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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 12, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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we just posted it. thanks for watching, we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ right now at 11:00, one step closer to a name change. the open airport could soon add san francisco to its name, after a key meeting, and vote tonight. >> that voters setting up a potential legal shut down between oakland and separate go. nbc bay area's gia vang shows what comes next. >> okay, thank you. and with that, the oakland metropolitan international airport will be renamed the san francisco bay oakland international airport. the board of commissioners in oakland only their just for the change. >> we are fine be good for area
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visitors, little but also for us. >> reporter: they say what makes travelers among the bay among other potential benefits. >> tonight we strongly support trying to elevate the employment and attraction. >> reporter: but legal issues if that happens across the bay. this district attorney lays it out in a letter this month about the lawsuit. >> we are disappointed. >> he, and others said it would cause confusion to those who say they haven't heard of oakland. >> i really hope that they are being advised, properly, by counsel, but it is clear that there is a very strong trademark set of claims. >> reporter: this is using taxpayer dollars am i correct? >> i hope that neither oakland, nor san francisco would have to use taxpayer dollars. >> reporter: law states can
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also come from environmental groups to say the change would be requirement for the california environmental quality act, or ceqa. >> i urge people to make appropriate ceqa findings, and whether or not there will be any environmental impacts, based on the staff report, fiercely appears that there will be an environmental impacts, that are being ignored. >> reporter: commissioners will be denied for a second reading about. in oakland, gia vang, nbc bay area news. a woman says her legend rape got off too easy. she now says her trust in the legal system is shattered. >> elder gutierrez spoke with the victim, and look at how often defendants, charged with certain sex offenses take plea deals. held a? >> this was a drill originally brought as a rape case, with a video confession and apology note from the defendant. prosecutors offered him a deal that we will leaves him with no
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sex crime on his record and says, she was not notified. kerry biggs grew up believing of the justice system. she comes from a law enforcement family. her father and uncle work for the belmont department. >> and they grew up, knowing that, if you did wrong you would get in trouble. and the police would help you. of the police did. >> reporter: she says her trust was shattered, when she was raped. >> i thought it would be help, at least i thought. >> reporter: in september 21, it was a local piano bar in carlos. an acquaintance she knew before. she said she had enough to drink and walked outside with a friend a drive home. the acquaintance followed them. >> he came up to the bench we were riding on, and he came kissing me like the year prior. and my body was like, hey, hey, hey. and what he says something that
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i ran off. >> reporter: she says, when he came home, he took this video of her in bed before leaving her apartment. >> >> i passed out. >> reporter: when banks woke up, she says the acquaintance, mendoza, was standing by her bed. >> he is there and i'm like what are you doing? get out of here, get out of here. i remember getting up to and i really, truly believed, i saw my phone there were all these missed calls through instagram. >> reporter: they show us, mendoza try to reach her in the middle of the night before entering her apartment, she says she reported the incident to the san mateo sheriff's office and received this restraining order. >> you don't have a right to come into my house, you never have the right to come into my house, this is not okay. vance says it was the chef, who upon questioning mendoza a week later let her in on what really happened that night. according to the sheriff's report, mendoza wrote an apology know that wrote, i shouldn't have opened your door and going to bed with you.
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in the narrative, mendoza also agreed to having sex with someone who was too intoxicated to consent is rape, he was charged with two felony counts of rape and penetration with a foreign object. >> last year, she says she was ready to go with trial, but she said this report, the defendant was ready to enter a last- minute plea deal. for false imprisonment, a charge she had never heard of before, and wasn't even a sex crime. >> i victor, pleaded not to do this, that i was ready. i said, i would rather move on the stand than to let him get away with false imprisonment, which meant nothing. >> even though we were ready to go to trial on that day, and decided to offer some charges that were felonious, but did not carry such restriction. >> shine-mee chen was the prosecutor in his case, but with the san mateo county da
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post office. we asked by they accepted a plea deal in the sharp's office says they had a taped confession. >> the deputy, after having listened to it, decided that there were some issues, because of the tone of the conversation . >> reporter: bank says the prosecutor never mentioned the confession take or its tone shine-mee chen says the timing of the plea was unfortunate, and in hindsight, which is that they would have asked for continuous consultant to process it. we reached out to mendoza and his attorney, but never heard back. it turns out the case is not an isolated one. nbc bay area's investigative review records for rape and sexual battery case is from the sexual about buttery a poster 2018, we received information from 60 cases and cross-referenced with the final outcome. we found 32% of the cases were either rejected by the da post office were later dismissed.
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11% are ongoing, and about half- - only 67% were result. out of 31 cases where the da charge the defendant with sex crimes, 19 resulted in a sex crime. four were convicted with a sex crime by a jury. but in eight cases, 26% of the time, the defendant negotiated a nonsex related we deal. >> sometimes the facts or the witness statements change after we file a case. and, if our cases is different than we originally assess to be we will enter a new defense. >> reporter: but a law enforcement with a written knowledge of bank's case says he expected a harsher sentence. this was a no pale case, meaning every thing was put together with a legal confession in a box and ribbon for them to prosecute accordingly. the sheriff's office has not released a confession to the investigative unit or to vance. and they told us, as a charging
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entity, the district attorney's office determines the strength of a case for the purpose of prosecution. >> you know, they just kept saying to me, well, you know, this stuff doesn't happen. and all i could say was, why did it happen to me? why didn't i matter? >> reporter: mendoza only spent five days in jail, but was put on probation for alcohol and drugs. two months ago, he was writing under the influence and is now serving six months in jail for violating probation. that is more time than he ever served in connection with the banks state. bakes is now working with supervisor attorney, aaron pfizer, who has reached out to the department of justice, citing our binding and requesting a practice investigation into the san mateo county da's office. with the investigative unit, i am held a gutierrez. >> thank you, hilda. on behalf of our story, or hilda, or anyone in the investigative unit, call 888996 tips. or visit the death of o.j. simpson has rekindled many emotions and uncomfortable
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memories. race, politics, stardom and our legal system. his family says the san francisco native lost his battle with cancer. the disgraced football star leaves behind a complicated legacy. here is nbc's jocelyn moran. >> before the trial that would captivate the nation and alter his legacy, oj simpson was a talented athlete in san francisco. he grew up with galileo high school and later city college, before we being recruited to usc, where he won a heisman trophy. >> we are very proud of what oj accomplished as a kid out of san francisco, out of the hill. i remember one day my mother called me and said, you need to get on, and come over and see, because oj is playing basketball here. oj was a city college student. at the time. but he was so famous. >> reporter: he went on to play in the nfl, and made a career with the san francisco 49ers. and in the commercials and the acting career. these moments would overshadow it. >> a white or light colored
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ford bronco. >> reporter: the infamous hours long police chase along a southern california freeway in his wife ford bronco. >> it was evident from the very beginning. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> reporter: the so-called trial of the century, where simpson was acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her boyfriend. gerald everett from the beginning. >> the nature of the trial, the obvious animosity of the prosecution, and the animosity toward the followers of the case as well. >> we, the jury-- >> reporter: the not guilty verdict was controversial and still is. >> at that point in time, there were those who never and have never changed their minds and they never will. >> reporter: oj simpson was later found liable for the murder in civil court, forcing them to turn over his future earnings to the goldman family. years later, he was tried and convicted in las vegas of armed robbery and kidnapping, serving nearly 9 years and is in.
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o.j. simpson was 76 years old. jocelyn moran, nbc, bay area news. in a statement, ron goldman's family told nbc, they have mixed feelings about o.j. simpson's death. quote, for 3 decades be tirelessly pursued justice for ron and nicole, and despite a civil judgment and his confession in his book, the hope for the true accountability has ended. they say they will continue to advocate for victims and survivors. was a tow truck driver trying to drive a car with people still inside? there is viral video out there with confession about a tow truck company in san francisco. check it out. the video appears to show the truck backing up to a car, behind it, with its towing mechanism out. this is the area of bush montgomery and union square. the man who recorded the video says a bunch of cars were stopped in traffic. >> i thought, oh, i am going to see if, you know, a broken remote car and take off, and i went to the car next to it
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which have people in it and started loading that. they started backing up and he started chasing them with a tow truck. >> eventually the tow truck speeds away. to reach out to the city attorney, his office recently suspended the towing, the same name on that truck. unclear though, is that truck in the video is connected to that. we reached out, by email and phone, to special towing, but we didn't hear back. taking on cruise and when mouth. tesla is set to unveil its own robo taxi. ceo, elon musk, announced last week plans to reveal the new robo taxi's in august. the two agencies that regulate robo taxi's tell nbc news they haven't heard anything from tesla, but the dmv and the cpu says tesla hasn't applied for the two permits it would need to operate a driverless car in california. tesla did not respond to a request for comment. some bay area cities are in trouble with defense. the environmental protection agency has signed east bay
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cities, to two utility districts to allow sewage to fall into the bay. according to the san francisco chronicle, the epa, the sentence regional quality board says oakland, hello leo, albany, berkeley, east bay mud, and a sewage service in el cerrito, failed to prevent untreated sewage from overflowing and reaching the ocean. officials say it happened multiple times between 2021- 2023. the majority of the funds went to oakland though. as a result, the city has to pay $270,000 for 67 sewage release cases. >> we are back in 60 seconds. up next, the celebratory dinner interrupted in the bay. sparking free speech and how both sides in the east bay responded. and a popular pub being from one side of the bay to the other one. the owner says san francisco's culture is to blame. clear and calm tonight. and a cooldown already underway.
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but when does the rain moving? and how is it going to impact your weekend plans? i have got
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viral video is sparking debate over free speech. out of uc berkeley dean. are talking upper a protest disrupted it in her at the dean's home. >> the student is considering legal action, while the dean of
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the law school says free speech doesn't apply to every situation. nbc's pete suratos. >> around the world, not only-- >> this is not your house. >> this is not-- >> celebrating graduate uc berkeley law students take an unexpected turn. with this law student began an unannounced speech, intended to discuss the war in gaza. >> i haven't even talked about palestine yes, all i said was the muslim greeting in arabic. >> you are a guest in our house. >> reporter: she shows catherine best. jean erwin getting into an altercation, telling her to leave. tonight, she blames the professor crossing the line. >> never, in any world that i think a uc berkeley law professor or anyone for that matter what just go ahead and feel it was appropriate to lay their hands on me. >> in a statement related to the uc berkeley law school website, she says i am enormously sad that we have students who are so rude in my
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home, my backyard, and use the social occasion for their political agenda. my home is not a forum for 3 speech. >> you have a first amendment right to say what you wanted the public square, but that doesn't imply that someone's private residence. >> reporter: in an interview on cnn, the chairman claims he is being targeted because he is jewish, not for his stance on the war in gaza. >> i have said nothing about what benjamin netanyahu is doing in israel. i said nothing in any public forum about what is being going on regarding gaza. >> reporter: uc berkeley chancellor weighing in, saying, while our support for free speech is unwavering, we cannot condone a using a social occasion as a person's present residence is a platform for for protest. the event was organized by the law school, for the university by dissemination and may take legal action. pizza raucous, nbc bay area news. >> another attack on jail, a convicted attack is being
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investigated as an attempted homicide. floras was an recreational engineer in fresno, when another inmate stabbed him yesterday. he was taken to the hospital but now back at the prison. he was also attacked last august. he is serving 25 years-life for murdering smart when they were students at st. louis, nearly 30 years ago. >> a popular craft beer spot is training san francisco. it has been open for 16 years on 16 in the mission. but the owner says they are going to close the location and relocate to oakland at the end of june. this isn't about crime in the city or homelessness. the owner of san francisco says it has become a boring bar scene, and fees for delivery apps are sky high. >> it used to be where someone would go out, they would meet a friend, the two would have a drink, have an appetizer, have dinner. now, instead, it is just the entrie, and it is going out the door, and another company takes
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it. so, it is a lot different, people are not going out anymore. >> they are hoping to set up their new location on college avenue in breckenridge. >> we need to go there and have some fun. more than just an entrie. >> a lot of appetizer. >> maybe tomorrow night we can do that. >> i think it will be great, as the rain will still be off of the coast for your friday night plans, so, that means you will be able to enjoy the afternoon, if it is a little bit longer that is good news for everyone. right now we are seeing decent 60s. notice that wind speeds are called, but then we will also change as we get closer toward your friday forecast demand again, yes, we are tracking that rain. let's get right to the changes ahead. we will take a closer look at what is developing now. now, we are starting to see some green on this map here. you can see right here, making its perch really to the far northern area for now. but notice that rotation. now, this low pressure system is going to continue to drop down, but most of your friday will be dry, but you will notice
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the pooling. so, let's get to the daytime highs, friday afternoon, we will wake up to $.50 a some patchy fog develop, similar to today. highs only in the 60s for tomorrow. we will still get a load 70s through areas like tracy and san jose, meanwhile, san francisco we are talking upper 50s, but once that system fully maze it makes it way in, across the entire state of california, saturday forecast, we cannot look at your saturday daytime high. we will be in the low 50s and that is a big draw, compared to the 80s that we have been enjoying over the past two days. i mentioned the wind speeds, they will come in from the south and they were really really start to ramp up, starting tomorrow afternoon, 20- 30 miles per hour wins possible for the entire elevation area. early saturday morning, is that instability really starts to ramp up, we will also notice the rain taking it up. timing wise we will see some
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cloud cover, but here it is, you can see the system starting to move into centerville, san francisco late tomorrow. we will talk 11:00, 12:00, mainly areas of the north bay, but then it will become more widespread with intensity. the window right now is between midnight and three clock a.m. on saturday. so, a lot of us will be sleeping, at least for the bulk of that chunk of rain there. and then, by 11:00, 12:00, we will get started actively by 4:00 on saturday. we do see an perch from the south, pick up over the santa cruz, monterey county area. and the look at what is happening to your sunday morning commute. cloud cover, scattered activities, so far the main it event appears to be early saturday, and rainfall totals will be highest for been low- maintenance santa cruz, taking it all the way through three days. by the way. that is a little over two and inches for the mountain area, and two inches for the rest of us. not a huge rainmaker, but it will definitely be cool, chilly, and we will see that rain early saturday. look at the 70s next week so, we have springlike weather.
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>> we have got to put our patio furniture cushions back. >> good, see? >> watching the forecast. >> i pay attention. up next, the mosquito morning in the south bay. the specific type
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a warning in the south bay about a specific type of mosquito known to transmit deadly diseases. control crews are placing drops in east san jose, after they found several 80s mosquitoes. some were caught near machado lane. ecologists say the insects are aggressive, they like human blood blood and they fight during the day. they are also known to transmit yellow and dengue fever and are different than the normal ones we see. >> you can see these dark, black legs, and what spot. sometimes people are able to
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see those, by i. so, if you see that you are surrounded by or bitten by a black and white mosquito, we would love if you are contacted by yes. >> so far, they have lived in santa clara county, but 19 counties and other parts of the state have detected them as well. control is asking people to stay clear for standing property, like spare tires or tarps or flowerpots where mosquitoes can lay those eggs. a bear out of bounds with a tahoe ski resort. the bear was first spotted on monday, near the summit of granite chief mark peak. the resort says the closures for the san jose, and the safety , there were people on the mountains. you can see them and photos. the bear was tagged, wearing a gps color. wildlife tell us that state. was previously trapped and released, but appears to have returned home. biologists are now trying to encourage the bear to go someplace else and leave the populated area.
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did you see the sign? >> i did. back in a moment, we
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okay. the playoffs begin next weekend all of the sudden the warriors are one of the hottest nba teams . tonight, they actually climbed to the ninth seed. i don't know if you know this. >> they were 10th, now they are the ninth seed. if they win that regular two season games, they will take you to the eight seed. no dream on, no play, no patent. in fact, the lowly blazers lead for most of this game. but in the fourth quarter, the warriors would come alive. remember him? big bucket here, warriors were down by a point, 85-84. then, steph curry, the clutch three. curry had 22 points. warriors win 1-92. they won nine of their last 10 games.
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this might be the story of the season for the sharks. that is scott sitting there, watching his son, goaltender, devon, the 26-year-old grew up in los gatos high. we rarely have nhl players. his fourth nhl start, he had 49 states. sharks bree beat the krakens, 3- 1. but right now, the a's, yes, the a's are turning some hits. they beat the rangers in texas 1-0. they finished the road trip with a 4-2 cord.


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