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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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captured the moment of is -- this disaster. the ship lost power and slammed it in the francis caught -- francis scott key bridge. we will show you that video again, you will see the ship slides go dark before the ship strikes a pylon, the force of that ship roughly the size of the empire state building causing that span to buckle right into the water. investigators say all signs point towards being -- a terrible accident. >> the ship did radio about the loss of power and impact to the bridge with prompted bridge officials to stop all traffic. the construction crew was on the bridge fixing potholes when that collision have been. at least two workers will pulled out. one of them seriously hurt, the other six missing have not been found. officials just announced this is now a recovery mission. the search for their bodies
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will resume tomorrow morning. a contractor who worked with the missing men told nbc news they are from mexico, guatemala, el salvador, and honduras. they came to baltimore for a better life. >> to the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones. all of our -- we feel your loss and are thinking of you, we will always be thinking of you. >> again, this will resume tomorrow morning because commissions have turned treacherous to my president biden says his prayers are with families and victims. what happened at baltimore have many here in the bay area wondering about the stability of our bridges peer >> we found out if our bridges could buckle like that too. the twisted aftermath of a massive container ship slamming into the francis scott key bridge is shocking, according to investigators, the ship called the dolly lost power and
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they reported may day. they go over the bridge saving lives, six construction crew members doing work on the bridge are still missing. >> we will send all federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency. i mean all the federal researchers -- resources and rebuild that port together. >> the golden gate bridge authority reassured commuters of the safety of the iconic bridge saying it has the most robust ship collision -- detection of any bridge. we should a similar statement saying safety is a high- priority, local structural engineering experts say that residents should be reinsured about the integrity of bridges. >> we have several beautiful bridges that are strong enough to withstand any kind of reasonable situation. >> the professor at cal state east bay says bay area bridges are engineered to withstand massive earthquakes and even typhoons.
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you cannot design for every possibility like a direct hit from a massive container. bay area bridges may be less vulnerable to the collapse we saw in baltimore. one of the most protected features of bay area bridges is the shallow depth of portions of the bay itself. that is because most of the supporting peers of many bay area bridges including the bridge and bay bridge are built in shallow parts were massive cargo ships like the one in baltimore would run aground before making an impact. >> [ indiscernible ] it's so shallow. the other bridges deeper, but still, it is shallow with this kind of ship. >> professor at uc berkeley notes a collision has happened, he studied the crash of the container ship into the bay bridge in 2007. that ship sideswiped one of the bay bridges supporting peers and caused a massive fuel spill. in that incident, the protective bumper was damaged but the bridge itself was not
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harmed since that crass, engineers have been designing massive circular structures called dolphins. the baltimore incident is still under investigation and it is not clear both structures could have helped in this case. sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. -- san francisco could be the first city in the nation to ban them out right, today, semper cisco firefighters join several city leaders on the steps of city hall to offer support for new legislation introduced this afternoon that would require the city to provide new uniforms to its roughly 800 firefighters over the next two years. >> each one of us knows members have grown up with members, has had to help members who have had this horrible disease just kill their bodies. since 2006, we are looking at over 300 san francisco firefighters that have lost their lives. >> nationwide, several companies say they are testing
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alternate uniforms. last summer, the city made an agreement to phase out the current uniforms. today's legislation would set a mandatory timeline, it will not be cheat, the uniforms which could cause san francisco some $10 million. >> to decision 2024, biden, trump, and kennedy. today, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. came to the bay area to launch the next stage of his campaign, at an oakland rally, he announced bay area native nicole shanahan as his running mate coming after much speculation with a list of running mates including nfl quarterback aaron rodgers and republican senator rand paul, nbc bay area is in oakland with the details. >> robert f. kennedy jr. made this announcement in oaklands historical henry j kaiser center for the arts with an official vp running mate. he's hoping to secure his name and allstate throughout the country. >> the next step of vice
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president of united states of america, nicole shanahan. >> after months of speculation, robert f kennedy will continue his race with oakland born attorney entrepreneur where nicole shanahan. >> if nicole and i can get americans to refuse to view -- but from fear, we will be in the white house in november. >> he picked the 38-year-old because of her experience in tech and advocacy, children's health, environmental concerns, and her ability to reach younger voters. >> i wanted a vice president who shared my passion for wholesome, healthy foods. chemical free, for regenerative agriculture, for good soil. >> hundreds of supporters gather for the announcement kicked off by former l.a. laker. shanahan grew up in poverty as the daughter of a chinese immigrant and his love aunt -- father -- founder of attack that has ai manage property. she is the ex-wife of google
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cofounder sergei brin, her open roots taught her about giving back. >> i have never forgotten that the purpose of wealth is to help those in need. that's what it's for! i want to bring back -- bring that back to politics too, that the purpose of privilege. >> neither kennedy or shana had -- shanahan had ever run. they are turned independent saying they believe the democratic party has lost its way. >> it's about a shift in priorities, it's about compassion. chronic disease addiction, poverty, depression, this is where americans are hurting the most. it is time for politicians to listen. >> california is one of six states the kennedy campaign has filed we the people political party paperwork to get on the ballot, experts say that kennedy faces an uphill battle but supporters of the kennedy shanahan ticket say it's time
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for a change. >> i'm excited that they are doing what they are doing, it takes a lot of courage. >> you hear her speak and you hear her heart, you know it's authentic. for that reason, that is what our country needs to heal. >> the we the people party must register 75,000 people here in california to get on the ballot. veleno jones, nbc bay area news. health workers spend their day on the picket line, registered voters at john muir health in concord held an informational picket, they sat at the bargaining table since august but understaffing and workbooks -- workplace violence prevention have gone unanswered. >> we are facing verbal, physical, and emotional abuse and we are struggling to get them to understand we feel that nurses need to be in on the conversations about how those things can be improved. >> the nurses and john your
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have had 12 bargaining sections, john muir has issued a statement saying the hospital has made significant investments in safety including video surveillance system, improvements and implementation of the new weapons detection system, the statement goes on to say at all times, the health and safety of our patients, nurses, staff, and providers is our top priority. >> the issue of legal abortion is once again before the supreme court, justices heard oral arguments in a case that could limit access to a commonly used abortion drug and have far-reaching consequences for reproductive rights. nbc's susan mcginnis has the latest on the biggest abortion challenge since the court overturned roe versus wade two years ago. >> outside the supreme court, demonstrators on both sides of the abortion issue. inside, justices heard arguments in a case that could significantly restrict access
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to mifepristone. a commonly used abortion drug prescribed for decades. >> millions of americans have used the presto to safely end pregnancies. >> the high court reviewing an appeals court decision restricting mifepristone access rolling back the fda making the pill easier to get including through telemedicine and by mail. >> we are asking the supreme court to hold the fda accountable for violating law to the detriment of women's health. >> the group of antiabortion doctors leading the challenge claims the va -- fda did not evaluate safety risks. they want the high court to limit access and states were abortion remains legal. >> the risks are minimal, it's extremely safe. the fda says the pill has been safe and effective since approval in 2000 in the pharmaceutical industry is cautioning undermining fda approval process will not stop at mifepristone. >> it will have to be not just -- virtually every bra -- drug approval. >> justices appeared skeptical
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of the challenge the antiabortion doctors made. >> because we object to having -- being forced to participate, we are seeking an order preventing anyone from having access to these drugs at all. >> the supreme court is allowing full access to the drug while the legal proceedings play out. susan mcginnis, nbc news washington. >> we will have much on this debated case coming up, we take a look at how the supreme court's decision will impact us in the bay area, and what local experts are saying is at stake, that's coming up tonight right here at 5:30, the promise of a more effective covid vaccine, what moderna says its new shot is better than anything it's produced before. >> also making prom a little more memorable and a lot more affordable, the act of kindness at one bay area high school that's helping ensure everyone can get to prom, our bay area proud segment is next. >> i'm chief meteorologist jeff
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ranieri after sunshine today, comfortable temperatures, it's on the way tomorrow, rain to
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a promising finding from moderna's covid vaccine, the company says its newest formula which targets covid and the flu appears to be more effective than any prior version right now, moderna is overseeing -- offering a covid vaccine. gets nest -- next version appears to trigger an even greater immune response, the company hopes it will encourage more people to get vaccinated against both the flu and covid, no word yet when this new vaccine will be available. if you are the parent of high school juniors and seniors, i don't need to tell you this. for the rest of you, it is prom season. it could be a lot of fun and very expensive but a group of north bay high school students is making the right of packet -- passage accessible on any budget, we are joined with a prom boutique in our bay area proud segment. >> just so you know what i'm talking about, i know you do.
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i'm there too, i'm one of those parents, i agree with everything you guys said. i appreciate everything students at redwood high school are doing now for the second year. >> it was a year ago at the village in corte madera. >> we have these two which are the extra small racks. olivia villanova was getting ready to open the doors of redwood high school's first prom boutique but she was not sure anybody would come in. maybe olivia thought that those people she saw lined up near the apple store would stop by. >> they're like oh, there must be a new iphone coming out and as soon as we opened our doors, tons of people like at least 50 people came rushing in the door to get address. that was such a special moment because it really made us feel like what we were doing was very needed and appreciated. >> the reason all those people wanted to come to the prom boutique, you may have guessed it's because this is not an ordinary prom dress shop.
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every dress that you see is free. >> this year, it's charlotte lacey's first time helping out after hearing about the prom boutique success, charlotte knew she wanted to take part in new they were going to need even more dresses. >> let me know if you need any help. we have been working on this for at least six months and spent six hours a week putting this together. >> the team have pulled together donations of more than 500 dresses and accessories. >> jewelry here, handbags, this whole wall is filled with handbags so we got rid of a lot of those. >> olivia and charlotte like their peers are in the middle of prom preparation themselves, they know the hundreds of dollars a dress can cost and know that not everybody can afford that. they don't want that to be a barrier to one of life's special occasions. >> am very lucky that i'm able to afford prom, i feel like sometimes we are seen as very
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wealthy and while yes it is, there's also families not able to afford prom. kind of helping those families out. >> are you go, have a great day. thank you for coming by. >> it all ends up making for a different type of prom dress shopping experience, customers walking in feeling fortunate to have found it, walking out feeling simply fabulous. >> promise such a once-in-a- lifetime thing and so, just making sure everybody can go and enjoy it, and feel confident what they are wearing. >> if you are in the market for free prom dress, you're not out of luck, there's a chance to grab one, the boutique is open this friday from 4:00 to 8:00 and on saturday from 11:00 to five walk. -- 5:00. i just checked in, they have so far given away 200 dresses quite a few, i was telling you that there have been situations like this where they are donated , most of these dresses are new, most of these dresses are brand-new so it is an amazing
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opportunity for anyone, it's not limited to just you can't afford it, there are a lot of people in there excited to get a great deal. >> you're in the midst of it, getting that prom dresses so significant for young women. >> it is the most stressful thing. get stressful for the mother. it the angst is unbelievable and dropping $400 on a prom dress is really hard for some people. for most people, yeah. thanks so much. more prom dresses sitting in a closet. >> okay. for sure, i cannot fit into it. >> maybe recycle into an event. oh my gosh. that's a lot of money to drop these days. our weather forecast back across the bay area, we hit the jackpot and got in on some sunshine and comfortable temperatures, that will all come to an end as we head through tomorrow's forecast, let's take it outside just to show you some of the beautiful weather real quick, san francisco right now with mostly sunny skies, currently
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dropping down to 58 degrees, we had low 50s on the way by 9:00 but no need for the umbrella tonight, whatever you are doing, the only thing you might need is a light jacket if you are heading out in san jose once we get around seven, eight, 9:00 is those temperatures drop into the 50s, how about those rain chances, the mutually the storm system, it is still situated a couple of miles out into the pacific, what we will see happen as we head through tomorrow is is cold front move down across the bay area to bring that rainfall. caught up with and all of this as we move through the next couple of days as the upper- level area of low pressure, watch what will happen with the storm path, we still see the same thing that we saw yesterday happening as we move into the next couple of days, writing down the coastline from tomorrow all the way through sunday and that is where we get into these on-again off-again chances of rain, even the possibility of thunderstorms and yes, some colder weather. keep the jacket out and also keep that umbrella just so you
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are ready to go, as we head through tomorrow morning, we have spotty rain near san francisco, 9:00 in the morning. things take a little bit of time to pick up, still some spotty showers by 2:00 and then as we head into tomorrow, six, seven, 8:00 that storm front will begin to move across and that's where we see that rainfall pickup, heavy at times and like me over marin, napa, sonoma counties around 10:00 tomorrow night and be more scattered in nature down towards the south bay and all in all, this starts to clear on out here as we head through thursday morning, rainfall totals tomorrow, trace amounts about a quarter inch but up into the north bay, we get around a quarter to half inch near mill valley, santa rosa, then when the storm system as i showed you just moving down the coastline all the way through sunday, we see another round of rainfall set -- friday and saturday, we get a half to 1 inch right around 1 inch for parts of the north bay right on the coastline including santa cruz mountains. certainly that
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rainfall coming on in for us, watch out tomorrow morning, temperatures in the 40s with the best chance of rain over san francisco and through the north bay, temperatures as that moves in dropping off three to six degrees in the south way, it will continue in the 60s was 65 san jose over to the east bay, 64, 60 oakland up to daly city, 59, redwood city 60, san francisco 67, north base 59 in santa rosa. not only rain but snow in the sierra, 1 to 2 feet expected through saturdays forecast, 22 kingvale 13 south tahoe and 20 right there in twin bridges on the seven-day forecast, we look at look at this, we will get into some dry weather by next monday in tuesday's forecast, it's a nice break for us and all in all, i do not think easter will be super wet, there is a chance of spotty thunderstorms we look out for, check it out, i've done it, we went there, 70 next monday, 70
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for next tuesday's forecast pick >> everybody knows that though easter bunnies for his waterproof. >> there will be no problems. >> thanks so much, jeff. coming up, changes to instagrammer some craters are instagrammer some craters are frustrated
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan
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to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. some instagram creators urging their followers to allow political content in their feeds again, this comes after instagram rolled out a new feature in the past, instagram adjusted post based on contents users engage with, he rolled out a new setting that filtered out political content by default , many users were not aware so
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creators who post about news and politics are showing users how to turn that limit off, they say there where the new feature will keep users from staying up data on political issues like the u.s. presidential election. former president donald trump social media made its debut, shares of trump media and technology group. truth social shot up more than 50% shortly after begin public trading under the symbol d.j. t. the quick ascent triggered a five minute halt in trading, more than 6'5" -- 6.5 million have shared by 950 this morning. the stock finished 16% higher, trumps majority stake in the new country -- company was worth more than $5 million. it's a down day on wall street. a couple of big-name stocks did a couple of big-name stocks did not -- seagate technology.
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga
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and go to mcdonald's is adding a well- known sweet treat to its menu.
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this fast food giant says krispy kreme donuts are now coming to its restaurants, mcdonald's first began selling donuts at a handful of restaurants as a text -- test. the rollouts can start this year, it will take more than two years for all the locations , the partnership means krispy kreme will double the amount of donuts it has to sell, mcdonald's will sell the original glaze, chocolate glaze with sprinkles and the chocolate glaze with cheese, i will take that. the dollar menu? we will have your newscast -- with what's coming up next at 5:30. the bay -- debate over abortion rights is heating up, the supreme court is hearing arguments over access to abortion pills, how the courts ruling could impact the bay area. the grand theft


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