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tv   Early Today  NBC  April 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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more fallout this morning from that strike that killed seven aid workers in gaza. israel's prime minister promising an investigation as we learn more about the victims. developing this morning overseas, at least four people are dead in taiwan after the strongest earthquake in 25 years triggers tsunami warnings. president biden and donald trump picking up more delegates
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in tuesday's primaries. trump centering immigration in a key background state. a group of american cruise ship passengers say they were stranded when the ship lecht port in africa without them. we'll tell you what the cruise line has to say now. and, in her billionaire era. taylor swift makes her official debut on forbes' list of billionaires. we'll tell you who the other newcomers are on this early april 3rd. "early today" starts right now. a good wednesday morning to you, i'm jessica layton. this morning we are learning disturbing new details about the israeli bombing of that high-profile aid group in gaza that killed seven people, including an american. three cars that were clearly marked as belonging to world central kitchen were hit, along a 1.5-mile stretch of coastal road, leaving only one survivor, benjamin netanyahu called the strikes unintentional, promising
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an investigation. but he also said, quote, this happens in wartime. let's go live now to chapman bell with the latest. we are learning more about the victims this morning. >> reporter: good morning, jessica. really sad news. world sfcentral kitchen posting memorial to the seven-member team made up of an australian, polish worker and the duel u.s.- u.s.-canadian member. their smiles, laughter and voices are forever embedded in their memories. and they're called hero. and the family is mourning their loss. president biden saying in a statement he's outraged and heartbroken by the deaths, calling it a tragedy and pointing out that israel has not done enough to protect aid workers in gaza, saying that this is not a stand-alone incident of the death of aid
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workers in gaza and israel needs to do more, and he spoke with his friend, jose andres, founder of world central kitchen and conveyed his deepest condolences to him. the national security council spokesman, john kirby saying more than 200 aid workers have been killed in this conflict, making it one of the worst for aid workers in recent history. the chief of staff of israel aisrael's defense forces seasays the stri was not carried out with the intention of hurtargeting the a workers. >> chapman, thank i. >you.
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7.7 quake hit taiwan. it happened at 8:00 a.m. local time, about seven hours ago. early reports say hundreds are injured, and at least four were killed. but those numbers are likely to rise, as the scope of the disaster becomes more clear. tsunami warnings were issued for both the philippines and okinawa,japan. let's turn now to the race for the white house. former president trump focussing his campaign on the midwest, using the issue of immigration to rally supporters in the battleground states that he lost in the last election. here's gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: former president trump on a battleground bring the with this rally in green bay, wisconsin. and this stop in grand rapids, michigan. both states president biden narrowly won four years ago. mr. trump zeroing in on the migrant crisis, highlighting the death of ruby garcia. the suspect, herro man
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particular partner, is an undocumented immigrant who had previously been deported during the trump administration. >> not one more life should be lost to biden migrant crime. >> reporter: mr. trump slamming president biden for rolling back restrictive border policies. >> we had a tough policy of getting the bad people out. >> reporter: a new survey shows 64% of americans disapprove of president biden's handling of the border, including 3 in 10 democrats. >> if you don't have a border, you have problems, and they're importing them all own the country. >> reporter: but studies show that migrants don't commit crimes in lighigher rates than other americans. these billboards are now going up in the crucial swing state. >> donald trump has not wasted any time in grand standing and clamoring for the camera to come here. >> reporter: the former president also fighting legal battles on multiple fronts.
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the judge in his hush money trial just expanded the gag order against mr. trump to include the relatives of court staff after mr. trump on social media attacked the judge's adult daughter, who's a political consultant for democrats. meanwhile, mr. trump just posted a reduced $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case, preventing his properties from being seized while he appeals the case. >> i had to put up a bond this morning for $175 million. i did nothing wrong. >> reporter: meanwhile, back at the white house, president biden took a significant call. he spoke with chinese president xi jinping for an hour and 45 minutes. the white house calling the conversation candid and constructive. among the topics? tiktok. with president biden reiterating concerns about the app's ties to china. back to you. >> all right, gabe, thank you. a city official in oklahoma with ties to white nationalists has been ousted in a recall
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vote. judd blevins is seen here at a unite the right rally in 2017. tuesday he lost his enid commissioner seat to cheryl patterson, a former schoolteacher who campaigned on what she called a return to normal. patterson is a republican. but chronic democratic activists also celebrated her victory over blevins. the u.s. navy is sharing a new underwater view of the francis scott key bridge. sonar images show the collapsed baltimore bridge now resting on the muddy bottom of the river. this imaging is essential for those dive teams. the water is so cloudy and dark that they can only see about a foot in front of them. above the water, two small channels have opened up. they're mostly for barges that are helping with the salvage operation. new police video is shedding some new light this morning on a police shootout that killed an unarmed teen back in 2022. that shooting is now being investigated by the california justice department. we do want to warn you here that
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a lot of these images are really hard to watch. now according to the san bernardino sheriff's office, at the time, savannah grauts yaw know had been about with her father. deputies say at the time, somebody was shooting at them from inside. >> an officer is heard telling savannah to get out of the car and come toward him. she takes several steps, pauses, then moves toward police again. other officers are then seen shooting the teen just as she appeared to be surrendering. her father was also killed. now this video appears to directly refute initial claims by police that the teen was wearing tactical gear and a helmet. the sheriff's department did not comment on the video tuesday, citing that doj investigation. overnight, millions of americans remained under severe weather alerts as a dangerous storm continues to march across the u.s. after wreaking havoc in
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the midwest and south. the system bringing tornados, heavy rain and a lot of hail. nbc's dan scheneman has the details as much of the east coast is bracing for impact this morning. >> reporter: much of the nation threatened by weather. nearly 70 million americans in the path of a severe weather system. northwest of oklahoma city, a funnel cloud was spotted. powerful storms also hit in osage county, north of tulsa. some families had to brave the elements to reach safety. >> everything, my van was going to the right. and all the rain and everything, it was pretty scary. >> reporter: at daybreak, crews were already working to restore power while residents surveyed the damage. >> i've never seen anything like that. i've seen tree branches down before, but nothing like it is today. >> reporter: more powerful weather near evansville, indiana. this home suffered severe damage, while one driver said strong winds blew out her car
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windows. >> gravel in my head, mud behind my ears. >> reporter: thousands were left without power in central kentucky, when a line of storms, downed trees and power lines. >> there was a ton of wind, they both came down, and the power line flicked against my window and sparked. >> reporter: many in the path of the latest severe weather have wi been warned, more could be on the way. >> yes, indeed. more is on the way. for more on the severe weather threats this morning, let's bring in angie lassman. what are we looking at? >> good morning to you, jessica. we've still got tornado watches in the picture for us today. you can see plenty of alerts across the southeast. heavy rain working into the mid atlantic in the northeast, and we're still dealing with the chance for strong storms. we'll still have the potential to see strong winds and damaging hail. it's mainly from the carolinas down to portions of florida. we will be watching that through at least the evening hours tonight of meanwhile, we've also got 32 million people under
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flood alerts with the heavy rain on tap and additional snow. and the conditions of course leaving us with wintry weather for 11 million people. here's that massive system. we see it intensify as far as the low is concerned. near coast, that brings in all that heavy snow. the wind, we'll still deal with this snow across the great lakes. and the gusty winds will be with us too. meanwhile, as we get into tomorrow, we're still going to be dealing with kind of the unsettled weather, although not quite as heavy as rain. but thn tap. 60 degrees in washington, d.c. rain from boston to philadelphia and down towards richmond. cleveland heads to 48 degrees today. and that's a look at your forecast, jessica, back to you.
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coming up on "early today," musicians coming together to voice concerns about a.i. but first, how a group of passengers ended up stranded by their cruise ship and what the cruise line has to say about it. '6 uise line has to say about it. '6 s. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. dad, i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way,
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so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. nice! more money for nights at the...library. right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. the vacation they dreamed of became a complete nightmare. the ship left them stranded on a nall small island off of africa. the ship says the passengers came back too late. here's erin mclaughlin. >> reporter: a mad dash for passengers to catch their cruise ship triggering a seven-day ordeal. >> it's seven countries we've been in, in 48 hours. >> reporter: they were on a 21-day voyage up the coast of africa. though last wednesday it all went wrong for the group, after they left the ship for a private excursion to the african island country of sao tome but didn't make it back by the 3:00 p.m.
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deadline, and the ship left without them. their passports handed to the local port agents. even though the couple says the private tour operator notified the captain they were going to be late. and despite the coast guard's attempt to get them on the ship, which was still docked. >> we truly believe that although there is a set of rules or policies that the ship may have followed, they followed those rules too rigidly. >> reporter: the passengers arranged to board again in gambia, traveling there on their own expense. but the cruise line says the ship couldn't dock due to weather. in a statement, norwegian cruise told nbc news, once the guests did not make it back to the ship, we worked with them and the local port agent to assist with obtaining the necessary visas. still, the campbells telling the "today" show. >> i believe that they really forgot that they are people working in the hospitality industry. >> reporter: the cruise line
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saying the unexpected adventure has been resolved. all eight gists reboarding the ship in senegal. erin mclaughlin, nbc news. still to come, all the rumors are false. lizzo takes to instagram to clarify what she meant when she announced last week that she was quitting. that's coming up right after this. at's coming up right after this. secret whole body deodoran. everywhere! we're all human, its okay to smell like one. (sniffs) i smell very human right now. which is totally normal. girl preach. but if it bothers you, 4/5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant. which gives you 72 hour odor protection. from your pits to your bits. so you can use it on your... (spraying) secret whole body deodorant. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber,
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when i say i quit, i mean i quit giving any negative energy attention. what i'm not going to quit is the joy of my life, which is making music, which is connecting to people. because i know i'm not alone. >> lizzo is clearing the air over some recent remarks. on tuesday, the grammy winner posted this video on instagram assuring fans that she is staying in the music business. it comes after another post from the singer last friday where she
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s announced "i quit" over lies being said about her. she said it was in reference to giving attention to negative comments. these were serious immigrations made by dancers last year about harassment, about body shaming. so we'll see what happens. >> my problem with this is, if you quit or if you're doing whatever, just go do it. why do we have to announce this and then backtrack. >> we have to make those headlines. that's my two cents on that. sticking with the music industry, billie eilish, nicki minaj and stevie wonder were among the 200-plus artists to write a letter voicing concerns about artificial intelligence. it calls on platforms to stop using the technology to infringe upon and devalue the rights of human artists. while the letter does acknowledge some benefits of a.i. it calls against uses of the tech that sabotage
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creativity. we saw it of course with the strike earlier this year. you know, we're going to see a whole lot of different things evolve with this, and we'll see what happens with this letter as well. >> concern for performers across the board. while netflix isn't telling tim robinson i think you should leave, he is shacking with a different network. hbo has ordered the chair company, a new pilot written by comedian and his partner zach cainen. they are best known for "i think you should leave", which dropped its third season last may. the show remains alive at netflix despite robinson's newest project with hbo. i have not tuned in for that. it might be time to put it on my list. >> there you go. i know what we're doing this weekend. when we come back, familiar faces just joined the ranks of the world's richest. and the latest on how bird flu is impacting egg production. keep it here. ting egg productio.
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we are back with what you need to know "early today." the largest producer of fresh eggs in the u.s. has halted production at a plant in texas after bird flu was found in chickens there. cal main foods says about 1.6 million laying hens were destroyed. the company says there is no known risk associated with the eggs currently on the market. amazon is removing its just walk out program at amazon fresh stores in the u.s. the technology allows customers to pay without formally checking out, according to a report from the information. the retail giant says it will replace it with dash cards where shoppers can scan their items as they go. tesla shares have fallen after the vehicle deliveries dropped 8.5% from the same time last year. it's the first annual decline since 2020 when the covid pandemic tis edisrupted product. there are now a record 2,781
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billionaires worldwide. the u.s. added 67, including taylor swift and magic johnson, christian lou by ton made the list. e the list. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. i'm jimmy dean and uh, when you feel the signs, isn't that sunrise somthin'? i honestly feel that way about jimmy dean sausage. get yourself a large chunk of that good morning feeling. boy, that smells good. mmm. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings...
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time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. preparations for the eclipse are happening across north america and one of canada's tourist hotspots, niagara falls. they're set to welcome a million tourists come monday. the regional government even declaring a proactive state of emergency because of the anticipated crowds. >> it's not to dissuade or detract folks from coming to visit us.
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we want to be ready for anything that comes, whether it be congestion of traffic. some network disruptions, and of course emergency medical services. we want everybody to be on high alert. >> and while some say the wording is a bit unfortunate, ultimately everyone is confident it will be a great day of celebration. and at a time when many americans are traveling to of what the eclipse, they're warned to plan ahead. >> you're out of luck if you think you're going to be heading up there and finding a good spot. >> reporter: would-be eclipse watchers beware. the roads will be busy, and officials are urging people to pick a destination beforehand. >> we're telling people, do not stop on the highways or other roads as well. you may see snow. you're probably going to see mud. if you pull over to a soft shoulder you may get stuck in the mud. >> in the path of totality we have been hearing that a lot of places are sold out. >> reporter: hotel prices are up
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about 50% across the path of totality, according to aaa. >> and our rental car partner, hertz, tells us that their bookings in the path of totality are up 2,000% yeef ar-over-year. so we might break a record for this week. >> reporter: the new hampshire department of transportation is treating it like a major holiday weekend, which an estimated 20,000 people heading to the most northern part of the state. >> if it is bright and sunny we will see a lot of travelers. >> reporter: thankfully, locals seem to be heeding the warnings. >> i'm a schoolteacher. the students are getting out early. so we have glasses prepared and videos taken. >> i'm going to be in burlington. we'll meet up with friends and watch it. >> we're in concord, and we have a nice patio. so we'll sit outside and maybe have a beverage. >> love that. our thanks to nary mary marcos
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that report. could we be working in a space time zone? the white house wants nasa to devise a plan for coordinated lunar time by the end of 2026. the lunar time would provide a time-keeping benchmark for lunar space craft and satellites that require extreme precision. thanks for waking up and watching "early today." i'm jessica hlayton. have a great wednesday. i'll see
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we begin with breaking news this morning, overnight the chp issued an amber alert for a man accused of abducting a teenage girl. i'm kris sanchez. >> i'm ginger conejero saab. it now appears the girl is safe. >> bob redell joins us live from outside the chp office in dublin with what we


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