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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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recount have been filed and that includes an agreement to pay for it the race for district 16, parts of santa clarita and san mateo county. former san jose mayor finished at the top but joe and evan received exactly 30,200 votes. right now, all three candidates will advance to the general election in november. we go live to the register's office. a lot of questions. do we know who asked for the recounts? >> reporter: right now, we are trying to determine exactly who these two people are and if they requested the recount on behalf of any campaign that is something we are trying to determine. santa clarita county registrar of voters is saying two people
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submitted the request, one submitted yesterday and another today before the official deadline. here is something that the county is trying to figure out, one person requested the process to happen manually while another person requested it to happen through a machine. that is something they have to figure out while waiting until monday. this is a process that would start on monday but they are also waiting for that person to submit a deposit. these are two people. we asked if this is something where there is a possibility where that cost would be split because there are two people. the county says that is something they are trying to figure out but this can be a lengthy process and also a very costly process. this is something they will take day by day. starting on monday, if they get that deposit, the process will be underway and they will be contacting election workers, something they told us, this is unprecedented, rare, and something they will be figuring
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out along the way on monday to start. this is something we are still trying to get more information on but, jessica, we are trying to figure out who these two people are and if they submitted on behalf of the campaign. we are working to get those details and will bring them with we get them. >> is that something the registrar will have to make public? >> reporter: we know they can make that public but we are looking to check in with the campaigns. the campaign from evan low, liccardo, simitan, to see if it was submitted on behalf of their campaigns. we are looking for more details as part -- as far as if they made the request. >> a 150 foot buffer between schools and homeless again it's
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in san jose, including rvs, this is after months of complaints from students and families who say they were intimidated or harassed as they walked to school. >> the ordinance is a pilot project involving three schools. damian trujillo has been following the story and joins us from city hall. >> reporter: they have to walk to school with pepper spray because of harassment from people living in rvs. just steps from a school. they are lined up a few feet from the elementary school in san jose. tents line the coyote creek along the same pathway children take to school. >> when we have unhoused people in and around our schools, they block the sidewalk sometimes and create an unsafe environment for students and families. >> reporter: the city council was a step closer to adopting a set of rules to address the
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concerns. the new ordinance will create a 150 foot buffer between rvs and encampments and three schools. if the pilot program works the council eventually expanded citywide. >> we have specific areas where we will enforce no camping and no parking when we think there is overriding safety, public health concerns, school safety, because of the vulnerability of our children. >> reporter: the staff says the concern was growing with families. >> a lot of families that live within the community that could not walk to school. they drive their children to school because of the situation. >> reporter: the new ordinance will -- students helped write the new rules, an effort not to criminalize the unhoused, but
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homeless advocates say that is what it will do, and a new ordinance later to allow the city to two large vehicles where they create a hazard to pedestrians, cyclists, and placed no parking signs in areas where large cars routinely block the right-of-way of pedestrians or other drivers. >> bottom line, we need places for people to go, that is why general principle has been from day one and that will not change. >> reporter: the mayor says they are expanding safe parking sites were working on more shelter space and affordable housing. the new school buffer zone ordinance needs a second reading by the city council before it becomes law, likely in a month. in san jose, damian trujillo, nbc bay area. a san jose judge is putting up a decision on whether the excesses of death of a three- year-old will go to trial.
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it was at the family back to our church in 2021. the mother and uncle and grandfather are facing charges of felony child abuse resulting in death. the judge was scheduled to decide today whether the criminal charges would move forward to trial but he pushed back the decision until next month. cycling retail theft from all angles, state lawmakers with new bills to crackdown on shoplifting and theft. they include the ability to combine the value of stolen property and charge someone with a felony, another would require stores to share theft data and keep records of stolen items, state leaders want everyone affected by the theft to have the tools to get help. >> this is a package of bills that is the culmination of a lot of listening, listening to the people impacted, listening to small businesses and retailers, listening to the workers in those stores, people who shop at those stores. >> lawmakers think it is a good start but this is a problem
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that will not be solved overnight. >> the cost to rebuild the key bridge has yet to be determined but maryland wants the federal government to pay for as the governor and members of the congressional delegation met with the biden administration to discuss the plan for rebuilding the bridge and reopening the port of baltimore. maryland leaders want to introduce legislation that ensures the federal government will pay 100% of the cost. >> i just stand here as a representative of 6.3 million people who were not just here to say thank you, but also to say that we are prepared to be partners in this work for the long run. >> the francis scott key bridge collapsed last month after a cargo ship hit it, six people were killed. donald trump trying to delay his trial for the second time, his hush money trial starts next week in new york, accused of falsifying business records and paying to silence
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stormy daniels in the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign's lawyers asked the court to delay the trial which was denied. today, they asked the court to delay the trial again to challenge his gag order. it was denied once again a full panel of appellate judges on monday will consider the challenge to the gag order and also to the hush money trial will start. a new plan by lawmakers to water dianne feinstein, they want to rename a post office in san francisco after her she passed away last september while in office, she was nine years old. she was the longest-serving female senator in u.s. history. she was also the first mayor and -- first female mayor of services. a lawmaker says she had the ability to connect with people and a post office is the perfect tribute to symbolize the importance of keeping americans connected. they say nearly everything moves to the bay at some point and today that included an
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entire house. a unique scene, a two-story home floated from the peninsula to sausalito. velena jones with details. >> reporter: not your normal moving date. this two-story home is making waves as it goes to the bay, from the starting point in redwood city to its new home in sausalito. it drew a crowd. >> we came to meet our friends at the beach and we saw the little house. she explained, what is a little house doing on the water? >> it reminds me of the movie "up." this time, it is more like down. >> reporter: the journey started at the redwood marina on monday, one of the last remaining houseboats after a legal battle to evict dozens of people in it with many residents settling
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with the city and promising to relocate. new neighbors of the commodore marina in sausalito gathered to watch the boat come in, anxiously awaiting it to arrive. >> it was supposed to come in on monday -- at midnight. >> reporter: the trip took longer than expected as they had complications, forcing the home, complete with picket fences, spending a night floating in the bay. she explains moving a houseboat is no easy task. >> you have to have the tide right, and the wind not blowing you into the bank. they are very heavy. it has to travel through the bay and the tide changing, the currents going out, and the nextep's movers have to wait for another high tide for the water to be high enough to swap the new houseboat with the older
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houseboat. >> all about timing, you have to have the tide over a certain height and don't wanted to get halfway and stuck. >> reporter: a marine moved across the bay leaving an impression that will not soon drift away. >> never seen anything like that. coming up, a new study showing how much money you need to actually earn two purchase a home in the bay area. and some cities and how they stack up against others. also, helping a teenager achieve her dream onstage, a special bond between a young woman and an actress in our bay area proud segment. such a beautiful day to enjoy the outdoors, if you did not go outside today, i hope it is in your game plan for the next two days because we have even warmer weather on the way.
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i will give you your detailed forecast comi up in less ng
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you probably already
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distinctively know, when it comes to making it in the bay, difficult to make it in the south bay as national association of realtors says that you need to earn just over six figures to purchase a typical home in the u.s., you need a lot more than that to do that here. san jose is by far the priciest place to buy home number one, san jose, santa clara, you need to make half $1 million to purchase a house in those cities. anaheim, santa ana, irvine, that is about $350,000. san francisco, oakland, hayward, $330,000. honolulu and salinas, believe it or not, where you need more than $250,000. the bay area is world-famous for many things, the theater scene is one, we look at a performance like no other. >> you know the phrase, a star
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is born. it normally means a performance has launched somebody's career. this is about someone who was born a star and the unlikely friendship she developed. >> started from the top. >> reporter: over her 10 year career in hollywood, she has had a lot of credits to her name. but the role she is now rehearsing for -- make you look better than me. >> reporter: may be her favorite. that has everything to do with her costar. >> i truly believe in her so much and think that she is the most inspiring people i have ever met. >> reporter: zoe was born 16 years ago with a rare disease called myotonic dystrophy and a passion to perform. over the years she has had some
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minor roles but never the start she always longed for. then stephanie entered her life. >> she is funny, she is brilliant, she is the kindest big sister there is. >> reporter: they were paired through a nonprofit called coach art were artists and athletes mentor children with chronic illnesses. stephanie signed up to give zoe virtual acting lessons for eight weeks. >> we never stopped for three years. we finished, then we never stopped. >> reporter: they were named match of the year at a gala, and an idea was born. a showcase for her talent. a two woman performance called zoe's shooting star where she can act and sing from her favorite shows.
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>> beyond amazing. >> on the day of the performance , a few tense moments backstage. >> this is called before show nerves, i get it. [ applause ] >> reporter: when the spotlights went up at the gateway theater, she breezed through every scene, not missing a step, a line, or a note. performing in front of an audience of hundreds is something most of us could never do. [ applause ] then again, being a star something zoe was born to do, it just took the right person to make it happen. obviously, so much beyond the
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acting lessons. they talk every day. so we call staff every single day and they chat. -- zoe calls steph every single day. they will be bonded forever. steph is going back to school and wants to be a therapist working with kids. >> amazing. i would like an autograph. [ laughter ] >> i will see what i can do. >> that is a friendship for life and it takes a lot to put on a show like that, singing, costume changes, a shout out to her, she the fantastic. >> beautiful sunshine. >> beautiful sunshine. >> the sun did come out. >> will stick around tomorrow
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and be warmer. we did see some 70s. san jose, oakland, walnut creek, san francisco, 77 in sanford -- san jose. a light breeze that helps keep us somewhat cool. in san francisco, 65 degrees, and i want to show you what is going on with our satellite and radar. in the past 24 hours, temperature change, about 6 degrees warmer in san jose than 24 hours ago. morgan hill's, 7 degrees warmers -- warmer, that will change, but satellite and radar, the high-pressure is beginning to build, building yesterday, it was warmer with the clearing of skies, that will linger in california, through tomorrow as well, but the overnight lows, not waiting for a chance of
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cloud cover into the early morning, we will notice breezy, 9:00, down to 60 miles per hour. this is about 6:00 a.m. , 58 when you wake up tomorrow. mild to go to bed and mild to wake up and eventually, the daytime highs for tomorrow, in the 80s. this is above normal for this time of year. likely some of the warmest temperatures we have seen yet. 82 degrees in san jose and mid-80s in parts of napa and the interior. san francisco, we could see mid and upper-70s as well. long-range outlook, into thursday, it stays dry over the state of california. right there on the showers possible on saturday. this is the setup right now, still far out but it looks like the rain chance will make its return starting out overnight friday into early saturday.
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timewise, total wise, it will pack a punch and the cooldown is enough to bring more sierra snow. for sunday, good news, we start with lingering showers but will get some clearing late sunday into monday in the sierra with wintry conditions remaining. how much snow into the weekend? we could see eight to 10 inches in kirkwood. the sierra snowpack is doing so fantastic that it will be interesting to see what that adds in addition to the peak 100% average for this time of year. what a range of temperatures. 70s, 62 by friday, 50 later and by next week we will warm up again. >> thank you. coming up, how cosco is
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intel looking to shake up the artificial intelligence area as the giant unveiled the latest ai chip. it can train ai models to be more accurate and efficient. they want the new product to compete with the chip from nvidia which dominates 80% of the chip market but intel says it's his two times more efficient and will be available in july. not clear how much the chip will cost gold bars are a cash cow for costco according to analyst
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at wells fargo as they sold one ounce gold bars last september. depending on the price of gold, about 2500 bucks, the precious metal has been selling well as analysts say they believe costco is making up to $200 billion a month as gold prices are at an all-time high. a mixed back at the stock market today, investors wait for new inflation data tomorrow. the dow jones was down nine points and the nasdaq up 53 point while the s&p was up eight points. netflix saw a small dip. we will show you the
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yesterday, people across the u.s. looked up into the sky at the eclipse. >> in italy , people were looking up for different reasons as melted the husband blowing smoke rings into the sky as the volcano has been spitting out volcanic vortex rings. look how cool that is, naturally near perfect circles under specific conditions.
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cost by constant release of vapors and gases. that was cool. >> supercool. watch our news 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. we know where in the bay area state farm will drop homeowners insurance policies, this will impact thousands of customers. the local zip codes in the crosshairs of state farm and how you can find out if your home is on the list. is money from the state in santa clara county being spent the right way to help the homeless population? the news at 5:30 start right now. >> i am audrey asistio. thousands


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