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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 3, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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you've never seen snow before in your life? >> no, first time. very cool. right now at 11:00, snowfalls in the bay area. we get a glimpse of it for the very first time, and the worst of the blizzard is over. highway 80 is still closed. how long you can expect the
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highway to shut down as they try to get people out. and that his primary election we can california. they make a stop in san francisco with a final push to get people to the polls. the news at 11:00 starts right now. thanks for joining us. the bay area cleaning up tonight after a rather wet weekend. a live look outside. things are looking calm right now and looking white actually in some parts of the bay area up in the mountains. this is mount hamilton. people have gotten their snow fun building snowmen, even taking some snow home. she'll be joining us in a minute. worst i want to tell you, they left cars and homes buried in the snow. it remains close from koufax to the nevada state line is there working to clear the roads with cars getting stranded.
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from 80, sarasota springs. roads are covered in snow. cal tran says that road is not going to be reopening today or tonight. maybe tomorrow. let's bring in tom hannigan. >> a blizzard warning was extended until midnight tonight. we can see better changes for the snow, trying to wind down. when speed coming down, but were not done with the rain just yet. we do have some rain, scattered showers moving through downtown san jose. a few more showers down the peninsula. that's on top of san bruno mountain, dropping to the south. this is what the border commute will look like. don't pack away the umbrella. still a chance to see scattered showers on the morning commute. during the day tomorrow, the best chance of finding ongoing showers will likely be up towards north day. we've had a blizzard warning until midnight tonight.
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winter storm warning will take effect after midnight, and here is the big change in terms of the snow estimates moving forward. you can see less than a foot of snow coming down now combined with a lot less of those drawn gusting wind. wind speeds dropping off during the day tomorrow, which goes a avalanche control, and gets interstate 80 back open during the day tomorrow. we'll talk about our next chance of rain in the forecast and that northbay frost advisory tomorrow morning. more on the forecast in 10 minutes. not all the snow is in the sea area. today, dozens of people headed to mount hamilton to play in the know as nbc's andrea barber reports from mount hamilton. for some, it was a milestone. >> people having so much fun out here, and for some, the very first time in their lives that they've ever seen snow. >> no, this is not lake tahoe. this is not hamilton, were several inches us know fell
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near lake observatory at an elevation of more than 4000 feet. it's also why dozens drove more than an hour from san jose on this winding road to frolic in the frigid weather. marlon brando was planning to go to the beach today but headed up here in bed. he is glad he did, because this is his first encounter with snow ever. >> first time seeing it, so i'm happy. >> reporter: he took the full experience, for building a snowman to a snowball fight. >> is fantastic. i kind of want to eat it. something special. >> reporter: he grew up with snow in russia and said being this is a reminder of her childhood. >> nice memories, nice motion. a great experience. snow is so white.
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something unusual. >> reporter: often when it snows, the road to mount hamilton is closed, but not today. allowing these new snowbirds to seize the moment and pack up some large icy souvenirs. and terry, i have a souvenir for you here. it may be water by the time he gets to you, but it the thought that counts, right? in mount hamilton, nbc bay area news. >> let me tell you sieving about marianne. when she says she's going to do something, she does it. this southbay snow, she brought it back. we put it in the freezer, brought it out just to show you. how cool is this a we have snow in the south bay? marianne favreau always comes through. up in the sierra, the av shutdown is not going to open up until at least tomorrow. we go to steve nelson. you told us that they were hoping to reopen interstate
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today. >> unfortunately, we haven't been able to open. we haven't been able to clear that lane of the state for travel, and we really just need a break from the weather. we are going to get that later tonight to get those lanes open. >> another issue they are facing, equipment is breaking down because of the severe conditions. caltrans says that 8 need to be fixed after this weekend. highway 50, that is open tonight. the highway moving to heavenly village, you see people out there walking around and enjoying the no all-night. the traffic is not been going. it is the final push to get people to the polls. the california primary now just two days away. the race for who will become the states next senator were stumping in san francisco this
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weekend. we caught up with them and potential voters. >> ahead of canada's primary election, candidates are trying to make an impact here in the san francisco bay area, and it seems the top of everyone's mind is the fact that voter turnout has been so low. many of the voters we spoke with in san francisco admit they haven't cast their ballots yet. in fact, when it comes to the race for u.s. senate, many said -- >> i'm kind of undecided right now. >> reporter: on sunday, people packed into manny's here from southern california congresswoman katie porter. >> she's been doing a great job, but we saw some of the other democratic candidates, too. it's tough to make a decision. >> she says she expects this to be a very close race. >> i think young people are going to turn the ballots in, but i think we are going to the kind of a different election in the days following the election
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day. >> reporter: steve garvey holing at 27%. congressman adam schiff, slightly behind a 25%. porter at 19%, and congresswoman barbara lee with 8%. garvey's campaign did not respond to our request for comment. lee's team told her she was campaigning in southern california this weekend, sharing this video with us. meanwhile, in san francisco -- >> please welcome from california -- >> reporter: nancy pelosi introduced shift surrounded by other top state and local democrats. >> i think california wants someone who can lead in these big fights and can protect our democracy, can fight for an economy that works for people. >> reporter: young voters say they are hoping for a candidate that will make them excited to
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go to the polls. >> i want to see a vision for what california can do better, and i want to be at cited as a young person. we've had some older senators in the past, were looking for a younger person with a vision to kind of show us the way. today was the last weekend day to vote early in california's primary election. election workers have been processing ballots for 2 weeks already gearing up for election date. others stopped by to drop off their mail-in ballot. the analyst says march is a hard time to get voters engaged. but they believe there are several issues that will drive people to the polls. >> i think what will drive people to the polls are two statewide races. one is the senate race. >> reporter: polling centers across the bay area and are preparing for significant turnout on tuesday the the popularity of mail-in ballots. on the national stage,
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presidential candidate nikki haley -- tonight she won. the former governor and ambassador, the first time she's come out ahead of former president donald trump. haley took 63% of the vote in washington, d.c.. it's a small piece of the pie in terms of arrival stockpile. her campaign hopes today's win is going to spread momentum moving into super tuesday were 15 states are holding contests. >> yes, i'm going to keep on fighting. i need you to go tuesday and vote. >> reporter: despite haley's determination, analysts say it's headed to a rematch between former president trump and current president joe biden on the campaign trail this weekend. trump called haley a birdbrain and said moderate republicans don't belong in the party. she may not keep her plate to support the republican nominee. we have an entire section on our website dedicated to the
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upcoming election. you can use the qr code on your screen to go to that page directly or had to nbc bay and super tuesday the top of the page for everything you need to know about the big issues. vice president kamala harris is making headlines with her call for immediate cease-fire in gaza. harris was in alabama for the 59th anniversary of bloody sunday. former rights activists were brutally attacked crossing the bridge. we are honoring the heroes of that day and calling for the cease-fire. >> and give them the immense scale of suffering in gaza. there must be an immediate cease-fire. for at least the next six weeks, which is what is currently on the table. this will get the hostages out and get a significant amount of
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aid in. >> harris went on to call for an enduring peace that will ensure israel is secure, and respect the right of the palestinian people to freedom, dignity, and self- determination. we are learning more about a clash between pro-palestinian demonstrators and police last night. they took to the streets of san francisco yesterday for a global day of action calling for cease-fire in gaza, and an end to u.s. military support of israel through the israeli consonant in california. video shows police using pepper spray on protesters. demonstrators we spoke with say it was completely unwarranted. san francisco police having a look at things really impart, quote, to felony vandalism and causing property damage. a few of the officers have the same nonthreatening injuries and one subject was participating.
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police say it is an active investigation. thousands took to the streets of san francisco today to stand in solidarity with the jewish community. people came from all over california waving flags, holding signs. one woman says that it is more important than ever to stand against hate. >> well, we actually stand for love and peace and unity, and we stand against hate of all kinds, and the jewish community here in the bay area and around the world have seen a spike in anti-semitism and hate crimes. we haven't seen it since the holocaust. >> reporter: the mayor and the senator were among speakers at the event. we are back in one minute. the unusual call for help at the south state fire station. the police response. how long ski resorts can
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expect before they can reopen. >> as you can see on the radar, we still have some showers in the bay area, including a little more here in san francisco with morena head as when peter dickson led my platoon into combat francisco with morena head as we head toward the low part of in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress
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for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. new at 11:00, normally they're going to help people, but yesterday, south they firefighters had to call for help. firefighters at tatian number eight cnn houseman broke in last night. police say he stole gear and personal items. the man got in by kicking in the door, which is now boarded up. firefighters returning from the emergency call, noted the damaged door, and they brought it out. >> they noticed he was carrying an item with him. a laptop among other items. subject went into the creek, some of the items in the water.
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they called san jose police and said there was a break-in. eventually, police apprehended the subject. >> as you just heard, police arrested the suspect that the. they had some vehicle break-ins and this is the first time someone is actually broken into the station, because they live at the station 24/7 during their shift. an alarming wake-up call for people in south bay. flames broke out an apartment building in mountain view around 4:30 a.m. firefighters say the fire started in the back of the building, and firefighters from sunnyvale consider their city and county covered other calls. no one heard in the causes under investigation. the four men facing murder charges in the death of a portland police officer are due back in court tomorrow. the officer was killed while responding to a burglary back in december.
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a fourth man was only charged with burglary and was let out on bail. last week, the d.a.s office upgraded his charges to murder and attempted murder of an officer and his partner. russell is also facing the third charge for a separate robbery back in 2019. all four are expected in court tomorrow morning. a deadly hit-and-run in vallejo. it happened near valley vista avenue. officers found that the man had been hit by a car. the driver was headed east. they are asking anyone with information to come forward. this is vallejo's first traffic death of the year. police have arrested a suspected arsonist. the fire happened last saturday on admiral callahan lane. you see the suspects parked in one corner of the store. within a day, they released
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those photos and officers had an arrest. they originally estimated the damage to be $1 million, but under closer inspection, it was closer to $4 million. most of it from smoke damage. we return to one of our top stories this weekend. the snow up in the mountains. i-80 has been closed due to the snow. doorways repeatedly blocked by the snow. during our 6:00 newscast, spoke with brian hickman who is in operation manager. he tells us his crews have been capping up at the mountain for the past three days. >> it's a longer period of time the normal. much stronger winds. are used to seeing those gusts of wind at 100 miles per hour, but we've had sustained winds pretty close to that overnight the last couple of nights. >> is in a snow cat.
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>> it all tied in perfectly. these crews are going to need a day to dig out the resort. they're hoping it will open as soon as the roads are clear. they hope this will be open tuesday. we will keep you posted. two dogs are sick tonight after being found running into this no-op in plaster county. officers found these dogs running near the town about six miles east of baxter just off i- 80 last night. they stay safe and warm while they search for their owners. the national park is partially reopened. it shut down due to the blizzard warning. some have chain controls in effect. they hope to open campgrounds tomorrow if conditions continue to improve. the question is, will conditions continue to improve? first, a tribute to -- oh, my
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gosh. the bag is leaking. >> she bought it from mount hamilton? it's like a slushy snow cone right now. >> i dare you to throw it at the camera. >> no. it would be my last weather cast. >> this is nice. they're staying to the close to the top of mount diablo and mount hamilton. >> i just made a little mess up here. >> i can take care of it we had to the weather screen. >> our forecast again this weekend, it may be starting to go away, but you don't want to pack away the umbrella just yet, as i still have a chance of seeing some showers. in fact, right now, 49 degrees in san jose. there you see some wet.
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let's take a look at the radar. 43 in walnut creek. could see 35 in the north day. as with the frost advisories are up 1 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. and with the snow and our local mountains, daytime highs only in the mid-50s. similar temperatures tomorrow. here are the areas that could low 30s tomorrow morning in and around the valleys of noma county upwards lake county. frost advisory up there at 9:00 a.m. elsewhere, 40s to start. as we move forward through the day, we will see temperature still in the mid-to-upper 50s, still about five to 10 above average. and that's an ongoing chance. we still could see a few showers. right now, san jose seeing a little rain. mike it a few more snow flurries tonight. you can see in the peninsula here, another batch of showers in the sanford disco. and this really gives a sneak review tomorrow's forecast in areas north of san francisco. that's one of the changes we will see with a chance of showers during the day
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tomorrow. you will see here that cold air coming on down, but moisture is starting to decrease ever so slightly, so we will have cloud cover at times for your morning commute. spotty showers at times in the tradition as you move forward to keep most of the rain chances off towards north bend. that's going to fill in again as we get into tuesday. here comes our next storm system, kind of dropping down the coast tuesday, keeping most of the action north of san francisco during the day. then as we head into wednesday, best rain totals of the week lightly falling on when day. more snow around the sierra. the reason why the winter storm warning happens for wednesday, thursday and friday we catch a break. the warmer temperatures, we will see later on this week, friday back to the upper 60s for a high. tuesday to wednesday, the totals around the bay, the most recent storm, probably about a half-inch, maybe an inch here in northwestern noma county. here comes that break. thursday to friday, and a little more's know coming into
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start next weekend. pretty fast moving system. the sunday forecast wraps up next weekend. slowly but surely, temperature starting to climb, which means that snow above mount hamilton might be melting. it could be fading away right now. >> we are on till midnight. >> we had may be a better bag. >> marion favreau, that was awfully nice. >> marianne, thank you so much. still ahead, a man arrested -- get this, for trying to deal a car. how do you do that? how he managed to break into this driverless car. trader joe's is recalling one of its most popular items over of its most popular items over a possible
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. check your freezers. trader joe's is recalling its steamed chicken soup dumplings. the grocery store chain says the dumplings can contain plastic or permanent marker. the recall impact 61,000 pounds of the dumplings with a best buy date of march 7th, 2025. you can return the dumplings to any trader joe's for a full refund. police arrested a man who said tried to steal a self driving car. the car had just dropped off a passenger, a man got in the heat, try to put the car in drive, was unsuccessful. on employee use the cars communication system to tell the man to get out of the car. and then the mountain view- based company called the police
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and the police arrived and arrested the guy for attempted grand theft auto. weird story. there are more people in space tonight than there were this morning. they officially made it to the international base station. they were supposed to watch last night and was postponed due to unfavorable conditions. the kennedy space center, just about three hours ago. so far, everything is going well. they're expected to dock at the international space station early tuesday morning. she has punched her ticket to paris. an area native is the first player to qualify for the olympic table tennis team. now she is headed to her first olympics. she directly qualified because he is the highest rank female pickle ball tennis player in the united states and was in the top 50 of the international rank layers. two more athletes will join her in the women's team in paris in the summer. they're going to be selected after the u.s. team trials that
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are later this month. those are the only sports i'm going to do. >> i brought some paper towels. it looks like you cleaned up all of the mass. >> i got some here, to. >> i'll save it for the warriors. they made a mess. we will need more paper towels. the warriors hit the road block today in boston. what the warriors are going to do after losing more than 50 points to the celtics. stick around. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line.
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visit today to learn more. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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welcome back. and anthony florez.
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a marquee matchup to a lopsided layout, the road winning streak comes to a crashing end today in boston. the warriors came in hot, winning 13 of their last 16. the game was tied at 21. jaylen brown hits three straight from behind the arc, igniting a 23-1 run to end the first quarter. steph curry held in check, going 0-9 from beyond the arc. the game was basically over by halftime. the celtics led by 44 at recess. they going to win by 52. 140-88. coach, what happened? >> they were fantastic. boston is quite the team, and this is a really impressive performance by them. we had a great road trip. so boston was amazing.
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and so we had home, and get ready. >> on wednesday, they will face milwaukee will come to the chase center. for baseball, it's a done deal. they signed matt chapman. it's a one-year $18 million deal with player options that could extend to four years. this reunites chapman with bob melvin, who was with him when he first broke into the league and opening of 2017. >> having a guy who bob feels like he can rely on to be in the lineup every day, to set a tone when is a competitive competitor. this move was made because we think it's great that. >> the sharks in the twin cities to take on minnesota, less than 30 seconds into the
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third. he scores on the brake way to give seattle a 3-2 lead. the celebration was short- lived. tied score for the second goal of the game, a little more than two minutes later. and he got the hat trick for the go-ahead goal. get this -- san jose, just one win in their last 9 games. with that free throw, he passes pistol pete maravich to become the all-time leader making a score division basketball history. no man or woman has scored more point than clark. she now has 3685 point and counting. she got 35 points today, and iowa upsets number two. a couple of spring-training notes. terry, that's a look at sports.
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back to you. >> thank you very much. still ahead, highway 80 still closed. it's slow going on the other route. conditions for people trying to get up or back, that what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. stranded in the snow, left stranded on highway 50 today. i would not want to be them. drivers try to find a different road over the sierra. tonight, highway 15 is back open. the other major artery, 80, is closed for the third night. from our sister station in sacramento, we spoke to drivers waiting out the storm.
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>> this is as far up the hill as you can get while driving eastbound on interstate 80. cal china stopping travelers a koufax. world travelers like michael and jennifer bled so tried to get home to truckee. >> we just got back from a three week vacation in new zealand where it is number, by the way. snorkeling, diving, kayaking, that sort of thing. >> reporter: ivy looper has been working at the best western front desk and says yes have been here since friday. >> it seems like a lot of confusion, because what's going on up the hill is not matching what is going on here. some people are waiting for that window of opportunity, and it's is not happening. >> reporter: she managed to get one of the last rooms available. he and his wife drove some 600 miles today after a 10 day vacation. >> we might as well just park it right here, relax for
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tonight. try and get out tomorrow morning. truck they are trying to get to their home in truck he, too. >> it really looked like we might be able to get through, or maybe they were letting local people through. but it doesn't appear that there allowing anybody to go. it must be kind of rough out there. >> reporter: it is rough. here's the problem. 37 miles away, we have pictures of the fight in clearing the snow. caltrans says blowers are breaking down due to the severe conditions. they have two of 10 blowers at the central hub, and six out of 20 from auburn to the nevada state line. >> you think you should've spent another week in new zealand? >> may be, but we are looking forward to the good powder when we get up there. >> all weekend long, we've been saying they been expecting eight 10 snowstorm.
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do you have any idea just how much that is? if you're a six foot tall man, which i happen to be, i would be buried, along with the first floor of most houses, meaning you have to get yourself out. you can easily be able to slamdunk a regulation basketball right up to the rim. even an 18 wheeler would barely clear the drift. we've seen them stuck up there, as well. all right. now to politics and the republican nomination. just two days until super tuesday. former president trump look inching closer to securing that matchup with president biden. he still has to overcome divisions within his own party. we have a report from the campaign trail in dallas. >> what a great crowd, thank you. >> reporter: the final bridge to super tuesday. and what could be nikki haley's finals band. >> s, going to keep on fighting. i need you to go tuesday and vote.
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>> reporter: on the trail today in vermont and maine, two of the 15th date set to vote tuesday with more than 800 delegates will be doled out. >> next thing, as you know, super tuesday. >> reporter: it comes after another sweep for donald trump, who notched caucus wins in idaho and missouri this weekend, now barreling into the weekend with his mind already on the general election rematch. >> were going to tell crooked joe biden, you are fired. you are fired. get out of here. >> reporter: and glancing blows at his soul gop rival, haley. haley for her part, reversing course on meet the press, now saying she may not keep a pledge she took to support the eventual republican nominee. >> i will make what decision i want to make. >> we are getting rid of the romney's of the world. >> reporter: but trump also stumbling at times. mispronouncing venezuela and seeming to say barack obama is
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the current president, not biden. >> still, super tuesday all but sure to install trump as is already's enter bearer once more. even as he escalates an outright lie about immigration. >> in addition to everything else, it is so crazy. biden's conduct on our border is by every definition a conspiracy to overthrow the united states of america. that is what's happening. the supreme court is expected to issue a ruling tomorrow, and colorado kanban president trump from the primary ballot. the high court heard arguments about whether mr. trump can be part of the ballot for his role in the u.s. capital. the case centers on the 14th amendment which says people are not eligible to serve in government if they engage in insurrection. the ruling would not only affect colorado's binary, but maine, and illinois as well. all three's dates have tried to
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deem him ineligible. back at home, early voting is underway. casting his ballot today in person, making it a family affair. he held his daughter's hand the whole way through. and holding the hand of their toddler son. after which he talked to them about the importance of exercising the right to vote. >> at the end of the day, the quality of our government is really determined by how engaged we are. we have a government by and for the people, and we have to really get involved and understand what's on our ballot. >> reporter: since there are only two candidates, the race will be decided on march 5th rather than in november. we have an entire section on our website dedicated to the upcoming elections. you can use a qr code on your screen to go to that page directly or had to nbc bay, click on super tuesday on the top of the page, and see what you need to know
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about these races and how to cast your ballot. taking a live look in san francisco right now, preparing to deliver her city state of the city address this week. she talks about key issues during that speech, and the event is happening at pier 27. march is women's history month. an event in san francisco specifically celebrating asian women. it's called asian women are strong. that took place along the embarcadero, empowering api women of all ages and features speakers at art, activity boots, resources, and even more than that -- our very own gl vang was there. along with our producer who moderated a panel. >> how we connect, different generations, different social economic rights and those
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cultures. and what we see when we say asian is so broad. we all have different experiences and also a lot of similarities and shared. his where we can really find our strength together. >> reporter: the asians are strong movers. in response to the wave of violent crime against the aap i community, organizers intend to keep up the free annual event as long as there is a need. were getting a more detailed look at what california's high- speed rail system could look like. these are early renderings of a metro valley high-speed train station. you can see here, massive buildings, plazas, shades striders, elevated platforms. currently playing for merced, fresno, baker's field. san francisco and san jose will also have a statn running through the mainline and central valley. station construction is set to start in 2027 barring any
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further setbacks. up next, how community groups in the north bay are making sure agriculture workers have access to the resources they need. >> looks like you'll need the umbrellas for a while. we still have showers around south day, a chance for showers around mount hamilton, and how around mount hamilton, and how much more of this can you
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down."
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and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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a big push in the north bay to get struggling firefighters the resources they need. sonoma county held the first of its events today at the community partners and government agencies coming together to help farmworkers. the first 200 people to show up were given a free meal, and a local food bank distributed groceries there. they also offered free health screenings and information on how to get healthcare and other arms of assist vince. organizers say those who do this essential work would not have enough to make ends. this time of year is especially hard. >> some farmworkers might now are not able to pay for their housing because we are in between seasons, planting has not started, and they are in a situation now where it is very dire for them, and they need some sort of resources to help get to the next place.
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from across the state, athletes competed to swim bike and run their way to victory today. their team hosting a triathlon race in redwood city. the event was sold out this year and nearly 600 athletes competed as the athletes raced to compete a 600 meter open water swim, 20 kilometer bike ride, and five kilometer run. >> i saw her down the straightaway. i was like -- i thought she was running, too. but it's all really good. >> she finished first place today. she's also set to compete in the national race in april. any reminder, the open marathon just around the corner. this year's event includes the fun run on march 16th. the play foundation, founded by steph curry of the warriors, and the 5k 10k half marathon
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and full marathon on march 17th, st. patrick's day. you can still sign up to run in any of these events. go to the open marathon website. take a look at this. after all this bad weather, a gorgeous double rainbow appeared in the sky. video taken near inverness and marin county. thank you for posting that for all our viewers to see. and that is symmetrical, it is beautiful. >> yeah, a lot of really nice stuff out there. the rainbow in the sky, it's just a gorgeous day. >> we have a little bit of everything. a little bit of sun, so we have some of that. >> right now, we will show you on the radar the reason why you're probably going to want to that umbrella nearby, as we select showers in the forecast for the next couple of days, and there it is. look at san francisco. it's pretty clear we have rain falling from the sky.
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48 degrees with showers passing san francisco. another thing we are watching tonight is how cold these temperatures get. we get cloud cover and showers, which make you temperatures up a bit. but if we get just enough clearing overnight, the location in sonoma county, napa county, it could be cold enough for some mid-30s for lowe's, from about 1:00 a.m. to about 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. that's where most of the 30s will likely be for tomorrow. waking up to 40s elsewhere. mostly cloudy skies, and a chance for showers at times. so cool for daytime highs. close to 60 in san jose, mid- 50s for highs tomorrow around the tri-valley. you can see around san jose, a little bit of snow on the ridge there. a few more passing showers, and some, you might get on our weather app, the storm ranger mobile doppler radar which you can see in the yellow and the
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orange. this may involve some brief chances of having some hail. we haven't had any thunderstorms today, but it's pretty chilly. you can see the scattered showers mainly south of san francisco. that pattern may begin to change during the day tomorrow in the best chance of showers will likely be north of san francisco a little bit later during the day tomorrow. notice cloud cover and most of the showers coming up from the north as we head into monday afternoon, and then tuesday and wednesday, the next system drops on down, and you will certainly need the umbrella. later tuesday from san francisco northward, wednesday right now appears to be the main event for rain this week, with more snow heading towards the sierra. you can see the rain there approaching the coast instead of dropping down to get into the first day, which by the way, thursday and friday, if you about your plans for those with to be the best days. i saturday, we got another weather system coming on in. mina brings note to the bay area mountains, but it will bring more snow to the sierra with sunday right now tracking the drier of the two weekend days. another change will see later
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this week, should be temperatures closer to average. should have highs in the mid 60s this time of year. didn't get there this weekend, but i think my thursday and friday, we will get there, which means what's left of this note in the mountains will be melting, much like it is here. it's kind of sad. >> it may still make it to midnight. >> there will probably be some chunks. and it will be very wet. i will clean this. one lucky person in the north bay woke up richer this morning. morning. the latest powerball
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mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! democrats agree. and you run and get conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. po, you have never faced anything like this. ♪ ♪
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the chameleon has the power of all my old nemesis. [ chuckling ] neme-cee. neme-si? we have to get an army of the best crooks and criminals. oh, you're adorable. ♪ violence makes our tummies tingle ♪ it's disturbing. but it's awesome. we can take down the chameleon together. oh. my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! hundreds of thousands of young salmon died this week. state wildlife officials say the chinook salmon were among the first hatchery fish released since four hydroelectric dams were removed on the oregon border.
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from the iron gate dam, it is believed they were killed by what is called gas bubble disease. that's caused by the trauma of the fish experience when they went through a tunnel at the dam space. officials say they plan on when peter dickson led my platoon into combat officials say they plan on releasin in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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what do i see in peter dixon? next generation veteran fund i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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a lucky person in the bay area celebrating a big win tonight. a powerball player bought a winning ticket forth almost half 1 million. the jackpot now sits at 460 million in the next drawing on that is tomorrow. rob, let's you say goodbye to this
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12:00 am
- [graham] this week on "in depth," cowboys legend, emmitt smith. - i played for the organization that i always wanted to play for in a sport that i absolutely loved. - [graham] we traveled to dallas in august, 2014 to sit down with the nfl's all-time leading rusher where he recalled the jinx that put a super bowl in jeopardy. - guess who got the "sports illustrated" cover this week? i'm like, "who?" they like, "you." i said, "oh, no." (laughs) - [graham] the most heart-wrenching day of his career.


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