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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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want. we're on roku and other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, leaving it all on the court. stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer announcing she's retiring. we're going to take a look back at her legendary career. it just shows that pollution and mismanagement of, like, ocean and river channels is a huge issue, and it's terrible that a large beautiful animal has to suffer because of it. >> a whale moving up the bay area coastline, trapped in netting. we are live this morning with the race to save it and fears it could take days to do so. let's get ready for a warm-up in what may be the hottest temperatures we've seen so far this year. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the forecast and the big swing on tap before the weekend. this is "today in the bay." it's cool, hot, it rains.
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you get it all. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. kari and cinthia are joining us keeping you updated with what's happening with weather and traffic. first, some people in the south bay, maybe you felt some shaking overnight. that was a 3.2 magnitude earthquake that happened just after 1:00 a.m. near morgan hill. it was about 15 miles outside of downtown san jose. there's no reports of any damage. b.a.r.t. did briefly reduce the speed of trains, but service should be normal this morning. let's talk about the warm-up that is happening later today. >> it's like we all coordinated. >> we're the red team and you're the pink team. >> i guess so. whatever you're wearing, you'll want to layer up because we're starting cool, but then it's going to heat up into the afternoon. take a look at where we started with upper 40s and low 50s this morning, and then getting a look at our highs in martinez, we'll be in the upper 40s to start, but then making it into the low 70s by 1:00, and reaching into the low 80s today. so a significant warm-up coming
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between the morning and afternoon, the way we start and end the day, up to 81 in san martin, while novato will be in the upper 70s. we'll have another day like this tomorrow, but already starting to see some of those coastal temperatures coming down as we get more of a breeze, and we'll see a high of 82 in morgan hill, 80 in livermore. on friday, we're back to sweaters, but not yet umbrellas. we will need the umbrellas for the rain coming in this weekend on saturday. i'll have a look at the timeline in a few minutes. cinthia, tracking a crash in dublin. >> this is the commute direction, westbound 580 at the hop yard road on-ramp, three lanes seem to be blocked. the details are still coming in from chp. we can see the build stretching back past the b.a.r.t. station, so we'll continue to watch. we're going to go up to vallejo where there is a crash westbound 80, again, the commute direction there in the georgia street
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on-ramp area. three cars got involved here. the ambulance is on the way, as well as a tow truck to get everything sorted out. we can see the traffic stretching back on 80. we'll continue to watch that there in the north bay as well. and the altamont pass is still slow this morning. back to you. >> thank you very much. 6:02 right now. this morning it is the end of an era on the farm. college basketball's winningest coach calling it a career. stanford women's head coach tara vanderveer announcing her retirement last night. there's a news conference planned for later today. vanderveer spent 38 seasons coaching the cardinal on top of seven more seasons at idaho and ohio state. she guided the cardinal to three national championships and 14 final four appearances. reaction is pouring in, including from another bay area coaching legend, the warriors steve kerr. >> i love tara. she's amazing. and we've connected quite a bit in the bay, she's come to our
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practices, i've seen her down on their campus. i have so much respect and admiration for her, and my initial reaction is, i'm thrilled for her. >> vanderveer set the new all time record for wins earlier this season, ending her career with 1,216 victories. she is expected to stay with the program as an adviser. the news conference, as i mention, scheduled for 1:00 p.m. we plan to stream it live on roku and other digital platforms. you can also easily watch it live on >> legacy, quite enjoyable to see. take a look at this right here. time is ticking to save this 30 foot long gray whale entangled in a massive gill net off the coast of california. first responders are trying to find it and they need your help this morning. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in pacifica this morning. ginger, talk to us, do we know where that whale is right now?
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>> reporter: the exact location, marcus, is a no. but it was last seen off san mateo county's coast yesterday, and it was caught on drone video off of thornton state beach, which is where we are. we're in daly city this morning. in the drone video, you can see that the gray whale is dragging with it orange buoys. what is not as noticeable is the massive gill net connected to it. the whale was first spotted on march 22nd off laguna beach in southern california, and it was tagged with a tracking device. that tracking device soon became separated from the whale as it headed north on its annual migration from baja to alaska. it was seen yesterday and efforts will continue to try to save the gray whale. but we are told it will be very difficult and even dangerous.
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we spoke to the california marine mammal stranding response coordinator for the national oceanic and atmospheric administration fisheries. >> you get in tow behind the whale and we have an inflatable. we'll let the whale pull us and we can pull ourselves behind the whale and reach over the front of the boat with a 10 or 15 foot pole, 20, 25 feet, depending on how reactive the whale is, and we can try to reach up to make the cut. >> reporter: the response coordinator also tells us entanglements are very hard to remove and the whale does not want to stop to let them do what they need to do. noaa has never lost a rescue team member, but the same cannot be said for similar organizations around the world. it is that dangerous. noaa is also asking for the public's help in trying to spot that gray whale. if you are going to be along the coast or on a boat, off the coast, and you spot the gray
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whale, you are asked to call 877-sos-whale and help the experts in this get to that whale in time. >> hopefully so. ginger conejero saab reporting live for us this morning, thank you. we have a live look in san francisco, where happening today mayor london breed is scheduled to attend a rally for gun safety. the mayor is voicing her support for sb-2, an already approved state law restricting where guns can be carried. but in january, a federal judge blocked it. the group moms demand action hosting that rally. it starts at 4:00 p.m. on the steps of city hall. also today, candidate for city supervisor mamood will introduce a plan to end open air drug markets. mayor london year and the san francisco police department have been working on crack down on drug markets. the markets have contributed to hundreds of fentanyl deaths in
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the city. he says he wants to help get it all under control. he's running to unseat current supervisor dean preston. at 10:30, he'll be on the corner of 7th and market street to introduce his plan. well, to decision 2024, and the hotly contested race in the south bay to replace representative anna eshoo. it is now looking like a recount is coming to decide the second place person in this primary. so election leaders now say second place resulted in an exact tie, this is between joe simitian and evan low. sam liccardo is locked in as one of the finalists. recount requests have been submitted. for now, with the exact tie, all three candidates will appear on the ballot, but a recount could change all of that. and some political experts believe that it may benefit liccardo. >> the person who actually has the most to gain from a recount is sam liccardo, because right now he's looking at a
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three-person race. he would probably do better, have a better chance in a two-person race. >> now, we reached out to all three campaigns. sam liccardo's campaign responded saying more than 100 ballots were not included in the final tally, that's due to issues like unverified signatures, and they understand why there would be an effort to make sure votes are fully considered, end quote. low's campaign, meanwhile, accusing liccardo of, quote, saying in part, sam liccardo, who does not live in the district, did not file a recount himself. instead, he asked a former staffer to do it for him. what's he afraid of? now, joe simitian says, eventually this process will work itself out. my job is to stay focused on how i can best represent the folks in our district, and that's what i'm doing. it is 6:09 on your wednesday morning. taking a live look outside across the bay area. you can find your city there or
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close to it. we are expecting a warm-up today. meteorologist kari hall has been warning us about it. >> yeah, and even though we can't tell right now, just starting out the day it is cool, clear, but it's going to warm up quickly. take a live look outside from oracle park in san francisco. a beautiful start to our wednesday morning, and looking at saratoga and what we're expecting throughout the day. a significant warm-up from 8:00 at 54 degrees, to 72 degrees at noon, and then in the upper 70s for today. we're also going to see those temperatures well above what we would usually see for this time of year, into the mid-70s for santa rosa, concord today 77 degrees, and san francisco in the upper 60s and low 70s. we'll talk more about the warm-up and then a weekend cooldown in the forecast coming up in a few minutes. cinthia has been tracking where we can find lower gas prices. >> the weather is nice, people want to get out. let's check on the prices that come to us from drivers who report them on we're going to start in the east
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bay with $4.29 in richmond at the kwik serv gas station. we're going to follow that with $4.34 in fremont at the flyer's gas station off of 680. last but not least, on college avenue in the north bay off of 101 in santa rosa, that's where you'll get a gallon of regular for $4.79 at the seven 11. >> we have a crash in dublin on westbound 580. it's right at the hopward off-ramp. there's about five cars involved and there are a couple of ambulances on the way to clear some of this damage and help the people out there. back to you. >> thanks, cinthia. parents, take notice as you back your kids' lunches. just ahead, a popular item raising big red flags. the new warning from consumer advocates tied to those hugely
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popular lunchables and why we believe it should not be allowed on school menus. we got the hottest inflation numbers. that's bad news. let me show you what that's going to do to wall street this morning. the dow could lose 460 points. markets definitely down, marcus. ♪♪ ♪ take me to funky town ♪ >> hey, san francisco, it is time to get down. yes, disco is on the comeback this spring. we're going to break down the fun throwback events coming to the city by the bay and the
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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good wednesday morning. right now at 6:14, we're getting a look at concord and the day planner, with temperatures in the upper 50s at 9:00. at 1:00, it's in the mid-70s and we will hit a high of about 80 degrees at 5:00 this afternoon. a significant warm-up, but then we also have a big cooldown for the weekend. i'll talk more about that in a few minutes. we're learning more details about this crash in dublin at the hopyard off-ramp. a couple of lanes are blocked as some cars got into it with a big rig. so a lot of that damage is being reported right now on chp.
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you can see the buildup stretches back into the b.a.r.t. station and the shopping centers there, and it will take you about 39 minutes to connect down into 680 if you're making your way into sunol and fremont. good morning. very happy wednesday to you. we just got the latest data on inflation. once again, hotter than expected. the consumer price index shows inflation is well off its highs, but not moderating as quickly as anybody wants. core cpi coming in at 3.8%. remember, the fed wants to see 2%. they weren't expected 2%, but they weren't expecting something as high as 3.8%, either. and the last mile on inflation is really proving to be difficult. keep in mind, these numbers i'm talking about exclude gasoline. people who want to park their money in inflationary times turn to gold. you can buy these gold bars from costco online. they're selling well. analysts at wells fargo estimate
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costco selling $200 million of these a month. by the way, unlike most things you buy at costco, you cannot return these. the fcc warning a program to provide low cost internet to low income american families will run out of money next month, unless congress renews the affordable connective programs. it subsidizes families' internet bills by $30 to $75 a month. nothing captured the need for affordable internet more than the viral picture back in 2020. two schoolgirls sitting outside a taco bell to use the restaurant's internet to do homework. the school district later provided the family with an internet hot spot. jessica alba says she's stepping down as chief creative officer from the honest company, a baby products company she founded, but now just owns 6% of. tesla recently said for the first time in history it sold fewer cars in the most recent
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quarter than the quarter before, and it has cut prices on model y because it has so many of them. but not bmw, which is just now hitting its stride. bavarian motor works says sales of evs are up 28% year-over-year. that i4 you're seeing, their best seller. now, the question will be if and when chinese evs really hit the american market hard. those are selling for as little as, like, $15,000. >> wow. >> i was a very young man when japanese cars came into the american market. there was a huge debate as to whether it was ethical to buy a japanese car and the answer was no, because i lived in michigan. now, who doesn't drive a toyota or a nissan. chinese may be the same way. >> interesting to see. >> thanks, scott. consumer advocates are warning about what they claim are alarming levels of lead and
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sodium found in a popular childrens' lunch snack and consumer reports is working to get them banned from school lunches. it's launching a drive calling on the usda to remove lunchables from the national school lunch program. their experts found the turkey and cheddar cheese lunchable had 74% of california's maximum naturally occurring lead levels, and just under 50% of the u.s. dietary levels for sodium. pizza had high sodium levels and the extra cheesy has 69% lead levels and 34% sodium. other makers fared similarly. in response, kraft said in a statement it has taken steps to improve the nutrition of its lunchables brand. b.a.r.t. is usualing in a new era of trains right here in the bay area, but not before giving a nod to the old ones.
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the transit company removed the last of its legacy trains earlier this year and they will hold a retirement ceremony and offer a final ride for its old fleet on april 20th. the legacy trains have been synonymous with the bay area for more than five decades. this is when b.a.r.t. first began service in the '70s. well, a new street party is now hitting downtown san francisco. >> are we ready to go? you're definitely going to want to pack your disco shoes. ♪♪ ♪ looking for some hot stuff ♪ >> first thursday launching into the streets along 2nd and howard south of market. crews are right now constructing a giant six foot disco ball that will dangle above in preparation. the first party kicks off on may 2nd and will continue monthly through april of next year, and run from 5:00 through 10:00 at
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night. besides disco, there will also be drag performers, martial arts, street performances, two beer gardens, and a whole lot more. the events are free to attend. >> my kind of party. >> that sounds fun. >> it should be. >> if you call off friday, we now know why. >> i'll come in with glitter. long night. it's going to be a warm one out there. >> some hot stuff, baby, this evening. we're going to have temperatures headed for the low 80s for this afternoon. we are starting out in the upper 40s right now. you want to layer up, as you're standing in front of the closet, what do i wear on a day like this? we start in the 40s, but then we'll be 71 in san francisco, oakland 77, and up to 80 today in concord, livermore and dublin, up to 81 today in san jose, as well as san martin, with upper 70s in the north bay. now, tomorrow it's just as warm,
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with upper 70s and low 80s. what's normal is in the upper 60s. that's what we'll see on friday. so we're coming back to some more seasonable spring weather, but then the weekend it just turns very chilly as we get the next storm system coming in. right now it's still well off the coast and we've been watching all of the severe storms that have been firing up across the south, from texas to the gulf coast, a severe weather situation with tornado warnings now in effect. we'll be watching for that. getting a look at what to expect at home this weekend, we'll have a storm system dropping down the coastline, bringing the bay area some rain, and we will all notice how cool it's going to be, highs only in the low to mid-50s. and there will be a very gradual warm-up as we go into next week. so looking at how much rain we could see this weekend, most of us are looking at about a quarter to half inch of rainfall in these areas in yellow, about three-quarters of an inch of rain to an inch in red, and
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we're going to also see some of the hills, parts of the north bay, getting some of the higher ends of the rainfall totals. and then the sierra, about 6 to 12 inches for the most part. there could be as much as 14 inches of snow for kingvale. and our seven-day forecast shows that we will have these big temperature swings, going from low 80s in the inland valleys, to upper 60s on friday, to mid-50s on saturday. not the best weekend for those outdoor plans, but as an early heads-up, it does look nicer for next weekend. we're going to see the temperatures going up and down over the next several days. cinthia, what's going on with that major crash in dublin? >> the crash is right there as people make their way or try to make their way off of the hopyard road off-ramp, westbound 580, so the commute direction starting to pile up. it was backing up to the b.a.r.t. station. now it's backing up even further into the livermore outlets out there. three lanes are blocked right now as crews try to get an ambulance on the scene, actually
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two of them, i believe, per the chp details, as well as a tow truck. i'll keep watching this as the morning goes on. back to you. >> thanks, cinthia. well, two east bay high school basketball teams receive school basketball teams receive a special
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. welcome back. it's 5:26. dub nation holding out hope for
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a last-minute push with the playoffs approaching. last night against the lakers, steph curry with the sweet pass to klay thompson. klay leading the way with 27 as the warriors won 134-120. they are still the tenth and final seed. with three games remaining, they could move up to perhaps the eighth seed. the regular season ends on sunday. happening today, a celebration for two east bay basketball champions. >> oakland schools will honor two of those high school state champions. oakland high school's girls' team and oakland tech's boys' team. east won last year but the championships were reversed. this year's teams will be honored at today's board of education meeting. 6:27 right now. we've got a lot more ahead at 6:30, including major news in the world of college sports. >> reporter: you are correct. the all time winningest college
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basketball coach is hanging up her clipboard, coming up, the retirement of stanford's tara vanderveer. >> plus, an update on the highway 1 closure in big sur, highway 1 closure in big sur, after a ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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1,203 wins. >> right now at 6:30, the end of
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an era in bay area sports. college basketball's winningest head coach is retiring. stanford's tara vanderveer makes a surprising announcement. we're live this morning with the ripple effect being felt. a whale entangled in nets off the bay area coastline. an update on the rush to free it. plus, a midweek warm-up for much of the bay area. we are tracking just how hot it will get before a major change in the weather later this week. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this wednesday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's take a live look across the bay area as the sun begins to rise this morning. the temperatures will rise as well. at least by this late afternoon, kari? >> yes, we are going to see a significant warm-up as we go through the forecast, and looking at temperatures this morning, starting out cool, but we will be well above what's normal for this time of year.
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we're also going to see those temperatures in the 80s for tomorrow. the weekend much cooler, but times of rain. so big changes ahead, when we compare our high today versus what's the record, we're not expected to set new records for this afternoon. we're about 10 degrees above normal, but not setting records. so very warm for us, but we're going to still see highs up to the low 80s for the lever more valley, san jose, as well as in the north bay. so i'll continue to track this for you and we'll talk about that rain coming in for the weekend in just a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. new developments this morning shaking up the bay area. sports landscape, the all time winningest coach in ncaa basketball is retiring. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live for us at stanford. bob, tara vanderveer creating a legacy there at stanford, not just for the basketball team, but for herself as well. >> reporter: correct, the
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winningest coach in ncaa basketball history, with 1,216 wins at idaho, ohio state and, of course, the maples pavilion at stanford university. she earned that title this past january when she surpassed former duke coach ka shev ski. she announced her retirement last night after 38 seasons at stanford where she led the cardinals to three national championships and 14 final fours. in a statement, she wrote, in part, quote, it has been an unforgettable ride. the joy for me was in the journey of each season, seeing a group of young woman work hard for each other and form an unbreakable bond. >> she was never someone that thought she was the end all be all. she was an incredibly collaborative leader, flexible, always willing to hear someone out and think, what are you seeing that i'm not seeing? that's what made her visionary,
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because she added everyone into her vision. >> reporter: as you can see on twitter, social media, fellow coaches, a lot of people are paying their respects to the coach. coach tara is expected to remain on as an adviser for the program at stanford. kate pay has been on her staff and is in negotiations with the school to be the successor. also, stanford is leaving the pac 12, so there's going to be a lot of changes in store for the next season now that the coach is retiring. coach tara will talk to us during a news conference on campus later this afternoon at 1:00. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> what a legacy she leaves. bob, thank you. and as bob was just mentioning, the news conference for vanderveer is scheduled for 1:00 this afternoon. it is closed to the public. we do plan to stream it live on roku and other digital platforms. you can also watch it live on developing now, sacramento
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deputies have arrested a man suspected of stabbing a 7-year-old. it happened last night after 7:00 in rancho cordova. police say a man stabbed the young girl outside of an apartment complex on la loma drive. the suspect also lives in the complex. deputies evacuated apartments surrounding his. they say the man is believed to have mental issues. officers worked through the night to get him out of his apartment. the young girl is expected to be okay. new details this morning in a rollover crash that took the life of a 9-year-old girl over the weekend. authorities are now identifying her as donna hernandez tapia from oregon. the suv she was in crashed after veering off of the 680/242 split sunday morning in concord. the car rolled several times before landing upside down in the dirt median. four of her family members suffered major injuries. authorities say the driver ran from the scene and has not been found. their relationship to the
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victims is still not clear. new at 6:00, a possible new setback in efforts to transform part of the old concord naval weapons station into housing. while concord leaders have now selected a developer, a separate housing project is in the works for neighboring pittsburg. the "east bay times" reports environmental groups are raising flags over that plan ahead of the annexation vote required to push the plan forward. the plan calls for around 1,500 homes in the hills. opponents are concerned about the ridge line and want it to remain an open space. the next vote is still planned for june. well, developing right now, a lot of people this morning following the drama playing out, this is along the bay area coastline. that's where rescuers are racing against time. this is to save a 30 foot long gray whale entangled in netting. in this video, you can see the orange buoys it's dragging.
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rescuers say that underwater those buoys are connected to the large so-called gill net, some of which is wrapped around the whale. two weeks ago it happened in southern california and teams plan to head back to the quarters later this morning. the u.s. geological survey is getting involved following the slip-out on highway 1 in big sur. researchers are analyzing the landscape. they're trying to determine what caused it and if there's a bigger threat. is usgs is flying an aircraft with special cameras and they bring the data back to the lab and transfer it into 3d maps. researchers say undercutting waves caused the road to crumble. >> what we see, especially in big sur, is that these changes occur, these landslides occur during wet years and during years with bigger waves, or when waves are attacking the coast and delivering that energy right
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at the base of the cliff. >> organizers with the big sur international marathon are expected to release an update on the big race today, with the damaged road they're currently considering other ways to hold an event scheduled for april 28th. 6:37 this morning. let's take a live look outside. we have downtown san jose, one of the places expected to see a warm-up today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking where we're going to see that warm-up. is it all across the bay area? >> it's for most of our inland valleys, so santa clara valley, the tri-valley, napa and sonoma valley, the temperatures will be warming. we're starting out with a level playing field with upper 40s and low 50s, then we'll start to see temperatures spreading out anywhere from upper 60s in half moon bay to 71 in san francisco, and we'll see a high of about 81 in san jose, 80 in livermore, and upper 70s for the north bay. tomorrow just as warm, well above normal temperatures. then we'll go back to more
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seasonable spring weather for friday, and the rain holds off for friday, but then saturday we're going to see rain coming back. i'll have more in a few minutes. cinthia, you're looking at the weekend closure of a freeway. >> yeah, this will be in vallejo for people trying to go westbound on 37. it's going to start back here from highway 29 and continue all the way until 121. your alternate this weekend will be to go up to american canyon, take highway 12 up toward big bend, and then connect and make your way eventually into novato or up into petaluma. so that will be this weekend. there's a couple more weekends they're going to be doing this, the next two weeks. the weekend for b.a.r.t., there is going to be a bus bridge connecting you from el cerrito del norte to richmond as there is track work being done, so expect about a 20 minute addition to your ride. as far as some things going on for today around the bay area, expect some traffic in san francisco, as people make their way to oracle park for the giants and nationals at 12:45
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this afternoon. >> thanks, cinthia. honoring the women who served on the home front during world war ii. it earned them the nakname rosy the riveters. we're going to talk to a group of bay area women in washington getting special recognition. the issue of abortion definitely going to take center stage in the fall elections. inflation, too. let's go out to the big board this morning. we got hotter t
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good wednesday morning. it's 6:42. we're taking a live look outside in san jose as the sun is rising. it is all clear, looking a little hazy to start. we'll be at 50 degrees at 7:00, and then seeing a very quick warm-up going into the afternoon. a 30 degree temperature spread from the way we start the day to what we'll see this afternoon. we'll talk about more changes for the weekend and rain coming back in just a few minutes. and i've been following this crash for about an hour now, westbound 580 in dublin. right at the hopyard road off-ramp. a couple of lanes are blocked. somebody was hurt and there is a significant alert going on in the area, stretching back to the livermore outlets, but it gets better once you get into 680. we're going to continue watching this throughout the hour. well, abortion will be center stage during this fall's presidential election. >> scott mcgrew, the latest development is out of arizona. this is a really key state in the race for the white house.
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>> it is. and arizonans who favor abortion rights are pushing to get abortion on the november ballot. an amendment to the state constitution, like we did here in california. as we have discussed before, abortion on the ballot brings out democratic voters. the state supreme court in arizona yesterday ruled a centuries old law banning abortion was valid now that rowe has been overturned. the decision seemed to come out of nowhere. politicians not watching for it. not expecting arizona to join the fray. it came just a day after republican candidate president donald trump tried to put the abortion issue behind him with an announcement he wanted the issue decided by states and not on the national level. well, it is being decided by states. just last week, the florida supreme court decided a six-week ban there was valid, but that the question of abortion could go on the ballot in florida in
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november. florida, arizona, two key states in any presidential election, and both sides will be motivated to show up. you recall president biden's warning in his state of the union. >> those bragging about overturning roe v. wade have no clue about the power of women, but they found out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot. we won in 2022 and we'll win again in 2024. another important issue to american voters is inflation. new numbers just in this morning, show inflation is still more stubborn than we would like. core cpi is 3.8%, higher than economists expected. january and february's number were hotter than hoped as well. the president and first lady welcomed the japanese prime minister and his wife to the white house yesterday. tonight, a state dinner. there are no california wines on the menu, and that's unusual. donald trump's former chief
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financial officer, allen weisselberg, will learn his sentenced the. he lied to a jury under oath about the value of trump's properties. he just got out for tax evasion. mr. trump's hush money trial starts monday. and congress is expected to take up a bipartisan bill that would require the u.s. military to track and, if possible, limit soldiers and sailors' exposure to shockwaves created by their own weapons. there's growing research that that exposure to blasts can cause brain damage. the military set limits to the size of blasts some years ago, but some weapons in our inventory still violate that limit. damage very similar to what nfl players can suffer from, sometimes it results in violent behavior. the u.s. military is looking into whether there was brain damage to robert card, a former grenade instructor, who went on a terrible shooting spree, as you recall, in maine. >> scott, thank you.
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it is 6:46 this morning. rosies across the country are being given one of the nation's greatest honors. these women kept factories and shipyards in america running strong during world war ii. they're being honored with a congressional gold medal. >> joining us is the superintendent of the rosie the riveter national historical park. good morning, and thanks so much for joining us. tell us more about this welcome reception and the events that are happening today. sounds great. >> thanks so much for having me. i'm very pleased to be with you, and especially pleased to be here with our rosies in our nation's capital celebrating their achievement. this congressional gold medal recognizes the tremendous efforts, the unwavering dedication that they provided
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during the wartime, as millions of soldiers went off the war, they stepped in and did the job that needed to be done. so today we're going to the capital and we will be honoring them with a wonderful ceremony and a whole lot of celebrations. >> well deserved. you ask a lot of people, they will say this is long overdue, this honor. can you talk to me about the importance of it, especially now? >> yes, it is important recognition for them individually, and i'm so grateful for it. it's also important because i think that the rosies can serve today as an inspiration to all of us to reflect on the work that they did and think for ourselves about how we can answer the call, what are the issues of our time that need to be addressed, how can we step up and ask what we can do. >> and what a great education for our younger generation as well, who aren't familiar with
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what happened in those times. we've got to keep the stories up and tell them. >> we certainly do. and the rosie the riveter world war ii home front national historical park, that's what we're all about. we celebrate a wide array of stories and legacies that were about the nation's response to world war ii. obviously rosie the riveter being chief among them and we also have educational programs and youth programs, such as our rosie's service corps, which teaches young women about the trades. they learn welding and carpentry and they get a chance to reflect on the history of the rosies, and, again, think about what they can do, what they can do individually, and for the nation. they can take the lessons learned and apply it to do whatever they want, whether it's a career in the trades or anything else that catches their fancy. >> i love it. such a great example there.
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k. lynn berry, congratulations to the women being honored, and of course your time as well in promoting the rosie the riveter museum. it makes you want to roll up your sleeve, right? thank you so much. >> appreciate the opportunity. >> and the great thing for us in the bay area, we have the museum over there in richmond. so if you want to know more, visit the museum. it is a great place. >> come on, ladies. do it. >> i need the bandanna. we'll be rolling up our sleeves today because we'll go from cold temperatures to a big warm-up, or if you're trying to figure out what to wear, wear the layers. in san rafael it will start out at 46 degrees, but take a look at this trend going straight up over the next several hours. we'll already be in the 70s at 1:00 today. it is going to be a warm one, high pressure building, the storm track still well to the north of us. we will see things changing going into the weekend. as the seven-day forecast comes
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up at the bottom of the screen, check out how we're going to see things going up and then back down over the next several days. and we'll see the storm system moving down the coast into the bay area on friday into saturday, rain on saturday, and it looks like it's raining off and on, a pretty decent amount, but then clearing out. early next week we'll gradually see temperatures warming up once again. let me show you san jose, the changes that we're going from, with highs in the upper 70s for tomorrow, to low 70s on friday. and then only 58 degrees on saturday. 65 as we start to see the numbers coming back up a little bit each day going into next week, but overall we are going to go from spring to winter, and then back to spring. it's going to be very warm today. in fact, some of the warmest temperatures we may have measured so far this year, up to 82 tomorrow, if you do have
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weekend outdoor plans, just want to make sure you're warming up and trying to avoid some of the showers, but then if you could possibly move it to next weekend, it is looking much nicer and warmer. we're also going to see the rain clearing out. one more system dropping in to possibly change some of those weekend plans. cinthia, you were tracking a huge backup in dublin. >> it just continues to build there, westbound 580 at the hopyard road off-ramp year. there's a couple of lanes that are blocked. chp and the other crews out there are trying to work their way to let people connect to 680. there were some minor injuries involved in this and we can see the backup stretching to the b.a.r.t. station there in dublin and all the way back to the livermore outlets. a pretty significant crash this morning that we are watching. also up in the north bay, this one in vallejo at the georgia street on-ramp, there were a couple of cars involved and the stretch for the backup stretches back to the fairgrounds area. so we'll continue to watch those
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crashes. the bay bridge metering lights are on and traffic is heavy to get yourself into san francisco. and speaking of san francisco, there is some fog over the golden gate bridge, so you need to be careful with those changes in visibility there, especially our sensors are picking it up in parts of coastal marin county, bodega bay. peninsula leaders giving the thumbs down to a plan to rename the oakland airport. commissioners are considering changing the name to san francisco bay oakland international airport in an effort to promote its closeness to san francisco. san mateo county supervisors yesterday unanimously approved a resolution opposing the move. it comes as san francisco threatens legal action if that plan goes forward. the port commission is scheduled to meet tomorrow. before we go to break, we want to take a look at the top stories making headlines this morning, starting with shockwaves on the farm. stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer announcing
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she is retiring. a look back at her legendary career. plus, a whale moving up the bay area coastlinerapped in t
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it is 6:56. want to welcome you back. we are moving you forward with top stories here on "today in the bay," including the end of an era at stanford. >> the all time winningest coach in ncaa basketball history is retiring. stanford women's coach tara vanderveer last night announced this is the end of the line. a live picture from stanford this morning. in january she surpassed former duke coach for the winningest
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career. she's led stanford to 16 ncaa championships and 14 final four appearances. she coached the last 38 seasons at stanford. a news conference is planned for 1:00 p.m. today. in a statement, she wrote, it's been an unforgettable ride. the joy for me was in the journey of each season, seeing a group of young women work hard for each other and form an unbreakable bond. the news conference for vanderveer is scheduled for 1:00 this afternoon and it is closed to the public, but you can watch it because we plan to stream it live on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch it live at well, a lot of people this morning following that drama playing out along the bay area coastline. that's where rescuers are racing against time to save a 30 foot long gray whale entangled in netting. this is video you can see of the orange buoys there. they're being dragged by the whale. rescuers say under water those
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buoys are connected to a large so-called gill net, which they say is wrapped around that whale. for the first time this happened, it happened in southern california about two weeks ago, but teams are planning to head back out to those waters later this morning. did you feel some of the shaking overnight? a 3.2 earthquake rattled parts of the south bay. it happened just after 1:00 a.m., centered near morgan hill. no reports of damage. b.a.r.t. briefly reduced the speed of its trains. service is expected to be normal and it has been during the morning commute. and a warm-up today across the bay area. >> yes, we are starting out with sunshine, we'll see those temperatures in the low 80s. this is early april, it's not supposed to be this warm. but we can see just how fast we snap back to reality for the end of the week, and this weekend will feel more like winter. we've been talking about this for more than an hour, westbound 580 in dublin at the hopyard road off-ramp. there was a crash, minor injuries, a couple of lanes are
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blocked and this stretches back into the livermore outlets there. it is busy approaching 680. the "today" show is just moments away. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. ahead, the brand new video showing a san francisco mosque vandalized, and also we speak live with a spokesperson from the toll author about new toll lanes and the way they're cracking down on carpool cheats. that's what's happening across the bay area here on "today in the bay" this morning. the "today" show is coming up next. >> we're going to leave you with a live look across the bay area. stay cool, as kari mentioned, good wednesday morning. a bombshell court ruling in arizona. >> thrusting the abortion issue front and center in a make-or-break battleground state. battleground. a new ruling by arizona's supreme court sending shockwaves.


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