooting in napa last night just after 8:00 last night on laurel street. when police got there two women were found in the street shot, and one died at the scene and another woman was rushed to the hospital where she later died. police are asking anybody with information to call them. new at 6:00, san francisco's jails are on lockdown tonight after a series of attacks on deputies. the sheriff's office said county jails two and three are on lockdown this weekend and they cite the number of assaults on staff members and the police. normal operations are set to
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resume next week. nbc bay area is looking into the story and will have a full report at 9:00. the marine units rescued four people from a capsized boat three miles out to sea. paramedics checked them out as soon as they were back on land and we are told they were all okay. the 32-foot vessel overturned around 9:30 this morning, and first responders are not saying anymore than that right now. yesterday, several other people were rescued from a capsized boat. six adults and a child onboard when the boat tipped over. they clung to the side of the vessel until help arrived. the victims were suffering from cold exposure, and three were taken to the hospital for minor injuries and four were released once they warmed up. an ion battery is being blamed for setting a garage on fire.
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firefighters say the lithium battery spontaneously ignited setting the garage on fire. the crews were able to stop it from spreading to the first floor of the house. the fire department advised to never leave a battery charging unattended. a trial this week will find whether the electric carmaker is liable for a crash where a pregnant woman was pinned in the garage. it happened in 2017. the woman was eight months pregnant and parked at home and leaving the car door open to change a diaper, and the toddler escaped her and got into the car and came in contact with the brake pedal, and then the car drove forward hitting the woman, shattering her pelvis causing a deep wound to her thigh. the family is accusing tesla of
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a defected product. apple engineer was killed in the crash while using a tesla feature on the highway in 2018. the family brought a wrongful death suit against the company. president biden is urging restraint tonight as the israeli war cabinet decides the response to iran's attack, and nobody was killed but a 7-year-old girl was hit by shrapnel and is in critical condition tonight. the white house said president biden is urging netanyahu not to retaliate, and he said the u.s. will not participate in a counter offensive against iran. >> we always listen to our partners and allies. we are respective of you and are always viewing all our options,
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and we will take whatever it takes to protect and defend our people. >> iran said the retaliation is concluded. and then the u.n. secretary general and u.s. ambassador both condemned iran's actions while calling for a de-escalation of the matter. israel's representative to the u.s. emphasized israel, quote, reserves the legal right to retaliate, and iran doubled down on its right to self defense. london breed is in china this week with the goal to boost business and tourism. her week-long trip started yesterday and is joined by a local of asian community leaders, and her goals is to bring more economic opportunities to the city, and to bring panda's to the san francisco zoo, and airline
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routes to bring tourism to the city. and then a request for a major emergency declaration for the storms that caused widespread flooding. nine counties will receive federal aid under the declaration. santa cruz and monterey are included but none here in the bay area. convoys resume after a brief pause because of the rain. last month the storm watched away part of the scenic highway in or out of the remote area in big sur. look at that shot. caltrans has been leading convoys to guide people over the damaged road safely, and caltrans said convoy schedules are back to normal tomorrow and we will continue while crews work to fix the highway, and the road is expected to be stabilized by memorial day. coming up, the funeral plans
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for the late o.j. simpson. the weekend is winding down, and so are the showers. by the middle of the week, summer feeling out there, and we will talk about that, coming up next. still searching. rescue groups try to find the gray whale caught in a net. what you should do if you should spot it.
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new at 6:00, o.j. simpson's body will be cremated in the coming days and there are no plans to donate his brain to science, and that's according to simpson's long-time lawyer and now executor of his estate. the degenerative brain disease is a risk for football players later in life is connected to behavioral and cognitive problems, and simpson's lawyer say his body will be cremated. there are plans for a small celebration of life limited to family and friends. the san josé fire department put out a garage fire today. when crews went inside they found a car on fire. took 15 minutes to put the flames out. the fire did not spread to any other building. the owner of the car said they had not driven the car in a few days. investigators are looking into
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how the fire started. it's a big draw on the coast, the whale watching vessels and researching groups were there along with the nonprofit marine life studies. yeah, it's a dangerous process that requires a legal permit to untangle whales. >> we are trying to educate people and inspire them so they want to learn more and they feel empowered to do something. >> if people do see a whale in distress, and from land you can see them or out on a boat, the advice is to call 1-766-sos-whale. let experts know where it is they can get crews out there. remember this one? rescue groups say they still have had no luck locating it. the 30-foot long gray whale was
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entangled in the net, and if you start the whale towing two large buoys, call that number terry mentioned, 1-766-sos-whale. >> talking about that whale, and i was checking out that story on tuesday and wednesday, and they just -- he could probably last a year with the gill net around his tail, but it's not going to be a happy ending if somebody gets out there and tracks it down, and if you see it out there, where it is now, they don't even know. >> we are getting some good weather. >> yeah, we are going to get good weather coming up to help find the whale and help to continue on with the workweek ahead. it might be kind of hard to be in the office over the next couple of days with the warm-up on the way. as far as right now, we are on the tail end of the weekend showers, a bit of the cumulus
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clouds through the mountains in san josé, and 76 degrees. oakland cooler but breaks in the sunshine, 57. walnut creek in the upper 50s nearing 60 degrees as we go into dinnertime. san francisco international airport, the weekend is winding down and the temperatures, 56 degrees. as we take it to satellite and radar, just a couple little dots of green out there, and some of the rain just in the atmosphere and not touching the surface. still, some rain and snow showers to the sierra, and some active weather continuing down into southern california. what will happen as we take it hour by hour for you, and maybe you have late sunday night plans. a bit of the cloud cover will remain mainly towards the ocean and the sacramento valley. we will watch the clouds rolling in as we go to bed later tonight. kicking it off for our monday, we will watch the clouds maybe starting to make contact with
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the ground and fog developing through the valleys and also jacket weather as most of us start in the 40s, and 50 for san mateo. it will be a chilly morning. then we will start to get a bit more of the peeks of sunshine as we go into lunchtime and temperatures will gradually warm up. definitely much warmer than what we had this weekend with winter. now we will go back into the spring pattern for upper 60s through ukiah, concord, the tri-valley and san josé. low 60s throughout the peninsula. here's the warm-up on the way. that will make it hard to go to work and miss out on all of the sunshine. tuesday, wednesday and thursday we will get 70s back in here as we go into the middle of the week. a bit more of the cloud cover. the models are hinting of that coming back as we go into wednesday, but still remaining dry. we will start to get 80s here on the map as we go into thursday, which i think will be the warmest day of the upcoming workweek. 80 in ukiah, vacaville and fairfield and concord. 60s and 70s around the immediate bay, and it will be also warm
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through the sacramento valley. overall we will be in for more of the dry pattern for the next couple of days. san francisco will be part much that too as well as we go from the low 60s to the upper 60s by the middle part of the week. a bit of that flow from the ocean will return as we go into friday cooling things down just a little bit, but right now the weekend should stay dry as we look ahead. cherry blossom festival will conclude. the grand parade is next week in the city. maybe a few spots will reach us by thursday, and still in the 70s as we go on to look at a dry weekend ahead. well deserved. >> a lot of people saying about time. >> thank you. oakland celebrates diversity, and the event empowering black women and the important cause today's panel put a spotlight on. a quick reminder now, you can access nbc bay area news whenever you want to, we are on
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24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms, andou can watch live and breaking news and news conferences and repeats of our news guests.
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community leaders, advocates and artists gathered for a panel on black women's empowerment today. >> our very own right there was the moderator, focusing on the higher hiv cases among black women. >> part of why i am so glad that
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we are here today for this, this opportunity to celebrate, but also an opportunity to educate women. >> black women only make up 12% of the population, they made up 58% of new hiv cases. the panelist discuss solutions to educate and empower those women. it's the nepali new year, and san francisco is going all out. you see it right there, it went down polk street and heading towards market. it was filled with cultural celebration and a lot of live music. >> very fun. people gathered on the peninsula today to test their runway strut but it was not a fashion show. check it out. the aviation annual airport runway run today -- >> that was a heck of a stretch. they are strutting. >> participants got to traverse the length of the entire san carlos airport runway, and the
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event featured exhibits and a bounce house. whoa. that's a big man getting his dance moves on today. former warrior showed off his moves, and steph curry in disbelief somebody that big can move that fast. >> steph can do his own moves. >> different kind, though. >> the warriors 55 and older dance team, and ezeli was there, and he had steph curry shocked and that's not easy. >> uh-huh. anthony joining us for sports. where are you at? >> there was no dancing for me today, but i am at the golf club in santa cruz where one of the best college golf tournaments is
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about to tee off. a guy threw me on the ground and stretched me out and said now you are ready to go, and i shot 91. didn't help me out. stick around. stick around. sports is next. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief.
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ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! welcome back. i am anthony flores in santa cruz.
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some of the best college golfers in the country are here to tee it up in the western inner collegiate. this is the 77th playing of the longest running college golf tournament dating back to 1947. this three-day tournament tees off on monday. today was all about practice. that's right, practice. cal stanford has the number one ranked player in college golf, and the host, san josé state. >> we have not only some of the great teams in the country but we have some of the great individual players in the whole world here competing this week. it's truly an exceptional field. >> speaking of best in the world, the final round of the masters, world number one, scheffler shoots a final round, 4 under 68. he wins by four shots at 11 under par.
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to the nba. final day of the regular season. the warriors taking on the utah jazz at chase center. no steph curry or draymond green. no problem. scoring 25 points, leading the warriors to a victory. the warriors end up with the ten spot in the western conference so they will face the kings in sacramento on tuesday. head coach steve kerr is confident his team can make a run in the post season. >> we are happy to have a shot, you know. it could have played out a number of different ways today and it played out as it did so we will get ready for sacramento. to baseball. the giants blake returning to tampa. the rays get to snell in the bottom of the first. rosario goes deep, and the rays beat the giants.
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the a's are starting to play pretty good baseball. they rallied from five runs down to beat the nationals, 7-6. oakland is now 6-3 after starting the season 1-6. the western enter collegiate
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fresh off of playing in the ncaa championships, caitlin clark showed off her comedy skills. gave a shout-out to the women's basketball greats before her. >> thanks to all the great players like lisalessly, and my amoore. these are the women that kicked down the door so i could walk inside. i want to thank them tonight for laying the foundation. michael, since you are a big fan. i brought you a souvenir. it's an apron signed by me. [ applause ] >> thank you. i can't wait to give this to my girlfriend. >> you don't have a girlfriend, michael. >> that was good. that was good. by the way, the wnba draft starts tomorrow afternoon in brooklyn, new york. this will be the first time fans will be there live.
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clark expected to go number one overall to the indiana fever. >> you can bet on that. for now, just over 100 days from the paris 2024 olympics. we have been talking about it so long, and they are almost here. >> the festivities kicked off this week. on tuesday the olympic torch will be lit in olympia, greece. it will end in athens, and from there head to france to begin the french leg of the rely. the torch will visit french's biggest landmarks, and the opening ceremony at the paris olympics business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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