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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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i'm raj mathai. next on "nbc bay area news tonight," here comes the rain. we're tracking the timeline of this storm as we head into the weekend. also it's a home smaller than most studio apartments, and it just sold in the south bay for $1.7 million. so what does this say about our
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current state of the housing market? plus, the money is piling up in the san francisco mayor's race. candidates already raking in more than $5 million. so who's the biggest donor? and we continue our conversations with the candidates. >> i think san francisco is tired of the negative messaging, tired of the gloom and doom. >> we're joined by board of supervisors president aaron peskin. and a big weekend in wine country. hollywood celebs, food, and wine for a good cause. good evening. this is "nbc bay area news tonight." i'm raj mathai. we have made it to friday, the end of spring break for a lot of bay area kids. let's start tonight with this incoming storm. here's a live look in san francisco. you can see the transamerica pyramid. the clouds are rolling in. things are turning gray. so what's the deal for our weekend? the first showers actually arrive tonight and overnight. you see all that green on the radar? it's moving closer to where we
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are. let's bring in our meteorologist, vianey arana. my son has a baseball game tomorrow on the peninsula. what do you think? >> oh, timing will be important with that, raj, because as the system makes its approach, it's going to depend on where you are when you see it first. of course the skies are getting cloudy and dark, and temperature-wise, we're definitely a lot cooler than we were since yesterday. 57 degrees right now in morgan hill. 60 degrees in san jose. let's get a closer look at that radar and when that rain is going to make its move. so notice we are seeing some of that developing just to our north, and it is going to impact areas north of golden gate first before becoming a threat down to the southward areas by overnight, early saturday morning. you can see that rotation just out on the coast as that rain continues to develop. here's a closer look at what we can expect for tonight, the weekend, and of course looking ahead. so we're going to see those increased clouds first. that lane rain arrives for the north bay at around 11:00 at night into early saturday morning. it does become a little more
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scattered into saturday afternoon. however, over the weekend, we're going to keep the chance for periods of rain. it's going to get a little windy and a chance for thunderstorms, which could also mean some hail in the forecast. looking ahead, not a complete washout of a weekend. late sunday we do see some changes. then we just give you some hope ahead. we do have clearing skies and the return of warmer weather. i'll go into more detail on when that warm weather will return and how much rain we're anticipating this weekend. >> it is friday. we're not complaining here. let's get you caught up on some other headlines this evening. a crime problem in downtown san jose. a popular gaming lounge has been targeted for the third time this year, and the eighth time since opening 2 1/2 years ago. in the latest break-in, burglars literally wheeled away the safe. take a look. this is the guild house posting this surveillance video. this happened on march 26th. originally the owners say they don't want to go public with this for fear of triggering more crimes. but after boosting security measures and still being burglarized, they acknowledge that strategy wasn't working.
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>> just went for the safe and any other big ticket items that were in the office, didn't even come to the front of the restaurant, didn't check the cash registers or anything like that. i think they've done it before. >> we're still looking into it, again trying to discover a pattern, see what we can do to get this done. i'm convinced, i'm certain that we will find a solution sooner or later. >> today the mayor of san jose, matt mahan, and the police chief showed up at the guild house. they admit other businesses in the area have also been hit, and they vowed to boost police presence in downtown. here's a story that illustrates our expensive housing in the bay area. how much would you pay for a 384 square foot home? that's the size of a hotel room. this is in cupertino, not far from apple hq. it listed at $1.7 million, and it sold. our business and tech reporter scott budman went to check it out. >> reporter: even in a crazy
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housing market, this one really stands out. i'm in and you're looking at the entire house here in cupertino. 384 square feet for the entire house. this was actually originally built back in the '40s as a hunting cabin, and now it sits on some of the world's most valuable land near monte vista high school, corner lot on a cul-de-sac. i just walked through the bedroom. there's a little bathroom right there. voila, i'm now in the kitchen, and that's the whole thing. 384 square feet. this was listed at $1.7 million. within days, multiple offers. it has closed. it has sold. the agent tells me she can't give the actual price but says it did sell for, quote, considerably more than the asking price. so there we go. the smallest house in cupertino, the least expensive house in cupertino, and i'm sorry, everybody. it's now off the market. i'll send it back to you.
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>> 384 square feet. thank you, scott. speaking of big money and housing, who's going to be the next mayor of san francisco? the election is in november, but already it's a multi-million dollar race. donations totaling more than $5 million. nonprofit executive and levi's heir daniel lurie picking up the most money, nearly $4 million. mayor breed has just under $1 million. and supervisor ahsha safai has $30,000. most of lurie's money is coming from his family along with tech founders. his mother is the single largest donor, giving $1 million to the committee supporting his campaign. mayor breed's biggest donor -- there's a familiar face and name -- the billionaire michael bloomberg, contributing $200,000. we should note mark farrell and aaron peskin both announced their mayoral runs after the most recent campaign deadline filing. so we won't know how much money
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they've raised until the next filing, which is in june. as part of our election coverage, we are talking to all of the major mayoral candidates. joining us this evening is san francisco's supervisor, aaron peskin, who is running for mayor. supervisor peskin, nice to have you on the program. how are you doing? >> i'm doing very well. >> you've been doing this for a while. first elected as a supervisor 24 years ago in the year 2000. that often leads to the question are you part of the problem in san francisco, or are you part of the solution here? >> very good question. i have never run for mayor. i clearly have 17 years of legislative experience over the last 24 years. i know the government very, very well. but frankly, san francisco is struggling, and i think that i have the solutions and the know-how. and if i have the powers of mayor, we'll make san francisco the city that knows how again. and there are a number of initiatives that really i could only implement if i were the
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mayor. they are beyond the powers of the board of supervisors. they are things that i've been talking about for some time, but they're really not powers that are held by the board of supervisors. i think that 24 years of legislative experience, of deep connections to communities all over san francisco, department heads, give me an advantage to really addressing some of the struggles that san francisco's facing while celebrating so many things that are going right. i mean, there has been right now, i think, a lot of finger-pointing, a lot of blaming, a lot of shaming. but san francisco has another story to tell, and i'm ready to tell that story. >> you are a proud progressive and the only true progressive in this race. can a progressive win the mayor's race in this day and age, the current political climate of san francisco? >> listen, i have a quarter of a century of deep connections to the neighborhoods that make san francisco the envy of this country and the envy of the world. and san francisco's neighborhoods are really doing
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quite well, and it is my connections in those neighborhoods, my listening to those neighborhoods, my delivering for those neighborhoods that sets me apart from the other candidates. i'm not downtown's guy so to speak, and if that makes me progressive, i'm a progressive. but i also think that public safety is a progressive value and fiscal prudence is a progressive value. and i have a long track record of having shown that and having done that. >> you talked about if you're mayor, you could take things over and do things that only a mayor can. but you've been so instrumental in bringing up the power away from the mayor's office and into the commissions. how can you go back and forth here? >> raj, no matter how you slice it or dice it, if you put san francisco's form of government against any government in this country, we have not a strong mayor system of government. san francisco has a super strong mayor system of government. yes, i have absolutely stood up for democratic checks and balances. but san francisco's mayor has
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extraordinary powers, and i intend to use those powers in a positive way in collaboration with the community, in collaboration with the board of supervisors to really address san francisco's challenges around homelessness, around substance abuse and open-air drug dealing. those are challenges that we can overcome, and i think i have the ability to do that. >> san francisco, as you know, needs housing in a desperate way here. in the past, you've shot done a lot of housing initiatives, including in your own district, which covers north beach and chinatown. how come? >> so let's be clear. in the 24 years that i've been supervisor, i have voted, led, and joined the upzoning of san francisco to the tune of 115,000 units. that is documented fact. it is also true that i've listened to neighborhoods. i believe that we can be pro-neighborhood and pro-housing, and i've shown that. along the broadway corridor, where we took all of the former freeway parcels and turned them into hundreds and hundreds of units of affordable housing. but i don't believe we need to
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ruin or destroy san francisco to appropriately grow san francisco. so there are projects that i have opposed and projects that i have supported. but san francisco has continued to grow. and let's be clear. san francisco's housing crisis is an affordable housing crisis. and what san francisco really needs to do -- and i have a marshal plan for -- it to build housing that our working people can afford, that our bus drivers can afford, that our cops and firefighters can afford. that has not been what this administration has done. this administration has been about building high rises that are going to block san franciscans off from their waterfront for luxury developments. san francisco needs affordable housing for our working class people. >> you brought up this administration. the day you announced your run for mayor, mayor breed's campaign spokesperson releasing several statements. among them, if you could go -- and we quote. if you could go into a laboratory and construct an individual designed to single-handedly destroy all progress in san francisco, he
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would be it, meaning aaron peskin. why the bad blood here? >> so, listen, i don't think that it befits san francisco or anybody running for mayor to use hyperbole like that. the reality is i've been elected five times by the people of the northeast corner of san francisco. i've been elected four times to the democratic party. i've been president of the board of supervisors three times through the election of my colleagues. i've been chair of the san francisco democratic party twice. this is obviously the hallmark of somebody who works well with others, who collaborates, who compromises to get things done. and i want to run a positive campaign. i think san francisco is tired of the negative messaging, tired of the gloom and doom narrative, and i'm not going to stoop to getting in the mud with any of my opponents. >> you are a skilled politician for sure. what's your path to victory? let's look at november now. what is your path to victory? well ranked choice voting benefit you if it splits up the moderate vote and you're there
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as the progressive? >> listen, i am going to work very hard between now and election day and beyond to earn the vote of people in neighborhoods in every corner of this city, from the bayview to the sunset to the mission to the excelsior to the richmond. i'm going to be in every nook and cranny. we already have hundreds of volunteers. our fund-raising at is going very, very well, and i'm going to go out there and earn that vote. >> supervisor peskin, thanks for your time. good luck in this race. i'm sure we'll be talking again on this program and in person. appreciate your time. >> thank you, raj. i look forward to it. we mentioned we are chatting with all the major candidates in this race. you can see our interviews with everyone on our nbc bay area app and on our website, up next, we're talking to senator laphonza butler. why she's enlisting the help of
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gen z during her final few months in office. and we're in napa county where some hollywood celebs, chefs, wine and food are coming together f or
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welcome back to "nbc bay area news tonight." california's outgoing senator is trying to make the most of her last few months in office. she's enlisting the help of gen z. senator laphonza butler was appointed after the death of senator feinstein.
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butler launching a new youth advisory council this week. she selected 30 californians from the age of 16 to 28. they're all over from the state, including the bay area. senator butler plans to meet with them once a month and hear their thoughts on things like social media, mental health, gun policy, and housing. she thinks elected officials need to be doing more to get young people involved in our government. >> is your hope that this council could continue even after your term in office ends? >> it is. it is. look, i think that there is tremendous opportunity for whoever california voters send to washington to represent them in this seat. there's tremendous opportunity to really build this advisory council, strengthen it in every part of the state, and continue to use it to develop leadership opportunities. >> the senator will meet with the council for the first time
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later this month. by the way, who will be our next senator? adam schiff and steve garvey are running for her soon to be vacant senate seat. here's something fun this weekend. tomorrow is one of the most impactful and delicious events of the year in wine country. some of the bay area's best chefs pairing their dishes with some of the best cabs all in the name of charity, and there's some hollywood celebs involved as well. we're talking about the annual cabernet cook-off happening tomorrow in st. helena. 14 chefs from many notable restaurants are bringing their skills to the vineyard. cool thing about this, the people get to taste, sip, and vote on the best dish. there's also some celebs to help judge. chef ken frank, actress catherine o'hara from beetlejuice. brian baumgardner for the office, and reality star craig conover. >> you got me a whole bottle? >> no, i'm going to have a glass too. >> i was going to say, we date.
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you don't have to do this. >> that's craig on bravo's southern charm. you've probably seen him. the show follows the lives of a group of socialites and entrepreneurs in charleston, south carolina. southern charm has been the air since 2014. joining us now from st. helena is craig conover. nice to see you. is that a real background, or is that a green screen? >> no. you would think it would be a green screen these days, but this is a real background. we're right next to the hall vineyard. it's beautiful out here. >> i see you're already starting friday off with a glass of wine there. >> i figured i'd practice my judging abilities without the food today and then tomorrow we'll add all those chef creations. >> there you go. day in the life of a reality star. like what is this? is this what you do? you just cruise around towns? >> you know, i was about to say that it's not what we do. no, look, this is the perks of the job, you know. i've been filming since i was 24, and i'm 36 now, and
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fortunately i've cut back on the wine when i'm not visiting vineyards. but, you know, anytime i get to come participate for a charitable cause like the cabernet cook-off, i jump at that opportunity. >> i was going to say i have the pleasure of being out there with you tomorrow. are you a wine guy? are you a foodie? what brings you to this charity event? >> yeah, i am. i actually grew up in the restaurant business, and we had to take classes on small vineyards out in california. we only sold big, bold reds from california. and i live in charleston, south carolina, which is kind of a low-key, you know, foodie town. it's a lot of food and a lot of wine. if you watch the show, you see that. and anyone that's been to charleston just knows we have incredible restaurants. you know, i'm not an expert, but i think i'll be able to participate, you know, pretty well, and excited that no matter who i pick tomorrow, all goes
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to a good cae. >> yeah. there are a lot of charities that benefit from this event. take a look here. among th, all-stars helping kids, the napa valley community foundation, farming hope, and the adobe sustainable solution to homeless. are you excited about the other hollywood types that will be judging tomorrow? catherine o'hara and brian bum gardner. >> yeah, i am. i was a big moira rose fan from schitt's creek. then brian from the office, my girlfriend paige and i, i feel like "the office" is on our tv all the time. so i'm really excited to meet brian. i know he knows austin and shep from my show, so i'm excited to become friends too. >> that's awesome. congratulations with your success. i'll see you out there tomorrow. the people at hall says they actually sold more tickets to women who don't even like wine because you're going to be out there tomorrow. >> well, i'm excited, and i like meeting everyone. we'll do lots of pictures and lots of story time. i'll probably get myself in
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trouble with answering questions i shouldn't, but i'm an open book. >> craig conover from "southern charm," welcome to the bay area. we'll see you out there tomorrow. >> thank you. let's take you outside on this friday. it's good wine weather. a live shot there looking into san francisc o.
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welcome back. the clouds are here, and soon the rain will be too. you can see it developing just to our north. if you live in napa, sonoma,
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you'll be the first to see the rain starting overnight into early saturday morning, becoming more widespread by about 5:00 a.m. you'll notice some heavier pockets through the south bay. cooler weather. periods of on and off again rains through the entire weekend. so keep this in mind as we inch closer into sunday. we'll see the rain taper off and just looking ahead at your seven-day forecast, once that rain makes its exit, we see a warm-up expected to make its start on tuesday into wednesday, with the return of 80s in our extended forecast. >> we made it to the weekend, vianey. that's going to do it for us at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our associate director, phillip sukke, thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening. we'll see you back at 11:00.
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♪♪ ♪ california live ♪ ♪♪ that was way cool. thank you, jerome, so much. >> thank you. >> that's super cool. you got to tell me how did you get started in sidecars? >> you know, riding motorcycles alt my life. first two wheeler i had was a vespa when i was 14. growing up, changing different motorcycles. and a few years ago, went back to france on vacation, paris, saw the cycle driving in the old part of paris and i just fall in love again. i was always a big fan of cycles. when i saw them, it just was a flashback. i was like, i need to have one. ♪♪ >> the sidecar was initially developed for bicycles in 1893
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in france. >> so they did start in france. i'm not sure if it was exactly from paris. in 1900, a cycle was created for taking friends around. then people use it for transportation, for taxi. >> sidecars have been used over the years by police and the u.s. army. several other militaries have used it as well, including german, italian, and french. >> so what about wartime? you see these motorcycles in wartime? how did that play a part? >> i mean look at the movie "indiana jones." jones was driving a sidecar in a couple movies. during world war ii, the germans created the bmw cycle. the russians wanted to do the same because they loved the way to be able to drive around very fast. >> i guess the wizards like them too because it was in harry potter. so these, you're saying, was the original uber? >> nowadays, we should have uber
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like this in the city. >> these look vintage. are they? >> this is a 2018 model, ural model. used to be built in russia. used to be russian made. now it's an american company. headquarters outside seattle. they're still building overseas. >> i want to know, and probably everybody else does, do the sidecars detach, or are they built as a whole unit? >> this brand, they don't detach. you can if you want, but it's really made to be a sidecar. this 2018 model, they have fuel injection, disk brake, making them more safe to drive. >> pretty modern? >> yeah, pretty modern. ♪♪ >> and you might be familiar with the cocktail also called the sidecar. this concoction of orange
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liqueur, the theory is it's name after a captain of world war i who would ride in a sidecar to his favorite bistro. >> are they speed demon bikes? >> no. this is you cruise around, you bring your friends. alone, i could drive 75 miles an hour. but if i take somebody i don't like, you know, we would go to 80 miles an hour to see how he feels about it. >> i now know i'm going to watch the speedometer because if you go 85, that's going to tell me a lil secret about you. we're going to get back out there, so let's go. >> let's go! let's go for a ride. ♪♪ >> let's go! ♪♪
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tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> she said to me more than once that he would kill her and get away with it. >>


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