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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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yourself and each other. good night. >> i love you. right now they are still trying to save that whale. they just need to find it. the update after the gentle
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giant was tangled in fishing nets off the coast. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we will have an update on that whale. we are also tracking other stories on this wednesday including google facing a flood of lawsuits over its incognito mode. users are challenging how private the browser really is, but can it hold up in court? and can the two a tie be broken. a recount is set in the closest election in the bay area. the race to represent silicon valley in congress. but first, let's look outside. it has been a warm day for most of us. plenty of fog. check out the view from the east bay camera. my goodness. it is so beautiful. it has been warren.
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but today is not the only day. we have set a new record. this is earth and we are on a streak of record for. 10 months of seeing temperatures above the usual highs. this is what we are seeing not only on land but over the oceans. let's break down what they think is causing these changes. let's walk over to that can record graphic. the european climate agency said that earths record has been shattered for the 10th month. temperatures hit an all-time record high for the month of march. march 2023 and march 2024 averaged 57.9 degrees
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fahrenheit. if we don't reduce human caused emissions including carbon, that trend could last for several years to come. currently we are in the 70s and 80s in san jose. dublin 83. 80 degrees in fremont. so right around where we expected to be around today. thanks to high pressure. we will see temperatures remain pretty pleasant. down into the 70s, especially by about 8:00 p.m. and you will notice the influence of cloud cover heading into tonight. it is about 71 right now. we have some 60s and will be down into the 50s. and if you notice on the satellite and radar we have san francisco and san jose sing high clouds pushing through.
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that will not linger for long. what will linger will be the influence of colder weather. you can see in the pacific we have the next system. this will bring us a cool down and some clearing and rain chances into the weekend. we are also tracking snow in the sierra. i will break down what we can expect for the upcoming we. and we will see a snow pattern set up into the weekend. >> it's so interesting to talk about the 80s and the snow. be searched to rescue a gray whale is still happening right now off the bay area coastline. the whale was ensnared in a fishing net in southern california waters last month. it was swimming north. the whale is also pulling a buoy
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. the noaa and search coordinators say that the device stopped working so they hope to reattach a new device if they can actually find the whale. right now the search has been hampered by obstacles. >> that is the challenge. things are dependent upon conditions. so the weather, the time of day, availability of resources. the whale's location. all of those things have to be aligned and in good condition for us to be successful. >> the search is focused around daly city and pacifica. the whale is heading north on a feeding migration to alaska. but the netting will make it difficult. we have more details at 5:30 p.m. the governors taking pride in the work of chp after he
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sent officers to oakland to crackdown on crime. this video was sent to us. chp officers have recovered more than 400 stolen vehicles, made 181 arrests, and seized more than 30 illegal firearms. the governor has said they deployed over 100 chp officers in february following a spike in crime. the state will also install 480 high-tech cameras to help identify cars linked to crimes. google incognito is coming back to haunt the company. they are now facing more lawsuits over what data they collect when you use private browsing. our business tech reporter has been working on this story. what is the basis of these lawsuits?>> the basis of the lawsuit that was settled quite some time ago talking about their chrome browser.
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they say if you search incognito, the topics will be private. and people thought, that's where i can search for things that i don't want a partner to see or work to see. but what happened is people sued and said google was still using this data and not keeping it private and selling it to make money. google admitted that this is how we make money. but they say no money changed hands. they promised to raise the browsing history and thought they put it behind them. but now the same lawyers are reviving the lawsuit and saying you can now, as individuals, ask them for money if you can prove you've been harmed by search data. that will be tough to do, but it shows that google has not gotten past this controversy.
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>> it seemed like it was already settled. so now the lawyers are saying maybe you can come back. >> we don't know if that is going to work. the first lawsuit ended in no money changing hands. and the same law firm, when we reached out to them today, they did not respond. google commented and said we took your of the first lawsuit and the second one has no merit and we proved that you can still search and have your data be anonymous. in order to prove that google has harmed you, you have to make a direct showing that your search led to something bad happening. that could be tough to do, especially if google insists that they are not tracking that search. this is more legal ramblings. but it shows that you should be careful when you search.
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and think about the other end of things and don't assume that anything is anonymous. >> that is the huge take away. >> it will be interesting to see if anything comes of this. if it does, it could change the way that they treat our data. >> thank you so much. we have new images of a man suspected of starting fires on san jose states campus. the man has started at least two fires on campus. the most recent was over a week ago in a restroom at the martin luther king library. if you recognize the man on your screen, cal fire is asking you to reach out. a potential recount is looming for the district 16 congressional race. and changing just one vote could turn this race into a two man showdown. today we heard from the two
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people who filed petitions for a recount. one candidates goal is to assure that every vote is counted. he believes a two-person race is more democratic. >> i said, a tie is extremely unlikely. and i am confident that this recount will take place and confident that we will have a two-person general election when it is done.>> the other request came from a former campaign staffer. jonathan padilla worked as the finance director for the san jose mere 10 years go. he said he is not communicating with any candidate or their agents. he claims that he wants to
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protect the will of the people by calling for a recount. it's worth noting that the secretary of state's website show that padilla contributed to the campaign. they say there is zero doubt that he is asking for the recount. a san francisco mosque sharing concerns after suffering harassment and the most recent issue happened just last night. the community said the incidents are not isolated. >> reporter: the surveillance video was shared with us by a community member. a man is using a skateboard to smash windows. police say it happened about a week ago, and the same man may have made verbal threats. the harassment has not stopped. >> the same person comes back
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and he walks in and starts smoking in our prayer hall. and so essentially, we kicked him out in the same guy. >> reporter: in the past month there have been a number of incidents including graffiti outside. it was painted over, but you can make out the words, you will all burn in . that was written on the front. the word don't is at the entrance. >> posting pictures of naked men and women on the walls and on our doors. >> reporter: today this community celebrated the end of the holy month. but underlining the celebration is a sense of fear and harassment. >> definitely there has been an increase in these type of
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incidents due to the polarizing landscape do to what is going on. >> reporter: a statement was issued saying we urge mosque leaders to take extra precautions to protect their attendees and elected officials and civic leaders to take heed of how the israeli violence in palestine is having an impact here at home. also in san francisco hundreds of muslims gathered for their morning prayer and celebrated the start of the festival of breaking fast. during ramadan they focus on prayer and reflection and fast from sunrise to sundown. but now is a time for joy with large meals and visiting families. >> it was a beautiful experience. the weather played an amazing part. to see the unity, and it may be
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a day of celebration, but at the same time it is a day where we have to remember those families and individuals who are suffering across the world. >> the festival will continue for the next few days. when we come back, the championship basketball coach announced today that she is retiring. we will look at her impact on the sport. and a congressional gold medal given to the women of world war ii. we will hear from two of them. we want to know what trending story you would like to see. i do have a poll up right now. barbie team making monopoly movie. eiffel tower rock climber new record, or pollution may cancel
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she has the most wins of any college basketball coach ever. today tara vanderveer is officially stepping off the court. retirement was announced last night rapping up a record- setting career. over 1200 victories and three championships. anthony florez just got back from stanford. you have been out there since this morning. what was the reaction from you when you heard. >> i spoke to her right before the ncaa championships. she is 70 years old. and next season they go to the acc. she started to talk about that and she said we are going after this and recruiting and the challenge of travel and the transfer portal. and i thought, i don't need to ask that question because she's looking ahead to next season.
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so a bit of a surprise. she looked like she had a lot more to give. but she said today that it is 24/7 and nonstop. she says she likes to waterski and she realizes she has to get out of the water and get on the phone. she said she's looking forward to just seven. being able to relax. >> enjoy the other parts of life. obviously, women's basketball has become so popular this past year. do you think she played a role in that?>> everyone is fascinated with caitlin clark and her ability. when you think about it, tara vanderveer has had a sustained level of excellence at stanford, which many people, including her mother, said don't take her job
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because you think about they've had players that not i can shoot. they've had players who can dunk and i was at the ncaa championship game against iowa state when they were in the second round. the pavilion was alive and electric. even the coach said -- i asked her today how can you walk away after leaving that environment? and she said it was tough and i wasn't sure i was going to retire, but the more that i talked about it, the time was just right.>> she will get to enjoy and still watch. i'm sure they will call her once in a while.>> she will be an advisor to the athletics department and that means anytime any coach wants her wisdom, they can pick up the phone and give her a call. >> we will see you again in an hour. >> no surprise who will be her successor.
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she was a member of the championship team in 1992 and has been the associate head coach. we will get her thoughts on the new coach. the nfl season for 2024 is making history. it will be the first regular season game in south america. and it will be the first game on a friday. the packers will face the eagles the opening game games will stream a peacock. they were heroes holding down the home front. now almost 80 years later, some real-life rosie the riveter's are getting some recognition.
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they gathered today to receive the top civilian honor. 27 traveled across the country, including a group from san francisco. one of them is 98 years old. in the 1940s she and her sisters and mother all worked at the kaiser shipyards. she said her sister is the recent they are gathered for the special honor.>> she realized that the women who worked on the home front was never recognized by the white house and she wrote to everyone for 12 years and nothing happened. so she said this is the last letter i'm going to write and she wrote to vice president biden who got her letter and called her and invited us. >> she was able to visit the
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white house before she passed away, and she was a driving force between the rosie the riveter congressional medal that awarded the honor to some 16 million women who worked or volunteered in the war. now i'm at the anchor desk. you remember that big conference here. the chinese president came to visit. he offered an invitation to the san francisco mayor to visit and she accepted. this saturday london breed is going to china. the mayor said they want to bring more business to san francisco, more tourists, and bring one more thing back. i will give you a hint. they are very cute. we know that finding an affordable place to live is a big challenge. that is particularly true for seniors. tonight we have a story about a woman finding way to meet the
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need. she has placed more than 1000 seniors and kris sanchez has this store.
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the top trending story voted by you on my instagram. the paris olympics is little more than 100 days now. but there is an environmental threat facing the triathlon swimming event. bacteria levels are extremely high and include fecal matter in the river. the paris organizing committee said if it is not cleaned up to reduce pollution levels, the triathlon swimming event could be canceled or postponed. another option, it could be reduced to just two events with
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just running and cycling. we will update you on the situation. and i will post links to the other stories on my instagram. the oakland bowlers are signing three players. whitmore will be the first female player. she's from southern california and the first woman to sign a professional contract. and the oakland ballers say they want to make these trans-an annual tradition. they have 31 players under contract. the pioneer league will have another try out next week and they have the first overall pick. you can watch us whenever
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you want. we stream all the time on roku and other platforms. you can watch newscasts and more of our content. thank you for joining us.
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right now, the push to revitalize san francisco includes a trip to china for the mayor. what she plans to do overseas that could lead to more business for the city. and a victory for san jose police officer facing a lawsuit. his trial is on hold for now. why is not the only thing he's pushing for. and you probably know that inflation is high. with the new numbers mean for your wallet going forward. thank you so much for
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joining us. she's going to china. when she's there, the mayor will meet with the president of china. she will also look for business opportunities, which include a couple of panda bears. >> this could supply the kind of boost that the city desperately needs. >> we see this as an extraordinary opportunity for san francisco's future. four the mayor is going to china to bring back her business to san francisco. she also wants to bring pandas back to the zoo and increase relationships with china in tourism in an effort to be a force in innovation and economic leadership.>> our goal is to enter into major agreements and make san francisco significant to china and let them know we are open to the business relationship that could be developed. won the trip begins saturday


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