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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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right now to 11:00, a new warning in oakland, we heard of smashing grabs but now smashing grabs with the driver in the car. >> this is happening is drivers are waiting at stop lights, a whole new level of frustration and fear, here's pete's toronto's. >> reporter: smash and grab robberies are not unusual the city of oakland, but the incident he witnessed a couple of weeks ago downtown was unlike any other. >> a couple of hunks here and there and some goes to the window and cracked it open while they are at a stop sign, literally someone pulling up to the stop sign behind them and grabs the backpack. and they are out. >> reporter: robberies are robberies are up -- robberies are reported to police, suspects targeting drivers while they're sitting the car,
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police says when the driver stopped the vehicle like at a stop sign or stop light, the suspects break the passenger side window and steal any belongings. a business owner who says he has been the victim of a special grabban week -- recent weeks. he feels drivers are running out of options to stay safe. >> always watch out for your car, you might have to leave the windows open, that's the way to go.>> reporter: releasing a statement on the trend, saying crime in oakland has seen a dramatic increase. we must take a range of actions that will provide a comprehensive approach that includes a myriad of prevention, intervention and enforcement strategies. opd says it is actively investigating the trend, reminding individuals to store any items in your trunk and called 911 if you feel you're being followed. and for malik, he's frustrated that drivers at a stop sign our targets for thieves. >> i usually have my backpack in the back of my car when i'm
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driving, i take it out at a stop sign woody's was to do. >> in oakland, he toronto's. nbc barriers news -- pete serratos. near the dumbarton bridge just before sunset, you can hear the wind whistling. >> oh yes, it is not over yet. jeffco as we head into friday, is the wind sticking around? >> it will stick in the morning, then better weather. some of the numbers were huge especially in the mountains, 72 miles per hour in mount diablo, lower elevations from 30-45, 45 in barkley hills, napa 34, san jose 33, some of the top gusts, concord 40, redwood city is right there at 32. it would advisory in effect for 11:00 to morning. for the hills of the north bay, east bay and south bay, where
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the gusts of 20-50. we could get power outages maybe even some downed trees as well. more looks at the hourly forecast, was is in store for the weekend, coming up in 15 minutes.>> thank you jeff. cracking down on speeding drivers in san francisco, planning to mount more than 30 new speed cameras on some of the most dangerous streets. stemming from legislation that governor newsom signed last year, allowing oakland, san jose and 3 other california cities to install them. busy areas, embarcadero, your pure 19, first avenue and skyline boulevard, mission street are slated there -- pier 19 near. at least two of them will get to speeding cameras. and we posted the complete list, ed nbc bay we posted more information there. a deadly car to car shooting in fremont, just before teo -- 10 am on march 5.
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sylvester carver they say shot another driver near semester boulevard, the victim was taken to the hospital where they died later. the rest of carver at a home in richmond. he was booked into the jail on several charges. there is relief tonight at an emotional meeting at a south bay middle school. is of parents and students packed aptitude community academy at goss, in east san jose, they are upset at the school board's plan to relocate more than 100 sixth, seventh and 8th graders to the campus. the board says the move is necessary because of declining enrollment and lack of state and federal funding. many parents are now relieved that the board decided to delay its decision until mid-june to come up with a better plan. the teachers are still frustrated. >> they have not talk to our community or given us an opportunity to really tell them what we expect or what we can do. they have not given us an
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option of how to build, they just told us we need you to go out and recruit and do these things.>> parents say they know the relocation will eventually happen but hope flow that the board will offer a plan with options to provide for a smoother transition for their kids. the effort to recall district attorney pamela price hit a snag, all about valid signatures. last monday we showed you a group behind the recall effort drop off the signatures of people supporting the recall petition. they said they had more than 123,000 signatures. which is well over the minimum needed, which is about 73,000 valid signatures. they today the county registrar of voters said it's not clear if enough of the signatures are valid. the county used a random sampling method approved by the state. the results were not high enough to trigger a recall. so now the registrar's office will count all signatures manually . super tuesday and did more than a week ago but votes are still being counted, one of the closest races the state is the runoff to replace longtime
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pelvis woman and and shoe for the peninsula -- long time progress woman. leading in the silicon valley, evan low leads the supervisor joe simitian at 63 votes. more than 23 ballots still need to be counted, and the next update happens tomorrow at 5:00. it is not something that many used to get home safely at night but some say there for lives change their lives. >> thousands of women are suing uber claiming that a driver sexually abused them, and it may close -- take close to a decade to see some sort of resolution. here's our reporter. >> reporter: november 2019, downtown la. lissa broomfield from los gatos to started fashion school. >> first time i was on my own, moving out, moving to la.
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>> straighten my hair. >> reporter: this day recorded on her cell phone was about celebrating a new chapter. >> getting ready for the night.>> all my girls with me right now. >> reporter: the time broomfield had got to the club she had been drinking all day and night, she said she was heavily intoxicated, and when she got separated from her friends she wanted to go home. >> that's what i called an uber. i opened the back door i think and he said it's okay, you can just come to the front, and from then it is a blur. the one thing that i remember the most was just being in some random parking lot. >> reporter: broomfield uber trip details show she was picked up at 1 am, and according to the police report she found the next day, she was in it for 5 1/2 hours until 6:30 am and at some points in and out of consciousness.
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in addition to having her do a rape kit, broomfield says police asked her to send the driver these texts asking him what happened. when she texted him i don't really remember that night, the driver responded oh i believe you. broomfield wanted to press charges but ultimately the los angeles district attorney's office said there was insufficient evidence. >> in their eyes it was just he said, she said, i felt very hopeless when i heard that. >> are you getting a spasm right now? >> yes it is constant. a doctor reviewed broomfield reports and wrote she was violently sexually assaulted, and the pain started within one week later. broomfield had several herniated discs, resulting in multiple surgeries any debilitating pain that persists today. a journey that she has documented on social media. according to plaintiff's attorneys, broomfield is one of about 2000 people suing uber
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back in civil court in california and across the country, alleging the company did not do enough to protect riders from sexual abuse by the drivers. while outlets have covered some cases, broomfield says what people don't know is that there have been significant case delays. she says she recently learned from her attorney that it could take close to a decade, since her incident, for her to see any result. >> i need to find a way to survive now, i don't have 10 years to wait. my body is degenerating. minute by minute and day by day it has been getting worse. >> is heartbreaking, it is our job to try to bring resolution and justice for these plaintiffs. >> reporter: rachel abrams is not broomfield's attorney but she represents other alleged uber sexual assault victims. she says in 2022 for pushed to remove them from state court, which caused a major delay.
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some plaintiff's attorneys appealed, but instead of waiting for an appellate ruling a refiled the non-california cases in federal court. abrams says the cases are moving along faster but there are still delays. >> how has uber been it comes to moving the cases forward? >> every turn we would get another delay. >> reporter: along with the sheer number of cases they have to get through, abrams says uber is not meeting some court deadlines. >> it is clearly going to be an issue that we have to deal with throughout this negotiation with them. >> reporter: uber back declined our request for an interview but told us that i just attorneys and the judge agreed to the extensions that caused the delays, for said he could not comment further on the litigation but said the statement that sexual assault is a horrific crime. we take every report of this nature very seriously and we are deeply committed to the safety of all users on the uber platform. >> what you want to say to those whom i think it is all about money?
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>> the only reason that i am doing this, and sharing my story, and putting this out here for people to know what actually happens, when you think you are going to get home safe.>> reporter: broomfield and abrams says swift resolution isn't just important to the people involved in lawsuits, they say it's important to anyone using the app. >> the sexual assaults are way more prevalent than people realize. >> every single time, especially a woman, i hear, might for is here, i pray to god that woman is safe.>> reporter: uber says assaults on its platform are extremely rare. it has added safety features and published reports on incidents involving the app, you can find links to those in the online story. trials for some of the first california cases is expected to start may 2025. with the investigative unit. nbc bay area news.
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>> if you have a story for investing in unit, call 888996 ti ps or visit the website, nbc bay a shocking crash caught on camera, a car slams into a police patrol car, what we are learning about what happened moments before the crash. if you're anywhere in the east bay this weekend, you are going to feel it. a major freeway shutting down, hearing from business owners that are worried that the closure could keep people away. th e
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take a look a new video tonight, jarring, two chp officers are recovering after allegedly being targeted and hit head-on by driver, you see
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it right there, this is dashcam video, the officers were sitting in the patrol car on the shoulder of i 80 in davis this afternoon, and a driver intentionally swerved and crashed into their police cruiser. both officers were taken to the local hospital, the person who crashed into their car was taken into custody. >> incredible video. a we can shut down for a major freeway in the east bay, couch -- caltrans is closing southbound 680, between the 580 and 6 any connector and highway 84, and so monday morning. jocelyn has details on why some businesses along the route are worried about the closure particularly this weekend. >> reporter: caltrans says closing the stretch of the freeway for the weekend will make the repair work happen faster. businesses are not too happy about it though, especially because it's happening during the st. patrick's day weekend. on six any southbound,
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commuters are driving past the signs, notifying them about this weekend's closure, at 1 pm friday, closed from the 580 six any connector to highway 84, expected to last until 4 am monday morning. >> it is a big revenue weekend for a lot of bars and restaurants, and a lot of people will be hurt by it for sure. >> reporter: happening on the st. patrick's day weekend, the owner of bosco's saloon, she took over a few months ago, this weekend was supposed to be the grand opening party. >> we hired a bunch of bands, because of the closure is going to hurt the business, so we are moving it to another weekend. >> reporter: even cutting back on staff because they may have trouble getting to work. and caltrans said it is to replace the to tearing roadway with new pavement, and closing it will accomplish the amount of work that 40 nighttime closures would. >> it reduces the number of nighttime closures that are necessary. >> we were planning on going to santa cruz tomorrow. snap. >> reporter: commuters like
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paul prefer the nighttime closures. >> i prefer if it was just nightwork, 10 pm at night it's going be close until 4 am, that makes significantly more sense. >> reporter: caltrans has put maps and detours depending on the direction you're coming from. >> if you're coming from concorde or points further north, what you can do is take state route 4 westbound and then 80 and then 880 to get back on the southbound 680. >> in the meantime, businesses are bracing for the kind of impact it could have. >> it's going to hurt a lot of businesses even in pleasanton and around the tri-valley area. >> reporter: jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news . the future remains unclear, for a popular barbecue restaurant. it is one of multiple restaurants, horn barbecue, chef matt horne says it's not
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safe to run the barbecue spot. he blames a number of issues, continuous theft and crime, vandalism, and damage to the restaurant building. it has remained closed since a destructive fire in november. and he wrote these occurrences, each an ordeal on their own, collectively have created an environment that at this point is untenable for us to operate safely and effectively. and carol fyfe says they're working on the possibility of staying at the location. >> he told me he's trying to get in contact with the owner, i'm going to work to help him with that in any way that i can, but he's really interested in that space but he has lost communication with a particular owner at this time, so i'm going to try to work and help make those connections. and he's looking at other possible locations in the city. and he wanted to make sure that people know that he is here and here to stay, but he's just
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looking for other opportunities at this time. >> and chef warn posted instagram saying he is actively and has been in conversations for a new oakland location. let's turn things over to our chief meteorologist, 42 minutes from friday. >> so close. i can't wait. everybody at home says get the wind out of here and give me the weekend. we will do both of those. as we head through tomorrow, starting off with wind, the area of low pressure to the south. late tomorrow night and right into saturday and sunday, that windy system moves towards the east. see you later. it's getting out of here. we will see high-pressure. bring in sunshine and warmer temperatures. everything you need to know in the microclimate forecast. if you're starting off early tomorrow, it may be a three day come your way, gusty winds coming your way, 20-50 miles per hour, could be a little bit
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rough if you are traveling over the bridges, the winds coming out of the north and east, 37, 37 napa, 25 san francisco, 31 oakland, not as bad towards redwood city and san jose. here is what you want, the wind starts to ramp down to become kolber as we head into tomorrow afternoon and evening. better conditions on the way. have the check it out tomorrow morning. it will feel blustery, if we get the winds picking up, the 49 could feel like 42. 50 in the peninsula and 45 for the tri-valley. a little bit of wind chill. 48 for the east bay, low 57 cisco and 47. heading into the afternoon, the winds beginning to taper off, overall we are in for a better day tomorrow then we had today weather-wise. look at these numbers in the south bay, 75 in the south bay,
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d peninsula, 73 redwood city. san francisco, in the outer sunset and for the mission, across wine country, 73 in napa. if you want more, i have for you, today forecast, low 70s in livermore, may even get up to 75 by next tuesday. enjoy. every single bit of it. look at next weekend, back into the low 60s. along with that we could see a chance of rain returning by next weekend, it doesn't look like a big storm system but still something down the pipeline for us. i will focus on that, keep your eyes on saturday and sunday, 60s and 7 cisco cut in lynn valley, 73 saturday, 75 sunday. spring weather as spring officially arrives next tuesday at 8:06 pm. we are on with the weather right when the calendar says. >> now only 39 seconds away
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from friday. >> i love the count, do you have a digital clock? >> yes. i'm onboard. up next, relighting the bay bridge, how much money has been raised and what comes next. hey everyone, casey musgrave's is my guest. plus university of an east bay freeway shutting down for the entire weekend. we will help you navigate through that closure. plus the bay area's new women's soccer team hits the field. everything y business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning.
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the spacek starship rocket reached orbit today but broke apart as a return to to earth. but overall the company says overall it was a successful mission. today's rocket launch nearly completed an entire test flight on the third try, the unmanned rocket was supposed to splash into the indian ocean but disintegrated during reentry. the company says it plans to fly hundreds of missions before it eventually sends astronauts to the moon and beyond. it has been a year since the famed bay bridge lights were shut off but they could be coming back. >> the nonprofit illuminate was forced to turn them off because of damages a couldn't afford to fix, it started crowdfunding to fix and install more lights and
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closing in on the goal. that's the moment that the lights shut off. it has raised $10 million out of the $11 million goal, the lights will turn back on immediate leave though, once it reaches the goal illuminate says it will take another 10 says it will take another 10 months to get thlights e ba ( ♪♪ )
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tonight the stanford basketball season came to an end, but that is not the big story, immediately after the loss, stanford fired the head coach. >> jerod haase out after eight years, for various reasons it never worked out on the farm, no appearances in the ncaa tournament and he finishes with an overall record of 126-127, so one game below.500, tonight stanford lost to washington state in the pac-12 tournament and we don't see this too often, soon after getting fired, he showed up at the postgame news conference.>> i have not won here to the level that i expect. just like i told my team accountable, i have been held
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accountable, and i have no issue with that. >> he handled it with class, we will say that. stanford will begin a national search for a new head coach asap a notable day for the oakland a's, meeting to discuss a lease extension at the coliseum, their lease expires after the season, so they are looking for a short-term deal while they build a new ballpark, or so they say, in las vegas, which likely will be ready until 2028. late today the oakland a's and the city of oakland released a statement saying talks went well and the next meeting is april 2. the sharks in pittsburgh, the downside, they have the worst record in the nhl, the upside is that they will get a high draft pick. maybe the topic. trading the sharks in detroit, the first golden teal, tied the game at 3-3, the
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i didn't know this, but we are approaching the super bloom season in california, and there is a statewide hotline to see
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the up to date bloom. >> everybody on social media nose, the super bloom, wildflowers and native plants organization requiring -- recording with the reports, with joe spano, and we just have to call the number that is up on your screen right there, still to be seen if we will have a spectacular super bloom this year but some spots in the bay area art -- party watch, state parks, sugarloaf ridge state park included.>> i think there's a good chance. >> can we just call the number. just ask jeff. forget the number. >> i have to have my weekend. this is going to be the third year of good soaking rain, getting down into the soil, which really helps the super blooms to happen. >> some of the ones on milpitas


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