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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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the other shoe dropped today. it is game over for the athletics in oakland. the a's announced this morning they will leave the east bay in 2025 and move to a temporary home in west sacramento. they're going to play at the sutter health park, home to the minor league sacramento rivercats. the two teams are going to share that facility. a's president, dave cavel, says a deal with oakland was just not a viable option. he says this also gives the sacramento area a chance to prove it can support a big league team full time. >> i think the next few years will be a great way to showcase the interest in baseball and that has happened with the rivercats. i think the next few years will be a continuation of that. >> now the a's and the rivercats will have a deal for 2025 through 2027 season. they have an option for the 2028 season if their vegas ballpark isn't ready. now sacramento cheers, oakland fans are hanging their
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head and shaking them. and they had been negotiating with the a's owner until recently even yesterday. >> reporter: fans are not shy to the reaction of their announcement. >> i don't like it at all. and i'm loyal to where i live and the a's should be in oakland. >> i'm kind of glad they're leaving. kind of sucks the big promotions, sorry, the big sports organizations are taking taxpayers money and holding the city hostage. >> reporter: negotiations to keep the team at oakland coliseum continued all the way up until yesterday. the city and county had asked the team to pay $97 million for five years of play with some
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caveats, which the a's rejected. yesterday the city and county negotiators proposed $60 million for three years. but this morning's announcement confirmed that the a's ultimate rejection of the offer as well. for some city leaders, this will end a drawn out and often painful fight to keep the green and gold rooted in oakland. >> they've got the lack of attention, the lack of support for the city and for their fans. i'm going to miss you, but let's just kiss and say good- bye. >> reporter: according to noel gallo, the wounds won't end when they leave. prior efforts to expand and renovate the coliseum. he's hoping a plan to attract a professional soccer team to the venue will help fill the gap created by the a's and the raiders before them. meanwhile there's been no word on what the a's plan to do with the team's 50% ownership steak in the coliseum. fans of the a's have been an open revolt against john fisher ever since he announced plans to leave for las vegas. a group even organized a
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boycott at the season opener this year with the goal of pressuring him to sell the team to someone who would keep it here. the announcement's move to sacramento made it worse. >> season ticket holders that stopped going. and so yeah, no. we can't support them if they can't support us. >> reporter: this deal means the current season will be the 57th and final in oakland. the team will play next year's season at sutter health park in sacramento, which has a seating capacity that's about a third of the coliseum. sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. the mayor of sacramento is celebrating the a's temporary move. he says this will serve as really an audition for the california capital to potentially get their own team, a major league baseball expansion team perhaps in the future. the mayor did add though that he understands the frustration that oakland is feeling about this move. >> oakland is a great city.
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it does not deserve to lose its team. these decisions were made separate and apart from anything to do with sacramento. and my message to the a's fans, obviously here in sacramento and also in oakland is that this will be your team too. >> it's a difficult pill to digest for a lot of people. what happens now next year with the coliseum? oakland's vice mayor, who chairs the county's coliseum authority says they are taking long-term steps around the coliseum area including a bid for new housing, businesses, restaurants. we also mentioned the roots and the soccer teams had play at the coliseum. they are also working to retain workers to maintain the facility and to preserve jobs. there is a lot to be said and done with this story. and let's take you outside and give you a live look at the
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cameras inside the bay area. but yes, it is spring. but today is gloomy and gray and rainy. and coming in fast across the bay area. let's get you down to doppler radar where you do have more of a light to moderate rainfall right now up towards the north bay. right over san francisco where we have had a few heavier pockets that's moving off to the north and east. they will keep the rain in west oakland and through 6:49 tonight. we are also seeing some rain moving back into the trivalley, redeveloping through pleasanton and danville, at least through 6:34.
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some heavier pockets are over san jose the past hour. and also snow over the santa cruz mountains, right there through mt. ham illton. rain totals about half an inch or less through the bay area. where do we go from here? i still see the rain chances tonight and tomorrow with thunderstorms and small hail. the low hail for the bay area mountains between 2,000 to 3,000 feet and highs only in the 50s. i'll show you when we will get out of this and what is happening for the weekend later on in the show with that. >> all right, we'll see you shortly. what is the old saying now? april showers may bring may flowers? today those are in the south bay. robert handa was on snow duty. and that brought the snow to some of the higher elevations. and snow seekers as well. this family brought a young boy
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who is visiting the area to los gatos in the santa cruz mountains. the 12-year-old had only seen snow in pictures. >> i think like it is a new experience for me i rarely seem to know. >> and he's looking at it now. >> and it is very cold. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the snow came a little harder and faster on mount hamilton, where the observatory, sometimes hard to see in the midst of the storm. but anywhere you would look in the town area, the scenes sparkled like winter beauty shots. some people who came here from near canada to check on equipment for their company brushed off the snow. while they seem amused by our idea of a snowstorm, they admitted to being impressed. >> we live right on the canadian border, so we came down to repair the windows here that were manufactured in canada. so we do all their u.s.
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repairs. so we are used to the snow up where we live. so no big deal here. >> reporter: were you surprised by the amount of snow you saw here? >> yeah, we were in california and i thought it would be sunny and warm. >> reporter: they say that no snow is a very beautiful and tempting attraction. but they also say roads will remain closed, and work crews will be on those roads throughout the storm and visitors will make things more hazardous. robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. a great resource with our changing weather here is our free nbc bay area app. just point your phones camera right at that qr screen. the qr code on your screen. if you have our app, this will take you straight to our radar. a new development today in that deadly mass shooting last year at two half moon bay mushroom farm. a survivor is suing one of the farms involved. accused of january 2023 shooting rampage. seven people were killed and another was wounded.
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his older brother, jose, they would work in the gardens. that's for the first round of shots were fired. pedro survived, but his brother did not. he and his brothers and family are now suing the owner of the farm. they say farm management failed to properly secure the farm and protect its workers. according to court documents, the lawsuit claims that he could have prevented the shooting, considering the previous history, as well as a separate shooting that happened at the farm seven months earlier involving a different group of workers. the family and their lawyers are set to speak about the suit tomorrow. we did reach out to the california gardens for comment, but we were unable to reach them. and they are due in court later this month. and shooting and killing an armed woman. this video may be disturbing for some of the viewers. it happened last wednesday when officers responded to a 23-year- old man who said he had been
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shot by his mother in their apartment. and they are showing that this is the woman pointing the gun towards officers, moments before they shot her. she died at the scene. the investigation that they are believed to have wounded her son and killed their dog before being shot by those two officers. both the officers involved are now on routine administrative leave, and this case is being reviewed. three months into the year, san francisco leaders are celebrating a drop in crime. the mayor's office says violent crime has dropped 14% compared to the first three months of
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last year. property crimes like break-ins and burglaries and other thefts saw a huge drop down 32%. the mayor's office credits the work of local agencies, plus working with state and federal partners for that drop. that announcement comes a week before the new public safety rules are set to go in effect. they passed prop e last month to give more power to police. among other things, they will change policies on chases and the use of drones and surveillance cameras. the mayor's office says that they are working on a framework for those new rules, which again, they will take effect next friday. san jose is set to expand their interim housing for the homeland thanks to a million dollar federal grant. the money will be used to add beds in the interim housing site. this is it many south san jose located off 101. the facility opened in 2021 with 124 beds. the new federal funds will double that capacity, adding another 134 beds, as well as laundry areas and a community center.
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>> it is an immediate alternative to living in tents, living in cars, or living in these rundown campers that we would see. they will give our vulnerable neighbors shelter, services, security, and the time that is needed to get them into permanent housing. >> this is one of six interim housing sites that san jose has built in the last three years. the mayor says out of the 1,500 people who have come through these sites, 70% remain housed. and 50% moved onto permanent housing. multiple rescues after flames tore through the san francisco homes. the firefighter who was hurt while battling that fire. and also the bay area is on the road to a cleaner future. a new study showing you how evs are making a dent in our pollutions. we have that rain, but check out the chill, 46 right now in novato. 46 in napa. 47 in san francisco. we will talk more about the cold and the rain and how long it is all going to last. i'm
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the bay area is electric. our region has been among the quickest in america to make the switch to electric vehicle. >> it is happening here now. new research shows it's making a difference with our climate in crisis. here is christie smith. >> we were looking for ways to change the co2 as we try to make those reductions from all different sources. >> reporter: ronald cohen is a professor at uc berkeley describing what he and others found as they tried to measure the local carbon emissions. >> we observed the total emissions of co2 over a five- year period from 2018 to 2022. and the electric vehicles on the road here in the bay area. >> they track the data this
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way. >> they built a unique instrument that will allow us to map the air. that we would put measurements on the rooftops, so 15 locations around the bay area. most of them in middle schools and high schools. >> reporter: using those maps will provide insight into the problem and the potential solutions. >> we are able to understand where emissions are coming from, which are the different kinds of resources that are contributing to the total co2. the combination of industry, transportation, and homemade commercial heating. >> reporter: he said one of the goals of the study is to provide feedback to the policymakers on how effective the climate strategies have been. in the meantime looking ahead, california has climate goals that they are trying to meet and they suggest that we are on our way. >> the state's goal is for net zero in 2045, and to get there that we need annual reductions of 3.7%. that will continue until that
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time. this is about halfway there. and so they would put this on a really good start. but we all knew we would need to accelerate it as we would get closer to the deadline. >> it is the overall goal to reach net zero emissions by 2040. a steppingstone to that as we want to reduce the emissions to 61% by 2030. >> reporter: and san francisco wants to get there even faster, believing they are a key part of reaching the goal. currently there are about 28,000 evs in the city. and 37% of new vehicle purchases in 2023 were electric vehicles. now the city wants to make sure those ev owners have no problems, finding a place to plug in. >> the department will have a goal of 5,000 chargers by 2030. >> reporter: christie smith, nbc bay area news. a firefighter is recovering after an early morning fire in san francisco. the flames broke out in the outer sunset. firefighters rescued one person and a dog. paramedics took that person to
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the hospital with serious injuries. at this point, we don't know how they're doing. the firefighters also suffered minor injuries. they were treated at the scene, continuing to fight the flames. the crews, they said that they have knocked that fire out in about an hour. the cause though is under investigation. all right, let's take a look outside. not quite here, but we did have snow in the bay area. this is a snow day in the sierra. video from the uc berkeley snow lab. they are expecting even more snow throughout the other day? >> a little more tomorrow. >> and tomorrow. back here in the bay area, let's take a live look. i believe that's fremont. so it is still wet out there. you said this was coming and then you said oh, it's here. >> i know stepping out the door. it's a little too much. we are ready for some sunshine with some heat. we will be able to turn it up as we head into next week's forecast in that seven day. some spots will jump 20 to 25 degrees hotter. so hang on. it's on the way. let's move it in to storm ranger, doppler radar. it will continue to remain
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active tonight with some moderate rain, a few heavier pockets. we will take you down into this. i'm looking at the zone here that could contain some hail moving off towards vallejo at 7:00. we've got so much cold air aloft that with this rainfall, just has to get pushed up a little bit into the atmosphere. then it freezes and turns into some of the small hail. over to san francisco, we've seen moderate and heavier rain that will continue off to berkeley, emeryville, lafayette. back through 7:15 tonight. so the 24 corridor, 680, pretty slick and slow this evening. down here through the peninsula, we've got some heavy rain over the mountains for the valley. this is all moving off towards los altos hills, down through 7:10 tonight. look at this, more on the low snow over the santa cruz mountains right there and quite a bit through mount hamilton when all said and done and totals could be two to three inches, maybe a little bit
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more. so quite a wild ride here for us. we'll keep the storm system that's been dropping down for one more day. so keep the jacket and the umbrella out. let me show you that on my forecast here as we would head through tonight. scattered rain chances, isolated thunderstorms. even the chance for tomorrow morning. we will have some sun mixing in at times. then we would stay with that picture here as we would head through tomorrow afternoon. rainfall totals, a quarter of an inch for most of us, except for inland contra costa county, we could get in about a quarter to half an inch on concord, dublin, right back towards livermore and close to tracy. morning temperatures. now look at this. it is going to go even colder down to 39 for the trivalley. and south bay starting off with 41, and we have more of those low to mid-40s for the east bay in san francisco. for the north bay, 38. daytime highs for tomorrow, they don't look a whole lot better down here across the south bay. we're back at it in the 50s. similar weather here through
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the east bay. 54 in martinez. the peninsula, 55 in san mateo. san francisco, 56 in downtown. for the north bay, 58 here in santa rosa. all right, let's get rid of this cold and thaw it out and let's heat it up. and look at this ten-day forecast. it will get better with some low 80s, not only warm there, but look at concord's forecast, the low 80s, also next wednesday and thursday. so we are coming in with some really great weather. san francisco, low 70s into next week. and how about it? 58 tomorrow to 83. >> that is such a jump. now look at that, it's crazy. >> it is really quite insane for april. no doubt. >> speaking of tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon, the home opener that we should be okay, right? >> i don't see any reason why it would be a rain out. >> we could handle the cold, just no rain. >> they need to do the free handouts with the extra jackets. >> here it is. the giants home opener tomorrow.
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oracle park. it's going to be buzzing. we'll have live team coverage of the home opener in all of our newscast and a special pregame show starts at noon on nbc sports bay area. first pitch against the padres. 1:35 in the afternoon. up next, not everyone will have to pay for that blue check mark. we'll tell you some users on x. why they are getting verified for free.
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traffic looks fairly night tonight and the second night of closures, affecting the eastbound lanes. two right lanes will be closed beginning in about 30 minutes from now. closes from 7:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m. the lane closures will return on monday on the left side. well the ikea warehouse is planning to close it doors for good. it's a part of a plan to optimize their resources. the orders handled at this warehouse will be redistributed to the other stores. the north bay business journal says that the napa county location is laying off 22 workers beginning in june. in total 147 employees will lose their jobs by next february. ikea says they plan to support those workers in transition. we should note that all the three bay area ikea stores will remain open. san francisco, palo alto, and emeryville. twitter is starting to roll out their paid subscription perks for free. rolling out free premium
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features last night including bringing back the blue checks. elon musks says every account with more than 2,500 verified subscribers will get the premium features for free. accounts with more than 5,000 followers will get premium plus, which usually costs $168 a year. musk introduced paid subscriptions last year to supplement the platform's advertising revenue. okay, up next, the bay area legendary photographer is getting his spotlight on a national spotlight. see how the u.s. is honoring the work of ansel adams. a look inside 30 rock. getting ready for nightly news. one of the top stories. the rise in psychosis and teenagers being linked to cannabis use. we'll explain why. lester joins us in three and a half minutes. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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the u.s. postal service is honoring one of the most iconic photographers, ansel adams. >> they plan to memorialize the san francisco photographer with a series of stamps. adams and a special admiration for the park and the first photo was developed over 100 years ago. the new ansel adams forever stamp showcases 60 landscapes from his private collection. tonight at 7:00, we're joined by former baseball player who played for the a's and the giants. his thoughts on the a's move to sacramento that the current players will complain about the
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minor league facilities. that's coming up on our 7:00 news. up next on nightly news, growing threats against election workers. lester holt joins us from new tonight, president biden's warning to prime minister netanyahu after that deadly israeli strike on aid workers. the two leaders holding their first call since those seven workers were killed in gaza. president biden calling it unacceptable, and warning israel risks losing u.s. support if it doesn't do more to protect civilians. also tonight, a lawyer for kansas city chiefs star rashee rice acknowledging he was driving one of the speeding sports cars that caused a six-vehicle crash on a dallas highway. the occupants leaving the scene. will rice now face charges? the deadly spring storm battering the northeast and new england. hundreds of thousands without power. the race to rescue survivors trapped after the deadly earthquake in taiwan. new images. a boulder crushing a


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